#louise of alderly
gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
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family lines; the alderlies (so far...)
tobias menzies and rebecca ferguson as duke thomas of alderly and princess louise of hesse and by rhine
harrison osterfield and gijs blom as prince henry of alderly and elian goldcrest
teresa palmer and jj feild as duchess cora and duke henry of alderly
patrick gibson, sophie nélisse, and astrid s as edward, grace, and kerina of alderly
alexia giordano and patrick gibson as duchess jocelyn and duke edward of alderly
(time jump across a few generations)
elizabeth mitchell and dominic west as duchess isabella alderly and prince stefanos of greece and denmark
nicholas galitzine and hannah van der westhuysen as prince quentin ‘quincey’ and princess olympia of alderly
 nicholas galitzine and nathan bouts as quincey alderly and dawn harvelle
elian and dawn belong to @potionboy3​
cora, grace, and kerina belong to @camillejeaneshphm​​
jocelyn belongs to @endlessly-cursed​
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endlessly-cursed · 7 months
Riddle Era- Geena Greenaway
"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛."
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Name: Geena Lucie Greenaway
Nicknames: Gennie, Gen
Birthdate: 23rd of December, 1930
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: British
Physical Appearance
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gif credit to @/tessgifs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 1.64m
Weight: 60kg
Body Type: Short and slender
Skin Tone: Slight tan
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): Purple marks on her decolletage from an experiment gone wrong
Geena grew up with her mother and grandparents in Greenaway manor, being her grandmother's most favoured grandchild and the one they saw the most, and despite her mother owning a flat in London, they spent most of their time in the famous house. She also got to see the final years of Uncle Ezra's years and grew up hearing his stories firsthand.
Mother: Nadine Ambrosia Greenaway
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The only parent she's ever known in her life, she grew up alongside her, always from one adventure to another, following Ezra's footsteps, becoming her mother's pupil. She never once told her about her father, telling her it was for the best that she never knew the man. Geena never questioned her, but when she died, she received a letter from a mysterious man claiming to be her long-lost father. And she'd soon regret that decision.
Father: Maverick Harlow
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A two-thousand year old heretic (half vampire half mage), he and Nadine had met in one of her adventures and fell in love while fighting rogue werewolves. Nadine was unaware of what a threat he was, his age not being a concern to her... until she saw his bloodlust. The two of them argued and physically fought, and Nadine left in a huff, only to find out (while digging on him) that he had founded a cult for the elite. Geena found out and started snooping around, and soon backfired. One of his lackeys kidnapped the fifteen year-old Geena as some sort of revenge in Maverick's name and, while preparing her for an offer to an old god, fighting back, fell onto unknown chemicals. The next thing Geena knew, she was bleeding and the whole place blew up. The only survivor? Geena herself. And Maverick, who quickly left the UK and fled to the States. Meanwhile, Geena had to deal with the aftermath: being thrown into jail for a week, and her newfound immortality.
Grandmother: Lucie Anna Cromwell
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Geena always knew that her ever-perfect grandmother had secrets, secrets she knew she'd never know. However, she always ideolized her and kind of envied her. She passed away when she was just fourteen, not old enough to be let into family secrets or rumours.
Grandfather: Thane Greenaway Jr. ( @potionboy3 )
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Geena always grew up with stories of her grandparents' epic love story, how it trespassed time, class, duty and blood purity and won everything. She admired him and was her favourite man in the world and the one to act like a father figure to her. She was devastated when his time came too.
Son: Jonathan Everett of Alderly
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Geena did her best to raise her son to be a good man, however, he was always a troubled man. The reason? He was a gay man in a deeply conservative society where sex between men was some kind of guilty pleasure kept hush-hush, and where if you were a man, rich and single, all eyes were on you. Jon came to his smart mother and asked her for her protection. After a long talk, they agreed on looking for a suitable beard wife, and found one on Nina Morland, a lesbian who was looking for a cover of her affair with a famous actress. The couple managed to have one child, George, per the wishes of the marriage, and the secret wasn't out until they divorced amicabily in 2013 and Jonathan married his lifelong paramour, (OPEN!) and Nina married her own.
Daughter: Adaline Cora Louise Primrose of Alderly
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Her daughter Ada was her brother's opposite: cheery, fun-loving, the life of the party and shone as bright as the sun, all while keeping a good head level and making sure both families' fortunes increased. She inhereted her love for being mysterious and kept her life private.
House: Gryffindor
Best Class: Flying, Charms, Astronomy
Worst Class: History of Magic
Boggart: Her father, finishing his job
Riddikulus: Her father blows up in a big balloon
Patronus: TBD
Patronus Memory: Waltzing with Henrik
Mirror of Erised: Being able to age with Henrik and her family
Amortentia (what she smells like): Rose petals, vanilla, freshly baked sweetmeats, expensive cologne and powder
Amortentia (what she smells): Sandalwood, cigar smokes, expensive cologne, new paper and coffee
11-18: Hogwarts student
17-64: Private Investigator
65-72: Cult disbander
73-??: Archivist in the ministry
??-??: Restaurant owner
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her family, taking down her father, disband cults, being on the right side of history and making sure nobody knows who she is
Strengths: Brave, bold, intuitive, daring, passionate, fierce and protective
Weaknesses: Proud, reserved and closed-off
Stressed: When reminded of her immortality
Calm/Comforted: Seeing that her family will be well
Colors: Red, golden, blue, emerald green and beige
Weather: Heavy rain with thunder
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, travelling, discovering new adventures and living her life
Fashion: Geena dresses casually, but still with style
Significant Other/Love Interest: Henrik Victor of Alderly
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Geena knew of Henrik's fame as a hopeless romantic heartthrob and a spineless tool, and although he amused her and intrigued her, he didn't seem interested in her... until, three years after graduation, they met again in his sister's debut and realised how much he had changed. He worked hard to get her heart, and he succeeded. They slowly courted, keeping a long engagement while Geena slowly unpacked the dark aspects of her life. Henrik was incredibly supportive, and they both married when she was 26.
