#like there are good people - great people - in the BTVS fandom on tumblr and boy fucking howdy are there some assholes and the AHs are
kyliafanfiction · 1 year
Little late in the year for this but:
New Year’s Resolution: no more than ~90 minutes of tumblr spread across the day. For now anyway.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 22
LORNE: Ah, youth. Is there anything more magical? A time of first loves, great discoveries—let's face it: youth is it. It's a national obsession, crazy cats. But somewhere, people all forget what a mess youth is. It's a time of magic, all right, and there's nothing more unreliable or annoying than magic.
~~Spin the Bottle~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for a few new editors! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! For more information, drop us an ask on Tumblr or contact thenewbuzwuzz on LJ or DW!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Restoration (Spike, Dru, the Judge, G) by badly_knitted
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ask again later (Faith/Willow, M) by bodytoflame
Poem: days like this (Tara/Willow, G) by LiraelClayr007
Quiet (Angel/Spike, G) by VioletArroyo
Take Two (Giles/Joyce, T) by afteriwake
What A Kiss Can Do (Angel/Cordelia, G) by afteriwake
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Poem: william the bloody moves to boston (Spike/OC, worksafe) by GothicBuffy
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Love of the Bullied, Chapter 2 (Spike/Xander, R) by Forsaken2003
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Root Healing Magic for the Solo Practitioner (Slayer Lineage), Chapter 1 (Faith/Tara, M) by wellthen
it takes a village, Chapter 1 (Jenny & Angel Investigations, G) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm
Moonlit Nights, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, T) by EllieRose101
In Dreams, Chapter 1 (Giles/Buffy, E) by TheScholarlyStrumpet
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Choices, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by lafillesauvage
Out of Our Minds, Chapter 12 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by AlloSpoike
Walking in the Sand, Chapter 9 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Axell
Broken Bridges, Chapter 27 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
Grace, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Soulburnt
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Moon child, part 1 (Drusilla, not rated) by Anyanka Bunny Slayer
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: a Clue AU (Scoobies, worksafe) by crabuncle
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Thoughts on "Crush"] by kingofsilverandgold
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Basic Buffy Breakdown: S2E15 Phases by Biff the Temperamental Werewolf
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Normal Again... good or bad? by darkspook and others
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Just finished Hell's Bells for the first time by Dvaderstarlord
20 Year Rewatch: s03e06, s03e07, s03e08, s03e09 (“Billy”, “Offspring”, “Quickening”, “Lullaby”) by Ohigetjokes
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PODCAST: Still Pretty 153. Selfless (S7.05)
PODCAST: Buffy Boys 110 - All Scrap (S06E10 “Wrecked”)
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Spike, Dru, The Judge ficlet "Restoration" by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
[Fandom Discussions]
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I think they could have made the Spike- Angel dynamics better [AtS season 5] by gothic-buffy, theridiculouslyme
My Spuffy feels and why I feel that Spike/Buffy are a much more complete and better suited couple by tinumiel
Lorne’s bar scenes and narration in Spin the Bottle by merelyspecters, kyliafanfiction
Meme: the different knee-jerk reactions people have to seeing Anthony Stewart Head by sarahisatotalgeek
Spike needs glasses by yourfriendlyneighborhoodbimbo, rahirah
was faith lehane a villain or was she a neglected, abused and misunderstood teenager by faithlehaneapologist
Re: Is Xander Harris as bad as everyone makes him out to be? by captain-k-jones, kyliafanfiction
dawn in the earlier seasons would have been so fun by lqvewillow
Anya’s line “except for bunnies” by themoonstormreblog
Souled!Spike should have been aesthetically different from regular Spike by yesitsterriblysimple, froxyn, throwthewindowwide
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Something I don't get in Chosen by 71 Avalon and others
Titles of episodes in English and other languages: season 5 part 1 by Antho
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Rare on set SMG interview from As You Were via BtVS fan
Did Drusilla give Buffy’s dream regarding Jenny Calendar in “Innocence” (B 2.14)? by MikeB
What is the significance/point of Angel and Buffy sharing dreams in Amends? by MikeB, Stoney
James Marsters in BtVS S2 is seemingly stronger than David Boreanaz is in BtVS S2-S3? by multiple people
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Who was Buffy's defining Villain hosted by The810kid
Joss Whedon does not owe us an apology by Gullible_Risk5990
Where would Buffy stand on Angelus returning in Angel Season 4 hosted by jdpm1991 in r/buffy
Where would Buffy stand on Angelus returning in Angel Season 4 hosted by jdpm1991 in r/ANGEL
Reasons/Reminders why Buffy is still quite a feminist show/character even at this current time by Excellent-Durian-509
It's so strange how different Season 1 is from the rest of the show [AtS] by precita and others
The lack of Darla and Spike interactions by jdpm1991 and others
Buffy had a deeper side before arriving in Sunnydale by Carrierunnaway
[Re: What show would you cross over with Angel?] by FTWinchester, xisnext, flacogarcons, Eastern_Panda8567
So did more than half of the potential slayers die in the finale? by precita and others
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paddingtonfan69 · 3 years
do you read other people's fics often? what type of fics do you veer towards? do you have any good recs?
