#ludum dare 55
neanmoins-que · 16 days
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Over the weekend I’ve participated as artist with a team of extremely talented and dedicated people in the ludum dare
Exhausted but satisfied. The good old classics: inquisition, demons and evil twinks.
Please, check out the result, link below
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The Summoning
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fiovske · 15 days
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🦊 hey everyone! quick announcement! 🦊
Child Of Ruin, a narrative RPG created for the Ludum Dare 55 Game Jam, is finally out to play on itch.io! We worked tirelessly to develop this game in under 72 hours and our programmers finally just got done squashing major bugs so... yay! You can play it now from start to finish and let us know how you feel about it! I worked very hard over the weekend to make concept art, character UIs and illustrations, all under 72 hours and I'd love it if you checked it out!✨
psst... here's also the link to all the concept art i did, and I really hope you enjoy it! Thanks! 💚
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runicpixels · 12 days
Hey folks, with a few friends, I made a cute little platformer where you use summons to navigate levels. We made this in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam!
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Play it here :
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gothbingarbage · 16 days
I want friends from low places. Let's go summon them.
We participated in Ludum Dare 55. Check it out, if you dare.
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aeveis · 15 days
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Phoenix Delay is a game I made with a friend (who did the audio) for Ludum Dare 55.
You play as a phoenix who is late for a summoning... leading to race to different summoning circles.
You can play at https://aeveis.itch.io/phoenixdelay
There were a lot of ideas that didn't get in due to time constraints, but that's like every jam game. But to list a few: more kind of boosts, the idea that obstacles don't really matter because you are going so fast - literally destroying convention of helicopter or flappy bird type games, other flavor things, like flying through clouds. Game narrative stuff - having how fast you go affect how you are summoned or the status of the wizard (like the wizard getting attacked/killed while you aren't there), actually drawing out a summoning scene, etc. But I would probably have to rework how things spawn in and a better way to actually make a level.
Again this continues the trend of making a game with a bird... I think the general theme is "how can flying be interesting." Eventually I'll gather all these prototypes together for something.
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auroranekai · 15 days
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I’ve contributed stylized character art to Bean and Brew: the Ludum Dare 55 jam game! A 2.5D stylized pixel art platformer with a cute, enchanting aesthetic. This game will whisk you away to a fantastical realm where speed is the flavor you need to collect and deliver your coffee as fast as possible.
You can play Bean and Brew here!
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ayyoandy · 16 days
This past weekend my friends and I participated in the Ludum Dare 55 game jam. Here is our entry! Art and music by yours truly ❤️
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squarerobinstudios · 18 days
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Day 1 of Ludum Dare 55, the theme is Summoning! Here is the brainstorm so far
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boneyard-games · 16 days
Despite everything, I made a new game jam game.
This one was made using Raylib and C.
It's not anything special, but I had a lot of fun programming it.
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cassowary-dev · 17 days
Check out "Stars Align," my game for Ludum Dare 55.
It's a puzzle game where you pull things instead of pushing them, and the goal is to line up the blocks in various different ways. It ended up being pretty challenging! I'm proud of the graphic and sound quality.
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semisweetstuffs · 3 days
Going live right now (6pm EST) streaming some Ludum Dare 55 games with Cadence on Youtube and Twitch.
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lonelygamedev · 1 year
Ludum Dare 53 Devlog
So I decided to do the recent Ludum dare that was coming up sense i’ve haven’t done one in awhile. I practice a bit of coding before hand and while doing that I was trying to think of a solution to a typical problem I have in game jams where I get easily distracted by youtube or something, so I thought turning the internet off would help before hand I wrote out a few style’s and do and do not’s 1: No 3D unless if it involves simple models and textures 2: Have game finished on Saturday 3: Sunday be polish And Menus + sound and some graphics 4: Almost No writing 5: Little Music 6: NO COMPLICATED MENUS! UI CODE IS THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! 7: NO RPG'S I also had a few ideas of style’s I could do or gameplay types that I might be able to fit the theme into Idea 1: Temple OS style FPS Idea 2: City Builder Idea 3: NES Zelda Idea(Warning Too Big! most likely) The Jam eventually started at friday on 7 PM with the theme being Delivery The First Idea was A NES zelda where you deliver packages and I immediately had a bad feeling about it sense it’s like many of my other game jams “Oh I have this fantastic open world game idea!“ 7 days later: “oh shit I have 3 hours left and it’s nothing that I wanted!“ But in the end I couldn’t come up with a Idea and I wanted to get started so I went with the Zelda idea where you deliver packages to people I should also mention I will occasionally be using the internet but only for a hard problem and to have a change in Music considering I don’t have much on my computer
