#like. It's just. Oh okay so it wasn't about the insulin at all.
Comes in Waves (The Clinic AU)
Pairing: Shane x Reader
Word Count: 990
Warning: Strong language, needles
a/n: NEW CHARACTER ALERT! It took me a while to bring you guys someone new, but here he is. Keeping my promise to write for all of Rob's characters at least once, here's Shane who stole our hearts in only a little over 6 minutes.
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"Hey, do you have zinc left?" A voice behind you called.
"Yeah, pick a colour," you chuckled, pointing at your backpack while you carefully waxed your board.
Shane wasn't a stranger, but he also wasn't exactly your friend. He was more like an acquaintance, you bumped into each other sometimes at the Aileens and maybe talked for a minute or two, but so far that was it.
He was a nice guy, weirdly strong for how skinny he looked, and although his hair was definitely influenced by 2000s emo boy bands, he wasn't bad looking. In fact, you caught yourself looking forward to seeing him at times, not that you ever said anything.
"Oh shit…" Shane muttered, seeing the time on your phone when he tried to find the zinc.
"Everything okay?" You asked, suddenly worried he saw something you didn't even know you had in your bag. Your mind went through the endless possibilities from used condoms to dead rat, from bloody pads to human remains, maybe drugs or a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.
"I forgot to take my insulin," he sighed, grabbing his own backpack to check if he even brought it.
"You're diabetic?" You mused. You felt stupid for not knowing, but it's not like the subject would've come up in conversation between you two.
"Mmhm," he nodded, taking the pen injector out and smiling. "Oh thank God I don't have to go all the way back home."
Although he seemed relieved to have found the medication, his face also clearly let his worry show. Even after a couple years of his diagnosis, Shane still wasn't so good at injecting himself and he was still quite scared of needles, which left him embarrassed whenever he had to do it in public.
He scrunched up his nose and looked at the applicator as if considering if that was a good idea or if he should just go home and ask for his mother's help again. On a good day, it took him about fifteen minutes just to get the nerve to do it, but he was already past his time and truly didn't wanna seem like a wimp in front of you.
"What is it?" You finally asked.
"Um… nothing."
"Are you scared?"
"I'm just not a fan of needles, that's all," Shane chuckled nervously, trying to sound as chill as possible.
You wanted to smile, it was adorable the way his voice faltered a little and how he tried to seem so nonchalant about the whole thing when he was clearly shaking like a leaf.
"You know, my little sister is diabetic, I've done this for her a few times, do you want me to try?" You offered without even thinking first. You were not that intimate, but somehow you just couldn't watch him struggle and do nothing about it.
"Really? Would you?" His face lit up.
"Yeah, no problem," you assured.
When he turned around for you to unzip his suit though, then you realized what you were doing and all the blood rushed to your face. You reached for the zipper and slowly pulled it down, exposing his back and his (quite nice) shoulders.
He pulled the suit off and you were able to see the lean muscles on his arms, the discreet treasure trail that started on his navel, and the adorable mole he had near his collarbone.
"Everything alright?" He asked this time noticing how you were paralyzed just staring.
"S-sure, sorry, I was just trying to remember if I locked the door when I left," you spewed the first bullshit excuse that popped into your head. "Can I do it?"
"Please," he set the right dosage and handed you the injector along with the little disinfectant tissue to clean the area before.
"Alright, look at me, don't focus on that," you instructed as you carefully wiped a spot on the side of his stomach. "When did you start surfing, Shane?"
"Well, I-" he flinched when he felt the needle approaching his skin, pulling away from you and almost making you laugh. "Sorry, I'll stay still."
"It's okay, just focus on the story," you encouraged, moving as fast as you could while still trying to do things swiftly enough for him not to notice.
"I started when I was ten, I saw Green Iguana and really wanted to do it myself," Shane started, not even realizing as you punctured his skin and pressed the top. "I didn't have lessons or anything, I just borrowed my mate's board and watched lots of videos for beginners, he helped me a little too…"
"All done," you put the cover back on the pen and gave it back to him. "But I'd love to hear more about how you started."
"Jesus, you really are good at that!" He gasped, looking down at his stomach in awe. "How did you do it so fast?"
"A magician never reveals their tricks," you teased. "Besides, if I tell you, you'll never ask me to do it again."
"Do it again?" Shane repeated, a little puzzled by the suggestion.
"Come on, the waves are looking great right now," you took your board before he could think more about the implications of what you just said.
"Wait! Wait, you really don't mind doing this for me?" Shane asked, taking his board as well and following you to the ocean.
You shook your head, involuntarily letting your eyes linger a little too long on his naked chest, which certainly made you blush once again.
"How about I thank you?" He finally seemed to understand why you were so flustered every time you two met and he had to admit he also felt that way. "We can grab something to eat on the way back, my treat."
"I'll think about it," you smirked before taking off and jumping in the water. "But you'll have to catch me first!"
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Takahiro: Fox? I thought you were coming to join me in the bath.
Fox: Sorry. Yeah, I'm coming. I guess I got lost in my head for a few minutes.
Takahiro: About what? Are you okay?
Fox: I'm all right. I was thinking about my doctor's appointment this morning.
Takahiro: I'm sorry, I completely forgot that was today. Was it bad? Should I have gone with you?
