#lottery gameplay
claudtrait · 4 months
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babolat85 · 11 months
Alvaro won the lottery
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First time I’ve had it happen in all the time I’ve played this game
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daydreamertrait · 1 year
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i dont think ive ever had a sim win the lottery before but at least they tried </3
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lonelygravescc · 2 years
I had to share this! 😂
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pxlheaux · 1 year
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It’s me and Kane freaking out because he just won the lottery for a million dollars. This literally never happens to my sims. They were homeless and hurting for money, then on the rags to riches come up, and now just won a million dollars. All their money problems have disappeared.
I am in shock. Just wait until he tells Kenya. You know she loves her expensive things.
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homeinchaldea · 2 years
One grail to the Gong
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mrghostrat · 7 months
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i bring you my one offering for every fandom: Twitch Streamer AU!
edit: there is now a fic :)
i see your "two teachers at the same school who none of their students realise are married" and raise you "two polar opposite streamers who none of their viewers realise are dating/living together" 😩🙏
i also accidentally drew these at 4k so enjoy these high res wallpapers i guess!! (1 + 2)
i have headcanons:
aziraphale is a variety IRL streamer: cooking, baking, crafts, chatting etc. he's on a bob-ross level of respect and admiration for how sweet and pleasant he is to everyone
crowley streams whatever can be a conduit for mischief: from toxic PVP gameplay, to IRL chatting streams out in public places. he's primarily a gamer, but people watch him for his horrendous personality.
they rarely hang out in each other's chats, but that's just happenstance. one is usually sleeping when the other is live, otherwise they'll have their screens open and lurk
crowley never bans trolls; they’re half his content. he enjoys backchatting and riling them up. his streams are notoriously chaotic because of little moderation and his rapidly shifting attention span
aziraphale’s mods ban trolls very efficiently, but he wouldn’t see their messages anyway, because chat always moves too fast for him. that’s not to say that he’s got a hyperactive chat; even slow mode would be too fast for him. he only ever catches every 5th message.
aziraphale is SO bad at reading chat, it's become a meme within his community that if he reads out/replies to you, you have been Chosen and need to go buy a lottery ticket asap
anathema mods for crowley, which mostly means just hanging out and insulting him when he dies in-game
newt is aziraphale's most revered mod, because whenever he tries to simply purge a mean message, he somehow accidentally IP bans the account. he's invaluable for managing troll attacks
their mods know they're together, but silently watch everyone lose their minds over the steadily growing conspiracy for their own personal entertainment
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occamstfs · 1 month
Gacha Bro
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Jk here's an actual video game TF haha! Bit of a trade with @artificial-transmutations ! Hope you enjoy this spin on a barbarian TF! -Occam
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Erik wouldn’t label himself a gamer really, sure he threw on a stream every so often and tried to at least keep abreast of what’s popular, but he just never really found a game to care all that much about. He is fairly confident that the game his friend Jack just sent him Achillean Dreams was sure to be another in a laundry list of mediocre games he’s had a go at. It looks like a standard Gacha game which he’s never really cared for, they’re quite pay-to-win and predatory. Though he supposes that a few of his friends quite enjoy Genshin Impact? Maybe it’ll be a little fun?
Jack says he needs Erik to download the app and start playing so he can get a free pull, and after grumbling that this is precisely why he hates gacha games he downloads the app from Jack’s link and starts at it. He’s greeted with a grandiose generic animation sweeping through some fantastical setting before being deposited at his first draw. Rolling his eyes that this is just a lottery app he clicks and watches as he grows slightly curious to what, or who rather, he would pull. The screen flashes a few times before light bursts from the screen before he hears a burly voice shout “Graugh! Let’s Go!”  as a barbarian burst onto his screen swinging an axe. It zooms into his face through a mist of sweat to land on his rage filled eyes and a barbaric smirk as text reads Congratulations! You Pulled Enki the Barbarian! The screen changes once more, this time showing Enki’s model just standing and posing with his axe, flexing at the camera as if to challenge the player. Erik blushes before grimacing.
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On the rare occasion he does decide to game he would never choose to play any kind of melee fighter type guy.  He taps through the menus to get to the gameplay so he can get this over with. Jack didn’t say exactly how much he needs to play but Erik is sure it’ll be clear. He starts maneuvering Enki through the world of the game, finding the controls incredibly intuitive as he finishes the tutorial and levels up. Doing so gives him a slight high, just enough of a rush to keep going. Might as well play a little longer considering he’s sure to never pick this game back up once he puts it down.
Entering the true starting area he goes around killing slimes and large spiders to get some experience points and level up. Each time he does so he finds himself growing more and more invested in the game, he can see why people like this after all, with each kill of some weak monster his warrior only grows more powerful which in turn helps him level up faster. He looks hungrily at his muscular character as he hears the chime of another level up and sees what new aspects and skills he has new access to.
In no time at all Enki is already level five and Erik uncharacteristically pumps the air in excitement before he shakes his head in shock at himself. He blushes as he sees Enki’s figure stretch in impatience on the level up screen. Man though, no wonder Jack wanted another pull in this game, it’s already quite addictive. He then hears his stomach grumble and is taken aback. He just ate didn’t he? He looks to the clock to confirm as the hunger overtakes him regardless of when his last meal was. He gets up to go grab food and finds himself shockingly sore. Jesus he needs to exercise more, or is he dehydrated? Just like Enki he stretches as he begins to make his way over to make a sandwich. 
He feels tensions familiar and new as he feels the pleasure in stretching his body to its limits. The hem of his shirt sits just a bit higher on him, exposing his thin waist and small treasure trail as his stomach grumbles once more. Alright already, he thinks as he throws together a meal and starts playing the game once more, just walking around and seeing what all the game has to offer. On the horizon he sees villages and castles that pique his interest as he struggles within his mind not to get too invested, he doesn’t want to throw money at this game.
