#little accident 👊😔
stinkypeanutbutter · 6 months
BOOM!! Silly Ashden headcanons you plebs 😸😸✊‼️
- Ashlyn is mostly the instigator (or whatever) when it comes to any type of physical affection like hand holding, hugging, or cuddling. It makes her more comfortable if she were to start it rather then it be at random cause Aiden is clingy and touch starved (she’s also slightly touch starved but would she say anything about it? Nawh 😂😂)
They go on silly little dates like walking around the park at night, getting ice cream, watching movies, going to the aquarium (ashlyn likes aquariums because of the colorful fish and the soft bubbly noises they make swimming in the water) and sometimes go to a restaurant, but they usually take the food to go and eat it out at some parking lot or playground.
- Ashlyn prefers to be the big spoon when it comes to cuddling cause she doesn’t want to be like, encased or whatever. (Idk how to describe it but it gives her more free will) Works for Aiden cause he actually likes being a little spoon. They would switch between who’s cuddling who but it’s mostly that.
- Aiden runs on warm, Ashlyn runs on cold. It’s cause Aiden was always too tired to get up and get a blanket that his body succumbed to the cold and made their own way of being warm (I think that’s how it can work?? 🫠) and Ashlyn just gets cold no matter what, despite the warm temperatures she just deals with it. They sorta balance each out when it gets too cold or too warm, like when it’s winter time she’ll probably sit closer to him, even slightly touching his hand just cause of him being a radiator.
In some cases though, Aiden CAN have the hands of a yeti and scare everyone at random times by touching their neck or back (not an Ashden thing but figured i would add it cause I got the idea from someone in the disc. server) , most Tyler just to piss him off.
Ashlyn would do something super badaßß at one point, like beat up a couple bad guys and Aiden would probably say something stupid like “I think I’m in love” and everyone would look at him like “ 😦😦🥺🥺🤯🤯🤨🤨”
They go on double dates with Taylor and Ben ‼️
Aiden takes the time to take a bite of whatever Ashlyn is eating for no reason (Ashlyn is NOT happy 😡😡👊)
Probably would get really invested in a show together and binge it
Aiden vowed to beat her at that one dancing machine game they played at the arcade (has not won at all yet like a loser)
Aiden used to have a habit of not eating or skipping meals (it got better now) but every now and then would focus too hard on something and space out with it so Ashlyn would have to poke him or throw something at him to get him out of his senses and eat
Ashlyn let Aiden drink some of her coffee one time, did not go well (he spat it out cause it was gross)
Ashlyn likes true crime and would have it playing in the background when she does like ballet or homework
aiden goes to every performance Ashlyn has, or swears too and proudly cheers her on.
get ready for some sad ones now!! 👊😔😔👹👹
TW ‼️ : SH , dissociation , ED
Aiden’s scars would show up from time to time, a lot during bad times whether it was when they were having fun or chilling, they would appear. Ashlyn tries not to say anything or mention them because she’s worried about him, and whether she might provoke something on accident. If it gets too bad, she’ll probably call up on his therapist (if he’s willing to actually get one) and offer to clean up the fresh ones despite his denying. He’ll just stare at her as she does this, but always feels closer to her when he comes to terms someone is there to actually care for him
Ashlyn has night terrors quite often, mostly based on the visions of seeing her friends get hurt in the phantom realm and the little sounds that get stuck in her mind. Aiden isn’t always there to help, but will find ways too as by a text message or a gift. When he is there it’s much easier because she’s with her family, and someone she cares quite deeply about. He’ll be there to remind her that they are all okay, and it was all her imagination. .
Aiden dissociates from reality often. He didn’t have anyone to snap him out of his fantasies before with his family being gone so often, sometimes purposely leaving him alone in his room as some form of punishment for failing at something they considered important. He may forgot everyone for a short time, how everything feels around him, even himself if he falls too deep in his own thoughts alone. It’s what he does when he’s upset. With his new buds, it seems that has changed. It would take a while, but hearing their voice or feeling a little touch from them can buzz him back. With Ashlyn, it feels faster, like reality comes pouring back to him as soon as she says or asks anything. If his parents tried, it would take as long as 3-6 minutes. Funny how found family could act more caring then your actual ones. Ben excluded from them, he’s amazing and a great cousin to Aiden 😋😋👊👊
Ashlyn used to have a slight ED. It was started during ballet because of some crappy instructor who insisted on them being skinnier to fit the standards. It definitely affected her view points on herself and brought down her self esteem, trying to lose weight so she didn’t get kicked out of continuing dance. Her parents were able to introduce her to counseling eventually, and she slowly got better over time, even if the feeling never left. Her friends were able to help out in someway, and she appreciated it all. Aiden never had an ED, but did have a habit of skipping meals due to focusing to hard or not feeling it at the moment. Not the same thing, but he was able to make an effort if she ever felt like she shouldn’t eat too much by helping out with small portions, and encouraging her to finish what she can. It didn’t throw the feelings away, but it certainly helped her grow closer with everyone.
Okay idk if I got anything wrong or misled so sorry if I do but uhms later losers 😹😹😹‼️✌️✌️👊👊
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bryan360 · 3 years
After we've seen from his previous Pro 2 Controller post; especially when doing in comparison by boxes and unveil the newer one at peek, we're finally getting into the next one as of the continuing part through recording. This time was for having him unboxing the new controller as a whole and gonna say it was really good. 🙂👍🏼
🐰🖌Maxwell: Indeed. While it same to be the same lookalike controller that he been using from the past and before gotten broke down by accident. 😔 We're hoping it'll won't happened again once he can do a testing phase, but not bad how it looks with some new features and textures when he holding on the controllers grip very nicely. 👌
🐰👊💥May: It does have little bit issues for the D-Pad button or could've expect to included a bigger and increased battery pack. At least it can support AA batteries to store it as well; just in case if the rechargeable pack would eventually worn out soon.
🦊⚽️Sam: Hoping that this newer Pro 2 controller would run last forever, but just saying how to see from unboxing sure does worth to be testing through gaming. Congrats for checking this during part two of our P-Pal's latest topic item to share. 😉
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greenfrog-kp · 5 years
My headcanon: don't you know why Jyushimatsu being angry and acts like delinquent? because he caused by having a pebble in his slipper like Ed did from Ed, Edd & Eddy.
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