#like why didnt he lol. the power of friendship ig
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
just rewatched ep 12 of mekakucity actors to feel something and got pissed off all over again
#mary activating combining but no one dies when she takes the snakes?? GIRL THOSE WORK AS SURROGATE LIVES THEYD DIE IF SHE TOOK THEM FOR EVEN#A SECOND.#mary just stopping the loop bc ayano and shintaro use their powers. girl why dont they do that IN OTHER TIMELINES THEN#like the one big difference is saeru immobilizing them instead of killing them#the lack of haruka. its summertime record. BITCH#the way they dont explain how or why he is back but he is#even saeru asks WHY HAVENT U FUCKING DISAPPEAREDDDDDDDDD#like why didnt he lol. the power of friendship ig#LIKE IM GLAD ITS A GOOD END BUT ITS SO STUPID FR#ive always interpreted it as#now that saeru is in harukas body it has to grant the new host's wishes#and this time its 2 people bc awakening became its own person as well#so it has to give hiyori back (konohas wish) and just grant harukas wish in the first place since his was never granted lol#which is to have a strong body. while. yknow. BEING INSIDE HIS BODY#thats what i like to think anyway and i think it makes sense#and also how tf do shintaro and ayano even get out of the daze. girlllllllll#wait its cuz mary probably opened it ok nvm#mary opening the daze and shintaro ayano and haruka sneaking out of there like the rats in ratatouille#hiyori take ur chance come out now too#like haruka is so funny his whole existence proves that souls are real in the kagepro universe#bc the daze swallows u with body and all. hiyori shintaro and ayano could just walk outta there like nothing#while harukas like. a ghost or something#cuz his body is out and about#when the snake rejects u for being too niceys but u also dont die bc ur too niceys#the daze: but i like him. lets keep him pleaaaaaase#are u reading these tags#if so#hey#kagevinnie#kagenalysis
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whittlore · 6 months
waiwai do we have any hitch lore??- I need a recap on hitch’s lore so I can start thinking of the dynamics in shattered dream’s gang :3
AREGAHAHAHA yeaahh!!!! he does a have a small lore for now
basically, hitchprint is made out of ink's vials and error's strings. hitch which is an synonym of error and print which is related to drawing, printing, ink ect.
his extra abilities are controlling emotions, and he can even feel the other's one if he cares enough to "connect" with you - how does he do that?? he connects a string on both souls, yours and his and that's how he understands you— for example, if you're feeling sad but somehow can't cry, if he connects this string to you he'll feel the sadness but will also express it for you [that's when the term cry for you becomes real eheheee🗿] he can be very vulnerable, but you don't see him like that often, he's moody and neutral most of the time it's a mix of it ig, he's not too edgy but not so kind either BUT is very protective of his partners 👀 oooooo he doesn't show it though, and with shattered's influence, ig he's got some manners from him too lol
his other ability is to make artificial souls that he can control and pressure you with it, example if he makes a fear soul he will be able to paralyze you — and this in a certain distance, if you're further than the distance he's able to control you won't be touched by it BUT if he forces too much his eyes will glitch and will hurts asf, to ease the pain he will put his glasses on and cover his eyes with his hoodie + won't be able to use his magic for a few days. [that doesn't happen so much thankfully??]
and ofc, strings that he calls emotion strings, it randomly changes colors. other functions? idk yett
so, for his backstory
when hitch realized he was just an anomaly in every way possible he was really upset about it, he used to wander in the void since he had no idea how to leave, core!frisk was here when it happened, they searched for hitch for a while until finally founding him and brought him to the Omega timeline where he sort of got used to it.
he wasn't really comfortable there though, he felt it that it wasn't his place to be on, and he was really depressed at this period of time. so he didnt go out much, sometimes he would to take some fresh air, the reason he stayed was because of dream, he was the only person he truly spent time with and genuinely concidered him a friend.
until one day, he was woken up with a lot of noises, it was late at night, screaming could be heard and fighting could be seen, someone was attacking the area, it was shattered that was attacking the Omega timeline — hitch surprised by what he was seeing, ran toward the mess and asked what was happening, when he learned that it was dream he was dumbfounded and afraid for him.
