#look i honestly dont remember anything past the first 3 seasons cause thats all i ever write in
nztsume · 2 years
Hello again! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I’ve accumulated quite a list 😅 I have some that I think you’ll definitely be interested in, some maybe a hit or miss and others I don’t remember much anymore but you can still check them out <3 I’ll be updating the list when I find any more that come out, just let me know if you’d like more. I may have to send these in parts, we’ll see how many I can fit in 😅 I start by the story name, then author, chapters/parts, words/estimated reading time, book number, completion/ongoing and the site. :) I’ll start off with my favourites.
Bite Back , scorpiofromspace , 8/? Chapters , 23k+ words , AO3
manslaughter on cherry lane , con_fection , 11/? Chapters , 71k+ words , AO3
Royal Pain || Stranger Things , AintThatDevine , 40 parts , 10h 19m ERT , Book 1 - Complete , Wattpad
Fallout || Stranger Things [2] , AintThatDevine , 35 parts , 11h 33m ERT , Book 2 - Ongoing , Wattpad
TUBULAR! (billy hargrove x reader) , maddiwasnotherelol , 37 parts , 5h 22m ERT , Ongoing , Wattpad
in my dark times , azurevii (orphan_account) , 6/6 chapters , 50k+ words , AO3
Hold Me Now , OopsFanfiction , 2/? Chapters , 77k+ words , AO3 , (now this one is different because it contains a romance with not only Billy but also Steve and Eddie at the same time, I completely get if it isn’t your thing but it was very good and the plot line is amazing, I recommend wholeheartedly :) )
These are now the stories I don’t remember or haven’t read yet, I believe some of them do contain Mature and very explicit content so a warning is in place just incase, (no minors please), but I thought I’d add them just incase you wanted to check them out <3
DONTMAKEMEFALLINLOVE || Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things , billysvendetta , 74 parts , 15h 41m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
Freak Show // Billy Hargrove , 30SecondsToGreatness , 36 parts , 11h 50m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
Gone Girl , snxwscene , 40/40 chapters , 49k+ words , AO3
TURBO LOVER -{Billy Hargrove x Reader}- , MKing28 , 52 parts , 1d 1h ERT , Ongoing , Wattpad
Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove] , LadeyJezzabella , 26 parts , 4h 45m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
PANDEMONIUM [2] > BILLY HARGROVE , murphy-trash , 27 parts , 7h 27m ERT , Complete , Wattpad ,(this story does have a book 3, however book 1 was paired with Jonathan, endgame is Billy :) )
Royal Pain and Fallout are books which definitely go onto season 4, past season 3 with Billy, 100% an au. Hold Me Now is also intended on Billy Surviving :).
I hope these are good and I take no offense if these aren’t your thing. I know you didn’t want anything all about sex but I believe some in the second section contain a lot of it, I’m not 100% certain. The first section ones are hands down my favourites right now and I think are exactly what you are looking for. I’d love to hear your opinion on them, I hope this helped some way, it took a while to put together 😭.
Sincerely FanFicRec Anon ~ <3
God I hope this sends.
NOOOO YOURE SO SWEET THIS IS A WHOLE ASS LIST!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! they all sound so good im gonna have a feast this week LMFAOOOO i cant believe how sweet u (and u guys!!!) are T_T honestly the thing is that i never really read character x oc/reader fics so im interested but like i dont wanna be weirded out of a really good story bc of the whole y/n thing thats rly the only cause why i said it LOL but these sound so cool!!!!! im definitely going to be reading them and ill keep u updated on my thoughts LMFAOO (i guess ill tag them as 'st fics' in here coz idk how else u could be able to find them T_T)
i cant believe this, billy stans kinda rock wtf <3<33 thank u soo much again aaaaa <3<3<3<3
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murkyhazed-hasmoved · 2 years
@defeminine​​    ♡   →   gemma teller for wendy case.
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               ❝   you   have   to   PROVE   yourself   if   you   want   to   be   ANYWHERE   around   my   grandbaby,   you   understand?      you   might   be   his   mother,   but   you   did   a   FUCKED   UP   thing.      who’s   to   say   you   won’t   bring   that   shit   back   with   you?      but   i   guess   in   the   end   it’s   not   ME   you   have   to   convince   right?      it’s   jackson,   and   tara.      you   really   think   you   can   do   that?   ❞
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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ts-hvv4 · 4 years
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I'm jumping ship because Keegan voted for me TWICE!!! Bro I'm like Kelley Frickin Wentworth, I'm gonna underdog this game. Heck yeah I'm joining Andreas, Chris, and Dennis. 
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The word of the day is definitely Tinky Winky. It’s a Tinky Winky revolution and all because I couldn’t get the fucking epic rap battle line “we’re in the endgame now Tinky winky” unstuck from my brain
Literally all my best friends are on the other tribe UGHHHHHHHH Sharifa, Trent, Kurt, Lukas we will be together at some point 😞✊ And Jake tbh imma miss him I have ned, Keegan, and Malik Ned doesn’t like malik Keegan thinks I voted ned Malik would’ve been voted out if he didn’t have immunity Sitting in a burning room with a teaspoon of water but ILL GET THROUGH THIS I PROMISE
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I imagine Olivia, Trent, and Keegan as the episode 2 trio of Jamal, Jack, and Molly from Island of the Idols, specifically the line "we're really impressed with ourselves." They think they're playing some mastermind UTR game but in reality literally everyone knows their schemes.
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Sooooo I received a vote and it was likely from Kage so that’s annoying… BUT here are my thoughts on the swap

1) I think Lukas told Kage I was trying to get him out. The way Lukas talked to me about Emma and the way he talked to me about Kage were very standoff ish. He was clearly trying to get info and just say things that didn't give anything either way. It was a very different feel than what I got with anyone else. 2) I think there's a winners alliance between Jake, Sharifa, and Kurt. Jake told me he got along well with Sharifa and Kurt. So clearly he's hoping we target Trent. BUT Also Sharifa knew I was a winner when I talked to her and made a point to bring it up. Yet, when I asked if there were other winners she mentioned Kurt and not Jake. That doesn't make sense. She doesn't know me at all. Why would she have that info about me but not have that info about Jake? 3) I think I'm losing Lukas a bit. Before we swapped Dennis told me that Kage mentioned something about the idol no longer being where it was originally. He also mentioned that Kage told Lukas. Me and Lukas had been sharing idol information but Lukas hasn't been coming to tell me things and he DEFINITELY didn't tell me the Kage info. Now that I've said all that, I wanna debate whether or not to tell anyone about the 5 that was created on our old tribe. Dennis might not enjoy it cause it would throw him under the bus. But he's no longer on my tribe. I could use this opportunity to inch my way into the winner's alliance and surround myself with threats. Get Lukas closer to me and make him a bit more sus of Kage. AND get Matt closer to me as well. My relationship with Sarah is interesting and I think it'll stay that way. I think we've been getting along nicely but I don't think she's actively going out of her way to work with me cause she likes me. I think at best, she wants to just get info from meAGAIN, all this said, one of the BIGGEST things I've learned in the past is to trust my perception. In both real life games I've played, I had a gut feeling about all of the important things in the entire game. I knew when things were happening that were shady and was able to sus it out. BUT in both, I waited too long to act on it and tried to logic my way through issues rather than trust myself. So I genuinely think what I'm feeling about all these relationships makes a lot of sense and I'm trying to really figure out what I should do with the trust I've built. I gotta a lot of ground to make up cause of my vacation and I can feel my relationships slipping. Jake and I rn are really close. As outside friends, I trust him to work with me for a while. He’s giving me lots of info and even shared an idol clue with moi And honestly, the only person I would care to push to go home rn is Kage and even then I don't necessarily think it's smart to take him out yet 
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This was actually a good swap! Me, Andreas, and Dennis are in the minority, although I felt prepared that it would go this way! I talked to everyone and actually think all of them are cool BUT Matt claimed that Olivia told him Malik was the target on their tribe had he not gotten immunity and Sarah I believe said do not trust Olivia so I want to capitalize on that somehow! Also Malik and I know one another so that's cool! But we must downplay!
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Just survived the double tribal. It was way more stressful than it should have been, but thats just because of my paranoid self. I had a 1/6 chance of going home, but luckily i didn't receive any votes. There were two rouge votes on keegan who was in my alliance but jake admitted that he and ned were the votes because they both got scared they were the vote and wanted to protect themselves in case of an idol. I thought for a split second there was a much bigger alliance controlling the game and I just got played. But luckily that didn't happen. Now comes a much harder part of the game. We swapped into our original roles, classic Heroes vs Villains. This would be fun expect for the fact i'm now in a 5-4 minority.  I'm going to have to work extra hard to not get voted out, but if they choose me, theres not much i can do unless i find an idol. Lukas I sorta knew threw olivia and she was hoping all three of us could work together, so i'm hoping he can protect me a bit. NIcklas I played BB pokemon with. We were never on the same side in that game, but hopefully theres so some sort of connection there I can use. Sarah Lynn also played that but she was inactive and first boot and I dont think she remembered me. The other two i just met for the first time last night. It's going to be tough to survive, but hopefully we dont even have to go to tribal.
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To absolutely no ones surprise, we have swapped! But before I get into that, let me just unpack a little bit that happened at the last tribal because I am SHOOK. So the plan was for there to be a near unanimous vote for BIRCH. With Olivia throwing an extra vote on NED just in case BIRCH had an idol and was lying about who they were voting for. All is well and good. But then tribal happens and not only does NED get two votes but I get two votes. Record scratch. Hold up. What the absolute fuck? I genuinely though I was about to be blindsided and sent home pre-merge. So the end result was five votes for BIRCH, two for NED and two for me. In the brief chats I had before we actually swapped, as well as after with OLIVIA, MALIK and NED, it appears that it was KURT and JAKE who wrote my name down. Fair enough I guess, I hardly spoke with them at all this round. But it was still a shock. As far as I can tell, the McBITCHES all stuck together with the plan. SHARIFA, TRENT, MALIK and myself voted BIRCH with OLIVIA sticking with her NED vote. BIRCH definitely voted for NED and I’m pretty confident NED voted for BIRCH which definitely leaves KURT and JAKE as the two who voted for me. Which means they are close and working together. So that’s definitely something to keep in mind. In regards to the swap it is now a true Heroes vs Villains season and we swapped into those alignments. Which honestly I am okay with because I’ve got OLIVIA with me, who is probably my #1 ally at this point. I’ve also got MALIK who I trust a great deal. And NED, well NED I’m still working on gaining his full allegiance to me. ANDREAS, CHRIS and DENNIS are the other heroes from the original Molysmeno tribe. So far they’ve been nice and I’m bonding with CHRIS over horror movies so that’s been good. However, because of the late tribal we didn’t get a whole lot of time to talk last night. Moving forward, I’d like to win immunity challenges for sure. As much as I would hate to lose TRENT or SHARIFA on the other side, I don’t trust that OG AMMONIA will stick together if we end up at tribal. And who’s to say one of ANDREAS, CHRIS or DENNIS doesn’t have an idol and idols us out even if we do. I genuinely would like to stick with OG tribes for the time being though. As of this very moment, ANDREAS I think is who I would prefer to vote out right now. He seems to be the most difficult to actually talk with at the moment. But it’s still very early in the swap so we’ll see how things progress. 
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So I feel that everything is coming together. Andreas/Dennis have told Malik on the Olivia stuff and he was hurt but it is going to have him come to us. While they think Malik's going to be all for them, there is a good chance he and I can snipe! Meanwhile Malik and Ned have expressed a little concern about Olivia/Keegan. I think my ideal tribal scenarios are 5-2 or 3-2-2 so stay tuned on THAT 
Today I've spent lots of time thinking about my odds in the game while at work and tbh I feel like I can surprise a lot of these people. For me, a lot of them want to play under the radar or downplay themselves, but I feel like perhaps the fact I am so new I can legitimately do so without it not looking suspicious and unbelievable. Someone like Matt or Sarah or Dennis or Ned or whoever I feel will have a hard time with that- at least I hope they will. So yeah. Still, I enjoy so many of these people that I feel if I do lose, then I certainly won't be sad about it! Having that said, I'm here to win and plan on doing so!
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The swap happened as expected after Emma left. If Emma had stayed, this swap would've been a mess and a half, but she didn't and Kage (the rogue vote) prolly put himself really low into that swap. The swaptribe is amazing. Thanks to Matt's info, I was instantly able to form a really good relationship with malik, who didn't necessarily know he was on the outs, but is SO easy to talk to. He also seemed so so sad when I told him Matt's info, like literally heartbroken and I felt so so sorry for him :(. Ned also approached me about him being on the outs and even being close to Malik, so that is good... right?! Olivia and Keegan seem really nice, but we swapped into a Minority, so I will have to work every angle I can. There are a few concerns I have and those are mainly based on the fact, that things seem way way WAY too good and this just can't be?! I do feel like tho. My connections to Malik and Olivia would EVEN if they stick together mean, that I hopefully don't get targetted and that is actually my entire premerge strategy (or atleast until we make jury). Make connections and make people depend on you/like you enough that even if they betray you, it won't be you, who gets the boot. We just have to be careful, especially depending on what awaits us at Thera. The new Idolsystem is very very interesting to say atleast. It seems multi facetted and apparently Thera plays into it, so yeah
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Music. Video. Challenge. No. I hate it. However, I stupidly volunteered to edit the damn video and I'm literally wasting almost three whole days of my life editing It's Raining Men. But I'm putting a ton of effort in so even if we lose I think I might be doing enough to make people feel sorry for me and like they can't vote me out. But by golly if I ever have to do another music video in my life I am RIOTING.
