#louis xiii cognac
chineseredcarpet · 6 months
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William Chan for Louis XIII cognac
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crownedstoat · 6 months
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The California Grill Signature Cocktail. "“This Ultra-Premium Cocktail pairing partners a traditional Champagne Cocktail with Rémy Martin Louis XIII"
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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Remy Martin Louis XIII Black Pearl 140th Anniversary 40.0 abv NV Chinese back labels, bottle no. 439/775, 40.0 abv
1 bt70 (opc).
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qbwr · 3 months
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with louis xiii cognac
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celebratingwomen · 1 year
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Solange for Louis XIII Cognac
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seraphtrevs · 2 years
throughout Lalo's course on the show we see him drink a few times but I can't tell what his drink of choice is or what kind. I don't see him as a heavy beer drinker but I also don't see him as a hard liquor connoisseur. What do you think? Does he not care and just drinks whatever the social occasion calls for?
I don't think he's picky. We see him drink beer at El Mich with Nacho, at the poker game, and by the fire at home. The cognac he has Nacho fetch is Louis XIII, which runs between $3 - $4k+ per bottle, so he likes his fancy liquor too. And he has a martini with Margarethe, but he doesn't care if it's vodka or gin.
I see him as a variety-is-the-spice-of-life type, so I think he enjoys trying new things and doesn't have a particular go-to order. I also can't see him as a heavy drinker - it would leave him vulnerable, although I'm sure he can hold his liquor fine
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The movie none of us will likely see
No, I’m not talking about Batgirl. Or The Flash. Or the Day the Clown Cried (google it). I mean a movie has been made that, at least as currently planned, no one reading this who isn’t 5 or 6 years old today is likely to ever see in full form.
It’s a promotional stunt, most certainly, but Louis XIII, a brand of cognac that takes a full century to make, back in 2015 had director Robert Rodriguez shoot a short sci-fi film starring John Malkovich - that will be sealed in a vault until its scheduled release date in November 2115, which will also be when that year’s vintage (or whatever the correct term is) of Louis XIII is expected.
I have to admire how drink makers, especially the high-end variety, play truly the long game. And since these companies already have centuries of history behind them, there’s probably little risk that the company that makes Louis XIII will indeed still be around in 2115.
Part of me expects I’ll probably see the film eventually. Not that I expect to be around in 2115 but someone is bound to leak the thing (maybe some devout Malkovich fan). That said, I also hope they manage to keep the thing sealed and secret (and are still able to play it) in 2115 because that’s just damn cool. I’m not sure what it is about the year 2115 but there’s apparently a song by Pharrell Williams set to be taken out of time capsule that year as well.
Anyway, there was a teaser for 100 Years released on YouTube back in 2015, and here it is. It’s kind of neat to imagine that the rest of this story - who these people are, etc. - will not be known for nearly a century. Imagine if Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and other big names made a film in 1922 that is only being released for the first time in 2022. Ultimately, it’s an ad for a drink most of us would probably have to mortgage our homes to pay for - but it’s still pretty cool, regardless.
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boliv-jenta · 2 years
Apologies for the wait again my dear @micheleamidalajedi My brain didn't want to co-operate then I got all nervous about doing something I don't know anything about. After some googling I came up with this. I haven't proof read it because I will talk myself out of posting it. I hope it's okay. Thank you for your patience.
Alex Law x reader.
This was the third time this week he had come in to the restaurant. Business wasn't exactly booming so it was easy to keep track of faces. A high end vegan restaurant is kind of a tough sell in this economy, maybe it would have sold better to the hip crowd in London.
"You can serve him." Christine all but shoved you from behind the bar.
"Why me? I'm busy!" The glasses you were putting back on the shelf almost went tumbling as she dragged you away to steer you towards him.
"I've served him twice. Mark's served him once. He's just a bit..callous. I don't think he thinks before he speaks, he just wants what he wants. Definitely new money, probably just excited to spend it but it's a pain in the arse." He explained hurriedly under her breath.
