#like she obviously cares but also she will not take any backtalk he needs to sleep and get better
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
omg your aneurysm ask gave me life i love seeing fushimi suffer and people being all fussy over him uwu so let's say he's recovering from the aneurysm, still very weak and frustrated he's being useless bc he can't work (he doesn't care he almost died tbh), and munakata and yata start fighting over who's gonna take care of him and the doctor gets fed up and seri ends up being the one in charge of him *w*
Awashima just stepping in between Yata and Munakata like okay if you two can't agree I'm taking over XD So imagine Fushimi's recovering from an aneurysm, he's still weak in the aftermath and he's supposed to take things very easy until he gets his strength back. This being the case someone needs to keep an eye on him as much as possible, Fushimi being so frustrated with his situation that he keeps trying to sneak out of bed even though he can barely walk and he could easily hurt himself worse if he doesn't follow the doctor's orders. Naturally Munakata is more than happy to become Fushimi's nurse for the time being, he can do his work while watching Fushimi-kun and they can have some time alone.
He's already planning out the proper recovery schedule for Fushimi when Yata shows up at Scepter 4 headquarters, wanting to check on Saruhiko. He figures someone will need to watch Fushimi while he recovers and Yata doesn't have a lot of stuff to do so maybe he could help, and get a little time to actually talk with Saruhiko and start to understand him more and all that. Munakata understands Yata's reasoning and while he finds it admirable that Yata would make such an offer there is no need for it, as Munakata will be handling Fushimi's care going forward. Yata's all suspicious like don't you have a job, you guys worked Saruhiko so much he got sick someone else needs to watch him. Munakata doubts Yata has the ability to properly deal with Fushimi's situation and Yata's like oh yeah well you can deal with my fists King or no King I don't trust you guys to watch Saruhiko anymore.
The two of them are arguing back and forth (well mostly Yata loudly arguing and Munakata being somewhat condescending towards him in a way that's pissing Yata off even more) when Awashima shows up wondering what all the noise is, this is a workplace. Munakata adjusts his glasses and apologizes, he was about to go see Fushimi-kun. Awashima coldly notes that he has work to do and should be focused on that, Munakata wilts slightly as Yata grins like yeah go do your work asshole. Awashima's immediately like 'Homra's Yata Misaki' and Yata gulps, feeling oddly like his mom just called him by his full name. Awashima says they appreciate his willingness to help, however his presence here is too disruptive and she cannot allow him to do more than visit. Yata manages to stammer out 'what about Saruhiko though...?' and Awashima assures him that Fushimi-kun's well being will be taken care of.
Some time later cue Awashima walking into Fushimi's room with some soup and blankets as she says she's come to watch him for the day. Fushimi clicks his tongue and wonders how she ended up with this, he almost expected Munakata to show up. Awashima coolly notes that there was some fuss over who would be watching him, smiling gently as she reminds him that many people are interested in his well being and supporting his recovery. Fushimi's like 'is that so...', looking a bit gloomy, and Awashima puts a hand on his shoulder as she tells him to take it easy so he can get his strength back. She leaves the soup there for him now and says she'll be back shortly to be sure he's eaten it and also if he tries to get up again she will tie him to the bed, Fushimi manages a 'yes, ma'am' as he realizes that Munakata or Yata might have been the better option after all.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
Oh oh what about Bucky's little staying over at Steve's for the weekend cause Bucky is busy. She's being a brat but whenever Steve calls Bucky to show him she's a Angel. So Bucky sneaks by unexpected & sees her being a brat
Word Count: 2,901 (i tried to cut it short, i tried, but i'm hopeless when it comes to soft stuff)
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, and angst i think? the rest is fluff
A/N: Nonnie, thank you so much for sending this and sharing your idea with me. i hope i didn't take too long and i hope i didn't disappoint?:" please enjoy xx.
Alternative ending
bratty angel
“Give her the phone, would you? I missed her,” Bucky requested, desperate to hear the little one's voice.
“Quick question while I still have you though,” Steve scratched the back of his head, not sure if he should tell Bucky.
“What do you usually do with her if she's being a little.. troublesome?” Steve didn't want to get her punished; he just wanted a way to deal with her behavior.
Steve obviously knew he could punish her the small punishments, like no screen time for a day or a timeout, but he didn't want to. She already seemed to dislike him enough, he wasn't about to make it worse. He didn't want to punish her but he also couldn't take all the brattiness and backtalk.
He was a kind uncle and he actually enjoyed being around her. But her behavior has been driving him crazy this time and it needed to stop. He knew she didn't want Bucky to leave this time and was most likely punishing Steve for telling him he could take care of her while he was gone. She probably thought Bucky would've stayed if there was no one to tend to her during his absence, and she had Steve to blame for it.
“Being what? What did she do?” Bucky's angry voice asked from the other side of the phone, and Steve could picture him narrowing his eyes.
“It's nothing major, Buck-”
“What did she do, Steve?”
“Well, uh, for starters she says no to almost everything even if she's eventually gonna do it anyway. She knocks stuff over when I don't do what she wants and pretends it was an accident,” Steve stopped and sighed, “she's giving me a hard time and it all goes away when you call!” Steve almost whined.
He sighed again when Bucky went silent, knowing she'd really get it now but she didn't exactly leave him much of a choice.
“I'm gonna handle it. I'm sorry, Steve,” Bucky said, sounding pissed.
“Hey, it's all good. Hold on, I'll give her the phone.”
“Yeah, please do.” Bucky wasn't as excited to talk to her anymore.
He could hear Steve softly calling out for her to come talk to Daddy and her feet hitting the wooden floor as she came to the phone. What he didn't hear though was a thank you to Steve.
“Dada!” Her happy voice spoke and Bucky couldn't help but smile a little.
“Hey, doll! How've you been?”
“Been good, dada. Missed you,” she sighed, pouting.
“I missed you too, baby. Are you behaving for Uncle Steve?”
“Yes, daddy,” she lied all too quickly and Bucky clenched his jaw.
“Good girl.”
“Sweetheart, please get in your skirt,” Steve sighed again, holding the item of clothing low for her to step into.
“No.” Her naked leg kicked the mini skirt from Steve's hands before she crossed her legs and leaned on her bed.
“Don't make this hard now!” Steve rubbed his face in frustration.
“I'll do what I want. You're not my daddy,” she said stubbornly before snatching the skirt off the floor and slipping it up her legs to her waist. If she looked messy, she didn't care.
When she turned around to leave the unorganized room, Bucky was standing there with the biggest scowl on his face. Her heart stopped and her world froze. How come they didn't know he was arriving today? How come they didn't hear him come in?
“Dada,” she whispered in mixed fear and shame, making Steve look up, a look of utter relief washing over him when he saw his best friend.
Everything was about to get better now that Bucky was here, including her temper.
“Is that what I taught you, little one?” Bucky's tone dripped of disappointment.
“Dada.” Tears quickly came to her eyes as she saw the letdown look in Bucky's.
“And here I was thinking you were my good girl, returning home early to see you.” Bucky shook his head at her.
“Dada, I am your good girl. I am,” she begged, walking closer to him, but Bucky didn't reciprocate.
“Dada, I missed you.” She went to hug Bucky but he stepped away. She tried to hold his hand and he slipped his fingers out of her grab.
“You don't get to welcome daddy home after you've disrespected Uncle Steve like that, little girl,” Bucky told her, his frown not disappearing, only deepening.
“Dada, I'm sorry.” Her lower lip trembled.
She’s missed Bucky so much. She was touch-starved because she hadn't given Steve a chance to come anywhere near her all weekend. She refused to let him hug her, kiss her, or carry her. She was distant and bratty and rude. She needed Bucky's warm touch but he was far too mad at her.
“I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.” Bucky crossed his arms, looking at Steve behind her.
“Uncle Steve, I'm s-sorry,” she mumbled quickly, without even looking at the blond man, moving to hug Bucky again but he still wouldn't let her.
“Dada,” she called, tears leaving her eyes.
“You have to mean it, little one.”
“Daddy, I mean it,” she whined. It frustrated her little heart that Bucky kept calling her little one. He only did that when he was mad at her; too angry to use a pet name.
“Enough lying already!” Bucky raised his voice and she flinched.
“I'm not going to talk to you or touch you until you've made it up to Uncle Steve. Until then I'm gonna pretend I haven't come home and saw what I just saw.” Bucky left her room, walking over to his and slamming the door behind him.
He didn't normally choose to be hard on her; she was his baby doll, but what she did with Steve was just unacceptable. Bucky couldn't let her get away with disrespecting anyone, especially Steve, not after witnessing it all himself.
He'd thought it over on his way home. If he spanked her or took her favourite things away, she'd dislike Steve even more, if not hate him. Bucky couldn't give her more things to blame Steve for or more reasons to refuse him.
“Sweetheart,” Steve called, feeling bad after Bucky left and she stood by the door frame and started crying.
He didn't really want Bucky to punish her; he just wanted to know how to deal with her bratty behavior. He just wanted a way to communicate better. Steve never intended on making her cry. Bucky surprised him with that punishment.
“'S all because of you. I hate you!” She cried harder, throwing herself on her bed to hide her face in the mattress as she sobbed.
Her words broke Steve's heart to tiny pieces and he felt even worse now that Bucky was here. His mouth opened but no words came to him so he closed it again. He gathered her clothes from the floor and hung them back in her closet before leaving her to cry it out, giving her some time.
“I'm so sorry, Steve.” Bucky shook his head, embarrassed by her behavior towards his best friend.
“Hey, it's alright. I know she's a good girl; she just missed you.”
“You know I missed her too but she can't just get away with such stuff,” Bucky sighed, taking another sip from his beer.
“I know.”
“Dada.” She entered the room after a good crying session, rubbing her puffy eyes.
True to his previous words, Bucky didn't answer her, swallowing the lump in his throat with his beer. He couldn't give in.
“What is it, sweetheart?” Steve responded instead, not wanting to leave her hanging, which made her pout in annoyance.
Like him and Bucky had agreed, if she wanted anything she'd have to go to Uncle Steve for it and relearn to use her manners.
“Dada,” she called again and got the same reaction. Bucky pretended he wasn't there.
Tears gathered in her eyes again and she hid her face in her hands and began crying. The sound shook Bucky's heart and he almost broke and forgave her.
“Hey, hey, no, it's alright,” Steve cooed, immediately coming to her side.
He hated this. Once he got her to stop crying he was going to talk to Bucky about calling it off. He didn't care if she was bratty or bad-mannered, he just wanted her happy again.
Steve led her back to her room and sat down on the bed beside her.
“Daddy's never gonna speak to me again!” She sobbed and Steve's heart ached for her.
“Sweetheart, please don't cry.” He gently patted her back.
“Can't you just tell him I said sorry and I mean it?” A pair of teary eyes implored Steve's blue ones.
“I will, but no more tears, okay?” Steve quickly agreed, wanting her to calm down.
“You will?” She wiped at her cheeks and Steve nodded with half a smile, his thumb catching her new tears.
“You'd lie to daddy for me?” Her red eyes widened.
“I'd do lots of stuff for you.” Steve chuckled.
“Like what?” She mumbled, sniffing and wiping her nose before Steve grabbed her a tissue off the bedside table.
“Like let you pour your milk on me and pretend it was an accident.” Steve smiled fondly, dabbing the tissue on her wet cheeks and under her nose.
In that moment as she looked up at the man with tear-filled eyes, her little mind seemed to recall all the ways she'd tortured him all week. She'd disobeyed nearly everything he'd told her and he still didn't hurt her or even raise his voice at her. She'd 'accidently' dumped all the salt in the salt shaker on his dinner. She'd dropped his phone on the kitchen counter multiple times after talking to Bucky, adding to the cracks on its screen. She'd wet him and got soap in his eyes during shower time. She'd constantly knocked stuff out of his hands whenever he held them out for her. She's been a real demon. If it was Bucky he would've punished her in every way in the book. But Steve didn't. He didn't make her pay for any of it and he was ready to lie to Bucky to save her bratty, ungrateful ass from having to endure his silent treatment.
“And then you leave?” She wondered.
She saw Steve's face fall at her question. She really did hate him, didn't she?
“And then I leave.” He still nodded with a kind smile.
“But could you not though?” She whispered, playing with the ends of her mini skirt.