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So for this challenge I’m really not feeling too hot about my tribes chances. It seems like not many people are excited about it, granted I did get a score of 8 on guess who. Hopefully we can pull it together.
Omg were back to original tribes..... it’s 7 heroes and it’s 4 original Armonia and 3 molysmeno. I’m with Dennis and Chris who were in the mystery inc alliance so I trust them. But then Malik is here who is someone I played a FB BB org with over a year ago and we went to f3 together and were extremely loyal. And then we have Ned who is one of my best friends from ORGs ever. Ned caught me up to date pretty quick about how he’s been targeted by Olivia and Trent. That’s dangerous for sure. He also said that there’s a Ned/Olivia/Keegan/Malik alliance that ‘plans’ on working together.... I have a plan to break that one up.
So I broke the news to Malik that Olivia led a campaign to target him and while he was really upset, he took the news well. Honestly, this has been the most gameplay I’ve done all season and it’s weird because I’m trying to be cool calm and collected. Also, Olivia and Keegan are so hard to chat with .... they just leave me on read so often, or will just react to my messages halfway during our chats and it’s just hard to chat with them. Neither of them want to talk game at all, and I’m thinking it’s cause they believe they’re going to be Armonia strong. Further to this, Dennis and Chris said the same thing is happening to them too. Malik approached me about a me, him, Ned, Dennis and Chris alliance. That works well for me honestly. I can get behind that quite frankly. As long as Ned and Malik can play both sides for at least this round, I won’t have much blood on my hands. My only fear is about idols or double votes or what not. If we split the votes and they have a double vote it could 3-3-2. That would cause a revote so all would be fine. But as long as they don’t sniff it out we should good. This is all dependant if we can win or not.
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Woo we won immunity!!!! 😄😄😄 i worked so hard and Keegan kicked ASSSSS (pun on my password lol) I’m terrified for my buddies sharifa, Trent, Kurt, and Jake because they’re outnumbered. I hope Lukas can flip or something
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Things got insane after the immunity, all of the other villains were messaging me except for Kage. Suddenly everyone wants to work with me...sounds fake but okay. Matt and Sarah were ALLLLLLLLL up in my dm's talking about how they weren't going to vote for me because of how hard I worked on the challenge. Do I believe them? No. We’re all villains, someone here literally voted out Isaac on his birthday LFKJASDKJFA. But I do think it’s smart for them to work with me, taking out the target on everyone's back eventually means yours is the only one people can shoot at. Yes I'm the biggest target, but that means I'm a shield for yalls bitch asses. I'm just never gonna fully trust Matt and Sarah, they think they have the game WRAPPED around their pretty little fingers, and their final 2 is BLATANT. Then Lukas messaged me saying the same thing, but it felt genuine from him. We ended up having a lovely chat and I trust that a lot more than anything Mattrah said to me. MATTRAH AKSDLFJALSDJ. I went from Trolivia to Mattrah I'm never escaping these duos GOD. Speaking of which, Matt revealed that Kage was bringing back everything Trent was saying to Mattrah. So I gave Trent the heads up and then proceeded to throw him under the bus to Matt. Initially the plan was to get the target on Trent and then use my idol on him...and I even said that to Trent. But there’s a whole day left to play tomorrow so I have ZERO idea what I’m doing as of now. It’s a huge risk not to play the idol on myself, and everyone could just be trying to make me feel safe...but a part of me thinks I might have an opportunity to get power. The most interesting convo I had was with Nicklas. I’ve just had a feeling about that one since the swap, and we had a really meaty game talk. Not even talking about the game but just strategy in general...that one is a smart fucking cookie, I like him. He reminds me of myself in a lot of ways, the more pragmatic side. I was open that I was really fucking with what he was saying, and he seemed to be vibing me. It just felt like a lot of effort for him to put in just to make me feel comfortable but YOU NEVER KNOW. Everyone, and I mean everyone said they wanted to talk about the vote tomorrow...I feel like everyone is trying to use me in their plots and schemes, but I’m the queen for a reason. I need to figure out how to not only survive, but put MYSELF in a better position by doing what I need to happen. I have to take paranoia out of it, I have to take my personal shit out of it, forget I'm one of the pieces and step back and look at the chessboard as a whole. Tomorrow is going to be a huge day, if I go home, I’m gonna leave SWWWWIIIINNNNGGGGGGIIIING!! YOU WANT TO TAKE ME OUT YOU BETTER EARN IT!!
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All that work was worth it! We won the immunity challenge! By a glorious 2 points! The only thing that worries me is whether SHARIFA and TRENT can survive this vote. KURT or JAKE can be voted out and I won’t feel any amount of sadness over it. I still feel like it’s early enough in the game that anything can happen so I’m really hoping the McBITCHES can stay whole until another swap/merge and we can reunite. I think for my own safety I’m going to try to propose an alliance of sorts with ANDREAS and maybe CHRIS, maybe bring in OLIVIA. I don’t think it would be the worst thing in the world to lose NED, but if we lose the next challenge I think it would be in our best interest to vote out DENNIS or CHRIS, depending on who OLIVIA and MALIK would rather see go.
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 This week was a bad week to go to NOLA. I can tell I'm not doing so hot with the people on my tribe. Not bad, but not good. Kage apologized for "not checking up on me" after tribal today. Days after I already told him I was feeling fine about it all and just wanted to let him know since other people checked on me. Lukas has been quieter with me. Sarah and I are still talking but it took a lot to get info out of her today. People are also talking about the game without me cause Kage told Sarah that Trent was trying to target her earlier this morning as an "easy vote". And only Sarah told me that but I doubt only Sarah and Kage know about it. So I’m aware of my spot here…
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Ok so update: We won the challenge by two points! The other tribe did great but we ended up getting the win! And based on what I know, Olivia was likely really trying to gun for me and said that to Matt because they were able to talk as Olivia confirmed it to me herself, and there’s no way Matt can randomly come up with that when he doesn’t even know me. So the second we lose if we do, Olivia is going home. She did great in the challenge, but if I know someone’s after me I never just let them stay in the game. I also got an alliance going with me, Ned, Chris, Andreas and Dennis! We(or I atleast) called it the teen titans and everyone went with it and we have roles. I’m cyborg, Andreas is Starfire, Chris is Raven, Dennis is Robin and Ned is Beast Boy. I love that group, they definitely made me feel at home on the new tribe!
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i can’t believe we lost this effing challenge. LITERALLY ROBBED. anyways, first lemme confess about my new tribe. of course the other tribe has majority. i’m with kurt and sharifa who are the ones i trust, trent is iffy especially since i lies about the keegan vote, but came forward after to try to put it behind us nicklas is here who i trust a lot but am trying to keep the connection low because tbh idek how far he would go for me, i’ll have to see what happens in the vote to determine that. sarah might have a grudge against me idk, matt can’t even be assed to talk to me, i know lukas a bit and me and kage are eh. sharifa is worried we won’t have majority but this queen tellls me she has the idol so we might have some luck nicklas told me he doesn’t trust kage so i’m gonna try to work that angle, i just need me and my girlies to SURVIVE.
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I'm so happy that we won! I get we have ideal targets but if I can go as many rounds as possible without seeing tribal, it'll increase my longevity in making the bonds I need to! Teen Titans was created (Dennis, Andreas, Ned, Malik, and myself) and I honestly love it! Between that and Mystery Inc and Andreas & The Chipmunks I feel good!
My gut has been telling me Kage is in trouble and so if he does get voted I'll feel horrible for not warning him that some people in MI think he had the idol. Hopefully he, Matt, and Sarah at least can pull through but I dunno, I have a bad feeling for one them going home
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Omgggg so I had a very cathartic and explosive meltdown last night. I think this is my first time I’ve ever let like... true emotions trickle into an org. But I don’t regret it and I think it was a valuable experience. In terms of the vote tonight, I have no idea. I want to vote with Matt and Sarah because I think they will be a good lotus of power to cling to for awhile. I want to keep Kurt and Nicklas close as well, but Nicklas is kinda elusive. I assume the vote will land on Kage or Trent, which are both completely fine options to me. Both are a little unpredictable but Trent is super nice so I would feel bad.
*later on*
I feel like I’m in an okay spot! I helped launch the Kage vote (which hopefully will work) but I don’t think anyone sees me as the mastermind. I’m getting super close with Kurt and Matt. Jake seems to not hate me. Trent is def weary of me, but I’m weary of him too, so I’m not offended. My plan as of now is to just play this middle zone as much as I can!
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I’m beginning to think that there’s nothing at all in the “idol system” and it’s all an elaborate ruse. Or I’m just that unlucky. I’ve also spent a bit of time on the blog typing random things into the URL in hopes of it revealing something useful but no luck with that yet either.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
1-150 all of them. Every single one 😁
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
honestly can't remember, it was a girl though so... (we were friends arent anymore) 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I pretend I'm outgoing but really I'm a shy bitch unless I get comfortable with you then I suppose I’m outgoing. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
my bed, cause I’m tired! kidding. 4. Are you easy to get along with?
depends but I'd like to say so unless you're a bitch to me then I will be a bitch back. 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I don’t get drunk anymore, lol I’m a lightweight, once I have one drink I’m tipsy. But if I do decide to get drunk then prob whoever I got drunk with, unless they get drunk, then my mum can take care of me. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Varies, as long as they have a kind heart and are funny. Also a sucker for accents and blue eyes & green, as well as brown. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
nope. 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Do celebs count or nah? if so then Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan + Tom Holland { not that anyone cares but we are the same age}. 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
If it's with my mum then yeah, or family, anyone else it doesn't make me uncomfortable. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
iPhone charging cables {lol}  12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Easier- 5sos
Last Hurrah-Bebe Rexha
R U Mine- Arctic Monkeys
Suckerz- Blackbear
Break up with girlfriend, I’m bored- Ariana Grande
Ain’t My Fault-Zara Larsson 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
definitely. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yep. 15. What good thing happened this summer?
nothing really. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
maybe, maybe not. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
yep. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
nope, I honestly had cringy taste in crushes in primary school and high school. 19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yass..... 20. Do you like your neighbors?
nope, he a douchebag, and all the bad names in the book. 21. What are you bad habits?
going to bed late, rolling my eyes to much. 22. Where would you like to travel?
YES! 23. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
I have no clue... 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
stomach and thighs. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
whine about how tired I am and how I should go to bed earlier. 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
in-between. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my mom. 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
yep, and honestly I don't care it's their loss. 30. Do you ever want to get married?
it’s not really on my to-do list, but maybe. 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
yep. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan without a doubt.  33. Spell your name with your chin.
c lazire   (lol I did pretty well, except for the space and z ) 34. Do you play sports? What sports?
nope 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
nope. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yes. 37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I laugh nervously. 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
*sighs* as long as they have blue or green or blue eyes, some sort of accent, are nice, funny, loyal, dreamy. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
book shops, clothes shops and those body shops (the ones you get body lotion and that from) and home decor shops, DVD shops. 40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m 22, I’ve finished high school a long time ago. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends, on what they have done. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
sad. 43. Do you smile at strangers?
sometimes. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
can I say both, I’m going to say both. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
my dog literally jumps on my and barks at me. 46. What are you paranoid about?
a lot of things, someone kidnapping me, being stalked, weird creatures killing me, dying. 47. Have you ever been high?
Nah... 48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah, plenty of times. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
not really. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
black and grey. 51. Ever wished you were someone else?
all the time. 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
 I wish I had long legs tbh. 53. Favourite makeup brand?
nude. 54. Favourite store?
ally 55. Favourite blog?
on here or somewhere else,?  56. Favourite colour?
purple, blue, grey, pink, green. 57. Favourite food? 
pasta. 58. Last thing you ate?
raspberries. 59. First thing you ate this morning?
nothing, I don't eat in the morning. 60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Nah. 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nearly, but they found out it wasn't my fault, yet one teacher was a total bitch to me afterwards. 62. Been arrested? For what?
nope, I’m a good girl. 63. Ever been in love? 
yes, and it hurts. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
 it was on my thirteenth bday party and it was three guys, two of them were great the other one was sloppy and ew. 65. Are you hungry right now?
not really. 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
yep. 67. Facebook or Twitter?
twitter. 68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. 69. Are you watching tv right now?
Nah. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
do dogs count, if so then Max. 71. Craving something? What?
pancakes. 72. What colour are your towels?
pink, blue, neutral colours. 72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
four. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no. 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
four I think. 75. Favourite animal?
tigers. 76. What colour is your underwear?
grey, pink, and aqua. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
both. 78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookies & cream or strawberry. 79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
pink, with stars. 81. Favourite tv show?
The Simpsons. 82. Favourite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls. 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls. 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Regina George. 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory. 87. First person you talked to today?
My brother. 88. Last person you talked to today?
