#love his lil giggle chuckle laf laf
homeb0ys · 2 years
Here’s a video of Homelander’s cute laugh for your entertainment.
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Only Know You Love Him When You Let Him Go Pt. 2
Read it on AO3 HERE
“What are you talking about?” Was all John got to say before Lafayette begun to shout at him in rapid French. He barely understood the language as it is, only catching short phrases and words, such as Que diable, Pourquoi voudrais-tu, and Vous ne méritez pas quelqu'un comme Alexander. After a few moments, Hercules walked up from behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“Laf, you’re speaking in French. You know John doesn’t speak it too well.” Hercules’ voice was calm, but from the bits of what he understood of Lafayette’s rant, he knew his calm was more than not knowing why. He understood that they knew he had dumped Alexander.
“It’s probably best I don’t understand it all to well, from the bits and pieces I did understand.” John said with a scoff. He felt bad, after what James had told him, but he also knew it wasn’t entirely his fault.
“Oh, so it doesn't matter to you? It doesn’t matter that Alex is falling apart, and can barely hold himself together? Does he mean nothing to you? Did you not care about him as much as you claimed? He just cried for ages, at the slight mention of your name. John you may have just broken Alexander.” Lafayette had worked John into a corner, looking as if he could hit him at any moment.
“Laf, I’m sorry. I started a new medication-” He was cut off again by Lafayette’s persistent yelling.
“No! Don’t try to blame this on anything other than yourself. I’ve never seen him this upset. Not even when he and Eliza had broken up, and you know how bad that one had hurt him.” And he did. Alexander had barely been able to get out of bed for days, and when he did he wouldn’t eat. “The poor man hasn’t had anything other than coffee and a granola bar since you broke his heart. Ad you did more than end the relationship, John. By leaving him like that you just ended your friendship. So congratulations.”
John watched as Lafayette raised a hand to hit him, and he flinched back. John shut his eyes, waiting for it to come. He knew he deserved it. If he was as bad as Lafayette said, he knew he had messed up. He waited for a few moments before opening his eyes, only to see Hercules holding Lafayette’s hand back. “Come on, Laf. Let’s go before you do something you’ll regret.” Lafayette nodded and allowed himself to be lead out by his boyfriend, leaving John there, sitting in the corner. Before the two left, he heard Hercules saying, “You need to find a way to fix this. Alex is a disaster right now.” before leaving. From the tone in Hercules’ voice, however, he knew he was the one who needed to leave.
»»————- ————-««
Later that night, Alexander eventually fell asleep. It was restless. He opened his eyes, only to see he was standing in a corner, Lafayette and Hercules standing in front of him with devious smiles playing on their lips.
“Why am I in a corner…?” He asked tentatively.
“Well because you need to know, just how weak you truly are. John was right. You are the weakling of the group.” Lafayette’s accent was thick as he spoke, something that Alexander knew only occured when he was truly annoyed. “Worthless” He spit the word at him.
“W-wait, Laf?” His voice began to shake as he held in tears. They knew he hated being called weak. Hated people using his size to make fun of him.
“Aww. Look, Laffy. He’s gonna cry. Like the tiny little thing he is.” Hercules wrapped an arm around Lafayette lovingly, smiling at the small chuckle his comment got from him. “He’s so useless.”
Alexander felt the tears begin to run down his face, shutting his eyes tightly as if it would make them disappear. He listened to them laughing at him, before opening his eyes and shooting up in his bed, his face wet with tears. After a moment he begun to cry again, pulling his knees closer to his chest. He shoved his face in his knees as he let out a sob, shaking like crazy. He continued to cry like that for however long, it felt like hours to him, before feeling a hand on his shoulder and hearing a voice with a thick, sleepy southern accent speak to him.
“Shh… You alright Alex?” He felt Thomas sit on his bed next to him, giving him no warning when he latched on to him as if his life depended on it.
“Shh~” He felt a hand begin to gently rub his back while he cried.
Despite him being mid breakdown, he was happy that Thomas was there. He didn’t know why, but his presence soothed him. He closed his eyes, gently nuzzling Thomas’ chest.
“I-I’m sorry f-for-” He was cut off before he got a chance to continue to apologise.
“Don’t apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Alexander nodded, loosening his grip on Thomas.
Alexander continued to cry, his sobs slowly becoming fewer and farther between. When Thomas finally dared to talk, he pulled away a little so he could see the immigrant’s face. “Would you mind telling me what your nightmare was about?” This brought on some more tears, and Thomas pulled him close again, deciding to let him tell him in his own time.
After a while, Alexander finally spoke. “Laf and Herc were mailing fun of me… calling me worthless, telling me… telling me J-John,” He said the name with a mix of longing and anger. “John was right for leaving me the way he did.” He felt tears falling down his face again, but continued on, feeling Thomas’ grip on him tighten.  “Telling me I was weak, and small, and useless… They just laughed and watched me cry… they were enjoying my pain.” By the end of what he was saying, he was bawling again.
“Shh… You know neither of them would ever act like that, right?” Thomas paused, continuing when he felt Alexander nod against his chest. “They’d never hurt you, okay? And if they did I’ll always be here for you.”
It took a while for Alexander to calm down enough to try to go back to sleep, but when Thomas moved to geet up, Alexander grabbed his hand.
“Hm?” Thomas looked back to Alexander, who was looking at him nervously.
“Stay?” Alexander asked quietly, glad his blush was hidden by the darkness in their room.