despite that hitchprint somehow tried to defend the timeline, without laying a hand on him as he simply tried to get dream's attention, mostly because he didnt want others to hurt him. of course shattered caught him, somehow recognized hitchprint, then started to say how sad he was for him, that he understood, that he could fix his broken heart, his shattered dreams... if he joined him, of course core frisk and the people of Omega timeline tried to convince hitchprint but he ignored and left with shattered.. well he didn't have a choice at that moment as he had already teleported somewhere else.
hitch couldn't help but feel fear and excitment, was that really the same person?? he wondered why shattered didn't kill him or whatsoever but quickly learned that his power did intrested him and was the only reason he was spared, he felt heartbroken at the idea that it wasn't because of their friendship [or could it be?] but stopped thinking about it much with time, now as long as he was with him, he didn't care even though he was different.
THAT'S ABOUT IT I THINK I might add some stuff but for now it's just that haha hope it's enough, also you have to tell me yours too!! I need to draw themmmmm!!!! 😆😆
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
i might have developed a witcher superhero au even though i dont even care for the superhero genre and have no experience with it. idk if this aligns with any kind of superhero canons out there since i dont have experience im just saying whatever i want to. also this is from september of last year and comprised from a few different discord messages i sent to my friends
note that i build aus by just looking at the canon and making everything fit a different universe instead of creating extremely different situations and characters... i.e., it’s an alternate universe, not an alternate story.
some worldbuilding clarifications:
in this there are characters that are just some guys. dandelion is just a regular singer. but imagine if like elton john and batman were best friends forever and everyone knew about their epic friendship
superheroes in this are treated ig just basically like magic abilities in the witcher; some ppl have them though its rare, theres a few schools in the world to develop them
i dont see a necessity in this au specifically to add things in like “superheroes are oppressed for having powers” or anything like that because [ironic for a witcher books fan to say] i dislike oppression allegories if they’re overt comparisons to specific forms of oppression irl, and i’d rather real oppression be tackled instead because it can be insensitive a lot of the time
there’s also superheroes who dont have powers which are a lot of our cast lol. geralt just still has two swords and the ability to kick ass
as for setting, there’s always like some city this stuff is set in but i want to genre bend and say a lot of it is roadtripping through the countryside and they only enter cities when the plot calls for it (like entering reidbrune in ttos)
heres some cringey supernames:
geralt: “the white wolf”… but more commonly “the wolf”. the “the” is mandatory :/ yennefer: menace dandelion: that’s already his stage name. gay ass milva: “kite”. opposite of geralt in that there is never a “the”. cahir: doesn’t have a super identity or name and doesn’t want one. he’s “the [unknown] rider” sometimes because he kidnapped ciri while riding a motorcycle regis: it’s complicated, scroll down angoulême: just a supervillain’s henchman for now, but has meticulously brainstormed and planned out potential supervillain’s names, and she wants to be a supervillain called “dagger”… “because, you know, dagger, like? sharp? cutting? i’m funny, i wound people. what’s not to love.”
geralt is a vigilante so/but ppl just see him as an inconvenience. this world might take place in a post-nuclear setting where the effects have created monsters and also are the sources of people’s superpowers. 
yennefer is not a superhero so to speak but she just has powers and uses them whenever she wants. sometimes its cool and sometimes it causes traffic incidents. she just owns her own small business and doesn’t care too much about using her powers for good or evil, she just wants a regular life. she got more bad rap than she deserved though just bc she didnt play to society’s ‘you have to use your powers for either good or evil’ thing. geralt meets her in a similar fashion to the canon last wish. complete with crashing a dinner party
yennefer: literally just minding her own damn business and living her life everyone else: so why don’t you exist for MY benefit . what a b*tch
just like in canon, the main conflict is that ciri is like being hunted by the government for her powers and by leagues of other ppl with powers (lodge, aen elle) for the same reasons. she has superhero abilities but doesnt know how to control them and if this were a superhero comic she could teleport inbetween the pages and enter/exit scenes through the margins
milva gets caught strategically taking out hateful and violent people as a vigilante and gets caught by eithne and joins her coalition instead. 
