#little girl kz
dukemercury · 26 days
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its still april 18th somewhere out there so happy katana five everybody
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lu-is-not-ok · 5 months
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Some Zero shitpost redraws because I fell into a contentless behavior type mood
Original images under cut
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suchscary · 6 months
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tomatoart · 1 year
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this has been sitting in drafts for literally a year 
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z0mbiesnoon · 1 year
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some kz sketches
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paz-45 · 3 months
EE Lyrics Study: teeth/bones/nails
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Hello! This is my first "lyric study" for the band Everything Everything and the topic is: BONES/TEETH/NAILS.
Basically, when listening to their music, I kept noticing words related to this topic and I was curious if the topic actually existed across their discography. I marked every lyric that included key words:
bone, skull, teeth, vertebrae, fossil, etc.
I did a little research to see the cultural significance or any other meaning/symbolism of these words. I didn't want to dive too much into the actual meaning of the lyrics*** or the greater context of the song, but instead looked at the overall patterns of the key words.
I notice that in EE's lyrics, bones/teeth are mostly used to evoke images of graphic things being done to a body or to liken humans to other animals/creatures. There's mentions of bones both inside a living human and in someone/something that's dead.
Personally, I interpret these uses as a more shocking or uncomfortable way to refer to those parts of the body (e.g. teeth instead of smile, clavicle instead of collar, skull instead of head), which is pretty on-brand for EE's provocative lyrics/themes.
And half the street was under my nails -MY KZ, UR BF
Cos even now, there's a bone snapping -Leave the Engine Room
My teeth dazzle like an igloo wall, I inhabit, I inhibit ya'll -Photoshop Handsome
But right above my clavicle, the world becomes so laughably old -Wizard Talk
Teeth and nails your little anatomy -Luddites and Lambs
Past-tense -- what's a trilobite to anyone? -Kemosabe (marked because it only exists in fossil form)
Coiled heart, eye-tooth, feral child -Torso of the Week
And cloudy with potential, muscle mass and vertebrae begin... -Choice Mountain
While Princes fly drones that can see through your bones - Undrowned
The street is a boneyard she glances -Armourland
And now who's the fossil who gets the girl? -The House is Dust
Bic your head and show your teeth to them honey -Don't Try
And sweat runs up his neck and spine -Awe/Arc
You take the poleaxe out of your spine, push your shoulder back in its place -A.D.
Canine, fangs up out my throat -Distant Past
Teeth on a wire -Get to Heaven
Swing the hammer, the fragments, a skull exploding -Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread
Bone, to the blade -The Wheel is Turning Now
Bones in a bowl like a toad-in-the-hole, take the shape out of the mould -No Reptiles
And your spine is a glass spire -President Heartbeat
I can feel my bones screaming out -Yuppie Supper
Yet the concrete burns at the back of your skull -Night of the Long Knives
I'm just a knuckle dragger with a knuckle dragger grin -Desire
If my bones just fall away -Good Shot, Good Soldier
Skeleton boy with the skeleton girl souvenir -Big Climb
As fresh as my bouncing bones -Arch Enemy
The bones snap into place -Black Hyena
Stretching my lips over my teeth -SUPERNORMAL
I want the teeth of the enchanter - I Want A Love Like This
Drinking from a hollow skull -Cut UP!
But the seed inside your skull is now a watermelon -HEX
You can sing you can play my ribcage like piano -My Computer
***I feel like we'll never know exactly what Jonathan means when he writes (lol seems like he doesn't know sometimes either) so I didn't want to get caught up in guessing what he meant. I find it tiring to try to figure out 'why did he say that?' and instead just enjoy and find my own meaning :)
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haedgaf · 15 days
thank you for letting your blog be the hangout spot for haters YEAHHHH spread positivity love and kindness.. in another universe
hybe is one fraudulent company THESE MFS HAVE CONNECTIONS EVERYWHERE maybe we need to drive a truck into their building and nuke it? payola is basically an aspect of that company someone help… autoplay is crazy! you’re soooo right hybes acting stupid as if the general public doesn’t love them anyway HYBE FANDOMS ARE SUCH DICKRIDERS 😖
it’s gotten so bad that i started praying on hybes downfall like you’re gonna catch me with virtual candles. in a corner. praying a little harder on enha though cause their fans need to be publicly executed they literally made it their job to piss me off 😭😭😭 count your days engenes you will cough in 3 business days!!!!!!!!