Sensing that Alexander truly needed someone with him, he nodded, laying down next to him on the small bed. Thomas wrapped his arms around Alexander, pulling him close into his chest, closing his eyes. Thomas did his best to stay awake until he heard Alexander’s breath even out, finally allowing himself to give into the sleepiness creeping behind his eyelids.
»»————- ————-««
The next morning, Lafayette and Hercules got coffee and donuts for everyone from the local coffee shop. Lafayette made sure he had Alexander’s favorite, and a giant cup of black coffee for him. When they got to the dorm, they knocked, and upon hearing no response, decided to use Lafayette’s spare key to get inside. When they walked in, the first thing Lafayette noticed was that Thomas’ bed was empty. The second thing he noticed was that Thomas was in Alexander’s bed, snuggled up with him.
Lafayette let out a loud gasp, smiling and giggling at the sight. He had always said the two would be a cute couple. They were so different, yet so similar. It was one of the many things he had noticed, with growing up with Jefferson, and living with Alexander when they had been taken in by the Washingtons.
Hercules smiled at him, setting the food and coffees down to take a few photos, before watching Lafayette walk beside the bed, letting out a loud scream, which woke both of them up quickly. Alexander and Thomas both shot up, their faces turning a shade of red when they noticed Lafayette and Hercules.
The aforementioned men broke out in laughter, Thomas awkwardly moving over to his bed, glad he had worn sweatpants to bed the night before. It would have looked so much worse had he been in nothing but his boxers.
When Lafayette and Hercules finally calmed down, Alexander decided to speak. “I-It wasn’t what it looked like, Laf, I-” He was cut off by Lafayette shushing him.
“Doesn’t matter, mon petit lion, Just don’t get hurt.” Alexander nodded, looking over to Thomas and smiling a bit. “Oh! And we brought food!” Lafayette added quickly, walking over to the cus and grabbing Alexander’s handing it to him.
Alexander took the cup gratefully, taking a few quick chugs of the drink before setting it down on the nightstand.
They ate the donuts in peace, the only time things got riled up being when Alexander stole half of Herc’s coffee, downing it in a couple of gulps. After a while of talking, James came in, giving them a disapproving look when he noticed the empty cups and box of donuts. Despite this, he walked over and sat down next to Thomas, joining in on the conversation.
The five of them hung out casually throughout the day, deciding to order food instead of sending someone to get it. By the time night rolled around, they had decided to play Cards Against Humanity. They sat n a circle on the ground, Alexander to the left of Thomas, James on Thomas’ right, and Lafayette in Hercules’ lap, next to Alexander and James.
After a while of playing normally, they decided to have whoever wins each round take a shot. It only took a little bit for Alexander and Lafayette, bless their fucked up humor, to be wasted, Thomas was borderline drunk by this point and Hercules and James’ innocent lil minds were both fine.
Alexander looked up at Thomas with a smile before scooting closer to him and resting his head on his shoulder. Lafayette watched them for a moment before breaking out in giggles.
“What’s so funny?” Hercules asked, genuinely confused.
“Well, you see, for years. Like it's been a while. I’ve always told them they'd be cute together.” Alexander and Thomas turned red, knowing full well of the frenchman’s failed attempts to get them together over the years. “They’re so different, yet they’re literally the same person.”
“Oh shut up Laf. I’m just tired, and he’s the closest person.” Alexander looked pointedly at Lafayette while he spoke.
Lafayette noticed a glimpse of something flashover Thomas’ face when Alexander spoke, not catching what it was, and deciding to figure it out later. He was too drunk to deal with it then. “Okay okay. Fine.”
They continued to play their game, Thomas at one point wrapping his free arm around Alexander, he couldn’t remember when.
“We should get going. It’s getting late.” James finally said. Thomas nodded in agreement, noticing Alexander slowly falling asleep against him.
“Alright. See you guys later.” Thomas waited for the others to leave before carefully picking up Alexander and setting him in his bed. He turned to head to his bed, only to be stopped by Alexander loosely grabbing his wrist.
“Don’t leave…” Alexander slurred.
“You sure?” All Thomas got in response was a nod and Alexander scooting over to make room. With a sigh, Thomas laid down next to him, wrapping his arms around the small immigrant.
“Am I not allowed to sleep in my bed anymore?” He asked jokingly, only then noticing Alexander was already asleep. Thomas smiled, enjoying how peaceful he looked, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
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What a Surprise!
Pairing - Poly! Hamilsquad x Reader
Request -  “ Poly!Hamilsquad x reader where the boys have been with the Reader for awhile and they see her as a sweet,kind,loving and shy girl and one day while the reader is out at the grocery store the boys are sitting around the living room talking and notice they don't really know much about her past and jokingly they look her up and they find out she used to be a pretty popular porn star before she meet them and maybe they watch her videos and see that she's wasn't always so shy” from an old lil’ Nonny :3
Summary - Knowing that she’s a kind. loving and friendly girl, the boys believe that she has always been like this. Though, when John said they don’t know much about her, they decided to try looking for more information. Soon they found out she used to be a porn star, but they couldn’t believe it. And so they ask her themselves.
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“Where to now?” John asked, looking around the mall.
“Um…” (y/n) hummed, placing a finger on her lips as she tried to think. “Wh-Where do you guys want to go?”
“I’m fine wherever you guys want to go.” Alex shrugged.
“I’m just tired…” Laf complained.
“Same.” Herc scoffed.