cahir is a young man from a wealthy family who through nepotism gets a job at a tech company and then gets tasked with retrieving ciri so the company can use her for her powers.
regis was a supervillain (bc of course…) … eventually he stopped going insane though and became normal and is now a trauma surgeon at a hospital 😅. slightly different backstory than in canon, since he is human in this - he is one of a few ‘gifted’ people who developed powers from a young age and this was overwhelming to his parents so he was in the foster care system for a long time. he generally exploited the lack of care from parents and sought attention and affection from peers instead, showing off. he became famous and revelled in the attention from not only other people but local news outlets and the media. but when they moved on he became embittered and started to arrogantly and narcisticically exploit his fans for power and he might have overthrown the city at one point idk anyways he died of his own stupid accord but came back through his powers. oh yeah his powers... he has shadow-based powers that are generally like his canonical powers (disappearing, putting people to sleep, hypnosis) but also with the addition of manipulating shadow to cause a variety of unpredictable chaos to happen. and perhaps flight/levitation, or some sort of blink/shadow travel ability... but no turning into a bat. also he has perhaps some kind of life force draining powers bc id like him to be called nightplague … which he thought was a stupid name but society gave him it anyways … he wanted to be called “fangZ,” with a Z (or Kaos (chaos) with a K), which he thought was SO cool and ranted to his ex-girlfriend and anyone who would listen about it extensively….. 😑 also as a supervillain he looked like zoga from captain yajima (worthikids animation)
angouleme was a henchman and goon of minor supervillain nightingale, she defects from him and thinks her career is over and (obviously the hansa are all superheroes) but regis would b a reformed supervillain and shed be like COME ONNNN BE EVIL W ME… you’re all going to say wow maj Another au in which angouleme is the one to recognize regis from the past and is like “you were that really crazy evil guy SHOW ME YOUR WAYS” and he has to explain to her that being an evil problem to society isnt a good career goal…….. and shes like ok . but i want to be rich and cause problems. she offers to henchman for him about a dozen times before he is forced to explain in strict terms that he is never going to go back to that life ever. and she’s like. ok well can you at least blow something up with your powers. can we at least have an explosion here.
zoltan would be some guy on a road trip with his friends and parrot…… i think he would be but like . im thinking (stupidly) that this is set in the US so i imagined he meets geralt & co were offroading but met with zoltan who was driving an RV full of his friends and they stopped and picked the hitchhikers up. zoltan obv wears hawaiian shirt during this.
emhyr is the ceo of the company that wants to kidnap ciri for her powers. the aen elle are also superheroes but everyone thinks they disbanded and disappeared. the lodge of sorceresses are comprised of ‘patron’ superheroes who come from different cities which are under each of their protection.
i don’t have interest in fleshing this out further but i wanted to post this silly thing for archival purposes :) and so you will know what i am talking about if i mention “superhero au”
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reaper-bird-san · 3 years
Welcome to rating my own bnha characters (Part 2)
part 1
Then I realized I wanted to finally THINK OF A NEW QUIRK at least in my head because someone totally did this before. And I wanted to make her have mermaid powers! Because I recently had watched a playthrough of The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. So! Her powers were basically that she could sing or talk people into a trance. This is why she trained with Shinsou a lot and asked a lot of questions! She considered him a friend and Shinsou was a bit confused lol.
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In the past she had problems with her quirk. When she was a child her quirk would activate without her knowing and people would become obsessed with her, specially creepy dudes who are already creeps. They followed her home and one time forced her to do a "photoshoot" by a grown ass man (Disgusting)
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(yes, Mineta triggered her a lot because hes an asshole)
I also designed Shisokas family! She had 2 moms and one older sister. She was raised with a lot of love !
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Her relationship with Katsuki was a strange friendship but kind of like brother and sister (and not romantic) When they first met she was really scared because he constantly yells... But when they kept bumping with eachother Bakugou admitted that he didnt want to hurt her or anything and she stopped seeing him as a threat.
The reason why they kept having to make school proyects together is a mystery (JK ITS ME) Also it turns out that Shisoka's sister, who is a "famous" model works with Bakugou's mom! What a surprise /s
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Anyway... Shisoka is a good character... I really thought about her story and made a bunch of official art of her. Im not drawing her as much but she's a keeper! 8/10 she needs polishing but I like her.