My brother. 89. Name a person you hate?
my neighbour. 90. Name a person you love?
everyone, except for people I dont like. 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Oh definitely. 92. In a fight with someone?
mostly just words. 93. How many sweatpants do you have?
 six 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
eight, I think. 95. Last movie you watched?
Avengers: Endgame. 96. Favourite actress?
Emilia Clarke 97. Favourite actor?
Chris Evans. 98. Do you tan a lot?
no, last time i tanned, i got badly sunburnt. 99. Have any pets?
Two dogs. 100. How are you feeling?
tired, sad, horny, unappreciated and annoyed. 101. Do you type fast?
yeah. 102. Do you regret anything from your past?
oh, so many things. 103. Can you spell well?
sometimes. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
yeah but no. 105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yep. 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes. 108. What should you be doing?
sleeping its 3AM SOMETHING 109. Is something irritating you right now?
yeah... 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes. 111. Do you have trust issues?
yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my mom. 113. What was your childhood nickname?
clairebear or mousey. 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
no. 115. Do you play the Wii?
mostly the ps4 now. 116. Are you listening to music right now?
yas, some angsty songs, might do some song fics. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
never had it. 118. Do you like Chinese food?
yeah. 119. Favourite book?
Looking for Alaska - John Green 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
sometimes. 121. Are you mean?
 I try not to be. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
nope. 123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
no. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I’m a bit iffy on that, thats purely falling for looks, i mean sure they look hot but what if their personail;ty is shit, then their hottness just zeros down. 125. Do you believe in true love?
yeah. 126. Are you currently bored?
nah. 127. What makes you happy?
lots of things. puppies, kittens, animals, dragons, writing, reading, family and friends, you guys. 128. Would you change your name?
no. 129. What your zodiac sign?
Libra. 130. Do you like subway?
sometimes. 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
just stare in shock for a long while, while trying to process it. 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my mum. 133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change And you know you don't want it any other way 134. Can you count to one million?
no. 135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I’m sick, I can't come. 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
sometimes opened sometimes closed. 137. How tall are you?
5′5 138. Curly or Straight hair?
both. 139. Brunette or Blonde?
both. OMBRE. 140. Summer or Winter?
Summer, cause winter is cuddling season and I don't have a boo. 141. Night or Day?
both. 142. Favourite month?
October. 143. Are you a vegetarian?
used to be, might go back to being one. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
both. 145. Tea or Coffee?
neither. 146. Was today a good day?
not really. 147. Mars or Snickers?
both. 148. What’s your favourite quote?
it’s a bad day, not a bad life. 149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  
this? they were hers! she’d gathered them, hoarded them, maybe someday planned to pass them on to me.
0 notes
oldfame · 7 years
get to know me
i was tagged by the beautiful @documenting-yourdownfall
1: always post the rules
2: answer the questions given by the person that tagged you
3: write eleven questions of your own
4: tag eleven people
1. did you have a childhood pet(s)? What were they’re names?
i have had four pets growing up. a dog(still alive my bby) named Jasmin. a cat(also still alive) named Whiskers(creative name nicole wow). a second cat(had two lots of kittens and then ran away) named Paws(there’s a theme goin with the cat names). a budgie(passed away on the anniversary of Joe Strummers death so that was a fun day) named Sid…that changed to Nancy after a while.
2. whats the best and worst thing about where you live?
the best thing would be how close it is to all my friends. im not miles and miles away and im also very close to the main town. the worst is probably just the fact that its dead. like if i wanna do what i plan to with my life i have to leave what a cliché lol.
3. whats your favourite compliment to receive?
honestly? i have no idea. compliments make me kinda uncomfortable like how do you respond correctly???? im too awkward to enjoy compliments what is my life.
4. what are you looking forward to right now?
probably this weekend. im gonna get drunk and i get to see my friends. theres also gonna be people idk there and for once im not freakin out that i have to to meet new people which is new for me and nice.
5. you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which is it?
FUCK YOU RHI. this is such a difficult question and you KNOW it is you heathen. ok so i’ve just gone through all my albums multiple times and its an unanswerable question so i’ll just tell you what album i’ve been listening to a lot lately which is Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey. she makes me cry i love her.
6. favourite season?
summer. simple.
7. do you want children? if so, have you picked out potential names for them?
i will either have no kids at all, only one, or five. i dont know why but i blame my friend for getting me slightly obsessed with the Romanov family. i will never reveal any names until i actually have kids its a surprise but i really like irish names.
8. describe the person that means the most to you.
oh shit yo. theres a few people i care about so this is difficult but i was able to narrow it down to two people pretty easily.(you get what i give i cant choose just one). the first person(the Romanov friend) ive known since i was in primary school. we werent in the same friend group at first but we did get along. then a few years later we got closer and closer and shes one of the most important people in my life. like i cant imagine life without her. i actually wouldnt be alive without her. i know thats dramatic af but just knowing that shes in my life has stopped me from doing some very stupid things and i will forever be grateful for that. i also feel very lucky to have seen her grow into the amazing and strong person that she is today. the second person ive had an on and off past with. not because of fighting or anything it was all circumstances. we were in the same school, they changed schools, we’re both too awkward to be able to properly keep in touch lol, but recently we’ve reconnected and holy shit. this friendship blew the fuck up fast. shes brought a lot of happiness and security to my life. i could tell her anything about myself and she’d be like “yeah i get that” like i can relate so much to her it makes me feel less alone. i really cant wait to see all the amazing things she does with her life and im so happy to be in it. im a sappy fucker but i dont deserve these two honestly.
9. you can have a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world. where are you going?
America. it doesnt matter where but id like if all my friends could come and we could just travel all around America. maybe on like a crime or murder tour that would be cool.
10. talk about a memory that makes you smile.
this is super dumb cause literally nothing happened but i remember when i was like two? i think i was two? anyway i was in Finland and were staying in a log cabin and it was all snowy outside(i hate snow but this was nice) and i was on the floor with my sister and we were eating ice pops(it was warm in the cabin fuck off) and we were colouring in colouring books. thats it. so simple but real nice.
11. if you could live in any era, which would it be? why?
im good with living in the now. living in the now gives me the ability to appreciate and enjoy everything thats come from all the eras already past. i love the 60s and the 70s and i get to enjoy all the music from those times all i want. so im chill with this era.
my questions:
1. what movie is special to you(doesnt have to be your favourite) and why?
2. what was your biggest fear as a child and is it still the same?
3. whats your favourite colour to wear?
4. what song definitely has to be played at your funeral?
5. whats your guilty pleasure song?
6. you get a ticket to see anyone in concert that has ever existed, band or solo. who is it?
7. what medium do you use for artistic expression?(singing, writing, dance etc.)
8. if someone wanted to know about you what album should they listen to?
9. put your phone/ipod etc. on shuffle. what are your favourite lyrics from the first four songs.
10. do you have a role model? who and why?
11. what topic can you talk about for hours?
i tag @alpacaya @aesthetic-mystic-alien @mindnumbinglife i dont talk to anybody else on this but if you see this your tagged too and can do it if you want.
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survivorindia · 7 years
Rites of Passage
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My experience was boring, I didn't get to do anything. I tried backstabbing someone but they backstabbed me first. Not much else to say, cause nothing else happened.
Lexi G:  I wanted to keep you bud and would have if you weren’t voting me. I don’t think you deserved to go first after helping with the challenge though. 
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India. Oh how I miss her. The game was such a ride even if was just for a short period. At least I left with some souvenirs, like the relationships I made and this cool looking rock.
Ashley: Okay, I didn't really get to know you well but tbh getting rocked out first is iconic and I love you. 
Lexi L: Steven Snell, You are the best and most loyal person. I mean who would go to rocks the first tribal council? YOU THATS WHO! I am so glad you are playing the game ruben and i are hosting now. That is the one good thing that came out of playing a tumblr game, meeting you. I really wish we could of played the rest of this game together.I love you and i am still so sad you got fucked by a rock.
Robin: Even though we only got to know each other you are one of my favorite people in this community. You’re so loyal and sweet. I was so upset that you ended up getting rocked out. I’ve done everything in this game with you in mind. I hope I made you proud.
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Ashley: Awe, hi Ace! I really liked getting to know you and hope you are doing well, voting you out wasn't a priority for me but it just happened to be where the numbers landed. 
Lexi L: Um i honestly don't remember you to much sorry:/
Robin: You seemed like a really nice person. I wish we could’ve gotten to play together.
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Lexi G:  We didn’t start speaking much until your tribal and I wish we had. The points you made were great and I would have kept you had the group consensus not been for you to go.
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Lexi G: We were in two games together so the working relationship was there but with limited replies, it’s hard to work with someone. I wish you made it further so we could have worked together but good luck in Hoenn!
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Rigga Morris! Listen perhaps I played too hard too fast ? But I'm happy w 1/2 of the ppl in the final so I'm love this season yes!
Ashley: Karen, Karen, Karen, I wanted to see our little "rivalry" from Sweden was behind us but unfortunately it was not. I caught wind of you actually wanting me out and so I had to do something about it. I am sorry it ended up like that. 
Lexi G:  We were never on a tribe together but I heard you’re a legend so I hope we get to speak outside of the game!
Lexi L:  I told you after Steven got rocked out that i would flip to your side and be loyal to you because i hated everyone left on my tribe besides Robin. You were fun to talk to and i was sad you got blindsided.:/ Wish we could of slayed together.
Robin: I wish we could’ve had the tribe swap earlier. I wanted to work with you so bad. Thanks for supporting me in everything!
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Lexi G: We never got to speak much but I hope everything is well and I’m sorry you had to leave the game.
Lexi L: Bernel, i'm pretty sure you quit. I forget why. We did not talk to much but for the times we did talk you seemed pretty cool.
Robin: I didn’t get to know you much but I hope you’re doing well and that you get another shot at playing.
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I figured I was on the bottom of a group and flipped to better myself - it didn't work out in the end and the group I flipped on was the group that got my torch snuffed.
Ashley: Okay I didn't talk to you at all but I hear great things about you. 
Lexi L: So you told me you were voting Liam out because he was inactive and then went and told everyone i was dating ruben from the other tribe and to get me out. You had Whitney and Liam on board. So you made it go to rocks and got my boy Steven out:/ So i dont really like you for that. 
Robin: We had a rocky relationship. I really liked you and thought we would work well together but unfortunately we ended up having different targets. 
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Ashley:  I am not even doing this one. 
Lexi G:  I pray you’re not still lost on the beach somewhere 
Lexi L: Whitney, you never liked me for some reason. Like i tried to talk to you and everything ,but you would not give me a chance lol. But i heard you went inactive once we switched tribes, which sucks because why not just of let yourself be voted out instead of letting people go to rocks.
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Okay so first and foremost, I loved this season while it lasted tbh, and im sad that I am pre-merge and 15th place once again, but who cares lol. Anyway I'm personally glad that the person who quit jury did because it gave me the opportunity I've wanted, okay done with that. I feel like this game honestly I did my best and I was proud of how I started out. It's annoying that I was voted out with little reason, and that I lost to some of the most vile people this season, but things happen you know? S/O to Jordan and sarah this season for being probably my favorite people EVER to have worked with like yall are so real I love you guys. Okay bye!!
Lexi G: I love your ability to put feminism above all else (and as I have stated numerous times before in Hoenn vl drs) I wish you had stayed in both games since I really wanted to work with you long term!
Lexi L: Ok Julia, you need to get your self checked out. I think you are messed up in the head. You attacked me for saying this game is rigged? I complained once about rig so get your facts straight. You said a bunch of mean things to me and then deleted it! LIKE WHAT!?? Don't say rude things and then delete it. Just tell me straight up how you feel.
Robin: Julia, you are such a great person honestly. The fact that you’re into with craft is so interesting. I honestly hated to see you go. It sucks that the original plan was leaked or else you would’ve stayed longer. 
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I was never really into the game to begin with, so I don’t have a lot to say. As of late I have removed myself of all games and basically from this community as a whole due to personal issues. Good game everyone! Byeee.
Ashley: See you at school! 
Lexi G: My first alliance :( I wish you had more time to play but I understand life gets busy!
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Ashley: Oh goodness, here we go. Dom, we went from being happily married to some ugly old couple who just was sick of each other. You were made out to be such a strong player and honestly everyone was scared of you. I know that if it hadn't have been for the idol I received, you would probably still be here, and I am sorry for that, but I certainly feel as though Sarah and I did what was necessary to save ourselves. 
Lexi G: You have no idea how much I appreciated being aligned with you! I saw you as a power player and we shared some fun moments so I was sad to see you go but have to admit being taken out by two idols is quite badass! I thought you had a tremendous chance at winning because of the amazing game you were playing so it was crazy how that tribal played out.
Lexi L: DOM, ugh i am so sad they got you. I loved our little alliance with Ruben, Lexi G, Jaiden and Robin. We were at the bottom but you somehow always stayed postive and helped us come up with a plan. I hated seeing you go. I loved meeting you and im glad you and Ruben bonded so i had the chance to play with you. You're amazing!
Robin: Idols really hurt us. The day of the tribal council where you left was….eventful. You deserved to stay longer than that. I hope you get to play another tumblr survivor game.