“Well, let’s go to my house then!” (y/n) giggled. “Let’s grab some McDonald’s on the way too!”
“Sounds great!!” John laughed, prancing down the halls.
“Hey, wait up!!” (y/n) giggled, following him.
Once they got in (y/n)’s car, John sat in front instantly, Alex in between Herc and Laf at the back.
“So, home?” (y/n) asked, turning to everyone.
“Yeah.” Everyone replied in unison.
She giggled and nodded before driving off.
John looked out the window and took a few glances at everyone, Alex fell asleep on Laf’s shoulder, the Frenchman blushing softly, only for Herc to chuckle softly.
(y/n) took a few glances at them and smiled at their a-dork-ableness.
Soon enough, they made it to her house, John and Herc holding the McDonald’s for (y/n) as Laf carried Alex on his back.
“Oh, darn it!” (y/n) sighed heavily.
“What is it?” Everyone, except the sleeping Alexander, asked.
“I forgot to buy some groceries…” She sighed softly.
“We’ll go buy them!” John offered.
“No, it’s okay, it’s only a few things.” She chuckled softly. “I’ll be back soon enough; you guys can eat already!”
She then ran out of the house after waving goodbye at the boys.
Lafayette dropped Alexander on the couch, him proceeding to fall off the bed.
“OW, WHAT THE- OW…!!” He yelled in surprise, jolting up.
Hercules and John laughed at this as Lafayette shrugged with a small smirk on his face.
“We should play video games!” John smiled. “You know, while eating!”
“Me eating chicken nuggets while playing Mario Kart? Hell nah.” Herc scoffed, grabbing his box of nuggets.
“I can eat while playing that game.” Laf said, eating a French Fry. “It’s just—”
“CANNIBALISM!!” Alexander gasped, taking Laf’s fries away.
“EXCUSEZ-MOI?!” He exclaimed, taking them back. “These are mine!! What the hell do you mean by cannibalism?!”
“You’re the Frenchiest Fry here, Laf.” John giggled. “Didn’t you know that?”
Laf stared at them, offended and yet confused.
The four of them spent time bickering, eating, and soon began to play Just Dance.
“Y’know… Now that I think about this,” John spoke as he copied the steps being shown. “We don’t know much about (y/n)…”
“Oui, that’s actually true.” Laf nodded in agreement.
“Well, we can try to find something about her and her past.” Alex panted. “Shit, I’m getting tired…”
“Worth a shot.” Herc panted as well.
John paused the game and turned to the other three.
“We can look in her room.” He said. “It’s the place that is most likely to have a lot of secrets.”
“Then let’s go!” Alex grinned, going up the stairs.
The four of them went inside (y/n)’s room, and began their investigation.
Laf turned to her closet and smirked a bit.
���Laf, don’t you dare look inside that closet.” John said, digging inside the drawers of (y/n)’s desk.
“You don’t know, there could be a hidden box of some sort.” He scoffed, placing his hands on the handles of the closet.
“There could be some panties in there…” Alex added. “Oh, hell, wait, I take that back!!”
“That makes it even better~!” He laughed, opening the closet finally.
He blinked as he stared inside her closet. “There’s just dresses, shirts, pants, jackets, there’s no pant—oh, hey! A box on top, over there, on the shelf!”
He reached for it and chuckled. “Panties, my ass, Alexander.”
“Shut up, it was just a guess!” Alex scoffed, approaching him along with the other two.
“Oh, mon Dieu, its dusty.” Laf coughed, blowing the dust away.
He sat on the bed and was joined by the others.
“Listen,” he said, “anything can be in here. Diaries, old stuff, panties—”
“Enough with the panties, Laf!” Alex complained.
“You started it, you shush. Moving on, like I said, it can be anything. But we mustn’t let (y/n) know we went through her stuff without her permission.”
The three nodded as he waited for Laf to open the box.
Slowly, he removed the cover of the box and pulled it off finally.
Before the other three can lay their eyes on what was inside, Laf had put the cover back on.
“What the hell, Laf?!” Herc exclaimed. “Stop teasing us!”
“Non, it’s not that.” He croaked.
“Then what is it?!”
“Look at it at your own risk. Especially you, John.”
“Wait, what?” John exclaimed.
Herc snatched the box from the Frenchman’s hands and looked into it. “Oh… Oh…! Oh shit… Oh shit!”
“What?!” John asked. “What’s inside, Herc?!”
He glanced at John then at Alex. “Are you two innocent beans ready for this?”
“Alex?? Innocent, my ass.” Laf coughed loudly into his hands.
“Yeah, I am!” John nodded, confident and tough.
“So am I.” Alex scoffed. “Screw you, Laf.”
Herc nodded and lend the box to them, Alex lifting the lid and looked into it with John.
“Oh!!” John exclaimed, only for Alex to cover his eyes. “Oh, sh—”
“You innocent cinnamon roll, no.” Alex said, holding him close. “Don’t look.”
Laf grabbed the box once more and pulled out the magazines inside.
“Why does (y/n) have porn magazines?” He scoffed, glancing in some.
“Lemme see!!” Herc yelled, scooting next to Laf.
The two of them wolf-whistled as they opened a few, looking in them.
“Wait, this girl over here,” Herc mumbled, pointing at a (h/c)-haired girl in a rather tight one-piece swimsuit laying so naughtily by a pool. “She looks like… I’m not sure, but her face is familiar, come look.”
“Oui, that’s true…” Laf nodded in agreement.
