pointlookout · 1 month
lori/giorgi au wedding nonsense 👇
The ceremony had gone off without a hitch.
Well, aside from the bride who’d drunk herself to the bottom of a bottle and could just about muster putting one foot in front of the other, and the groom whose egregious time-keeping had led to a forty-two minute delay.
If that was the exemplar of sophistication then the rest of the day would be set to run as planned.
Lori sits at a table with a cloth so white it hurts her eyes, barely touching the food she didn’t even remember agreeing to serve. An untouched glass of water, promptly shoved in her face by her maid of honour who’d claimed it was painfully obvious she’d stumbled down the aisle, sweats next to it, clinging on to its last few minutes of coldness as the last ice cube melts.
The Paradiso’s banquet hall was overflowing with pleasant conversation as guests got acquainted over under-cooked steak and cheap red wine, chattering almost deafening as Lori tried to gracefully hide the fact the room was spinning, and in an attempt to quell the hunger in the pit of her stomach she gulps down some of the lukewarm water.
A hand rests on her arm, and even through the chiffon fabric she could tell it was clammy, and she rolls her head to find her now-husband staring at her with an unwavering malaise. “You ain’t sick, are ya?”
Lori notices his eyes dart to her untouched plate, and in turn she spots that his is very much empty. She averts her eyes back to the attendees, hoping to flag a waiter who could top up her wine glass.
“Giorgi, I’m fine.”
He knew it was a lie, but the way her eyes glowered with a drunken cloudiness told him not to poke the bear. Instead, he offered a noncommittal hum before finishing what was left of his drink.
“I need to use the ladies room,” Lori murmurs to nobody in particular, and she stiffly rises from her seat as the room begins to spin even more.
People are staring now, and Giorgi wonders if he should follow her, tear into her and ask her why today out of all days she had to drink so much and embarrass herself—embarrass him—in front of all his family and associates.
But he doesn’t.
There’s something anchoring him to his chair, allowing him to save face and not round up any more unwanted glances.
He watches Lori wobble away, and in the corner of his eye he catches his aunt fire a forbidding scowl as one of the bridesmaids desperately tails after her.
He turns to his father who’s already throwing a disapproving glare his way, and a wave of sickness submerges him.
A waiter skims past effortlessly refilling empty glasses, and as soon as his is full Giorgi is downing it almost instantly. He almost considers knocking back Lori’s glass, but a blear figure in yellow catches his eye. The bridesmaid from earlier, Karen, Kay—he wasn’t sure, he didn’t really care—comes back, and her fretful look cleanly cuts through him like a knife.
That was all he needed.
His legs allow him to stand, and now only does the alcohol rush to his head and seep into his bloodstream. He ignores whatever his father mutters into his very-full glass of bourbon, as well as any curious eyes that follow his movement.
When he makes it into the hall he doesn’t spot anyone, and while wanting to turn around and now finish that other glass of wine, he presses on until he reaches the nearest restroom.
He doesn’t even need to listen out for Lori, for her drunken, raucous chatter is almost ear-splitting, and he doesn’t even bother knocking. A startled gasp comes from the maid of honour as he barges in, and she almost drops the cigarette she’d been nursing for the last ten minutes. Lori doesn’t even react.
He tells Sylvie to fuck off. Harsh, even by his standards, but he didn’t want a biassed ear interrupting whatever he’d haphazardly planned to say on his way here. He’d deal with the fallout later.
“If you haven’t noticed this is the ladies room,” is all Lori lazily offers him, and he can hear she’s trying her best not to slur her words.
He takes a bold step forward, then another, then more, until he’s inches away from her face and close enough to smell the concoction of booze on her breath.
“And if you haven’t noticed this is our fuckin’ day. Look at ya, you’re a fuckin mess!”
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m so sorry I’ve ruined your big day and made you look like a fool the same way you made me look like one,” she spits venomously. “Over half an hour I had to sit there and wait to see if you’d decide to show up or not, at that point I’d rather ya just leave me there. Least it’s easier to explain than whatever you were doin’.”
“This is what you—what we agreed to.”
“Yeah but not whatever this was.” She wildly gestures to her surroundings, her brown locks flailing with each sharp movement of her head.
“Well, you’re lucky any of this even happened. You ain’t exactly popular with some people.”
“You think I haven’t noticed? Like I really care about what a bunch of rich people I don’t even know think about me,” Lori laughs bitterly, eyeing the pack of cigarettes Sylvie had left on one of the restrooms’ sinks.
“Yeah well maybe you should,” Giorgi mumbles, but he didn’t care if Lori heard him. He follows her gaze, and he deliberately shuffles to block her view.
Lori lets out a huff, declaring, “I’m not goin’ back out there.”
Giorgi notices an uncharacteristic glint of apprehension in her eye, and there’s a part of him that doesn’t blame her. He’d felt as if he was suffocating, and it wasn’t from the humidity or his too-tight necktie. His father’s well-voiced disappointment rings in his ears, and it was one of the things that had fueled his ire, but Lori’s unease was a sobering reminder that the day would only go to plan if she was placated. For once, he decides to be reasonable.
“Go and clean yourself up. I don’t care what you do but you got half an hour. I’ll just tell people you’re sick.” He knew people wouldn’t believe him but at this point he didn’t care.
Lori crosses her arms in defeat. The buzz from the wine had waned, and whatever energy she’d had earlier had been sapped out of her.
Giorgi turns on his heels, not even giving her a second glance as he leaves her, and before the door swings shut he’s certain he hears the click of a lighter.
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
Word Count: ~200
Universe: Mafia Trilogy (3)
Submissions: open!
POV: 3rd Person Limited
Original Character: Lori Roux, owned by @pointlookout
“You actually fuckin’ believed me.“
“You tellin’ me I shouldn’t have?”
“Should I write it down letter-by-letter?” Lori’s biting the inside of her cheek to avoid a laugh escaping her mouth as she watches Giorgi’s face pale in anger. Look, being with him wasn’t a full-on waste of time, but it was a drag-and-a-half when he started getting serious. “So what, I said shit. Damn shame. You’re still alive, right? You can get the hell outta here at any time-“
“I can’t do shit. If it ain’t me gettin’ gutted by Lincoln, it’s my old man.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“You motherfucking bitch-“
“Oh I’m the bitch? I didn’t fuckin’ shoot my best friend and goddamn miss!”
Lori has a smile on her face. She’s getting a rise outta all of this, knowing that Giorgi wouldn’t do jack-shit to her while Lou was still alive and still technically her “boss”. The death of a top-earner would not end well for anybody.
But something pings in her head when Giorgi goes silent.
She laughs one more time. “No one with a brain would believe me.”
Not even herself.
A/N: I really struggled with this one because I can’t quite get into her head as well as the other characters I’ve written. That being said, this was fun!
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nardogranata · 9 days
D'anna goal-capolavoro. Il Nardò vince soffrendo
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Goal 57' D’Anna. 
