supernovasilence · 4 months
mmmmmm I truly can't decide between Narnia merpirate (because that sounds AWESOME) and Narnia souvenir (because it's so mysterious)
- ciar
Thank you for the ask! Merpirate is based on this aesthetic I made for MerMay last year. Sadly it is not about mermaid pirates, but about a merman (Edmund, shapeshifted into a human and pretending to be a shipwreck victim to get aboard Caspian's ship) and a pirate (Caspian, hoping Edmund's a mermaid anyway because mermaids are said to collect treasure). They're both trying to gain the other's trust so they can rob them. Neither one plans on developing real feelings...
It gets rather dramatic, and Edmund's siblings get involved, and the last line of my notes is "caspian goes back to his ship with a co-captain and three feral extras, and did you know? having 4 sirens around lets you hunt and rob so many more ships and they all end up so rich". So I guess there are mermaid pirates in it after all!
Across the deck, Edmund stood backlit against the setting sun.
            He tossed aside his right-hand sword and wiped a smear of blood from the corner of his open mouth. Caspian had given him only one blade, but he’d found another in the midst of battle, and wielded both easily. Though he used no style Caspian knew, he'd clearly learned somewhere, and he was fast, a snarling shadow streaking over the deck. More than one soldier had surrendered before Edmund got anywhere near them.
            The sword he’d dropped had been from the Dawn Treader’s armory; he examined the one he still held. His lips were still parted as he panted softly. He ran thoughtful fingers over the jewels inlaid in the sword’s golden pommel and quillons, shimmering blue-black as the sea and scarlet as blood, and then his sharp teeth glittered as he grinned.
            Caspian’s head was full of the setting sun. There were no thoughts, only thick, burning red. Edmund looked up, as though sensing his gaze, and grinned at Caspian—almost exactly as he’d been grinning at the sword. His raw delight was too great to be smothered into his usual careful smirk. His death-pale cheeks looked almost human for once, flushed with exertion, but the shadows turned his eyes into dark, unreadable pits. The dying sun outlined him in gold.
"Souvenir" on the other hand, is more a canon divergence than a full au, with the Pevensies staying in Narnia to rule with Caspian, and featuring my completely wild rarepair, Susan x Liliandil.
            Peter and Susan did not go on the voyage to the East. Caspian was the one who had sworn at his coronation to find the lost lords that his uncle had sent away. These days, where Caspian went, Edmund went too (Susan wondered if they would have finally realized their feelings by the time they got back), and Lucy was alight with curiosity about the utter East: strange lands, far seas, perhaps even Aslan’s country itself.
            But someone had to run Narnia while half her royals sailed. No one knew how far they would travel, or how long till they returned; of course the High King could not go. And Susan was too fond of her comforts to really enjoy a long sea voyage into the unknown. One warrior, and one diplomat—they would manage their kingdom fine.
            “Bring me a souvenir from the utter East,” Susan teased her family as she hugged them goodbye, swallowing her jealousy, her fear.
            She did not expect them to bring her back a star.
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