you surely know that unforgiven vs gfriend clip MYYYY GOD I FEEL BAD FOR KACKLING AT IT! anyway sakura was decent at coachella to my surprise while miss wanna change the industry was screaming those notes out get OUR CHAEWONNIE OUT OF THAT HELL 😭😭😭💔💔 and about yunjin.. girl hasn’t apologised for the starbucks issue, yet it’s so obvious that she knows about it ??&@&#/-🍅🍅
our beef list is growing let’s keep it up 🫂
— j (going anon so the opps won’t get me :3)
like we like to troll a little here and get hateful.. take your positive ass back to some other blog 😑
GET THE NUKES READY we just can’t let them get away with all these 😭😭😭 thank god idgaf about any hybe groups other than svt (they’re under pledis anywayzzz) and nwjns. got all that money for payola but won’t use it for a vocal room like WHAT ARE THEIR PRIORITIES ATP they’re lucky knetz dgaf about their shitty vocals (tho it seems that they’re finally waking that tea up 🌝🌝)
OH ME AND ENGNES GOT A PAST TOO i remember i told myself i would never like enha bc of those losers (tho i ended up becoming an ngene for a while last year hsjdsk, not anymore but wonie is still my baby 🥹) the only time i moot ngenes is if they’re nctzens, like when i see that follow and check their carrd and see solely ngene i’m like uh uh.. this isn’t your place buddy
she rlly did improve i’ll give her that it was ec ynj and kz that were ass 😭😭😭 tho kzh kinda redeemed herself on the second night (they KNEWW to use those heavy backtracks 💀) PLSSS MY CHAEWONNIE DOESNT DESERVE THIS I NEED TO SAVE HER FROM FHE SLANDER ☹️ pls don’t get me started on ynj.. i used to bias her but ever since that stuff it just pissed me off so bad and now she’s apparently also the ambassador of a zionist brand? like oh thats notttt.. also the way she was sub-posting about the sb stuff like ughhh dpmo pls that’s why your lyrics are corny as hell 😒
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bylerschmyler · 1 year
Papa - The nickname
When speaking off Dr. Brenner El and the other Lab kids (as well as Henry) refer to him as "Papa".
As a german this had always confused me because the nickname "Papa" for a father figure is not so commonly used in american shows but it's the most used nickname for referring to your father in Germany.
And that it's unusual is supported by the show itself. Because everyone else of the party refers to their fathers with "Dad".
And I thought about other potential nicknames for a father and their implications.
FATHER - Father is not really a nickname for a father but if used to describe your father in an informal situation gives very religious vibes. And it's shown in S4 in the Bingham house. Suzie and her siblings refer to her father as father. Suzie's family is Mormon so it makes total scenes to refer to their parents with religious implications.
DADDY - Daddy is a trivialized version for Dad. It is often used for two scenarios. 1. With small kids being involved to be cute and all. 2. For the spoiled "princess" to manipulate her father. Because "Daddy's little girl wouldn't have done something bad". Nowadays Daddy can also have a sexual implication when not in the context of the scenarios above. Because just think of Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin or Max refer to their dads as Daddy. All of you would have immediately raised your eyebrows and would think of the weirdness of that scenario.
Daddy is used once I think in S3 when the Wheelers are in the ferris wheel by Holly (a small child so no sexual implication).
Sir - Sir is only ever used in authority driven family's like the Hargroves. It's used when speaking directly to the father. It implies strictness and hierarchy and is often viewed in a negative way nowadays (like the Hargroves)
Dad - the most common used nickname for a father. It has no direct implication rather than family bonds.
Papa - now let's go to the weirdness of Papa being used by the lab kids. For me personally it has no negative implications because I use it every day for the past 24 years. But I don't know about the american implication for this. What find intresting is that the person referred to as Papa has heavy Josef Mengele parallels (a german Nazi who experimented on prisoners in the KZs). Adding to this the kids have numbers tattooed to their wrists like Nazi Prisoners.
Also Martin is pretty common Name in Germany for people in Brenner's age.
(Also Brenner translating to burner is really sketchy)
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chemicalbrew · 1 month
for the character thing u know i gotta ask zero
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obsessed with how you specified with a sprite. it's gonna look so awkward, I love it.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
The weirder answer: the specific tone of voice I have developed for him in my head that I can never explain to people, but it just Is. Lately it's been getting more muddy and vague (Gotta go replay!!! Yearning...), but in general, holy shit, it's so good.