“What?” Steve looked at her in surprise; he must've heard her wrong.
“Don't leave,” she told him, clearer this time, awkwardly extending her hand to touch his.
“I'm sorry, Uncle Steve,” she started tearing up again in regret, “I didn't mean to be so bad.” She shook her head and cried.
“Aw, sweetheart, it's okay.” Steve hugged her to his side, smoothing a hand on her head.
That was all he needed to hear.
“You know I like you, right?” She asked, sniffing in his shirt and Steve chuckled.
“Yeah?” He asked cheekily and she nodded, silently crying.
“Yeah, you make the best cookies, but don't tell daddy,” she said and Steve chuckled, “I'm sorry.” She cried more.
“I like you too, darling. Don't cry now, we're good.” He assured her, holding her closer to him and gently patting her back.
“So you’ll stay?”
“If that's what you want.” Steve's thumb wiped her tears away as she nodded again.
She wanted to make things up to Uncle Steve like Daddy wanted and Uncle Steve deserved. She wanted to show him she truly was a good girl.
“On one condition though,” Steve said playfully, slipping her hair behind her ear.
She looked up at him, waiting for his next words.
“You let me take care of you like I was supposed to.” Steve's face was serious. It was all he wanted all weekend.
“Okay.” She nodded, smiling tearfully.
How kind was Uncle Steve and how blind was she to not see it!
Steve kissed her forehead and smiled down at her, wiping the rest of her tears away. He adjusted her skirt before they walked back out hand in hand and he sat her down on the couch beside Bucky, who on his turn pretended she wasn't there.
Was Bucky curious about what happened in there? Yeah, he was. But he wasn't about to ask her. He was just glad Steve has got her to stop crying because nothing hurt more than seeing her pretty face all sad and teary.
Steve prepared her snack and came back. He lifted her on his lap and handed her the plate before grabbing the remote to turn on her favourite afternoon show.
“Thank you, Uncle Steve,” she whispered shyly, kissing the man's cheek.
Steve smiled and kissed her temple, rubbing her back as he encouraged her to eat, even feeding her a couple of times and she let him, thanking him every time.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at the scene unfolding beside him but still held back from interfering or interacting with her. He was still mad and she needed to prove herself good again. He bit back a smile, pressing the beer bottle to his lips instead.
As the day came to an end and Steve put her to bed, she was keeping her 'please' and 'thank you's up, using her manners just right and Bucky would secretly, proudly grin every time she did.
“Would you please tell daddy I said goodnight?” She asked Steve, trying not to cry again before bed. She'd wished he'd forgive her by bedtime but he clearly didn't.
“I will, sweetheart. And I'm sure he wishes you a good night too,” Steve pecked her forehead and she smiled.
“Goodnight, Uncle Steve.” She pecked his cheek before resting back, pulling the covers to her chin.
If Bucky was listening, he made no effort to let any of them know.
The next morning Bucky was the same, still giving her a taste of her own medicine. She wanted to cry again but didn't, focusing on fixing things with Uncle Steve, whom she'd been awful to.
“Uncle Steve, please come with me?” She held onto Steve's wrist while he stood with Bucky in the kitchen.
Steve mumbled a 'sure', tilting his head in confusion as he followed the shorter girl.
She sat him on her bed and stood on her tiptoes till she reached her pink piggy bank on the upper shelf on her wall.
She walked to Steve and put the small safe in his lap, “I thought all morning long,”
“What's this, sweetheart?” Steve eyed the object before looking at her.
She smiled sheepishly before shaking the safe left and right in his lap, “to fix Uncle Steve's phone.”
Steve's heart soared in his chest and he remained speechless. She waited for him to take the money but he didn't.
“'S a lot of money. Dada gave me some to keep with piggy every day,” she assured Steve, taking his big hands and wrapping them around the pink safe, wanting him to accept it.
“Sweetheart,” Steve mumbled, setting the piggy bank on the bed before holding her to his chest.
She let herself be squished in his embrace as she stood between his legs, not really understanding what was happening, but at least he wasn't mad at her.
“You don't have to do that.” Steve shook his head before kissing her head.
“But I wanna make it up to you, Uncle Steve. I can't take away the salt in your food or the soap in your eyes or the milk on your pants-” She stopped and pulled back and her smaller hand cupped Steve's cheek, “do you wamme to wash your pants?”
Oh, how precious! She spent her morning thinking about ways to fix what she'd done to him. And she wanted to give him all of her savings to fix his phone. She was even ready to try and clean his pants. She was such a kind little one.
He’d done it. She finally likes him. Steve was beside himself at the progress. This kind of connection with her was all he ever wanted and it made him forget about whatever evil things she'd done during that weekend.
And on the other side of the wall stood a very pleased Bucky.
When they walked back out to the living room, Steve was beaming as he helped her up on his lap. Her body was facing Bucky’s as she leaned onto Steve’s chest. She looked at Bucky and when he looked back she cast her eyes down in shame.
“Come here, doll.” Bucky beckoned, opening his arms for her.
She grinned happily, jumping into them as he lifted her to straddle him. She wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck, burying her face in his shoulders and smelling his scent. Steve smiled, satisfied with their reunion.
Bucky wrapped her up tightly in his arms, pressing a longing kiss to the side of her head, “I missed you too, doll. I missed you so bad.”
“I’m sorry, dada,” she sniffled, clutching Bucky’s shirt.
“I know, doll.” Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead and let the kiss linger there.
In each others' arms, now both, her and Bucky, were really home.
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raionmimi · 5 years
How does Medb and Cu's relationship in Fate interact with the lore of Cu's death being largely at the hands of Medb?
This is gonna be a long post, so rip to everyone that didn’t ask for this on their dash! Sorry! I’ll try to do a tl;dr at the bottom
I keep forgetting to finish Proto Cú’s (or any of the Cú’s) interlude, but it IS set during the time around the war with Medb iirc. His voicelines also mentions that he’s on good terms with his uncle Conchobar, Medb’s abusive ex-husband who sexually assaulted her and basically fucked up for the rest of her life. As far as I remember, there’s not a lot of info saying whether Cú didn’t actually know how his Uncle treated Medb; ignored it/denied it; or if he just considered it normal for a man to do shit like that given that it was the first century or so (and some stories revolving him would be the latter tbh). We do know that Proto Cú was summoned by Misaya becuase of Medb since she specifically wanted a servant that was killed by a woman “That way he would know how scary a woman can be.” Although Medb was not the one to strike him down, but the Grail sees it as her win because of the conditions set
In Caster Cú’s voicelines, his dislikes are Morrigan and Medb because he doesn’t have good memories of either one, and obviously in a war, there wouldnt really be any real winners if you count the losses that will happen on both sides. Coincidentally, Medb Rider is effective against him, so it’s kinda funny to me
In Lancer Cú’s voicelines, he mentions her, along with the other women in his life, and says he wasn’t able to keep their promises to all of them and wanting to be more dependable to them. We actually have no idea what he promised Medb at all, but obviously they’d have to have interacted with each other to have made one in the first place. I always talk about them being childhood friends as a self indulgent fun thing, but…??? They really may have known each other at some point beforehand, and just imagine how furious Medb would be seeing him fight for Conchobar of all people. That would’ve been an ultimate betrayal if we go by my ideas, and I love tragic shit like that. Also note that that Cú fought and killed people that he cared about that were fighting on Medb’s side in the war, but he never fought Medb even when they came across each other on multiple occasions. It always made me wonder why besides his excuse of “I dont like killing women” despite literally killing her handmaiden who was standing near her once. Like was it really sexism and/or was it because of a prior relationship with her?? It honestly could be either but a bitch (me) is curious!!!!
Alter gets annoyed when Medb has her facade, but he’s fine with her when she’s honest and acting like her normal self in America. I’ve mentioned before that he has a strange amount of free will and even makes opinions different than her, but she doesn’t mind. I sometimes feel like he really could’ve just up and walked away if he really wanted to becuase Medb wasn’t really that concerned about his backtalk whatsoever
I talk about this a lot but Summer Medb acting more formal with the presumably Lancer Cú shows that she’s calmer and actually does respect him when she’s face to face with him because she usually acts silly when she’s just talking about him to the player or other characters. Of course, we don’t know his response but given that she just asks “Do you have something to say to me?” it’s probably going to be him being indifferent or chatting casually with her.
Cú doesn’t really hate Medb because it’s not really like either one specifically said “I’m gonna start/partake in a war, just to ruin this person’s day.” He just hates that a lot of people he loved and cared about ended up dying in the war, but honestly, that could’ve happened at ANY point in time because wars happened more often back in those times for political power and glory. It’s just by chance that they were on opposite sides of a war, and really, the war was pretty useless since A: Medb was supposed to get the ox in the first place, and B: Medb DID succeed in getting the ox in the end, but it literally picked a fight with her husband’s ox (which was initially hers but it insisted on being owned by a man instead of a woman, or something strange like that) and died. But Celtic mythology has a lot “And then suddenly weird, somewhat darkly comical death/outcome!!!!” Also not to mention that becuase dudes were fighting in battles and wars all the time, they were often just “today’s enemies are tomorrow’s allies.”
Medb being a ruler, rather than a soldier, would take more offense at him taking down her army because that affects her kingdom and future political decisions she has to make directly. Also, the fact that Conchobar was the one who had control over a weapon of mass destruction is probably the biggest threat Medb could ever feel in her life. So, she smartly chose to lure him into a one-on-one agreement that he’d just fight one of her soldiers a day, and it went on for several months, but sometimes she was just “Yeah let’s just cheat???? This is a war?????” and sent multiple people. This is how she’s technically killed him, but was not the actual one who did it. It makes a lot of sense why she’d target him more than anyone. Not only is he a huge liability to everyone in his warp spasm, but say the words, and Conchobar could’ve probably had him do pretty much whatever. That’s frightening because Cú doesn’t see anything personal about what he does! He will kill anyone if he has to, even though it seems like he purposely avoided contact with Medb.
Overall it’s a little complex because if you put Cú on the Connacht side of the war, now neither of them are put in circumstances where they’re at odds. He doesn’t hate her, but he doesn’t seem to care for her new fakey fake persona because he KNOWS her. He just doesn’t seem to call her out on it though, he just plays along with it. Medb already has her own various factors that affect how she feels about herself, love as a concept, and him specifically. Her hate comes more from a ruler standpoint, but also imagine a hero who could supposedly save everyone, but he wasn’t there to save you when you needed it? Medb, imo, seems to have repressed anger and fear from her trauma because a lot of her choices stem from proving herself as being worthy as a woman and human being, or pushing people she actually likes away because she has insecurities that she doesn’t want to show. She has some trust that she starts putting in the player, but she has a very roundabout way of showing it. She’s always reminded me of how rabbits (or a stoat!!) hide in thickets and briar patches. It’s a good self-defense mechanism, but she can still hurt herself if she’s not careful.
tl;dr: No one is innocent in a war, and Medb and Cú are both morally gray characters in both lore and Nasuverse, even if Cú is generally portrayed as a bro who does nothing wrong. Fate does give bits and pieces on their intertwined history, but you can’t really say one side was wrong or right imo. Being summoned at Chaldea does give them the opportunity to move past any issues they may have with each other though, and character growth is my fucking jam so that’s why I really like the intricacies of their relationship.
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chillywintereve · 5 years
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Character’s full name: Winter / Jack Winters Reason or meaning of name: Besides being the literal season of winter? None! Jack is an obvious hint towards the one and only Jack Frost. Character’s nickname: I feel like he would manly be nicknamed as Grandpa or Grumpy. Reason for nickname: Because he is quite the grandpa and he is, without doubt, a grumpy one!
Age: Immortal, about as old as the Ice Age. How old does he/she appear: Around the age of 40-45. Height: 5′9 (176 cm) Body build: He is slim, but built. Does a lot of sports. Eye color: Blue. Glasses or contacts: Neither. Skin tone: White. Hair color: Dirty blond. Type of hair: Flat. Hairstyle: Kind of free flowing, often down to his ears. Likes bangs. Will rarely have his hair tidy. Physical disabilities: Has a skin condition called Photosensitivity Disorder, which makes him sensitive to sunlight. Usual fashion of dress: If it’s midday, Winter is seen wearing long sleeved shirts and pants. Tend to dress down somewhat during autumn and winter, as it’s less likely he will get hurt from the sun. Sometimes he will even move around in his sportswear just because he can. Favorite outfit: His sportswear. Jewelry or accessories: Hats are a key to being able to move around during the day.
