#like the dude did enough already
beardedmrbean · 1 year
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
forced to once again remember how shadow is laughing when he says "i think i figured out what the ultimate lifeform is! it might be you!"
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tritoch · 3 months
wild to me to see posts like "wow everything in the tempest is named after shakespeare...emet you melodramatic bitch you sure loved theater". because the prospero-emet thing gets played up so hard in the english script and you can carry it so far!
like prospero is an asshole magician who, after being deposed by his brother as duke of milan, settles himself and his daughter on a remote island, enslaves the local spirits using his magic, and bitterly plots to reclaim his past glories. he rules through violence and deceit, and only survives and is reconciled when his plots reach their fruition and his brother is taken to his remote island and plots ensue and everyone decides he was totally right all along and they were huge dicks to him and they're sooooo sorry and he gets to go back and be duke again wow! and it's okay because he's like "i was only doing mean magic to get my rightful spot back and now i'm giving it up because magic is evil. :)"
the tempest is what emet wants his life to be. prospero is not a villain in the text of the tempest. he is barely treated as antagonistic by the text and framing of the play itself. all his abuses, his neglect and control of his daughter, his enslavement of caliban and ariel (local spirits/monsters/people of the island), his deception and plots against his brother, his abuse of magical powers (not awesome, from the pov of the contemporary audience), all that ultimately gets swept aside in the rightness of his return to milan and the warm feeling of the world being set to rights. prospero can't undo the years he spent on the island but they are ultimately a blip in his life before he returns to the rightful state of affairs. his abuse and enslavement of caliban, easily the worst thing he does in the play, is totally set aside when caliban goes "wow now i see how truly benevolent my master is. i love him and see the ways of christian good and i'm so, so appreciative he chose not to kill or beat me even though he totally could have and would have been in the right. he's so just and intelligent." everyone loves and forgives him and they all agree both his management of the island and his ultimate return are so good and so wise and so right.
emet comparing himself to the tempest (or being compared to it, depending on how you want to read the diegetic status of the place names) is absolute wishcasting. it is an attempt to manifest the happy ending he will never, ever get because his sins cannot and would not be forgiven in the way he wants. he wants to imagine himself as the righteous returned duke whose crimes, including the enslavement, abuse, and exploitation of those he saw as his rightful inferiors, were totally worth it, i promise. and if emet is prospero, the warrior of light is his caliban.
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destinyandcoins · 2 years
lmao i know it’s 2 seasons later but it just occurred to me: what if, at the beginning of s1, instead of deciding his funeral was the best way to get everyone back in one place, reginald decided to have a wedding instead
not only do we get the entertaining side-plot of this poor person reginald has bribed/blackmailed/begged to marry him For The Con, but the only reason any of the kids show up is because they got a wedding invite and immediately went “oh now this i gotta see”
#the episode is titled ''we only see each other at WEDDINGS and FUNERALS''#i'm just saying it could have gone the other way#the umbrella academy#half the kids are there to check in with their new stepparent and make sure they're there of their own free will#''idk what he told you but you don't have to do this. say the word and i'll get you out of here''#''no i promise i. definitely....want to...be here :) :) ''#i can't decide if it's funnier if five knew because time travel and he's already had time to adjust to this concept#so is perfectly polite and accommodating if slightly confused because the personality he built for them in his head isn't accurate#while the rest of them are going through the 5 stages of grief over discovering their dad is capable of romance#or if through some time fuckery five came from a timeline where he saw the news that reginald is dead#and then drops into the timeline in the middle of a fucking wedding and is COMPLETELY blindsided by this#but doesn't have time to deal with this shit#somehow THIS is the timeline where they do manage to prevent the apocalypse#and at the end of everything the new stepparent divorces the fuck out of reginald ASAP because holy shit they were not paid enough for this#and yet they're like ''well i did what you asked (even if you didn't mention the LOOMING APOCALYPSE)#but holy shit i'm taking these kids in the divorce because what the fuck dude what the FUCK. idc if they're all adults#they need a better family and now i'm obligated to be that for them''#and reginald was playing fast and loose because of the LOOMING APOCALYPSE and didn't sign a prenup#so the new stepparent gets the academy (the property AND the actual kids) and reginald has to move out and live on the streets#tua meta
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honesttoglob · 3 months
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"My statue, / Which, like a fountain with an hundred spouts, / Did run pure blood;" (2.2.81-83)
"The ides of March are come." (3.1.1)
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kibibarel · 1 year
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rude but the funniest thing about this post for me is that Ingo and Emmet already look like this. to me
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itsamenickname · 1 year
Cue another Bowuigi fanfic idea from me where King Boo kidnaps everyone (Mario, Peach, the Toads, and even E. Gadd) except for Luigi and Bowser and the two lovebirds go on an haunted adventure together.