Beginning his mindless grind for XP once more as he levels up his soreness starts to arise once more as he grumbles and adjusts his position. The couch creaks as his weight ever so slightly begins to increase, before once more his stomach demands his attention. “Jesus Christ! Why am I so hungry!?” He finds his blood starts to race as the irritation starts to rise. Perhaps he should give the game a rest. Deciding against having another meal he opts for junk and grabs a pint of ice cream. He’ll just hit the gym tomorrow.
Picking up a book he is taken aback as he realizes that thought just pushed itself into his mind. He has no gym membership, he’s never had one? He must have meant he’ll go for an, uh, hike or something? To distract his mind from that oddity he turns to start his book, quickly finishing his pint of ice cream as he struggles to sink his teeth into this book he thought he liked? He was quite invested last time he picked it up but at the moment he finds himself picking up and checking his phone an inordinate amount. His mind keeps thinking back to Enki’s muscular body as he impatiently taps his foot. He can’t seem to sit comfortably on the couch, be it the soreness or a rising anxiety in his body at sitting and reading this boring book. Ah, this book he quite liked, rather. He groans in irritation, and closes his eyes as he tries to work out what is going on with him.
Soon enough though, distraction arrives as Jack calls. “Dude you’ve gotta play more to get me my pull.” Erik opens his mouth to answer before noticing Jack sounds off, he asks, “Do you have a cold?”
He scoffs, “Erik, c’mon bro you just gotta get to level ten so we can both get good!” Erik again pauses as he listens closer to the other line, Jack is clearly amped about something more than this stupid little game, he then hears a familiar slapping sound and a deep grunt come from his friend and he calls out, “Jack dude! What? Are you mast-” Jack quickly interrupts him, “Chill bro of course not! Just, just uh. Here watch this level up thing and you’ll do it super fast, trust.”
The line goes dark as Jack apparently hangs up before sending a link to an ad for Erik to watch. Refusing to engage with the fact he was pretty sure his friend was masturbating just now he plays the ad and is shocked to find out it's for a partnership with a local gym!? His head sears with pain as he struggles to think of how weird this paired with him thinking about the gym earlier, but he is unable to make that leap as his eyes drink in muscular men pumping iron at the gym. It ends with a message saying players get a month trial. “God that’s bizarre.” 
He grimaces once more as he changes into pajamas and jumps into bed before taking advantage of his level up boost. He starts completing missions and defeating mobs as he approaches level ten at a rapid pace. He doesn't notice as his pajamas catch weird on his body as he lies there, his feet suddenly sticking out from beyond the blankets as he flexes his toes, not feeling as they surge a bit larger. As soon as he hits the milestone he lets out something between a yawn and a groan as he stretches, not noticing as he echoes deeper than he has ever sounded before. He finds no comfort in rest as he quickly drifts to sleep, his body tossing and turning in bed as he accidentally leaves his phone on, leaving Enki to accrue passive experience as continues to level up well into the night.
The root of Erik’s soreness makes itself apparent as he shifts in his bed, muscle starting to make itself known through his increasingly tight pajamas. He sweats completely through his clothes and leaves a deep pile of drool on his pillow as, unaware to him, he starts getting hard in his sleep as his cock grows larger than he has ever seen it before, his balls growing larger and hanging lower as he dreams of open fields and intense fights.
After no time at all however he wakes up with a start rocketing sweat into the room and tearing his pajama top. He is absolutely raring with energy that he needs to make use of. Before that though he sees a notification on his phone. Oh yeah, he didn’t use his pull did he. He smirks as he wonders what kind of hero he is to get next as he clicks through to roll hsi new character. As the light glimmers once more he hears a familiar grunt though as Enki once more dervishes with an ax through villains.
There is a slight disappointment in him as he sees he has somehow gotten this standard barbarian once more. Though seeing his stats improve as he now apparently has two starts sets him right as rain. His pulse races with excitement as he imagines how much better he will be. He quickly jumps out of bed, not noticing his pajama pants now rest at his mid-calf, and throws on some clothes to race to the gym to get his apparent free membership.
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He neglects to take an uber or a bus however as he instead just starts to jog to the gym, not pulling up directions either as he somehow is able to intuit his way. In a lingering act of curiosity at what other heroes he could have pulled he clicks through the mages and thieves and smirks as he is suddenly glad he didn’t get such weak looking characters. He feels his shoes tighten as his feet surge larger once more carrying him to his destination. Besides denigrating the classes he usually enjoys playing he finds his eyes also catch on one named “Sir Gilgar” some kinda kingly paladin type who is apparently close with Enki. He tilts his head with interest at this man as he arrives at the gym.
Standing still he suddenly notices that he forgot to put on deodorant at home. He sniffs at his pits wondering how much of an issue it is to be, he definitely smells worse than usual, though it’s definitely not worth the trip back home. He is called over by the man at the front desk who bears an odd resemblance to the bear of a blacksmith from the game. “Yo bro! You play A.D.?” Erik nods his head as the receptionist continues, “Enki yeah?” Erik stumbles back in confusion, “Uh Erik actually?” to which the man just laughs “hah, oh yeah that’s what I meant. You’re friend told me you might be in.”
There is then an arm around Erik's shoulder, though heavier and higher than any of his friends could possibly have. Before he can turn to see however he notices that his less than pleasant musk is immediately overshadowed by the stink coming from this pit right next to his face, and finds himself taken aback once more as he is jealous, at the stink, whispering “what the fuck?” as he turns to this mammoth of a man. 
The man before him is, familiar? He squints his eyes as he sees the chiseled chin and long wavy hair. Ah that’s why, he looks just like that paladin Erik just saw in game doesn’t he what was his name? “Gilgar?”
The man smiles and laughs heartily, a deep rumble that makes Erik blush as he looks down and pats him on the back. “Huhuh no bro,it’s me Jack! Thanks for downloadin’ the game dude it’s really helped me get uh, bigger? Yeah, huhuh! I was playin’ it all night.” Erik continues to stare the man up and down, struggling to find anything to reconcile that this is his friend Jack. As he does so though his memories quickly change as he hungrily stares at his defined chest and weighty biceps, this is actually what Sir Jack’s always looked like though? He then shakes his head to respond, “yeah I can tell dude, you certainly didn’t shower.” 