“Are there boobs?” John asked, eyes still covered.
“Yes, because she’s a girl, but no, they’re covered.” Laf scoffed. “Now come look!!”
Alex let go of John and sat next to Laf, John next to Herc.
“Oh yeah, she does look familiar.” Alex nodded. “But why? I don’t even look or watch porn.”
“You jack off to Angelica, you little bastard.” Laf rolled his eyes. “What’s so messed up about porn?”
Herc and John’s eyes went wide as they stared at Alex.
He blushed deeply in embarrassment, looking away. “L-Let’s just try to find out who this is!”
Laf scoffed and stood up, taking one magazine. “My laptop’s downstairs, come on.”
He walked out of the room and pranced down the stairs.
Alex followed and kept quiet on the way down.
John and Herc exchanged looks, only for Hercules to shrug and leave the room.
“Wow, I have to keep the porn, huh?” John scoffed. “Ugh, fine…”
Once everyone was in the living room, surrounding Laf and his laptop, the Frenchman instantly looked up the girl’s name from the magazine.
“Whoo damn.” Hercules and Lafayette coughed. “Daaaaaaaaaamn…!!”
“Let’s just please get more information on her.” Alex sighed.
“Yeah, I’m curious!!” John nodded rapidly.
Laf nodded and clicked a few links and such, and soon the four did their research on her.
After a while, after a few “DAAAAAAAMNS!!!” from Herc and Laf and watching a few videos (“NO, JOHN!!” Alex yelled), they finally got enough information on her.
“So!” Alex cleared his throat. “Judging on the info we got, she shares a few similarities with someone we know, and that would be…!!”
The three other guys looked up at Alex and blinked. “Who…?”
“Any ideas?” Alex chuckled nervously. “’Cause I don’t have a clue.”
Laf groaned softly and snatched the notebook from Alex’s hands.
“Well, first off,” he coughed, “her birthday is on (your birthday), and she is currently (your age). Do we know anyone who has the same birthday and the same age?”
“That would be… (y/n)!” John spoke up, a grin on his face.
“Coincidence??” Hercules shrugged.
“Seems like it.” Alex nodded.
They nodded in agreement, until Alex’s eyebrow twitched.
“Oh, he got an idea.” Laf gasped. “What is it??”
“But, thinking about it… The girl in the magazine… Kind of looks like (y/n), somehow.” Alex hummed. “Do you guys think…??”
“Innocent, shy, quiet, kind and loving (y/n) as a porn star?” Hercules laughed awkwardly. “Hell no!!”
“It’s… So far!” John said. “I cannot imagine someone like her do something as naughty as that!”
“I agree.” Laf nodded, holding his chin between his thumb and index finger. “But… Alex is right. There’s no one else who we know…”
“So… Do you think that… (y/n)’s the girl…?” Alex gulped.
“Well—” Lafayette spoke, except the door’s lock began to unlock.
“WAIT!!” John yelled, panicking. “CLOSE THE TABS, LAF!!”
“Oh, OH MERDE!!” Laf panicked as well, his shaky hands trying to close all the tabs.
The boys continued arguing, Alex still deep in thought as he sat on the couch.
Finally, (y/n) came in with three bags of groceries. “Uhm… Guys?”
Laf stood on the couch, pulling the laptop away from Herc who was kneeling on the ground as John sat on his back, Alex casually sitting on the couch still.
“Hey, (y/n).” Lafayette coughed, jumping off the couch.
“Hey~?” John chuckled nervously, getting off Hercules.
“Ow, damn it. Hey, how you doing?” Hercules cleared his throat.
(y/n) stared at them and glanced at Alex, walking towards the kitchen and placed the groceries on the counter. “Alex, what happened…?”
“They found porn of you.” He replied with no emotion whatsoever.
“What?!” She exclaimed, dropping a few things.
“Yeah, I said what I said.” He said, glancing up at her. “Though, I’m not sure whether it is you or not. You go see.”
Immediately, she ran to Laf. “Show me!”
“But—” he mumbled.
“I need to see!!” She said, panicking.
He nodded and opened another incognito tab, going to the same website. Yes, he remembered.
He showed one video to her, and her eyes widened, her eyebrows rose and her jaw dropped. “Oh my God.”
“W-What is it…?” Herc asked softly.
She closed the tab quickly and sat on the couch, still having the same expression.
“So… Is it?” Laf asked softly.
“Laf, you can’t just ask a girl if they used to be a porn star!!” John gasped.
“No, no, its fine, John…” She sighed softly. “But, please, keep this a secret…”
“What?” The boys asked, leaning closer to her.
“Well, I used to be one.” She sighed. “I quit because I thought I wasn’t cut out for it.”
Their jaws dropped as they stared at her.
“Yeah, I know I don’t look like it, but it’s true.” She chuckled softly. “So, there you go.”
Alex choked out and exchanged looks with the others.
“Don’t tell anyone.” She said, sitting up properly. “Please, it would go wrong.”
“It’s a promise!” John nodded.
“Oui!” Laf nodded as well.
“Well, for the sake of your innocence, yes.” Herc chuckled.
“I-I… W-Well, I-I’m just surprised, but y-yeah!” Alex coughed.
“Good!” (y/n) sighed heavily. “Now, can you guys help me with the groceries?”
“Yeah!” John grinned, walking to the kitchen.
She followed along with Hercules.
Lafayette and Alexander glanced at each other.
“So, my guess was right.” Alex shrugged.
