#like... it's already hard to shop in regular stores for things my size bc of my measurements
oh-katsuki · 1 year
im going to be so fr.... i hate it when im shopping for something, perusing online or in person for stuff in my size and approximate measurements... and a skinny woman says to me “you should try poshmark instead” 🥺. u should look on there for stuff because it’s second hand 🥺 u should go to good will and thrift stores bc it’s more ethical 🥺 like i really wish u would be quiet bc u know damn well poshmark doesn’t do returns and that goodwill rarely carries good shit in my size. like ma’am, i’m fat and that transforms the ENTIRE way i shop for clothes compared to you. clothes are made for bodies like yours.... i’m expected to make do. 
#i hope im making sense i just..#sorry it is simply my BIGGEST pet peeve#like... it's already hard to shop in regular stores for things my size bc of my measurements#and to have a skinny person come up to me and say 'use poshmark to buy pants ' like they have just...#opened the doors of fashion for me... like no you have not.#i will still have the same exact problems as i do with every other store... except on poshmark i can't return the clothes#idk i just.... sometimes i think that a lot of thin people think that shopping for clothes as a fat person is the same as shopping-#when you're thin#when that is.... simply not the case#literally.... everything is different#and the fundamental difference is that clothes are made for skinny shapes whereas fat bodies have to compromise#idk i just... i have a lot of thoughts about this#but i genuinely hate being told that bc miss do you think i haven't already looked??#like i use poshmark for t-shirts and like... big jackets#everything else i need to be able to return#and i also think that they don't consider... what it's like to try and consume ethically under capitalism..#when you don't fit the general group that clothes or those sustainable options were made for#like any fat person can tell you how FRUSTRATING it is to try and thift for pants or shop for clothes#because all of those sustainable brands RARELY carry things in inclusive sizes#so to already STRUGGLE with that while shopping... and then to be told 'use poshmark instead... go to good will'#when those options... do not function the same for fat bodies... will never not be irritating#vent#tw: body image#tw: fatphobia
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I think the hardest part for me now is trying to adjust to becoming seen and known as a fat guy by more than just my partner. It's one thing to be fat but still able to mostly hide it under clothes, but if I gain as much as I want to I won't be able to do that anymore, and its really stressful and scary trying to make that jump. Pre-T me was always that awkward size where I was too small for plus size fashion but too big for regular stores and I always wished I could shop at the plus size stores bc the dresses were so pretty, but now that I wear men's clothing plus size stores are suuuuper Hetero(tm) and boring and it sucks not being able to find nice clothes easily! It makes it so much harder to feel good about myself now that I can't just throw on a sexy outfit to make myself feel better :( I'm almost too big to shop at places like H&M now and I'm sort of debating if I should just keep shopping there even if things start to be a bit more figure hugging bc I'm so desperate for nice clothes that make me feel good. It's just so hard to unlearn the fear of being seen as fat publicly, let alone to intentionally wear something that doesn't hide my body or who I am (it almost makes me wish i had a humiliation kink just so I'd be more ok with it 😩). Transitioning gender-wise seems way more straightforward than trying to transition from being a little bit above average weight to obese or morbidly obese (I'm technically obese already but I'm just shy of 6ft so I only look kinda overweight 😣) I wish there was like, a list of steps on how to do it and what to expect like there is for starting HRT and all the social transitioning, y'know? -🍓
oh i feel you with men’s clothing being boring af, like tbh even men’s straight size clothing is So Boring and then being like an XL or bigger makes it that much harder to find anything fruity that isn’t hella expensive. im also a trans guy and like i found it easier mentally to be okay with being a chubby guy rather than being a chubby girl bc there is less social pressure there. like obvi its difficult to be fat in society regardless of gender but for me accepting myself as a chubby guy was easier than accepting myself as a chubby girl. i think a big part of accepting yourself as fat is unlearning the social stigmas and understanding that being fat is perfectly okay and that other people’s opinions don’t matter as long as youre happy with yourself. but also that is way easier said than done! 
i found this http://www.thegoodandplenty.com/2017/09/06/how-to-love-yourself-for-real-when-youre-fat/ and it seems like a good place to start with learning to be okay with stuff and idk if its exactly what youre looking for but hope it helps! also feel free to dm me and we can talk more about this stuff bc we have a lot in common lmfao and i respond faster to dms!