Fox: No. I told you that you didn't have to take time off work to come with me. It was just my regular checkup. I'm feeling good and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary on any of my tests. It's just...
Takahiro: What?
Fox: Dr. Thomas says I need to lose weight.
Takahiro: I think you look good as you are.
Fox: He's concerned about insulin resistance. Too much fat around the midsection isn’t good. He says it could make my medication less effective.
Takahiro: Oh.
Fox: That's not really what's bothering me, though. It was something else he said.
Takahiro: What was it?
Fox: I don't think he meant to be insulting, but he made a comment about how it'd be great for me to get back to being as slim and good-looking as I was in my twenties. You know I was never actually slim, but... It's probably ridiculous, but I can't get that out of my head. I mean, he’s not wrong. I may not have been the poster boy for fitness in my twenties, but my body wasn’t totally unattractive. At least I didn't have an ugly belly then.
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Takahiro: Look at me, Fox. Listen carefully. There is nothing ugly about you. Not your belly or anything about your body.
Fox: But, the scars...
Takahiro: No. Those aren't ugly either. You know the scar on your leg? That reminds me of how we met.
Fox: I guess I've never thought of it that way.
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Takahiro: And this scar on your belly reminds me of our children. How could I ever see it as not beautiful?
Fox: But—
Takahiro: You don't think my scar from Matsu is ugly, do you?
Fox: No, of course not. Yours is barely visible, though. Not like mine.
Takahiro: It's only more visible on you because your skin is so pale, but that's beautiful too. You know, the day we met, I'd never seen anyone who looked like you before. Not in real life, anyway, and I thought you were the most exotic person I'd ever seen. I still think so.
Fox: Really?
Takahiro: How do you say it? The novelty is never going to wear off.
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Fox: Same for me. I'll never get tired of looking at you.
Takahiro: Remember when you told me you had freckles everywhere?
Fox: Yeah, in the hospital, just after we met. You kept calling them 'sparkles'
Takahiro: My English was so bad then.
Fox: It was better than my Japanese.
Takahiro: I'm not sure I believed you about your freckles until I saw them for myself.
Fox: I remember, you were helping me put a pillow under my foot and you got really fascinated by the fact that I have freckles on my toes.
Takahiro: That must've seemed silly to you.
Fox: I thought it was cute.
Takahiro: I'm still fascinated by your freckles. I love them, and your pretty eyes, and your orange hair.
Fox: Ginger.
Takahiro: Ginger hair. I always forget that one.
Fox: I think you did that on purpose.
Takahiro: Maybe. But the point is, you're perfect to me just as you are. Freckles, ginger hair, cute belly, scars... everything. If your doctor says you need to lose weight for health reasons, that's one thing, but you don't need to change anything about yourself to be beautiful.
Fox: Thank you. That helps.
Takahiro: You're welcome.
Fox: I still need to lose weight, though. For health reasons.
Takahiro: I know a certain exercise you might enjoy, if you want to start right now.
Fox: What about the bath?
Takahiro: It can wait. Unless you want to start our workout there?
Fox: No, you’re right. The bath can wait.
Takahiro: Good, because suddenly I don’t know if I can.
Fox: So, I’m that much of a turn-on?
Takahiro: Well, if you insist on walking around in front of me in nothing but your underpants, what can you expect?
Fox: *laughing* Look who’s talking. But, about the weight loss thing… We really do need to take it seriously at some point.
Takahiro: Let's talk to Victor tomorrow. If anyone knows about being healthy and getting fit, it's him. I'm sure he can help you.
Fox: Okay.
Takahiro: Okay, so we agree on a plan. Time for talking is over for a while. Now I'm going to show you how beautiful I think you are, and we don't need talking for that.
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lunazuniga-smith · 1 year
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What to Expect When You're Expecting Who: Luna Smith & Dr. Leonard When: Saturday, June 10th, 2023 What: Luna gets some unexpected news Tagging: @detkhamani
Luna kicked her feet back and forth as she sat up waiting for her doctor to come in. The nurse's had taken care of her dip-stick and her vitals. For the last couple of weeks, the high-risk reproductive doctor had been monitoring Luna every couple of days, taking her bloods, checking her A1C, and checking her hormones. The last two cycles didn't go too well and the doctor had reassured her they usually wait for four more before considering fertility treatments. This cycle, she decided not to think about it too much. Luna had a few things going on with the court hearing for Cannon and prepping for other family matters. Between that and work and raising a toddler, she had fallen into a comfortable ryhthm. As always, the dip-stick was performed as a precautionary measure. At this appointment, she'd have her pap since her annual was due anyway. It wouldn't be a big appointment and hopefully she'd be back home to surprise the boys with lunch in no time. When she heard the knock on the door, Luna smiled and let the doctor know he could come in.
"Luna. Always a pleasure." Dr. Leonard smiled at his patient and then sat by his mobile computer to log into the hospital database. "Your sugars are great by the way and your last labs were phenomenal. How are you feeling?"
"Fine! I've cut out sugar from my coffee and I've taking sugar free creamer instead. It's helped a lot."
"Excellent. That does come a long way sometimes." He began typing away. "And nurse Elena tells me your cycles have been a bit wonky?"
She nodded. "Mm hmm. I'm assuming from the ovulation medication?"