The normaler answer: the way his whole character is on the undefinable fringe between right and wrong, life or death, being perfect and just being, etc etc. You get it, it's on the ceiling.
least favorite thing about them
Seriously, though, I don't know... there are plenty of parts to him you're supposed to dislike and question, but at this point I have stewed and pondered on them enough to actually adore how well they fit together.
There's at least some sort of inferable reason to just about everything he does or can do, so it's genuinely hard to find a reason to hate him, despite it all. When the character is complex... bottom text...
favorite line
Off the top of my head, probably "You honestly thought you were in my league." I feel like I talked about that moment plenty (with some people, or maybe with myself), and also not enough, but it really feels like the first (or one of the first) times his core character really shines on its own.
And due to how it's all constructed, in the moment all you can really think about is how much you agree. You just sit there, somewhere between utterly fascinated and deeply... immersed, for lack of a better word, and it's the exact way they want you to feel. They want this to stick, so it does. It's just a good scene.
Shout-out to "You are wise and virtuous." in HERO as well, because that is probably my single favorite bit in the whole thing. Help.
The little girl, obviously :3 + Fifteen, but it's too complicated to just call it that. I'm not in the mood\shape to try explain it exactly, especially since you already know
The receptionist. <3 <3 <3
It's the kinda shit that realistically shouldn't work out, which is why I'd love to see it actually get pulled off in canon, LMFAO. But I'm not too hung up on it, obviously.
Literally everything and everyone else (aside from the two crossover crack ships I now have, but that's entirely out of this ask's scope and I don't want to elaborate), including 150 seen through any other lens than mine, to be honest.
Lea him alone.
random headcanon
He really wants to have a cat, but doesn't act on it for multiple reasons, from stray cats just generally being nasty on top of how The Everything in the district is horrible, to the crushing knowledge of never being able to take care of it perfectly.
unpopular opinion
Probably every single opinion I have. I don't like answering questions like these because I hate knowing what is popular no matter what fandom. The very concept of such a question consistently stumps me, because I am permanently off in the corner, just doing my own thing.
song i associate with them
You've seen my playlist, and I don't like going off about it unless prompted, so I'll simplify and say Overdose. :3
favorite picture of them
[scrolls through 💿 tag and my silly art stash rapidly] uh... I'm gonna pick three... if there's anything KZ fandom always does right, it's the art, ugh.
The second one in this tweet. There's something about the framing and the texture that just gets me so bad...
This post. I keep saying it, but Scary is one of my fav artists in general, and I continue projecting stuff onto this piece specifically, so it just means so much to me, oh my god. That and the song it's coupled with. Help me.
This post. The expression and pose, the colors, literally everything about the linework, and to top it all off, the gem that is the fucking caption. I think about it weekly.
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stillunusual · 1 year
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A Polish slavic victim of Auschwitz falsely portrayed by PBS Learning Media as a "little Jewish girl in Auschwitz concentration camp museum" SOURCE: https://twitter.com/AuschwitzMuseum/status/1206939252208144384 The picture is actually of Krystyna Trześniewska, a young Polish victim of Auschwitz. She was born on 8th December 1929 in Majdan Królewski and was deported to Auschwitz five days after her thirteenth birthday. She was prisoner number 27129 and perished in the camp just five months later, on 18th May 1943. The image that PBS Learning Media uploaded to their website is of a photo that was taken at the Auschwitz Memorial Museum, showing a red flower that was placed in front of one of Krystyna Trześniewska's Auschwitz registration photographs, which is on display at the museum (all new prisoners were forced to pose for three pictures after having their heads shaved and changing into their prison uniforms - which usually consisted of a profile shot, a facial portrait and a photo in which they wore a head covering). Her registration photos are also featured during the Auschwitz sequence in Ron Fricke's excellent film "Baraka". According to PBS, its Learning Media portal "helps you transform learning".... However, before attempting to do that on the subject of Auschwitz it might help if they actually learned a few basic facts about the camp themselves. For example, the fact that when KL Auschwitz was established in 1940, its initial purpose was the internment of Polish slavic prisoners, who made up the majority of the inmates until 1942. According to Franciszek Piper, former head of the historical department of the Auschwitz Memorial Museum, between 140,000 and 150,000 Polish slavs were interned at Auschwitz-Birkenau between 1940 and 