z0mbi3-s0krat3s · 7 months
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OK, this was pretty fucking great, man 😅 Dumb as shit but tons of fun. It somehow managed to win me over despite not having any super hotties, nudity, or gore. Although I had my doubts to start, the dialog was just funny enough to keep me primed for the ensuing absurdity. This could have been a lot better with edgier characters (I dont think there was a single swear word in the whole movie), blood and guts/practical effects, and more sex appeal, but it definitely delivers enough ridiculousness by the end to make it all worthwhile. Good imes. 7/10 with bonus points for the concept. (Currently only available to purchase both digitally and physically; it's not streaming anywhere for free.)
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To start off, I love all your midgexlenny work and I’ve really enjoyed myself reading all your aus! As much as I appreciate the gravity of Lenny being a Real Person and what that does for his character, sometimes I wish that he was inspired by Lenny Bruce and not actually Lenny Bruce so that there could be a little more creative freedom with his role on the show. Is that something that you’ve ever wished as well?
Honestly these bitches cut Carrie Fisher out of a photo with Paul Simon, implying Midge married him instead, and that fucker is still alive, so whatever rules about real people are out the window in my book.
Turns out there are no rules.
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mothyron · 1 year
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just fanart :0
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the unforseen consequences of having too many custom content in game. My trike from Rebekah is coded as female and thus has started her period thanks to me having the period hack by Smonaff. I thought i was going crazy before i releazied this
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lorabeyc · 2 years
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macskabuzi · 2 years
Keruleti totemoszlop
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divala-xiv · 2 years
Endwalker is 30% off and includes Stormblood and Shadowbringers expansions as well! But you can't download them (or even log into the game) because Steam and the FFXIV launcher are having an argument. YAY!
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emstefani · 1 month
"I really couldn't imagine having a Tumblr account and all you do on it is be toxic, miserable, and push people away out of fear of becoming the next victim."
THAT IS ALL YOU DO. You go around accusing random people of things that no normal person would be think about during daylight hours let alone at all about people they do not even know. And then you have the nerve to act offended when someone calls you nuts.
OMG leave me alone we have nothing in common
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singull · 29 days
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Found out you can just click on the kitty cat(s) to give and receive boops for yourself that’s faster than booping other people and you basically spam yourself with meowing messages lmao.
but yes i believe i would like to leave it on omglol because damn son i used to say that so much in my teens and early 20s. P;
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sleepynegress · 1 year
If you finish the Kindred series, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. I have finished the first 5 episodes and am massively disappointed so far. It doesn't seem to do the novel justice. I wanted to get more of the perspective of the enslaved people and Dana's introspection. I didn't mind the modern setting, but I didn't like that Kevin and Dana were no longer a married couple with shared intimacy and history. I recall a scene from the novel where Kevin says something along the lines of the conditions of the enslaved people not seeming as bad as he would have imagined and the ensuing tension that caused between the two. It seems like Octavia Butler's fantastic material has gone to waste. I can only hope future adaptations of her work are better.
It really felt like the producer set out to translate or make the material more understandable/digestable to a viewing audience, which came off to me as dumbing it down...(which is always a mistake, or the reason why animated movies for kids written to grow w/ you instead of being written down "to kids" end up being classics) Because that's literally what he did... And now, the logic, which was so tight in the novel (Butler was notorious in keeping the plot tight) suffers in the series. Now... It gets spoiler-filled and yelly... apologies, ahead of time. The connection/audience investment the producer sought, was already there in the growth & connections of the characters, right along w/ the readers being in Dana's gaze in her empathy and helplessness in trying to help people in a futile and spectacularly soul-destroying system (HOW DID THE PRODUCER NOT GET THAT?!). The fact that the centered characters Dana interacts w/ most, start out as children and we watch them grow to adults; shift and get shaped in that hellscape of systemic slavery IS THE DAMN HOOK!! The characters (Rufus, Alice, Nigel, Sarah...and even Kevin being there so long....) is all he needed and that's where his focus should have been.