Good personality traits: Mature, active, dedicated,  methodical Bad personality traits: Selfish/egocentric, closed off, argumentative, cynical   Mood character is most often in: Low and closed off, irritated Sense of humor: Dry and sarcastic Character’s greatest joy in life: His husky(ies) Jackie, the outdoors, cold weather and solitude Character’s greatest fear: Being overrun and forgotten as a season, losing power Why?: Winter feels as if Earth is moving towards a warmer climate, forcing him further up north and away from territory that once used to be his during the winter months. He also feels as if people appreciate winter far less than before, it being an inconvenience rather than something to enjoy and cherish. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Losing his grip of what little he has left, basically making him useless next to the other seasons. Character is most at ease when: Snowboarding, hiking, skiing or walking his dog. Most ill at ease when: Exposed to warm climates and high levels of sun. Enraged when: he feels misunderstood or taken for granted, undervalued. Depressed or sad when: humans backtalk his season, discussing how much they’d rather have summer and sun. Priorities: Keeping his grasp on what’s left of his season If granted one wish, it would be: Another ice age. Why?: Well... Character’s soft spot: His dog. Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Quite so! He can often be found sweet talking Jackie and loves to give her special treatment. Greatest strength: Experience. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His self-doubt and egocentric attitude. Biggest regret: Not keeping his grip of the planet and letting the other seasons slip through. Minor regret: Letting Spring steal Jackie. Biggest accomplishment: The ice age! Minor accomplishment: Glaciers, they’re one of his favorite things to visit. Character’s darkest secret: Would easily throw the other seasons under the bus if it meant giving him a second chance to restore his former glory. Does anyone else know?: Only Jackie.
Drives and motivations: Memories of the past. Immediate goals: Making sure he doesn’t grow mad living with the other seasons. Long term goals: Ahem. I think those are pretty clear. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He’s kind of waiting for humans to realize how much they’re missing him and how much they need him. (Or, that’s his excuse.) How other characters will be affected: Humans would obviously be the ones mainly affected, as nothing hardly grows during winter. This makes it hard on survival.
Color: Light blues and greens. Least favorite color: Red. Music: Folk music. Food: Fish. Literature: He reads a little of everything, but is quite fond of folk and fairy tales from all around the world. Form of entertainment: Reading, watching or performing winter type sports. Expressions: He hums a lot, mainly to showcase he’s “listening” or to showcase he’s done listening. Mode of transportation: Depends on where he’s at. Most prized possession: Has a mammoth tusk on his living room wall.
Hobbies: Reading, sports, being alone Plays a musical instrument?: He can play flute! Plays a sport?: Yes, prefers snowboarding and skiing. How he/she would spend a rainy day: Enjoying the lack of sunshine. Would probably take a walk, read a book or play with Jackie. Spending habits: Rare. Winter is handy and would prefer to make his own stuff if possible. Smokes: Rarely. Drinks: Yes, loves a good brandy or Irish coffee.   Other drugs: Depends on what they’re for. He wouldn’t take drugs for fun, but he understands the importance of pain releasing drugs and methods. (The natural kind, that is.) What does he/she do too much of?: Being asocial. What does he/she do too little of?: Being social. Extremely skilled at: Carpeting, said sports mentioned above. Extremely unskilled at: Showing empathy and care. Nervous tics: Crosses his arms, avoids eye contact and gets stern/annoyed while talking. Usual body posture: Has a high and mighty mannerism, stands like he’s above everyone else. Seeks control over the conversation or situation.
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist to the core! Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert. Daredevil or cautious?: In between, depends on the situation. Logical or emotional?: Emotional. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Methodical and neat. Prefers working or relaxing?: Working. Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Unsure, used to be confident. Animal lover?: Absolutely!
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Being an egomaniac, Winter views himself as someone above and beyond everyone else. He quite truly believes the planet would be better off with him in charge, but it’s also as much a cover of the current lost soul that he is. With winter being such an unstable season in major parts of the world these days, he wonders if there’s still a future for him at all or if he’s going to end up among the once powerful and forgotten.  One word the character would use to describe self: Powerful or lost What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Wisdom What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Emotional (refuses to acknowledge this part at all) What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His body, it’s in great shape! What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: His height, he’d love to be taller. How does the character think others perceive him/her: Winter wants to believe others look up to and cherish him, that they see him as someone with a trunk full of wisdom ready to be opened and explored at any time. 
Opinion of other people in general: Boring and bland, they rarely have anything of interest to offer him.  Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Opinions no, emotions yes. Can be found mumbling underneath his breath sometimes when he’s upset or annoyed but beyond that he doesn’t show much.  Person character most hates: Uncertain, answer might chance after some plotting! Person character goes to for advice: Uncertain, answer might chance after some plotting! Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: He doesn’t really take care of anyone besides his dog, but he does have a secret soft spot for Spring and want to help her thrive.  Person character feels shy or awkward around: Uncertain, answer might chance after some plotting! Person character openly admires: Mother Nature. One mighty legend that woman! Person character secretly admires:  Uncertain, answer might chance after some plotting!
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Unscheduled Change in Procedure (II)
" 'Shields'? Really?"
"Like Brooke, or Sam."
"Who the h*ll is Sam Shields?"
"Football player." Clint and Coulson had both responded quietly while Natasha held back her growls.
"...Packers, Super Bowl 2011-" The thinner agent couldn't help but add, looking off because he knew Natasha was glaring at him over the file she'd been handed. Clint had glanced over his shoulder at the other room where the two children sat in chairs next to each other, Pietro with his arm around Wanda and clearly trying to say something advisory or reassuring to her. Neither room could be heard from the other.
"Don't you think it's a little less than discrete?" Nat had asked while she flipped a page up and looked into more of the information provided. The folder was infuriatingly thin.
"Covert affairs isn't known for their naming creativity. I heard one of them had a baby and named it John Joe. Hmph. But, if you can think of a better name, then by all means-"
"How about Ne Sem'ya. It means 'Not Family' in Russian."
"Shields it is."
"Coulson, really-?" Clint interjected into the exchange, shaking his head. He might be less vocal about it, but he certainly felt the same way.
"This is the only way it will work."
"We have rooms here in the compound- nice ones. And agents who are trained for asset holding and ones who teach. All. Right. Here." Natasha had argued.
"All the details aren't being passed down, but the salient points are that we've been aware of Pietro and Wanda Maximoff for almost all their lives. Much like the rest of the mutant population, we've never gone after them, but others have, and they were once interned. It's after that that we switched from 'aware' to 'monitored'."
"And now 'reared'?"
"Agents, think of it more like babysitting. Once we find suitable replacements, you'll be able to switch out and go back to your regular lives."
"And How long is that going to take?"
"I wouldn't be able to say-"
"Mm. Don't make any personal plans for at least a month."
"A month, Clint. A month." Natasha glowered. Pietro quietly herded Wanda toward the white-painted iron gate, minimally designed and shoved it open so they could get onto the driveway. It was a long concrete rectangle surrounded by dead patches of weed-grass and packed dirt with a sidewalk piping to the rear of the house, but they headed toward the front door of the little one story house. It was a bland tan-peach color, possibly sunbleached, with a Spanish styled roof and one smaller window visible at this angle. There was one thin tree adorning front yard, two potted plants in the sliver of dirt between the walk to the door and the house wall. Neither looked well cared for or matched the decor or landscape and were still in their hardware store black plastic buckets, vastly different in size. The piece de resistance though was a very old, faded, peeling satellite dish propped up on one corner of the building.
"Have you ever lived with children for a month?"
"I've babysat for my sister before-"
"But for a month?" She asked, at a loss. With a sigh forced out more like a huff she picked up one of her bags, beginning to head in, "And besides, Laura's kids are practically angels. You can't compare that to what we're about to do."
"We'll get through this, Nat." His dissatisfaction manifested, unlike hers in haughty agitation, but, as usual, in an exhausted sort of submission to his circumstances.
She grumbled back, but headed inside. He couldn't help a little smile, though, when he heard her yell,
"Bags don't go in front of the door!" but got started scanning his surroundings. Around back was another large, quartered concreted area, clearly meant to act as the 'garage', and some more dirt. The fences around were about five feet high in matching stucco with some lattice work design, topped with more far spaced, short, white, iron spires. There was one window near the front door, and the rest at the back of the house were blocked by the 6 foot inner wall, solid that bent around from the front door to the concrete in the backyard. The house was as fortified as one could hope for this location as far as exterior and viewing points were concerned. If he was reading their expressions right, it was apparently pretty soundproof as well.
"You are sleeping! In separate! Rooms!" is what Natasha was currently saying, well, arguing.
"No!" Pietro shouted back, "You can't make us! We sleep together! It's safer!"
"No, it's not-" Natasha approached him quickly, sick of his backtalk, and threw him off guard a little- he stumbled but he held his ground, "If someone comes in the house to take you, then they get both of you at once. OUR way, they only get one."
"We don’t need you- if someone gets in the house, we'll fight them off together-" he growled back at her before mumbling, "If we haven't run away by then."
"Run?" Natasha laughed, "How? On that leg? You won't get two blocks."
"Perimeter’s secure." Clint came in saying and Natasha could hear him stumble over duffel.
"Didn't I tell you to move your bag?" Natasha shoved Pietro at his back toward the door.
"It's too heavy." He stumbled and limped a bit, Wanda skittering over quickly to take his hand again.
"Tough it out; I'm not your mother and I'm not your maid." she pointed at him before turning and rolling her eyes at his wild, angry little face, and heading toward another room, "Complaining never made anyone any stronger."
The house had come furnished, of course, in what was basically a spastic IKEA workers submission to Better Homes and Gardens. The color palette the agency decided to work with was creams, lavenders, and cherry-browns in all the common areas, with a floral or vine theme, and soft edges. Like someone's great aunt might live in. The interior of the house itself- walls and floors and such- was white-white, and spackled with tile flooring everywhere except the bedrooms which had slightly off white carpet.
There were three bedrooms- one clearly catering to a boy raised in the middle of the last century and the other obviously constructed for a girl who had an abnormal fixation with the color pink and polka dots. Finally there was the master and en suite, which, regrettably, was done out in deep burgundys and what appeared to be white fur-shags,  and black wall ornamentation that one could only deduce was chosen by a 1970's fetishist. Leaving that aside was this horribly obnoxious salmon color someone had vomited all over everything in the en suite, presumably to make all the mint green linens and accent pieces pop. Someone who'd peaked in the 80s had been assigned the bathroom.
Venturing beyond the sleeping quarters, there was a kitchen with an 'open concept'- it was small, so raising a wall would have probably made it a closet. Apparently a Martha Stewart magazine must have been lying around because there were a three jars of olives, noodles, and tiny tomatoes stuffed into jars with cork tops about the neck with twine sitting on the window sill above the sink- a window that looked out at 70 % wall, 25 % neighbor roof, and 5 % sky. And that was all the ambiance for what could pass for the cooking space of a mental institution. Three measly jars.
A living room and dining room truncated each other outside the imaginary line that defined the paired kitchen and, beyond the raised counter where two high legged chairs pulled up, the 'breakfast nook' territory. The dining room, a cube with 3 sides across from the kitchenette, held a country style wood table- the top painted creame while the center column remained natural- covered in a long thin cloth down the middle. Surrounding it were four brown wooden chairs with creame cushions tied to their seats.
The living room, nearer the front of the house was furnished with a creme couch, matching loveseat and armchair, with this ribbing striping its entire upholderied body, as though it were an animal warning others not to come near. To counteract this, there was a purple throw provided over it's back and pillows with vinework stitched in placed at it's pockets. On a wall that was nearly bisecting the square footage of this area and yet didn't quite reach all the way to the ceiling, there was a Television mounted, probably 58" and poised above a small entertainment table with a DVD/Blu-Ray player, a wii, and a cable box. And at the end of it all, near the corner of this wall hoping not to draw attention to itself, was was a door where, inside, beyond the view of the rest of the house and cut off from it like a secret, was the set up of all of the agency's surveillance and security equipment. It also included the closet for the tactical and defensive weapons, and the trap door that led to a 'plan z' escape route. After all the effort put in, this house could do little else short of pulling in visitors by their collars and screaming "I AM AN EXACT AVERAGE OF EVERYONE IN YOUR LIFE YOU'VE FORGOTTEN TO PAY ATTENTION TO!" in their faces.