AC NARDÓ (4-3-1-2): Viola; De Giorgi, Lanzolla, Gennari, Dibenedetto; Ceccarini (84' Borgo), Guadalupi (88' Mariani), Ciracì (83' Russo) Gentile (58' Dambros), Dammacco (58' Addae), D’Anna.     Bench: Della Pina, Cellamare, Ria Nzuzi, Milli.
Head coach: Massimo Costantino.
ASD ROTONDA (3-4-3): Sakho; Bran (84' Dridi), Fusco, Brunet, Marchetti, Callegari (83' Attye), Bamba (70' Seck), Timmoneri, Fernandez (70' Ankovic), Barile, Mirante (66' Alari).                                  Bench: Njie, Sollini, Marino.
Head coach: Giuseppe Pagana.
Arbitro: Loris Graziano di Rossano.
Assistenti: Giulio Pancani e Niccolò Agostino di Roma 1.
Ammoniti: Dammacco (N), Fernandez, Dridi (R) Espulso al 60' Barile. 
Vittoria di misura del Nardò che fatica non poco a venire a capo di un Rotonda combattivo e ben organizzato. La squadra di mister Pagana ha praticato un asfissiante e continuo pressing sui portatori di palla neretini impedendo di giocare con linearità e con la tipica pericolosità.
Partita disturbata dal vento con traiettorie falsate soprattutto sui calci piazzati inaspettatamente imprecisi. Il Nardò ha provato nei primi minuti a sorprendere la retroguardia lucana con gli inserimenti di D'Anna e Dammacco ma ha trovato in Marchetti e Bran difensori sempre attenti in chiusura.
Dopo aver rintuzzato i primi assalti del Nardò, il Rotonda si è reso pericoloso prima con un tiro di Timmoneri, respinto in corner da Viola e pochi minuti dopo con Barile, lesto a rubare palla a Gennari e a calciare a colpo sicuro in porta trovando la pronta risposta di Viola che in acrobazia respingeva a mano aperta.
Il Nardò prova a scuotersi ma non impensierisce Sakho. Si va negli spogliatoi sullo 0-0.
Nel secondo tempo cambia il vento ma non l'inerzia del match. Rotonda sempre proteso in avanti in pressing e Nardò in difficoltà a "uscire" palla al piede. Al 50' corner pericoloso di Timmoneri neutralizzato da Viola. Momento difficile per i granata e, come succede nel calcio, arriva il goal a invertire le sorti del match.
Guadalupi con azione insistita riesce a innescare D'Anna al limite dell'area. L'attaccante controlla spalle alla porta, ruota su se stesso e piazza con una parabola "no look" il pallone nell'angolo basso della porta. Goal bellissimo, partita sbloccata e indirizzata.
Il rotonda reagisce con veemenza. Forse troppa. Barile si invola subendo il contrasto (e la trattenuta) di Gennari, si ferma chiedendo il fallo ma l'arbitro lascia correre. Gennari riprende palla e Barile lo falcia con cattiveria. Rosso diretto. Ingenuo, evitabile ma giusto.
Costantino manda in campo Addae e Dambros per Dammacco e Gentile. I granata trovano equilibrio e forza in mezzo al campo lasciando al Rotonda solo qualche sfuriata improvvisata. Al 90' è Dambros ad avere la palla del 2-0 tirando però alto. Il Nardò riesce comunque a controllare il match e ad incassare i tre punti per rinsaldare il terzo posto. Al Rotonda rimane la bella prestazione e il rammarico di aver perso al testa nel momento più importante.
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
"Veniamoci incontro a teatro": la stagione teatrale 2023-2024 ai teatri Apollo e Paisello
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"Veniamoci incontro a teatro": la stagione teatrale 2023-2024 ai teatri Apollo e Paisello. Fabrizio Pugliese, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Compagnia del Sole, Vanessa Scalera, Luca Bizzarri, Giorgio Colangeli, Mariano Rigillo, Lella Costa, Elia Schilton, Francesco Montanari, Cristiano Caccamo, Lucia Vasini, Lorenzo Lavia, Paolo Triestino, Valentina Bartolo, Angela Finocchiaro, Bruno Stori, Giuliana De Sio, Alessandro Haber, Lunetta Savino, Paolo Sassanelli, Lucia Zotti. Lecce. L’attenzione ai tempi della comunicazione compulsiva da web, le dipendenze da gioco, lo sguardo interiore e il saper essere grati all’altro, la terza età, la famiglia, la paura di perdersi. Questi sono i grandi temi della stagione teatrale 2023_24 del Comune di Lecce con il Teatro Pubblico Pugliese che si svolgerà nei teatri Paisiello e Apollo dal 29 novembre prossimo. Un cartellone che non si limiterà al teatro nel teatro, ma che come sempre coinvolgerà il pubblico degli studenti e dei più piccoli, con una serie di iniziative già sperimentate e di successo (laboratorio dei bambini -palchetti laterali e formule di biglietti ridotti per i gruppi – vedi allegati). Quattro spettacoli al Teatro Paisiello, otto al Teatro Apollo, per un totale di dodici titoli. Saranno Fabrizio Pugliese e Fabrizio Saccomanno ad aprire le danze il 29 novembre al teatro Paisiello, nel racconto della genialità di Ennio De Giorgi, uno dei più grandi matematici italiani di origini leccesi: Verba Manent-canto per Ennio De Giorgi. Coproduzione con il Dipartimento Matematica dell’Università di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, UMI Unione Matematica Italiana e con la collaborazione di Università del Salento. Sempre al Paisiello, il 13 dicembre, la Compagnia del Sole, regia Marinella Anaclerio, con Il giuocatore, di Carlo Goldoni, attualissima pièce sui meccanismi mentali del giocatore patologico, sulle conseguenze delle ludopatie, i coinvolgimenti e gli stravolgimenti dell’ambiente sociale attorno. Con Stella Addario, Flavio Albanese, Antonella Carone, Patrizia Labianca, Loris Leoci, Tony Marzolla, Luigi Moretti, Dino Parrotta, Domenico Piscopo. Il nuovo anno si aprirà invece al Teatro Apollo, il 9 gennaio in scena la Imma Tataranni, Vanessa Scalera in un lavoro di Filippo Gili (suo compagno nella vita): La sorella migliore, con Daniela Marra, Giovanni Anzaldo, Michela Martini, la regia di Francesco Frangipane. Intenso e appassionante dramma familiare, tra senso di colpa e rimorso in un mix di sentimenti e riflessioni. Il 20 gennaio al Teatro Apollo in scena la sociopatia, Non hanno un amico, con Luca Bizzarri, autore e interprete di uno spettacolo di un’ora a tambur battente ispirato all’omonimo podcast edito da Chora Media. Si racconta comunicazione politica dei nostri tempi, i fenomeni social, i costumi di un nuovo millennio confuso tra la nostalgia del novecento e il desiderio di innovazione tecnologica e sociale. Esistenziale e d’impatto I due Papi (26 gennaio-Teatro Apollo) due colonne del teatro e della tv, Giorgio Colangeli, Mariano Rigillo, regia Giancarlo Nicoletti, testo teatrale da cui è stato tratto un film Netflix di grande successo. Fra documento storico, humor e dramma, lo spettacolo ripercorre non solo i giorni frenetici che portarono