Instead he tried to answer questions nobody asked and ended up creating more questions...i.e. He tried to explain the time travel with some kind of generational power by adding Dana's mom to the plantation. But that doesn't make sense because you're telling me Dana's mom never felt her life threatened ON A SOUTHERN PLANTATION for over ten years... You're also telling me she materialized there SLAVE PASS-LESS and somehow ended up being free...itsjustnotrealistic.gif!!! Kevin and she just had a vague connection via ride home/Tinder hook-up in this Hulu iteration, and you mean to tell me he stuck around through all the weird yelling and dematerialization?!! THERE IS A REASON why Butler had them married and that investment being believable is a big one!!! I mean, sure whiteness lends a kind of reckless curiousity but NOT THAT MUCH, DAMN!
Now that the producer added the complication of the mom going forward in time after touching her BUT ENDING UP SOMEWHERE ELSE (a thing that really happens in this show lolwtf?!), that big life-changing ending for Dana, won't make sense. All of the connections w/ the enslaved characters don't feel substantial enough, because this man wanted to spend time *fixing* the fucking time mechanics instead...Nobody cares why the zombies are zombies in Night of the Living Dead!! They care about the characters, their connections, and how they survived or didn't.
Also! Kevin not being a history teacher made them more bumbling than believable to other characters in that space, and his lack of anything beyond that tentative first surface connection to Dana makes him being left less tragic and investable... and how Dana acts toward him REALLY STUPID in that era!!
*sigh* That said...I thought the casting, effects, and that spare synth track was okay.... The writing and plotting/direction just sloppified, what Octavia Butler made *incredibly* tight. It should have been a limited series focused *hard* on watching these characters change and devolve because of the system they existed in. Not a mystery about why this family has time travel powers. The producer really couldn't see the forest for the trees. I'm just... How did he mess this up?? It was so easy to get this right, if he actually liked the fucking novel. *smh*
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knowlessman · 4 months
just start watching a new anime season at 1 am knowless, that's a normal person thing to do. (bnha s5e1-e6)
(recap, prominence burn) yeah that's gonna do the ole ozone a frighten. I think exxon-mobil is jealous -- oh yeah I forgot mineta was in this show. that was nice while it lasted.
"emergency drill, hypothetical villains have infiltrated ua grounds" hypothetical villains you say? they let gentle thief out of jail that early?
"About 80% of the human population -" have taken and failed the hero course and become shitty villains about it, yes, we know
ooh, new opening… I think? or maybe it's just been that long. -- shinso! it's shinso the homestuck! yo, it's all of class B! there's the dark souls helmet person, and the geico caveman, and the goomba girl (who apparently does have mushroom powers, judging from the outfit)! -- does shinso have attack ribbons like Eraser Head now? huh
(character intros) didn't realize heroes needed a special adjective in addition to their hero name
part of yaoyorozu's costume includes a book? an encyclopedia of some kind, I guess. in case she has to do physics-y problem-solving stuff on the job and create complex rigs. neat.
aoyama definitely doesn't have the kneepad lasers and stuff he did in the movie. maybe he gets 'em this season? maybe I or whatever site I got the watch order from was completely wrong about when to watch it? who knows
oh shit it's 2-D, y'all are fucked
just realized, I don't think we know what Hado's quirk is. (eh, more likely I just forgot)
pffft bakugo still couldn't figure out a name 'XD "if you won't let me call myself God Explosion Murder I will turn to face god and walk backwards into hell" -- welp, amajiki's dead. gorillaz needs a new lead -- wait did bakugo actually just kill him
(fucking marvel after credits scene) "that's the same pose all might did, isn't it" "no, I used my left arm, it's different" frowny man in a nutshell I guess -- also dancing boy's here, how about that
"episode 2: vestiges" after code vein that word is never not gonna make me think of spiky red crystals that put you in long-winded it's-a-small-world-ass memory lane dealies. so annoying they made you walk through them when they could just be cutscenes. at least when fallout 4 did the same exact thing, you could activate specific things in the scenes for additional lore.