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lookwhatilost · 6 years
cool, i have an hour to kill so im jst going to answer this dumb ask meme that i saw on my dash under a cut, bc i definitely do not have enough followers to engage w stuff like this the normal way
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  spotify
is your room messy or clean? messy
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? i’ve hated it for as long as i can remember. thinking it’s jst the combination of it being an unusual first name, being picked on for it a lot bc kids are mean, and having everyone around me insist that i’d love my name come adulthood bc it never ended up happening. i still want to change it legally but i have to figure out something i won’t tire of. “jackie” is working for now but idk abt committing to that one
what is your relationship status? disinterested
describe your personality in 3 words or less turbulent
what color hair do you have? dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? blue honda civic
where do you shop? forever 21, h&m, a few places online
how would you describe your style? trying too hard
favorite social media account i like kbnoswag on twitter lmao
what size bed do you have? queen
any siblings? jst col and my two step sisters
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? probably anchorage bc it’s scenic, the housing/rental market is abt the same as it is here, but the wages tend to be higher
favorite snapchat filter? when they make special versions of the dog filter for different holidays... i love those
favorite makeup brand(s) nyx mainly
how many times a week do you shower? i do it every day but if im in a shitty place mentally, i wont on my days off
favorite tv show? bojack horseman
shoe size? 9
how tall are you? 5′7″
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? i work out but i dnt go to a gym bc i’ve always had exercise equipment at home and my apartment has a fitness center, so i cant justify paying for a membership
describe your dream date i dream abt other things
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $70
what color socks are you wearing? blue
how many pillows do you sleep with? 4 bc i love only using 2 and then kicking the other ones off my bed somehow when im asleep
do you have a job? what do you do? yeah, i’ve been doing hair for 4 odd years now
how many friends do you have? a decent handful but i only consider myself very close w two of them
whats the worst thing you have ever done? a lot probably but nothing rly sticks out to me as the objective “worst”
whats your favorite candle scent? yankee candle makes one called “golden sands” and i like that one a lot
3 favorite boy names/3 favorite girl names for various rzns i’d rather not answer the baby names question. pass
favorite actor? i can’t think of one off the top of my head, but i like jim carrey a lot
favorite actress? amy adams!
who is your celebrity crush? i’m not invested in famous ppl like that, but if you asked me this when i was 12, i’d have said pete wentz lmfao. probably my only one ever
favorite movie? this is hard lol. arrival, interstellar, and gone girl come to mind, though
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i do. difficult to pick favorites bc i like more nonfiction stuff... i liked a brief history of time a lot
money or brains? brains. i have my own money
do you have a nickname? what is it? jackie is technically a nickname i guess. fati calls me “salvadore” and i hate it w a passion
how many times have you been to the hospital? a lot but i’ve only stayed there for an extended period 3 times
top 10 favorite songs stop they’re all special to me in different ways... 
do you take any medications daily? i did for a while
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily
what is your biggest fear? nothing that hasn’t already happened lol
how many kids do you want? none
whats your go to hair style? i cut it into a bob periodically and let it grow out until it annoys me, rinse and repeat til i die
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) average?
who is your role model? no one. all people are jst people
what was the last compliment you received? probably someone calling me smart or something. i hear it a lot but i dnt rly believe it
what was the last text you sent? “yes binch”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? probably pretty young if i was ever lead to believe it period. i dnt remember ever having any faith in that
what is your dream car? i had my dream car and it was more of a hassle than anything. a good metaphor for life, probably
opinion on smoking? cigarettes? do whatever you want. weed? do whatever you want, but stop saying it cures cancer. meth/crack? maybe you should chill
do you go to college? that didn’t work out
what is your dream job? being able to sustain myself without one
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs definitely. lived in rural areas before. driving 30 minutes one way to the grocery store is not something i ever feel inclined to experience again.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? depends on what they are
do you have freckles? yes
do you smile for pictures? only when my mom makes me
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 2377
have you ever peed in the woods? no
do you still watch cartoons? i mean bojack is a cartoon. but ones for children, no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? stan wendy
Favorite dipping sauce? chick fil a sauce
what do you wear to bed? long old tshirt and this jacket i have from middle school typically lol. i have 3 actual pairs of pajamas though
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never had an opportunity to even enroll in one. my schools never ran them
what are your hobbies? i read and write a lot, still trying to kill the rolling stone 500 albums list, i paint sometimes, jst general Bitch Desperate For Escapism things
can you draw? i used to a lot more than i do now but i’m still halfway decent at it
do you play an instrument? guitar & bass. i’m better at bass. i’m better at guitar hero but that dznt count
what was the last concert you saw? fall out boy i think? i’m having trouble remembering if that was before or after roger waters
tea or coffee? both but tea is a little easier to make so i drink more of it
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? bux. jesus christ
do you want to get married? not planning on it
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i’m too disillusioned to feel that way abt ppl rn
are you going to change your last name when you get married? definitely not
what color looks best on you? pastels
do you miss anyone right now? yeah but it dznt matter
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? absolutely
what is your biggest pet peeve? when customers make a scissor cutting motion w their hands when they’re describing their haircut to me. it’s sooooo weird and stupid and idg why so many people do it
last person you called` ian
favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? i hate sprinkles bc they are pointless
what shirt are you wearing? a tank top
what is your phone background? my lock screen is a pic i took of the lacey street theater in fairbanks the first time i was there. my background is a pic i took in denali when i was there w ian
are you outgoing or shy? i want to socialize but i dnt know how. shy i guess?