They had two children, Jonathan and Adaline, and kept a low profile, staying away from politics as much as they could help it and, although they stood up for what was right, they were pretty much under the radar, making their own fortunes and enjoying their quiet life. During her lifetime with Henrik, she didn't think once of her father or the cult still lurking in her family's lives.
Geena is open for a second love!!
Friends: Portia Augusta of Alderly
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Geena got along well with her youngest sister-in-law Portia, whose lively and fierce personality always put at ease the overthinking personality of Geena.
Gia Somerset II, Baroness Sudeley
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Her cousin-in-law, despite Geena being older, was truly an inspiration of how to navigate cunningly the volatile court of both George VI and Elizabeth II. They both got along like a house on fire and learned much from one another. Geena was devastated when she, alongside most of her family, died within time.
Rivals: The Saviours of Cingerix
A cult that goes way back to the 1530s, what started as an underground Counterreformation, soon began its cult to much older gods during the early 19th century and its romantisation of Ancient Greece and Rome, all the elites working in gruesome ways to keep themselves in power through a cutthroat hierarchy that very few fully escalated. His leader, Maverick, has held power ever since, his tyranny and cruelty, as well as thirst for power, keeping him in power and in control of the wealthy and powerful.
As she started getting older but didn't age properly, she took Polyjuice potions resembling old people who were forgotten to history so nobody would suspect of her immortality
After Henrik died, she faked her death and changed her name to 'Danielle Hastings' and for every ten years, she did such ritual
In 1997-1998, she took part in the Phoenix Resistance after Semele Thorne found out about her and, discovering that her father was also a Death Eater, she joined, determined to weaken him
She's the grandmother of Naila of Alderly, who'd finally put a stop to the cult with Geena's help... unbeknownst to Naila
She loves bagels and can bake them from scratch
She has a cheese addiction
Her mother's travels made her a fan of Mediterranean foods and diets
After the cult was disbanded, she created her own Mediterranean cruisine restaurant, 'The Green's Way' as an ode to her birth family. Each of her family members got the best dish names: her grandmother Lucie got the homemade cheesecake named 'Sweet Nana Lucie's Cheesecake', her mother's patatas bravas were named 'Nadine's Bravado Chips'...
Despite being immortal and never aging, she can procreate children and is very unlikely to miscarry it, given her system is much stronger than an average woman's
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
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hp ladies appreciation week: day 03
event by @endlessly-cursed​
favourite mother ocs
gwendoline quinn, née greengrass
mother of the quinn twins, gwendoline is an underdeveloped riddle era oc of mine. she’s a slytherin, smart as a whip, a little bit complicated, a little bit tragic, but i’m interested in developing her further.
kerina slytherin
mother of elian and theo goldcrest (with @potionboy3 ), kerina is the great granddaughter of salazar slytherin. she took part in the events of the goldcrest rebellion during its final stages in the 1200s. she died protecting her children from an attack of vampires.
juniper malinda, née raeburn
verna and jacob’s mum, and farrow’s aunt, juniper loves potions and collecting odd trinkets. she’s a little eccentric and has her head in the clouds, but she loves her family. after the disappearance of her eldest child, jacob, she is distraught and struggles to pull herself out of despair. she has a difficult relationship with her daughter but adores her grandchild roe.
princess louise of hesse and by rhine, duchess of alderly
while she is definitely not a great mum or even a good person, i love writing her and exploring her desperation over her situation. she never wanted children but she did what was expected of her and married thomas. she doesn’t know what to do with her son henry, especially when she was so very young herself when he was born. definitely an interesting character.
isabella, duchess of alderly
she’s a duchess on her own right! she’s constantly scheming and plotting and i love that for her!  she loves her children but is extremely misguided in her attempts to control their lives. quincey and olympia are both put off from inheriting alderly because of their mother’s helicopter parenting and their father’s absent-minded indifference. oh, she definitely married stefanos to one-up her sister amelia because she’s petty like that.
honourable mentions;
rebeca garcía romero, mother of gael
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calliope gaunt, mother of proteus, ares, and leda
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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the alderlies; louise, thomas, and henry
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 months
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hphl genderswap au; henrietta of aldelry
eldest child of thomas, the duke of alderly, and his wife princess louise of hesse and by rhine
muggleborn, hufflepuff
starts showing signs of magic as a child and her parents freak out
when she gets her hogwarts letter at 11, her parents are forced to accept the existence of magic, though they keep the truth well hidden from everyone
her parents have plans to arrange a prospective marriage for her and they need her to learn to control her magic so she can keep it hidden, so they allow her to attend hogwarts
henrietta has other plans though, especially when she meets a certain slytherin vampire-witch in school...
has two younger siblings, a sister, born in 1883, and a brother, born in 1884
as a woman, she's not able to inherit alderly so her younger brother is the heir in this reality
inspired by this post by @endlessly-cursed
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Primrose’s Legacy, Book One, Chapter Three: The First of September
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A/N: After months without writing a word, and with the new format, here’s a new chapter of PGL! 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly, Malcolm Stolberg-Burke & Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal ) William Devlin very briefly ( @unfortunate-arrow ) Gwen Archeron ( @thatravenpuffwitch ) 
OCs mentioned: Lillian Brokenshire ( @cursebreakerfarrier​) Ophelia Burke ( @the-al-chemist​ ) Simon Battersea ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
Warnings: Prejudice of the time towards magic 
Word Count: 2.4k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @slytherindisaster​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @catohphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ let me know if you want me to add you or remove you from it! 