"I heard you killed Snatch" I don't remember him either, but with a hero name like that, I could miss him more
"that's a bad scar." …ohhhhhhh shiiiiit 'XDDD damn, last time I remember this "oh-shit-somebody-just-waved-the-flag-at-the-bull" feeling was reading that one bit in, uhhhhhhhh I think it was the second Inheritance Trilogy book. …I don't interact with stories that do that very often okay, most stories that do that are probably too traumatic for my tastes
oh yeah, the thing with the Avatar spirits. the Allvatar spirits. -- (all for one showing off) "this one longing to be thinner, this one wants to get the girl and I help them! yes I do" -- "vestiges of the previous owners" wait so this is literally like the vestiges from code vein then
…I thought shinso was in class B? eh, idfk
…lolwtf it's capture the flag but the flags are the players, this is wild
oh so asui can turn invisible now. she just… can do that. fancy.
k so shiozaki is poison ivy. I remember her vs kaminari being funny, but I forget why. could be she used feminine wiles, he doesn't make that hard to do -- is shiozaki's hero costume white robes because something something crown of thorns something something jesus, or am I reading too much into it
…bahahahahaha 'XD THAT's how shinso's quirk works! I forgot! they just gave him a voice changer!
"you used me as a decoy… what a sinful act" okay I was right about the jesus thing then. "now I must whip you" o-kay, potential weewoo tier then
(flashback to like the first ua invasion) …huh. froppy mentioned the toxic mucus thing way back then. also they are 100% gonna make her use that stomach thing someday and everybody is going to regret it
come to think of it, eraser head mentoring shinso does make a lot of sense. both of them have quirks whose only application involves taking agency away from other people, so there would've been an assumption that they must either be a hero or a villain. both chose hero, but still can't escape the correlation and the fear that other people would have of them.
ditto's costume (a fancy suit, it looks like) is pretty stupid for a guy who might have to accommodate for who knows what kind of new quirk on the fly. what if he needs to be able to grow wings or other limbs? what if he has to create materials out from his skin? he needs a teenage-sized version of Jack-Jack's onesie. "I didn't know the baby's powers, so I covered the basics."
okay so tokoyami and this kuroiro guy is a ship that just builds itself, huh -- (dark shadow's glitching out) "what is it? what's going on?" disagreeing with something he ate -- aw, kuroiro doesn't have a hero name yet… come to that, I forget what tokoyami's is
(flashback) "if you're not even letting me do anything, why did you pick me?" "we're birds of a feather." okay no yeah this hawks guy sucks
(tokoyami flying) deku: "it's as simple as columbus's egg idea!" columbus had an idea? wonder who he stole that from. … "an apocryphal story in which columbus, on being told that finding a new trade route was inevitable and no great accomplishment, challenged his critics to make an egg stand on its tip. columbus did it himself by tapping the egg on the table to flatten the tip." so, allegedly, columbus cheated in order to justify talking his stupid ass up. also the story's a ripoff of an earlier story about an architect, so that answers my follow-up question.
…and do these mushrooms, like, do anything? granted, they foil hagukure's invisibility and that's pretty neat, and I guess they give cover for kuroiro, but unless they also do cool weird shit they seem more like a nuisance to clean up after than anything else.
and how did they even find out kuroiro can control dark shadow without meeting tokoyami?
aoyama's hero name sucks
the mushrooms really don't do anything then. they aren't poisonous, they don't, idk, mind-control people or sap energy, they can't even grow really big…
kunikida wishes he had yaoyorozu's brains
"hey DM, I can cast Create Mushrooms targeting the space inside his lungs, right?" ah k so they do do anything at all
wait damn that was six episodes? uh, yeah, guess I'd better give it a rest
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macskabuzi · 2 years
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basefingo · 1 year
lolwtf is a sandtrout?
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emstefani · 1 year
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