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I’m Jordan Pines
Ashley: Jordan <3 my heart broke into a million pieces when you were voted out. You had been telling us all day that everything was okay and that we had it in the bag, and then you suddenly had to go. It really sucked not having your humor and strategic thinking around. Hope to talk soon!
Lexi G: What could have been! I really really wanted to work with you long term, and I thought it could have been fun for us to switch things up in the game. Alas, someone found an idol and most of them were dead set on you going that round. I still think about, to this day, how we could have had some fun in the game and I believed you to be someone who would have loved to make crazy moves with me. I want to say thank you for talking to me regularly and being there for the times I needed to vent. I hope we get to become friends outside of this game <3
Lexi L: Jordan, you were definitely running this game. I always viewed you as a threat from the day i met you. we didn't talk much, i did not really see a point because you had your group and i had mine. You were definitely a great player though. Sorry the idol screwed you.
Robin: You’re a great liar. It’s a compliment by the way. You really had me sold that you were trying to save lexi g. Even though you might not believe it, you had a big impact on the game. I honestly got inspired with how smoothly you were able to lie and make yourself look like you were working hard to be a hero. That’s what got me going the tribal after to say so much. You were a very strong competitor. I’m sure you could’ve easily won this had you made past the first merge round.  
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Jaiden doesn’t have me on skype so he didn’t submit
Ashley: Okay Jaiden, I love you, but come on. I gave you soooooo many chances to work with me. I put my trust in you so many times and for what? I feel as though we certainly gained a friendship but eventually you being unpredictable was what made my mind up. 
Lexi G: I enjoyed talking to you as we were also in two games together, you were always so kind. I believe we had a ton of the same issues going on so I hope you are doing better and I wish you the best!
Lexi L:  Jaiden, im very sad you quit jury. The returnees did not give you a chance. I am glad they didnt though because i got the chance to work with you. You were very fun to talk to and when you played that idol on me, i knew i could trust you. I mean i knew before , but i was always a little worried. Loved playing with you!
Robin: I tried so hard to save you. The tribal council you left was a pivotal point in how I was perceived in the game. I pushed myself to play more aggressively and be more outspoken because of you. You were such a great friend in the game. It’s a bummer you left the jury. I hope everything in your life is working out well.
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Coming into this game I didn't see myself doing well at all. I mean I was in the game with my girlfriend and couldn't even lie about it because there were people that knew of the both of us already. That being said, I did a lot better than I thought I was going to. I mean I made the merge with my girlfriend lol and I played an idol on myself and made some pretty big moves while I was in the game. I was well on my way to hopefully winning this game, but people saw me as the biggest threat on the otherside and took me out. I don't think I would have done anything different, not much I could have done differently. But I think I played the best possible game I could have and I'm proud of my game. As for my first tumblr survivor journey, I made jury, idoled someone out, played a huge part in taking out one of the biggest liars and villains in Jordan, and even got a spell put on me by another jury member (who shouldn't even be a juror lol sorry Julia). Anyway my first and last journey on Tumblr Survivor was an interesting one for sure.
Ashley: Hello Ruben! I am sorry we didn't get to talk much, but it was assumed that you were the "leader" of the newbies and wouldn't want to really communicate with us returnees. The conversations we did have however I highly enjoyed. I hope you are doing well!
Lexi G: Our alliance since the beginning was everything I had hoped for and more. We looked out for each other and had to swat off the rumor that we were dating hahaha but somehow made it through all that. I very much appreciated you being the calm side of our duo and I’m happy we made the merge together. I’m excited to talk to you again soon after the game is over! 
Lexi L: You are so cute. I was mad you played this game because i definitely thought we would be out pre merge. I mean we date who would let us get this far. oh wait, they did LOL. sorry had to say it. I was sad when you went , but one of us were bound to go and i guess they saw you as more of a threat. Love you <3
Robin: You were honestly the best player in this game. You were able to predict everyone’s strategies, win competitions, and gather information. I would’ve loved to have seen you win this game. If it wouldn’t have been for you figuring out Lexi was getting votes, we would’ve all been picked off. Thank you for being such a helpful ally.
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Saying this game was messy is an understatement. Things were all over the place and it was surely interesting. Personally, I think I played a decent game, and almost made the top third. A lot of great friends came out of it, and then there's the opposite of that. (You know who you are.) it's truly a shame that I have to pick one of these remaining people to win, but may the best lady win. Prepare for hell at FTC. Ciao.~ You know who you are coughcoughalexiscoughcough
Ashley: Oh poor Liam. Rocked out because of paranoia of something that wasn't even happening. You were actually really loyal and it sucked losing you in the way we did. It would have been nice to have you here with me. 
Lexi G: We didn’t get to speak much other than my plea on the tie vote for Jaiden but so sorry you were eliminated in rocks, that’s got to be tough. I hope the blues clinch a playoff spot though!
Lexi L: Liam ok, you were supposed to go the first tribal council. You were inactive, but somehow you come out of nowhere and convice Johnny and Whitney otherwise and i mean good for you. That's a good move. We never really talked because i was salty and mad you did not go and Steven did. We never talked after that either. I think you hate me. I dont get why but it's ok. 
Robin: I wish we hadn’t messed up our relationship so much back on Nayak so we could’ve worked together at merge. I really think you could’ve won this game had the ruby idol not gotten you eliminated.
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It was super weird to come back for a fourth time, It was intense, it was crazy and the people with the most entertaining personalities are in jury. This game was drama filled..to say the least and it was SO much fun to be apart of it
Ashley: Sarah don't you dare hate me. I love you, I really do, but girl your paranoia and stuff was really bugging me. I had second thoughts on voting you out. But the thought of you making so many other chats without me in them after telling me you wanted to take me to the end was not the best feeling. In the end it was strictly strategic, you are a huge threat in games and I respect that, as I hope you can respect my move. 
Lexi G: I believe you don’t want to hear from me at all due to the message you sent me after you were voted out. However, I did genuinely want to work with you. I had hoped the villains could possibly team up since we were cannibalizing up until that point. I had voted the way you wanted me to during the tribal you played your idol. Then at the tribal you left, you didn’t tell me how you were voting and the opposing group had set their eyes on you once again while also having a lot of power so it was out of my hands during that round. You have no idea how much I was looking forward to working and calling with you more for the rounds to come but tearfully, it didn’t work out. I hope we get to speak more about it later as I’m excited to hear your thoughts during the game.
Lexi L: Sarah, I have no idea what happened with us. We never had a problem with one another and then you just went off on me. Called me Ruben's dog, which is very far from the truth and that's why it triggered me. People always think i do as ruben says in game and it couldnt be more far from the truth. He is just more vocal and i am more behind the scenes. You hate me and i don't hate you, but i think attacking me was random and uncalled for. 
Robin: I really thought I would enjoy getting to play with you. You seemed like a really nice person and you seemed to like me a lot. It’s funny how things can change though once the game gets more intense and we have to go against each other. I found out the kind of player you are and that’s why I actively tried to get you out. I want to point out that bringing up a past event of yours was not meant to be personal. This was on a blog, which is public, and anyone can access so I feel like you exaggerated what I did. I played this game with integrity and respecting everyone. You made a big deal about not getting personal with people, so I think you should take your own advice and think before you make rude comments to other people. I’m not sure if you were just trying to embrace your villain character but remember, this just a game and just because someone else outplays you, it doesn’t mean you have the right to release your anger negatively on them. You know what I’m talking about and I hope you take time in the future to apologize to that person. 
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This game was a load of fun ^__^ I got to meet some amazing people, take part in some shocking blindsides, and strategize to my heart's content. My only regret is not being more paranoid come F8-ish. Everyone was telling me to scramble more and more, but the only way I could make it further would be by trusting the people who eventually took me out... *Shrug* All in all, this was a great experience and I am very happy I got to live through it all with such a marvelous cast!
Ashley: Alright so this is a tough one. I know you are not going to really want to hear from me or are just completely pissed at me right now but I promise I had my reasons. You were never going to trust me again as you did at the beginning. I knew by the way you reacted that you would be plotting against me at some point in the future and I certainly did not want that because I know you are smart as hell and could have taken me out no sweat. So in a last minute decision, my worries got the best of me, and I am sorry for that but I hope you can respect me as a player still, and see the reasons why I made the moves I did. 
Lexi G: I believe you to be by far the scariest player, and I can’t place my finger on why. It could be attributed to your working relationships with a large majority of the cast or your ability to extract any sort of information out of any single person. I had heard some of my allies giving up information that I did not want them to, to you so it’s quite crazy how you had that effect on people. I heard a TON of things about your game and it was intimidating, but I really want the chance to play with you again and I pray that we could even be on the same side.
Lexi L: Gavin, I don’t know how to feel about you. My relationship with you was the same i had with Alex. We always tried to talk about game but never did. I heard what you did to Ruben though and it made me very upset. I think you played an ok game . You just, i don't know. I never wanted to talk game with you because i knew you were kind of a snake. I do want to thank you for telling ruben to play an idol on me that round though!
Robin: We had such a complex relationship. I feel like the two of us were being mislead by other people. If we would’ve just trusted each other, we probably could’ve done so much together.
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Ashley: Okay so this one actually wasn't completely my fault but I still hate myself for it. I should have voted with you guys and gone to rocks. Which is something that in previous games I would never do. But Alex you are such a genuine person, you didn't hate me for choices I made but instead came and asked me why I did the things I did. You didn't judge me or want me gone, you truly just wanted to understand and that is why I wanted you to be here with me at the end because if I can't win I would have hoped you could have at least. 
Lexi G: This is hard due to me knowing that you wanted to help me out a bit as you believed me to be on the bottom of my side but it was difficult to align when I wasn’t told how the tribal would be playing out most of the time and the result I was told to expect didn’t happen. I did try to make sure the vote wasn’t you a few rounds to try and repay for the times you had told me you hadn’t written my name down. You were a great player and you knew that as you said in your final tribal so I hope you’re not mad that I took out a clear winner. You had it all in this game; social, strategic and were great in the challenges.
Lexi L: Alex, You were a funny person and i wish we could of talked more and maybe even worked together. You were set in your alliance and i was set in mine. I definitely viewed you as a threat too. You were likeable and never crossed anyone. I respect you and have no bad words for you.
Robin: I really admire how articulate you are. You came off as a very persuasive person. I was afraid of you the entire game. You were so social and at least with me, you knew what words to use to get me to open up and appreciate you. I’m sure you could’ve won this game by a landslide.
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In the words of the great scholar Linkin Park, "I tried so hard and that's alright but in the end it doesn't even matter,"
Ashley: Ugh Kendall you tried so hard, your slideshow was amazing, kinda wish I had you to share cookies with. We knew it was kind of hopeless but we still tried. And that is all we could really have done. It really sucked that you left, and I know I haven't been the best person throughout this game, but you have always made me laugh and I truly adore you as a human being.
Lexi G:  As outrageous as it sounds, I’m not a sociopath like you believe I am. I genuinely did feel like shit for a large part of the game but I was not on the bottom as I had said. I needed to try and avoid getting votes for tribals to come so I had to play up the “trio” on our side to survive. The issues I opened up about indirectly regarding my actual life were true sadly. I thank you for letting me vent to you and I’m sorry if you were hurt on a personal level. If you had told me more of what was going on during the rounds before, I would have loved to work with you but you didn’t seem to trust me. I did enjoy those earlier conversations before the merge when we had spoken about our weird humor so I’m painfully sad that it didn’t end up working out. I’m positive you hate me so I’ll end this here and wish you the best.
Lexi L: KENDALL, ugh i connected with you the most more than most people in this game. You are so odd and funny. I mean that in a very good way. I loved talking to you. I always said if i got out and you made it to the end, you would of definitely got my vote. No one hated you and i mean how could they. I hope we talk after this game is over. Dead babies for life!
Robin: Well, you were the most surprising out of everyone. The way you were able to stay in the game and never have your name thrown out showed how big of a threat you were. I saw myself working with you back on the Hero beach but the whole returnees vs newbies thing ended up forcing us on opposite sides.