"Ugh." Natasha pulled the door to the surveillance room closed behind her, the autolocking engaging and strode over to collapse into the puffy new sofa. She huffed again and crossed her legs when Clint gave her an eyebrow and a shake of his head.
"I know how to play this part, but we're inside and this is ridiculous- what do they think it is, the '50s?" She sighed, looking out one of the two windows to the beautiful view of the side of the neighbor's fence. Natasha's arrival outfit had been chosen as a red camisol under a thin, white, sleeveless blouse with big photo prints of roses in red, purple on the bottom half. She tucked this into high waisted white, rolled-cuff shorts and a large, rustic brown belt buckled around her waist to match the brown on the oxford flats on her feet. Clearly not something she usually had to don.
"I'm sure there are khakis in there somewhere." Clint chuckled, sitting in an armchair nearby, his smile slowly melting away. He'd been allowed to wear a green plaid shortsleeve button up over a blue hanes, and a pair of jeans and addidas sneakers. Natasha glanced at him and gently shook her head looking off again without giving a response otherwise.
It was quiet, and in that pause in the otherwise hectic day their thoughts were allowed to bubble over. So, they were doing this. It was done. They were taking care of two children on orders from Director Fury himself in some lower suburb of the Las Vegas area with little more to go on than, "Handle Asset Care."
"We shouldn't be here." Clint’s thoughts, almost silent, snuck out of his mouth, “I'm not a-”, just as the kids came back in,
"Now, what are we supposed to do?" Pietro asked indignantly, Wanda watching with wide eyes from where she trotted behind him. Clint fatigue pressed him further staring at their eyes, expectant and confused. What the h*ll was he supposed to do with a couple of kids- why in the world did they put him here? What was this feeling growing every second they stared at him and he sat there unable to figure out this puzzle? Wanda looked him over as he held still for a moment and her eyes fell away, turning instead to the floor. Ah yes, it was so clear when it was on someone else's face; dissapointment. Yeah, that seemed about right. And yet, he couldn’t just sit there forever-
"Well, I guess we should-" Clint tried, right before a roach the size of freaking bird flew from the "foyer" with a buzzing that could have doubled for a powerline, deciding to launch itself at Pietro. They boy was wearing a pushed up black long sleeve over the blue graphic blue t and was probably the darkest colored thing in the house- camoflauge. As if it were an actual monster, the boy made the most unfiltered, childish, whimpering yip through his teeth and swung at it. As soon as his arm made contact, disgusted, it flew back with the rest of him into his little sister who was frightened by his lack of composure and both of them crumpled to the floor. The adolescent kicked his good leg at the grounded beast who was just looking for some dark color in this sterile house to blend in to and hide on. It's scrambling was halted with a the 'ting' of metal as a blade thrust its tip into the tile through the bug's carapace. The children both stared in silent horror at the animal, whose legs thrashed in panic and confusion, and up the hilt of the 4 inch long weapon to its owner who stared at them with eyes that left them feeling empathy with the insect. A soft whimper bubbled from Wanda.
"No," She held up a hand to stop him before he could continue and stood, going over to her knife and pulling it free.
"Pick it up and throw it back outside." she ordered. Pietro stared at her frozen for a moment longer, but, keeping his eyes on her as long as he dared, reached out toward the two pieces of bug.
"No. You." She pointed the knife under her finger at Wanda who nearly wilted right there.
"I can do it!" Pietro protested.
"But she's going to."
"No, I am!"
"Pick it up."
"Can't you see she's scared?" Natasha dropped to one knee in front of him so quickly his breath caught.
"The world is a scary place. And you can't keep carrying her like dead weight."
"She's not dead weight! You don't know! You don't have anyone who loves you!"
"Kid-" Clint nearly interjected but Natasha signalled that she still wanted control of the situation.
"Oh, yeah? Then show me what that means. Show me how your love keeps both of you alive."
"I will!"
"Then stop me-" And before he could do anything at all, she'd snatched Wanda away from him. The girl was terrified, crumpling like paper into herself while she reached for her brother who started, reaching back and stumbling on his injured leg, nearly falling back down. He looked up at his target though and bit deeply into his lips, jetting forward. Nearly a blur, he grabbed her ankles with a pained moan to pull her away but Natasha shoved his hands away, swinging Wanda a different direction, and he gave chase.
At least three times he had her in his grasp and Natasha was always able to pry her from him, and both children were becoming increasingly distressed and dissatisfied. Finally Wanda reached out herself and took hold of her brother's arm, and when Natasha pulled to break their bond, Pietro, enraged and losing focus, threw his fist out to strike Natasha but his wild punch, engaged with speed, was dead on for his sister's midsection instead. Whipping her away, Natasha reached out her other palm to receive the force of his hand. It stung. Wanda, resting on Natasha's side in the air, had pulled her legs up- a natural reaction to seeing when you're about to be struck. The realization seemed to strike Pietro- his eyes darted between his enemy and his ward in a condition of disbelief frayed with horror.
"Love won't keep either of you safe. If you don't stop carrying her, both of you are doomed to suffer. You're not strong enough to protect her." Natasha spoke, standing up and let the girl go. She scampered off to her brother.
"Pick it up and put it outside." At once, Wanda ran over and grabbed the bug and raced to the door, but Pietro, chin quivering and brows so furrowed he'd probably have an ache, stared back at Natasha until his eyes watered. When Wanda returned she reached out gently and took his arm, breaking his trance and he limped off with her down the hall. After a few moments a slam cracked through the house. Natasha stood there for just a few seconds before she wiped the blade a bit on the cuff of her shorts and tucked it back into whatever sparse hiding space she'd managed to find in the outfit. Taking a moment to glance down the hall, she turned away and came back, face mussed in frustration, and sighed it back to indifference when she sank back onto the couch, resting her chin on her fist and looking at the wall.
"That wasn't too much?"
"I don't even know how they survived this long."
"I just think you could have done that a little later. They're scared, and turning their fear from bugs and shadows on to you doesn't help them. It's just going to make this month harder."
"We're supposed to be teaching them- that's what I just did. They ought to learn how to protect themselves better. And how to respect… superiors."
"But come on- they're just kids." Clint shook his head sitting forward to lean on his knees trying to look at her.
"So was I." And she felt the need to stand, walking a few steps into the center of the room, arms crossed, shifting her weight to one side, "This is ridiculous. Kids..." she glanced toward the hall and shook her head again, her shiny hair, styled in heavy curls at the bottom waving in small bounces around her neck. Clint caught himself staring at the form she turned away from him and how she kept huffing and looking toward that closed door. As he came to a realization his tire began to melt away and he swallowed a smile, standing up. There was work to be done.
On his feet once again, Clint headed passed her and into that narrow little hall toward the door with a chalkboard nailed to its face where "Pietro" was written. He gave a couple of knocks. Shadows under the door moved around but no sounds were made. He knocked twice more before speaking himself now,
"Alright, come on- come out you guys." There was no response so he leaned in a little closer trying to think for a moment, "No one's going to hurt you," he said as genuinely as he could, "I promise." There was more silence but then that shadow moved and he heard,
"--No, don't trust him. Remember what she did."
"Don't worry about Nat, she's a bit of a brute, huh? But you know, she's just got a hard way of proving points." His shoulder was backhanded and he turned with a small smile to see his partner nodding for him to try saying that again. It was still quiet and both of them stood quietly in this silence sussing out the emptiness for any clues at all about what was going on behind that door.
"It... wasn't a fair fight." a voice responded.
"Oh, yeah? How do you mean?" Clint asked.
"She... she's taller than I am. And, and stronger. I grabbed Wanda, I should have won."
"If you can't get her away from them, you think you can call it a win-?" Natasha interjected and Clint shook his head at her beseechingly to knock that off, signing "stop" at her with his hands a few times off to the side, while Pietro shouted, "You didn't explain the rules good! If I pulled on her I would have hurt her! If I pull you have to let go, you're a cheater!"
"Why don't you come out here and say that to my face?"
"N-no, that's alright, hold on, bud-"
"What are you doing?" Clint threw his hands in silent speech, signing in disbelief.
"What am I doing? What's this 'bud' stuff?"
"We need him to trust us- he doesn't like you."
"So what? I'm his handler- not his mother, and not his friend." She signed back with defiance, "So are you." He shook his head, giving up on the argument before turning back.
"Well, how about you try something else then? Double or nothing. We'll all just forget that first one, like a, like a practice."
"Are you going to do it this time?"
"No." Natasha answered.
"She's a cheater- she'll cheat again, because she's sneaky."
"-Then we'll do something you're good at," Clint continued before Natasha could fire back at him. The quiet dropped in again.
"How do you usually protect your sister?"
"We run." His answer was a bit quieter but he gave it, "Or I'll fight them."
"Alright, we can work with that. How about a spar?"
"Yeah- all you have to do is land a hit on Natasha and you win. Does that sound good? You'll be the winner." once more they waited.
"N-No!" He pulled back, "No, she'll cheat!"
"Okay, okay, calm down- why don't you just show us your moves then? No winners, no losers- just let us see what you do, hm?" a pause.
"We'll leave you alone for a while if you do." Natasha rolled her eyes and added. The interlude was much shorter, and those shadows came to the door, unlocking and opening it. Wanda hid closer to Pietro when they noticed both adults crowding their door and Pietro glanced back, his arm out toward her comfortingly before glaring up at Natasha.
"You have to leave us alone until tomorrow."
"Done. Let's go."
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sage-nebula · 6 years
uhh keith, alan, lotor?
The moment I loved him most:
There are so … so many moments that it’s pretty much impossible to pick just one. But the moments that immediately spring to mind are:
When he successfully helped the team escape from the Garrison in the first episode, complete with grinning as he drove his hoverbike off a cliff and told them to, “shut up and trust [him],” because he knew what he was doing (and he did it goddamn well).
Every single line of trying to get Red to accept him in the same episode. “Let’s get out of here, open up. ... It’s me, Keith. Your buddy. ... It’s meee! KEEIITH! Your---I. AM. YOUR. PALADIN! I’m bonding with you!!!” Just … it makes me laugh every single goddamn time, istg.
When he fought Zarkon one-on-one, both because he wanted to prevent Zarkon from getting his hands on the Black Lion (smart, because Black would have taken him back no questions asked, we all know she would have, consider this a callout for the Black Lion), and because he knew that if he killed Zarkon, it would deliver a massive blow to the Empire. (It also would have gotten us Prince Lotor a whole season earlier, so I mean … damn crying shame he didn’t win.) He was trying to do the Right thing, because that’s who he is, even if he got his ass kicked in the process. 
E v e r y t h i n g pertaining to the Trials of Marmora. 2x08 is still probably my favorite episode in the show, though 3x04 comes awfully close. But seriously, from his sheer Determination in the Trials, to the way we see in multiple instances how he is willing to make personal sacrifices for both the greater good and others (he was willing to part with his dad, whom he dearly wanted to spend time with, in order to go help save civilians from the impending Galra invasion; he gave up his knife, which held answers about his past, so that Shiro wouldn’t risk his safety against the Marmorites). So many people have a misconception about Keith being selfish when he’s actually one of the most selfless people on the show, and this, the one of two episodes where he tried to do something for himself for once (the other being 2x07), directly shows exactly how selfless he is. It’s great.
Freeing Acxa in the Weblum, and especially everything pertaining to his partnership with her there. I also love his line to Hunk: “We can’t leave someone to die, even if they are Galra.” It shows where Keith’s morals and priorities lie, as well as (imo) foreshadows his reactions and opinions of characters to come.
“No one’s commanding me. I’m doing it.” Okay, as much as he was backtalking Kolivan here when all Kolivan was trying to do was not get him to sacrifice himself on what was pretty much a suicide mission (it ended up not being one, but the only reason why Keith didn’t die is because Thace was still alive and able to help him escape), it’s still just such a Moment™ for Keith. And need I remind you, no one commands the Black Lion …
His motivational speech to the team at the end of 3x03, right before they’re able to form Voltron (on their second attempt!). “This is our team! We have to believe in ourselves!” Everything about it was masterful. Keith learned from his mistakes and adapted on the spot and it was amazing.