Sure do! I go through phases where I’m always reading fic and then phases where I don’t for months and try to read... books?? My favorites are normally ones that resemble rom coms or just certain authors whose voices encapsulate the characters well. Here are some faves under the ol cut :)
Here a a couple Teenage Bounty Hunters fics, which I’m assuming you are curious about given the current make up of my ao3 lol, even though, full disclosure, I haven’t read as much as I want to for tbh because it’s hard for me for some reason to read fic for a fandom when I’m actively writing something for it and I’ve been in an active writing mode for a minute on this last one. BUT these bad boys made it through the cracks!
But I’m a Fire and I’ll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by lco123 - an ideal post-canon fic, it feels like such a natural continuation and is sweet and warm and funny and I just adored it! Also everything by this author slaps.
‘tis the damn season by @dclarkadmin - ok you every hear a song and think of a ship and the. someone actually writes that??? Like exceptionally well!! It’s bittersweet but also lovely and in character. Once again, this is also an author rec, all their other fics also are great!
Some other random faves from a smattering of fandoms:
goodnight, dear void by @coalitiongirl - ouat -fun fact I watched like two seasons of once upon a time back in 2012 then fell off of it, but I still read the fanfic because it’s that good!!! This one is a you’ve got mail au which was very inspirational to the one I’m writing rn, so big fan, killer enemies to lovers energy!
dear friend by @jenny-calendar - btvs - another you’ve got mail au inspo, that gives truly the perfect vibes of hating each other irl and confiding in each other online and accidentally shit-talking yourself! peak comedy gold! it also captures the jenny/giles quippiness so so well, and is a downright delight.
when i die I’ll sacrifice (more than enough for the afterlife) by @notcaycepollard - avengers- it’s been years since I’ve really cared about the mcu at all (brief exceptions for himbo thor and lesbian brie larson and zendaya) BUT this fic made me care A LOT about the avengers and natasha more than any of those movies ever did and I think about it all the time. It’s just so beautiful written with such love and throught for the characters (it also makes everyone queer which never hurts)
The Best of It by @dollsome-does-tumblr - gilmore girls - a true delight of rory and paris in a fake relationship, and just the dialogue between them and every character down to each stars hollow townie is so finnh and lived-in in that way only gilmore girls can be. Also it’s fun that it was started in 2012 and finished in 2018, what a journey!
Travel by @apparitionism - warehouse 13 - full disclosure, I also never finished warehouse 13 but the fics for that show are honestly top tier and I oddly got into reading a whole lot of them about a year ago, almost a decade after the fact. This is one of my faves, a simple delightful pure rom com between hg and myka that just hits that balance of romance and wit that works for these characters!
Honestly now that I think about it, all of these are also recs for the authors, quality stuff from all of em!!
Hope this was somewhat what you were asking for, anon, I kind of just went for it! Hope you at least get a couple good reads out of this :)
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stupid-jeans · 6 years
@laureninspace asked: G, J, U G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it 
Timing is a little bit questionable because all of these things occurred roughly within the same time frame? But it was either Piper/Leo from Charmed or it was Buffy/Angel from BtVS. I still have notebooks somewhere of handwritten fanfic from English class in like 7th grade. J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr 
I blame Tumblr for a LOT of my fandoms actually? Castle was a huge one. More recently, One Day at a Time.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms 
Ever? We’ll go with ever.
1. Alex Cabot, SVU. Cabenson was my first hardcore WLW ship back when I was still a closeted teenager. I’m still in love with Stephanie March. The glasses will get me every single time.
2. CJ Cregg, The West Wing. Do I need to explain this? Like, watch an episode of this incredible show (it’s still my favorite show of all time), fall in love. Because Allison Janney is something ELSE. Powerful and smart and also vulnerable and soft. Perfect character is perfect.