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20 questions, 20 followers
I wasn't tagged by anyone but seen it on @esotheria-sims who i follow on my simblr! Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. But im not gonna tag 20 peeps ✌. Name: Jillieann Viola Wallinger Nicknames: Jill... Oh and Jill-Jill... Zodiac sign: I was born May 7th, so I am a Taurus Height: 5'5 Orientation: Demi-ro ace? Ethnicity: Mixed. 1/2 German, 1/4 Choctaw, 1/4 Creole. Favorite fruit: That's really hard cause I love fruit. But I think I gotta say oranges. I know boring, but I can always go for an orange. Berries don't count I'm assuming. Favorite season: By far Spring. I love the weather, the colors, and flowers, and It's my birth-season. Favorite book series: I do not read. But I gotta say Winnie-the-Pooh because of loyalty. But my favorite book is Mice of Men. Favorite flower: Also hard! I love all flowers. But if I had to answer, I'd have to say daffodils and violas. Favorite scent: Green apple shampoo by Suave. Also Julie's smoke wood perfume. 😍 Favorite color: Yellow, almost any muted pink, and green-blue by crayola. Favorite animal: Ducks! Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea definitely and then hot chocolate and coffee are tied. Average sleep hours: Depends. If i stay up past 2 am, i sleep for 12+ hours. If i go to bed at a decent hour like 12, I'll prob wake up around 8 am. Cat or dog person? Cat, but I like dogs too. Favorite fictional characters: Hard again. I dont watch TWD anymore but I loved Glenn Rhee, Tyreese, and Noah all of which are POC TWD killed so you can guess why I stopped watching. But otherwise, I like Louise, Gene, Linda, Zeke, and Rudy from Bob's Burgers. I also really like Jake Peralta, Capt'n Holt, Terry, and Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99. Oh! And Sumo from Clarence. Many more but this has been going on for long enough lol. Number of blankets you sleep with: Depends on the season. But as of right now, which is end of winter, I'm sleeping with a heating blanket and a quilt. Dream trip: Hard man. I really want to see Mt. Shasta. But I'm always happy In Ice House. And of course Disney World is a dream, but that means we'd have to go to Florida, which is ugh. Blog created: I honestly cannot remember and I'm too lazy to look. But I know it was in March. I think in 2014? Idk man. Number of followers: 70 something, grand majority being bots! Time right now: 5:44 pm, February 19th, 2017. Last thing you googled: Ep 27 of Adventure Zone podcast. Fave music artist: Fave of all time has to be Taking Back Sunday. But close second has to be Johnny Flynn and Jamie T. Song stuck in my head: You know that song "OOOoooOO THAT SMELL" by Lyndyrd Skynyrd but add "that smelly smell that smells" from Mr. Krabs in the Anchovy Ep. Last movie I watched: Cannot remember my dude. I don't watch movies that often. Prob some random thing on Netflix. Or actually that wierd baseball movie Julie watched with Sara. Last TV show I watched: I'm actually always watching Bob's Burgers on loop at all fucking times... What I’m wearing right now: Dan's skin pants (danskin) with an obsured amnt of menstrual blood on them cause i am not wasting another pair of pants on this fucking period. Also a blue stripey pj shirt, and my fluffy pink robe to hide THE INANE AMOUNT OF BLOOD. The kind of stuff I post: Things that represent me I guess or just things I like! Why did I choose my url: It's my cat's, Otis', nickname so I have it as all my screen names Gender: Female Hogwarts house: I'm not a fan of HP. But I think I like Raven Claw the most from what I seen. Pokémon team: I couldn't get Pokemon Go on my phone cause of storage, so I never got on that band wagon. Dream job: General Practitioner / Family doctor. Relationship status: Single Pets: Okay man get ready my dudes. Species, Oldest to Youngest. Pearl, a mean and sarcastic black lab she's 8. Benny, a buckaroo, nanny-dog Yorkie who acts like he has the hardest job but in reality he creates his own stress, he's 8. Finnegan, a fickle, vindictive and buff little Chihuahua, he's 7. Opal, a big ol' sweety face white lab 1/4 chow mix, and the daughter of Pearl and Bear (whos no longer with us) thats really shy, she's 7. Her Brother, SweetPea, a freckley doofus black lab 1/4th chow mix he also is 7. Puck, a wierd little weeny/chihuahua stray we found in front of the grocery store, hes the sweetest and nicest and dumbest little thing you'll meet, we found him in i think 2013 or 14 and he was barely 10 months when we found him; so I think he may be 3 or 4 prob 4. Okay. Dogs done, onto cats. Riley, we got him after Milo and Otis but he's older. My brother thought it'd be a great idea to get a cat for his gf who is... Lets just say it wasnt a good idea. And so we ended up taking Riley after a huge escapade. He's a normal american tabby, he's like 6 I think, he's super quiet, and a bit of a dick, but some how won the love of Otis and Simon. Milo, a scared can't-get-right zoolander Lilac Siamese, he's 5. His big ol' orange tabby brother Otis, he's large, and pushy and also a bit of a dick and very gay, he's also 5. Simon our newest edition an eternal kitten and a very talkative little fuc- ...booger he loves Riley and heating blankets, windows, and anything he can tear up, he's a Balenese which just means a thicc ass Siamese, he's 1 and still super tiny. Cats done. On to birds. Buddy a sweet little Indian Runner duck very dainty and bossy, she's I think 6. Bertha, a big ass egg layer chicken she also is thicc but very sweet and talkative, she's 4. Her sister Trudy also lays eggs she red cant remember her breed but a chicken is a chicken she's sassy and talks too much but is pretty cool, she's also 4. Ester, a beautiful black and white lacey chicken her, and her sister, Agnes, don't have much of a personality that I've seen, they both are 2 I think. Okay! Thats it, on paper it's a lot but when you're living with them it's nothing. They are family and all hold an important place. ❤ Last song you listened to: Right now it's "Shore To Shore" by Johnny Flynn. Favorite TV Show: Bob's Burgers... First Fandom: Winnie-the-pooh. Since I was like 2 maybe younger. I tag anyone who wants to do this, but specifically @theinvisiblemonsters
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bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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Okay WOOOO. So hey, I'm here doing a DR pre-season, because? I am cracked, a mess and SOOO EXCITED. Also, I looked up fun words, to find something to use as my confessional codeword, and "brouhaha" means "a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something" WHICH IS SO APPROPRIATE. So woo, enjoy the brouhaha that is my excitement for this season. I just wanna say a couple of things: 1) Nicholas and Julia posting those clock gifs is gonna make my head fall off, thats so scary. If it means past season twists like someone said in the VL, I'm NERVY. RoseGold POVs are my biggest fear, and I know there was a season where prejury was all about them so YIKES. Calling it now, I'm gonna get sent home by a rosegold PoV. 2) Emily and Lukas was such an iconic F2, no matter whomst the F2 is in Orre, we will never match them 3) I wanna make some pre-season picks of who I expect to see cast, that way if they win, I can take total credit. I'm feeling like Raffy, Sammy and Aren might be in the cast, based on literally nothing khajsdfla. Raffy as a player terrifies me (I was also the person who brought him into this community so whew), but he gets CRACKED so whew! Aren is a scorpio so we stan. ANYWHO. I'm so excited for this season, its gonna be a HOOOOOT.
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Wooh so ready for the season to start!!!
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Hola, did you miss me? This is going to be me reflecting back on my Johto experience and trying to point out the mistakes I made, and how this game will be different. (this is before cast reveal) The first mistake I did in Johto was go against the premade. I was wary of Connor and Ari, and I thought painting the target on the returnee wouldnt only be easy but would be successful. And then I found out that I couldn't, and then Connor made friends with everybody on my team and fucked me over in the long run. The second mistake I did in Johto was being messy. A prime example was making pseudo "alliance" chats in order to sway the vote for people to keep me. This proved to be unsuccessful. I also had a mental breakdown like every night, so that just buried me more. The third mistake I did in Johto was throw the veto the week I was nominated. I felt like I couldve won it but I decided to study for my test. I didnt compete in the pov that i  shouldve won. SO now its time to do what I need to do for my redemption is quite simple. The last 3 ORGs ive played for BB i have made 2nd, 4th, and 3rd. And I learned quite a lot To negate my first mistake I'm not going to publicly target anbody. I will join the mob mentality to ensure my safety in early weeks. To negate my second mistake I am going to keep all my alliances as 1on1s. No alliances bigger than 3 people, and make sure to keep whatever information I have to myself. I will not snake out any information. To negate my third mistake is to try in all competitions. I will not throw anything I will not submit for anything unless I really cant. If I give it my all and still leave I can't beat myself up that bad. I'm nervous, but I'm ready. These freaks aren't gonna know what hit them.
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Okay one hour to premiere! The fact that I've made two DRs pre-season? thats wild. I am gonna give a go at predicting the cast, based on... borderline nothing, beyond paranoia: Veronica Constance Raffy Autumn Olivia Eddie Elmo Hals Sammy Aren Those are guesses I'm confident in, so I'm gonna stick to that! Lets see if I get anyone right ajlkdsfas
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Okay this isn't as bad as i thought except i'm a hot ass mess and messaged a picture into the house chat and i'm about to DIE
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wut in the FUCK is happening who the hell are these people theyre mental all of them. nice to see sammy and ali though i fucking love them but i am terrified of playing with ali i literally said to my host chat 3 hrs before the game started "please say its all newbies so im not playing with zeezo" AND SHES HERE WTF
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omg this FREAKING CAST IS WILD and i'm not gonna lie i'm a little worried that i might fight over half of them before the second week is finished...
not gonna lie seeing ashvika and roxy made me wanna kill myself but also i'm totally dying at the sight of ZEEZO AND BRYCE <3 also THIS COMP FREAKING SUCKS i need to find a group of friends asap so i don't flop. i'm gonna try to bring together bryce, zeezo, sammy, kat, and maybe ricky.... either gonna be lit or bite me in the ass
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Hi!!! Y'all casted way too many people but it's ok cause I really like everyone so far whew. Also I really will do my intro video I swear... first thing tomorrow lmao 
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THIS SHIT IS OVERWHELMING AF! SOOOO MANY FREAKIN PPL IM TALKIN TOO! I LIKE MOST OF THEM but som im like k. then like the call i do not want to join bc shit they cracked af! hopefully its not my undoing but i feel like my social is pretty strong atm.  #BBgameEVER
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i'm just happy that ashvika is willing to put our unnecessarily tragic rivalry behind us and play this game right this time around. hopefully we'll be able to keep up the "we hate each other" look in the house chat and such so we can actually WORK TOGETHER this time. obvi i love her, and i just want the backstabbing madness to stop. hopefully she really has put out past behind her bc i'm ready to move on. like we're both pretty, we need to stick together. also shook that i talked to blake the longest today in pms???? like???? okay??? bryce and i look like we're in this for the long haul, hopefully we aren't first and second boot!! bc i have a weird feeling imma be pre-jury for some reason dsgdf
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Night 1 Thots: Short term goal? to be as pathetic as possible. Probaly shouldn't have told alivia so soon that I was johnchen from bbtc world as after watching her intro vid. the could come back to bite me. Ryan seems like someone who I can ride on his coat tails for a while to get my foot in this game. So short term I need to be as pathetic as possible and hope this julia/bryce/sammy thing from house of shade starts to erupt.
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me at alivia
Really regretting making my code word tractor.. Not a fan.  But um me and alivia talked for like 4 hours and we're both legends. We have a cute google sheet bet ur all jealous. Her and ashvika are gonna pretend that they hate each other but they dont actually!! How fun. Hope i dont slip and blow their covers JKDFHKSJD. Everyone seems to know everyone which is scary. When i first saw Jela and Julia were cast I was scared that theyd target me b/c we had a rough introduction, but honestly theyre legends. Idk why i told jela i was missing a left toe.. but i did and now idk what to do about that whole thing. Maybe ill say i got drunk and dont remember saying that but it isnt true.. IDK WHAT TO DO. But um yaa happy to see zeezo here too but scared ppl will think we're a duo but honestly I dont think ppl will. Um I should do a cast first impression thing wooh! Ricky: Played my first tumblr game with him but dont really know him. Seemed nice but not much there Randy: seems like a legend. Poc king. Um talked to him and he wanted to know more about me but wouldnt talk about himself so!! Idk hope we talk more seems fun. Julia: Um called me out. Called me fat. Fun tho!! Seems untrustworthy but no bad blood. Roxy: Talked a bit, um shes fun?? Dont think she likes me Ashvika: how can one girl be so pretty??? Shes smart too. Like i want to hate how perfect she is. The type of girl to throw my game away for tho so I need to make sure I dont!! Alivia: how can one girl be so pretty??? Shes smart too. Like i want to hate how perfect she is. The type of girl to throw my game away for tho so I need to make sure I dont!!  Honestly want to go to the end with her tho so I just am gonna have to make sure I outplay her so we can be f2. Bryce: ugly cast pic. Is he even a poc??? Zeezo: THE LOML I LOVE HER SO MUCH. we both seem to be working together so im happy. Hope to work with her and have her carry me in comps. She will beat lachies record. #menareover Kat: wish she was jade ;(. JK!! Love her so much already. She is so nice and fun and like just seems like a great person. Honestly shes gonna mist me too. Jose: Epicmafia king. We never work together and always betray each other so... first chance for everything??? He seems fun tho love him hope he slays (less than me tho) Sammy: I literally love him hes so nice but i never pm him so thats awk KDSJFHDKSj hope that this game changes that!! Lynn: Legend. Loves hufflepuff, hates middle school. Like I think we click but i know her and blake are like super close so idk if shed ever be closer with me but i hope so b/c shes just like.. amazing!! Saxon: Talks a lot. About himself. Maybe itll change when i talk to him more. Likes super hero movies so wooh i guess. Jela: Thought she hated me but maybe now she doesnt. Shes really funny actually so hopefully we can be allies. Blake: know that hes super smart and good at the game but like he got rekt by queen tara so maybe ill do that to him. We talked but it was bland but guess ill push through it Dennis: So his name is annoying to spell so had to change that quick. Kind of hate him??? But hes fun!!! Didnt know carly rae jepsen made music still so like the stan in me wanted to hang up the call on him. BUT then he msged me asking for carly songs to listen to so like.. love him now. Cant believe he knew all the social game hed need with me was just pretending to like my queen Autumn: We talked about her past games and it was basically me fangirlling about her ENDING eddie LOL. think we can work together because we both like intersectional feminism John: Tried talking to him but didnt go anywhere. But im gonna make it work!! Ive decided we'll be close so wooh Olivia: took 2 hours to respond to me. like musicals tho. kept ignoring me tho. Alivia outsold. Ali: PURE KING. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. NO ONE IS BETTER. I COULD NEVER TURN AGAINST HIM. SO IM GONNA NEED OTHERS TO DO IT FOR ME. Love his dog even tho i misgendered her but it wont happen again. Think we'll be close. reptiles stick together!!
