#little birdy!pastline
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So for a while now the idea of a media/film themed sans has been freely orbiting my brain. She's not a sans, but she's related to some. I didn't really mean to make her into a shipchild, that's my bad I got a little carried away, but it's a more than ignorable fact that I can live with.
I promised I'd never make a shipchild, but then again I promised I'd leave this fandom forever. So I guess promises to myself never work out.
more about her:
-Her kisses sound like camera shutters and her voice is very grating. She sounds like a 50yo smoker. (the radio voice flux got rebuked) -She's the 'preservation of the past' (vultures are associated with dead things, things that are 'in the past now', and cameras which capture a moment in time). In a household with people stuck in their own heads over what went wrong in their lives. -She knows everyone's backstory except Nightmare's because she fears they'll catch her taking photos. ('everyone' as is Just the Goons and Only them) -In order to read into someone's past she needs to take as many photos of them as she can, from every angle and lighting, every facial expression, etcetc. She can't activate her ability on the spot, and needs dark rooms, like a film developing room, to roll a tape. -'Roll a tape', the backstories she gathers come out in long rolls of film she can pop into a projector and watch. -Her magic takes a lot out of her. Depending on how long the tape is, she can be weakened from a week to a month. Her magic doesn't come in any other forms.
*Little Birdy, HP 40, ATK 3, DEF 25. Easy as cracking an egg.
Her past telling is not 100% accurate. When watching one of her tapes you'll get the general gist of what happened, but for anything that's not a major plot beat is usually a little icky.
Audio is the least likely to get screwed up, but when it does it has the same vibe as, 'been through Google Translate at least twice.'
Color is in the middle, when it comes out wrong it's commonly in black and white or high contrast.
Visual is the most likely. Even in her visions she can't see shit. The tape comes out looking spotty and characters will randomly ragdoll or glitch out at inappropriate times.
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She lives in the walls and her film room is in an attic. Most of the info on this page is either still being pondered about or doesn't really apply anymore in the timeframe of 6hours since I drew this. She's still in development so things are prone to change, yk. Take it with a grain of salt.
She calls people 'sticky'/stinky, her version of 'bukko' or 'pal'
My inspo for her design came directly from Lady Gaga and Cruella De Vil, both my childhood idols. Lady Gaga influenced the general vibe in my mind rather than the drawing itself.
"Why does she like Pepper Steak when it's not even a poultry dish?" childhood food+so I can listen to Pepper Steak from the OFF soundtrack and look at her at the same time.
"Why is she called 'little birdy?" because of the phrase, 'a little bird told me...' to reference her past telling abilities.
Yes she's wearing boxers, c'mon guys she may live in a shithole but she's not a heathen.
About the climbing thing. She does have great balance but she can't scale a sheer cliff. Her talent lies in getting to the top of the bookshelf or maneuvering her way through the walls. She doesn't have the balls to climb around the outside, but she'll do it in a pinch.
She's very grabby. A little spoiled. If she doesn't get what she wants she won't cry at you, instead she'll sneak into your room late at night and steal shit that you hold valuable. And THEN go get whatever she wanted without your help.
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Damn, most of the immediate characters in utmv are stinky smelly little gremlins. Here she is next to a discord moderator. I kept deathgripping the air in front of him and glaring.
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