Pretty much every instance of Keith supporting Allura in 3x04, but in particular: “Maybe things aren’t as black and white as she’s making them out to be.” Not only is it goddamn true, but once again, I feel that it foreshadows his reactions, opinions, and potential partnerships with characters to come.
H o n e s t l y? His attempted self-sacrifice in 4x06. No, of course I don’t want him to die, but not only did he not die, but he was attempting to do something for the greater good once again. This isn’t new for him; he has always been like this. But it was such a poignant moment, because you see him think about it, you see him consider it, and even though he obviously doesn’t want to die (he cringes), he still chooses to make that dive because he feels that it’s the best shot they have at getting everyone else out alive. One Gryffindor to another, I can respect that.
The moment I hated him most:
I’ve never in my life hated Keith. However, I will say that I was cringing hard through most of 3x03, and that I had to keep pausing the episode several times, because even though I completely understand why he was behaving the way he was, I also knew that it would no doubt make the huge swathes of people in fandom who had been bashing him for months prior to that point and claiming that he could never be a leader feel vindicated, and the last thing I would ever want is for those people to feel validated in any way, shape, or form, particularly since that was abnormal for Keith, as he himself proved once he calmed down and corrected his behavior (and then proceeded to lead the team pretty flawlessly after that). Make no mistake, I by no means hated him, but rather I hated how I knew people were going to react to that episode (and believe me, I wasn’t wrong).
The moment I understood him most:
I mean, it’s a really long list, haha. The reason why I’m able to so easily peg that Keith has C-PTSD is because a lot of his behaviors, personality traits, and reactions to things are very similar to how I act. (The fact that I always score Keith on every “which VLD character are you” test, including the official ones, validates this claim, I feel.) But I think the three things that I understand the most are probably:
Keith is incredibly loyal, to a fault, and I’m not saying “to a fault” merely because it’s a phrase that gets used sometimes, but rather because I feel that this is an actual flaw of his, in the sense that it can, and will, and has hurt him. Keith is not afraid to call out those he cares about when he feels they’re wrong; he’ll stand up to them and voice his opinion, even though he will also step back and let the team proceed as they want when they inevitably dogpile against him and choose to do whatever they were originally planning anyway. However, it should be noted that when Keith speaks up and offers a contrary opinion or viewpoint, it’s pretty much always in relation to the greater plan at large; Keith doesn’t contradict others when they’re making assumptions about him, or when they’re criticizing him on a personal level. At best he’ll look annoyed, but at worst he just takes it, and this is especially true if it’s someone he really, truly cares about, someone that he feels really, truly cares about him in return. Keith’s loyalty doesn’t just extend to “I will go to bat for you in any way that’s necessary,” but also extends to, “I really trust your judgment and opinions, so I’m just going to assume you’re right, even if it makes me feel like garbage.” At most he tries to offer explanations for why he acted the way he did (“I thought I had it under control”), but he doesn’t defend himself beyond that, because he just assumes that this person he cares about is correct. And this is a problem not only because others aren’t always right when they assume the worst of him (actually, they’re usually wrong), but because it could lead to him being seriously hurt or taken advantage of. We would all hope that the people Keith lets be closest to him are people who are kind, supportive, and loving, but that might not always be the case. And speaking from personal experience here, as someone whose loyalty has gotten her used and abused in past relationships (not just by my biological mother—there have been others I won’t get into now), it can really, really fuck you over. Keith’s loyalty is a beautiful thing, but it’s also detrimental to him with the extent that he takes it, particularly when it’s paired with his actually low self-esteem (like, he knows what he’s capable of re: piloting and combat, but just look at how little belief he has in himself as a leader or Paladin). It actually makes him quite vulnerable, and since I have, as mentioned, been the victim of that in the past … yeah, I understand where he’s coming from, but it’s not a good place for him.
On that note: Keith admits in his vlog that he “has some walls up” and that he tends to push people away before they can reject him (as he feels they inevitably will), and oh buddy. Again, the situations that Keith and I have been through are not exactly the same, but we have a lot of the same symptoms for very similar reasons, and that’s one of them, for sure. I’ve noticed that, as far as I’m concerned, it has actually gotten progressively worse as I’ve gotten older. Like, although I was a lot more outwardly stand-offish as a teenager (my shields were a lot more visible when I was younger; I often seemed prickly and angry to people who didn’t know me), I was also more trusting. But, as I’ve gone through relationships with people who used and otherwise mistreated me (and one in particular), I’ve found maintaining relationships to be incredibly difficult, to the point where if things seem like they’re getting too serious, too fast, my brain just switches off without my being able to really control it, and I just start getting … really distant from people, emotionally. It’s an issue and I need to address it, but I don’t know how. I guess the good news is that, like Keith, I at least recognize that it’s an issue … but how to fix it is something I don’t know how to tackle. Either way, it makes forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships pretty much impossible, so … a.) thanks bunches, C-PTSD, and b.) I feel you, Keith. I feel you.
His straight up, hands down, refusal to quit until he sees that persisting past a certain point will put others in danger. Determination is really important to me, and I like to think that it’s because of my determination that I’ve made it as far as I have in life. Others have claimed that I’m stubborn to a fault, and yeah, probably, but I mean … well, let’s just say that I relate to Keith in that respect, too.
This was really long, so the rest are going under a cut.
The moment I loved him most:
Every waking moment of my life, as well as every waking moment of his. But if we’re talking about specific instances:
Honestly, every single moment he was precious and affectionate with Lizardon. Literally within the first ten minutes of TSME we see him scratching Lizardon beneath his jaw and smiling, and then we get that flashback to him at the lab where he and Lizardon (a bby charmander at the time) cuddle and laugh together, and just … there are many other moments, of course, but less than ten minutes into TSME 1 I was confused about how anyone could possibly take issue with someone who was this goddamn adorable with his platonic soulmate. ♥
As much as Alan’s and Manon’s relationship is not nearly a favorite of mine anymore, I still laugh whenever they have their sibling spat in TSME 2, because even though Alan is legitimately stressed because Lysandre is there, the exchange is still funny.Alan: “[The Director and I] have something important to talk about. Go somewhere else.”Manon: “Hmph! Fine! Why do you have to treat me like such a little kid all the time—!” [promptly falls down a hill, shrieking, and gets stuck in some roots]Alan: “Every time … ! Hang on!” [goes to help her]Like, I can still hear his “itsumo, itsumo!” in my head, and it’s just hilarious. (As is Manon whining about being treated like a little kid (which she is) as she stomps off in a petulant huff, just like a pain in the ass little kid sister would …)
The way he immediately took charge and told everyone to take cover when Rayquaza attacked in TSME 2, reacting even faster than Steven Stone, current Champion of Hoenn, did.
When Lizardon was struck down by Primal Groudon in TSME 3, and Alan waited all of about .001 seconds before leaping out of the aircraft to go down after him, nearly dying himself in the process. 
Each time he passionately expresses how much he loves, trusts, and believes in Lizardon.
When he and Lizardon had their Big Damn Heroes moment during their first meeting with Ash, with the rising dawn as a backdrop.
When he straight up won the Kalos League, just like he deserved to.
When he not only went to confront Lysandre over what was happening during the Flare crisis, but was also able (with some emotional support from Ash) to stand up to him, hell fucking yeah.
When he pulled off that badass back handspring in the Megalith when trying to save Hari-san.
When he confided in Ash at the lab when he was pretty clearly feeling suicidal, and then inwardly thanked Ash for “saving” him (“You’re always saving me …”) when he saw what Ash was getting him to agree to by asking him to battle again someday.
When he was nearly crying he was so happy when Sycamore offered him a place at the lab again.
And probably more that I’m forgetting, honestly. He’s my ultimate fave, I love him no matter what.
The moment I hated him most:
I’ve never in my life hated him and never would. Not only do enough people in this wretched fandom do that for me, but they often do it for reasons that make no sense whatsoever. That said, I do completely disregard everything after XYZ044, as well as the “decisions” that “he” made about what he’s going to do (that contradict his plan to stay at the lab and help out, at that), because it’s nonsensical and was only done because the writers wanted to push a “start from zero” theme. That’s not Alan’s fault and I don’t hold it against him, but god do I hate his ending.
The moment I understood him most:
Pretty much every moment, because I’m not sure there’s a character I identify with more, but in particular …
When he immediately jumped out of the aircraft in TSME 3 to go save Lizardon, and this isn’t even hypothetical. This is not “I would do the same,” but rather, “I have pretty much done the same,” because when I was fifteen Shiloh ran out into the street because she was still pretty young (six years old), and felt like playing tag. Well, unfortunately, being a dog, Shiloh didn’t exactly have awareness of the van that was speeding down the street. I, however, did, and it took all of .001 seconds for me to bolt out into the street after her, causing her to cross the rest of the way over, and causing me to nearly get hit by the van. (The driver had to slam on his brakes, squealing tires and everything.) I don’t regret it, and I’d make the same choice over again if I had to go back in time, and I’d make the same choice over again even if I had gotten hit by the van, but the point stands. I fully understand Alan’s feelings there, because I have pretty much done the same. Sure, the situation was different, but the point stands.
His tendency to keep his problems to himself and the severe difficulty he has with asking others for help, because yeah, I’m pretty much the same way (including the whole “keep this from those you care about so they’re not burdened / in danger” bit because, yeah, I’d make the same damn choice). I like to think I’ve gotten a bit better about this over the years, but it’s still immensely difficult for me to ask for help when I really need it, to the point where I will have to be in the eleventh hour before I will, and even then, it gives me anxiety attacks. My therapist says that this is a result of my C-PTSD, in that I never received help in my formative years, thus it’s hard for me to ask now, etc etc, you get the point. Alan, too, is very, very clearly used to having to take on and shoulder all burdens by himself, and handle everything by himself, and he has to be strong enough to do this, and if he’s too weak to do it then that’s just a sign he needs to train harder to be stronger, and so on and so forth. I get this. I get this so hard. And I understand, too, that he likely feels now more than ever that he has to be stronger to continue protecting this around him, and also to prevent himself from being used and abused by those like Lysandre again. Strength is not a bad thing, it’s not something to be looked down upon, and those of us who want to be stronger after what we went through … this isn’t something to “fix” or “stop pursuing,” though that said … learning how to ask for and receive help is a good thing that we should work on, too. Anyway, I really understand where Alan is coming from on this one. I’m the same way. I get it.
The last one will for sure no doubt get me some hate, so I’m just going to … leave it off, no matter how strongly I feel about it.
Prince Lotor:
The moment I loved him most:
I’m going to be real: I fell in love at first “Throk! You wish to challenge me?” If he had a different voice actor I might feel differently, but honestly, AJ Locascio makes every line Lotor speaks sound like music. He easily has the best voice on the show. He could read a phone book and make it sound like poetry.
But that said:
His entire speech in the arena. The Empire soldiers were not the only ones chanting, “Lotor, Lotor, Lotor!” let me tell you.
That truth bomb he dropped about how Voltron will not always be around to protect the planets they free, and are in fact just leaving so many civilians defenseless and at the mercy of the Empire. (Which, if Lotor is at the helm, they’ll probably be fine … but if Zarkon is on the throne, uh, no, those civilians are dying gruesome deaths for trying to leave the Empire. There’s no getting around it.)
“If Voltron disappears from our world, then we win. If they make it out with the comet, we’ll take it from them. It’s a win either way.” First of all, I looooooooove antagonists who can plan and execute perfect Xanatos Gambits, and second, he honestly had a light sing-song lilt on “it’s a win either way” djsfldsfldshfdsfds I LOVE HIM.
“I understand, Zethrid. You do what you must … and I’ll do what I must.” He then not only proceeds to free himself, but he leaves Zethrid where he knows that Acxa and Ezor will rescue her, and then just leaves them there. If he was so ~zomg evil~ as so many in this fandom like to claim, he would have spun around and atomized Zethrid as he so easily could have done, but he didn’t. He truly cared for his generals (the look of panic and regret on his face when striking down Narti showed that well enough), and he doesn’t want any harm to come to them. He certainly doesn’t want to hurt them himself. They were the closest he ever had to friends—probably the closest he ever had to family—and now he has lost them, but … he still cares. He’s no doubt feeling hurt and betrayed (and perhaps, on some level, angry), but he does still care.