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WHEWIE. Okay I tried filming a video confessional, but my thoughts are such a mess, so I've decided writing it out will be considerably more coherent. YIKES SO. This season is already so wild, like this cast.... is gonna be a lot. I already can tell this season is going to have lots of fights and I don't know... how ready I am for that eeeek. But otherwise, my illiteracy means I don't understand the lottery twist so I love that. The returnee twist is fun though, like I feel like at the start of games, I go into panic mode, so having returnees I can go to about that, might make them feel like I'm an easy number and that they want to work with me? The people I knew before this season (like I'd actually spoken to): Bryce, Julia, Ashvika, Autumn & Olivia (I loosely knew Ricky, Blake & Sammy too) Within the game itself, the people I've had the best conversations with are Jose, Kat, Olivia, Ashvika & John. Olivia is like one of my favourite people in the community, and also a super good player so I'd love to work with her. I also think the fact that we are friends is something nobody in the cast should know (I think) so thats fun. Jose was such a big threat/player last season, and the vibe I get from him this time is he wants to tone that down? I'm not good at working with super cracked people, so him being slightly in the middle between UTR and cracked, will make him a super good person to work with I think. He is also the only person I've like...talked game with, even though its super limited, just that I wanna work with him. I'm a weirdo and watched all the Alola cast assessment stuff, and it sounds like Kat was playing really well, but got stuck in a funky position and couldn't recover, so I think she is gonna be a major threat this time and I'd love to work with her too woooo. Ashvika is a queen. Just plain and simple. She is so wholesome and nice, and already seems loosely on the same page as me, so thats iconic. John scares me ajkhsdfaslf. i think he is a total newbie, and I also think he is gonna get super cracked, and thats.... scary asdkjflas Dennis I just started talking to properly, he is in my timezone-ish, so that will be good for my sleeping pattern if he ever wins HoH or anything, but I worry he may struggle to make connections, so I'm not sure how much he can help me as an ally? The others I'm gonna try and do more rapid fire, since this confessional is already massive hjkasdflsaf: Alivia: Really really nice! We haven't spoken all that much, but she seems super friendly and she was really loyal in Unova, which makes me feel good about maybe working with her? Also Ali in the name? we love legends Ricky: Ricky is.... an interesting one ljaksdfla. He is a fun personality to have around, so I hope he sticks around. I'm not sure how invested he will be in any of these games, but I hope he gives it a good go woo Randy: Randy is gonna be such a threat already I can tell sahkjfdla Also he lowkey scares me, because whenever I would start pm'ing people on call yesterday, he would run to my pms asking why I wasnt pm'ing him which freaked me out sjkadflas. He seems fun though, and Dom stans him so we stan Julia (The Witch): An icon. A legend. An inspiration. Also terrifying skjahdfla. She mentioned all stars on call yesterday and my heart stopped, because I hated how I was in that game and dont want it talked about. I think she is gonna fight people and I don't especially want to get on her bad side! Roxy: Havent spoken to her much, it might be tricky talking to her, since we are both in weird timezones, we will see Bryce: A SWEETHEART. I love Bryce soo much. We worked together in a mini once, and it was super fun, so I'd love to work with him more. Zeezo: She seems super nice! I don't really know her, beyond that she is POVzo and probably a comp threat, but I think she will be fun. I know her and Bryce are friends so we will see where that goes jahdfka Sammy: Super nice! I loosely know him, but he seems like he will be good fun. I havent spoken to him much, so I hope he is gonna be active rip Lynn: I know of her from Moheli, and I know her and Blake were ride or dies which I am wary off.... Otherwise, she has been super quiet and I could see her.... potentially going early rip a queen Saxon: FUDGE. I havent spoken to him at all which is scary, since I feel like he probably already knows a lot of this cast, so if he wins RIP me I guess. Otherwise, he seems like a fun personality so wooo Jelaminah: Ummm. She is wild. Like really wild. I think I stan her, but I also am like.... concious that she is a lot, and its sometimes too much for me. I'm a bit annoyed by her tbh, but its just because she was like laughing at people's sexualities, as if she didnt believe them, and thats super ugly, but I couldn't exactly say anything to her. I think she is gonna be a super dominant personality, but whew we will see. Blake: I know he was a big player in Moheli, but I think he also rubbed people the wrong way.... We will see how he does, he seems iconic Autumn: A QUEEN. She is the most inactive so far which is worrying. I don't want her to go early. I could really see her going up this week, but maybe us two havent talked much, since she is just comfortable in our relationship? AND WHEW. Thats everything, if anyone read this, I love you for that. Otherwise, wooo I'm super nervous, I love my DR guests Owen and Emily and eek. We will see!
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ahhh okay so, I’m super excited about meeting new people....BUT...this cast is so huge and I’m so nervous. I like everyone for the most part and I’ve been trying to like talk to some people I’ve played with in the past to maybe smoothe over some bad relationships? The only person I’m still like nervous about is Julia because she kills the straight men and she hates Gemini’s. AND WHAT AM I? A STRAIGHT MALE GEMINI. I don’t think she’s very good at comps tho and I know she would go for Bryce before me. Anyway I seriously love Kat because she is so genuine and I just want to work with her. Also I want to work with alivia, roxy, zeezo, Olivia, randy, Jela, ricky, and autumn! There’s a few others as well but I’ll prob do like a video DR and talk about how I feel about everyone...who knows.
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Jose is officially my showmance and we stan asjdkfaslf. He is so nice and my favourite new person I've met in the cast anyway, and he won lots of comps last season so I'm ready for him to drag me to the end dlakjfasfa.
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bryce better not fucking put me up or i'm gonna SHOOT 
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wow so happy bryce is HoH!!!! perfect week one :$
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I am actually really happy that bryce won this HOH bc that means my ass hole is safe! PRaise BE. MY showmance that was made by ALIVIA has saved my ass and partly to me sorta already knowing him through tara! BITHCH TARA LOLOVE UR ASSSS. ANd shoot idk what these gays are lookin at but ppl be sayin they think im cute. maybe its like when i look at a potato or like  a waffle fry??  who knows ahaha but like some of these boys be good lookin like damn. hit me and my crocs up boys ;P
I am not a bottom. ya dumb bitch
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Bryce is nomming me for not playing in the hoh. Gurl gurl im not a newb who would buy up that excuse
Just say we arent alligned and im good with the other players and id belive you why would i buy that you, a player whose played a few games by now, would nom someone for abstainimg
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Okay SO. I filmed a video confessional earlier, but its already super out of date so its time for an update! I have spoken to lots of people that I hadn't talked to since premiere night which is good, Alivia & Kat are so nice! Jose is, as always a king, and I think (other than Olivia) he is my closest ally rn, so woo we stan. Otherwise, I spoke to Bryce, and it seems like (praise be), I'm not getting nominated, WOO! He says he is nominating Roxy/Autumn, with Julia getting the future shock thingie. Like I told him, the future shock is kind of like a curse and we know Julia loves a good curse, so its a good matchup aljdfkas. Otherwise, these nominations make sense. I LOVE Autumn, but she has been the quietest person in the cast, so I assume she is gonna go first rip. Roxy I have spoken to a fair bit, but I know she is in a funky timezone, which probably throws off her ability to be active. Bryce seemed like he was being pretty open with me, so I hope I'm not the backup plan if somebody comes off. I feel like my social game is pretty strong so I wouldnt have thought people in the house would push for me as a renom and eI'd be suprised if I get nominated! Last but not least, the unfortunate thing is how MENINIST these nominations are akjsdfla, we are really putting the orre in discriminatorrey.
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First DR of the game. I'm not going to do first impressions because I'm not that dry. The game started when I was put in this bitch, so I'm here to go at full force. I'm going to play a strong balance of a great 1 on 1 social game while still being a great personality people love. As of right now I'm being constantly dragged and roasted, and I wouldn't want it any other way. (But this is before HOH so the claws are bound to come over) So my game has been very social as of right now. Before HoH I focused on making genuine connections. I'm good with all the returnees at this point. None of them have beef with me, and I made it clear that I want to work with all of them (while this is farther from the truth). I'm just being diplomatic because there's some tension between the returnees that will have to be released soon. With the returnees I connected automatically with Zeezo. Me and her didnt even small talk its was just game talk from moment one. Thats a great relationship to have, and I'm definitely maintaining it. Jose and Alivia have been talking to me more. Jose has been more open with working with me than Alivia so : \\. All the returnees from Kanto-Sinnoh are here because theyre entertaining, the bitches from Unova-Alola would be casted for redemption but don't meet the criteria. I made an alliance with Jelaminah and Ricky. This is mostly because I need to be on Jelaminah's good side because I know the bitch knows how to play. So i would rather be scheming with her than against her. Ricky is just a number. On housecalls I saw that Jela was talking to Julia a lot. So I started talking to Julia a lot more. I surprisingly trust her a lot more than I thought I would. So me and her aren't beefing, but her and Bryce are. HOS20 affects this game because Julia and Saxon are aligned in this game and they're against Bryce and Sammy as of right now. I know Julia can drop a vendetta, but Saxon is just horrible about it. And I hate Saxon so much. He just gives me second hand embarassment and i dont know why. Like I'm so happy I've trained myself to hold my tongue because the shit he wears on housecalls actually make me laugh. He posted a picture of him shirtless and it was literally looking at rotten spam meat. Its not cute, and he is just so prude in pms because he obviously doesnt want to talk to me. I can make a separate DR about Saxon because he brings out all the hate and all the angst I had when I was in Johto. But going back to the topic Julia fought Sammy and Bryce ig and Saxon thinks Julia is right because he's a kissass and is a savvy feminist. I love Julia so her having beef isnt good. I talked to her and she said she didnt have good relations with Olivia, Bryce, Sammy, and Autumn. And i was shocked that this game is so against her, but this is great information because its something I can utilize. But those are her problems, and they dont affect me. If she wants to play with me she's gonna have to fix amends or take them out 1 by 1First DR of the game. I'm not going to do first impressions because I'm not that dry. The game started when I was put in this bitch, so I'm here to go at full force. I'm going to play a strong balance of a great 1 on 1 social game while still being a great personality people love. As of right now I'm being constantly dragged and roasted, and I wouldn't want it any other way. (But this is before HOH so the claws are bound to come over) So my game has been very social as of right now. Before HoH I focused on making genuine connections. I'm good with all the returnees at this point. None of them have beef with me, and I made it clear that I want to work with all of them (while this is farther from the truth). I'm just being diplomatic because there's some tension between the returnees that will have to be released soon. With the returnees I connected automatically with Zeezo. Me and her didnt even small talk its was just game talk from moment one. Thats a great relationship to have, and I'm definitely maintaining it. Jose and Alivia have been talking to me more. Jose has been more open with working with me than Alivia so : \\. All the returnees from Kanto-Sinnoh are here because theyre entertaining, the bitches from Unova-Alola would be casted for redemption but don't meet the criteria. I made an alliance with Jelaminah and Ricky. This is mostly because I need to be on Jelaminah's good side because I know the bitch knows how to play. So i would rather be scheming with her than against her. Ricky is just a number. On housecalls I saw that Jela was talking to Julia a lot. So I started talking to Julia a lot more. I surprisingly trust her a lot more than I thought I would. So me and her aren't beefing, but her and Bryce are. HOS20 affects this game because Julia and Saxon are aligned in this game and they're against Bryce and Sammy as of right now. I know Julia can drop a vendetta, but Saxon is just horrible about it. And I hate Saxon so much. He just gives me second hand embarassment and i dont know why. Like I'm so happy I've trained myself to hold my tongue because the shit he wears on housecalls actually make me laugh. He posted a picture of him shirtless and it was literally like  looking at rotten spam meat. Its not cute, and he is just so prude in pms because he obviously doesnt want to talk to me. I can make a separate DR about Saxon because he brings out all the hate and all the angst I had when I was in Johto. But going back to the topic Julia fought Sammy and Bryce ig and Saxon thinks Julia is right because he's a kissass and is a savvy feminist. I love Julia so her having beef isnt good. I talked to her and she said she didnt have good relations with Olivia, Bryce, Sammy, and Autumn. And i was shocked that this game is so against her, but this is great information because its something I can utilize. But those are her problems, and they dont affect me. If she wants to play with me she's gonna have to fix amends or take them out 1 by 1. Until then I'm going to spend my time with investments that are bound to pay off. Which are with the newbies. I've been spending a lot of time on Blake because Blake lives 20 minutes away from me. I'm trying to hold this down as secret as possible. He likes me, and I want to work with him so I'm just going to continue our friendship and ensure that we're a duo. He doesn't talk a lot in the housechat which is concerning to me, but he does hold very strong one on one relations with most of the house. Lynn is also a south carolina native, and she is just so infectious. She is very intimidated by the large cast meaning that she hasnt bonded that well with a lot of people. So i put two and two together and made a South Carolina alliance. I know Blake is genuine about it. But the main purpose of this alliance is to keep Lynn under my sphere of influence. I can't have no newbies on my side. No ma'am Another newbie who stands out for me is John. John is just really active, and such a social threat. Meaning that his word has saying. So far my relationship with him has been "hey let literally help you with anything and expect nothing in return". With him im trying to show myself as a puppet, or somebody who is very very useful with him. And I actually showed that this week when Bryce won HOH. Won't lie I didnt want but also wanted HOH at the same time. When Bryce won it I was very wary of what was going to happen. Then John comes up to me saying that Bryce is thinking of nominating him. And since I had a decent bond with Bryce I know that I had to save John. So when Bryce talked to me he was dead set as Roxy as the initial nom and target, and Julia for safety this week.  Then he mentioned that he was on the fence because he didnt know if he wanted Autumn or John nominated. So I told him the truth that it would be silly to nominate somebody as active as John. And so John wasn't nominated. I stuck my neck out for John and was one of the reasons he isn't nominated this week. And these game things build genuine trust since I'm not just talking to talk. I'm walking to walk and this game isn't ready for Randyy.