3. Kate Beckett, Castle. Stana Katic is a literal goddess, I’m pretty sure. And Beckett was this beautifully crafted character full of strength and wit and bravery and sass, coupled with vulnerability and a tragic backstory. I just pretend this show ended after season 5 and everything is great.
4. Thea, Valor. Oh, boy. Beyond Melissa Roxburgh being stupidly attractive (my obsession with her mouth is a bit of a problem), I’m just in love with her acting. And how unapologetic and strong and independent Thea is as a character? Like, she was chucked into the deep end and she never stopped swimming. Girl knows exactly how to get what she wants, is crazy smart, is fearless, and isn’t afraid to question authority or do what needs to be done to be the best at her job. Her emotions never get in the way. Also she’s really good at talking about her feelings? And she knows herself really well. So even though she has a lot of walls built up because of her job, she’s aware of that and has no qualms about letting other people know it, too. Oh, and she’s bisexual. Unapologetically so.
5. Ugh you’re gonna make me choose just one character from The Brave? I’m gonna give it to Jaz Khan. I love how...unexpected she is. Given her profession and the little hints we get about her background, I had certain expectations about her character. Almost every single one of those has been blown out of the water. And I am so okay with that. She should be walled off, but she’s not. She should be a tomboy, but she’s not. She should be prickly and emotionally stunted and only there for Dalton’s character development or whatever. She should be overly emotional because she’s the token girl on a team of men. None of these things are true. I love her so much and Natacha Karam is, like, literally the single most badass woman ever. Or at least she’s up there.
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captain-k-jones · 7 years
50 Questions for Fic Readers - Answers
Taking a break from writing and decided to complete this as a little get-to-know-me. Read if you are interested, if not ignore it. 
What fandom(s) do you read? Once Upon a Time, Supernatural x BtVS, Harry Potter, Roswell, BtVS, Black Sails, and From Dusk till Dawn: the Series
If you could request more of a certain type of fic, which would it be? I love Modern AU anything. 
What is your favorite all-time fic? For ONCE: The Lost Boys by @niniadepapa. I LOVE that story, it is my go-to read. 
Do you ever re-read fics? How about triple-read? Oh yes. Sometimes I get bored and want something I know is good so I re-read. 
Do you prefer angst or fluff? Angst. It is also my favorite thing to write. 
Do you prefer long fics or short fics? That depends on my mood. I like to always be reading a long fic, but I will pick up short ones to read between updates. 
Name some incomplete fics that you wish were completed. For ONCE: White Light on a Black Sea For FTDT: Second Chances 
Talk about the ships that you read. I read so many! Captain Swan (OUaT), SethKate (FDTD) , Bangel (BtVS/Angel), Dean x Buffy (BtVS/SPN), Draco x Ginny (HP), Michael x Liz (Roswell), Eleanor x Vane (Black Sails)
Do you read smut? Yep!
What’s the most hard-core smut or kinky fic you’ve ever read (be honest)! Wow. I honestly dont know. Irish Swan Trio is always fun (The Perfect Fit)
Do you read AUs? Read and write
List a few of your favorite AUs. Again, The Lost Boys by @niniadepapa, How Many Chances (Before I get It Right) by @o-u-a-timer and its sequel One More is Never Enough, anything by @ive-always-been-a-pirate,  @cutieodonoghue, or @nowforruin
What type of AUs are your favorites? Give a general description. Modern AU. I love realistic fics that have lots of angst too.
What makes you give up on reading a fic? Grammar and formatting. If the language and mechanics are terrible or the lines are squashed together I will not even try it.  
What makes you pick up a fic, what makes it sound interesting? I get a lot of recs from friends. Also just browsing. 
Name a fic that made you cry (or that made you come close). Winter by @eight-0f-hearts and currently this house isn’t a home by @colinschest
Name a fic that made you laugh a lot. Umm... Glimpses of Geckos by the_stargazing_dreamer
Do you have a fic recommendation page or master list? I tag them #cs fic rec on captain-k-jones.tumblr.com or #sethkate fic rec on sethkategeckofuller.tumblr.com. 
How many fics do you think you’ve read before? Way to many. I’ve been reading fic for over 15 years. 
What’s the weirdest fic you’ve ever read? Describe it. This is really hard....
