#love getting into flashfam n stuff but i like know... no one... whos into it... ksjdfkjasdf
icyfox17 · 2 months
why are there like actually a decent amount of fics for jl 2017 bruce and barry
this is so rare for me...
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melonlthawne · 8 months
I’m laying down cause I have a killer migraine but here’s some baby!thad raised by Mel thoughts :
When they’re very little, Bart and Thad actually get along just fine. It isn’t until they’re around 5-7 that they develop their own personalities and stuff that they begin to bicker but in a normal sibling way not in a “kill each other way” and just like most siblings although they bicker back and forth both of them are willing to go out of their way to defend the other because they’re still family and deep down they care about each other
Bart and Thad love don of course but both kids definitely prefer Mel. It’s not even like for a real good reason it’s just probably because Mel smothers them with love and support and although don does the same Mel’s love is just so contagious to people
When the boys are first learning how to walk it’s an actual nightmare for Mel and don. Having speedster toddlers who have no idea how powerful or fast they can be ends up creating a lot of chaos. Don tries to keep up as best he can since Mel doesn’t have super speed but typically Bart goes in one direction and Thad goes in another. Eventually they use child leashes for them both cause it’s the only way to keep them from getting into trouble or possibly getting hurt
In this verse, I think that Don is the current flash since he didn’t die/wasn’t killed and takes over at least for their own time. Bart especially idolizes him and gets upset when he goes out fighting crime cause that’s his papa and he doesn’t want him getting hurt. SO SOMEHOW, Bart manages to tag along with don, wearing a cute little replica of the flash suit but for a kid and tries to help don out. Most villains get completely distracted and baffled about a 5 year old trying to fight them that they don’t even know how to handle it. Of course every time this happens don rushes to deal with the criminal and then scoop Bart up, take him home, and have a heartfelt conversation about how he appreciates Barts love and concern for him he just doesn’t want to get Bart hurt.
Similar to that other point, Bart and Thad are both mamas boys. They’ll still listen to don but sometimes he has to finagle it and plan in order to get Bart and Thad to listen to him
From the day Meloni brought home thad til he’s old enough to dress/style himself, Bart and Thad typically wear those precious matching clothes/outfits with maybe the color scheme being red and green for each boy
Thad is a late bloomer when it comes to talking. The way he was genetically engineered makes it hard for him to experience a normal life without all these expectations President Thawne basically programmed into him. He’s quiet a lot with a resting bitch face but he talks a lot for consistency around the family.
Baby Bart n Thad wear the cutest matchufn Halloween costumes ever and every single person in the flashfam us sent like 30 pictures of them becusde Meloni could NOT let people miss out on how cute her little babies are
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alleytownstrays · 5 years
dating bart allen headcanons!
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request: can i have some good bart allen dating headcanons - like the fluffy type and how he would go about having a crush on you?
answer: he’s BABY so of course you can. 
link: you can request me stuff here!
Him having a crush on you:
- It’s obvious.
- So obvious that it actually hurts because you can see it, the Team can see it and for god’s sakes the flashfam can see it too.
- Bart naturally speaks fast and he always vibrates lightly but when he’s talking to you, you can literally see him phasing in and out. You have to keep him stopping him from talking because you’re worried he will actually vibrate out of existence.
- He tries to lurk around you like a lost puppy from the second you wake up to the second you go off to sleep, he’s always either in the same room as you or trying to have a conversation with you.
- Bart isn’t a very visible blusher on his cheeks but his ears can go as red as his suit if someone teases him about it. 
- There’s definitely a boys groupchat called Mission: Help Bart get Y/N - 15%. Whenever it progresses, Tim’s in charge of changing the percentage because he’s the least bias and isn’t actually aggressively telling Bart to confess.
- Dick found out by looking over Tim when he was on his phone one night before running off and telling Wally who decided to take Bart on a boy’s day out to help him actually get a date with you at all. By the end, Bart was certain that the females in the West-Allen family had all asked out the boys - including Artemis.
- Eventually, Bart had managed to ask you out on a date - though he did burn his hand due to leaving it on a boiling pan while he asked you - considering Bart had Cassie ask you about your favourite things to do, you ended up going to watch a 4D film together because Bart wanted to try it out and you liked the movie genre.
- Bart was freaking out through the whole thing - the only time he ever felt time stop was when you kissed his cheek to say goodbye at the end.
You dating him:
- Like he’s actually everywhere you are because he’s so confused??
- He questions nearly every day how the fates aligned to let him go back to the past and meet you - Bart knows about all the amazing things you do in the future but now he can literally see you grow and grow with you and he just loves that feeling.
- Bart loves to use his superspeed to kiss you and run off before you notice, he’ll go even faster so nobody can tell what he did except you because of the lingering feeling on your lips.
- This boy is a prank extraordinaire and you are NOT excused just because you’re dating him. Honest to God, he’ll probably recommend you to whoever he’s pranking with Garfield and Jaime because he can take the blame at the end and you won’t stay mad at him.
- Bart definitely loves it when you compliment him or mention how well he did in missions, it makes him feel needed and not another speedster who arrived before it was properly his time.
- Bart confides in you about his childhood on one night when he thought he or you would’ve died - it was more of a spur of a moment type of thing but he wants you to know how much you’ve impacted his life and how quickly his life turned upside down for the better when you and everybody else in his life appeared.
- Back to the fluff, he loves cuddling!! He won’t be afraid to do it anywhere and everywhere, he always koala hugs you when the Team decide to sit down for a movie.
- He also tells you all the stuff that happens in the future like Tim and Cassie getting together which causes you two to make remarks to them. 
- Tim catches on quick and threatens the both of you to stop or die.
- Fun fact: you don’t.
- Overall, Bart Allen having a crush on you and dating you is an experience and I would 10/10 recommend!!
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