do you like it when people play with your hair? no, honestly i find it rly unpleasant
do you like your neighbors? katie and alexis are the best drinking buddies anyone could ask for. isaac is great. everyone else i could take or leave
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? yes and both
have you ever been high? yeah
have you ever been drunk? constantly
last thing you ate? 1/2 of a jimmy johns veggie club
favorite lyrics right now uhhhh idk i dnt get stuck on music like that
summer or winter? winter
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? i dnt rly like chocolate
favorite month? october
what is your zodiac sign gemini
who was the last person you cried in front of? ian
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produitivity · 7 years
my college dorm packing list:
the school year’s winding down here, and I know a lot of you are about to start your first year of college. sometimes, this involves moving into a dorm, and there are so many dorm packing lists out there that tell you about so many “”necessities.”” this really easily gets overwhelming, so here’s the list of things that I have in my dorm right now that I really appreciate having!
two sets of sheets - make sure they’re the right size for the bed (often dorm beds are twin xl). i got two sets which included a pillow case, fitted sheet, and regular sheet. sometimes, the ‘college’ sets have pockets on the sides of the fitted sheets which can be super useful, esp if you decide to loft your bed!
pillows - when I was buying dorm stuff, i had the designer dorm room in mind (which is the goal for a lot of people when shopping, but it’s not super easy to attain. just stick to what works for u!). this, for me, involved pillows. i have 2 normal pillows (either i sleep on both or i alternate them out so no one of them gets too flat), and a smaller, soft decor pillow (i use this mostly to block up the space between the bed and the wall so my other pillows don’t fall off when i use them as a backrest haha), and a fourth, white fluffy square pillow (this one just looked cute, but i ended up using it as a desk chair cushion bc my chair didn’t come with one, it’s been a lifesaver!!)
comforter (tbh it’s always so hot in my dorm room that i hardly use this, and mostly just stick to the sheets haha, but it’s definitely important in winter)
extra blankets - just a couple lighter ones i use when i just wanna curl up or when i don’t need something as heavy as a comforter
foam mattress pad - !!!!! cannot stress this one enough. it makes my bed so comfortable. my dorm bed is now nicer than my home bed. i 100% recommend getting one of these (and make sure its the thick sheet of foam, not those weird cloth ones that make you feel weird when you touch it haha)
desk chair cushion (mentioned above) - wait until you see your room for this one, your desk chair might already have a cushion. if it doesn’t, get something to use as one. your butt will thank you, and it’ll make it so much easier to study. (also some people i know wanted to get their own desk chair - the rolly cushy kind - so if that’s what you want, go for it!)
desk lamp! - if you’re like me, you’ll stay up hours later than your roommate, and you need to be able to see. the kind i got was actually given away free from my uni, but it has usb ports and 3 different levels of intensity for the light itself, so it’s really nice!
cups/pen holders - stay organized. i brought a mug for this and ended up getting a few free cups at giveaways, and vases from flowers and things like that that I use to hold the pens on my desk.
misc desk organizers - to keep your study space put together and to keep all your stuff in a decent place (it’s so easy to lose things, even in such a small space)
closet/clothes storage:
hangers - i just got a couple packages (about 24 total i think?) which ended up being the perfect amount for me
sweater organizer shelves thing - these are everywhere at stores for dorm shopping. it’s basically a stack of box shelves. they also have drawers you can get for them, but i don’t have any of those. i just stuff my sweaters/cardigans/sweatshirts/extra sheets in there, it’s nice and saves a lot of closet space!
shower/hygiene supplies:
towels - i got 4 towels, just so i don’t have to do laundry as often. it ended up being a good amount for me. also a lot of people i know have washcloths, which wasn’t something i thought about but is a good idea if you use them!
shower caddy - a necessity! i use one of the bag ones, instead of the plastic ones, and i’ve heard a lot of people with the hard plastic ones wishing they had the mesh bag type (but obvs u do u)
dry shampoo - super useful for when you didn’t get a chance to shower and want to at least try to look a bit more cleaned up
laundry detergent - pretty straightforward. also hamper/laundry bag/dryer sheets/whatever else you need to get ur clothes clean (also stock up on quarters if you have to pay per load)
hobby supplies - i do a lot of crocheting/brush lettering/reading, whatever your hobbies are, you’ll wanna do them, so keep stuff in your room for it
wall calendar/white board calendar - useful for planning and remembering important dates (also i use this to keep up w what my roomie has going on bc we don’t talk about that sorta thing a whole lot but it’s nice to know when she’ll be back/out of the room/whatever)
whiteboard - i have a bigger wall mounted one, but i use it for assignment/meeting reminders and also as a study tool for before exams. plus it’s fun to doodle on when i really don’t feel like doing anything  haha
string lights - sure, they’re a classic dorm cute thing, but they’re also useful when you want just enough light to see, but not enough to keep your roommate up or be distracting. i use mine all the time, plus it makes the room feel more warm and homey!
i also have a 10 foot long phone charger which is my heart and soul i love it sm it’s so useful bc i plug it in under my bed in the corner and not only reaches up to my bed, but also over to my desk. 10/10 would recommend.
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