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20th of July, 1892
Primrose was laughing, riding her horse, Lionheart, as her jet black hair sprawled wildly free, her curls giving in to the wind. She had escaped yet another boring class, and was happy to learn how to be a fast rider. She had a feeling that it’d be a very valuable asset.
She came off her horse to one of the fields that her mother owned, and strutted happily, munching over berries and apples, clueless of her future for a few more minutes. Looking around, she took off her shoes and stockings and dipped her feet into the fresh grass, looking up and smiling, the wind stroking her face. She minded little of it, for it was a hot wind against her pale skin. She was a twenty-five-minute ride away from home, yet it felt like a whole day.
How little would she realise that she’d rarely have time to ride away every time she wished. She was to be viscountess, and her training of now four years had been thorough. She loved it at some extent, and was allowed to learn fencing alongside Henry, whom she loved dearly. She was also clueless that it wouldn’t be him whom she’d be betrothed, as her mother had promised when she thought her asleep. It wasn’t her fate to be a duchess, no, but something greater. And so, the sun set, as well as her fate, as her dear and most loyal servant, Miss Gwyn, came running with all her speed. She was red and sweating, panting and placing her calloused hands on her knees “Viscountess… Victoria… letter… urgent… must…come…now.”
Primrose was quick to gather her small water flask and handed it to Beatrice, who smiled and drank almost all of it, coughing at the speed in which she drank it “Your lady mother. She says… that you got a letter and it says that only you can read it.”
Primrose nodded, fully aware of what that meant. It was either revealing her future posh school, or her choice of groom. She quickly rode Lionheart and Beatrice with her, and rode as fast as she could, for she was still very much an amateur. As she dismounted, she could spot Henry’s horse, Bucephalus, and frowned. But her mother took priority.
She was quick to rush to her office. She was wearing a mauve dress, her hair up and her gaze cold, her eyes on her two icicles who mellowed at the sight of her still very much innocent daughter. Victoria sat down on the ottoman and invited her daughter to do the same.
“My sweet girl, you are no longer a baby, and I thought I had accepted it… until this letter came.”
“Is it… a letter confirming my betrothal to Henry, mother? His horse is here…”
Victoria frowned, and was quick to tell the servant to attend His Highness as she talked to her daughter.
“No, I haven’t heard from Duchess Louise yet, but trust that I will. No. You remember my school, yes?”
“Yes. It was a secret place that I’d know about soon. Why?”
Victoria then handed her the fateful letter.
Dear Lady Gray,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students will be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Ter5m begins on September 1st, 1892. We await your owl by no later than August 28th. To avoid detention by Muggles, please use the entrance located at King’s Cross Station Downtown London, on platform 9 %34. We look forward having you at our school.
Yours sincerely,
Phineas Black, Headmaster.
Primrose stood in silence as she held the parchment for what felt like a thousand years. Witchcraft? Chambers of Reception? And owl before August 28th? Platform 9 34? Muggles?!
“I... I do not understand. You’re a witch!”
Victoria frowned “I believe I told you.”
“I thought it was a tale to make me fall asleep and foul gossip!” She cried “Am I a witch as well?”
“According to that letter, you are. Do not worry, my sweet flower, they no longer burn or hang them.”
Primrose was speechless. She got up and ran to her father’s own study, and, with letter in hand, thrust the door open… to find her father and a confused Henry there.
“Is it true, father? Am I? A witch?”
Henry looked back at her and his eyes shone with hope “You got that odd letter too, Prim?”
Primrose’s eyes darted towards her father. He nodded and beckoned to come here “Come, my love. You two need to hear it.” He stood in silence before he admitted “I am a wizard as well. I was born into them, actually.”
“You what?!” They both said at the same time.
“It’s true. All the tales we told of you of Hogwarts, magic, monsters, wands and all… it’s real, and they’re claiming you now.”
“Why me? No one in my family has ever been a wizard!” Henry cried.
“Because magic chose you, my boy. Some inherit it, and some are chosen by a force bigger than anything else.”
Primrose bit her lip “About riding brooms… wouldn’t that… fuel the negative propaganda against it?”
Vincent smiled “When did you become wise enough to learn that big word, my sweet flower?” He cleared his throat “Yes, you shall ride brooms, learn to use cauldrons, but worry not, most of the things said like that we eat children and torment the regular people, known as Muggles in that world, is just nonsense by the Roman Catholic Church. There were some cruel wizards and witches, but not to that extent.”
“Not especially encouraging…”
Vincent looked at Henry with a teasing gleam “And we have known kings to behead their own wives and yet, many princesses were encouraged to marry them.”
Primrose looked apologetically at her friend “He has a point there.”