Not only how he just casually listens to the radio transmissions in order to keep an eye (or, well, ear) on what the Empire is doing for his own safety, but also how he just FLEW INTO A SUN in order to avoid capture. If that’s not a move straight out of Keith Kogane’s playbook, I don’t know what is. And speaking of …
The moment I hated him most:
I never have, actually. Not only did he actually make the show interesting by being a competent adversary for Team Voltron (something Zarkon could never claim in ten thousand years), but he’s a brilliantly multi-faceted character. I was on board with him from the moment his teaser trailer was announced. The only thing that will make me upset is if they have him hang out with Team Voltron in S5 instead of going over to the Blade of Marmora (and Keith) where he belongs. I love Lotor, but that will make me want to drop kick him down a flight of stairs.
The moment I understood him most:
Honestly, probably his resignation at being betrayed and therefore alone. He just … accepts it. He doesn’t lash out at Zethrid, Acxa, or Ezor, but he also doesn’t try to argue or reason with them. He just accepts it as a foregone conclusion that, well, they’re turning him over to the Empire now. That’s where they currently stand. And when he has left them, and he’s completely alone … you can see how resigned he is to this. He’s not only alone physically, but he’s alone emotionally, and you can see the toll. And that … all of that, it’s something I can get. I really felt him, there.
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bananashemmo · 7 years
When We Collide (Part 33)
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Authors Note: To celebrate my 20th birthday which is today (July 31st) I’m sharing another update of When We Collide. This isn’t just a normal update but a special once since this is written in Luke’s point of view! I hope you will enjoy this chapter as it was a bit different from my normal style and thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I’m happy to wake up every single day to your messages, your positivity and your kindness! Happy birthday to me! 
Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: NC-17
Masterlist: Here
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand
When We Collide on Wattpad
“Great Luke, great. Just seriously great. What a way to pick the straw.”
I shook my head in disbelief and sincerely tried my best to not stumble upon my long legs. It was like they had turned into jelly and I had no idea where they were carrying me.
The biggest failure of the new year so far.
Ask me all you want, I can’t give you a proper answer. What happened? How did this happen? Did I have control of my words? None of it, and if you ask me god how I just wished I could rewind everything back.
It was like my legs knew where they were dragging me but I had no idea how to cope with it. I knew just exactly well where I was heading and it was a luck that I had a plan because it was too cold to just stay outside. It would only take five minutes for me to take the drive and within seconds I would be in the heat again.
My already rosy cheeks were met by the cold wind as I headed outside. Had it always been this cold? Everything seemed so warm inside but it was like it was not appreciated enough. I could have sworn I had a scarf in the car but I was left with disappointment.
Speaking of disappointment? Who was the biggest one tonight? Definitely me.
Call it all the ugly words you wanted, I would take them all in. Not because I was ignoring it but because I felt every single insult sink in. Letting it spread from my mind and down to my stomach to form that knot that always seemed to arrive once I had done something that wasn’t right.
Wasn’t that what life was about? Trying to figure out what to do and what was right and wrong. I was always trying to find the limit but this time I had crossed the line.
Sure saying that banging Holly was the worst one to date but there was only one mission for it. I was trying to trying to realize what was going on in my head because the days up to the event, it was all cloudy and not properly thought through.
I was aware that it was a stupid choice to do it, the alcohol was definitely affecting but it was never an apologize to anything. People saying that the alcohol was the blame will always be the worst in my book, not only because it’s the lamest excuse ever but it’s only a coverup for something you’re not proud of.
I knew of my actions, I knew just exactly well what was going on. But at that point it wasn’t about Holly, it was about realizing what in the world was going on with myself.
The last couple of weeks, actually months I had been feeling weird. Sure, everything had changed since the announcement of the pregnancy but now we were close to the third trimester and it wouldn’t make any sense if I still had that weird pit in my stomach.
I was trying to block out the feelings, the things that were going on in my head because I wasn’t used to them. I wasn’t used to the sudden commitment, I wasn’t used to suddenly caring because that was how easy my life had went so far.
How hard was it to try finding someone as a CEO? Pretty easy if you ask me but not someone who would truly love you.
With all the perks and what else good to offer it wasn’t hard finding someone to love you. But the question always was, would this be true love or would it just be someone to use you for the benefit? You can always say that you love someone without meaning it and to be that thing suddenly had much more importance than to others.
I was always trying to come across someone that would take my mind off anything else. Trying to find someone that wouldn’t just be there for everything that I could offer, but to meet someone who actually preferred to see the actual side of me.
But that also meant suddenly showing a side I had never shown before. The sensitive one, the one that’s suddenly vulnerable and not obvious to the crowd. I had never showed this side of myself because committing to someone meant showing all the different sides, even the horrible and nasty ones.
It was a part of my life to push people away. It was the reason why everyone left and I’m sure as hell aware that Y/N thought of that too. Even if she wished it so sincerely she would never survive one moment in my mind.
Because I couldn’t think of nothing else but her.
It was weird at first but as time started to grow the more she was a part of it. I couldn’t recall or think how it had happened but it was like no matter what I did she would always be there. She was there when I would sleep, when I would hover over my desk in confusion or obviously sitting at work and looking at her sit more than ten meters away from me.
It was like no matter what I did I couldn’t brush her off.
It was hard to call it something because I never know what the feeling of love will be. I didn’t want to believe it in, specifically because I had never actually explained the reason for it.
No matter what I did she would never fully understand the concept of why I was acting like I did.
Being young and in love was not something huge. It was something that was so common and I was also in that state of mine. Falling in love with someone is so dangerous because they have you wrapped around your finger. They have your heart and they can do anything they want with it.
I had only been in love once and it was completely ruined for me.
You know that feeling where you believe you can take on the world. That nothing can stop you and you just know that the person you’re with love you with all her heart and that is it going to be the two of you forever.
That was the feeling I had. That was the feeling I was carrying day for day to realize that it all in the end came to the money.
I was left in disbelief. I was left to realize that the first girl I had ever loved was a cheater, someone only using me for the benefit and simply just letting me carry her around without knowing the truth behind it.
To me, it showed that girls were snakes, just as worse as the boys could be.
It made me distant myself from everything and everyone. Sure I could be pooling in a wave of girls but none of them would ever proper speak to me. Not because I wasn’t interested but because I knew with my profession you wouldn’t see the truth in people.
It’s so easy to lie nowadays and that’s what I’m carrying with. Even if I know it will destroy me in the end.
I was so nervous to knock on the door but I knew that I had too. It was late at night but I knew that the person hiding behind the door would be awake. It was a part of his job to always stay awake when I needed him.
I almost felt small when I had finally done it. It was like my fingers were bruising by the otherwise small touch against the wooden door frame but it was only because I was shaking so much. I wasn’t sure if this was the right idea, I could easily run and hide but not this time. I knew I had fucked up and the only person I knew who to talk to was-,
The confusion was written on Ashton’s face, his curls were sticking to every direction possible and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Of course he wasn’t expecting visitors to arrive and he seemed pretty tired but once he noticed it was me his eyes widened.
“What is wrong? Is it Y/N?” He asked fully awake and scratched the small bit of sleep that had spread in the corner of his eye.
“I’ve fucked up. Big time.”
It was like I didn’t need to say more. Ashton was quick to open his door and invite me in to the apartment that was not really familiar to me.
I had heard Y/N describe it a few times, how she had managed to make a small cut in the wooden floor but never actually admitted it to Ashton. She was pretty embarrassed by her small clumsy failure but had never dared to tell him. She was only admitting it to me because the guilt was almost biting her up.
“Yeah, Y/N owes me a new floor.” Ashton suddenly said, noticing how I was staring like it was what I was searching for and I was trying not to smile.
“I’ll pay for that.”
“Just like everything else you do for her.”
I knew he wasn’t trying to sound bitter but neither did I want to comment on it. I could imagine how much she must have been backtalking me, explaining how much she hated when I spoiled her because it wasn’t something she stood for. She loved her independence, she loved doing stuff that she earned her own way.
“Is that why you’re here? You ran out of money?” Ashton asked and walked into the kitchen while I slowly leaned against the couch not really knowing what to do with myself.
“Ashton listen I’m not here to have a battle I’m here to talk about Y/N. I know she’s probably said some horrible things about me and she has the right to it but now I’m asking you for forgiveness to actually make up for my mistakes.”
Ashton stopped in track from standing in front of his kitchen counter and looked down at his hands for a second. I wasn’t sure if he was going to continue the insults or change his mind but he sighed heavily.
“I know. It always takes two to a fight and despite I know that you’re one hell of an ass I also know you have a heart. It just takes some time to bring it out from you. Tea?”
I nodded my head in agreement and fell down to his couch. I wasn’t sure what kind of brand it was, most probably IKEA but I was find with it. It had a very comfortable and it had a blanket that I could recall to be egyptian. More maybe just IKEA again. I wasn’t sure.
“I’ve actually got something fancy for your ass. I think it’s from Elizabeth Arden or something green tea.”
“Elizabeth?” I asked just to hear if what I heard was correct and he nodded his head in agreement.
“Would you like some sugar, milk, anything?” He asked while opening a drawer and I nodded my head in agreement.
“Sugar would be fine.” I replied and considered I should stand up and held him but he seemed to not need it.
While he finished boiling the water over the stove and prepare the tea I took a look around his room. It wasn’t large and there was clothes scattered everywhere I assumed it was after his week with his siblings. They could be kind of rough at times and to try clean your clothes would be a hard task when something happened all the time.
“You play drums?” The words seemed to fall past from my lips without realizing and I looked at him with a quivered eyebrow.
“Oh yeah… It’s just an old hobby of mine.” He shrugged and lifted the two mugs from the counter, “I play when I have the time, when I feel inspired and when I know my neighbors are being to annoying. It’s kind of a way to have a sweet escape.”
“I know how it feels.” I nodded my head in agreement and this time it was his turn to quiver an eyebrow.
“I play the piano and guitar. Occasionally sing. Only in the shower mostly. It’s kind of a hobby of mine as well when I don’t yell at people for not doing what I say or buy helicopters.” The last thing was said with a wink in the eye but it wasn’t my intention to be rude or anything which Ashton caught easily.
“Funny Hemmings.” He commented and took a seat on the opposite couch of mine.
I silently laughed but it was replaced with a frown when I came back to reality. Ashton noticed my face expression change and so did his, he was very quick to ask again.
“Please remind me again why you’re here.”
“It’s about Y/N..”
It was an obvious statement and I quietly fiddled with the mug between my fingers. It was a very hot surface but with all the mixed emotions I had it was the last thought I shared. I was almost numb to me.
“I said some stupid things earlier on. Or more likely I’ve said some stupid things but it’s all because I’m scared of everything it was like everything hit me at once after the lamaze class. And no I don’t regret it because I needed this wake up call and I’ve been walking around for weeks preparing for everything but it wasn’t until the end of that class that it hit me hard.”
“That you like Y/N?”
It was silence that fell upon the room by Ashton’s words, but he was straight forward with his attitude. I almost clutched onto the mug with hot liquid and looked at him with wide eyes but I didn’t say anything.
“No becoming a father.” I tried to remain calm in my voice but it was hard because of the coughs.
“Luke there’s no need of denial. I know that you love her and it’s scarring you that she might not like you back.”
I swore if I could be the most confusion person in life this would be it. It was like I was driven onto a road I had no idea where was leading and even though I had just taken a sip of my tea my throat felt more dry than ever. It was almost burning.
“That’s not the point.” I shook my head and needed to change the subject. This wasn’t something I wanted to talk about right now.
“The point is that I disappointed her more than I ever have today. I wasn’t supposed to say the things, I didn’t mean all of them but I was so scared they ran past my mouth before I got the chance to control it. I know that I can’t take words back but you’ve seen her in her most vulnerable state and I’m begging you to help me out with this. I know we don’t always get along and I’m not here to say that I will pay you more I’m here because I’m more desperate than ever and you’re the one who can save me.”