“Huh” Jack grunts as he raises his arm to smell his pit, exposing a deep bush that Erik can’t help but stare in to with a hungry jealousy. He laughs once more, this time though there is something more sinister in it as Erik realizes that he has been staring down back at him the entire time, with something ulterior in his eyes. Before he can start to inquire or investigate what that is though Jack messes with his hair and heads for the showers, “why don’t you go and get started Erik, gonna need a lotta work to catch up with me huhuh!” 
He turns and leaves Erik alone, as he feels a fire burn in his chest. He should use this. Erik puts the game away as he throws on a workout playlist and he starts going all out lifting weights and going at the machines. He doesn't wonder how he so perfectly knows how to carry his body and expertly perform flawless exercise at every turn. He smirks as his pulse continues to race as he goes all out to try and sculpt his body like Gilgar, er Jack did. There is an itch on Erik’s chest as he does so, hope it’s not a rash he thinks as he continues about the workout. He scratches at it as below his shirt hair begins to push out in the middle of his pecs. It swirls around aiming to cover them entirely as a similar itch starts winding his way up his stomach as his treasure trail expands thicker and darker, rising higher to connect his pubes to his increasingly expansive chest hair. The music on his phone changes without his notice to the songs from the game. Enki’s theme starts to rise in pitch as his grunts deepen with every thrust and pull of his workout. The deepest itch yet starts to emerge in his pits as he throws weights down to scratch at them  His hands absolutely rank with his pit sweat as he brings his hand to his nose and smirks as he looks down to his darker hair, smirking as he already feels more like a man.
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Erik then has the brilliant idea that if he switches to the treadmill where he’ll be able to play the game while still getting his blood pumping. Once he sets the treadmill going and pulls out the app, ignoring a picture sent from his friend, he sees that after starting his membership he has gotten another pull in game. He crosses his fingers this time desiring nothing more than to get himself, no, his Enki once more. He could not care about the improbability of it all as after the bright flash he hears the familiar grunt of Enki as he whispers under his breath along, still racing faster than he’s ever run before on this treadmill.
As he elevates his hero to three stars he finds himself running even faster on the treadmill. His stomps growing heavier as he continues to race faster and faster on the machine without lifting a finger or pushing a button to speed it up. He exhales through his nose like a bull as he feels his blood course through him, spreading a heat through the whole of his body. He clenches the arms of the treadmill just to exert further force upon it as his vision begins to grow red as he begins to outpace the fastest setting on the treadmill. Tears appear in his shoes and his thighs burst larger, absolutely tearing his shorts to shreds as he slams step after step into the track of the machine. He grasps at the knob of the treadmill trying to ratchet it faster than it’s max to little avail. 
His blood burns in his veins as he twists the button off the shoddy machine and every muscle in his body tenses and surges larger as he feels rage become impossible to control, displacing every thought in his mind. His shirt strains and then bursts as his chest flexes larger exposing the newly hairy curls on his still growing pecs as each expansive breath surges deeper and heavier. 
He strains to restrain himself  from enacting violence in the middle of the gym as he sees his phone fall to the floor, somehow midway through yet another pull without his input. He feels spit on his chin dripping through a beard he didn’t even notice he started growing as he breathes through his clenched teeth. It begins to push out even further, his jaw itching deeply from every angle as his stubble becomes a dense beard, thicker than he would have thought ever possible as Enki’s familiar theme begins to blare from the phone dropped on the floor. 
He pants as he struggles to hold back his rage though as the seconds pass he starts to wonder why he would ever do so, he is En- no he is Erik. He is a formidable, ugh. He clenches at his head as his legs push him higher into the air. He sees thick veins surge down his arms as they force themselves larger, hair darkening them up from his wrist and spreading up his biceps as his chest hair spreads to connect to his dense pits. His body begins to shake with the rage barely restrained.
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At this moment there is once more a friendly arm around his shoulder and a familiar musk immediately breaks through his mindless anger as he turns to see his friend. His rival? It is not worth interrogating, he closes his eyes and smells the musk of his long companion Sir Gilgar. He turns to look him directly in the eyes, finding himself directly at eye level despite being well below it when he first stepped into the gym. There is a cocky smirk plastered on his face as if he were used to being the most impressive man in the room. Erik finds himself readily agreeing with this assessment, as long as of course Enki himself does not hold the position, shaking his head as he flexes groans as his body struggles to expand even further. 
Erik shakes back to reality as he sees that Sir Gilgar has been talking to him, his eyes inscrutibly somewhere between a haughtiness and a hunger as he continues, “Sorry Enki are you not listening?” Erik feels his check burn and he groans as he responds, “I, I am Erik not ugh.” He feels his mind grow confused as he sees his friend, his bedfellow in front of him. Thoughts fly through his head from two worlds and he struggles to remember who, Erik is.
Seeing Erik’s eyes grow blank as drool begins to pool in his mouth Gilgar kneels to grab the phone and begins tapping through the menus of the game. Taking a moment to stare and smirk at his own reflection in the screen before navigating to a purchase menu for Erik. He sees the bulge in Erik’s shredded pants begin to grow heavier as he hands his phone to him and asks, “Why not get this over with Enki, just embrace it. Don’t you want to be with me? All you need to do is hit one button.”
Erik’s eyes blast back to focus as he grunts and his cock surges even larger in his underwear at the thought of being with the man in front of him. Without a thought he purchases one last pull and doesn’t even watch as he knows what is to occur. He feels his pulse begin to race as an itch spreads through his veins, every tendon and muscle in his body warms as he almost vibrates with energy. Gilgar leads him to the locker room as he continues to convulse and grow.
Memories of his life before this game fade without contest as he recalls life as Enki, the barbarian, the warrior. Pride surges through him as he remembers countless victories and the beyond countless days of training to ensure this. He recalls being the pride of his village, of his people, of Sir Gilgar’s eye. He remembers the fateful day they met and the wrestling match that ensued, the contest that locked them together ever more, and the subsequent wrestling matches that devolved into something even more primal.