But the fun part is that there are two ways I can see this prompt go:
Luigi and Bowser were planning to use this vacation (or something along those lines) as a way to put Mario and co. in a good mood before they reveal that they're dating.
It's more of a slowburn where Bowser and Luigi don't really get along at first (It was Peach's idea to invite Bowser because she wanted to make peace between the two kingdoms.), but when Luigi and Bowser get into an argument that leads Bowser to storm off and eventually gets himself captured by a mini boss (not King Boo), Luigi (the kind-hearted and sweet boy that he is) rescues Bowser and the big bad Koopa King starts to realize, "Hey, maybe this Green Mario is not as incompetent as I originally thought," and starts respecting Luigi more. (Which eventually turns into love as the ghosts start to get tougher.)
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lakanakana · 2 months
how did the april fools boop day go for you ? Do you miss the boop?
I sent out about 4000 boops yesterday and my arms were about to split in half fr!!! (つ╥﹏╥)つ
I was visiting my dad for easter and had to fight demons to restrain myself from eating any more chocolate eggs because my idiot ass just kept vacuuming them into my mouth to the point I felt like throwing up, but the moment I felt fine my brains were immediately like "hmmmmm. maybe another egg won't hurt (:" and that. that was the devil itself talking I stg
Some of my friends sent videos and pics of their Easter bonfires (a Western Finnish tradition) and I wanted to be there so baaaaaad!!! Just watching all the snow gradually melt and form tiny little streams that glimmer around the bonfire is just so 👌👌👌👌 My roomie was back home and apparently there was a huge thunderstorm too over the weekend?? Like a total armageddon tier thunderstorm even tho it was like 3 °C (37 °F) outside????
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apollos-olives · 7 months
i hate microaggressions so much like my life would be so much easier if i just couldn't tell if someone hates me or not
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fate-defiant · 1 year
Honestly what with him being stuck in one unaging, unchanging state with his only remaining connection to his former self being this vague notion that he must fight and protect and sacrifice with no regard for his own well-being - there really is something of The Ghost Knight in Mytho.
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castielafflicted · 5 months
therapy review: apparently the combination of my fear of praise and my need for praise to feel like what I've done matters does actually come from the same chronic trauma. also the fact that praise when I don't think I deserve it making me nauseous is in fact a fear of praise.
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sanjarka · 11 months
emma and killian's love story deserved better writers, i mean you're gonna tell me that hook died like a HUNDRED TIMES in season five and then season six comes along and you never mention it? that's something that literally needs to get addressed again are you serious rn.