dalla rinuncia di Benedetto all’elezione di Francesco, ma anche le “vite parallele” di due uomini molto diversi, accomunati dallo stesso destino. Bellissimo anche il romanzo Le nostre anime di notte di Kent Haruf dal quale è tratto lo spettacolo del 3 febbraio al Teatro Apollo con Lella Costa ed Elia Schilton. Vedovi ultrasettantenni, che vivono da soli a pochi metri di distanza, e che decidono di condividere il resto della vita, ma di notte, appunto, solo per stare insieme e chiacchierare nel buio prima di cedere al sonno. Ma la società non è pronta a concedere a chi entra nel terzo tempo della vita un sogno romantico. Il 13 febbraio siamo al Teatro Paisiello, Francesco Montanari, Cristiano Caccamo. Sesto potere- Nascita di una democrazia violata dall’odio, dal denaro e dalla vendetta, scritto e diretto da Davide Sacco e con altri due attori. Il sesto potere, il web, molto più sottile, molto più infimo, scivola tra gli smartphone, nelle notifiche Facebook e nelle stories su Instagram. Un potere invisibile, come è sempre invisibile chi lo comanda ed è sempre ignoto perché lo fa. Un pericolo nelle nostre mani, un lavaggio del cervello continuo, forse, un potere da cui nessuno di noi può scappare. Tre ragazzi lavorano per il partito di destra: creano fake news per manipolare la campagna elettorale. Le gratitudini al Teatro Apollo il 22 febbraio (con Lucia Vasini, Lorenzo Lavia, Paolo Triestino, Valentina Bartolo), dal romanzo di Delphine De Vigan. Esame su quante volte diciamo, se lo diciamo, grazie. Un dirompente inno alla vita, dove quattro esistenze si intrecciano in un mirabile incrocio di sentimenti, passioni, rimpianti. Visionario, metafisico Il calamaro gigante, il 19 marzo al Teatro Apollo, con Angela Finocchiaro e Bruno Stori e otto performer. Se nel mondo esiste il calamaro gigante, allora non c’è più un sogno che sia irrealizzabile, una battaglia inaffrontabile, un amore impossibile. Le onde della vita che stravolgono la corsa di una donna in un vortice fuori dal mondo e dallo spazio. Il 5 aprile al Teatro Apollo: Giuliana De Sio, Alessandro Haber, La signora del martedì, di Massimo Carlotto con Paolo Sassanelli, Riccardo Festa, Samuele Fragiacomo, la regia di Pierpaolo Sepe. L’amore rubato, l’amore che riesce a nascere anche in situazioni occasionali, la storia di Nanà che ogni martedì, tra le quindici e le sedici, va a comprarsi un’ora d’amore e di un attore porno al tramonto rimasto con quest’unica cliente. Gli ultimi due spettacoli: il 16 aprile al Teatro Apollo: Lunetta Savino ne La madre di Florian Zeller; il tema dell’amore materno e le possibili derive patologiche, la decadenza dell’amore coniugale. La stagione si chiude al Teatro Paisiello, il 23 aprile, Paolo Sassanelli (già in stagione con Haber e la De Sio) e Lucia Zotti (attrice barese nota anche al grande pubblico della tv come la simpatica madre di Imma Tataranni) sono diretti da Alessandro Piva, nuovamente alla regia e scrittura teatrale (regista dei film Lacapagira e Mio cognato): Quanto basta.Una giornata come tante per una coppia di anziani coniugi della piccola borghesia cittadina. Un atto unico in cui Piva alterna toni comici e surreali a momenti di malinconica poesia, e ore il ritratto di due esseri umani in cui lo spettatore non potrà fare a meno di identificarsi.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto fino a fine Agosto 2019 ǁ ultima della stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers,            con questa chiudiamo la nostra sedicesima stagione, ci vediamo      (forse, se lo vorrete) a Settembre.            CHECcO & LoRIS            «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti»            ► Made In PoP segnala ◄            ►►► ROSPI IN LIBERTÀ            Festival ◄◄◄      ►►► 9-10-11 AGOSTO 2019 ◄◄◄      Rocca dei TEMPESTA piazza Castello NOALE (Ve)            http://www.rospiinliberta.com/programma-2019/        https://www.facebook.com/events/363503184312049/              tre giorni di musica indipendente, tre giorni di relax e stare      bene all'interno di una location fantastica, artigianato,      volontariato, book sharing, etichette indipendenti, chiacchere e      tante cose belle.      il programma prevede:      Venerdì 9 Agosto > ALBERTO ALMAS (synthpunk/VI)      + KILL YOUR BOYFRIEND (postpunk/TV)      inoltre si festeggiano i quindici anni di attività dell'etichetta      SHYREC.      Sabato 10 Agosto > TIJUANA HORROR CLUB      (swing'n'roll/BS) + LITTLE TAVER &        His Crazy Alligatots (rock'n'roll/PC)      Domenica 11 Agosto > L'IMPERO DELLA LUCE      (magnetic fields & visual/TV) + BLAK SAAGAN (cosmic      psyctronic/VE) + TONI BRUNA      (songwriting/TS)      si ricorda di venire presto che i concerti iniziano e finiscono      presto.            ► FESTIVAL      ◄       ► PAMALI Festival 8-11 Agosto      Passo San Boldo (BL) decima edizione di questo festival dal gusto      tropicale che si tiene tra le colline tra Treviso e Belluno,      artisti Folkabbestia, Rebel Rootz, Bomba Titinka e altri      https://www.facebook.com/events/321571271861579/       ► MALCESINE BLUES Festival 9-10      Agosto Giardini Comunali MALCESINE (VR) undicesima edizione del      festival gardesano organizzato da Associazione Onde Sonore,      suoneranno The Fireplaces, Al & Jay & Stonecrazy      https://www.facebook.com/events/394438667947690/       ► SUMMER CROCK Festival fino al 19      Agosto impianti sportivi Via Sandra 39 BORGHETTO di San Martino di      Lupari (PD) all'interno della sagra ci sarà uno spazio giovani,      suoneranno Sick Tamburo, Punkreas, Necrodeath e altri      https://www.facebook.com/events/2804971993062043/       ► AGOSTO in FORTE via Forte      Marghera 30 MESTRE 8-11 Agosto concerti ed ottimi cibi tutte le      sere al Forte Marghera, suoneranno Bloody Millionaire Zagreb Ale      Ragazzo https://www.facebook.com/events/898125167210529       ► ANGURIARA 2019 dal 9 al 17      Agosto campo sportivo parrocchiale FARA Vicentino (VI) torna il      grande evento dell'alto vicentino, suoneranno tra i tanti Cactus?      BeeBeeSea Freez LaMuncipàl Giorgieness Julie Auza Leslie Lello il      ricco programma qui      https://www.facebook.com/events/458443948262696/       ► BART MUSIC Festival dal 23 al 28      Agosto piazza IV Novembre MESTRINO (PD) sei serate di grande      musica con Cactus? Tin Woodman the Lizards'Invasion Vanarin,      supervisione Brexhip      https://www.facebook.com/events/1490897677712643/       ► OBLIQUE Festival 28-31 Agosto      piazza Tobagi San BIAGIO di Callalta (TV) festival organizzato      dall'Associazione Oblique, suoneranno Cacao Mental, Ornello, i      fumetti del TCBF e de Lo Stato Sociale e altro      https://www.facebook.com/events/385599848752163/            ► SETTIMANA ◄      ► VENERDÌ 9 Agosto        Ϫ MAPPALUNA è Fantasia via Ticino 11 PADOVA atmosfere gipsy      al Parco Fantasia con il duo LUMAKALÈ + djset TSO.        