I could tell that Ashton did not expect what I was saying. He didn’t even need the full story to understand what was going on. This was the edge of messing everything up and somehow he was the one to change it all, only if he wanted to.
“I’m not pressuring you to anything but this is something so important I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried doing anything I can to prove everything to her, I’ve even started doing the cleaning in the house to make it proud but even though I know it has worked to make us grow closer it’s not something she will she as me asking for her forgiveness.”
“But what do you need help with?” Ashton asked carefully and scratched his light stubble that reminded me I hadn’t shaved mine for days.
“I don’t know! Proving to her…” I didn’t know how to finish the sentence because it wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have right now. It was something that was in the back of my mind but i didn’t want to think about it, it was just pushed away.
Ashton looked down at me carefully but he was having something on his mind. Either he thought that I was being a mess and completely stupid right now or he thought that I was just really not taking the hint. I was, after all, lacking in a bit situation awareness when it came to her.
“You don’t need to prove anything to her, you don’t need to tell her everything you know about her neither do you need to buy everything that she needs. The only thing you have to do is show that you’re there for her. That you’re there for the baby, that you’re there for when she needs you because she is in one of her most vulnerable states and she can’t do it alone. She cannot do this without you, Luke.”
Living a life where things were so easy to buy I was always taught that less was never more.
But hearing Ashton say these words changed my mind completely. I knew always doing the simple things was what pulled me forward with Y/N and somehow I was always there when she needed it but I wasn’t there to actually let her feel I was there.
“You know Ashton I always believed that you hated me after figuring out that I was the father of Y/N’s baby.” I managed to say after some thinking and he nodded his head in agreement.
“I did.” He honestly said and we both looked down at our feet.
It was the first time it was actually spoken out loud between us. He had known for months that I was the father while I had walked around not being aware that someone besides Y/N knew it. When she told me that she had announced it to him it wasn’t even because I could become sad or angry. I understood her situation and trusted that he would keep her by the word.
Of course that didn’t change my feelings for Ashton, on the contrary. I knew he was hired to protect her of all costs after getting the diamonds because I never knew what would happen to and in the case she needed protection.
I was aware that their friendship had grown to the point of most probably falling for each other but I actually surprised to see that it didn’t go any further after they lived together. And also that she hadn’t changed her thought about him when she moved back to my place.
“I thought you were horrible I thought that she deserved nothing else but to get away from you. You treated her terribly, you didn’t understand the concept of taking care of someone else and the only one on your mind was yourself. You were too self-centered and along with Holly you didn’t cause anything else but trouble. I didn’t think she deserved any of that you treated her.”
I listened carefully word by word and couldn’t avoid the pit in my stomach. God how much she have felt so horrible I almost couldn’t bare it in my heart.
“But you know what? I’ve always listened to what Y/N says I’ve always taken her side and always taken her word over my own. So I learned that even a jerk can have a heart. It just takes some time to pull it out from him. And it takes the right person to prove that there’s love inside of someone. And that’s the thing with everyone, we all have flaws. You’ve been raised differently, you’ve been raised into the man that doesn’t need to show love. You do the opposite when you’re scared because you’re scared of ruining how you’re feeling only based on my bad experiences. But let me tell you something Luke. Don’t be the reason that’s she’s crying. Be the only reason why she’s smiling.”
By those particular words I looked up at blinked twice. The twist in my stomach was gone and the urge to stand up was like a craving. I was tripping on my feet.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to say thank you or not but the hug I gave Ashton seemed to be enough. He was a bit disturbed at first but when I felt him politely hit me twice in the shoulder I moved away with a small smile.
“I can’t change the world, I can’t change my old actions but I can change her mind?”
“Just do the right.” Ashton said as the last thing and followed me towards the door.
I didn’t even get the chance to finish my tea but it was long forgotten. I wasn’t sure for how long I was out but it had almost felt like five minutes. The ride back to the penthouse apartment seemed to take forever even in my fast car.
It wasn’t even with fear I took the long ride up the elevator. In fact I was so impatient I almost considered taking the stairs. But that also meant I would be completely out of breath when I showed up and I couldn’t let that happen.
Not that I had anything planned to say. I had no idea what I was about to do but the only thing that was on my mind was to get back to her as fast as I possibly could.
My heart skipped a beat once I was into the apartment it was like silence hit me at once. I had been running on the adrenaline and the noises around me it all became quiet when I walked inside and saw her.
She was sitting right where I had left her with tears streaming down her eyes it was like she had never stopped. She was clutching onto a white blanket on the couch but she almost dropped it to the ground when she weakly turned around by the sound of the door opening.
None of us said anything for a full minute as I took her all in. It was almost as if she didn’t believe I was standing there like she was just imaging it in her mind.
“L-,Luke?” She could barely let the question out and I swore under my breath I could feel my heart getting shattered.
She didn’t get the chance to say anything before I filled in the steps between us. She was still sitting on the couch stunned, her eyes were red and puffy but I still thought she was more beautiful than ever.
I could tell that she wanted to ask what was going on the confusion was written on her face. But I didn’t say anything. There wasn’t a proper word for this, there wasn’t a proper apology because things couldn’t be cured by words.
When we collide things break. But it’s time to pick up the broken pieces.
“I’m here.” I whispered as I sat down on the couch and wrapped my arms around her.
She was shivering but I in doubt if it was if she was cold. She was quick to press her cheek against my chest I had expected a bit of resistance but this was where she needed to be. It was what she had been needing since the long minutes I had left her.
“I’m right here.”
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tweakerwolf · 7 years
Ren Endings 1 + 9
Last one!!!
A fun ending tied with the 0 health ending because, why not get them both at the same time? Trying to get one also leads to the other because of low sanity so, yea, these two are together :)
Surely you know the drill by now! You wake up in a strange house after a night of drinking (at least one drink lol) and then there’s a fox-boy in your face! Ask him “Where am I?” as you try to clear your head. He says that you’re save at his house and then offers to make you some food. Fuck food, ask “About your ears...” because he did not have those in the bar but you actually recall seeing them?? Everything fuzzy still, but those stick out. Ren assures you that they are real and not a costume, because he’s not human, just... human-ish. OH, that clears everything right up... He says that he doesn’t like to hide them since he was told that he should never hide who he is. But then he heads off to make food before you can say anything else. As you sit there and continue to process which parts you can remember from the evening before, you come to realize that you have a shackle around your ankle... Ren has chained you to the wall!! That fully wakes you up and then you realize that there’s some sort of heavy weight around your neck too... You make some noise as you try to get it off, which gets Ren’s attention. He comes back in to see what’s wrong (Oh, like he doesn’t already know...). Start with “What the hell is this thing on my neck?” because obviously you know what the shackle is. Ren says that it’s a gift for you! Ha, well you don’t want the gift, ask him “Are you insane!?” because, this is sounding absolutely batty. He should’ve left you on the ground if the alternative was to keep you chained up in his house! Ren doesn’t like your ungrateful tone at all. He says that he obviously needs to train you; he pulls out a remote and shocks you. Ouch. But he’s not done, he commands you to sit, just to see if one shock was enough for you. Beg “Please stop this...” (since we don’t need him to /hate/ us don’t go with the top answer lol) but Ren just smirks and repeats that he told you to sit, not beg. So he shocks you again. A lot stronger than before. You drop to your knees to satisfy him. 
Then he’s off to the kitchen once more, satisfied with your progress. As soon as he’s gone you climb back into the comfy chair and try to think of an escape plan. You basically come up with squat because as long as Ren has that remote, anything you try is likely to fail... Then he’s back with dinner, and he has yours in a dog bowl. Which he puts on the floor.... now he’s just being an ass... he’s the one with ears and a tail! He commands you to eat it. Since you’re hungry (and, again, we don’t want him to totally hate us), -eat it- without any backtalk. It’s surprisingly good so you can’t complain! He’s surprised at how fast you finish, saying that now it’s time to let you get settled in. That means that you’re moving rooms so he has to undo your shackle. But don’t forget about your collar, Ren reminds you that he has the remote. This is your only chance though so -attack him- (timed) once the shackle is off. Ren isn’t human though so his reactions are a lot faster than yours, he dodges you and is shocking you in moments. You fall to the floor from the intensity. And then Ren shocks you again, grinning as he does so. Are you ready to behave? Yes, yes you are. You let Ren lead you to your room. It’s furnished you don’t want to complain, despite the fact that Ren basically just confessed that you’re going to be here awhile, say “it’s... nice.” Ren beams at you and then leaves so you have a chance to rest. Search the room but find nothing and eventually sleep as you try to think of a way out of there.
Wake up when it’s morning and surprise, you have the house to yourself. You don’t hear any movement at all in the rest of the house, so is Ren not home? Your bedroom door is unlocked too so -explore the house-! Now that you aren’t chained to the wall and Ren isn’t moving around to see you and shock you into submission -leave the house- like pft, duh! Is it this easy??? As you near the door, your collar makes a shrill beep noise... um? Maybe it’s a warning of some kind?... -Approach the door anyways- because you can’t know for sure what the noise was and you have to try. You take a few more steps forward and a massive shock comes from the collar. You briefly black out from it, hitting the floor! That could’ve killed you! Holy shit.... You struggle to your feet, knowing that you won’t be trying that again. And of course, just then, Ren comes back home too! You hurry back to your room, not wanting him to find you so close to the door. He doesn’t call out so maybe he didn’t hear you? Phew.... You hear him talking to someone but don’t hear any actual replies... on the phone? There’s some loud thumps too.... You don’t have long to wonder, he’s calling you out to the living room to come and see the surprise! He nods towards a door and tells you to open it, a big smile on his face.
With no excuses to make, you go over and open the door. It’s dark in the room but your eyes adjust and you see Lawrence tied to a chair... what the hell? Ren tells you that Lawrence was originally going to be his new friend but then he found you and brought you home! So now Lawrence is here so the two of you can hurt him and grow closer to each other, how awesome! Ren hands you a knife. This is awful... he can’t really expect you to do that... say “Please don’t make me...” and Ren will take pity on you. He’ll cut Lawrence up, you just have to watch. It is your first time after all, he can sympathize. -Give Ren the knife- because at least you don’t have to do it now (and you know better than to say no XD). You can’t help but watch as Ren stabs him with the knife, a scary look on his face. He asks how you feel and at first you can’t answer but when he threatens to just slash Law’s throat, you find some words. Ren is happy to get a reaction from you, even if you tell him that you’re scared and not that you’re enjoying it. Next he stabs Law in the stomach, yanking the knife upward and tearing Law’s stomach wide open (Graphic images). You can’t breathe... you black out.
When you wake up, you’re chained up again in the living room and Ren’s changed his clothes. He acts if you’re still feeling upset and you ask about Law.... he happily reveals that Lawrence really is dead! You whimper and Ren smiles down at you, comments that you’re so gentle. But it’s okay because you’re safe with him! Tell him “I’m sorry, you’re right” (sanity answer), because you know you can never leave... not after what happened in the closet... Ren assures that he’s got a nice house and all kinds of money, he’ll take really good care of you! He wants to take it easy for the rest of the day, since you seem to need a gentle touch. He suggests a movie and popcorn, hurrying off to go make some. You sit there until the popcorn is done and Ren asks you what kind of movie you want to watch. Tell him “Comedy”* and he looks through the film collection. He grumbles that most of them are in German so... but then he finds one! He says that he has a better idea and you get the feeling that he didn’t pick a comedy... but you certainly aren’t going t argue with him about it... He sits you down and closes the curtains, mumbling about how this one is... uh... ... he doesn’t finish the explanation... All you get is that he didn’t like them much at first. OH, that sounds promising... He says that he’s sure you’ll like them. You nervously turn towards the TV and find out that he put in a home video... There’s a person tied up and you immediately remember Lawrence. You try to ask if it’s a joke but Ren shushes you. Another person comes into frame and he has a mask but even through the bandana covering the lower part of his face, you know he’s smiling... The guy starts talking, as if he’s reading something... he’s replying to someone? He pulls out a knife and you go cold... The tied up person screams as he suddenly cuts off a finger! You scream too. Ren is just smiling at you.
*Note: you’re free to choose anything here, I just find it funny that you ask for a comedy and he puts in a murder movie XD yea, Ren, this is sooooo hilarious! Picking romance actually gains you a heart level though.