These memories continue to surge into his head as he continues to follow his companion into the locker room. His suddenly confused at why he is in such a bizarre place, he is a warrior is he not? Enki scratches at his pit and sniffs the musty air before deciding not to care, thinking was more his friend’s purview. The only thing he is truly concerned about at the moment is the increasing weight in his crotch. Seeing Gilgar start to disrobe in the corner of this tiled room Enki’s lust grows beyond any ability to fight it as he pounces, not even thinking to remove his underwear as his cock pushes beyond the bounds anyway. The two then begin wrestling as they often do before it turns into the frotting that it always does these days.
Enki does not know or care for the game that he awoke obsessed with this morning. Nor will he ever again. In fact there are few things at all as he prefers to do anything but think. Though somewhere beyond his rage, beyond his lust, he will be grateful for that link sent by his companion for it has allowed him to experience truly mindless pleasure evermore.
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luxenvulpies · 7 months
[Missing-Link] CBT1 Info
Since the closed beta began, there has been a lot of activity with testers posting images, videos, and details (and some streaming). I've compiled some for easier browsing:
Character customization
Body types A and B
Character creation
Earring (whose?)
Some customization
Maku's drip
More drip
FFXIV Black Mage but green
FFXVI Jill Warrick
Purchasable outfits named after Final Fantasy jobs (each cost 2k jewels you know the ones)
Equipment menu
Vertical and horizontal resolution with seamless transition
Dive to the Heart tutorial (stained glass may be a spoiler)
More Dive to the Heart
Meeting other players in the hub area
Timed battles (apparently may not be all fights)
Timed battle footage (not enough info on who or what is the opponent)
Buzz Lightyear and Sulley piece usage
Charged attacks
Ranged Keyblade
Grand Chests that contains a piece
GPS and walking on buildings with no care in the world
Losing all health & reviving
Raid battle completion
Raid battle completion screens
Piece enhancement screens :worry:
Donald piece screen (JP)
Prince Phillip piece screen (JP)
Mickey piece screen (JP)
Sora piece screen (JP)
Defeating area bosses grant coins to exchange for accessories. Accessories are enhanced with a chance of failure. Using enhancement records will increase stats.
Auto gameplay result screen (JP): AP gained, defeated enemies, times activated(?), recovery spots used, treasure chests obtained, pieces obtained
Elemental wheel (no, this was not stolen from another game, so stop that nonsense)
Winnie the Pooh
Some pull rates (subject to change!)
2 banners
Sora, Riku, Kairi Pieces
Story (spoilers!!)
JP intro (not sure if the English version is dubbed No dub, yet anyway)
Scala ad Caelum logo appearing (not really a spoiler)
Posting any text here will spoil it - just click the link
Scala ad Caelum logo
Beta data size (~1.9GB)
Guide Moogle (Cute, kupo!)
Astral Plane battle music
AimmsBear's experience thread
Key_Cast's thread on game mechanics and some lore
Summary of Nomura's visit to the Artnia Cafe in Japan with reports from those who attended (via lottery)
Streamers/Video Archives
[leeadamsmusic3630] Multiple videos with specific features
[Dive Hearts] Game records/growth log, UI editor
Our Stuff
Post on spreadsheets with data from the closed beta
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kayleigh-83 · 17 days
Hi, could you share which ROS events you use please 😀
I know I'd shared these a couple times before, but I scrolled back a bit and it's definitely changed a lot since the last time, which was August 2022! Back then I had 48 on the list, now it's up to 70.
Putting more info and the full list behind a cut to save your dash!
I just keep all my gameplay notes and stuff on my ipad, easiest for me. I don't use an ROS program or anything so there's no weighting, no major or minor scenarios etc. I just use Siri or random.org to pick a number.
The scenarios are a mix of other people's lists I've found, plus ones I've made up myself. It's pretty nice to my Sims so there aren't any death or divorce ones or anything lol. I've removed some I used to use as my gameplay has evolved, if they no longer fit.
Day out - all eligible Sims go to a community lot
Movie night - invite friends over for a movie and snacks
Picnic - make food and go to a park for a picnic
Family reunion - invite over any known family members
Blind date - call matchmaker for a single Sim
New outfit - your Sim wants a new outfit, go shopping
Games night - no homework for kids, play games all night
Large pet adoption - get a cat or a dog, Roll dice to choose
Small pet adoption - a small caged animal will join the family (including rabbits)
Grouchy - your Sim picks d4 arguments with another
Vacation time - spend a couple nights away at a vacation destination (or more!)
Fitness regime - your Sim wants to work out, get fit and eat healthy
Rebellious - child or teen skips school and doesn’t do homework for 1 to 3 days, sneaks out, bad interactions
Date night - take a Sim couple out on a date
It’s a phase - a child will only wear a costume for 1 to 3 days, teens get a piercing or drastically change appearance
Party time - throw a party!
Friendly neighbour - chat up the next d3 walk bys
Bad influence - influence someone to do something stupid d4 times
Take advantage - influence someone to do you a favor d4 times
Exchange student - host a teenager from a foreign country; receive $5000 from the exchange agency to cover your expenses
Tired of cooking - order delivery at least once a day for 2 to 4 days
Shopaholic - patronize at least 4 different local businesses this round
Stray love - greet and interact with the next stray you see, try to adopt
Old pets, new tricks - teach a pet a new command
Lottery win - roll dice 1 to 10 and multiply by 10,000
Scratch card win - roll dice 1 to 10 and multiply by 1000
Worst fears realized - fulfill 5 fears in a rotation
Barber shop - change your Sim’s hairstyle
Four eyes - your Sim needs to get glasses
Witchy - become a witch for at least two rotations
Redecorate - choose a room or space in the home and give it a facelift
Identity crisis - change aspiration for this round
Reconnect with friends - invite 2-4 friends for an outing
Make Your Move - if single, try to initiate a romantic relationship with a Sim that you have a high relationship/chemistry with
Time to Commit - if you’re in a romantic relationship but uncommitted, take it to the next level (either go steady or engagement/marriage depending)
Scary dare - visit the cemetery at night
Dine out - go out to a restaurant to have a meal
Lead by Example - have your Sim encourage their child in a trait they value
Kitchen Renovations - no dishwasher or stove, just a sink and microwave or toaster oven, while you wait for the new appliances to arrive! (D4 days)
On the prowl - take a single (or romance) Sim out on the town to pick someone up for woohoo (or teen level activities)
Hobby Focus - Spend at least two hours every day doing an activity for your chosen hobby
Brace face - child or teen Sim must get braces for the round
Dye Job - dye hair a different colour for the round
Slumber Party - teen or child invites friends over for a sleepover
Cool Parent - try to befriend d2 of your kid’s friends
Playing Matchmaker - influence a friend to flirt with someone else
ISBI light - pick a Sim and control only them for 3 days
Creature of the Night - become a vampire for the round
Unexpected Tax Bill - lose d20-40% of your family funds to unpaid back taxes
Power outage - d2 days with no power (only make uncooked meals)
Family Heirlooms - inherit d3 family heirlooms from a distant relative; use kaching and purchase items of around $1000 each
Infertility - your Sim is sadly no longer able to have children!