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If you wish to see more posts about her search the hashtag: "#Shisoka Utsukushi"
I made an emo girl cuz I wanted to- Shes not finished I dont think I will ever finish or use her but she looks cute ig. Wanted to give her a ghost quirk but its like telekinesis and invisibility. Also Tokoyami loves her
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5/10 cute but unfinished
I wanted to make someone soft so I made her. Her quirk isnt very well thought she can move black matter that comes from her arms i guess??
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4/10 shes pretty but theres nothing interesting about her
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hello I am back!! I'm sorry it's been long, these past couple of weeks have had me swamped with homework :( and yet I still didn't do it all 🤡 also get ready for a bunch of messages because 1.) responses and 2.) my thoughts on Lockscreens. Spoiler: I am Emotional haha. Aww, thank you :') I used to think it was weird to give yourselves nicknames but I'm past that now haha. Another one I go by sometimes is "Lizard" because I stick my tongue out a lot when I'm talking??
(2) and people think I'm cold blooded because I get really cold easily and like to bask in the sun. I mostly just did traditonal sketches and a lot of screencap redraws. I want to get into art again, but I'm taking it slow for now and focusing more on my writing. And I feel that too LOL. I'm going to start a blog dedicated to reblogging x reader fics that I like because I'm too embarrassed to do so on my main blog (I tell all of your followers 🤡)
hey Honeymoon! as long as you’re taking care of yourself, that’s all I care about 💞 i’m gonna post my responses into two parts. a Lockscreens segment after you send in the rest of your thoughts and a get-to-know-you part for now!
ngl, i feel like the best person to give you a nickname is yourself! i jokingly gave myself the nickname ‘Daddy’ and that’s literally become my “rave” personality LMAO. but i can understand why some people think it’s weird 🤷 honestly lizard is a bad-ass nickname !! i’m the same way - being in the cold makes me sooo sleepy and i’d rather bask in the sun 😂
i’d love to see your artwork or writing sometime! please feel free to send it over 🥰
(3) Honestly even with all my issues it's kind of nice being a hopeless romantic! Like you said it gives me the chance to day dream haha. Maybe I have my head in the clouds a lot but sometimes it's nice to be there. There's so many, but I think it's a tie between enemies to lovers and friends to lovers. I love the drama and comedy from the former but I'm so Soft for the latter, and that's highkey how I want my relationship to start.
(4) I think building that bond with someone before you even start dating them is really sweet, and having that connection by the time you commit to each other is 💓 I'm sorry you've been having writers block, that's the worst :( if it helps, the past two chapters have turned out amazing, I love them so much!! I think the closest I got to hardcore shipping something that wasn't canon was RinHaru? But there was also a lot of tension and affection in their relationship so I could see it being canon
there’s nothing wrong with having dreams! just so long as you can ground yourself at the end of the day. 
enemies to lovers is always the funniest for me to read TBH. because it’s such an inevitable cliche haha. friends to lovers though -- oooo my heart. 
the best relationships start with friendship. it’s the most authentic imo. like for me, it’s exhausting bearing my heart open to new people each time i want to get involved with someone romantically. but having someone who already knows you inside out??? swoon. what about a trope you dislike?
ah tyty, i’m glad you enjoyed them! the writers’ block wasn’t too bad for these chapters. i’ve had them typed up for a few weeks now :’) 
rinharu is so cute though! but Harukoto (or whatever the ship name is tbh) is super cute too. but maybe i just really like the best friend to lovers trope LMAO
(5) I just looked at their insta and !!!!!!!!!! that's so cute! I like bokuaka but I've never looked into it as much as others, but their art made me have Feelings lol. I think that is a good view to have on family tbh. I've developed a relationship with my blood family and we're close, but there's something special about the relationships and love you have for people you choose to stay with. I love Tiana!! I think she's a really underrated Disney character :(
(6) She really encompasses Disney's message of working hard to achieve your dreams, and she's a strong, independent woman without being closed off and rejecting her feelings. I think it's so cute and cool that she had that much of an impact on you :D Oof, I get that 💀. Men are gross 🤢 I don't get it very often because I live in SoCal and tbh to a lot of other people brown just equals mexican lol. They're right but I really don't look full mexican. Portuguese and Islander people can tell though
bokuaka art makes me have ~ feelings ~ i also really like @/liann1009 and @/maddox_rider on IG! (tbh idk if they have a tumblr whoops) liann1009 does a lot of OiHina whereas maddox_rider does bokuaka which is ridiculously cute too 🥰 
DUDE OMG YES!!! Tiana and Kita (from Atlantis) are under-rated QUEENS who deserved better!! we need representation out here in this b*tch!!! 
