#local eldritch png
angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
aight which one of you woke up the fucking singularity
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alright now actually. this abominaceon right here? That's my silly hc personification of this fandom's favourite silly little eldritch png file that will turn your drones into its cute puppets on purpose.
ye its supposed to look messy as crap. since its basically sorta. kinda a weird mash of oil, centipede, ridiculously thin tentacles and hologram stuff idk
oh and yeah uh this is still a wip lol
idk what else to put here. uhh. umm. soup. soup jar.
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tellusd20 · 5 months
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A band of cultists has converted this small cave into a base of operations. Hidden amidst a rocky landscape, it serves as shrine, armory, and barracks for their plots against the local settlements.   
The entrance to the cave looks like any other openings in the rocks and cliff faces of the area, and thus is easily missed by casual observers.  Within the small entrance chamber though is a totem of the cult's eldritch deity, and a stone gate that provides entry to the lair.  On the other side of the gate is the group's armory, blacksmithy, and a training area to hone their fighting skills.  Directly north of the training area is their shrine, as well as a small cell and cages for unlucky prisoners. Prisoners don't tend to stay long - their god demands bloody sacrifices. Behind the walls of the shrine is the leader's personal quarters, serving as both bedroom and office. The room is spartan but clean and private.
Directly west of the shrine is the barracks. Beds are built atop low wooden frames and insulated with hay to keep warm.  A well nearby is the group's source of water.  South of the barracks is the mess. Food is cooked in clay stoves and meals are taken together as a group at the crude wooden tables and benches. Whatever supplies the cult has purchased - or stolen - are stashed adjacent to the mess.
This could work well as the basis for a simple quest such as investigating a disappearance or attacks on outlying farms.  Or perhaps this is just a small cell of a larger organization with a grander scheme in mind? This battle map is available on my Patreon in PNG and VTT formats, without watermark, in grid/gridless variants + w/ and w/o lighting effects.
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
-if she ever went into the solver form (I think you said she did once? if i remember correctly), what did she think about this afterwards? And how did it feel at the moment of the solver form itself?
-from the time when we talked about 066 and Rinja, I remember that you mentioned that she would try to stop Rinja from overusing it. I. uh. wonder HOW would she try that fjdhdnhr ive been wondering about it ever since
-WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SHE ALSO SAW A PHYSICAL FORM OF THE SOLVER?? genuinely wondering. and what does the solver itself think of her
-is it fine that I ask so much stuff about the way she would interact with Rinja??? because I do have more of those. alright. what if she saw Rinja being possessed. like, with yellow eyes and all that. AND what if she saw them while they are JUST in their solver form. Not completely possessed just being completely out of control. ACTUALLY WHAT IF SHE ALSO KNEW THAT THEY TRY TO INDUCE THE SOLVER FORM ON PURPOSE SOMETIMES???
-Aaand lastly (for now) WHAT IF SHE WAS GETTING POSSESSED HERSELF TOO. LIKE. I know she tries to avoid using the solver at all costs but I dont think its possible to escape it completely. So what if she ALSO GETS TO THAT POINT
those are the ones I could think of for now!! yes they all also involve the solver WHOOPS FJHFJDHD
-Yep, she did in fact go into solver form precisely once. Funnily enough she actually did it on purpose, got mad at several scientists for reasons i did not think of yet and decided to cause severe problems for the sake of causing severe problems. (happened all the way back when planet core didn't explode and cfl was a functional shithole). Regretted it like hell afterwards as for how it felt, uh. the basic solver form feels packet ig
-I think she'd just. monitor rinja by directly being close to them at ~most times, and whenever rinja tries to do the do cynthia'd just go like "no. no we do not do that here. pls put the png down" while stopping their hand or smt (yk like uhh either v or n (i forgor) did with uzi like once in dead end. not the. not the chopping hand off but like that one that happens like way earlier. kinda like that yea) -If Cynthia ever saw the solver personification.. Her first instinct would be to hurl the heaviest nearby object on it immediately. 100%. I think AbsoluteSolver would personally find her and the fact it can't get her fully possessed for literal years at this point annoyiing as hell. legit in c262 the only reason it's really still bothering with her is because she's at cfl and it needs that place for whatever it is singularities are up to these days -tbh? she would get as possibly far away from a fully possessed rinja (or, honestly, any fully-possessed drone in general) as physically possible. While the png most likely definitely wants to keep all its hosts, 066 doesn't fucking know what goes on in the mind of that immature eldritch horror and definitely does not want to find out what getting sucked into a black hole feels like. As for Rinja just in solver form, i feel like 066 would try her best to get them back to their senses. And. if she knew RInja induces solver form on purpose occasionaly. i think she'd. sit down and attempt to convince them to stop doing that via talk. How well that would go? no clue. Would she do it? yup. -066 is fully aware that getting full-possessed by the eldritch png file is essentially inevitable, just trying her best to have that not happen for as long as possible. if she ever got to the 'start getting possessed ya dumbass' point, she would likely leave the settlement (yup she and the silly group she's accidentally collected over the years have a silly settlement of sorts down there), going somewhere that's far from other local drones to minimize any possible damage, do more stalling for idk how much time, and then.. eventually i think she'd. at the very least attempt to commit proper disposal of ai on herself (with someone else's help because. from what i remember that one isn't fully doable w/o someone else) so AbsoluteSolver doesn't get another free uber fully-controlled host. dark, yeah, but i can definitely see her doing that anyway. ye its perfectly fine that you ask a lot about cynthia/rinja interactions! i like thinking about those actually
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