“Ture… And I like how they just… Forget about it.” Laf scoffed.
“We should too. Nothing ever happened.”
“Oui, oui.”
“Forget about the panties too.”
“You forget about them, you keep on bringing them up, Alex!”
“Because you could possibly take one!”
“Maybe you would!!”
Alex blushed deeply and looked away. “Fine, you win.”
“Hell yeah I did.” Laf scoffed.
And so, they helped out as well.
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.22
Part 21
A/N: This chapter was gonna be a lot longer but I decided to break it off a bit for anticipation. Next chapter will be more eventful
Wordcount: 2014
Warnings: Bitches, language, hehehe
Tags!!!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @itsmikayblr @sarmar29@arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms@hoshihime98 @shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space@iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2 (lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7 (I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism  @okie-dokie-artichokeme @alyssumax​ @pandartist @marquiis-de-la-baguette
Breaking The Atmosphere
“What do you mean, you’re taking Theodosia Burr?” Alex asked with a chill.
“Pops, I find her to be quite charming. I would like to take her.” Charming? If she’s anything like her father than that’s a fat load of crap. You tried to convince yourself of that, it didn’t work. Alex was about to say something, he looked very against this whole thing. But Eliza nudged him with her elbow and cleared her throat.
“Of course you can take Theodosia, my son.” She smiled.
“Thank you, mom.” For a second, Philip looked over at you. Every once in a while you’d think you’d see it. Your Sunshine, not this dark cloud trying to hide him. Something sparked in his eyes for that single second. Was it regret? Was it longing? Was it remembrance? Was it an apology? You couldn’t tell, he built a wall between you.
‘In this same interlude it doth befall
That I, one Snout by name, present a wall.
And such a wall, as I would have you think,
That had in it a crannied hole, or chink,
Through which the lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe,
Did whisper often very secretly.
This loam, this roughcast, and this stone doth show
That I am that same wall. The truth is so.
And this the cranny is, right and sinister,
Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper.’
That should’ve been a passage he marked. As quick as the second had come, it was gone once again. Philip tightened his lips and walked away, the same way he always did.
“You’re going to let our son take my rival’s daughter to a party? Are you crazy, Betsy?” Alex asked. Eliza shook her head.
“Trust me, love. A mother knows what she’s doing.” She assured, winking at you after she finished her sentence. What’s that supposed to mean?
             A few days passed and you were left to your same routine. You were dusting off the shelves in Alex’s study when you heard someone come in. You looked over to see Lafayette leaning against one of the cleaned shelves.
“Oh, hey Laf. Did you need something?” You asked. He tapped his finger against his chin and took a step forward.
“Yes actually, I do have a small favor to ask of you Miss Y/N.”
“You can just call me Y/N or Titania like Alex does, but sure, what’s the favor?”
“I was invited to a party by a friend of mine. I would like to ask you to allow me the pleasure of escorting you there.” WHAT?!
“Um, wait what? A party? Oh no, no, no, no! I’ve never been to one before! Besides, why would you need me to go?” You asked nervously.
“Well you see, I am not exactly the best dancer and every time I try to go to a gathering by myself a madam will ask me to dance. I just cannot find it in my heart to say no to them, it seems rude but I always accidentally step on their feet…” His face flushed a bit. Fucking Marie Antoinette, this is all your fault! “If I take you with me, I believe I will be asked to dance far less.” Honestly, I should’ve expected that this was the reason. Lafayette was known for being extremely awkward in many situations.
“I mean; alright I guess? As long as I don’t have to talk to many people because honestly I do not know the proper etiquette for these things…” Lafayette smiled at your answer.
“Merci, we can both not know the proper etiquette together, how does that sound?” He asked humorously, you chuckled.
“Sounds like a plan!” You laughed.
             You told Eliza about what Lafayette suggested and she seemed very pleased that you said yes. She even said she would help you get ready, of course Angie decided she would as well. When the day came, Eliza summoned you to her room and she pulled out this very elegant blue dress.
“What’s this?” You asked.
“Well, as much as I love the dress Hercules gave you, it simply is not ball appropriate. So, you shall wear this.” She informed. Angie, who was sitting on the bed called out excitedly.
“That’s the dress Mama says she fell in love with Daddy in!” You looked at the beautiful blue color.
“Eliza…this is too much, you’re so sweet to me!” She brushed off the comment.
“Nonsense! I would do anything for my girls and you are certainly no exception! Now, come over here! We are wasting precious time!” You went over and she immediately started to work on you.
“Mama, how did you and Daddy fall in love exactly?” Angie asked curiously. Ohhh, I’ve never heard this story before! Eliza giggled to herself.
“That is actually quite the fascinating tale. You see, many people in our family believe that Alexander and I were in love at first sight…”
“Wait, are you saying you weren’t?” You questioned, she nodded.
“I had met Alexander once at my Father’s estate. He brought a message from Mr. Washington and stayed over for dinner. At the time, I had no intentions of courting with him.”
“Really? Why?” Angie seemed confused.
“Well… I was in love with someone else at the time. He was a red coat named Andre.” She explained. WAIT! A! MOMENT!
“You were in love with someone on the opposite side?” You were astounded. Eliza nodded with an amused smile. Am I the Andre to Philip’s Eliza? Was I just a phase?