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Hello ladies and gentlemen you're looking at the first nominee of the season waysup
Imma get to the bottom of this so ain't even worried. I just feel bad y'all didn't even get one happy confessional from me. We just jumped straight into poppin off. That's ok though! Nice for what am i rite
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Bryce is full of shit and I'm embarrassed for him. Like who makes an enemy out of me on Day fucking 3? Really my guy? That's the first thing you thought of when you had 19 people to pick from? Apparently I'm getting nominated because the other 18 people in the cast talked to Bryce yesterday and I didn't. Not only do I not buy that, but we just not gonna acknowledge the fact that I talked to him on 2 of the 3 days the game has been going on so far? K cool. Today we learned unless Bryce feels like the prettiest girl at the dance every minute of every day, you're not doing enough Also can we talk about how the "I'm so happy to play with you I always root for you" energy that Bryce was selling to me on day one didn't even last a round? Hiigghkey I feel like the people who know me in the cast are secretly happy cause they know I'm petty enough to take Bryce out and I'll have no problem taking the fall for it. Ali, Ashvika, Sammy, Julia, Olivia- they know I don't play that shit. Can you imagine being first HOH, using it on me, and then thinking I'm not mad at you because I "understand" that nominating me was "the easiest thing to do"?
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woo I'm on call with Autumn, Sammy, Jela & Dennis. THEY ARE SO FUN. I am back on the Jela stan train, she is actually super nice! I think I want Autumn to stay this week (and I think she could too)! Roxy is super sweet, but Autumn is a queen and the queen stays queen! Oh, I'm not using the veto too, its way too early to make a move and I don't know who would go up instead. I'm still SHRIEKING that I won that veto somehow kjlasdfa
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[5/9/18, 2:45:32 PM] Blake Sanders: do you want money?? [5/9/18, 2:45:41 PM] Blake Sanders: BC THE MONEY WANTS YOU! [5/9/18, 2:45:43 PM] alivia: do you wanna be rich??? [5/9/18, 2:45:53 PM] Blake Sanders: ^^^^^^ RICH [5/9/18, 2:45:58 PM] Blake Sanders: not just driving nice car rich [5/9/18, 2:46:07 PM] Blake Sanders: I mean using cheeta fur as toilet paper rich! [5/9/18, 2:46:15 PM] alivia: 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 [5/9/18, 2:48:20 PM] alivia: YOUVE BEEN HAND SELECTED [5/9/18, 2:48:31 PM] alivia: BECAUSE WE THINK YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES [5/9/18, 3:07:19 PM] rixxy 🦄: Hi I just got off work [5/9/18, 3:07:23 PM] rixxy 🦄: what the FUCK is this? [5/9/18, 3:07:33 PM] alivia: DO YOU WANT MONEY??? [5/9/18, 3:07:52 PM] rixxy 🦄: i'm scared but absolutely [5/9/18, 3:07:58 PM] Blake Sanders: FUCK YA! [5/9/18, 3:07:58 PM] alivia: WE WANT YOUR HELP SCAMMING THIS HOUSE! [5/9/18, 3:08:09 PM] alivia: it’s good to be a little scared [5/9/18, 3:08:12 PM] rixxy 🦄: I definitely don't like where this is going. [5/9/18, 3:08:12 PM] Blake Sanders: MONEY WERE GOIN TO RULE THIS AND MAKE MONEY [5/9/18, 3:08:26 PM] Blake Sanders: BUT U WILL RIXXY [5/9/18, 3:08:31 PM] rixxy 🦄: god [5/9/18, 3:08:34 PM] Blake Sanders: <3 [5/9/18, 3:09:00 PM] lynnt: yes [5/9/18, 3:09:53 PM] alivia: you’re gonna be rich so you gotta live rich [5/9/18, 3:11:57 PM] Blake Sanders: There’s like a joining fee [5/9/18, 3:12:01 PM] alivia: yep [5/9/18, 3:12:09 PM] alivia: like scientology [5/9/18, 3:12:21 PM] alivia: but like this is real [5/9/18, 3:12:56 PM] rixxy 🦄: i'm not paying for this [5/9/18, 3:13:01 PM] rixxy 🦄: is this like a legit game thing? [5/9/18, 3:13:03 PM] rixxy 🦄: bc [5/9/18, 3:13:07 PM] lynnt: then imma opt out b/c this rich bitch is cheap and that’s why i’m rich [5/9/18, 3:13:55 PM] Blake Sanders: I mean we legit love u guys [5/9/18, 3:14:07 PM] rixxy 🦄: is this an alliance [5/9/18, 3:14:12 PM] rixxy 🦄: bc i'm uncomfortable and confused [5/9/18, 3:14:35 PM] alivia: woah woah woah [5/9/18, 3:14:41 PM] alivia: everyone calm down [5/9/18, 3:15:09 PM] alivia: don’t worry about the money. you can pay the joining fee AFTER we’re rich [5/9/18, 3:15:15 PM] alivia: don’t worry [5/9/18, 3:15:16 PM] rixxy 🦄: like i'm actually having an anxiety attack can you RATMEME.PNG literally..... WHAT???? blake and i were talking and started joking about being scammers bc sdfkal and then i was like "we should start a scammer alliance" and that's how it all started. we thought it would be SO funny if we just added them to a chat and started trolling them about scamming houseguests out of their money dljgdkfjg and i thought MAYBE lynn and ricky would be confused at first but ricky literally lost his mind like ooops my bad WE THOUGHT WE WERE FUNNY BUT I GAS NOT. [5/9/18, 3:16:08 PM] alivia: it’s a joke but kind of an alliance [5/9/18, 3:16:21 PM] alivia: but mostly a joke [5/9/18, 3:16:44 PM] rixxy 🦄: i literally thought i got dragged into some kind of game twist and i wouldn't play my own game god [5/9/18, 3:17:08 PM] alivia: omg WHAT [5/9/18, 3:17:19 PM] alivia: LITERALLY THE BIGGEST JOKE NOT SERIOUS [5/9/18, 3:17:25 PM] alivia: IMSORFY [5/9/18, 3:17:28 PM] rixxy 🦄: like i thought it was some saboteur/team america bullshit [5/9/18, 3:17:35 PM] alivia: omg noooo [5/9/18, 3:17:42 PM] rixxy 🦄: all i want to do is play the game and i literally thought that was snatched from me [5/9/18, 3:17:50 PM] alivia: HOW??? [5/9/18, 3:18:17 PM] rixxy 🦄: idk i thought y'all were a twist sdksksksksks sdfjsdl wow fuck me i gas??? my social game is really off to a great start!!! gotta get ricky outta here asap now
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Right now i am on CAll with SAMMY SAM bc im bad at talking to multiple people at a time! SOOOOOO SAMMY is like wanting to be ym ally but like do i trust his ass??
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okayyyyy so this is definitely something different like bb is hard tbh. there's too many people to talk to and i just really don't care about continuing to keep up a convo with some of them but you have to or bye bye. i have definitely not been as social as most and that is def scary but the people that i have talked to and made connections are super nice. so that's why i was so glad when the people that won HOH and POV are people i talked to. uuhHHuh i have no fucking clue who i want to evict tonight so that's fun! ya know autumn is super nice and chill but she did go dark for a while and roxy is super fun and i still haven't heard ANY singing and i want to and she is campaigning really hard so she really wants to stay BUT since she's campaigning so hard to stay and kinda saying anything to EVERYONE who knows what she'll do to stay in the game later on. idk is it too early to be thinking about later in the game?? idkkk thanks for coming to my rambling ted talk. find out next time on if i've decided.
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OK SOOOO the eviction is coming up tonight and its either going to be Autumn or Roxy! NOw autumn is a super sweet queen but i feel like she will kill me if need be! but i still lvoe her! now roxy she is fighting for her life like she is making me promises i think she will not be able to keep. bc ive heard form other hosue guests she is making the same promises to them. NOW i love talkin to her about food and cooking but i feel awful that im most likely going to evict her! but o well it has to be done im glad its not me
i feel like i should give like a summary of like where i am with everyone and how i feel about them all before the first eviction! ALI: Well i first knew him because he reached out to me about a game he is gonna host. He like doesn't talk to me much which makes me nervous... I like him a lot but looks like we are just acquaintances atm. ALIVIA: OK I FREAKIN LOVE HER! SHE IS HILARIOUS! WE STARTED A ALLIANCE CHAT CALLED SCAMMERS R' US AND RICKY LEGIT FREAKED THE FUCK OUT AND WE WERE ALL LIKE WTF JUST HAPPENED HE IS INSANE! i hope i get to work with her a lot during this game and talk about ice cream! But i do see her stabbing me in the back later on so ill prob strike first. LOVE YA ASHVIKA: now this girl is a goddess she is beauty and she is grace! we talk like avg and stuff we have small chats nothing about gamewise. I see her as not being a threat as in targeting people or winning HOH i see her as a social threat. I think she will go far but not win she will def be jury. I think she is amazing tho and shes a model soo like i want to be her. AUTUMN: Now Autumn is a delight to be around so sweet and seems so pure but she will kill me i just know it. She's the beautiful flower in the garden that turns into a man eating plant <3 she is temptation and i may fall for it BLAKE: ive been told i was a certified good boy BRYCE: Now i knew him b4 this game bc of my friend TARA LOVE YOU BITCH <3 ! i think he will keep me around but idk if our bond is tight enough. i dont think he will choose to evict me yet. but other thsn that i want to work on having a closer bond with him for sure! DENNIS: I like dennis he just iidk theres not alot to say? me adn him talk about video games and stuff but whenever i talk to him i like forget like why im talkin to him lol! but he is super chill! JELAMINAH: THIS WOMAN <3 IS AMAZINGLY FUNNYY! SHE IS ONE PERSONALITY I WANT TO GET ON MY SIDE~! she is hilarious amd an amazing person i want to work with her sooo bad! i talk to her in oms sometimes but she is more of a on call person i believe or she just doesn't wanna talk to me ahah . O AND JELA I TAKE BACK TO WHO I THINK THE CUTEST BOY HERE IS ! JOHN : I love john! me and him talk trash about  random things and it is hilarious! i hope he feels as close to me as i am to him! i feel like we can work together in the long run. JOSE: Ive only talked to Jose just a little bit so im worried if he ever wins HOH bc i may be nominated! so i better get my ass into high gear and talk to him more. other than that i remebr him as the guy who someone hit his fence with a car. JULIA: NOW i have heard things about this girl! like that she is ana amzing player and i better watch out for her! IM SO SORRY JULIA BUT U R ON MY HITLIST! AND SADLY U NEVER U LEFT ME ON READ IN MY PMS RUDE~! KAT:I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT KAT BUT WE JUST STARTED TALKING TODAY AND WE HELPED names each others plants! she is a precious person and i love her! she is so funny! i want to work with her for this game! LYNN: YALL THIS IS MY BITCH ! I LOVE YOU LYNN WE PLAYED IN MOHELI TOGETHER AND AFTER THAT IT WAS HISTORY WE BECAME BEST FRIENDS VISITING EACH OTHER AND STUFF! SHE ONLY LIED 2 HOURS FROM ME WHEN I WENT TO SCHOOL I SAW HER ALL THE TIME! I AM MOST DEF WORKING WITH HER! SHE IS MY BESTFRIEND! <3 LOVE U OLIVIA: OK WELL IDK MUCH bout her. ummmm i talked to her a little im ttrying to become her ally but its not really workign she wont talk to meee!! RANDY: omg i have not heard good things about him.... i shouldve been told these things sooner omg! i feel like he hates me he might! we live in the same city and live like 15 mins away! omg rip rip rip . he goes to my old highdchool! thats crazy af! im working wiht him rn but i i think im going to nom him in the middle of the game or try to get him out around then. sorry randy! also hes been giving me the cold shoulder and not talkin to me which is rude. adnwe r in an alliance chat bro. come on really... RICKY: TBh u annoy me. everything i like u say its dumb or u don't like it. i say goodmorning/afternoon to u adn u say its morning its not even close to afternoon whatre u doing. AND IM LIKE WTF HAV U NEVER HEARD OF TIMEZONES! LIKE HELLLLLO! damn just we are not compatible people and well if i ever win HOH ill prob nom him. ROXY: DAMN BITCH I CAUGHT U IN A LIE AND U DONT KNOW ABOUT IT! THIS IS THE REAOSN IM VOTIN TO EVICT U IM SORRY OMG IM GOIN TO MISS TALKIN TO U ABOUT FOOD! ur sooo sweet omg and u hav a lovely voice! SAMMY: I have been told not to trust him bc he is a snake. But shit he is one of my closest allies now! like we talked for hours on call and watched survivor it was such a cute little date! GOD i hope he doesnt betray me ill cry so much! i mean he might but like i dont wanna back stab him.... yet <3 SAXON: who r u?? talked like never. ur probably nice?? ZEEZO: Girl u be freakin lynn out with eveyrhting u saying to and about her! soo idk like aht to do wiht u ahahah prob get u nominated?? SORRY IM A LOSER AND DIDNT MAKE A VID I LOOK LIKE A THUMB ATM <3
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what bitch Randy, 3:05 PM hola 3:05 PM you never sent me a pm Randy, 3:05 PM ur coll bc you aint never talk about interesting shit 3:05 PM uh huh Randy, 3:05 PM tf am i supposed to reply to "yea" 3:06 PM sorry I'm not your source of entertainment you twink I was busy with my life Randy, 3:06 PM wow this is something we can TALK ABOUT Randy, 3:06 PM what did you do I kinda snapped sorry Randy
Are u gonnaget ur tattoo coloured? :0 or will it be lines? Rn im hungry waiting for ma burger heh 9:21 PM It’s just lines henny 👑, 9:23 PM Sweet! What inspires the one u chose? 👑, 6:35 AM Hey saxon! I wanted to wait to speak to you in person but im tired and sorta not feeling well so i cant stay up. I wouls love it id you vote me to stay!! I really enjoy this game and im a p loyal ally! Im active and have jackbox too xd. Ill try be up at least 2 hours bfr eviction if you wanna chat about the vote! 👑, 3:03 PM Morning 3:03 PM Hiya 👑, 3:03 PM Hows it going? 3:04 PM fine busy 👑, 3:04 PM Ripp with what m? 3:05 PM a 5 page paper 👑, 3:06 PM Ew Wtf 3:06 PM ye 👑, 3:06 PM Just quit school. Death sound sbetter than that Hshsbs 3:10 PM i omg 👑, 3:11 PM Lmfao Man now my eviction worries seem meaningless 3:14 PM Why is that? 👑, 3:15 PM :o cause your   5 page thing is gross :o have you started on it or still got a ways to go? 3:20 PM I still got a ways to go 👑, 3:20 PM yikes 👑, 3:20 PM how are you feeling about this week? like hame wise Roxy I think you're a lovely person but holy fuck can you just please shut up sometimes when you know someone is busy
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I'd say it was an effective campaign xoxo Summer Shrek
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0 notes
EP 16: "Bitterness Breeds Bitterness" - Pat
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Well, that was definitely some kind of something, huh?