Chapter 1: Friday So the first thing I did was made a Sprite sheet for getting some basic graphics by 9:45 PM I got the camera and Movement sorta done On 10:21 PM I created the MapManager where it manages the world and each screen you move too. I also created some Gizmos to tell me where a area is Chapter 2: Saturday 1:21 AM. well it turns out the back end of the code was actually quite complicated. I had to find a way to convert a world position. To a location of a room. then that room as a 2D array with no negative int’s that I also have to convert it too. Made it Incredibly annoying. I needed to do this for enemy AI to move tile by tile so I used a method that was likely incredibly Inefficient and horribly complicated but only did it because it was what I was similar with I also created a Test AI that just Moved Randomly just to Move it can’t go out of a room and collide with walls. Tho some enemies spawn into walls due to the fact that unity’s tile colliders made it hard to tell what is and what isn’t a collider sometimes. I then went to bed 12:49 PM After a Incredibly long sleep I made the Health system like zelda where you have half hearts. Also created the Item interface so I can have a sword with a attack now 2:55 PM The Inventory system. My fucking god what a pain, like I said UI code is the devil. And in the end it didn’t even entirely work, just hard to just convert a 1D array to a 2D grid. Should’ve write it on MS paint or paper to help Now this is where thing’s get a bit Iffy sense I forgot to record alot of stuff I might’ve spend the rest of the day on a Quest sytem + some NPC’s and the entire map Chapter 3: Sunday 12:52 AM So Here I thought up some enemies and coded them. one of them being a Bull that charge’s at you until it crashes into a wall, the other is some kind of zombie that throws at you and the other is a Bear that charges at you. stops and slashes at you and I mostly added him as a excuse to add bear traps. sense while thinking of gameplay I thought of luring and trapping enemys as a gameplay thing 1:00 AM Added money and made enemy flash when you hit them 2:19 AM got the basic UI for the store. sense alot of it was just Reuse inventory code so it’s not too hard. alot of the hard stuff will be the buying code and such 2:44 PM finally made it able to buy items and also equip them
So then I ran out of footage I know I wrote most of the quest. then created the character’s and graphics which took awhile. also the enemies. The Sound. by then it was Monday. I missed the combo deadline but I might be able to do the jam. so I just wanted to get it finished as soon as possible. I sorta felt like it was pointless considering you just deliver pointless packages to NPC’s. I wasn’t able to do the dungeons and I didn’t feel all that invested. Didn’t even did the soundtrack though luckily I didn’t forget the sound. The graphic looks alright. the Main menu was....lacking to say the least and I enter early on monday after spending all night on it. and went to sleep halfway though I came up with a Idea for a Pizza delivery Crazy taxi ripoff that I felt would’ve been better After the game jam I decided to watch a few streams of people playing games. one of them being someone called LittleDoctorGames. and while watching them I noticed that I was able to submit my game and I did just for the hell of it. Eventually I realized I had to create a twitch account and be in chat for them to play. Not really planning on using it much other then lurk and occasionally have fun in chat. I actually had a pretty good time in there with nack’s(I think that’s the person who run’s it). we enjoyed talking about metal, a few movie’s and was just a good place to have joke and chill. honestly too the point where I didn’t really mind that it took awhile for them to get to my game, next night actually. Was sorta worried sense i’m not exactly used to see people looking at my game’s and most of the time it’s a somewhat bland reaction. but it was actually really great somehow they enjoyed my 5 AM quickly slapped together dialogue where I stopped caring. and the gameplay didn’t turned out bad. It was actually fun for some people which is sorta a foreign concept to me. that people actually enjoyed it. I guess I was lucky to pick zelda sense I learnt from that game that even if the AI can be annoying with their random movement. it can be enjoyable from the choices you make and exploring. Which some people seem to enjoyed. being impressed by the size of the map for a game made in Ludum dare In all honestly the more I look back at my abandoned projects I was amazed by how well this came out. Even simple projects sometime can just be left in the dust but this one turned out fine despite it being ludum dare Which is often way too short for me. I guess the turning off the internet work amazingly and sorta made me sad I didn’t gave my all on the game by the end to resolve some of the issues making it a solid ludum dare entry. But I guess that’s more next time A few more fun fact: Most of the music are half recorded song’s for meme’s. 3 rammstein album’s. a tool album and 2 tear’s for fear’s album. and when I had the internet on I was really into Biting Elbows. I think on sunday and monday I listed to the elemental album 4 or 3 time’s alone another fun fact is the funny glitches. one of which happen after the game jam finished which was when I was showing a family member and realized bear traps where Infinite but yeah Ludum dare 53 was surprising fun. I’ll definitely be revisiting and I’ll definitely be using that no internet rule for more of my project so expect more progress soon here’s the game I made https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/fetch-quest-simulator
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squarerobinstudios · 19 days
Hello! We are Square Robin Studio, a small inde team of 5 working on games and more.
We're going to be taking part in ludum dare 55, hopefully with plenty of updates to our dev log
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