1945, and 70,000 to 75,000 died there as victims of executions, medical experiments, brutality, starvation and disease. It really is the height of ignorance to assume that anyone pictured in a stripy uniform during World War 2 must be Jewish.... Krystyna Trześniewska was deported to Auschwitz during "Aktion Zamosc", a campaign of ethnic cleansing by Nazi Germany in the Zamojszczyzna region of occupied Poland, which is another subject that PBS Learning Media probably don't know much about.... Before invading Poland at the start of the Second World war, the Germans had already formulated a plan (Generalplan Ost) to turn all of Eastern Europe into the "lebensraum" (living space) of Greater Germany. This plan explicitly required the complete destruction of the Polish nation. After taking control of the Polish territory assigned to them in the secret protocol of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the Germans incorporated western Polish lands directly into the Third Reich, while the rest became an occupation zone known as the "General Government" which was intended for German colonisation that would initially reduce the Polish population to the level of serfs, before their eventual extermination. The ethnic cleansing of the Zamojszczyzna region around the city of Zamość was carried out as part of this greater plan (and indicates what the implementation of Generalplan Ost would have meant for the entire Polish population if the Germans had been able to do it). Mass expulsions took place between November 1942 and March 1943 on the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, and resulted in the clearing of 300 Polish villages (Jews who lived in this region had already been rounded up and sent to Bełżec extermination camp during Operation Reinhard). Some of the Polish children from Zamojszczyzna were stolen from their parents after being selected for forced Germanisation. Others were sent to Kinder-KZ Litzmannstadt, a concentration camp for Polish slavic children that the Germans created within the Litzmannstadt ghetto.  "I have seen with my own eyes how the Germans took children away from their mothers....The act of their forcible separation shook me terribly....The Germans beat them with whips until the blood flew in case of slightest opposition, mothers and children alike. One could hear moaning and crying throughout the entire camp on those occasions....I have also seen small children being killed by the Germans" – Leonard Szpuga, a farmer expelled from Topólcza. Approximately 116,000 people - including 30,000 children - were rounded up and sent to forced labour camps or to the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Majdanek. At Auschwitz, at least 200 Polish children from Zamojszczyzna were murdered with phenol injections to the chest. The Germans planned to replace the Polish population of Zamojszczyzna with at least 60,000 ethnic Germans before the end of 1943. However, the ethnic cleansing and subsequent German colonisation of Zamojszczyzna was fiercely resisted. As well as helping the local population to escape the round ups, several thousand forest fighters of the Polish resistance began engaging German forces in the region in December 1942 and attacking villages settled by German colonists, some of which were destroyed. After halting their operations early in 1943 the Germans counter-attacked in June, with major anti-partisan actions and terror directed against the civilian population (Aktion Wehrwolf), but were never able to subdue the resistance. The Germans only managed to settle 9,000 colonists in the first half of 1943 and an additional 4,000 by the end of the year. Every victim of Auschwitz has the right to be remembered for who they actually were. Their identities should be respected, especially as they may have relatives who are still grieving for them. When the Auschwitz Memorial Museum asked PBS to correct their description of Krystyna Trześniewska's photo they initially changed "little Jewish girl" to "Polish Catholic girl" (without identifying her by name) but then removed the image from their website. Sadly, her memory has also been abused by others - including the Twitter account @AntisemitismEye, who decided to use Krystyna Trześniewska as an unofficial poster child for the Israeli Defence Forces. PBS Learning Media were also guilty of uploading one of the Auschwitz registration photos of another Polish slavic girl who was murdered at Auschwitz - Czesława Kwoka - and claiming that she was a "Jewish boy". When asked to make a correction by the Auschwitz Memorial Museum, they reacted by removing the photo rather than describing it accurately. Apparently, after realising that these victims of the Nazis were Polish and not Jewish, they no longer mattered....
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dukemercury · 2 months
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everybody clap for the only little girl in the world ever
[ID in alt!]
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errantkatana · 2 years
Hello! It’s time for a small PSA from your local Burly! Just about this blog in particular! (I don’t know what to put here aside from this image of Zero and the little girl he takes care of back home. Look! She cleaned his apartment! And made him soup!)