idek why, but some people think i look hispanic 🙃 but yes bby, men are gross and should be better!! i have yet to meet a man who deserves to stand on equal ground to me, imma be real. (2d men don’t count but y’know). does it bother you when people mistake your ethnicity? 
(7) Thank you!! Ngl it's kind of scary wondering about what the industry is going to be like because I'm sure I will run into a lot of biased people and sources, but learning to navigate that is just part of the job. Of course there's people who will read biased sources and attack you too, but you can't always escape those people :/ and thank you love, you're so sweet 💕 That's really admirable! It takes a lot of work and creativity to start a business, I'm sure you'll be successful 😊
(8) what kind were you thinking of? and psych is super cool too! Having that understanding of people and the world can be really eye opening and fun :D It's okay, he was one of my favorite teachers but looking back he was an asshole. He had his good/funny moments and did a lot for me, but he also abused some of editors in my journalism class, and some friends of mine :/ He wouldn't appreciate their work, sometimes insult them, and even encouraged my friend to not sleep for the sake of the paper
i’m positive that you’ll do just fine once you get out there! it seems like you have a pretty thick skin :) 
i really wanted to open a business to help support under-represented groups receive an education - with major focus on minority groups such as orphans/foster children, veterans, and the homeless. there’s so much logistics that tbh i’m too ~stressed~ to think about so i’m tabling that for awhile :’) 
bruhhh fuck that teacher. drop his addy, i just wanna talk real q 💞   if you can’t support all of your students, then there is no point in being a professor!! there is literally 0 reason to be rude when you’re in a position of power, especially when it involves someone’s passion, career, and/or education.
(9) I just remembered that there's a limit to how many asks you can send in a certain amount of time so if these suddenly stop I'm sorry! I'll come back when I can haha. I wouldn't say I'm all that great tbh, but I'm proud of a lot of my works LOL. My favorite part about it is using makeup and tools to just turn into something else. Wounds are always fun, but making yourself a gargoyle or some other creature is what makes it so interesting to me.
(11) I'm OBSESSED with the makeup and costumes from LOTR. It's my biggest inspiration. I can go on about it haha. That's so cool!! Being a part of the whole production, especially all sides to it, sounds so fun. Do you have any favorite memories from your time in high school? I'd love to hear them if you have any :O Confession: I have never seen any of those asdfkljvk. I know I really should though and it's on my to do list ! I've heard really great things about all of them !
imma be real, i didnt know there was a limits on asks LMAO. i did hear that they sometimes get eaten though, so i really hope that doesn’t happen 😅 
we all start somewhere. your first step will never look like someone else’s, nor should it. as long as it’s something that you can look back upon and be proud of and know that you’ve grown from, that’s all that matters! 
just imagining someone using makeup to turn themselves into a gargoyle has my head spinning  🤣 like ya girl can barely do her eye-makeup, let alone anything as intense as that! what’s been the most difficult project? 
DUDE, I LOVE MEDIEVAL-HISTORICAL WORKS! like the dresses from that Mary from Reign wears has my heart so softtttt. dfsnosdf. please!! tell me some of your fav things about LOTR  💖
omg high-school was so long ago, i don’t think i have any favorite memories from it 🙃 i think the opening night of a production would be the best. listening to the audiences reactions as the performers left their hearts on-stage, seeing all the pieces fall together, that was always absolutely incredible. wbu, what did you enjoy about hs? 
i have very strong opinions on those musicals LMAO. i can talk about them forever  🤩
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