“My point is, I know that it is scary for both of you, but you will be alright, because we’ll be there for you along the way. I have received word from your father to take care of this matter myself, dear boy. Until you graduate, you are under my protection.”
Henry thanked him and he smiled “My family is rather famous. Especially on my mother’s side. They’re wealthy purebloods, called the Fawleys, which makes me a pureblood myself. Once you’ve settled with this matter, come to me. I shall be happy to provide information about our ancestors.”
He kissed Primrose’s head and ruffled Henry’s golden hair. Then, he called for his own servant, who had loyally served him since he was a boy to prepare the children’s things for Hogwarts and spare no expense on either of them. Henry and Primrose looked at one another. Would they go as bride and groom? Only time would tell…
Three weeks later
“I can’t believe we’re getting our own owls to carry messages!” Primrose smiled. They were in what they called Diagon Alley, buying their own supplies. Henry and Primrose marvelled at everything, though they could see some sneers from people, but paid no mind.
“Look! There they are!” Henry pointed.
“Race you there!” Primrose giggled before darting off. They both laughed before arriving at the shop, where they were greeted by a kind face. “How can I be of help, dear?”
“We would like our own owls!” Henry demanded.
“Please,” Primrose mellowed it, nudging Henry. She gave the owner her puppy eyes, which nobody has yet resisted. Vincent had appeared alongside Victoria, who examined something Primrose couldn’t see.
Primrose saw a barn owl, with brown feathers and a kind face, and looked at her father, who was yet to deny her something from the alley. Henry chose a white owl, and both baptised them. Primrose called her Ravenna. The shopkeeper smiled “One of the founders of the school was named Rowena, and founded the House of Ravenclaw. Your mother was sorted there, you know.”
“Then a Ravenclaw I shall be as well!”
“Or a Slytherin, like myself.” Vincent taunted.
Happy, and with their own supplies and fishing chocolate frogs, which fascinated Primrose, both crossed the path back to London, where their respective carriages awaited them.
They only had to wait until it was time to travel to King’s Cross. Primrose could hardly wait.
1st of September, 1892
Primrose was styled in a simple, yet comfortable sitting dress with no corset, for she was still young for it, and a stylish hat. She and Henry would meet at the station. She was nervous to say the least. She had her wand, of Acacia wood, which effect when elected had lightened the whole room and a blue light surrounded her figure.
She took a deep breath and went into the carriage. At King’s Cross, Henry and a trusted servant were there, and they both greeted one another. As they walked, they ran into Lord Stolberg-Burke, who chatted animatedly with his sister. He spotted the rather lost lady and prince and quickly greeted them. He had become taller since she had last seen him, and could tell he was soon to become a man. With a bow to his sister, the Lady Estelle, she asked him “I take you’re attending our same school?”
“It is my third year, actually.”
“And you never told us?”
Malcolm shrugged “The subject never came.”
“It does now, though. We’d be thankful if you told us what to expect.”
Malcolm nodded “Of course. I actually have two left seats on the train. Feel free to join.”
“But the arrangements—,”
Vincent smiled at Earl Stolberg “I am sure Earl Alexander and I can fix that, right, my good friend?”
Alexander shrugged “I won’t refuse a fellow friend in need of aid, certainly.”
Victoria nodded thank you as she continued talking to Countess Celestia. As they reached the point of meeting, Primrose and Henry stared blankly at it. They looked at Malcolm, who shared a knowing stare with his sister “Estelle, do us the honour.”
Estelle smirked and ran towards it, being swallowed by that wall! Henry stared in bewilderment and Primrose nearly screamed, her eyes and mouth in big O’s. Malcolm seemed amused “Ladies first.”
“But what if I fall?”
“The cart is heavy enough to hold you, trust me.”
I must not be afraid, she thought, I am a Somerset, and Somersets fear no one save God and the king.
With her head high, she gripped the cart and started running, coming close to the walls. She closed her eyes and… felt like she was being swallowed by a godly force, and then, as soon as it was over, she reappeared on another station that looked like King’s Cross, but wasn’t quite King’s Cross. An enormous red and black train stood out, and many students of all ages were there, saying goodbye to their parents. Estelle poked her and smiled “It wasn’t so bad, now, was it?”
“It was… interesting.”
She chuckled before her brother, Henry and Primrose’s parents appeared. She quickly hugged her mother, and she kissed her head. She kissed Henry’s as well and lifted his chin “Head held high, my darlings, and don’t let them see you’re afraid. You can’t be afraid or weak here. They eat them for breakfast, so…be strong every day, alright?”
They both nodded, and Vincent exchanged some words with the earl, who told Mal to have an eye on these two. Primrose took Henry’s hand and the group came into the train. Many huffed that they had the privilege to sit with the elders. It seemed that by no means first years could be there. Primrose protested, but was sent instead with her actual fiancé, Mr. Devlin. He greeted her and Henry, and the three sat there awkwardly.
“That is, in my defence, I couldn’t have told that you’d be there.”
Primrose nodded “I understand.”
William kept on sketching, and Henry gave her a look she could not decipher. She leaned her head against the window and sighed.
As they arrived, Primrose took a good look at the castle. It was gigantic and majestic, taller than many, and full with something she started to become acquainted with: magic. With her head high, she embarked on the small boat, shared with Henry and William. Malcolm was gone, but Estelle was in a nearby one. They smiled encouragingly to one another. This was her first year as well.