"mmm I'm not too sure. It shouldn't be messing with it too much. Did we run a dip stick last month?"
"No. My annual is today so you said it wasn't actually necessary until today's appointment and since nothing was really changing. Pregnancy tests have been negative at home so..."
"Luna, when was the first day of your last cycle?" He looked up from his typing with concern written all over his face.
"What? Uh...Sorry, Dr. Leonard I haven't been keeping track. The hearing and finding a summer camp but I spotted pink last month around ...the first week of May?"
"And how long did that last?"
"I don't know. three days maybe?"
"I see. When did you do an HPT last?"
Luna pulled out her phone and pulled up her woman's cycle log. "Last month? I promise I'll get better at tracking but there's no way I'm pregnant because the ones I have done have been negative and I got my period so..."
There was another knock on the door and Elena came in, waving at Luna with a smile from ear to ear. She sat beside the doctor and asked him to pull up the labs tab on Luna's chart. "Oh your dip stick is back." the doctor reassured her once more that her A1C looked fantastic at a steady 5.1 and then he got quiet."
"What is it?" Luna perked up as if she could look over the monitor somehow.
"Luna...you're pregnant." He smiled widely at his patient and nurse Elena cheered. "Of course on the appointment Khamani isn't here for!"
Luna's eyes widened and she stated blankly at the doctor and nurse. "That's impossible. My hpts have been negative and I got my period. I don't understand. "
"Well, mostly likely you're very early and with your cycles being out of wack, it's very possible that you're easily four weeks or so. Elena ordered a sonogram so we're just waiting for the machine and we'll get to it!" Dr. Leonard asked his nurse to bring in what he needed and then asked Luna to lie down. "It's early yet so we won't be able to pick up a heart beat most likely so just bear with us. I want to make sure we see what we need to see and then I'll want you to come back when you're able 8 weeks or so. Okay?"
"This is...this is a lot. I want Khamani here for this. I--I'm not ready. I haven't done anything and I was supposed get on more insulin. What if the baby is not okay?" She felt the tears fill up her eyes and Dr. Leonard planced his hands on her shoulders.
"Luna. One thing at a time. Remember? Just like we spoke about when Khamani was here. He'll be here for the heartbeat, ok? I just want to make sure you're doing alright and we'll go from there. This is a happy time." He pulled a tissue from the tissuebox beside him and handed her one.
After wiping her tears and nodding at the doctor's words, Luna lied down, glancing from her position toward the sonogram machine being rolled in. She wanted her family here with her. This wasn't how she expected any of this to go down.
"You're going to feel some cold jelly over your belly. We'll start with a transabdominal before we use the probe, okay?"
"Okay." Luna sniffled and looked over to the screen. As much as she wanted to be happy, she was scared and that only heightened when she caught the change of expression on the doctor's face. "What's wrong? Something's wrong?" She couldn't decide if that was a question or a statement. In that moment, Luna was glad for Elena who came to hold her hand.
"Eveything's okay." Elena whispered, eyes on the screen and a smiled pulling at her lips. "Luna...there's your baby."
Dr. Leonard smiled at his nurse and pointed to the little spot don't he screen. "Gestational sac and pole..." He measured the screen and then stopped. "And that right there is your baby, Luna."
Luna was full on crying, squeezing her nurse's hand tight. "My baby. Our baby. How is that possible? I thought it was too early."
The doctor didn't respond at first and asked Luna to move forward on the stirrups so he can perform the second part of the ultrasound. "Actually..." He looked back at the screen and pointed with his free hand. "Looks like you're about ten weeks today. Are we doing okay?"
He looked up at his patient that had completely passed out and Dr. Leonard quickly ended the ultrasound and asked his nurse to bring her water and a few compresses.
"And please call Khamani at the emergency number!"