Do you read crack!fic? Nope
Name a few of your favorite crack!fics. N/A
Has fluff ever made you cry? What about angst? Yes to both
What’s the longest fic you’ve ever read? I couldn’t tell you. I know I have read plenty of BtVS ones back in the day that took WEEKS to finish. 
What’s your opinion on reading dubious consent or no consent? I stay away from those. Not a fan.
Name a type of fic you’ll never ever read. Trope wise: anything that gives one character power over another (hence the consent issue) or Teacher/Student (I am a teacher so it is weird).
Name a type of fic that you wish there was more of. I love when fandoms cross. For example: BtVS/SPN or BtVS/HP
Who are your favorite fanfiction author(s)? ONCE: @niniadepapa, @lenfaz, @o-u-a-timer, @the-lady-of-misthaven, @nowforruin, @killians-dimples, and @ive-always-been-a-pirate. For FDTD: @ambrosiaswhispers, @lostinmysticfalls, @imaginedfables, and the_stargazing_dreamer
When you find an author you like, do you follow them? Yep!
How often do you read fanfiction? Daily
Do people know that you read fanfiction? Yep, I know people in my real life as well as people I’ve met through fandom. 
Do you leave reviews after reading fics? If so, what do they sound like? Sometimes. Normally I talk about what I like or what I am excited to see in upcoming chapters. I always thank them for taking the time out to write the fic. 
When you read a good fic, do you go to the author’s page? Yep.
Name a common type of fic that you cannot stand. I hate fic that is unrealistic. It if doesn’t seem plausible them I don’t like it. 
Name all the Work in Progress fics that you are currently reading. Seriously, there are too many. I think actively the rough number would be over 30. 
Has a fic ever left you unable to fall asleep or think about anything else? I often stay up late to read fic like that. There have been several fic that ended up giving me life revelations. I remember one fic from the Roswell fandom that forever altered the way I thought about relationships. 
Are you good about keeping up when reading Work in Progresses? Normally, I am very good at it. I read it as soon as I get the notification. Recently, I haven’t been so good at it because of work and school. 
Name some of your favorite fic recommendations pages. @shady-swan-jones makes great lists for Captain Swan, as well as @timeless-love-story and @loving-cs-fanfiction. 
Name a fanfiction author that you’re scared to talk to because they’re so amazing. All of, what I consider, the old school CS writers: @nowforruin, @killians-dimples, @xerxesrises, @startswithhope, @seastarved, @caprelloidea, @this-too-too-sullied-flesh, @initiala, @msgenevieve447, and @weezlywrites
Have you ever written fanfiction or considered it? Yep. Here is the link: my fanfic
Name a fic that has a perfect ending. Helpless by @the-lady-of-misthaven and Separate Lives by @lenfaz
Name a fic that you wish was longer. I could live in The Lost Boys world forever. 
Do you read OT3 fics commonly? Have you ever? Irish Swan Trio
Do you mainly read TV shows, movies, or books? TV Shows & some Books
Do you read fanfiction about Anime? Nope
If you could imagine the perfect fic, what would it be like? Lots of angst (like break the characters as far as they can) but with a happy ending. 
If you had to introduce someone to fanfiction with a few fics, which would you suggest? It depends on the fandom. 
Have you ever read a fic containing character death? Yep. 
Do you have an AO3/Fanfiction.net/LiveJournal page? Link it. AO3 FFN
What sites do you typically use to read on? tumblr, fanfiction.net, and AO3
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, February 18
Xander: And was there a lesson in all this huh? What did we learn about beer? Buffy: Foamy. Xander: Good, just as long as that's clear. Anyways, I think that the boys in the car are contained for the time being. This will give them some time to ponder the geo-political ramifications of BEING MEAN TO ME! Buffy walks up to a van and sees the Neanderthals inside. She bangs on the windows, getting their attention. Giles: Whose van is that? Xander: I dunno. Wasn't locked. Parker walks up to her alive and well. Parker: Buffy. Buffy, I dunno how to say this. I'm sorry for how I treated you before. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry. You were great tonight, really. I might not deserve this but do you think that you could forgive me? Buffy whacks him with the club again and knocks him out.