Ϫ Bar AE ROSE via Battisti MARSANGO di Campo San Martino (Pd)      festa punx di mezza estate Ae Rose con le band The MANY GRAMS e      STÜNN.        Ϫ La STAZIONETTA borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) in      versione duo la cantautrice Elisa ERIN Bonomo.        Ϫ Osteria CASTRUM via Castello 21 San PIETRO in Cariano (Vr) La      Verona Bene presenta il settimo volume della propria compilation,      per l'occasione suoneranno TRIO CANAIA folk/blues e MYSTIC MAJESTY      spacerock.            ► SABATO 10 Agosto        Ϫ Villa PISANI riviera Belzoni 22 MONSELICE (Pd) la tradizione      balcanica reinterpretata dal progetto AJDE ZORA con alla voce la      cantante serba Milica Polignano.        Ϫ GEKYGIO via Albarese TREMIGNON di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd)      ospitelive in giardino il cantautore SANKETTI.        Ϫ PADIGLIONE 9 via Forte Marghera MESTRE Ghiaccio Nove presenta      due set di industrial drone improvvisato per INFERNAL NOISE e the      DEATHMAKER.                  ► DOMENICA 11 Agosto        Ϫ PADIGLIONE 9 via Forte Marghera MESTRE dalle 20:30 Ghiaccio      Nove punk/lofi/garage per il combo cagliaritano The MOO-RAYS, in      apertura il local-idol WASTED PIDO one/man/band.              ► LUNEDÌ 12 Agosto        Ϫ Anfiteatro del VENDA via SottoVenda 54 GALZIGNANO Terme (Pd)      ore 20:30 EveryWhereGigs in collaborazione con Freakout Club      presenta l'esclusivo live degli FLIPPER (eighties proto-grunge)      con Mike Watt (Minutemen) e David Yow (Jesus Lizard).              ► VENERDÌ 16 Agosto        Ϫ MAPPALUNA è Fantasia via Ticino 11 PADOVA ad animare il parco      Fantasia il fresco afrofunk del combo SAVANAFUNK composto da Aldo      Betto, Blake Franchetto e Youssef Ait Bouazza.            ► SABATO 17 Agosto        Ϫ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) contro la canicola      ferragostana l'alternative rock per i giovani GUILLAIN-BARRÈ.              ► DOMENICA 18 Agosto        Ϫ GATTO ROSSO via Forte Marghera MESTRE sul palco grande rock      psych and progressive per i giovani VINILE.        Ϫ CA' SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS.Fabiano e Sebastiano 13      PADOVA quesa sera protagonista DROVAG ovvero Alessandro Vagnoni      (Ronin, Bologna Violenta, e altri) nel suo nuovo progetto solista.            ► MARTEDÌ 20 Agosto        Ϫ DUMP meets NEA Osteria da Nea via Alzaia sul Sile 22 SILEA      (Tv) cantautorato per la brava NILZA COSTA (BRA) + djset Star on      45.            ► MARTEDÌ 27 Agosto        Ϫ Bastioni SAN FRANCESCO via dell'Autiere VERONA ore 20:00      Colorificio KROEN presenta la data unica italiana per DEERHOOF      dagli States scanzonato poprock/indie/alternative in apertura i      loclas FUTBOLÌN.        Ϫ DUMP meets NEA Osteria da Nea via Alzaia sul Sile 22 SILEA      (Tv) da Soviet Studio Dischi il cantautore LIMONE + djset del      carismatico Roger Ramone.              ► GIOVEDÌ 29 Agosto        Ϫ Osteria NÒVA via Ca'Mori 61 ESTE (Pd) arriva nella bassa      padovana il trio femminile KALAHYSTERI country/folk/blues + djset      LaRRRoby (In The Bottle Records).            ► SABATO 31 Agosto        Ϫ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32      SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) in collaborazione con THREE BLACKBIRDS arriva il duo      art-pop raffinato olandese CIAO LUCIFER,      in aperturai modenesi Le PICCOLE MORTI noir-rock.              • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/      • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/      • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/      • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/      • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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edicoladelcarmine · 2 years
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La Chiesa Madonna del Carmine di Carrara (MS), si trova in Via Loris Giorgi ed ha una architettura barocca. Il 30 dicembre 1587, il principe Alberico I Cybo-Malaspina donò un convento ai Carmelitani provenienti da Fivizzano (MS). L'anno successivo, all'edificazione della chiesa e del convento, si unirono i confratelli della "Rosa" che avevano un piccolo oratorio vicino al Duomo. La Chiesa del Carmine venne consacrata ufficialmente dal vescovo di Luni, mons. Giovanni Battista Selvaggio il 22 maggio 1605. Il convento, eretto da Paolo V con bolla del 9 maggio 1609, fu terminato nel 1610. La chiesa venne dotata di pavimentazione nel 1612.Il presbiterio venne trasformato nel 1971 su richiesta dei RR.PP. Gesuiti con interventi che videro l'eliminazione della balaustra, la costruzione di una mensa marmorea e la trasformazione dei due piedistalli laterali in amboni. Per saperne di più: https://edicoladelcarmine.suasa.it/Carrara.html Per aggiungere informazioni: [email protected]
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Armenian Academics For Black Lives Matter
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/politics/armenian-academics-for-black-lives-matter-28718-02-07-2020/
Armenian Academics For Black Lives Matter
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A scene from a recent Black Lives Matter protest in Los Angeles, Calif. (Photo: Armen Adamian)
Three Armenian doctoral students from UCLA—Natalie Kamajian, Armen Adamian and Lilit Ghazaryan—penned the following statement to express solidarity for the Black Lives Matter movement. This initiative is intended to unite Armenian academics globally across various disciplines in their commitment to advancing anti-racist methodologies, perspectives and practices.
We, a group of Armenian academics, want to collectively express our support for the Black Lives Matter movement. As educators and knowledge producers, we cannot be neutral in the face of systemic oppression fueled by anti-Black racism in the United States and around the world. This is a call to all Armenian academics to actively dismantle white supremacist logics in both our personal and professional lives.