Ten whole weeks.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Cuz people do this all day long and then come back here and sit and rest and squat on our son make stupid noises try and bother him trying to attack him fart go around bother each other come back start over today I said I don't want to see this s*** if they go out and do that come back and start harassing him I want to see them face down in a ditch dead ASAP and left the Rot. It happened several of them and now they're attacking these light cycle facilities and we need it so we have a vehicle to get our cover and a method I'm going to use it because they have fresh potty miles and a little insulin people who think they can get away with it and they won't. Turned out to be very valuable it started bothering VG BG really and they started referencing light cycles cuz they wanted to go bother Tommy f and he thought we'd focus on the Colosseum version cuz they want to slowly surreptitiously take over and no that wasn't what we wanted so we have Trump running after a father's offspring as our father and mother want cuz they want a piece of that piece of crap he's going down there shortly he says and our son says what for you just going to get your ass kicked with that tiny Army that's tiny it's not very big it's really equivalent of like one area like Connecticut and no that's not big said the bases something 100 times that size so he says he'll stay home I said stay home and we're coming up there he grins and says really he says really yes go get a dart board you're into darts by the way have that dark feel right into the skull so it's not having a great day he says you're doing and said how would I do it just cuz I know about it now use your bank warp to disgusting f**** ass logic where you like incriminate people for not doing things or doing things so you can try and pester them into killing you we going to kill you you can stay there or you can attack you're going to die whenever you go to California that base is going to waste you it's not the other way around head honcho our son says and it's not every time he goes over there he gets assaulted and it's by our son's kids and no one can believe it but it keeps happening comes out here in the max beat the s*** out of him he's a loser okay he talked about everything it's not why he's a loser he's a mean person who grabbed tons of stuff and he lost it just like a child. He's growing his army says he's got 45 Octillion.. no it's just more than that it is as old cuz yeah that's less than what was earlier announced he said 450 octillion instead of oh okay so it's like one area that's a lot I guess you know how much does a hen weigh. So Joel Watts doesn't get it even though it's supposed to be his genre in the area what he's saying is how much you getting rid of these turkeys with you know and what are you weighing them with so he says nothing like a kid would you know seventh grader at recess he says by the way I got to pay you back for that we have one of my kids go up there and meet you in the face after your first assault was wiped out he sent one down it's gone so that would be about now it's just about to send it it says well after this one just keep doing it till you get out of California
So our son said that and I'm saying this he's got great ideas and we're going to get very aggressive with you cuz you're very aggressive with our son everyday you're on him like s*** stink and all that and you never get anything you like this f****** loser so I can get rid of you cuz just stuff doesn't do a damn thing and it's hardly even a parallel cuz you're f****** morons are like trying to go after us you don't have anything that you need to just like sitting there dying princess we need to feed Casio and raise them and make a concerted effort out there to raise them and we rates we have tons up tons of them lots of them are humanoid and it's because of what was made there went back and there's a whole bunch of them out there in California and that's what he was talking about under each Church there's an enclave to go out and raise large ones yeah they are completely crazy and the infiltrators even as Giants and their kids too they're raising their kids Ultraman and his kids are bigger and stronger as you go down the line they're all there in California Mexico South America a little mostly California so they do have to go up there and and kill tons of trumps.
We hear you hissing and it's not worth printing looks like a weirdo.
Thor Freya
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Secret Voight (Jay Halstead) S2 Part 1
Summary: The team finally knows that Y/N is Voight's daughter. One secret is out but theres still one secret that's not out. Y/N and Jay's relationship. Will that stay a secret or not? I mean Voight always finds out about things, right? Season two of Secret Voight starts now.
Words: 3179
Requested: yes
Warning or A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long! Been busy with work. But I'm working on part 2 as I'm posting this!
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I stood there with my arms crossed looking at my half brother, unimpressed. The only thing that has changed about him from the last time I saw him was his height. "Y/N! Come on!"
    You looked away from him, trying to figure out what to say before you looked back at him. "Come on, nothing. I'm not feeding into your habit,"
    Justin looked at you as if you had slapped him. "Fine, whatever. You had never helped me and didn't care about me. You only cared about impressing dad and that why you got applied to be on Intelligence,"
     You just sat there looking at him like he was the dumbest person on the planet. "Justin, you can try to guilt me all you want but I'm not gonna change my mind,"
     He huffs and walked away but stop midway to whoever's car was parked behind him. "You know, you're just like dad,"
    Your dad may do some shady things but he is loyal. You rolled your eyes and walked to your car and got into it and screamed out in frustration. When you met Justin, he was alread to lost and you were never clicked with him as you were 'too much' like your father. Him and Voight didn't have a great relationship. You tried to help him over and over, gave him hundreds of dollars but he would blow them on stupid things and you had enough of it. You didn't know what he wanted this time but the way he looked and acted it wasnt anything good. You sighed and drove to 21st.
     You walked into Intelligence and you saw Jay start to walk up to you, which you walked past him and to your father's office. His door was open, so you just walked into his office but shut the door. "You need to do something with Justin before he gets killed,"
     Your father swirls around looked at you. "Not even a good morning?"
     You rolled your eyes. "Good morning. You need to do something with Justin befoe he gets killed,"
     Voight puts his hands together and just  looked at you. You rolled your eyes. "He called me last night after. Did you know he got out early?"
     Voight shook his head. "No. What did he want and when did he get out?"
    "Like a month ago, he asked to meet up. The when we did asked me for money and dad, he doesn't look good,"
      Voight just nodded and sighed. "Theres nothing anyone can do. I've tried. You've tried. Everyone has tried. Jail obviously didn't do anything,"
    You were about to say something but Voight stopped you. "Dont worry about him. We got a case,"
   You sighed in defeat, he walked to the door and opened it for you. You just looked at him for a minute before walking out and over to your desk. Voight walked to the middle of the room. "All right, there are two unrelated wire investigations. Surveillance followed three of area central's top-ranking gang targets to this house on Carpenter. Narcotics hasn't gotten anywhere with it, so command staff wants Intelligence on it. Roll out in five,"
    Voight took a look around the room before coming downstairs. You grabbed your gun and badge from your desk and started to walk downstairs when Jay walked next to you. "Everything go okay with Justin?"
    You didn't answer him and kept walking. Jay whistled. "I take that as a no,"
    "You have that right,"
   You got into Jay's passenger seat as he climbed into the driver's seat. You looked around to see if anyone was near the truck and no one was there. You leaned over to Jay and turned his head to face you and kissed him. He smiled within the kiss and placed his hand on your cheek. You pulled away after a fee seconds and looked at him. "Sorry, just wedded that,"
     Jay shook his head and chuckled. "No need to apologize babe. It's always welcomed,"
    You smiled as Jay turned on his truck.