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(I’ll eventually have a little page for this but I like to remind people this way every now and again anyways;)
If I miss a trigger warning, let me know! Even if we aren’t interacting, I still want you to be able to enjoy yourself here. These are all things we should be able to read at our leisure (or avoid altogether!) so no trigger is too ‘small’ to mention! 
This blog covers a lot of sensitive and heavy topics, and a lot of you who have stuck around or are familiar with KZ as a game know Zero and the circumstances he’s been through are absolutely unhealthy. 
We’ve got a fair share of characters who are this way! 
I do a lot of research, but I’m far from perfect. Zero’s gone through a lot of character development, too, but I digress; if anything is off, wrong, or you feel is being misrepresented, let me know! 
While these experiences can vary wildly from person to person, I want to be respectful of the things I haven’t personally been through*. (more on this later!) 
On the same topic, if there are things you’d rather just not get involved in with Zero’s character, you’re more than welcome to message me. 
You don’t have to give me a reason, either! You can just tell me ‘Hey, this is making me really uncomfortable. Can we stop?’ and bam! We’ll stop. No hard feelings! We can retcon or skip what it was, whatever you’d like to do from there. 
Under the read more are some extra things I imagine some people might be worried about ; I don’t want this to be too long. 
*I’m ok! I know I write a lot of really rough and depressing stuff on this blog. Don’t worry about me!
I am medicated, I have a wonderful support group of friends, and have gone to therapy for many years now; I am just a woefully easy crier with a soft heart, and this blog is a source of catharsis for me. I promise if anything gets too much for me, I will let you know. Otherwise, I signed up for this, and I like seeing people...survive these sort of things, emotionally. 
Also, Fifteen-mun and I talk outside of our threads; we’re friends! And neither of us condone any of the unhealthy behavior expressed by the characters we play. We are always making sure we’re both comfortable with what’s going on between them. 
Neither of these boys are healthy, and we are both very well aware of it. 
That’s all I can think of for now, and hopefully I’ll eventually have a little page dedicated to this stuff soon! It’s a little overdue. 
Thank you for reading, and again, don’t be afraid to message me via IMs, Ask, or even ask for my discord! 
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suchscary · 4 months
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sticker designs I did for this year's KZ Postcard event! Thanks Trinity_150 so much for the opportunity!!!
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just-wublrful · 9 days
for character opinion bingo: 15, 0 (kz), anthy himemiya, madoka kaname, homura akemi. :3c
oh god putting this under a read more. warning for potential spoilers about these characters
You get the bingo sheet and a little elaboration of my thoughts for funsies :3
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15: You know how it is. I have my stupid ass phone lockscreen and discord profile dedicated to this asshole. He sucks <3 I'm not sure if I'd cry if something happened to him I want something to happen to him so bad. as long as it's narratively satisfying thog don't care!!!!
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Zero: bby. Bbyboy. I didn't tick the 'I have so many headcanons' because I feel like. I do have a lot of thoughts about him but also they come from other sources/people? (You and jonah for the most part) I love him but I'm also happier soaking up the thoughts of people who love him even more. He's incredible protagonist overall I wouldn't have the game any other way
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Anthy: oh goddddd anthy... I have to rewatch utena sometime. I think I have like half the series on my laptop? Anyways. I love Anthy she's one of the women of all times to me and I adore a good mpdg subversion. Her role in the narrative cannot be understated she is the crux of this series. She's so complex both as a character and then also thematically. She could do Katana ZERO, but i would never subject Zero to Ohtori Academy.
I think like. The rgu fandom is filled with incredibly intelligent people who treat her with the respect she deserves and they all have much smarter things to say about her anyways so. I shall just stare at her lovingly from a distance <3
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Madoka: She's literally the bravest little girl in the whole world and if no one claps and cheers for her right now i'm blowing this whole building up (homura voice.) Anyways god yeah she's incredible. I really hope the newest movie has her as the protagonist again (unlikely but lol) i believe in her strength of will and ability to overcome the impossible. She's the girl who made a bargain with the devil (metaphorical) and became god. She's magical girl jesus. women can do anything
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Homura: oh god homuraaaaaaaa. I'm so not well about her as you can tell from my bingo sheet. Somehow the most selfish and selfless girl in the whole world. She definitely has some form of BPD. she's john and judas and lucifer and canonically catholic, she's like three layers of repression in the form of a japanese middle-schooler. She needs a break and a hug i think
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readingforsanity · 7 months
The Widwife of Berlin | Anna Stuart | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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Auschwitz, 1943: I stroke my beautiful baby's hair. It's a miracle it's blonde because it will keep her alive, it will keep her safe. Soon they will come and take Pippa out of Auschwitz-Birkenau - and out of my arms. But while there's life, there's hope I might find my daughter again...