As she arrived at the castle, the man before them explained to them how things would work “Before we come in there, you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Your house will be like your home for the next months, and everything you do will affect the house as a whole. House points will be given and removed, so beware of what you do. Shall we?”
The Great Hall was built in a medieval setting, and it was full of students eating and chatting animatedly. Primrose observed Malcolm chatting with a fellow student of the red house, Gryffindor, she supposed. As they started naming the students…
“…Archeron, Gwendolyn! Ravenclaw!”
“…Alderly, Henry! Hufflepuff!”
“…Brokenshire, Lillian! Hufflepuff!”
“…Burke, Ophelia! Slytherin!”
“…Battersea, Simon! Hufflepuff!”
“…Devlin, William! Ravenclaw!”
Soon, it was Primrose’s turn. With her head held high, she marched towards the seat and the talking hat, known as the Sorting Hat. She closed her eyes and allowed the hat to do the job “Ah, what do we see here! Victoria Somerset’s offspring! You are the spitting image of her as well. Hmm, I see several loses, blood has been spilled for you to have your position… I sense a certain sense of duty and wisdom, as well as individuality and determination… very well… let it be… RAVENCLAW!”
Primrose opened her eyes. She was in the same house her mother had been… as well as her fiancé’s. She had hoped to have some distance, or to be sorted into Hufflepuff with her friends…
As she took a seat beside William, a welcoming voice greeted her. It had dark hair and blue eyes, and a kind smile “Hello! My name is Gwendolyn, but you can call me Gwen. Lady Gray, is it?”
“Yes, but I see no need to call me ‘lady’. I am Primrose, Prim to friends.”
They shook hands and Gwen “Very well, Prim. Are you looking forward Hogwarts?”
She looked around, and saw a veiled woman be sorted.
“…Sultana Nilufer… Hufflepuff!”
An Ottoman sultana? This was going to be certainly an interesting year to say the least.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Another World, Another Primrose, Chapter Two: To Have Loved and to Have Lost
A/N: September is here and I wanted to welcome it with the second chapter of Primrose’s Legacy! 
Summary: A year after the successful birth of Primrose, their parents are ready to start discussing the future of Winbourne. 
TW: Swearing, miscarriage 
Characters that appear: Duchess Coventry @camillejeaneshphm Duchess of Alderly @gaygryffindorgal Lady Brokenshire @cursebreakerfarrier 
Taglist: @nicos-oc-hell @slytherindisaster @camillejeaneshphm @catohphm @hphmmatthewluther @thatravenpuffwitch
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July, 1882
Primrose had turned just one year, and her parents, alongside the peerage, celebrated the little lady’s birthday. She giggled and played with other children as the adults sat on the different lawns made for them and chatted over business and gossip. Victoria sat with a polite smile as she listened to Princess Louise of Alderly chat about her recent soiree with the Prince and Princess of Wales, though she found partying all day with no sense or care rather childish and very immature, though she reckoned that as a princess and duchess, she could afford to do so. She too could send nannies for her Primrose, but felt wrong to be away from her. She even baffled her peers by breastfeeding her baby herself, though now she had a feeding bottle and had grown into an adorable baby girl who could beguile anyone with those rosy baby cheeks. She could spot her dear husband hearing to the latest business of the Duke of Alderly and could read his face very well: he was deciding whether to excuse himself or just hurl himself into the sun to stop hearing such things. She hid her giggled by pretending to sip her champagne and continue listening to Louise.
While chatting with the Duchess Coventry, she spotted Lady Brokenshire rather lonely, absently petting her adorable cat. She then looked at her ton “Ladies, do you mind if we include Lady Brokenshire?”
“I suppose it’d be rather rude to leave the poor woman excluded.” Louise conceded.
“Yes, do bring her in! I’ve been looking for an excuse to ask her something!”
“Lady Brokenshire! I say, Lady Brokenshire!” She called out, commanding both Lady Brokenshire and the cat’s attention “Do join us here, please!”
Her dear Vincent took the hint and signaled Lord Brokenshire to join the men as well. She sat with them and they welcomed her with a glass of champagne with a small cherry on it and delicious scones and pastries “Do be welcome, my lady!” Victoria smiled. She had met the lady at her time at Hogwarts, and she was aware they all talked about the famous heiress of the ancient house Somerset. Evelyn noticed that none knew of her particular education and a subtle signal of her silence was enough agreement “If I remember correctly, you have a daughter of Prim’s age, don’t you?”
Evelyn smiled at the topic of her baby daughter “Oh yes! My Lillian resembles her father greatly and grows bigger by the day! I’m afraid that if I blink again, she’ll be ready for school!”
Louise smiled “Oh, will you send her to the Paulinas? Please say yes! My girl could use a roomie!”
“We are… still debating school, but I will keep your offer in mind, lady…?”
“Duchess Louise of Alderly.” She replied, her haughty nature showing off like a peacock showing off its wings.
Evelyn’s eyes went wide and quickly offered a curtsy “Do forgive me, Your Grace.”
“Oh, don’t worry!” Victoria quickly jumped in “The lady is learning, but she makes a quick study, duchess! She will be familiar with the territory in no time!” She smiled as she beckoned her servant for a strong champagne for the duchess to compensate.
“I hope so, Lady Brokenshire.”
She nodded and gave a thankful glance to Victoria, who smiled at her and whispered “Worry not, for what I saw in class… we will soon laugh at this!”