    You put the walkie up to your mouth and called the team. "We got the main eye," 
    Voight came through next. "We're set up to the north. We got the south and a partial of the alley. If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a take-away. Oh and Ruzek, move closer. See if there's any movement in the house,"
     At the same time I saw a someone walk up, Jay did too and he called it in. "Hold up. We got company,"
    The guy started to pull something out and you noticed it was a gun before you could call it in, Atwater called it in. "Gun!"
    We quickly got of the car and as soon as he did we were under attack. I don't know how lmany there were or how long it took, all I know was it was silent as it the gunfire crease. We walked into the house and started to clear the house. "Clear!"
    You and Jay walked into the last room. "Police! Clear!"
    You saw someone dead on the floor and other one that was alive. You took notice of the rest of the team coming in minus Ruzek and Atwater. "Hoodie's dead. This one's alive,"
     You looked at Jay as you put the walkie to your lips once again. "Charlie 50-21, emergency,"
    Voight looked at you like you were crazy. "What? He's gonna bleed out. We gotta put pressure on the wound,"
     You pressed your finger back down on the walkie. "Shots fired by the police. Offender down,"
      You heard Atwater call you guys into a room and when you got in there, you see specialize specialized ammunition "Cop killers,"
     Ruzek stood up and was looking at something. "Hey, look at this,"
    You walked over to him. "What do you got?"
     "Somebody was a diabetic?"
     "Or not. Is there a black market for this stuff?"
     Jay walked up to us and grabbed the Insulin. "None that I've heard of. But you know what? It's a good place to hide a bullet, though. Nice work,"
    You walked up to the board and tapped two pictures on it and then turned to face the team. "This is Edward Jelko, the deceased street-level dealer. This is Peter Thomas Banfill, the offender, currently baking in a coma over at County. Jelko probably thought like we did that Banfill was sitting on something big, went over there to rip him off,"
     Antonio walked up to the board and pinned more pictures on the board. "These are M995s, teflon-tipped, kevlar-penetrating rounds. Ballistics has them linked to several recent homicides. And we found 100 of these at the scene. It's for type R insulin, which is a Canadian designation and with any luck, our little surprise visit got the gun runners scrambling, which means they're gonna make mistakes, okay?"
     Voight nodded and looked at all us. "Eyes open,"
   You were typing on your computer, corssrefercing things when Antonio comes back in after going out and talking to his C.I. "Hey! I found the source of the Insulin. A company near Toronto named Markham Medical Supply their sales rep makes a run here every other Thursday. He left at 5:00 this morning,"
     You stood up from your chair and walked over to Antonio. "I'm guessing they have tracking numbers on all their products?"
     Antonio looked at you. "Yep,"
    Voight walked over to you two and nodded. "All right, get those tracking numbers, locate him on GP, and- you already did that,"
    Antonio smiled. "Yep, Atwater and Burgess are en route tracking the signal,"    
    You held out your fist for Antonio to fist bump it and he does. "Nice,"
   You were walking to the car to where Burgess and Atwater said they found a body. "This is definitely our sales rep. George Wilenko, 41. He's been with Markham Medical for 17 years. No record, fully bonded, has border clearance. This guy's not your typical smuggler,"
     Al pointed at a cup. "You notice the cup?"
    You looked over at the cup and saw a lipstick stain. "Lipstick on the lid,"
    Jay and you had picked up the wife and had her in the break room after telling her, her husband was found dead. "My mother always called it Murder City but the first time we visited, I fell in love with Chicago. The lake, the river walk. George and I went to the top of the Willis tower. God, I just I can't believe it. Why would someone kill my husband?"
    Jay sighed and looked at her. "We think that he was smuggling guns into the country,"
   The wife looked at us like we were beyond mental. "George?"
    You nodded. "He wasn't killed over Insulin. And on his last trip here, we think his vehicle was filled with these,"
    You pointed over at Jay and Jay sat a bullet down on the sink. The wife looked like she was gonna faint. "I'm hallucinating. This isn't happening,"
     "Five people have already been killed by them,"
     The wife wasnt believing anything we said. "Look, you don't get it. George would never do that ever,"
     "How often did you make the trip down with him?"
      "Every couple of months. We always stay at the Sofitel. I shop. That's why he dropped me off. They don't have Bloomingdale's in Canada,"
      You and Jay share a knowing look.
     You and Jay were at Jay's desk, checking out the story that the wife told us wien Antonio comes back into Intellegnce. We got somethin'. These are our bullets. Can you believe the velocity of these things? Forensics traced one round that went through the TV, through the wall, ended up halfway through the engine block of an ice cream truck parked across the street,"
      Voight nodded. "Seven homicides and counting,"
     While you were listening to them, Jay was still digging. Our widow's lying. Her cell phone provider said she was never at Bloomingdale's. She spent the afternoon up in Edgewater,"
          You and Jay walked back into the break room where she was sitting with the door closed. "We're gonna get real honest real quick. Do you recognize these men?"