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tamagotchikgs · 4 days
last night i was poking around in my mouth as u do and i reached back where i had always felt this hard thing w my tongue for awhile now but was like ah maybe it's just like. my gums being inflamed in the back or smthn BUT,, no i poked that thing with my fingernail n it is a tooth that is a whole ass wisdom tooth
#NO WONDER... MY JAW IS IN PAIN ALMOST ALL THE TIME.... HUH..#i wonder if that period where i literally couldnt move my jaw from the pain for like a week was when it was emerging#otherwise the pain is like not awful. not bad enough it's noticeable u know im used to it i have so many aches n pains in my body naturally#like my entire head has a constant ache. if u touch my cheekbones ill drop my head like a cat into ur hand dude it is .#it's like the most relieving ache . like u have just lifted a massive weight off my shoulders. and it's been that way since i was a kid#i think i googled if thats what it was before n they were like no if it were your wisdom tooth youd know :) it would hurt u so bad#which i despise btw because this means nothing to me BHJAH.... like they said the same thing when i broke my foot the nurse that did intake#i was a kid & she was like dont worry if it were broken youd know and you wouldnt have walked in here on it ... fellas . it was broken#& i could never see anything when i looked in the mirror#but it's just because it's slightly covered by like swollen gums back there which i always thought was just because i chewed too hard#but.#no i guess it;s because something was erupting like an alien#i used my lil pokey tool to squish em out of the way and i can see it#it's so weird just having a tooth u know u shouldnt#like i . i want to just grab it i want to just hold it in my hand#why does it have to be so securely in place whihc is something i wouldnt never say for my other teeth HJBA#i am not going 2 have it removed any time soon im .#i have wanted to go to the dentist my whole life but i am too scared#esp w the damage from my ed and depression im so embarrassed#i honestly want to though#there is nothing that would make me feel more like an actual person then to just. get a cleaning#get my maintenance done LMAO#i do my best at home but u kno#i use an electric spinning toothbrush i floss i use mouthwash i do it all 2 try n handle what damage there already is#but it still would do wonders for my mental health and oral health#apparently partial impactions which is what i have can be really bad n get infected so . aha...h. 👍:).. ..h.
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munamania · 11 days
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me rn 😔 or ig like half an hour ago..
#sat down frank had me helping take a camera apart#this is like my second time touching a more professional camera since his actual class mind u#like three people had to help me with ratcheting the sticks off 😭😭 and he was like Do u remember how we did it yesterday#and like yes but i think i’d need to sit w these for like twenty minutes alone to just get used to it. and also yesterday crucially it was#kind of fucked up and the ad had to help me with an actual. not screwdriver idk the tool i don’t fucking know#NOT to be like waaahhhh i can’t do it. i’m just so uncomfortable with it rn. and then we had to change the lens 😭😭😭😭#i’ve changed lenses before but i was already so frazzled i couldn’t even get it lined up right#he was like dude the white dots just line those up. king im trying i swear 😭 i just wasn’t letting it drop enough ig. um#then just to make me feel like i knew something he was like And where do we put the lens cap? one of three places#😔 sorryyyyyyyy#and like it’s fine i recognize i’m very um fresh and realistically it was fine and the ad was trying to mess around w me#while i was doing it to lighten the mood but i was so . again just whatever.’i took everything they said very literally#and then i couldn’t even tear his gaff tape on the first try. he was like Abby this is so easy. IM SORRY#to be fair to me i’ve used the shittiest cheapest tape my whole career i could tear that however#this shit was Tough. i got it the second he showed me how. small wins
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bunposting · 1 year
House Rabbit Society Shut the Absolute Fuck Up challenge
You have no idea what you're talking about regarding literally anything for rabbits. Literally shut the fuck up. Fuck all of you.
#apparently they put out a news release saying that#the rabbits on the petting table at the PA Farm Show are all getting euthanized (without being used for meat) after the show is over#and that they all specifically were bred to be put there and die.#dude literally think before you fucking speak#that would be such a huge waste of time and energy and money and resources#the rabbits on that table are either rabbits that were entered but didnt win enough to get a designated coop at the show#or rabbits that did get a designated coop but the breeder decided they wanted to let the public interact with them#or yes - sometimes they are culls that were already going to be euthanized anyways (usually also used for meat)#the entire point of the petting table is to get the public to interact with breeds they likely have never heard of before.#to get them to care about all the breeds that exist and consider helping to keep those breeds going.#most of the time those rabbits are still important to their breeders' program in some way or could be given to another breeder#to euthanize them would generally be a waste - a HUGE waste if they're not even being utilized for meat or fur.#yes RVHD2 is a threat but A. the rabbits at the show have been vaccinated per the rules of the show and#B. any good breeder will quarantine a rabbit after a show regardless.#euthanasia is not a necessity here.#so HRS please do rabbits a favor and get your heads out of your damn asses#rabbits#house rabbit society#hrs#show rabbits
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bsaka7 · 1 year
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