An incredible story of one woman's courage and determination to reunite her family in the aftermath of surviving Auschwitzx.
1945, Ester Pasternak walked out of the gates of Auschwitz barely alive. She survived against devastating odds, but her heartbreaking journey is only just beginning. In the camp, Ester gave birth to a tiny fair-haired infant, only for her previous baby to be snatched from her and taken to a German family. Now the war is over, Ester longs to find her little girl.
But Europe is in chaos, Jewish families have been torn apart and everyone is desperately searching for their loved ones. In every orphanage and hospital she visits, Ester searches the faces of tear-stained toddlers; each mop of blonde hair and pair of blue eyes she sees sets her heart racing...
But as the months and the years tick by, the possibility of finding her daughter shrinks smaller and smaller. And Ester starts to wonder if little Pippa is even safe, or whether the miracle that saved her has now put her in even more danger?
Will Ester ever be able to find the child whose tattoo matches her own? Or is she already too late...
A completely gripping and emotional WW2 novel of one woman's bravery and determination to hold on to hope in a world torn apart by war. Perfect of fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Alice Network and The Nightingale.
We return back to Germany, where our previous heroine, Ester, has returned to live in Berlin after she was liberated from a KZ during WWII. After losing her biological child at birth after 4 days, Ester and Filip found another child born of Auschwitz named Oliwia...though they decided to change her name from the traditional Polish spelling to the traditional German spelling.
Olivia and Ester's biological child, Pippa, now known as Kirsten, do not know of each other. Ester had hoped to wait until her daughter was 18 years of age to tell her, but circumstances began to change, and Olivia becomes aware of the sister that was never returned...her mother's biological daughter.
Despite knowing that her parents love her, and have raised her as their own child, Olivia feels a bit saddened by the fact that there is a girl out there with blood ties to her parents that she doesn't have. And Kirsten learns that the mother and father she thought she had known all of her life were not her parents, and with that, that her brother wasn't truly her brother.
The two girls lead seemingly different lives: Olivia is a born athlete, being invited to study and compete at the East Berlin school called Dynamo throwing the javelin. It is a rigorous competitive school, with trainings and vitamin regimes that quickly builds up Olivia's muscle mass. Kirsten is a lowly waitress in a cafe serving coffee and hoping to find a young man to love.
When Kirsten meets Dieter, she thinks that he could be the one. But, they are vastly different and Dieter is much older than she is, though the two of them get on quite well.
Olivia begins the quest to find Pippa, though the East doesn't make it easy to find someone who had been born in Auschwitz and then forcibly removed from her rightful birth mother. On the other hand, Kirsten also begins looking for her biological family, and finds it much easier by asking for the records in the archive. Luckily, Ester's name is included in the list, and eventually, Kirsten finds Olivia and decides to find her.
The two of them are briefly reunited, and after spending a short time together, agree to meet that Sunday for Ester and Filip to finally meet the daughter that was torn from them 4 days after Christmas. However, the Berlin wall is erected through the night from Saturday into Sunday, and Kirsten is once again ripped from the family that she wants to meet.
Kirsten attempts to get into the East, but because Olivia is on a watch list as a subversive, they have denied her request. But, through Astrid, who Kirsten looks enough alike that they can pass as each other, gives her her pass and on the 4th of October in 1961, Kirsten is finally reunited with her birth parents.
Unfortunately, this is also short-lived, but Kirsten is allowed to return to the East without question, and she quickly begins making plans with Dieter to get Olivia and her fiance, Hans, out of the East and into the West. The plans go awry, as secret passageways they'd been using had been found out, but eventually, Dieter is successfully in getting both Olivia and Hans out, with the help of the house mother at Dynamo. Unfortunately, as they're passing through the wire fence, the woman who was meant to go through to the West with them had told the authorities, and Dieter is fatally shot in the process.
Olivia and Hans meet Kirsten's adopted family, and they are accepted into their home without question.