       Jay laid down the photos of the victim of the cop killer bullets. "Oh, my,"
     You were getting fed up with her. "Yeah, neither can we. His face was shot off by the bullets you and your husband brought into Chicago. You lied to us. You weren't browsing Bloomingdale's. You were in Edgewater. You and your husband had a nice run, right? You start off with something simple like x or kush, and you got greedy, and you upgraded to gun-running. You got George killed, which makes you an accessory to his murder,"
      Jay took a step in front of you at this point. "Y/N,"
     You just looked at him but moved so he wasn't in the way anymore. "So we're gonna try this again, only this time the truth,"
     She sat down andsighed. "I was visiting a friend. - An ex-boyfriend,"
     You rolled your eyes. "If you're gonna lie, put some effort into it for me,"
     The wife gave me the I'm not lying look.   "Call him. He'll tell you,"
     Jay placed a pen and a piece of paper on the table and pointed at it. "Name, number. I want you to take me through your entire day, every stop you made, every person you talked to, everything you did,"
       "I already told you,"
      You out your hands on the table. "Tell me again,"
    She nodded. "We were on the road by 4:30. Didn't stop till we crossed the border just past Ann Arbor. Got some coffee, some gas. Used the washroom. George got a phone call from our nephew-"
     You stopped her there. "Who's the nephew?"
     "He lives here. He likes to meet up with George Oh, God, Mikey doesn't know," 
    You look at her. "Does Mikey have a last name?"
     She nodded.
     Jay walked up to the board and tapped a picture up as you pointed at it. "Michael Ganz, lives in East Garfield Park, has a record: robbery, possession. Runs with a small crew,"
     Jay nodded. "Claire's ex-boyfriend checks out right down to the five hundred bucks,"
     The tech analysts came in and stands in the middle of the room. "Got a ping on Ganz's phone, pulled all the numbers he's called in the last 24 hours. All the calls were to the same numbers, a cell phone registered to a Lucky M Pawn and Loan - in Gage Park,"
     Al pointed at the tech person. "Lucky M. I know that ding-dong,"  
     Antonio nodded. "We'll go talk to him. Come on,"
     Jay left to do something in which he didn't tell you what so you left to go and grab a cup of good coffee. You were coming out of the shop when you saw Justin across the street trading money for something. You placed your coffe cup on your car and walk over to where Justin was. Justin didn't see you til the moment you reached over and grabbed what was in his hand. It was drugs. You gave me a dirty looked before crushing them into dust and throwing them into the dumpster next to you. "Y/N! What the hell?"
      You didnt even acknowledged him and started to walk away but he grabbed your arm. You instantly reached over with your free hand and punched him in the face. "Don't ever grab me like that,"
      Justin recovers fast as he walked up to you. "Dont throw away something that isn't yours,"
     You resisted the urge to strike him again. "Is that why you wanted to borrow money? To buy drugs?"
    Justin didn't answer you. You pursed your lips together. "Thought so. You just got out of jail, Justin. Do you want to go back?"
     Justin looked at you quickly. "Are you gonna arrest me?"
    You shook your head. "With what evidence? I just destroy it. So no, I'm not but the next thing I see you buying or using any type of illegal substances, I will. Now get out of here,"
    Justin takes one last look at you before walking away. You sighed as your phone started to ring. You reached into your pocket and answered it. "Voight,"
    You, Burgess, Atwatter, Voight, the IT person were sitting in the surveillance van after Al got into a car with the suspect. He was calling out directions when his phone got tossed out the window. It was a few minutes after his phone got tossed when they finally stopped. Now we are just waiting for the takedown word. "It's just like Christmas morning,"
     That was it, you all jump out of the car and move into the bulding. "Police!"
     You and Jay walked around the bulding as you see two people hiding southwest, you called it out to Burgess and Atwater.
    You sighed as you finished up the paperwork from the case and placed it in a file on your desk. Jay had already left and so did the rest of the team besides Voight. You get up from your desk and grabbed your jacket. You walked over to Voight's office and knocked. Voight turned and looked at you. "I'm headed home,"
     Voight nodded. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you,"
    You nodded and said I love you too.
    You walked up to the door and knocked. It was a few seconds befor you heard feet shuffle to the door, you smiled as your grandmother opened the door. "Its late. Everything okay?"
    You nodded. "Yeah, I just wanted to come over and I know it's late but I missed you,"
     Your grandmother pulled you into the house and then into a hug. She led you into her kitchen where you sat in a chair at the table. She walked over to the coffee pot and turned it on. "How's your father?"
     You shrugged. "Same as ever. Jobs going good as well,"
     You two didnt say anything else until the coffee was done. She grabbed the pot and a cup. She poured some of the coffee into the cup and sat down. "Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you or am I gonna have to guess?"
    You sighed and took a sip of your coffee. "Justin is out of jail,"
    She gives you a look, you give her the same one back. "Yeah, I know. Early release. Today, I caught him buying drugs and instead of arresting him. I destroyed the drug and gave him a choice. I know what I was wrong but he's my half brother. I cant let him drown,"
      She sits her coffee down on the table and looked at me. "You have a big heart but sometime you gotta let people fall,"
     "Its hard grandma,"
    "I know but in the long run itll be better for everyone,"
    You wake up to your phone going off, you groaned and rolled over and you saw that it was a text from Justin.
    From: Justin
    Thanks for not ratting me out. Dad set up a dinner, you're coming.
     You sighed and texted him back.
     To: Justin
     What if I have plans?"
     From: Justin
     Cancel them.