Orphan relation - a close relation has died, leaving their child orphaned! As the closest living relative, you are now the legal guardian. Move in a toddler or child (d2). Receive $5000 from the government for your generosity to help raise the little tyke.
Rocky relationship - couple argues at least 2 times a day in the round
Great aunt/uncle in town - create an elderly Sim to come stay for the round - after they become a townie if desired
Bylaw fine - your Sim put the trash out to the curb too early and have received a bylaw fine - d6 x $100
Start a club! Find up to 3 Sims who share your hobby, and get to know them better. If you can participate in your chosen hobby together, even better!
Money tree! Your Sim finds a mysterious tree in a pot by their front door. The note on it says to use it wisely because it will only be around for a short time? Buy a money tree and keep for one rotation
Resurrect old friendships - call and invite over the friend your Sim has lost touch with the most (lowest relationship score while still being friends)
Customer appreciation day - to thank your loyal customers for their patronage, mark down the prices at your shop for a day and provide treats for your customers
Ambrosia - take a sip from the elixir of life (Roll to choose between adults or elders in the household)
Mate like rabbits - risky woohoo d5 times in the next 48 hours, hope there aren’t any unintended consequences!
Unexpected vet bill! Your little companion swallowed something they shouldn’t have and the bill comes to $5000! If you don’t have enough money, you might have to take out a loan.
Woohoo scavenger hunt - must woohoo on/in four different possible locations this round (bed, couch, car, photobooth, hot tub, changing booth, elevator)
Lost a dare - walk around in a silly costume for d3 days, go on at least one date or outing in it
Holding a Torch - your Sim is feeling nostalgic for their first crush; have them meet up for a date and see where it leads…
Running with the pack - become a werewolf for the round
I Want More! - your Sim now has six want slots
Changing Preferences - change all your turn ons and turn offs - will this affect how you feel about your significant other?
A Sudden Craving - change to grilled cheese aspiration for the round
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Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Beta News Roundup
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Kingdom Hearts Missing Link’s beta test has begun in Japan! Square Enix has announced that no videos or images of gameplay should be released by testers. However they are free to share their thoughts! This article will be updated as new impressions and thoughts roll in. 
The official KHDR_PR Twitter account has begun to release images of the game and missions for players. First up is a graphic detailing how players can use the touchscreen for movement and how the GPS system works.  
There are two gameplay modes: Pad mode and GPS mode
Your character can move alongside you as you walk. 
You can also move characters with the virtual track-pad. 
*edit* Movement AP can be obtained in walk mode. 
In Pad Mode you gain AP in battles
Battles can be automated in "hands-free mode" 
AP is required for battles, obtaining treasure boxes, etc.
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The team has also shared initial missions for beta testers to complete during the testing period. Much like KHUX, currency in the games is stated to be jewels. New mission content for testers will be released daily until the beta closes. For today, players are challenged to make to lvl 20 for free jewels. 
Mission Translations
1/13 7:00~ Grab your smartphone and get started traveling! 
1/14 7:00 ~ Area Boss Quest Released 
 1/17 7:00 ~ Raid Boss Quest Release
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Lucky beta testers who were selected via lottery are beginning to share their initial thoughts on the gameplay as well. Many of these impressions are posted on Twitter. Please do check out the #KHML tag and thank them for sharing! You can follow updates as they come live here. 
Graphics and gameplay are smooth and crisp, comparable to graphics on the Nintendo Switch. 
For beta, there is currently no controller support. Character customization is extremely detailed. Facial features, clothing, and accessories are available to choose from, including make-up. Your character does different poses as you’re customizing them. 
Story quests are seen to exist but are locked within the beta. 
You can collect materials to upgrade your keyblade. 
Changing your keyblade also changes your fighting style. Two keyblades are available, one ranged (shooting magic-like abilities) and one more up close for attacking. 
Heartless spawns are impacted by the weather. 
If you walk up to building you can jump/get onto it.
UI can be moved and changed to be more transparent and moves based on how you’re playing (horizontal or vertical)
On the pause menu you can leave the battle and return to the main map.
There are places to heal your character as you move around.
You can still move around normally in the game without GPS
Tutorial was in vertical mode but gameplay switched to horizontal. 
Many of the GPS features are similar to Dragon Quest Walk.
If you walk up to a building you can jump/get onto it. UI can be moved and changed to be more transparent and moves based on how you’re playing (horizontal or vertical) 
 On the pause menu you can leave the battle and return to the main map.
There are two keyblades to use and you can switch between them. First is Fortune Gear and second is Light Order. The names will probably change with official translations. 
 New Avatar pieces can be bought with jewels much like KHUX. 
 New Dearly beloved is beautiful
MP can be used up quickly in auto battle if you aren’t careful. 
 Raid battles are back! There seems to be an option for a friend feature in the future. No news yet on if you can take on a boss with friends like in KHUX. 
 It’s very important to finish the tutorial
There is a cooldown time for skills and abilities unlock as you level your keyblade. The appearance also changes as you level it up. 