“Madly in love, in fact. When I saw Alexander that night at a winter’s ball, everything changed. Love is a very complicated feeling, that’s what I realized in that moment. You can’t control it, you can’t change it and that’s scary.” Yeah…I know the feeling… “At first, I didn’t think Alexander was interested in me. Although my sister was already married at the time, I assumed he fancied her more. But here we are, many years later. Alexander has taught me many things, but mostly he’s shown me that love is not easy. You will doubt each other, hurt each other and not even intend to, or even worse… You do it to protect them.” Eliza finished putting the dress on you and quickly worked with your hair. She took two pieces from the front and braided them to the back, making sure your hair stayed out of your face. Was my sparkle not enough? Did someone give him more than I could offer? “You look beautiful dear!” Eliza teared up, Angie got off the bed, an idea burning in her pupils.
“Wait! Don’t go anywhere! I have an amazing idea!” She ran out of the room and you were left to wonder for a moment. After a few minutes she came running back in with something in her arms. You froze when you realized what it was. Five bushels of baby’s breath… She stepped behind you and laced the stems into your braid. “The best accessory a lady can wear is fresh flowers.” She stated. You felt odd about using the flower. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were pretty but felt, out of place. Monachopsis, that’s the word that came to mind in that moment. You didn’t feel like you belonged there anymore, you tried not to think about it too much.  Once you were all dressed and ready, Eliza led you out to the main room.
“Alexander has already called the coach. He should be waiting outside with Lafayette.” You took a step out the door and let your eyes adjust to the bright light. Alex was talking with Lafayette outside the carriage and once they noticed you and the other woman with you they smiled. You went down the steps and Alex took your hand, turning your wrist and signaling for you to spin.
“Oh, I wonder where that dress came from!” He hinted while you span in place, his banter made you feel a bit better about everything. Alex gave your hand to Lafayette so you turned your attention to him. He smiled at you pleasantly.
“Miss Titania, Alexander instructed me to call you that, you look quite elegant, if I must say.” You fanned your face jocularly.
“Monsieur, you flatter me so!” You said with fake bashfulness.  He opened the carriage door and helped you into it, when he got in he sat across from you. You waved everyone goodbye and joked that you would be back before tomorrow. The carriage pulled forward and you watched as it drove out of the yard. Just as the house was starting to fade out of sight, you saw another carriage pull in. Another carriage? The house was too far away at that point for you to investigate any further. You were starting to get a bit nervous and your leg began to bounce from under your dress. You stared out the window until you felt something tap your arm. You jumped slightly and turned your gaze toward Lafayette.
“Miss Titania, you seem a bit flustered. May I ask what is wrong?”
“Oh, um, yes. I’m just a bit anxious is all. I’ve uh, never been to anything like this before.” You chuckled and scratched your cheek.
“Do not fear! As a gentleman, it is my job to ensure that you have as nice of a time as possible. After all, those who can’t dance shall not dance together! Or…something of that effect.” Wow…he’s just as awkward as me. What a precious lil baguette!
             It wasn’t long before the carriage pulled in front of a large house. It was mostly brick and was almost the model image of Victorian styling. The carriage stopped in front of the estate and Lafayette stepped out first to help you down. The two of you made your way up the grand stone steps, the door was opened for you. You thought you were going to be early but there were already tons of people inside the large, open room. It wouldn’t have bothered you so much if not a good majority of the people looked over at you. Lafayette had his arm linked with yours and pulled it slightly to get your attention as he led you through the room.
“I think they like you.” He whispered.
“Who’s party is this anyway?” You questioned.
“The Price’s, I was quite close with the father of the house, the rest of the family was more than happy to allow me to attend.” You nodded to show that you understood. You felt several eyes gaze at you from time to time, you weren’t sure how to feel about it. Lafayette was nice enough to make sure you never felt too uncomfortable. At one point he was leading you across the room by stopped halfway. “I will be right back; I must greet the lady of the house. Would you mind waiting for just a moment?” He asked.
“Go ahead, I’ll be here.” He continued to walk across the room. A young man approached you not long after. Well, not quite young, he still seemed quite a bit older than you.
“Hello Miss, what is a fair lady, such as yourself, doing here all by your lonesome?” He certainly knew that you were not alone. Can’t a girl be by herself for ten seconds and not be bothered?! “May I get you a drink?” He asked.
“No thank you, I don’t drink.” I don’t trust the alcohol in this century! He tried to insist but you declined, that didn’t stop him from trying to ask again but he was stopped by a voice interrupting him. You felt someone standing behind you.
“Excuse me sir, thank you for keeping my friend company for me. Now if you don’t mind…” The man quickly walked away from the masculine voice behind you. Why does that sound so familiar? You sighed.
“Thank you, I wasn’t sure how I wa-“ You turned around and froze.
“Hello Titania, it’s been quite a while hasn’t it?” A bright color filled your eyesight.
“Mr. Jefferson…”
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I’m playing along
Word count: 2312
Pairing: Lafayette x Reader (finally!!!)
Summary: You fail to admit your feelings for your favourite fighting frenchman, and the subtle hints just won’t do it, so you use jealousy as your weapon.
Warning: Swearing, Light smut??? Actually not, idk. its very subtle i guess.
Note: Ya,I wanted to write a fic for Lafayette so long!!! But I had no ideas, so I asked my dear @fanfrickinhamiltasticimagines to help me for the plot, but I’m not sure how much of that is still left? Also Laf turned out a lot more salty than he is??? Headcannon for laf btw: Him calling hamilton alexandre instead of alexander. because it sounds nice. also. good french!!! Shall i translate it?