In understanding our own Armenian experience, we acknowledge that historical injustices are often reproduced in present hierarchies of power. We know that the Black experience is defined by perpetual injustice rooted in chattel slavery—specifically systematic marginalization, mass incarceration, manufactured poverty, and ultimately murder. Furthermore, the United States is a settler-colonial project founded on the genocide of Indigenous nations. This legacy of stolen land and stolen labor is a foundational element of the US capitalist enterprise. The Armenian past—rife with state-sanctioned oppression, genocide, dispossession, and exile—informs our position today. In recognizing these connections, it is our ethical obligation to challenge hegemonic systems of power in all of its forms. 
At this critical juncture, we are reminded of the key role played by scholarship during social justice movements. We, as Armenian academics, promise to actively fight against structural anti-Black racism. We must interrogate our role in the reproduction of white supremacy. We must take issue with our direct or indirect investments in establishments that racialize, exploit, and impoverish communities. To do this, we call on our colleagues to decenter whiteness and eurocentrism in our pedagogies and curricula, and to make concerted efforts to engage the methodologies of Black radical thinkers. We also pledge to advocate for police divestment at our respective colleges and universities, and to help reimagine new strategies for public wellness and communal safety. Lastly, we will work towards building solidarity with other scholars of color (in particular Black and Indigenous) to advance meaningful allyship.
We, the undersigned, profess a vested interest in disentangling Armenianness from the mythology of whiteness. We promise that the knowledge we produce will be radically anti-racist and will side with those who are oppressed by harmful ideologies and repressive systems of power.
Natalie Kamajian, Ph.D. student, Culture and Performance, UCLA
Armen Adamian, Ph.D. student, Ethnomusicology, UCLA
Lilit Ghazaryan, Ph.D. student, Anthropology, UCLA
Signatories as of July 2, 2020
1. Melissa Bilal, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Fellow and Lecturer, Center for Near Eastern Studies and Department of Ethnomusicology, UCLA 2. Janice Okoomian, Assistant Professor of English/Gender and Women’s Studies, Rhode Island College 3. Shushan Avagyan, Assistant Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia 4. Tamar Shirinian, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 5. Hourig Attarian, Associate Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia 6. Karena Avedissian, Ph.D., Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham 7. Susan Pattie, Honorary Senior Research Associate at University College London and former Director of the Armenian Institute in London 8. Arto Vaun, Chair, English & Communications Program, & Director, Center for Creative Writing, American University of Armenia 9. Lerna Ekmekçioğlu, Associate Professor of History and Women and Gender Studies, MIT 10. Nelli Sargsyan, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Marlboro College, Vermont, USA 11. Hrayr Attarian MD, Professor of Neurology, Northwestern University Chicago, USA 12. Seta Kabranian-Melkonian, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Services,  University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA 13. Markar Melkonian, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, California State University, Northridge, USA 14. Elyse Semerdjian, Professor of History, Whitman College 15. Houri Berberian, Professor of History, University of California, Irvine 16. Sophia Armen, Ph.D. Student, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego 17. Rosie Vartyter Aroush, Ph.D., Armenian Studies, Gender & Sexuality Research, UCLA 18. Sebouh David Aslanian, Professor of History, Richard Hovannisian Chair of Modern Armenian History, and inaugural Director of Armenian Studies Center, Promise Armenian Institute, UCLA 19. Khatchig Mouradian, Lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University 20. Sylvia Angelique Alajaji, Associate Professor of Music, Franklin & Marshall College 21. Talar Chahinian, Lecturer, Armenian Studies Program and Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine 22. Jesse Arlen, Ph.D. Candidate, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA 23. Arpi Melikyan, Ph.D. student, Department of French and Francophone Studies, UCLA 24. Meline Mesropyan, Ph.D., Fellow researcher at Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University 25. Sona Tajiryan, Ph.D. Candidate, History Department, UCLA 26. Aram Ghoogasian, Ph.D. student, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University 27. Astghik Hovhannisyan, Ph.D., Visiting Researcher at International Research Center for Japanese Studies/ Senior lecturer at Russian-Armenian University 28. Jennifer Manoukian, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA 29. Gabriella Djerrahian, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University 30. Nora Lessersohn, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, University College London 31. Carina Karapetian Giorgi, Ph.D., Department Chair of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Sociology Faculty at Antelope Valley College 32. Christian Garbis, Lecturer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia 33. Yevgenya Jenny Paturyan, Associate Professor, Political Science and International Affairs, American University of Armenia 34. Hrag Papazian, Adjunct Lecturer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia 35. Tsolin Nalbantian, University Lecturer, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden University 36. Rafik Santrosyan, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Adjunct Lecturer at the College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, American University of Armenia 37. Aram Kerovpyan, Ph.D., “Akn” Center for Modal Chant Studies, Paris 38. Anna Aleksanyan, Ph.D. Candidate, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University 39. Vahram Elagöz, Ph.D., Adjunct faculty, Acopian Center for the Environment, American University of Armenia 40. Nora Tataryan, Ph.D., Adjunct faculty, Cultural Studies, Sabanci University, Istanbul 41. Sevan Injejikian, Ph.D. Candidate, University College London (UCL), Adjunct Faculty, American University of Armenia (AUA) 42. Deanna Cachoian-Schanz, Ph.D. student, Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania 43. David Kazanjian, Professor, University of Pennsylvania 44. Karen Jallatyan, Manoogian Post-doctoral Fellow and Lecturer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 45. Joanne Nucho, Assistant Professor, Pomona College 46. Suzie Abajian, Ph.D., SPUSD School Board Member, Orange County Department of Education Administrator, former adjunct faculty at LMU and Occidental College 47. Veronika Zablotsky, Mellow-Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, University of California, Los Angeles 48. Dzovinar Derderian, Ph.D., University of Michigan 49. Richard Antaramian, Assistant Professor of History, University of Southern California 50. Ararat Sekeryan, Ph.D. student, Slavic Languages & Comparative Literature, Columbia University 51. Michael Pifer, Ph.D., Lecturer, University of Michigan 52. Marianna Hovhannisyan, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego 53. Helen Makhdoumian, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 54. Movses Pogossian, Professor of Violin, Director, UCLA Armenian Music Program, Herb Alpert School of Music, University of California, Los Angeles 55. Lori Khatchadourian, Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University 56. Kim Hekimian, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Nutrition in Pediatrics, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons 57. Sevan Beukian, Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Alberta, Canada 58. Anahit Galstyan, Ph.D. student, Department of History of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara 59. Ann R. Karagozian, Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Inaugural Director, The Promise Armenian Institute, UCLA 60. Hayarpi Papikyan, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, American University of Armenia (AUA) 61. Alexandra Boghosian, Ph.D. student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University 62. Ayda Erbal, Lecturer, Department of Politics, New York University 63. Zoe Sherinian, Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of Oklahoma 64. Robin Garabedian, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 65. Rachel Goshgarian, Associate Professor of History, Lafayette College 66. Anahit Manoukian, Ph.D. student, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Berkeley 67. Margaret Sarkissian, Professor of Ethnomusicology, Smith College 68. Aram Goudsouzian, Professor of History, University of Memphis 