 There two types of areas mentioned that you can explore. The town and the field. In town apparently, you can talk to one person for missions.
Gatcha system is back and 3* seems to be the highest rarity to get right now for the chess-like pieces, as seen in the trailer. 
 Treasure chests in the shop are a great use for jewels and net you various rewards. Helpful in leveling up. The shop seems very similar to KHUX.
There is an opening movie, but it is a short story scene instead of CG. This was confirmed by Aitaikimochi.  There is a beautiful new stained glass in the opening. Implied there is a Dive to the heart like in KHUX. Skuld may be in the stained glass, but this is unconfirmed. 
GPS is needed for certain features such as gaining activity tokens. In GPS mode you gain access to an Activity gauge. By filling it up through motion and fitness steps you can earn Activity coins for prizes.
Dodge roll and a charge attack can be completed with the touchscreen/a flick of of your finger. 
AP is a bit difficult to obtain in the beta. Hopefully this will change in the final version. 
Battery consumption is lower depending on the model, the mode you’re playing (GPS or trackpad mode) and how you use your phone while in GPS mode, (setting to power save mode, locking the screen etc.) 
Certain chests require tickets to open them. If you run out you can purchase them in the shop. Normal chests include materials to upgrade your pieces. Some treasure chests are easier to open than others. “Gorgeous” treasure chests include 3* pieces. 
The field and town BGM are new and sounds calm/gentle with a lighthearted tone.
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plumbaleena · 2 months
My Personal MCCC Settings for Storytelling
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I've had a lot of people ask me what my personal settings are for MCCC that make it easy to story tell. If you're part of my Twitch community, you'll know that I don't play the game, I tell their story. And when telling their story, I don't have time for them to take 100 hours to pick up and put down a damn infant, or go to the bathroom. So here are my own personal settings that you are welcome to try to see if it can help relieve some stress off of the game.
Life Stage
For my game play, I do custom days for all age groups (except newborns) and I also play with aging off from time to time. Depending on how the story is going and if we need a lot of extra time with a certain character, I will turn it off. However, when it comes to their normal age spans this is what I have.
How to edit the life stage in MCCC
Click on MCCC via a computer > MCCC Settings > Set Age Span Duration > Human > Normal
Life stage / Normal
Infants / 5
Toddler / 7
Child / 10
Teen / 14
YA / 35
Adult / 45
Elder / 25
Needs Decay
As stated before, I don't play this game, so my decay is set to 0, however you can change around the percentage you want so that it's slower, or faster.
How to edit the motive/needs decay in MCCC
Click on MCCC via a computer > MCCC Settings > Gameplay Settings > Motive Decay > Sim Motive Decay Percent > 0 [this is because I do not play the game]
Multiple BFF's
How to enable multiple BFF's in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MC Tuner > Change Interaction Behavior > Enable Multiple BFF's
Notification Settings
This section is for all the stupid ass notifications that come up that I could care less about. Like someone adopted some random cat, or a person won the lottery. Who CARES!? I only want to know if someone in my family has been visited by the Grim Reaper, so here's how to do that.
How to change your Notification Settings in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MCCC Settings > Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Notification Settings
Aging/Death Notifications / Show Death Notifications > Played Only
[Everything else is disabled]
Auto Bills
How to enable Auto Bills in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MCCC Settings > Money Settings > Auto-pay Bills
Disable Twins/Multiple Births
How to disable Twins/Multiple Births in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MC Pregnancy > Offspring > Maximum Offspring > 1
Change Autonomous Behavior
How to change Autonomous Behavior in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MC Tuner > Change Interaction Behavior > Allow Instant Upgrades, Disabled Monster Under the Bed, Enabled Multiple BFF's, Kisses Always Available Disabled, Stop Random Flirting Enabled
Change Interaction Autonomy
How to change Interaction Autonomy in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MC Tuner > Change Interaction Autonomy > Autonomous Mean Disabled, Autonomous Flirty Disabled
Relationship/Friendship Decay
How to change Relationship/Friendship Decay in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MCCC Settings > Relationship Settings > Romantic Decay Percentage 0, Friendship Decay Percentage 0
Add More Club Members
How to Add More Club Members in MCCC
MCCC via Computer > MC Clubs > Club Member Count 10
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eljeebee · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: You can answer one or both parts of this question! 1️⃣ Part one: If you make Story posts, what do you do for scenes? Do you build them yourself, do you download lots from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? 2️⃣ Part two: If you make Gameplay/Legacy posts, what do you do for a house? Do you build it yourself, download a home from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? Additionally, do you build onto that home or demolish it and rebuild the house when needed? (E.G When another child enters the picture or someone moves in) ❎ If you do none of those for either half, what do you do? Do you use someone else's save file? (WIndbrook by Folking, Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade by Theneighborhoodsave, Silent Pines by Silentpinessave... etc)
( freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
Hello Squatty! Thanks for ur hard work!
1️⃣ For scenes, I rely on my own building (and interior) skills. Sometimes, I also rely on the environment outside of a lot. (The wicked whims positioning helps a lot; I also need to try out that TOOL mod).
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A scene where I used the WW positioning system to position the Vatore siblings, and Louie and Sidera near the subway which is off-lot.
There is an instance where I had to download a lot off the gallery for a scene:
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Planet Honey Pop reno I got from the gallery.
Sometimes, downloading a lot off the gallery isn't just for a scene, but for a whole chapter! (e.g. the Del Sol Vanderburgs' vacation in Sulani where they rented three little huts)
Sometimes, it's best to rely on yourself when trying to build rooms for set dressing when it comes to stories. If you can't build, a shell build is your friend!
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This picture is technically not from a story post, but like a character card, but anyway, the backdrop in this picture is actually just a corner of a random lot, but it's a neat set dressing no?
A room with pure black backdrop is also a staple for me for scenes:
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The scene where Helen communicates with her niece through the latter's dream.
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The "black room" also symbolizes being inside of the mind, just like in this scene where Amelia is speaking to her father through telepathy. The black room has two uses: photoshoot, and mind palace.