"Bonjour Lafayette", you greeted your french friend, giving him a sheepish smile as you sat down next to him, holding a steaming hot coffee in your hands. "Oh, mon amie." He looked up from his phone to greet you with two kisses on your cheeks in the typical french manner, making you blush in almost an instant. As always, he was wearing his hair up, and you had to resist the urge to run your fingers through it. The bright smile he was flashing you was contagious, so you decided to return it.
"Where are the others?", as you looked around at the café, not seeing anyone else, even though you were already late to the appointment. You took a quick sip from your cup, regretting it instantly as you felt the hot liquid burning your tongue. "Quoi? Je ne comprends pas.", he claimed, but his amused expression betrayed him. "Fuck you Lafayette, you're fluent in English!", you complained, placing down the coffee, while the man let out a short chuckle. " Yes, and you should become fluent in french", he criticized, and admitted he only wanted to tease you a bit, before he finally answered your question. "Yeah, Thomas and Alexandre are just getting cake for us." A wide grin spread across your face. You couldn't believe he had actually done this. "You invited. Thomas. and Alexander. And now they are alone? And you aren't scared that anybody might get harmed? Or worse?"  Raising his hands in defense, Lafayette argued that they were friends of him and supposed to get along. “Supposed to” being the operative word. "Also, just as you arrived, James stood up and said he needed to prevent a homicide", he added. You slowly nodded, believing that this was going to be a very interesting conversation, as soon as the three were coming back.  "So.. we're all alone right now", you stated, dragging out your words and wiggling your eyebrows, hoping he would get the hint, but instead, you were interrupted by an irate Alexander, who was quarreling with Thomas Jefferson.
"You have a terrible sense of taste!", he growled, his face red from anger, as Thomas set down two plates with some sort of layered chocolate cake on it. It looked fantastic, and you wondered, if Alex had only said that to disagree with his rival. It would certainly fit him. Thomas shoved one plate to Lafayette,trying to be gentle, while he hissed at Alex. " At least it's not so horrible like your sense of fashion!", he countered, and you let out a small sigh. Sometimes these arguments just got annoying, as much as you liked the two guys. You wished that they could actually get along for five seconds. There had to be one topic they both agreed on. They just needed to find it.  As James cleared his throat, and informed the two squabblers that you were they, and they should say hello to you, they finally managed to pull themselves together. Alexander muttered something through clenched teeth. But you decided to just pretend like you had understood him. "Yeah, I'm happy to see you too. What's up with Eliza?", you asked politely, and his face brightened up instantly. "She's good. Home with the baby", he answered and his eyes sparkled. You gave him an acknowledging nod, before you moved on to Thomas, resting your eyes on him a bit longer than necessary. "Thomas, I haven't seen you in a long time. You should visit me sometime, I got a new flat", you stated seemingly casually, but winked at him, which resulted in Lafayette shifting around in his seat. Was your new plan of making him jealous working? You surely hoped so, but it turned out he was just reaching for the cake Thomas brought him. Screwing up your nose, you examined the cake further. "What's that?, you asked curiously, as James pushed another plate towards you. "It's opera cake. It's french, so Thomas wanted to have it and urged us all into trying it", he shot his friend a quick glance, before he continued explaining:" I thought you might want to taste it too, so I bought a piece for you."  You couldn't help but grin. "Oh, that's way too cute, thanks for being so considerate." Taking a small bite out of the slice, you could feel the corners of your mouth turning up in an instant because of the amazing flavour. It was an overwhelming taste of coffee, cake and chocolate, which happened to be three of the most essential things in your life. Meanwhile, Alexander was munching his brownies, slightly regretting his choice as he saw the obvious satisfaction on your face.
"This tastes... very American", Lafayette commented, and examined the food further. "Don't get me wrong, mes amis. It's good, but it just doesn't feel very french. It's like comparing pancakes to crêpes." Thomas let out a short laugh and agreed. Trying to get into a conversation with Lafayette, you dug further into the subject. "Oh, I would just love to eat french dishes in France! It must feel so sophisticated!", you fancied, but Lafayette only pointed to his occupied mouth, so Thomas reacted to your statement instead. "Well, I plan on going this summer, since I have a vacation home there, and I would have nothing against you joining me there..." He gave you a quick, but obvious once-over, which made you smirk. If Lafayette didn't want to talk to you, his loss. The whole year had just been you giving Lafayette subtle hints, but he didn't seem to get it, and this was your last option, even if you hated making people jealous. Well, you didn't even know if it would work, but you tried it out.  In the meantime, Lafayette muttered something about how you should learn to speak french first and you decided to ignore him. "Oh, that's really nice of you. I would love to join you, where is the house located?", you asked, flashing Thomas a smile. Before he could answer you, Alex burst into the conversation. " In France, obviously."Proudly, he lifted his chin at the statement.  You rolled your eyes and Thomas groaned, before correcting Alexander. " To be more precise, it's in Paris. The city of love, mon amour", he winked at you, and you couldn't help but giggle like a japanese schoolgirl.