~~Beer Bad~~
The Sunnydale Herald is still in the market for a few good editors! Contributing to the Herald takes 2-3 hours, one day a week, and is a great way to help keep fandom hopping. For more information, send us an ask on Tumblr or contact thenewbuzwuzz on LJ or DW!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Starving for Vengeance (Spike, E) by nondenomifan
It's a Charmed Life. Sort of. (crossover with Charmed, Cordelia/Xander, M) by MagnusXXZ
Buffy's Freedom (Buffy, Whistler, Dawn, Willow, not rated) by LydiaBlue
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Baby bat (Angel/reader, not rated) by prose-for-hire
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Of whales and co. (crossover with Agents of Shield, Willow, FR7) by Dmitri
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Hostile 18, Chapter 14-17 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by AlloSpoike
A Time For Everything, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Nik84
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 4: My Turn, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
These Violent Delights, Chapter 46 (Spike/Buffy, Adult Only) by Touchstoneaf
Pretty Petals, Chapter 32 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
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Its a Charmed Life. Sort of., Chapter 1 (crossover with Charmed, FR18) by MagnusXXN
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Icons: Round 35: Lots of Love (Spike/Buffy, Willow&Xander, Buffy&Dawn, Giles/Anya, worksafe) by nondenomifan
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Digital painting: Buffy (worksafe) by Brendan
Artwork: Buckle up kids, daddy's puttin' the hammer down (Spike, worksafe) by joantheslayer
Artwork: Wild wild horses (Buffy/Angel, worksafe) by joantheslayer
Video: Why? (Anya) by hostilepoet17
Artwork: Giles sketch by tothetoonandback
Artwork: Faith sketch (worksafe) by tothetoonandback
Artwork: If Dingoes Ate My Baby were a modern Pop Punk band (worksafe) by neatollama
Artwork: Buffy and Faith during Christmas Eve ‘99 (Faith/Buffy, probably NSFW) by jumbled-juliet
Sketches: Jenny being Faith's mother figure (Faith&Jenny, worksafe) by toyhdgehog
Manip: Buffy and Wolverine (worksafe) by dreamscapesev7n
Sketch: Faith and Giles content (Faith&Giles, worksafe) by toyhdgehog
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Vid: So What? (Buffy) by Faith Victoria
Vid: Burning (Buffy/Angel) by Mwa4135
Music: I've Got a Theory Duet by Dewey's Piano Party, Dawn Likes Dusk
Video: 11 outfits inspired by BtVS by IsabelPost
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Fred and Spike comic (worksafe) by heroofthreefaces (Paul Gadzikowski)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Season 1: To watch OR not to watch (episode guide) by Twisted View
Teacher's Pet by Charlotte Torkel
BtVS s1e7 Angel by Reverse Angle
Nightmares by Hellbound Horror Festival
Bad Eggs by Bored Now
Becoming – Part One by Flunking The Written
Anne by JustDaggers
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Discussion of HoustonPress article "We Should Have Known Joss Whedon Was Gross by the Buffy Season 8 Comics" by multiple people
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Least Favorite Eps [I am just not feeling AtS season 5. Does it turn around?] hosted by ElleBees86
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Buffy, Angel, The First ficlet "Miracles" by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
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Request: does anyone have a supercut of spike on ats? by septembernineteenths
Request: [If anybody knows some good fics where Faith and Buffy did actually spend Christmas together...] by space-sheep08
[Community Announcements]
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I created a new group to talk about all things buffy! by victorious_tribute
[Fandom Discussions]
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A few thoughts about why stars don't speak out sooner by trepkos
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Autistic Fred headcanons by saltinthewounds
Faith Lehane by stronggirlsrule
I shudder to think at what BtVS would have been without Angel’s inclusion by amazighbuffy
"Halloween" Willow headcanon by wren-cant-happy
So, from “No Buffy, no Joss!” to “Stay away from Buffy, Joss!” by sushi-pajamas
Faith/Buffy ask responses by baumanhp
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Alternative ending to Angel as a show by Angel6, Myheadsgonenumb, AlphaFoxtrot
I have a couple of questions about this episode [Conversations with Dead People] by Stake fodder, TriBel
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How wildly different would the outcomes be in each season if the Winchesters from Supernatural... by AmHoomon and others
Did you like the idea that they turned Harmony into a vampire? by jdpm1991
Was it wrong of Illyria to keep the truth from The Burkles about Fred? hosted by jdpm1991
Timeline of SMG shooting Scooby-Doo and Buffy Season 5? by rednax2009 and others
Behind the scenes dailies by MousseAncient7251
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8 Actors Who Appeared in BtVS Before They Were Famous by The Geek Haus
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: ‘Buffy’ star Nicholas Brendon shares statement amid Charisma Carpenter’s allegations against Joss Whedon via nme.com
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