"Oh, well, then of course I'll serve him!" You huffed back.
"You really haven't noticed have you? The way he waits until you are close to his table to leave so he can say goodbye? The way his eyes follow you? He likes you!" She looks shocked that it hadn't occurred to you.
When you look over at his table he is indeed smiling at you. Your hand comes up of it's own accord to give him a little wave. Christine glares at you, her point proven.
"Fine. I'll serve him." You concede.
"Good evening, Sir. Thank you for dining with us. Would you like to hear tonight's specials?" You slip into you script.
"No, thank you. I know exactly what I would like to have..." he wants what wants, you could see Christine's problem. He was polite, said 'please' after every request. Most of his order was pretty standard, very popular starter and main, it was the desert that caught your attention "....and for desert I would like the Decadence D’Or Cupcake please." The Decadence D’Or Cupcake was created by chef, Olivier Dubreuil at the Palazzo in Vegas. Like you would expect from something created in Vegas it was completely over the top. Made from Venezuela’s rare Porcelana Criollo bean, topped with Tahitian Gold Vanilla Caviar and edible gold flakes. It also includes Louis XIII de Remy Martin Cognac and comes in a hand blown sugar Fleur-de-Lis. Each cupcake cost £500! Your rent for the month!
"Very good choices, Sir. Can I get you anything while you wait?" You tapped at your iPad as you spoke. Instantly sending his order to the kitchen.
"No...but could I ask you a question? I'm Alex by the way." He held out his hand, you shook it and gave him your name, tapping your name tag as you did.
It was a little usual but he was one of two customers here tonight so there was no trouble in indulging him. "Sure."
His smile widened. "Which of the following figures do you most closely identify: Joan of Arc, Eva Braun, or Marilyn Monroe?"
"Well that is a question and a half!" You jaw had dropped slightly.
"I find it helps to get to know people and I'd like to get to know you." His smile was almost shy, despite him coming off as the most confident man in the world. It looked charming on his handsome face.
Your answer was interrupted by his order being ready. A simple salad took the three chefs working no time to prepare. When you returned he thanked you before looking up expectantly.
"If I give you an answered, will you promise not push for an explanation?" If he wasn't already intrigued but you those words had him hooked. The journalist in him smelled a story. Pushing that instinct down he reassured you he wouldn't.
"Joan of Arc." You replied with smirk. It was a little twisted, your own private joke about your scars. The burns that littered your arms, chest and neck, were covered by your dress.
Alex ate his starter and main conversing with you when he could. When you brought his eye wateringly expensive desert out he asked another question. "Have you tried it?"
"No." You laughed. "They are a little out of my price range."
Picking up the knife on the table he quickly sliced it in two. "You should. Join me?"
Looking around, trying to gauge if you would get in trouble you realised that that other customer had left, your colleagues were now all gathered at the serving window, watching intently. As you slowly slipped into the chair opposite Alex, they all gave you the thumbs up. The cupcake was excellent. Moist and flavourful. The best part was Alex's face it lit up joyfully. He savoured every bite. It made you smile.
It was then you decide to write your number on his receipt. He called the next day and the next time you ate together, your weren't the one serving. You talked about anything and everything. Alex was smart, witty, endlessly curious. He was also sweet and respectful. He never comment led on your clothing. Everything you wore had a high neck and long sleeves. You'd long since tired of the gawking of strangers. Even when he had eventually stayed over, he hadn't made a deal of your scars or the story behind them. Even though you knew his mind itched with questions.
The next morning, you stood looking out of the window with your coffee in your hand. Alex came out of the bathroom to see you standing there, bathed in the light. He was wearing his clothes from last night, you had thrown on a tank top.
"May I?" His hand hover over your arm. You weren't sure what he was asking but you nodded anyway. His finger tips gently traced the uneven skin. You gasped at the tenderness. His feather light touch sent shivers up your spine. It had been years since you had be touched with such care and reverence. It made your heart swell.