Unfortunately, the Berlin Wall remained standing until 1989, therefore Olivia and Kirsten were away from their parents for almost 30 years. Now wives with children of their own, with Ester, they return to the birth place that has been turned into a museum, along with Kirsten's 18-year-old daughter, Pippa, given the name that she should have had all her life. The two blended families get along wonderfully, and Ester describes the horrors of her time in the German KZ, showing her daughters what she had endured, and what they were lucky to escape from.
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reinekes-fox · 1 year
A serious post, tw: nazis
So I recently saw a video ranting about a book going something like this: "american girl meets a german POW" "So... a nazi?"
And please, can Americans, and maybe maybe the world too: learn the difference between the fanatics (the crazys who believed in the race bs) and that guys who were drafted and didnt wanted to get shot because they didnt go!
Because guess what? If you got drafted and didnt show up? You are in big trouble, and your whole family as well!
There are stories about soldiers of all sides helping civilians, almost as much as there are stories about soldiers doing harm to civilians. German soldiers did war crimes, Russians did too, Americans too! Only today are we beginning to know about the rapings done by american soldiers and the victims, woman and man, kept quiet for decades.
A normal soldier is capable of the worst things, as well as good things.
Now, who would end up an american or british POW, early enough in the war to be sent to the USA? Regular army, most likely Luftwaffe, air force.
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So lets take Erich Hartmann, best ace the Luftwaffe ever had. One of those that followed the unspoken honour code (i.e. not shooting at the pilot on a parachute) on the eastern front. He was held prisoner from 1945-1955 in soviet Russia, among many others who were simple soldiers but the Sovjets said that they were mass murderers, fanatics, SS and kept them for ten years.
Another example:
Now, where those things doable at for example the Blitz? Or on the other side, when the US and UK bombed german cities day and night? Off course not.
They were army soldiers, following orders. Gruesome orders in a needless war. And dont even get me started on the war crimes in the pacific.
However even here we have a fascinating example of a "good nazi"
John Rabe, one of the foreigners in Nanking during the infamous Rape o Nanking, trying to save the chinese foreigners with the other foreigners. (What happened to China beforehand is also another different topic)
So yes, Nazis were those people that immediatly come to mind, but also people such as John Rabe. Normal soldiers, normal people, and the crazy ones as well. There is a difference between someone who believes in nazi bs and someone who is using his or her position to help.
Not SS, with a killing cause (now there also were small acts of resistance but the majority went along with it, leading to the atrocities and even worse). For example the wife of a camp officer of a KZ shot at prisoners from her balcony for sports, her little daughter clapped wen she hit someone...
However here too we have a counter example:
She was a resistance fighter, working in Ausschwitz and helping the prisoners by smuggling weapons, medical utensils and actually treating them correctly, known as the "Engel von Ausschwitz", the angel of ausschwitz.
There even were plenty of resistance in the german army itself and even the leader and most of the high ranking members of the military secret service! Which the SS always wanted to get their hands on.
A list of the assassination attempts on Shitler, also available in english, where you will also notice german people and normal soldiers:
For example
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Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the german military secret service. He saved jewish lives by employing them as agents ans sending them into switzerland. Just one example of the things he did, he was sent to a KZ and executed 1945 by the SS.
available in english, more sources are linked there as well.
Now why is that still relevant? Why am I ranting about a topic that has nothing to do with me (except my ancestors being gassed in Ausschwitz while the other half fought against soviet Russia)?
Because it is still relevant.
Here is Greece 2013, when Greece was struggling with inflation (also in 2012 they were marching around in nazi uniforms, holding pictures of Merkel as Shitler):
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When my english teacher was called a Nazi in the UK and got gifted a box with a swastika in the US since "we like Shitler so much". When Irish think it is funny to sing the whole german national anthem instead of the normal one to german coworkers (which is illegal here), when stupid tourists do the Shitler salute and think of it as a joke (and are surprised when they get arrested and fined).
We cant escape those 12 dark years. And we arent allowed too, we learn about it in school (in south germany, east germany is another story), so that something like that can never happen again! Our government is paying money to holocaust survivors so they can live in comfort. This is our responsibility and we take it very seriously.
I remember being twelve years old and looking at pictures of dead people in Ausschwitz. The place where a part of my family was killed. My other great grandfather got drafted in WW2, he fought because he would be shot if he didnt. Imagine someone calling this man who loved his jewish wife so so much (they met after WW2) a nazi just because he was forced into the army is the worst I ever felt.
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