     You looked at Justin and then at Voight at the table and sighed. You didnt want to be here, you rather be laying in bed wrapped up in Jay's arms. "So this guy comes across the yard. He's all skeezed out on crystal or something and he says, he says, chicken pot pie. Like I'm supposed to know what that is, right? So my boy looks at him, points back at the block and he says, that way. Did not matter what this cat was on. He just doubles back to where he came from lickety-split, you know what I'm saying?"
    You pursed your lips together as Voight looked at his son. "Hey, J, listen, I got some news. Um I had to pull some strings, but I got you in at the CTA,"
     "That's where that's where city workers send their loser relatives,"
      Justin looked at you for help but you shrugged. "It's a job. And it'll help you get back on your feet,"
     He gives you a look which you ignored. "You know you sound more and more like him every day, right?"
    You rolled your eyes. "You start Monday,"
    "Okay, pop, sure,"
    Voight's phone started to ring and he gets up to take it. "Excuse me, I gotta take this,"
     You and Justin didn't talk while he was gone.  He comes back and placed money on the table for the check and looked at you. "We gotta roll,"
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Hey there. Just wanted to apologize for not really posting any Sims 4 screenshots in the past couple of weeks. I've just been kind of taking a break from the game (for some reasons a lot of other simmers understand. *cough* myweddingstories *cough*). I have just been so focused on school work, house work, and trying to find a job because I'm not sims community famous yet. I also have been having some acute health things going on that have honestly just been making life difficult. So it has been even harder to find time to enjoy things. And I have been trying to get more footage together to edit. Which has its own set of ups and downs. Like recording four hours of footage, only to realize after that it practically has no sound. Basically the settings were all so low that it has no sound. The footage is still good and I'm sure I can use it somehow but I'm not sure yet.
School is doing.... okay. The teacher is good and actually answers questions in a reasonable way. The content of the course is enjoyable and mostly understandable. But I still feel like such a failure if I get less than an A on big assignments.
The house is ok. I think most days I am just really disassociated from it and don't really pay attention to everything so it doesn't bother me. Basically constantly living between "I wish this was just completely empty besides a few things" and "Wow I love my eclectic clutter". But otherwise living in a constant cycle of doing things and then having to undo them or I feel insane. But also feeling insane because... doing and undoing over and over. Like I have to give my daughter toys and things for enrichment or I am a bad Mom. But I also need the things to be AWAY for at least part of the time or it is just too much.
Trying to find a job is awful and I hate it. I am both ready to be back at work and wish I could just stay home. And both of these thoughts give me anxiety. Its awful and I hate it.
Being sims community famous would be interesting I'm sure. But honestly (like everything else I have enjoyed and made to feel like I either shouldn't enjoy it, it is a waste of time, or I am not good at it) I'm not sure why I would become sims community famous. I'm sure some people would say there is something seriously wrong with feeling like you have no value just because no one is acknowledging you. They are probably right. And maybe that is something I can discuss with a therapist or something. But oh wait, there are no therapists here. I have been trying to find one and they seems as elusive as a job.
I had not been feeling well recently (I say this but of course I haven't been feeling well for a really long time so I'm not sure what the difference is). Among other things I had been having a lot of swelling. I brought this up when I saw my doctor in February. He looked me over and said its probably fine. Alright. I continue on for a few more weeks. Try a few different things to help with the swelling, on top of the other things I'm already continuing to do to you know BE HEALTHY. So around a week and a half ago I was feeling nauseated for about two days straight. Nothing was helping. I checked my blood sugar just to try and rule that out. And there it was, the reason. So I kept track off it for several days. A week ago I resolved that I would call Monday and make an appointment. I was able to be seen on Tuesday. I made a comment to the doctor that I probably should have been on meds years ago. I think he wasn't sure what I said at first so he asked what I said. I said never mind. He said no, what did you say. So I repeated myself. He said, well my previous labs didn't indicate the need for meds. I don't agree. My levels were already high a year ago. But when they did them this week they were even higher. But on top of that for the very first time they tested my blood insulin level. WHY HAVEN'T THEY EVER TESTED THIS BEFORE NOW?! It was very high. The doctor may not have said that I was right or that we probably should have checked this a long time ago. But at least he finally put me on meds. Today is day three on the meds and I feel so much better. I actually had a level in the normal range first thing this morning. And I've stayed in a normal range so far today even after eating. I knew I needed this two years ago. I wish they would have done this test sooner.
Anyway. I am doing better. I'm still not together. I still feel like I'm drifting with no purpose in life. I still feel like I know how to do things but can't do anything well. I exist though. That is about it.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Trump organization files lawsuit against New York City
In my opinion there are a few things in New York that you can do and they're a couple things that you can't and you can sue and it's part of American culture American life and maybe you're right maybe the city was wrong and you can bring lawsuit in public like Trump did to point it out and tell people what you doing and why and you think it wasn't right but he's making a big mistake and what he's doing because he says in the lawsuit that you can't do this because of the riot. With the big mistake is that yeah he's putting that out firstly and he's doing a counter lawsuit and the counter suit to New Yorkers as an offense and to try and hurt them all is an offense and he's misread what happens in New York because he sounds like he's not from there and what it is in New York is it's a feeling of freedom and the system works and things like that to a degree and you better not be actually impinging on me that was a good show this is not a good show what Trump did and he did not put it on a good show and he's decimated areas of New York with bombs and these people don't take that the same way as superficial stuff that they don't make a big deal out of cuz it's slander and it's an argument in small money this is a bit different and Trump I think doesn't understand that he always goes around going why I don't get it you'll see why trump.