"I know it's none of my business and you probably tire of questions about them but I think you are truly stunning. You shouldn't feel the need to hide." As if to emphasise his point his lips trailed behind his fingers. He placed kisses all the way up your arms and back. They were soft yet firm, full of meaning. You are beautiful, believe me. He was right, of course. You shouldn't have covered up just for a quite life. If people wanted to stare, it said more about them than about you.
The weather was warming, so once Alex left you went out to buy yourself some summer dresses. When your wore one that night, his lips return to your exposed skin. "I'm proud of you. You should never let anything hold you back from living life the way you want to live it." That very much seemed to be Alex out look on life. You started spend all your free time together. Yet you still hadn't been to Alex's place. He put it down to his roomate David 'having a hard time.' Not wanting to pry you didn't mention it again. Alex stayed at your place only going back to his when he needed. Like now, you sat on your couch, flicking through the channels finally settling on The Crystal Maze, while you waited.
A hurried knock at your door, drew your attention. Opening it you found Alex outside with two suitcase. "How to do you feel about Rio?"
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deadbeatbartender · 2 months
*I add a bottle of Remy Martin Black Pearl Louis XIII, a Cognac worth $165,000, to the circle of catnip*
"Why." Husk muttered, staring with wide eyes.
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ruou-tot · 2 months
Remy Martin
Remy Martin, một trong những nhãn hiệu Cognac hàng đầu thế giới, là biểu tượng của sự tinh tế và đẳng cấp trong ngành công nghiệp rượu. Với hơn hai thế kỷ kinh nghiệm, Remy Martin đã khẳng định vị thế của mình là một trong những biểu tượng của nghệ thuật làm Cognac.
Remy Martin bắt đầu từ năm 1724 và từ đó đã trải qua một hành trình dài để trở thành một trong những nhãn hiệu Cognac hàng đầu thế giới. Sự tinh tế và sự chăm sóc trong từng quy trình sản xuất, từ việc lựa chọn nguyên liệu tốt nhất cho đến quá trình ủ và phối trộn, là điều làm nên danh tiếng của Remy Martin.
Với sự đa dạng từ Remy Martin VSOP cho đến Remy Martin XO và Remy Martin Louis XIII, mỗi chai Cognac Remy Martin là một biểu tượng của sự sang trọng và đẳng cấp. Remy Martin không chỉ là một loại Cognac, mà còn là biểu tượng của phong cách và sự tinh tế, thúc đẩy sự thưởng thức và đẳng cấp trong thế giới rượu vang.
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#wine #winelover #ruoucognac #remymartin #ruoutot
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What is the Most Luxurious Alcohol in the World?
Alcohol has been a symbol of luxury and indulgence throughout history, with an array of spirits that captivate the taste buds and cultivate an air of sophistication. However, amidst the vast realm of alcoholic beverages, few can rival the allure and exclusivity of the world’s most luxurious alcohol. The pinnacle of opulence can be found in a bottle of Louis XIII Cognac, a spirit that has…
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Everyone reading my post, the day it was posted, will most likely never see the movie.
Everyone reading my post, the day it was posted, will most likely never see the movie. It’s set to release in 2115. Who knows what technology will be available in the next 90 years, will they even be able to watch it? It will be similar to Gen Z trying to work an 8-track player. It must be nice to have that kind of money; to write, produce, film and make a trailer without turning a profit for 100 years. I wonder what people who are producing things that won’t be released for over 100 years think of climate change? Can we just assume they are science deniers?
Direct Quotes:
John Malkovich wrote and stars in the movie, which Robert Rodriguez directed, and it’ll make its way to the south of France in a vault, where it will stay — or so the story goes — until the year 2115, when the safe will magically open and our descendants will get their first look at the thing. It’s called “100 Years: The Movie You Will Never See,”
That format could prove problematic 10 years from now, never mind 100.
Then again, said trailer looks more like an ad for Louis XIII cognac, which is a partner in the movie (it also takes 100 years to age the brandy).