2️⃣Though technically The Davis Legacy, and its side stories, is not a legacy gameplay anymore (and had become a story), houses are still important in my posts!
The Davis residence in San Sequoia was built by yours truly, with the help of blueprints! It is my favorite of all, because every room has character, and its walls had grown covered, filled with pictures of the family.
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Louie's room was his since his birth.
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Mason's first room, when he was a baby and a tot, was across Louie's and it only has one window. The family (or me) moved Sophia's office to the nursery, and the old office was refurbished as Mason's room when he aged up into a child.
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Sid's room was the house's parlor room, where the fish tank, and an old piano, was originally kept. They renovated it for her!
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I won't demolish this house, ever, because in-lore, Sophia and Jason wanted this house to be their sons' safe haven even if they're old. (IRL, the house is my baby) Since this is also technically generational, it's natural that the children would want to move out and grow their own family, but it's also natural that some of them would want to move back, so there's no demolishing...unless a rebellious heir sold it...😈
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The Del Sol Vanderburgs' mansion was a shell I downloaded from the gallery, which I decorated.
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This one is another shell I got from the gallery, which I also decorated.
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Sanguine, a live-in nightclub (all thanks to a mod), which House Straud runs, is built by me.
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The Hibiscus Hut where Perlas lives was also built by me!
The Davises had built their home with the lottery money, aligning it with San Sequoia's architectural designs, and expanded it more when their family grows. It's not as luxurious as the Del Sol Vanderburgs, but it's homey and cozy.
The Vanderburgs screams old money, a house bought by a rich rich family that lowkey serves as a vacation home turned permanent (or is it? 😈)
The Beau-Asvangs has a luxury penthouse because they're vampires, and they're extra, so of course Lady Lana would want to buy a home that is an equivalent to their castle in the olden times. It screams money, money, money.
The Strauds runs a nightclub, which also serves as an occult safe haven (and also a place where occults can exchange information). It has dimmed lights, in the club proper, a lot of seats, funky lights, very atmospheric. Ordinary people would miss the hushed whispers of hidden occults exchanging information...also, they have their own residential tower!
Perlas' hut is humble and simple. She is a mermaid, living in Sulani. She cares little for money and mansions and penthouses, because the real riches for her is her home, the ocean.
From over the top penthouses of the vampires, to old money mansion of the Vanderburgs, to a home built by luck and hard work of the Davises, to a mermaid's humble home by the ocean - to me, all of it reflects your sims' character.
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sourcreammachine · 6 months
rougelite-ish game set in the Doctor Who universe with two concurrent roguelite cycles. you play as a time lord starting out on an adventure across time and space, and when you die, you have to crawl off somewhere to regenerate. BUT you only have thirteen lives - and when you die permanently that time lord is uploaded to the matrix and all traits and progression are reset and you begin with a new time lord altogether
you pick from a selection of randomly generated academy graduates, with some innate basic traits, but your actions and levelling choices define who they are, NOT birthright. you can name them, and the several versions are by default referred to retrospectively as ‘The First [blank]’, ‘The Second [blank]’ etc but can be given custom epithets such as ‘The War [blank]’. time lords can permanently die before their thirteenth - when the regeneration process begins they receive a tiny amount of health back and must find a safe place, because if they are killed in this time they are dead dead. individual incarnations age, and eventually will weaken, slow, and die. regeneration is a lottery, it is ostensibly impossible for the player to control BUT is influenced by certain gameplay factors, with personality traits being governed by narrative decisions as well as pure randomness, with gameplay traits being governed by gameplay factors as well as pure randomness, and with time lords sometimes having an overarching gender preference (though with most being ontologically genderless and with the average time lord not having a clear preference and flipping between male-presenting, female-presenting, enby-presenting, or non-presenting). physical appearances are fundamentally completely random, though rarely your character will steal the face of a generated npc they’ve interacted with. you can speak with your dead time lords in the matrix
all player characters begin as obedient little academy graduates from the upper classes of gallifrey, and are given every opportunity to remain in the time lords’ good graces. as an obedient time lord you may only use TARDISes on time lord authority for time lord business, may not breach the no-interference policy, and may be bound to a full crew of six. of course, you have every opportunity to steal a TARDIS, but you will be declared renegade and you will be ostracised, though the game will open up massively to allow you fun and free will across the whole universe. all naked TARDISes are metal pods with small, white console rooms adorned with bright roundels. their chameleon circuit begins switched on, and can break, and can be switched off. you can turn on the blue boringers if you really want to go from A to B, but leaving them off allows for broader adventures. you can customise the interior aesthetic of the TARDIS as you like. when your time lord dies, their TARDIS will remain wherever they left it, and can possibly be retrieved by the next time lord should they have its key, letting them inherit the items and upgrades within. leaving it on gallifrey will allow the new time lord to beeline straight to it and avoid the time lords’ wrath
an incarnation will level up, gain perks become more powerful and experienced over time, but their incarnation-specific levelling will be reset at regeneration, with only the higher tier of ontological time lord levelling being carried forward, which still allows for a strong upwards power curve over the course of the thirteen lives. all of this gets reset at a permanent death. the only form of power curve established over the course of the entire game is based around your character’s actions - worlds can be made better for your later characters, items can be improved and bequeathed, TARDISes can be upgraded and reclaimed
you are not The Doctor and you are not their wannabe. though you (probably) will be a time lord renegade, that is not correlated with any sort of personality implications, or moral railroading. you can be a The Doctor, or a The Rani, or a The Master, or a The General, but you ultimately will be forging a path as The [insert name here]. if you play as a villain, your moral ills will affect the world but will not have a bearing on the nature of your future characters. the universe is your oyster, go live and die and have adventures
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5, 7, 12, 13, 17
ah yes the winning lottery numbers /j
5) Who's your favourite couple?
BAGI + TINA i swear to god it makes me want to bite, the way that they get reduced into just basic background tea drinking lesbians by the fandom so frequently. no! they're interesting!