Zues Hera
He's sitting there bewildered and thinks you're taking their side I understand what you're saying it looks like the act it looks like New Yorkers and how they are and how they react and he's countersuit is like a slap in the face after he's physically attacked him and plans to continue to do so and that's a line as you're making it 100% real New York it's a huge act and you don't understand that for some reason Trump their act is not for them to die for you and to get killed and get away with it and that's what it's always been and all this other crap that we hear you say out loud no you and your people are repulsively stupid you stand in front of people who are just about to kill you say the worst thing you could ever say then they linch your ass and you're wondering why and he's got people protection and machines and infiltrators and you people have them say stuff to try and have that happen that's one reason why is because Max are having to do it I'm trying to get him to do it but really they're all wound up and up there in here and you're going after them but we can't stand you because this is how you behave in your retard's behave cork and others this is a social nuance you can use to kill him and it's stupid because it never works and they turn around with a different one and it's hidden and start killing you and you're useless in days will be gone up there this is what you've been doing the silently saying it very silently he says to watch out for that because you getting no nudge
Thor Freya
Huge huge epiteths for them by the way on you Trump and pence. I hated you from the start now they hate you very badly they can't stand you at all what you're doing down here hey look at you everyday and he's saying what do you think we're going to do piss on you and come by and they blow your head clean off at the neck no they keep killing your character wherever they see it these people are fanatics when you harm them they come back at you it's happening in New York before and it happens with one of your idiots too Dan and his friend went out there and caused a fire and they've been running around burning all the stuff down and he can't tell where they are from and who they are cuz they don't tell you but weird to say that you people suck so bad at your job it's almost like we want to throw you to the wolves so badly we're looking for stuff to throw you to and here it is something wonderful to throw you to because you won't shut your mouth and you're just insulin f****** queer rate you're going around getting all your s*** blown up getting all your people killed and you open your mouth like you're running everything it's Insanity where can you tell me f**
I must know that you turn everybody on to go after you dan and Trump and cook all the time everyone hates you. And you do that stuff all the time like you're a grammarian and you're an idiot too you don't know what's real or not I was asking I got one word for you die today cuz we're going to make you kind of similar to New Yorkers they'll tell what we're doing but we'll go around doing it to you cuz what you're doing oh well we don't know why we're doing that
Huge epiteths on you then.
We left cuz we make you pay like five times the normal price for that
We go after with everything we have if we hear you becoming this massive b**** because someone's telling you they hate to tell you they hate you. We're tired of hearing from you whiners if you start whining because you're getting hit because you hit people we're going to come there and hit you a lot more
This is the way it is in New York if you come at me with a gun we come at you with a big gun there you boys who are retarded came as with a gun all day and night so coming at you with Big guns all the time
You have no idea we have stuff we tell you to shut up or wipe you out and you won't we wipe you out and keep going what's wrong with you little wigger
I have nothing to say I just keep doing it cuz I think I should
You know what you can't handle the pressure in there why don't you get out of there nobody wants you there we're going to end up going extincts because of the stupid s***
I can't get out of here whenever I try to leave they start beating me up you can't either know why
This is hell we did the job then I said I hear this bombing them with dukes is not really doing the job I started to figure out something they figured that out because of something can't really tell what it is I know what it is they saw you it's just cuz they're not screaming it like you idiots do okay so we've been caught with idiots and trying to go to Australia what Titan or both. And we're going around making asses with ourselves chewing people out that we shouldn't bothering people we shouldn't we're doing it for some time now and it's about failure a bunch of idiots who are used to failing and don't care but it says this there's a lot of people who are going after you for your blood only there's a lot of monsters going after you for you bodies only there's a lot of people going after you for stolen tech and information only there's a ton of people going after you for what you do in a daily basis you're having trouble waiting which one is the most dangerous so you're doing them all says and I agree this is the dumbest stuff we ever doing going around pissing everyone off allows all those other groups to hit us you have any defenses left so dan why don't you get out of there
So look over to say your voice going to die so I'm going to kill you first you f**** shut your f****** mouth you little retard kid so I say I can't really help it well you're really going to help him cuz I'm going to really kill you if you attack me or hurt me I'm going to kill you you'll be dead and all your f****** f***** are next all the kids are Trump will be dead because of you something to defend myself little a****** you're a wimp so take your f****** mouth and get the f*** out
Yeah f****** retard you leave where I start dumping the hot coals on you like you've never seen
Zues Hera
Get the f*** out Dan or make you get out
No way not you too not going
Holy s*** you're this ass little messed me up when I was here
No I'm not that's who you ardan
Wow same lingo too
We have to have a meeting there's far too many hostile comments no it makes it much worse people start beating me up
You want to hostile comment so I have to erase your brain I say it right to your face you go home dead have you figured it out yet
Zues Hera
No I haven't figured it out
You know why you haven't figured it out because he died the last time you did it
Zues Hera
This is impossible it's embarrassing it's rude nobody wants to be here you'll stay here screw you people get out of there he can't leave he's stuck
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