Wu-Tang Clan spent six years working on their latest album but made only one copy. In 2015, the group auctioned it off to the highest bidder and made the buyer promise not to profit from it until 2103 — though the person could choose to let people hear it for free.
The winning $2 million bid came from “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli, the same guy who jacked up the price of a drug for AIDS-related infections. During an interview with Bloomberg in December, Shkreli indicated that he bought the album so that he could get a chance to meet and hang out with famous people.
Atwood is also waiting a century to release a novel, and she’s not alone. In 2114, the Future Library will be open for business, revealing never-before-read manuscripts from 100 writers. Each year between now and then, another author will contribute work.
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aaalwm · 7 months
Louis Xiii Cognac, The Infinity Experience
AAA Luxury World Marketplace is proud to present you this wonderful Video about the Luxury Gifts World
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heydaytravelcompany · 7 months
Foodie Guide to Festive Gingerbread Houses and Displays 2023
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Ready for some mind-blowing Disney gingerbread displays? That’s exactly what to expect to find at both Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort, and even aboard the high seas on Disney Cruise Line during the holiday season. A true staple of both locations’ holiday festivities, these gingerbread displays are truly amazing. After months of hard work and creativity from the talented culinary teams, these displays are brought to life before our very eyes and are well worth the visit. Some of these displays have returned for the holidays for more than 20 years, like the Gingerbread House found at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa and the Gingerbread House found within (yes, within) Haunted Mansion Holiday at Disneyland Park, while others are making their dazzling debut for the very first time this year, like the Lighthouse coming to Disney’s Yacht Club Resort. It’s no surprise visiting these works of art have become a tradition for both guests and cast members alike. With plenty of hidden details, and maybe even some hidden Mickeys, guests can easily come back again and again to experience these gingerbread creations. Shall we unwrap all the gingerbread fun coming this holiday season? Starting Nov. 10, 2023, the Disneyland Resort will have a display to get guests in the holiday spirit – the Gingerbread House at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa. The lobby will be home once again to one of its best holiday classics – the “Grand” Gingerbread House. This giant gingerbread replica of the hotel is a holiday highlight and a can’t-miss stop in the lobby. Standing 7 feet tall and 12 feet wide, the structure is created from more than 600 pounds of gingerbread, 600 pounds of powdered sugar, 250 pounds of fondant, 1 pound of pixie dust, and features 25 hidden Mickeys! Grand Californian Great Hall Cart Menu If guests want a sweet treat to commemorate their experience, they can enjoy one (or multiple) of the following: - Mickey Mouse-shaped Poinsettia Cookie - Mickey-shaped Gingerbread Cookie - Christmas Cookie - Holiday Cookie Box: will include two milk chocolate-dipped Mickey-shaped cookies, two raspberry-filled cookies and two sugar cookies with festive sprinkles - Assorted Macarons: Assorted macaron box will include two gingerbread, two peppermint and two Mexican hot chocolate - Kwanzaa Sweet Potato Loaf - Crisped Rice Treat - Holiday Cinnamon Buns (New) - Hot Cocoa Cookies (New) - Coffee with Liqueur (Available with Amaretto, Butterscotch, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal Apple, Godiva Chocolate, Grand Marnier, Jameson Whiskey, Peppermint Schnapps, Rumchata, Rumple Minz, Skrewball Whiskey) (New) - Eggnog with Baileys - Chocolate Chip Cookie Shot with Milk - Gingerbread Cookie Shot with Milk (New) - Red Velvet Cookie Shot with Milk (New) - Chocolate Chip Cookie Shot with Liqueur (Available with Amaretto, Butterscotch, Captain Morgan, Crown Royal Apple, Godiva Chocolate, Grand Marnier, Jameson Whiskey, Peppermint Schnapps, Rumchata, Rumple Minz, Skrewball Whiskey) - Cookie shot with Louis XIII Cognac - Cookie shot with Clase Azul Ultra