69. Alique Berberian, Ph.D. student, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA 70. Arin A. Balalian, DrPH student, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University 71. Laure Astourian, Assistant Professor of French, Bentley University 72. Jolie Mandelbaum, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English, University of Missouri 73. Bedross Der Matossian, Associate Professor of Modern Middle East History, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 74. Arpi Siyahian, Ph.D, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 75. Kristine Martirosyan-Olshansky, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California Los Angeles 76. Misak Khachatryan, Psy.D. Student, The Wright Institute 77. Elise Youssoufian, Ph.D. student, Philosophy and Religion, concentration in Women’s Spirituality, California Institute of Integral Studies 78. Marine Sargsyan, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, Roma Tre University, Italy 79. Armine Ishkanian, Associate Professor in Social Policy and Executive Director, Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity,  International Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics, UK 80. Christopher Sheklian, Ph.D., Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center 81. Anna Nikoghosyan, Lecturer, Yerevan State University 82. Sossie Kasbarian, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics,  University of Stirling, Scotland 83. Kohar Avakian, Ph.D. candidate, American Studies, Yale University 84. Lisa Gulesserian, Preceptor on Armenian Language and Culture, Harvard University 85. Victor Agadjanian, Professor, Department of Sociology and the International Institute, UCLA 86. Arlene Voski Avakian, Professor Emeritus, Department of Women. Gender, Sexuality, University of Massachusetts Amherst 87. Christina Mehranbod, Ph.D. Student, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University 88. Artyom H. Tonoyan, Research Associate, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 89. Lilit Keshishyan, Ph.D., Lecturer, The Writing Program, University of Southern California 90. Shushan Karapetian, Ph.D., Deputy Director, Institute of Armenian Studies, University of Southern California 91. Lara Tcholakian, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management & Organization, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 92. Anahid Matossian, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology, University of Kentucky 93. Vazken Khatchig Davidian, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 94. Kevork Oskanian, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham 95. Kamee Abrahamian, Ph.D. Candidate in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute 96. Henry C. Theriault, Ph.D., President, International Association of Genocide Scholars, and Founding Co-Editor, Genocide Studies International 97. Marc Mamigonian, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research, Director of Academic Affairs 98. Naneh Apkarian, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Arizona State University 99. Armen Karamanian, Ph.D., University of Technology Sydney 100. Kristin Cavoukian, Ph.D., Sessional Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto Mississauga 101. Haig Armen, MDM, Associate Professor of Design, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, BC 102. Ara Sanjian, Associate Professor of History and Director of Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan, Dearborn 103. Hagop Gulludjian, Ph.D., Lecturer, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles 104. Lalai Manjikian, Ph.D., Professor, Humanities Department, Vanier College, Montreal, Quebec 105. Serouj Aprahamian, Ph.D. Candidate in Dance Studies, York University
For those interested in signing the statement, please complete this Google Form with your information. The Google Document will be updated manually. To view the most updated version, please click here.
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ligaora · 4 years
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Ecco il disegno realizzato da Loris durante il live streaming di ieri. Ringrazio Andrea Mazzotta, Emanuele Di Giorgi e il mister Somma per la live (che potete recuperare sul mio profilo Facebook ). Avete già acquistato la vostra copia de "La Banda del Pallone"? è in tutte le librerie e fumetterie! #FutRua #labandadelpallone #draw #drawing #digitalart #football #futebol #rua #soccer #book #books #graphicnovel #tunue #tuttaunaltrastoria #comic #comics #pallastrada #calciodistrada #fumettoitaliano #streetsoccer #streetfootball https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxPwBPqbUf/?igshid=6d3ow6tib6n5
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Switzerland vs. Gibraltar – Football Match Report – September 8, 2019
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Switzerland took 37 minutes to break down a stubborn Gibraltar side before easing to a 4-0 win while Denmark were frustrated by Georgia in a 0-0 draw in Group D of the Euro 2020 qualifiers on Sunday.
Ireland stayed top of the five-team group with 11 points from five games, two ahead of Denmark, while Switzerland are one point behind in third and with a game in hand. Georgia have four points while Gibraltar have none and have yet to score a goal.
Edimilson Fernandes was close twice early on for Switzerland and Loris Benito rattled the woodwork before Gibraltar were forced to change goalkeepers in the 23rd minute as Dayle Coleing went off injured to be replaced by Kyle Goldwin.
The Gibraltar defence still held firm until Denis Zakaria nodded in from a corner in the 37th minute.
Admir Mehmedi added the second with another header, from a Fabian Schar cross, in the 43rd minute and Ricardo Rodriguez fired home from distance for the third in first-half stoppage time after the ball pinged around the Gibraltar area.
Granit Xhaka had several attempts to get on the scoresheet after the break, with one effort well saved by Goldwin.
The Swiss had to be content with one more goal three minutes for the end when Mehmedi’s shot hit a defender and rebounded to Mario Gavranovic who dispatched the ball into the net.
Denmark were frustrated by Georgia goalkeeper Giorgi Loria and the woodwork in Tbilisi.
Loria twice denied Martin Braithwaite with fingertip saves as Denmark dominated the first half.
Valeri Qazaishvili had Georgia’s best effort with a long-range shot which flew narrowly wide of Kasper Schmeichel‘s right-hand post in the 76th minute.
Denmark substitute Christian Gytkjaer cracked a shot against the crossbar with Loria beaten in the 82nd minute but, despite 59 percent of possession, they created few openings and had to settle for a point.
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mdproject · 5 years
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DOTLAND II (2018, BERLIN) Peninsula returns with the second edition of dotLand in the spaces of the Ehemalige Zigarettenfabrik Schmargendorf.   After exploring the theme of the so-called Third Culture in 2014, DOTLAND II deals with the notion of Spannung (tension) as the socio-political status experienced within the first two decades of the new Millennium, as the tension between forms, as a curiosity towards the future and at the same time a profound uncertainty about it. Twenty-five Peninsula members have each invited international artists:
Rebecca Agnes > YA-WEN FU | Yvonne Andreini > NIKOLAUS LIST | Elena Bari > KERSTIN KARY | Ilaria Biotti > ALEXANDER WOLFF | Cristiano Cesolari > JEREMY SHAW | Costantino Ciervo > ALESSANDRA ERAMO | Loris Cecchini > SOPHIE KO | Marco Dalbosco > ANTON KATS | Fiorentino De Martino > NICHOLÉ VELÁSQUEZ | Flatform > ROEE ROSEN | Bernardo Giorgi > ÇAĞDAŞ SARI | Matteo Grassetti > DYR | Daniele Jost > CHRISTOPHE CONSTANTIN | Maruska Mazza > HEIKE GALLMEIER | Stefania Migliorati > GIORGOS PAPADATOS | Mocellin e Pellegrini > LOUISA BABARI | Molino & Lucidi > LOTTE MERET EFFINGER | Lea Mugnaini > DAVID MOSER | Christian Niccoli > MING WONG | Marco Poloni > HEKTOR MAMET | Emilio Rapaná  > ALMAGUL MENLIBAYEVA | Fried Rosenstock > ALESSANDRO LUPI | Luca Vitone > GIOVANNI OBERTI | Jade Vlietstra > ROSARICCI | Alexandra Wolframm > DONATELLA LANDI
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pointlookout · 1 year
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tagged by @newbordeaux to fill out this pairings template. thank you for letting me use your edited version too this was so much fun to fill out <3  anyways lori/ 🐀 time
i wont tag anyone as i think everyone has been tagged in this at some but if you havent then i openly tag you :)
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hellofastestnewsfan · 4 years
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Last week, Jeffrey Goldberg, our editor in chief, reported that President Donald Trump had repeatedly disparaged members of the armed services, referring to fallen soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.”  
