#lotr monologue
snarkleharkle · 1 month
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hazy-cosmic-skies · 2 months
au where remus grew up with his muggle mum so he has a super deep interest in something like star trek, or like ancient egypt or lord of the rings, and sirius, who had never heard abt these muggle things could listen to him talk for hours
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Tolkien: "...You are familiar with Thorin's style on important occasions, so I will not give you any more of it, thought he went on a good deal longer than this"
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airyairyaucontraire · 9 months
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Shoutout to this Shirish fox from Chapter Three of The Fellowship of the Ring who never found out any more about it.
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carlandrea · 1 year
'That is true,' said Legolas. 'But the Elves of this land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk,
~ Us of the Silvan Folk ~
and the trees and the grass do not now remember them. Only I hear the stones lament them: deep they delved us, fair they wrought us, high they builded us; but they are gone. They are gone. They sought the Havens long ago.'
Legolas and Gimli share a hobby of going on little monologues about local history but like. They've got a different tone to it? Gimli's got a commanding presence; he's got charisma. He talks in a way that people listen.
Legolas does not seem entirely aware that anyone is listening to him at all.
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stanboromir · 2 years
one thing that the showrunners of rings of power did that made me so pleasantly surprised and relieved (and it was something that i didn’t even realized i was concerned about): is that that they were completely unapologetic about the themes they aimed to convey, even when they could be perceived as cliche. there was no ironic comment made after a heartfelt conversation, there was no fourth wall breaking after a long monologue about hope. there was absolutely no cynicism to it. one thing that makes me so tired in media is how common it is to underplay important moments because otherwise they would be too corny, everything needs to be self-aware, the audience needs to know that the writers also think that a heartfelt moment is ‘cringe’ when it goes on for to long, that, yes, the main character went on a full monologue about hope and love, but don’t worry guys! the comic relief character is about to mock this speech because how dare they be sentimental in a non ironic way? and it is such a breath of fresh air to see protagonists like galadriel, nori and elrond going on full monologue mode about their identity and their crisis with it, the importance of family, the search and belief in something bigger than they are, in the pursuit of the greater good and how it could be a treacherous road. i feel like this is such an integral part of tolkiens narrative, how all the themes of hope/despair, love/hate, war/peace, etc are laid out to the reader in a very honest and unapologetic way. jirt was deadass out there talking about the significance and the overwhelming power of friendship, how a real king can be recognized not only by his military knowledge, but by his ability to hope and to heal. THE WHOLE POINT OF THE HOBBIT WAS ‘THE REAL TREASURE WERE THE FRIENDS WE MADE ALONG THE WAY’. so yea, i love that the writers of the shows didn’t choose to go down the ironic route when approaching these themes
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orpheuslookingback · 1 month
i want more stories that mix and match genres that are rarely ever paired up together. idk like. hard boiled detective character archetypes and storylines but in a high fantasy setting. full on political thriller but its also a musical. cyberpunk setting but with a rom com plot. like they dont even have to end up working. i just want to see someone try some really out there concepts out, yknow?
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sunflowerbloomss · 10 months
"dune is boring" "lotr is boring" "shakespeare is boring" "assimov is boring" have you ever considered that not every book must read like a new adult fanfiction turned novel rom com
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gay-mooshrooms · 8 months
Just got back from Two Towers!!
Here are some photos
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witchklng · 2 years
so i’m reading myst: the book of atrus, and i just got to this horribly awkward father-son “bonding” moment between gehn & atrus - where have i seen this before?
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ah yes, in the masterpiece that is veggietales’ lord of the beans:
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anyways gollum in lotr doesn’t have nipples but you can see in one of the other scenes with frodo that hobbits do have them and he definitely didn’t lose them from living in a cave because why tf would he so that means that a side effect of the Ring is your nipples falling off
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theteaisaddictive · 2 years
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lord of the rings is funny! why did nobody tell me that lord of the rings is fucking funny!!
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
you asked me this a few days ago so now i am going to uno reverse card and ask you the same thing because i'm curious!! if you could live in any fictional universe what would it be?
kennedy hi!! ✨💖
oooohhh that’s hard. see all of my favorite stories are set in universes that aren’t exactly the most hospitable. like AOT has such rich and intricate world building, but it’s ya know…
ANYWHO off the top of my head, I would thoroughly enjoy being an elf in middle earth or maybe a fairy in one of the fairytopia movies. really any place with magic would be wonderful and I think like I’d fit in there.
I’d want a place that’s really beautiful and culturally vibrant, but not necessarily exclusively peaceful. I’m trained to fight with a small sword, rapier and dagger, and hand to hand combat so I feel like I could somewhat hold my own in a scrape. I used to dabble in archery too.
I feel like aesthetics of both places fit my vibe. I mean I sleep with a dagger that’s a replication of a king’s coronation sword on my bedside table and have a bunch of leather bound books with one of them being a secret box and a fake skull above my bed on a shelf. yet at the same time my room is also filled with flowers and fairy lights and is essentially all warm pinks.
so I guess TLDR: I’d wanna reside within a fantasy world where women identifying characters get to throw down, while still remaining kind and feminine if that’s important to them!!!
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defendglobe · 3 months
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this scene is so much. frodo needed sam beside him in order to carry the ring. and now that sam has to carry the ring all he wants is for frodo to be beside him too.
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kelseyvoices · 1 year
Holly Hunter performs the LOTR prologue.
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just-j-really · 2 years
If i had a nickel for ever afternoon i spent moping over my unrequited love for someone specifically because they indulged my general nerdiness on a level that made me feel Seen instead of just tolerated, i would have two nickels
Which isn't a lot but i guess it's reassuring that i eventually got over the first guy
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