#luckily i managed to avoid most of the context for that spoiler so I'm not entirely sure how it plays into the entire theme of the game
luimagines · 6 months
What do you think about the massive totk spoilers?
(no spoilers just venting lmao)
Honestly I'm very disappointed of the tloz Fandom, there are many zelda fans that just don't have that much time to grind this game up to a 100% in a day (I only have 5 hearts and 1 map explored) and tiktok already casually spills out the ending.
It honestly shredded all my motivation to play this game because of these spoilers, now the story doesn't make any sense to me and it just seems so random.
Most importantly.
The audacity people have to just splur out the whole story. It made me so mad.
Never in these past 6 years of botw ever was I spoiled.
Why now totk?
- your sad anon
Ok. I got this, like, back in July but I struggled to put into words for the longest time what I wanted to say and then I decided to wait for the Game Awards in just in case any one was still burning with a flaming passion for this game.
And while I could have probably have had more to say if I responded when I first received this, I feel as if I might have made it seem more accusatory than strictly necessary. So I feel more confident to say what I want to now that things have relatively calmed down.
I can't say I'll be able to mentioned all of my thoughts but frankly, you're not here for that.
First of all, I agree completely.
While I completely understand the hype that was surrounding the game, not to mentioned that I'm more lenient than many when it comes to spoilers, the fact that the end game was so blatantly spoiled truly showed a massive disregard for the fandom and community as a whole.
When I first got a few people complaining that it was spoiled on tiktok, my first reaction was more "Well that's all the more reason to not be on tiktok." Admittedly, the point went over my head due to my dislike of the app... until it happened to me. On this blog. Right in my inbox.
And I understood the point then.
Because that person didn't bother to ask me if I have even played the game. They didn't ask if it as ok to talk about the game or about spoilers and just assumed that I had been spoiled as well.
At that time, I hadn't even touched the game yet. (I haven't touched it since because I got busy with other projects and I'm not so inclined to play video games as it is but that's on me)
If they had started with at least trying to meet me halfway by asking where I was in the game or if I had even heard of the spoiler, I wouldn't have been so irritated with this person. (I never back form that anon (to my knowledge) so there's that).
The whole fiasco with what happened with Tears of the Kingdom was incredibly disrespectful and almost downright malicious. And frankly, I think this new culture that's coming about in social media is to blame. In my heart, I still want to blame mostly TikTok. That app has done way more harm than good when it comes to sharing information and videos and other media content. But that post is neither here nor now.
However, I think that if tiktok was around for the time of Breath of the Wild the same way it is today, I'm positive the same result would have happened with people blatantly exposing the ending of the game.
Shame on them.
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phoebenpiperx · 10 months
HSMTMTS spoilers ahead!
My friend (a Big Red fan) and I (a Seb fan) were prepped to hate s4, so we decided to binge the entire thing tonight to get it over with! I had completely avoided spoilers (and had managed to avoid the seblos duet all this time) because I wanted to see everything in context and like it or not as it was meant to be seen. Luckily, the season left me feeling really happy! I feel like they did a great job of wrapping things up (which I had thought they didn't know it was ending and was expecting a true cliffhanger, so the closure made me really happy!) Most importantly, there were so many things in the eps THAT WERE STRAIGHT OUT OF MY FICS!!! Like my friend was constantly turning to me going "OMG you literally wrote that!" and is convinced someone's been stalking my ao3 account. I just think it shows how much I love these characters and how much I've tried to be true to them in my fics (and can't wait to write more!!)
More thoughts below
I know people will have different opinions about this, but I was so relieved about the Seb/Big Red thing. When Seb said he cheated, I freaked out because I was like "Seb would not cheat!!" But after a moment, I turned to my friend was like "Unless it was with Big Red. I think I'd be okay with that." My friend and I were so upset that our characters weren't going to be on s3 that I wrote an entire fic about Seb & Big Red hanging out over the summer while the others were gone and Seb helping Biggie realize his sexuality. Even though I didn't have them get together in my fic (they just hang out and watch Heartstopper a lot), I felt like I could see them both missing their sig others and accidentally getting together, so I was like "I could forgive Seb if it was Big Red, and vice versa." So when that happened, I felt relieved because I felt like it was truly in-character (while any other "cheating" would be completely out of character). So while I know others have issues with this, I'm just relieved (and glad that it was just a kiss and not actual cheating!) Also, the Natalie thing is hysterical. The very first HSMTMTS fanfic I ever wrote was Seb discussing auditioning for Sharpay with Natalie!! However, the Natalie/Seb thing doesn't work with the timeline because Natalie says in season 1 that she was the stage manager for Brigadoon the year before! But I'm willing to allow that inconsistency since at least we got Natalie in the final season! And I really liked the Big Red and Ashlyn scene (which I know others have issues with). But it was so cool to see that discussion on a "kids show" and to see that they could still be friends. And I loved redlyn, but I really like madlyn and wasn't sure how I was going to deal with a redlyn breakup, but this scene made it okay for me! I have lots more to say but I'm barely going to get 4 hours of sleep as it is so I'll stop rambling here. But I'd love to chat with people about s4 or the entire series! I now want to go and reread all my old fanfic (I've literally written over 380K words of HSMTMTS fanfic) and start writing some new. If anyone else is interested, my fics are here: season 1 season 2 [plus others, but these are in order for these seasons]
One last comment--I never realized that 1) I had so many random scenes AND choreo from HSM3 memorized and 2) I always sing the Troy harmony on all the Troy/Gabi duets! HSM2 is my fave, but I really enjoy 3, too. Oh, and Seb getting to sing along with "I Want It All" from the audience made me feel better about the fact that he didn't get to be Sharpay!!!
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