The Duchess Coventry pursed her lips “Whatever it is you two are whispering about? I do hate being left out.”
“We were wondering where did you got such a lovely silk, Your Grace.” Evelyn quickly responded “I was thinking of getting one for my sister-in-law. She loves fashion.”
The duchess smiled “You could’ve just asked me, dear! I have this tailor in France…” she kept talking about it and Victoria winked at her for her quick learning. Most noblewomen were won over alcohol, flattery and pretty things. The higher you got, at least.
A while later, the topic shifted to matrimony and a rather tipsy Princess Louise said rather loudly “My dear Thomas and I have been discussing potential betrotheds for our only son and we have thought of your Primrose.” Everyone froze for a minute “Wouldn’t they make the most handsome couple when older?”
Victoria tried to contain her excitement and smiled politely “We’d be honored, Your Grace. You know our doors are open to you, and Henry is the most delightful baby. I’m sure no other man would be more deserving of her than him.”
She smiled and looked at her husband, who didn’t look amused. However could he not be? He was a prince, and was part of her royal family. Any girl would be lucky to be part of them! She knew that they’d have an interesting chat later, she could tell it.
After the party, as both changed into nightwear, Victoria finished to brush her hair and looked at her husband “I couldn’t help but see your expression when the Duchess mentioned a potential proposal,” despite her husband sighing heavily and pinching the bridge of his nose, she didn’t budge “and I think it’d be beneficial to our little girl.”
“She doesn’t have enough age to have a saying in this. She can’t even think yet! And you want to set her with a bloody Hanover.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with it.” She held her head high and her husband finally faced her.
“Can’t we wait until she’s at least sound of mind, hm?”
“They would’ve picked some princess already then!”
“Let them! I am not selling my daughter to the bloody royals!”
Victoria got up and went towards him “This is my house, my estate, and my child too! I bore her for nine months, I gave birth to her and kept her alive, so it’s fair that I get a saying in this!”
“She is a fucking child, Victoria! They both are! They do not even know what marriage means! How can we hurl them into it, eh?”
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me, Vincent! I am more than your wife; I am your viscountess!”
He got closer and whispered “Who benefits from this, hm? Your ambition?”
“Our future son!” He froze, and she took a deep breath “I am with child, and the most gifted seer told me it’d be a boy with golden hair and would bring a golden age to Winbourne.”
“How long, Victoria?”
“Two months. I wanted to be sure.”
He closed his eyes and sighed, pacing around “I understand your motives, but she’s too young. She can barely make a sentence, let alone understand wifely duties, Vic. Please, tell the Alderlies that you’re flattered, but that she deserves to have a childhood.”
“This is how nobility spends their childhoods. Ensuring their dynasties and persevering the lines with auspicious marriages, cunning and deceit. That is our childhood.” She looked at her husband square in the eye, facing off.
“…So be it.” He picked his pillow and left. Victoria shouted behind him
“You think me selfish and cold, but when we’re surrounded by riches and with our problems and lives solved, you’ll thank me, I assure you!”
She huffed, hurling the brush and trying not to cry. He’d not have it. Not this time.
Six months later
One more month, Victoria thought. One month, and she’d have the son and heir she had promised to her father on his deathbed. She had to. What else was a woman to do in this man-led world? Sure, the times were indeed changing and the authorities were being questioned, even the fairer sex’s role was questioned, but Victoria was in too deep into the lifestyle to think about it. Perhaps her perspicacious daughter, who was proving to be witty and with a sense of humor from a young age, could change the pattern. Only time would tell. Who knows, perhaps in a future ladies wouldn’t take their husbands’ names! Though she suspected the Tories wouldn’t allow it. She had always been wary of them.
She was strolling the grounds with Alina, chatting and watching Primrose play with Ms. Barry when she felt a jolting pain on her stomach and gasped for air “Mama hurt?” Asked Primrose.
“Emma,” she breathed “take her out. Now!” Emma nodded and picked the curious girl and took her out of there despite her complaints. Another jolt of pain came towards her, and she gasped for air. The blood on her leg made her realise. She grabbed Alina by the arm “I’m losing my baby. I’m losing my boy.”
“Not if I have a saying on it. You!” She called to the butler “Fetch the doctor now! At once!”
He nodded and ran off as quickly as he could, and Alina took her to a small room and stayed with her, attending her every need. She also dismissed Vincent, saying that his presence would only make worse the ordeal after months arguing “She is my wife, and that is my child, I have a right to—,”
“After everything you’ve put her through while with child you have a right to shut your stupid mouth and obey me! You seem to forget that I am a Viscountess as well.”
“A Dowager—,”
“Who can feed you to the dogs and pluck out your heart if I wish to do so. Now, do Vicky a favour and be with your daughter and leave women’s business to the actual women.”
“Guard! Take him to his daughter, at once.”
The man hesitated “But, madam, protocol says—,”
“Don’t you dare tell me the protocol of my home! Out with you both! If I see another male here, I will personally feed them to the dogs!” She shouted, scaring everyone, her Ukrainian accent showing.
Every male in their presence left, afraid that she might try make her threats true. She huffed and went back to Victoria, whose condition had worsened. The midwife and doctor came in, she was in excruciating pain and certain that the baby wouldn’t survive.
“Madam, what do we do?” The doctor asked. And she knew well what he was asking.
He was asking her who lived and who died. And she knew who’d live and who’d die, “The Viscountess must survive this. Too many Somersets have died already.” He nodded and started to get to it with the midwife. “I need some air,” She knew what came next, she needn’t watch.