The bitter 'I got outplayed so I'l just gonna spill everything’ speech is a hallowed tradition of Tumblr Survivor that’s been around for as long as I can remember. It’s gotten to the point where you almost NEED to gameplan for it. Personally, I’m thoroughly /*shocked*/ that it came from Jakey, who has already taken the personal attack route with me and others, and who enjoyed Naonka enough as a character to use her as an icon.
Anyway, I’m not upset by it half as much as some are. I think I’m pretty well-documented as being someone who never puts any stock in those speeches because, in my eyes, they’re not part of the game. And they can be so easily manipulated to serve others’ purposes. So I’d be a pretty big hypocrite to lend this one much stock, either. But I feel like there are a few things I do have to straighten out from that speech, in no specific order.
1. Wes isn’t “wiping my ass.” He’s the one who’s been taking me to account, probably more than anybody else in the game. Wes and I both have the same end goal, but our means of going about it are very different. I daresay I’d have an easier time of it without him acting as the voice of reason and dissent. Just because I was willing to take a risk to keep him safe doesn’t mean he’s a lackey. Far from it. Sorry you didn’t have any allies who cared enough to stick their necks out for you this round, Jake.
2. Kait isn’t “letting her game be run by a man.” Congratulations, you deduced that Kait and I have a strong partnership. But that’s the key word that you seem to be missing: PARTNER. Kait and I have discussed every decision we’ve made together. As a unit. I’m not telling her what to do, she’s not telling me what to do. If anything, this vote was exceptionally difficult because for the first time so far this game, our interests didn’t align. I think it says a lot about a strong partnership when both parties are willing to take risks to help each other out. Sorry your only strong ally wasn’t able to prevent voting you out this round, but that’s so far from anyone else’s problem but yours that it’s laughable. If your social game were stronger, you wouldn’t have had this issue.
3. Yes, I’ll fully admit to putting my game between Kait and Lydia. You got that part right, and that won’t be an easy decision when they do definitively split. But until they do… it’s gotten me farther than your strategy of putting your game between a rock and a hard place.
4. If I were running things, or if everyone were doing what I said, you’d have been out of this game four rounds ago. Slow your fucking roll.
And that’s the last bit of electronic ink I’ll be spilling on that.
Next order of business: reassure Jimmy and Jenn. I know the latter isn’t too pleased with me, and I need to rectify that whether she decides to come for me or not. I think I underestimated how emotionally some people are choosing to play this game and, for my money, no winner title is worth causing permanent damage to any friendship. I think it’s pretty telling that the game in which I got furthest is also a game with one of the tightest casts in the community. Moves were made because they were necessary, but not with malice or anger. Whereas you look at a season like, say, Sri Lanka… I don’t think they’re all that close, and that’s WITH the advantage of having tight duos prior to the game. Why aren’t they tight? The game got too needlessly contentious.
Anyway, I digress. My point is that bitterness breeds bitterness. I’m not about that life, and I hope I’m sitting in the final three so I can treat Jakey with kindness in a way that I don’t recall him treating anyone.
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honestly thank god for the “day off” because i feel like just about all of us were at our wits end last night and especially with the ugly shit jake said when he left, i could definitely use a day to just relax a bit and search for this jewel thing when i have time.
i didn’t make a confessional leading up to that vote last night because i was too busy like focusing on the task at hand, which ended up getting away from me anyways because people just can’t keep their shit together.
Plan A was to vote MJ under the guise that we were all voting Jake end of story done. i don’t think it necessarily would’ve gone off without a hitch but i think we had the opportunity to do it and it got squandered because mj was telling jake he was gonna use his vote reveal on jenn, then telling lydia he was gonna use it on me. meanwhile i’m sitting here like why in the world is he telling all of this shit to lydia???? she really trying to replicate her animal crossing game and sit her ass in the middle of everyone again and lemme tell you i’m not about to let that happen again. i want to be in that position and i want people to be too afraid to do anything about it etc.
some highlights from yesterday - lying to mj’s face on call then turning around the entire conversation and watchign alyssa edwards videos on youtube, telling jake on call that i want to save him and don’t want him to leave (all true), but my hands are tied esp knowing that there was a plot to get me out last round started by mj (which was then confirmed by not only him, but jack later on after lydia and pat both told me), jack calling me immediately after and me accidentally telling him that wes is after the maslaysia fam so then jack IMMEDIATELY jumps into making this big ass convoluted plan to vote wes out this round which completely messes up ALL OF THE PLANS THAT WE HAD MADE, then he calls the COMPLETE maslaysia chat and then we’re sitting there talking in the jimmy’s angels chat like ………….what are we supposed to say there’s no way we’re voting wes. anyway i told pat about this and literally told him not to leak, which then of course he leaks immediately to wes and lydia so thats cool i love a good trusting partnership. we got it shut down p quickly and just told jack we wanted to still vote jake. sdgklsd idk I DONT KNOW
this happened later last night
[2/9/2017 8:00:02 PM] mj ultra . _/: Also, on a more serious note: I’m gonna be watching IASIP for the rest of the night and just kinda of, take a step back and reset my mind.
I know we weren’t in the same page, at all, this round. Mostly my fault. Hopefully you give me the chance to talk things through tomorrow.
Thanks for not voting me out [2/9/2017 8:00:29 PM] kait ~~/: yeah i was gonna say i think we both need t just like [2/9/2017 8:00:33 PM] kait ~~/: sit back and talk things out tomorrow [2/9/2017 8:00:38 PM] kait ~~/: thanks for not voting me out either [2/9/2017 8:00:50 PM] mj ultra . _/: LSHSKDJDJ [2/9/2017 8:00:54 PM] mj ultra . _/: Why are we like this… [2/9/2017 8:00:56 PM] mj ultra . _/: LDJSKDHSJDHDJD [2/9/2017 8:01:01 PM] kait ~~/: ;) [2/9/2017 8:01:12 PM] mj ultra . _/: “Thanks for not voting me out!” “Thanks for not voting me out… either!” [2/9/2017 8:01:25 PM] mj ultra . _/: There will never be another MJ/Kait… know that.
tfw you both know damn well the other was trying to get each other out last round and both failed miserably so you still gotta pretend to be best friends!! jk he still my buddy regardless of waht happesnjkgd but still
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Drunk Lydia is my favorite Lydia
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I think this format of Touchy Subjects in this game is a shame. Because of the way answers have to be given, there’s a very real chance that we won’t be getting what people are really thinking. And strategy is nice, but when you can’t answer two names it’s going to be a crapshoot full of throwaway names winning rounds and someone fluking into a win.
That said, here’s what I REALLY think:
Which player has absolutely no idea what’s going on? Jimmy. Possibly by choice? He seems like the type who thrives on social game far more than strategic.
Who is always left out of plans until the last minute? Would’ve said Steffen until this round… and actually, still will. Would’ve said Jimmy took the crown this round but he wasn’t even filled in. Which was not great.
Who here is hands down the biggest threat to win? Oh god. This is anyone’s game. I think people are saying me, but are you really such a big threat if everyone knows it and everyone will be gunning to take you down?
Out of everyone left, who least fits the category of “all star”? Based on past placements, me by a country mile. Still amazed that I was cast, even as an alternate, let alone that I got so far.
Who is the rudest person in the game? Each person will have a different answer to this. Personally, I’ve seen such limited amounts of rudeness from anyone left. Just a lot of tension and frustration boiling over. MJ by default, I guess, for being the only person left in the game who was involved in that ugly Logan vote.
Which player did not live up to your expectations? Jenn, unfortunately. Love her to death but our strategic talk has been so limited.
Which player do the hosts like the least? After the bitching I’ve done about this challenge and my obnoxiously long confessionals, I’d say me.
Which player does the Viewing Lounge likes the most? The VL always loves an underdog. But who’s the underdog? Steffen? Any of Malaysia? I’m inclined to say MJ because he seems almost like a lone wolf at this point.
Even though we’re only at Final 9, who here has zero chance of winning the game? Nobody. We’re all here, we all have paths to the end and to win. Some paths are more fraught with complications than others.
Who is the most manipulative? Either me or Kait. I bet Lydia gets a few votes here, too.
Who does not deserve to be here? Nobody. If you’re able to make final 9 of an all-star game, you absolutely deserve to be here.
If you could not win the game, who would you most like to see win? Kait, Lydia, Wes. Any of those three and I’d be over the moon. A Steffen win would make me happy too.
Who do you sometimes confuse with a piece of cardboard because they are so bland and boring? Heh. Me. I’m already frequently called a saltine, so just take off the salt and I fit this.
Who will never wake up and play the game? Jimmy… because he’s asleep when a lot of things are going on. :P Nah. I think he’s playing the best way he knows how, but he’s either not about the strategy game or doesn’t know how to segue into it.
Who is most likely to have an idol? I’m thinking MJ, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Wes had something.
Who is your best friend in the game? Kait. Sorry, Lydia and Wes, she beat you out by a hair. Y'all are still some of my favourite people.
Who will never win an immunity challenge? JACK. No, probably me. With this track record of no flash games (i.e., my one strong suit) I’m typically competitive but not the best.
Out of everyone left, who is the biggest fan of Benjamin “Coach” Wade? Um duh. Coach for life. Only person in the entire community who could fight me on this is Ari.
Which player is the most likely to have recently watched a Scooby Doo marathon? Steffen or Lydia, I think. No particular reason beyond personality.
Which player is too honest for their own good? Me. It’s what caused this whole mess this round. I couldn’t lie to anyone. The leaking put everyone I’m close to in a state of panic, and I still regret it.
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I love you Lydia!!!!!!!!
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I just enjoy this.
[2017-01-31 11:07:41 PM] Owen (Myanmar Host): gg jenn/jimmy/kait! [2017-02-07 10:14:03 PM] carson (tibet host): kait, jenn, jimmy? [2017-02-07 10:14:04 PM] carson (tibet host): good job [2017-02-09 10:43:02 PM] jakey: FUCK THE MALAY-CULT!!!!!!111 gg jenn jimmy kait
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[ x ]
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[09:50:43 PM] kait ~~/: I've been sitting here freaking because Lydia is so calm [09:51:14 PM] mj ultra . _/: isn't acceptance the last stage of grief
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