Ending 9:
Clearly he’s expecting something from you so ask him the first thing that pops into your head, “Who is that guy?” Ren says that his name was Strade- this used to be his house... all of it was his. He used to make money off of his videos... Ren found his passwords and whatnot so now... it’s all Ren’s! You quickly glance back at the screen and see that there’s more blood and she’s still screaming.... Ren keeps explaining, how Strade understood things and took care of him- just like he’s going to take care of you! Ren’s face suddenly changes and you realize too late that you have a look of terror on your face and he’s offended. You’re still afraid of him?! After he took the time to be gentle with you?! He guesses that you aren’t the type to learn by watching, you still need some training. He shocks you and you black out. When you wake up, you’re in a different part of the house, Ren calls it the workshop.... that doesn’t sound good. You aren’t tied up though, yet, because Ren wants you to undress first. -Refuse- because, you aren’t going to make things easy for his sick games. Ren tsks and shocks you. You fall to the floor, grabbing the collar... you can’t... move... you can’t feel anything anymore, or even open your eyes. You’ll never open them again. But you don’t hurt anymore Died- Your body gave out.
Ending 1:
-Keep watching- because you don’t want to talk anymore and you aren’t really sure what else you’re supposed to do... You watch as he interacts with the chatters, he cuts her fingers off, carved wounds into her chest. You listen and she screams and begs. It ends with a power drill... in her mouth...** That’s too much for you though, you look away finally. Ren takes a moment to get something a little more filling too, because apparently this part makes him hungry! Helplessly you turn back towards the TV, even though Ren isn’t in the room. There’s more blood than before... Ren returns with a small carton of... something? He quickly tells you that he has chicken hearts! Yum. You aren’t afraid anymore, just a little numb. But it feels better now that the fear is gone. So yea, you’ll try a chicken heart. He feeds you one and you slowly chew it. When he asks what you think of it, all you think to say is that it might be better if it was warm? You nuzzle him and he wraps his tail around you. Ren thinks that you made a great suggestion! He hugs you close. Survived- You let Ren take care of you.
**Note: Hey, wait a minute, that sounds familiar!!! It sounds a lot like how things went in my fic, Monstrous Desires <-- shameless plug for anyone that might not have read it yet. I do plan on finishing it!! XD 
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ifninomiko · 7 years
Cablepool Summer Camp AU: Blue Sheets, Green Sheets
This title ... try to keep the mind out of the gutter.  I know, it’s hard.  Heh, hard. XD
My frustrations with Archipelago continue, so of course I end up in Summer Camp AU.  This still needs a better title ... especially if I should ever hope to post it on Ao3.
Series:  Summer Camp AU (High School AU)
Notes:  No one has any powers
Pairings:  Nathan Summers/Wade Wilson, Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Scene Summary:   Taking place before Nate even starts school at Marvel High (so before everything posted thus far). 
There's a new school administration in town and they leave Scott in no doubt as to who is really in charge of his child.  There’s also a boat and a fight.
Warnings: This is a write and post adventure.  Everything is a rough draft?  Unreliable narration.  Accept it. 
Emma always checked the mail when she came over to Scott's house.  It was a compulsive habit she never made any real effort to break.  See mailbox, check it.  Sometimes Scott managed to get the mail first, sometimes she did ... and since summer camp Nathan had been pathologically checking the mail as well.  Emma smiled to herself.  Someone had been expecting something.  It was cute.  He must have met a nice girl in the town by Camp Facade. 
This time the mailbox was full to the brim, one large packet in particular crowding the smaller letters.  She emptied the mail box and held the pile in her arms as she walked up the path to the house and unlocked the door, pushing it open with her hip ... and walked into a scene of drama and despair.
"I would have rather lived on grandad's boat if it meant we could stay in San Diego!" Nathan voice rose sharp enough to make it crack, standing straight and defiant on the other side of the table from his father.  He had grown nearly four inches in the weeks since summer camp and had a tendency to hunch, self conscious and awkward about his sudden height, especially around Emma now that his latest growth spurt had made him taller than her.  
Even after a year of dating Scott, his son remained as politely distant as a teenage boy was capable of (so not very polite, but definitely distant).  By now, Emma didn't think Nathan would ever warm up to her and she was fine with that.  It was acceptable to her that they remained polite acquaintances who shared Scott's affections.  She knew that Scott wished they would be more.  Emma thought he should worry more about his own relationship with Nathan.
"Moving the boat would have been too expensive and time consuming even if it was still capable of making the journey," Scott said with careful reasonableness, the sort of careful that meant he was controlling his temper.
"Then you could have sold this house and mom's house to pay for it," Nathan shot back.
"I'm not selling this house -- "
"Why not?  You don't have any problems selling mom's house," Nathan hissed back, infuriated and obviously hurt, "If I have to lose my home, then why shouldn't you?"
"Nathan!" Scott snapped, "That's enough!  We're not moving back to San Diego.  I have a job here.  Emma has a job here.  You're already enrolled in school.  It's done."
"You just don't want to keep anything of grandpa's!"
"You don't even know your grandfather!  You never met him!"
Nathan stepped back as if he had been hit, "And whose fault is that?"
It was Scott's turn to step back as if he had been struck, opening his mouth to reply and Emma didn't even want to know what he'd have replied because the fight had obviously been going downhill since it started ... but Nathan whirled and left the room, slamming the door to his room shortly thereafter.
Emma hid her wince behind the mail as she shuffled through it, sorting it out on the tabletop.
Scott slumped at the sound of the door slamming, pulling his glasses off to rub his face with a groan.  "That ... did not go well."  He put his glasses back on with a sigh, "Emma?"
"Hello, dear," Emma said lightly, tilting her head to accept Scott's kiss as he rounded the counter to greet her, "What was that all about?"
"He found out that dad had left a house boat as well as the house," Scott shook his head.
"He left Nathan the house boat," Emma pointed out, maybe a little too pointedly.
"Which, as his guardian, I can either keep in trust for him or sell and keep the money in trust," Scott retorted, "and since maintaining a house boat that Nathan can't use is a waste ... "
"Scott ... " Emma sighed and turned to put her hands on his shoulders, "You shouldn't make that decision for him.  You've made a lot of decisions recently without even asking his opinion ... let alone something like this."
"He's never been on that boat.  He's never even seen that boat.  It's a dump.  It's all red shag and wood paneling and gaudy brass fixtures.  It's a floating love shack from the sixties and my dad must have been crazy to leave it to a teenage boy ... who does not need his own private hideaway for romance and piracy."
"We can at least look at it," Emma said, quite reasonably, she felt, "It sounds like it needs updating.  You and Nathan could fix it up together on the weekends and then sell it."
She could see Scott waver at the idea of father-son bonding time fixing up a tacky old boat, but then he shook his head, "No.  It's going to be even harder to get rid of this thing if he gets invested in it and wants to keep it."
"Darling ... I'm beginning to think I want to keep this boat.  You'd look very fetching in a sailor's hat as you take me on a romantic cruise," Emma smirked.
"Very funny," Scott huffed indignantly.
Emma grinned and leaned against him, running a hand down his chest, "Just think ... you, me, the gentle rocking of the ocean as we make love ... "
"The pitter patter of little rat feet when one of them runs over your bare legs."
"What?" Emma's hand froze.  She looked up, narrowing her eyes, "You're making that up."
"I'm not," Scott shook his head, "The last time I was in that boat, I was reading in the main cabin and a rat ran over my leg."
"Darling," Emma said seriously, "burn this boat at once."
Scott snickered.
"I'm serious!"
He kissed her on the forehead, smiling fondly.
"You can't suffer a rat to live," Emma said, annoyed, "They're filthy, disease ridden animals."
"Which is why we're going to sell it and let it be someone else's tasteless rat infested shack," Scott said and changed the subject, "What did we get in the mail?"
Emma pinned him with look that communicated how she was letting him change the subject only because she loved him, but the previous subject wouldn't be forgotten.  She stepped away and picked up the packet, handing it to Scott, "The school sent you a letter."
"Is this a school letter or a debrief?" Scott asked, disbelief and amazement in equal parts as he hefted the package.  They had gotten smaller mail packets from the insurance company ... and those were practically novels.  "I don't remember Principal Xavier sending -- "
"Xavier's not the Principal anymore," Emma interrupted him as she opened the fridge and contemplated the interior.  Should they have leftovers for dinner perhaps?
Scott stopped his entire sentence, turning to look at her, mildly horrified at the prospect, "He's not?"
"No.  A Nicholas Fury is."
"But ... what happened to Xavier?" Scott said, sounding lost, like a precious portion of his childhood had suddenly been ripped away.
"Retired, I think," Emma hummed, "It was bound to happen, he was already old when we were in school.  Fury was his replacement."
"I remember this now from Nathan's enrollment," Scott sighed and dug in a drawer for a letter opener, "I just keep thinking Fury was the Vice Principal instead of the Principal.  Principal Xavier was such a fixture."
As valedictorian of their graduating class, Scott might have been something of a favorite of that old man, but Emma didn't miss him.  "Well, it seems that Fury made some rather sweeping changes.  Kitty was talking about it at work today."
"Dear god," Scott said, helplessly sorting through the pages included in the packet, the papers color coded and itemized.  "I have to send all the blue ones back to the school before they'll even let him in the door.  They won't send me his homeroom assignment until after they get these back.  This is ... this is extortion!"
"So you did read the entire cover letter?" Emma asked innocently.
"That was a threat!  To my life and limb if I should dare to ignore their missive!"
"It wasn't that bad," Emma said mildly, smirking behind her cup of hot cocoa.
"I've been told I'm remanding my child to their custody until such time as they see fit to return him!"
"It didn't say that."
"It heavily implied it!  He's going to school, not joining the army!"
"Don't say that too loudly, Nathan might decide to join the army just to spite you."
"No," Scott was horrified at the mere thought, "not my baby."
"You never knew him as a baby," Emma pointed out relentlessly, "That's half your problem."
Scott buried his head in his hands with a groan.  Emma sipped at her cocoa.  She was more sympathetic that she made herself out to be, but at the moment, she felt more sympathy for Nathan than for Scott.  Scott was the adult.  Nathan was fifteen.  He was at the age where rebelling against his father should come as no great surprise.
All of Nathan's complaints thus far were not completely unreasonable.  He hadn't been consulted over the move.  His wishes had been ignored.  He had been taken from his home and shuttled across the country without warning on what seemed to be his father's whim.  
That would have been bad enough, but when Nathan had come home from summer camp, Scott had presented the move as fait accompli.   Summer camp had merely been a shallow excuse to get Nathan out of the way so Scott could do exactly as he wished without having to deal with his son.  
Scott should be counting his blessings that the winter of Nathan's discontent was thus far only composed of door slamming, backtalk, relentless sighing, and moody staring out of windows.
"You've always had to fill out the paperwork that Nathan brings home on the first week of school," Emma said calmly, "This school is just more organized that you're used to.  They've cut out the student involvement and sent the paperwork in advance."
Scott sighed, scrubbing at his hair, "I don't remember us having to do this when we were at school."
"Times change," Emma shrugged, "and how do you know it didn't happen?  Your parents would have handled it, not you."
"That's true," Scott admitted, "the blue sheets are alright.  It's the green sheets that fill me with dread."
"The green are optional permission slips for additional classes.  If I don't fill them out, then Nathan won't be attending them."
"Oh, you mean like sex ed classes?" Emma asked with an air of bright innocence, smirking as Scott groaned as if in pain, "Well!  That is convenient!  Now you won't have to give him The Talk."  The capitals were obvious in her pronunciation.
"I still have to give him the talk," Scott winced, "And it's not just sex ed ... there's a class for appropriate dress and one for dancing and one for ... application of make-up?  And here's one for CPR and another for fire safety and one for driving ... and there are just ... a lot of these."
Emma's eyebrows lifted in surprise, "That's a lot of classes."
"I should sign him up for CPR.  That is a useful life skill," Scott said slowly, staring at the green stack.
"Maybe," Emma said gently, "you should let Nathan pick which of the green classes he wants to take."
"But what if he doesn't pick the right ones?"
"If he doesn't take CPR now, he can take it later when he realizes how useful it can be," Emma said with a shrug before adding somewhat pointedly, "It's just high school, Scott. It's not like it's the rest of his life."  
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