Since then, details of his reporting have been confirmed by a number of other outlets. The White House, meanwhile, blasted out a string of furious denials, enlisting the president’s allies and even the first lady to defend him.
We caught up with Jeff to discuss his reporting —and what he’s thinking about as the election draws near.
The conversation that follows has been edited and condensed.
Caroline Mimbs Nyce: Has anything about the reaction to your story surprised you?
Jeffrey Goldberg: I wasn’t surprised by the insights that my sources had about the president. There are no real secrets here about Donald Trump’s attitudes.
I’m a bit surprised by the intensity of the reaction. And part of the intensity can be attributed to the outsized, overly defensive White House reaction. This is Donald Trump attacking a group of voters whom he’s counting on to return him to the White House—namely veterans and people who are active duty.
Caroline: One question we got via a reader is: Will this cost Trump votes?
Jeffrey: I would only note two things: One, the floor of his support has been fairly stable for years. And two, he did make the analytically acute observation that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and his followers would still be with him.
Caroline: President Trump has challenged the integrity of your reporting. How do you respond to that?
Jeffrey: My sources are excellent. And if you don’t believe me, you can believe the many news organizations that have subsequently corroborated my story, including Fox News, notably.
Caroline: There’s also been some discussion around your use of unnamed sources. Can you talk a little bit about why you decided to grant anonymity here?
Jeffrey: It’s not a decision that should be made lightly. There are moral complications and ambiguities around granting anonymity to sources. But you have to balance those concerns with the public’s need to know, two months away from an election.
I would say this: This is what Donald Trump wants to talk about. Everybody uses anonymous sources. But often when people have no defense against information they find troubling, they attack the sources.
Caroline: This isn’t the first time you’ve covered the fraught relationship between this commander in chief and those who serve. Why are you so interested in that discord?
Jeffrey: Many presidents have had difficult relations with their generals, but we’ve never seen anything like this—in part because we’ve never seen a president of the United States talk about the military the way this person talks about the military.
I was really struck by Trump’s attack on John McCain in 2015 and by the inversion of political physics. After that attack, something changed in our country. Ordinarily, if a presidential candidate mocks a war hero, he has to leave the race. Instead, he won the presidency.
Caroline: What are your priorities for The Atlantic going into this election?
Jeffrey: Our journalists have done a fantastic job this year covering three crises simultaneously: the crisis in our democracy, the pandemic, and the racial reckoning. All of these things are interlinked, of course.
We’re going to continue to push hard on those subjects. The goal generally is to try to serve our readers—by giving them new information, useful analysis, and multiple viewpoints on very important subjects. And to level with them—to tell the truth.
One question, answered: What do young people have to fear from COVID-19?
“You might be used to thinking of 30-somethings as safe and seniors as at risk in this pandemic,” Derek Thompson writes in his latest. “But if a man in his 30s and a man in his 60s both contract COVID-19, it is more likely that the 30-something will develop a months-long illness than that the 60-something will die,” he warns, citing recent research.
Put more directly: “The most universal answer must begin with the observation that death is not a synonym for risk.”
Elizabeth Bradfield’s “Touchy” is a perfect poem for social distancing. It begins:
we say, when someone’s
sensitive. So touchy. So
dangerous and delicate and
ready to tip. Touching,
though, is sweet.
Continue reading.
Via our staff writer Hannah Giorgis: Give into the lush, neo-noir pleasures of the new Starz show P-Valley.
Dear Therapist
Every week, Lori Gottlieb answers questions from readers about their problems, big and small. In her most recent column, she advises a reader who feels responsible for her son’s death from a drug overdose:
I did my best to help our son have a rewarding life, as did his father, but the happy times were few, and his struggles were many and heartbreaking. Now I can’t stop replaying in my mind how he suffered and how I was unable to help him. I don’t know how to move forward.
Read the rest, and Lori’s response. Write to her anytime at [email protected].
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from The Atlantic https://ift.tt/3bIU7Sf
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nardogranata · 1 month
De Giorgi-bomba e il Toro torna alla vittoria.
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Goal: 25' De Giorgi.
US BITONTO: (4-3-3) - Diame; Gianfreda, Tangorre, Gomes, Muscatiello (43' Palazzo), Coppola (58' Obodo), Stasi (46' Aprile), Mollica, Demichele, Prinari, Zugaro (71' Figliolia)
Bench: Bellavista, Fioretti, Stragapede, Ciannamea.
Trainer: Vincenzo Santoruvo
AC NARDO': (4-3-3) - Viola; De Giorgi, Lanzolla, Gennari, Di Benedetto; Ceccarini (65' Latagliata), Guadalupi, Gentile (67' Mariani); Ciracì, D'Anna (93' Russo J.), Ferreira (71' Enyan)
Bench: Della Pina, Vinciguerra, Rossi, Borgo, Cellamare, Mariani, Enyan.
Trainer: Massimo Costantino
Arbitro: Alessio Marra di Mantova.
Assistenti: Giuseppe Bosco di Lanciano e Simone Mino di La Spezia.
Ammoniti: Mollica, Aprile, Demichele (B) Latagliata, Ciracì (N)
Espulsi: Della Pina (N) Prinari (B)
Ci pensa ancora un difensore a sbloccare le marcature del Nardò. Stavolta è toccato a De Giorgi infilare il portiere avversario con un bolide di controbalzo dai 30 metri. Un goal di rara bellezza che consegna tre agognati punti ad una squadra in profonda crisi da quasi due mesi.
Non è stata però una grande partita quella del Toro che ha avuto il pregio di capitalizzare il pressing della prima parte del match lasciando, però, al Bitonto buone giocate soprattutto dalle fasce laterali.
Al 17' cross ficcante di Mollica e colpo di testa in rete dell'ex Prinari annullato per fuorigioco. Proteste.
Al 20' punizione-cross di Zugaro, svetta di testa Gennari a liberare l'area.
Dopo il goal di De Giorgi, il Nardò prova le ripartenze veloci. Al 33' percussione di Ciracì stoppata da Tangorre.