She took a deep breath and fidgeted with the ring that her late husband had once given her, a promise to grow old and make Winbourne everyone’s home. It seemed like another life. She wondered if he had lived and the two of them had another son. Perhaps nothing of this sort would’ve happened. Perhaps she’d be the one negotiating with the Alderlies for an engagement and Vincent and Victoria would’ve settled elsewhere.
But God had decided their destiny long ago and there was no coming back. Winbourne needed a male heir to survive, and it was all up to Victoria. She had thought to remarry, but there were no elder males with a solid claim. Only Vic remained, and the male line had been wiped out by war and sickness. Only the women had survived.
It couldn’t be so bad that a woman ran Winbourne by birth-right. The Queen had done an exceptional job, as had Anne I, Mary I and II, Elizabeth I… Why couldn’t the same rule apply to the nobility? If someone could raise a strong leader, that someone was Victoria. And she’d be sure to tell her.
That day was clear that Victoria’s third pregnancy wouldn’t come to term. Bells chimed in mourning for the lost son, and Victoria wept in helplessness and shame, and Vincent tried to have himself sorted.
Little Primrose observed as the tiny coffin was taken away. She couldn’t understand what was happening, she was too young. She was too damn young for this. Who was to tell her that nature had decided she wouldn’t have a brother?
Victoria later told her husband “We can’t lay such responsibility on her. It is too much for her.”
“Do you think a woman can’t be a viscountess?”
“I think that our daughter deserves a low-key and tranquil life, away from vipers who are waiting to end our line just because she’s a woman. She doesn’t deserve this burden. We must have a son, Vincent, or else this life may very well kill her. If someone must die the next time, let it be me.”
“Let us hope then that nobody has to make such a decision.”
He watched thoughtfully the stars, wondering if looking at these lines and dots full of light had any answer to this. He knew his girl was a though nut, but outside was ruthless and unkind to beautiful ladies with such power. She needed someone who wouldn’t get in the way of her claim and were able to protect her. And Henry wasn’t the one she needed to survive.
Even if he lost his family forever, he’d make of his daughter untouchable to others that nobody would doubt her claim or throw out hundreds of years of history. Not if he had a saying about it. He had loved three children. He had lost two. Whoever dared to touch a single hair of his living heir, would have him on their way.
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
gryff and annie's milf masterlist part 1;
only 10 images allowed but so many milves :((
amara raeburn, mother of farrow raeburn
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bedelia elderberry, mother of carmine elderberry
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louise of alderly, mother of henry of alderly
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isabella alderly, mother of quincey alderly
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libby clifford, mother of jenny fairfax
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calla hartford, mother of valentin hartford
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mama enfield, mother of melv and kit enfield
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philomena katz, mother of barbara katz
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juniper malinda, mother of verna malinda
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rebeca garcía romero, mother of gael romero
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
with @potionboy3
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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► basics;
Full Name: Henry Edward George of Alderly (uses Alderly as a surname at Hogwarts)
Birthday: July 14th, 18xx, (cancer)
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Nationality: English
cw: discussions of mental illness, alcoholism, child neglect, canon typical awfulness of being part of the royal family
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► magical info;
Wand: Willow, 11 inches, dragon heartsrting, slightly yielding
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Patronus: Swift
Although swifts can be perceived as flighty, that’s only because they have a strong sense of determination and a drive to accomplish things as quickly as possible, which makes them go from one endeavor to the next very quickly. They are hopeful, positive, and energetic and are drawn to live and work in large communities, where they find inspiration from the high spirits of others.
Patronus Memory: Receiving his Hogwarts letter
Boggart: His friends turning on him and abandoning him.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): tba
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Healing spells
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: O
Charms: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: O
► background;
Place of Birth: Alderly Hall, Alderly, England
Home: Alderly Hall, Alderly, England
On an alternate timeline Princess Augusta, Queen Victoria’s aunt, marries Edward, the fictional duke of the fictional Alderly. They have several children together, and their eldest son, prince Thomas, the new duke of Alderly marries an equally fictional German princess Louise Alexandra. Together they have one son, Henry. He turns out to be a difficult child, suffering from bursts of melancholia and mania. (He’s bipolar but the word doesn’t exist in the Victorian era.)
To add to it all, he begins to show signs of magical ability at an early age, which further ostracizes him from his parents and peers. He grows up a pretty lonely child, having mostly his nannies as playmates. When he gets his Hogwarts admission letter, his parents hide it from everyone around them. It’s easy enough to pass his magical education off as an elite boarding school in mainland Europe, or a bout in a mental asylum due to his health. Everyone’s just happy he’s not in the picture, tarnishing the royal family’s reputation. He is, after all, first cousin once removed to Queen Victoria.
► physical;
Faceclaim: Cory Gruter-Andrew, Harrison Osterfield, JJ Feild
Eye Color: Blue-green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5′10 (178cm)
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc:
Young!Henry FC: Cory Grüter-Andrew
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Henry!Henry FC: Harrison Osterfield
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Older!Henry FC: JJ Feild
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Oldest!Henry  FC: Staffan Göthe
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► relatives;
Father: Prince Thomas, Duke of Alderly
The eldest son of Princess Augusta and Duke Edward, he inherits the dukedom of Alderly at twenty-one years old, before the birth of his only child, Henry. Thomas is a muggle and quite content living his aristocratic life at Alderly Hall. He’s not an especially caring father, following the custom of the era in which nannies take care of the children while he tends to the matters of his estate. He does care for his son and wants him to have a good life, perhaps just... somewhere not quite so close-by... especially with all the weird magic and mental illness going on...