Anejo Welcome foolish mortals to a gingerbread display unlike any seen before. Found within the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Park, a few ghosts have made room for a dazzling display this season. The Haunted Mansion Gingerbread House has been materializing for guests of the attraction for over 20 years from Halloween to the holidays. Jack Skellington, or should we say “Sandy Claws,” and his friends have transformed this beloved attraction into a Haunted Mansion Holiday, inspired by “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas,” and this display is a welcomed addition. With three moving elements and nearly 300 pounds, this display took over 20 days to build and decorate with 13 cast members. Don’t forget to take a ride to see if before Jan. 8, 2024. Now heading over to Walt Disney World Resort, we’re stopping by Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa for their life-sized Gingerbread House! This beloved tradition is back again for its 24th year from Nov. 8, 2023, through Jan. 1, 2024, and is filled with plenty of sweet delights and decorations. All across this house, guests will find white chocolate candy canes, edible snowflakes, sugar poinsettias, and over 10,000 pieces of gingerbread. Not to mention the 85 lb. chocolate Santa (yes, you heard that right), nutcrackers, toy soldiers, and snowmen that are all hand-painted by the Grand Floridian Bakery team led by Pastry Chef de Cuisine Kristine Farmer. The 500 hours spent baking gingerbread and 480 hours spent decorating are well worth it. Be on the lookout for the 24 hidden Mickeys found throughout the entire display to find them all. Grand Floridian Gingerbread House Menu If guests are looking to take a taste of gingerbread and the holidays home, they’re in luck because this display has quite the lineup of treats available for purchase that will dazzle their tastebuds, including: - Freshly baked, homemade items, such as Gingerbread Mickeys and Shingles, Stollen Bread, Brownie Christmas Tree, and Gingersnap Cookies - House-made Gingerbread Ornaments and Gingerbread Houses - Assorted Gingerbread Cookie Bags, Marshmallow Pops, and Milk Chocolate Pecan Fudge - Grand Floridian Combo Box featuring assorted fan favorite treats, including the cookies n’ cream Christmas Tree, exclusive to this box - Plant-based, no sugar added, and gluten-friendly options Joining this impressive lineup this year is the Lighthouse at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort. This brand-new creation was created by Pastry Chef de Cuisine Michael Craig who used the actual blueprints from the real lighthouse located outside the resort along Crescent Lake. This sweet version is not to be missed on your gingerbread festivities this year. Also, available for purchase are some sweet delights sold at the Holiday Pop Up Shop, including the new Lighthouse Fudge, which is a nod to this new offering. Just next door at Disney’s Beach Club Resort, we’ve got the classic Holiday Carousel gingerbread display. The life-size creation has been at the resort for 22 years and it actually moves – how cool! This year, this gingerbread offering is inspired by Ducktales, with the horses themed after Donald Duck and his nephews, Huey, Duey, and Louie. To celebrate all the years of tradition, there are 22 hidden Mickeys to find throughout the display, as well as 434 pounds of honey, 25 pounds of spices, 200 pounds of icing, and a whole lot of creativity and talent from the culinary team! Disney’s Beach Club Resort Gingerbread Display Menu Some of the holiday treats available at this location include: - Signature Stollen Bread - Lighthouse Fudge - Mickey Snowman Pop - Crispy Rice Treat - Peppermint Bark - Gingerbread Shingle - Hot Chocolate Flight - Hot Chocolate As we keep going around crescent lake, we get to Disney’s BoardWalk Inn where their display is shore to impress from Nov. 17 through Dec. 27. This creation is a miniature version of some of your favorite spots found along the BoardWalk itself, including the BoardWalk Deli, which is home to none other than the BoardWalk Inn Bakery team led by Pastry Chef Alex Vacher. Disney’s BoardWalk Inn Gingerbread Display Menu Before leaving, be sure to check out some of the treats made by the team, like: - Mickey and Minnie Sugar Cookies - Mickey Caramel Corn Cookie - Christmas Tree Pop - Peppermint Bark - Gingerbread Shingles - Gluten/ Wheat-Friendly and Plant-based Gingerbread Shingles Next up, let’s go on a tasty adventure to Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge where guests will find one of the most adorable giraffes and zebras around. In the Jambo House lobby from Nov. 22 through Dec. 31, the Animal Kingdom Lodge bakery led by Pastry Chef Lexy Ross has continued the tradition with the Life-Size Baby Gingerbread Giraffe and Baby Zebra. This can’t-miss giraffe, or should we say ginger-affe, named Gignger and baby zebra, Debra, are made with a combination of gingerbread, sugar dough, and modeling chocolate. In fact, the giraffe stands near 7 feet tall. Guests will also be able to pick up some tasty treats to take with them, like the Gingeraffe Cookie, Hot Cocoa Flight, and beer, wine, and cocktails! Now, let’s blast off to Disney’s Contemporary Resort where their gingerbread display is back once again for its 12th year led by Pastry Chef Jeff Barnes! Found on the fourth floor of the resort from Nov. 10 through Jan. 6, 2024, this year’s Mary Blair-inspired 100th Celebration-themed Castle Display was designed by Walt Disney Imagineers this momentous occasion for The Walt Disney Company. It stands over 17 feet tall with 612 pounds of sugar, 1012 pounds of flour, 112 pounds of gingerbread spice, over 4000 castle gingerbread bricks, and 12 sprinklings of magical pixie dust! And, be sure to keep your eyes peeled with the 12 hidden five-legged goats. Disney’s Contemporary Resort Gingerbread Display Menu For those wanting a sweet treat, the following will also be available for purchase: - Gingerbread Castle Brick - Paint Your Own Cookie Box - Hot Chocolate Caramel Fudge - Chocolate Peppermint Cookie - Pistachio Linzer Cookie - 5-Legged Goat Cookie - Gluten/Wheat Friendly Gingerbread Cookie - Gingerbread Latte Cupcake - Christmas Tree Butter Cookie - Frozen Hot Chocolate (Also available with Peppermint Schnapps) - Frozen Apple Cider (Also available with Fireball Cinnamon Whisky floater) Last but certainly not least for Walt Disney World Resort, we’ve got quite the impressive display at The American Adventure in EPCOT. From Nov. 24 through Dec. 30, this unique display recreates some classic monuments in America and EPCOT alike with gingerbread versions of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, The American Adventure building with Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Craft Drafts & Barbecue, and even a Festival Marketplace. There are also 6 hidden Mickeys found within. See how many you can find on your next visit to EPCOT. What an incredible (and tasty) lineup the talented culinary teams have put together for us this year. Throughout this holiday season, grab loved ones and get ready to see some gingerbread! There’s truly no limit to the ways guests can celebrate the holidays at Disney Parks. (Note: All offerings are subject to change and availability.) Read the full article
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judyreppart · 8 months
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Fragrance Bottle Engraving - Houston
Engraving fragrance bottles onsite around Houston was not something that I initially embraced over a decade ago. As an introvert, it was not an activity that I saw myself doing. Frankly, I was still developing my skills (and confidence) with engraving and having that out in the open for all to see was intimidating to say the least. The first time that I engraved for a fragrance company was actually not planned. I referred the event to another engraver and they cancelled at the last minute so I was asked to engrave in their place. That was the start of my fragrance engraving career in Houston. True story….
However, what I learned, and what I tell new engraving and calligraphy students, is that confidence comes with time and exposure. I also learned to not take everything so seriously. There are no glass engraving police. They don’t exist. Well yes, you may be engraving a $5,000 bottle of Louis XIII cognac (I’ve engraved quite a few of these over the years) or a $4,000 bottle of Screaming Eagle wine (last Sunday) that you weren’t expecting. But, glass is glass…for the most part. And actually the expensive glass is easier to engrave :). Just whatever you do, do not think “Don’t mess up.” Just do what you always do and keep it moving. It’s just glass.
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