Al 35' si fa vedere Ferreira tiro sul primo palo. Para a terra Diame.
Al 43' Infortunio per Muscatiello. Entra al suo posto un altro ex, Loris Palazzo. Al 44' Lanzolla sventa un insidioso cross di Stasi.
Finisce il primo tempo col Toro avanti di un goal.
Secondo tempo.
Santoruvo manda in campo Chacon al posto di Gianfreda. Al 48' deviazione di Demichele sottoporta. Para Viola.
Al 55' incursione di Ceccarini fermata da Mollica poi bella cavalcata con tiro di Ciracì deviato da Diame sopra la traversa. Il conseguente corner di Guadalupi innesca un colpo di testa di De Giorgi: alto.
Il Bitonto reagisce e schiaccia il Nardò nella propria trequarti campo. Al 60' occasione per il Bitonto. Potente punizione di Obodo e palla che sfiora il palo.
Al 65' ancora proteste neroverdi per un presunto fallo di mano di Di Benedetto in area.
Finale convulso e combattuto. Nardò raccolto in difesa a rintuzzare le sfuriate bitontine.
Al 70' altro goal annullato per fuorigioco. Segna Mollica ma l'assistente alza la bandierina. Al 74' punizione di Palazzo sulla barriera.
Risponde su punizione di Guadalupi con palla che si stampa sulla traversa poi, nell'area opposta, Viola è chiamato a risolvere un paio di mischie furibonde con Prinari che svirgola da buona posizione.
Nel recupero parapiglia sotto la panchina ospite. Ne fa le spese Della Pina, secondo portiere, espulso.
Finisce 1-0 per il Nardò che rivede la luce. Per il Bitonto il buio fitto della retrocessione diretta incombente.
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lamilanomagazine · 11 months
Milano: Arriva il CPM LET'S GROOVE DAY
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Milano: Arriva il CPM LET'S GROOVE DAY. Il 24 giugno presso il CPM Music Institute (Via Privata Elio Reguzzoni, 15) si terrà il CPM LET’S GROOVE DAY, un doppio appuntamento per conoscere il DIPARTIMENTO DI BASSO E BATTERIA della scuola di musica fondata e presieduta da Franco Mussida. Dino D’Autorio e Roberto Gualdi, Responsabili dei Dipartimenti di Basso e Batteria, insieme ai docenti e ai diplomati della scuola,presenteranno la sezione ritmica e l’offerta formativa dedica ai bassisti e batteristi. Alle ore 18.00 Dino D’Autorio terrà un incontro dedicato ai bassistiin cui interverranno Antonio Petruzzelli, Giulio Corini e Siro Burchiani, professionisti del Pop, Jazz e Rock, mentre Roberto Gualdi, con i docenti Giovanni Giorgi, Marco Lori, Emiliano Cava e Matteo Sarubbi,presenterà l’offerta didattica di Batteria. Agli incontri prenderanno parte anche Giordano Giorgi e Luca Pegorari, studenti diplomati nel Triennio Accademico di Batteria Pop Rock che hanno concluso in maniera eccellente il loro percorso di studi e hanno fatto della loro passione una professione. Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria al seguente link: https://eventi.mycpm.it/eventi.aspx?_l2=166. Al termine della presentazione del Dipartimento di Basso e Batteria, dalle ore 18.45 si terranno le audizioni per entrambi gli strumenti. Per sostenere le audizioni è possibile prenotarsi tramite i seguenti link: https://eventi.mycpm.it/sessions.aspx?_l3=1182 (audizioni di Basso) e https://eventi.mycpm.it/sessions.aspx?_l3=1181 (audizioni di Batteria). Sul sito www.cpm.it/come-iscriversi#ui-id-3 sono disponibili i programmi di preparazione. Per maggiori informazioni è possibile consultare il sito ufficiale del CPM (www.cpm.it), inviare una e-mail a [email protected] o chiamare allo 02.6411461. Il CPM Music Institute (riconosciuto Istituto di Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica dal MUR) vanta un programma didattico ricco e articolato di corsi specializzati nella formazione strumentale, vocale e professionale curati da insegnanti professionisti(Basso, Batteria, Canto, Chitarra, Pianoforte&Tastiere, Tecnico del Suono, Composizione Pop Rock, Electronic Music Producer, SongWriting, Arpa, Fiati e Violino Pop Rock) e propone percorsi Accademici, PreAccademici, Multi e Mono Stilistici, Individuali(AFAM, BAC, Diploma, Certificate, Individuali e Master). È inoltre possibile intraprendere il triennio e il biennio AFAM per conseguire il Diploma Accademico di 1° e 2° livello, titoli equivalenti ad una Laurea triennale e magistrale, riconosciute sul territorio nazionale e in tutti i Paesi Europei. Molti di coloro che hanno studiato al CPM lavorano oggi in orchestre prestigiose, suonano e cantano come coristi o musicisti all’interno di band di importanti artisti (da Laura Pausini ad Ermal Meta), altri hanno intrapreso carriere artistiche proprie (tra i quali Mahmood, Chiara Galiazzo, Renzo Rubino, Cordio, Tananai). Dal 1988 si occupa anche di portare la Musica in luoghi estremi, la più recente iniziativa è CO2 “Controllare l’odio” che consiste nell’installazione di speciali audioteche di sola musica strumentale divisa per stati d’animo, attive in 11 carceri italiane (Milano, Opera, Monza, Torino, Alessandria, Roma, Napoli, Venezia, Genova, Bologna, più una variante attiva al carcere minorile Beccaria di Milano). Realizza progetti musicali educativi per il sociale, come le attività educative inserite nei programmi di recupero della Comunità di San Patrignano, e per l’industria, come la progettazione di una radio di qualità per il circuito NaturaSì, per la cultura, con la partecipazione al Premio Campiello Giovani e i corsi formativi per i partecipanti ad Area Sanremo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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diariodeiprogressi · 5 years
Giugno è una notte
Dalla quale si esce assonnati.
Questi giorgi sono neri, apprezzo per la prima volta la vita semplice, piccoloborghese. Non ne schifo la routine, la devozione, il lavoro sacrificante.
La vita è in bilico. Bacio un ragazzo alla quale mancano 5 anni di vita, il passerotto salvato dalla strada muore poco prima di poter volare, il nonno narcisista e di destra non esce più di casa e la cugina pazza ora va da uno psichiatra.
Zio, l’avvocato, è morto e con lui mille altre cose.
Il mio pianto è per tutti, per l’umanità. Per loris che ha il padre in coma irreversibile. E per me poi, che ho assaportato il miele della vita, spesso sputandolo, ed ora che sorseggio aceto... fatemi piange.
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vladyhead · 6 years
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Monte, Sala e Del Santo al televoto flash del #GFVip 3 Francesco Monte, Stefano Sala e Lory Del Santo potrebbero uscire dal GF Vip 3. Il motivo è legato alla scelta di Eleonora Giorgi effettuata su richiesta degli autori ed in modo inconsapevole.
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