FC: Tobias Menzies
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Mother: Princess Louise Alexandra of Hesse and by Rhine, Duchess of Alderly
Louise is a glamorous muggle woman, famous for her high society gatherings at Alderly Hall. She married the newly donned duke on her eighteenth birthday, when he was twenty-one. She’s not mean-spirited but she’s aloof, a bit of an alcoholic, and definitely not interested in being a mother. As a young child, Henry tries his best to get his mother’s attention, and delights in every single moment spent with her. The older he gets, the more distance there seems to be between the duchess and her son.
FC: Rebecca Ferguson
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► relationships;
Allegiances: Hufflepuff house, The Alderly Family
Best friend: tba
Other close canon friends: tba
MC Friends:
Primrose Gray by @endlessly-cursed
Prim is Henry’s oldest friend and one of his dearest confidants. Prim helped Henry feel more comfortable at social events and the two grew closer once they both received their Hogwarts letters. At school, they moved in the same circles and shared a lot of friends. Primrose knew all of Henry’s secrets and while they sometimes disagreed and argued, they had deep love and respect for each other. As adults, they kept in touch and often visited each other, remaining good friends. Their families were close as well, as Henry’s wife Cora was one of Prim’s dearest friends.
FC: Anna Popplewell
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Jesse Seymour by @endlessly-cursed
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Simon Battersea by @unfortunate-arrow​
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Lillian Miller by @camillejeaneshphm​
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Abraham Alden by @cursed-herbalist​
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Nadia Erbland by @gcldensnitch​
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Benji Gerhardt by @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Galen Stagg by @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Teddy Ellison by @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Basil Keaton by @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Lyle Astor by @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Persephone Gould @cursebreakerfarrier​
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Fred Graham by @hphmmatthewluther​
Atticus Doherty by @hphmmatthewluther​
Dorm mates (2/5):
Jesse Seymour by @endlessly-cursed
Simon Battersea by @unfortunate-arrow​
Love Interest:
Elyan Goldcrest by @potionboy3​
Henry meets Elian (as he goes by I and not Y at that point) at Hogwarts during his fifth year.They started a secret relationship while still in school and it continued through the years. They fell deeply in love even with the inevitability of Henry’s death hovering over them from the start. During the years, Elian would sometimes leave for longer periods of time, but would always return. Elian stayed in his life even after he got married. During World War II, the two clashed over Henry’s responsibilities and Elian’s disinterest in muggle affairs. Elian left to fight in the war after a particularly bad argument but they managed to reconcile after the war. They always had their ups and downs but loved each other despite everything.
It’s said that Henry brought out the best in Elian, though the history books won’t mention anything about their relationship.
FC: Gijs Blom
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Future spouse:
Lady Cora Hastings
lore to be added!
FC: Bella Heathcote
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Pets: Though not technically his, back home at Alderly he has a favourite horse by the name of Bucephalus.
Rivals: (hmu if you’re interested in a rivarly relationship!)
Enemies: tba
► personality;
Henry is smart, eager to learn, and a little bit socially awkward when put in situations he hasn’t been rigorously trained for. He’s kind, has a friendly disposition and tries his best to make new friends despite having a lonely childhood. He’s not very outgoing but if in a group, he often wants to make sure every around him feels like they’re being heard. He’s not particularly good at any sports, though he’s gonna give it his best shot if put to the spot. He’s decent with horses and enjoys riding, though not racing.
Henry is bipolar. He occasionally has episodes during which he’s incredibly depressed and struggles to get out of bed in the morning, much less get any work done. Other times though, he goes through periods of incredible bursts of energy that can manifest in even foolhardy ideas, reckless spending (he’s especially fond of gambling while in the manic state), and extremely bad communication with those around him.
Note on the terms: Outside of Henry’s story’s point of view, I’ll be using modern terminology to refer to his illness but within the story I’ll refer to it mostly as melancholia and mania or some other time appropriate term.
► misc;
Hobbies: Reading, playing the piano, riding
Extracurriculars: n/a
Quidditch: n/a
Favourite Subject: Astronomy, History of Magic
Favourite professor: tba
Least favourite professor: tba
Professions: A literal prince and a duke
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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introducing: prince henry edward george
cw: discussion of mental illness
as a royal history enthusiast, i decided to go completely off the rails with this one and create an alternate timeline in which princess augusta, queen victoria’s aunt, marries edward, the fictional duke of the fictional alderly. they have several children together, and their eldest son, prince thomas, duke of alderly marries an equally fictional german princess louise alexandra. together they have one son, henry. he turns out to be a difficult child, suffering from bursts of melancholia and mania. (he’s bipolar but the word doesn’t exist in the victorian era.)
to add to it all, he begins to show signs of magical ability at an early age, which further ostracizes him from his parents and peers. when he gets his hogwarts admission letter, his parents hide it from everyone around them. it’s easy enough to pass his magical education off as an elite boarding school in mainland europe, or a bout in a mental asylum due to his health. everyone’s just happy he’s not in the picture, tarnishing the royal family’s reputation. he is, after all, first cousin once removed to queen victoria.
fc: harrison osterfield
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