They love each other to the point of invention (Tina's love for Bagi changed the whole gameplay strategy of Purgatory because she wanted to created tea for her), and neither of them tell each other their secrets, and they hide from each other, and they love each other, and Bagi doesn't want to lose people and Tina's possessive but recognizes it and tries to reel it back, and Tina hates herself and Bagi gave her a ring with I love you as you are written on it. And Tina's a demon who's guilty for falling out of her god's favor, and she calls Bagi angel.
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so yeah I'm normal about them
7) Who's your favourite roleplayer?
DIFFICULT. There's so many talented people on this server, it's fucking insane. Kind of have to go with Maximus though, the guy killed off his character because it was just the in-character way for things to go. That's commitment. Also every moment he had was great- Sofia? Casualonas? The theory bros? All roads lead back to Maxo.
And I have to shoutout Baghera for the same reason- She didn't kill her character, but she didn't flee from the nuke at the end of Purgatory because she knew that her character wouldn't stop looking for her daughter, and that's cool as hell. She's immersed!
The best roleplayer whose character isn't dead is probably Bagi, and I love her, I remember seeing her act in Ordem Paranormal and thinking wow, imagine if they got her on the server, but for favorite...Tina's really grown on me. She's got that je ne sais quoi.
12) What language would you like to see next?
TAGALOG, please. I'm biased because my Filipino friends have been wishing for it, but it would also be a relatively easy transition because the language has a lot of Spanish influence
13) Who has the best lore in your opinion?
FitMC for sure. Like shoutout to BadBoyHalo, all of the Fuga crew, and whatever Antoine has going on, they're also really, really good/interesting. But I'm going with FitMC because he consistently pushes the story and the understanding of the world forward, and with really interesting presentation.
17) Who's your favourite family?
The Richarlyson parent collective. There's just so many of my favorite characters in there- We've got Cellbit, Bagi, Pac, Mike, Felps, qQuackity, Roier, Fit. Unstoppable. And there's been so much care and devotion within these character dynamics. Plus Richarlyson deserves the world
Honorable mention to Slime, ElMariana, and Juanaflippa, though. They still haunt me
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 3 months
ObeyMe! Mammon's HC Bio
Headcanon of Obey Me! Mammon's character Bio: [Repost from AO3 + Descriptions cuz why not] This Bio is basically as reference in the fanfic. Series Link is found at the end of this post.
Warning: Most of them are based on the game and actual general info about demonology stuff// I didn't look into much
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Name: Mammon                     Human Name: Marc
[According somewhere in the Internet, 'Marc is a name that represents a tendency to exhibit extremes in terms of material success.' This can symbolize Mammon's materialistic needs.]
Sea Dog: [In the fanfic, Mammon is a dog so this is Floyd's name for him]
Marc: [Rarely Called Marc since most of the people he talked to doesn't care of calling a demon's name]
Power and Skills: 
Just like stated in the actual game, Mammon has better control of his demon powers but he doesn't mostly use it in his everyday life and just rely his physical abilities and being a con artist to get out of trouble most of the time
[Note to self: Levels are based on how big of a power they will need... For example: Level 01- a passive skill...no magic required means they can do skills without use of magic energy. Level 02 - Magic power is needed but less use Level 03- Full magic source is needed ; Needs a host if necessary.]
1 Master of Electrokinesis (Level 2)
[Associated with Speed, Mammon can manipulate electricity, may it be from existing power lines or from his own hands. He can generate lightning from the sky as well.]
Reason: He's a supposed fast runner so I imagined him as the flash.
2. Crow Summoning (Level 3)
[Mammon can summon crows in his bidding. He has thousand of crow familiars in his disposal. He mostly use them for covering ground and stealing shiny objects.]
Reason: It's in the canon and I think it's a very unique skill for him to have. Crows in stories and myths are known to steal shiny objects so it fits. And also the fact that crows with sunglasses appear during the gameplay in Nightbringer is a reference.]
3. Physical Upper Body and Leg Strength (Level 1)
[Mammon was a hard worker as an angel and often do labor work in the Celestial Realm however after becoming a demon and being ranked as second in the hierarachy, he often use his physical strength to get out of trouble.]
Reason: He's the second brother that can lift Beel and since he's a fast runner. He also has that leg power.
4. Super Speed (Level 2)
[Mammon is a fast runner naturally. This relates to his ability of Electrokinesis. He will even be more fast if Electrokinesis is involved.]
Abilities with Limitation:
Reason why there's Limitations: This is a reference on the general information about demons in real life. These abilities shows how demons can affect humans and how they interact with humans.
5. Sense of Wealthy Luck (Level 1)
[Despite Mammon, not having the best of luck for himself most of the time, Mammon can still be a lucky charm for mortals. Of course, that depends on what he thinks of that specific mortal. He can make them win lotteries or got themselves bankrupt if he so chooses.]
Reason: It's in the canon and I think it's a nice ability when interacting with humans. Human seeks his luck if they ever summon Mammon.]
6. Possession (Lv. 1)
[Just like any other demon, he has the ability to possess a human or animal and control them against their will. Demons can go in and out whenever.]
[Limitation: The human or mortal must have no magic affinity and must not be blessed by angels or in a holy sacred location that relates to heaven/ celestial realm.
If the human have magic affinity, this will serve as protection against possession
A human with magical that has made a pact with a demon have the option to be possessed since this is also a way to borrow magic or strength.
Being a demon that is next to Lucifer in the hierarchy, he has the ability to possess a mortal without any conditions.]
Reason: It is a reference to real life exorcism and demonic possession.
In TWST x Obey Me Fanfic: Yuki in a Twisted Wonderland Series
[tba because I haven't finished BOOK 3 in the Fanfic]
Dormitory: Unofficial Member of Octavinelle and Waiter working for Mostro Lounge.
Title in Night Raven : Worker in Mostro Lounge and being Azul's supposed support dog.
[ Fun fact from Author: He was supposed to be a crow upon arriving in Twisted Wonderland after Azul's overblot however, I think Mammon being a golden retriever is much more fun and interesting. He's a dog in the anime after all.]
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