Suddenly, Lafayette jolted up. "I'm sorry,but I have to excuse myself. I need to talk to Alexandre for a bit", he explained briefly and walked away with hurried steps, while Alex followed him quickly. They made their way to the bathroom, while Thomas came a little closer towards you, lowering his voice. "Are you trying to make Lafayette jealous by flirting with me?", he inquired, and after a quick glance to James, who was way too occupied with typing something into his phone to deal with your bullshit, you nodded. "Great. I'm playing along. Let's hold hands.", Thomas whispered, a sly smirk on his lips. Approving him, you reached out for his hand and wrapped your fingers around it. "That's weird.", you stated, but he only shrugged, wanting to say something, as Lafayette and Alexander came back, silently seating themselves again and exchanging conspiratorial glances. The conversation continued, but it was mostly just you and Thomas Jefferson flirting with each other. You didn't want to say you enjoyed it, but you did. You had to admit, Thomas had a way with words, and if you weren't so helplessly in love with Lafayette, you would've even considered him. Well, but you've also heard rumours that he was gay and in a secret relationship with James, so...
After a while, Thomas shamelessly asked you:" So.. Would you like to come to my place after this", making Alex almost spitting out his coffee. That was the point where Lafayette intervened, his body tensed. "Actually, (Y/N) is coming to me already after this", he claimed with a sharp tone and glared daggers at Thomas. Shocked from his reaction, you gulped. You had never seen Lafayette being so salty with a friend. Sure, he often reacted passive-aggressively towards Aaron Burr, but he wasn't the type to get irritated easily. Normally he would be the person to calm the others down, but today he was showing a different side of him, and it impressed you. You heard Alexander exhaling noisily, shooting you a glance that said something like "Girl, you're in trouble now." Thomas seemed to be just as astonished, but managed to keep a straight face. "Oh, I see. Well then, it's already pretty late, and I still have to do a lil' work. You know, I'm a busy man, and I only met you guys because I care about my friends and put them before my work, anyways- Jemmy, you're coming?", he answered nonchalantly, grabbing his coat. He threw the magenta trench-coat over his shoulders, and proceeded to help James into his jacket. Before you could say something, he was already walking out the café, waving you goodbye. A little perplexed, you rested your eyes on Alexander, who was still sitting with the two of you, and couldn't stop grinning. Judging from his facial expression, he planned on messing with his french buddy. "Well, since Eliza is watching Philip, I have all day time for you two, so I don't-" he was cut off by a withering look from Lafayette. "Alexandre", he warned him, his french accent thickening a bit. God, you would go to hell for wishing he would say your name in a way like this.  Alex cringed, correcting himself in an instant: " I meant, I'm sure Eliza is waiting for me, Oh God I'm sure she's tired after watching Philip so long", he stammered, already standing up. "See you tomorrow!", Alex hollered, leaving quickly, while Lafayette gave him a dismissive wave of his hand. "Why did you do that?", you asked, with a curious expression on your face, but Lafayette ignored your question. Instead, he grabbed you wrist. "Let's go, (Y/N)", he suggested, and a few minutes later, you were in Lafayettes car, driving over to his place.
There was an awkward silence between the two of you, but you didn't know how to break it. "Why are we going to your place?" You finally asked, after you stared at his handsome face for a couple of minutes. "Would you rather go to your place?" Of course he would answer in a question. You could already imagine why he was, the actions back in the café made it pretty clear, but it still excited you. Lafayette was intriguingly sexy when he was angry. Well, according to you, he was always sexy, but still. Your cheeks turned pink as he turned his head to look at you, and you glanced at him a bit confused, till you remembered that you still hadn't answered yet. "Oh. No. Your place is fine", you stuttered, and you saw Lafayettes face relax a little, before he continued to drive. As he took a turn to the left, and you could already see the house he lived in, your heart was starting to race. The two of you got out of the car, and Lafayette hurried to the door of his apartment, opening it impatiently.  As soon as you got inside, he slammed it shut again, making you even more nervous as he turned towards you. At first, he just gave you an intense gaze, his dark eyes bore into you. You heard him exhale deeply, as he rolled his shoulders. Towering over you, he slowly lowered his face to yours, till your lips were just a couple centimeters away from yours. You felt your heart pounding so loud, you were afraid Lafayette could hear it. "Mon dieu, (Y/N). I've been in love for you so long and today you've pissed me off so much, I could kill you.", he uttered in a low voice. His words shocked you. "You? In fucking LOVE with me? Jesus christ, you stupid french asshole, I've been dropping hints for forever now!", you cursed, clenching your fists. Lafayette smirked vaguely, before whispering. "Just shut up, mon amour. " Your eyes fluttered shut as his soft lips crashed onto yours, kissing you passionately. A wave of his cologne flew towards you. You instantly wrapped your arms around his neck and he pushed you eagerly against the wall behind you, making you groan from the impact. A few seconds later, you slowly broke the kiss, opening your eyes again.  Lafayette seemed calmer than he was before, and he suppressed a grin, as his hand slowly grazed your cheek. "If you want to stop, please tell me now", he breathed, giving you a loving look. But you decided against stopping, not now, when you could finally have him.
Shaking your head, you pushed him closer to you, so you could feel his lips again. Suddenly, you felt his tongue brushing against your lips, and you slightly parted them.  For this  moment, it seemed like there was only you and Lafayette. Only this kiss, only this house, only this wall behind you. Your back hurt from getting pressed against it too hard, but you didn't care. As long as your body tingled everywhere he was touching you, you were more than willing to ignore the pain. Slowly, you felt his lips leaving yous, and you were about to complain, as you felt his mouth traveling down your neck, showering it with hot kisses. You couldn't help but let out a moan, as you felt his teeth digging into your skin.   Impatiently, your fingers made their way under his shirt, and he parted again, to slip the shirt over his head, revealing his toned upper body. You gasped at the sight, feeling your face instantly heat up as he leaned against you.
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