#like oh we twinning kewl
nukkibunni · 6 months
i am the complete opposite of those gatekeepers of interests. you wanna know what song that was? linked. where i got that strawberry top at? linked. what that pizza place on my story is called? ill show u on google maps w menu prices bby. what brush i used? im already sending you the screenshot, pookie. tell me what you think show me how it goes. we sharing interests and skills FUCK yea
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
First Day
Part 2
Part 3 [CURRENT]
Part 4
DT: @bargledblocks my beloved <3, @snapdragonfirefly my beloved <33, @artistconk my beloved <333
“Stand here?”
The child’s confusion filled everyone as they all turned to face their George, who gave a sheepish smile. Shrugging, he shrunk behind Sapnap at the sight of Kristin’s glare. Before she could address the man, however, she was beaten by a small crowd of peeping chicks. Turning to face the chicks, the group watched as the chicks and chickens all flapped their wings in distress, the aura of the spirits within them beginning to leak out. Their confusion only grew as they watched the formless spirits crawl out of their individual chicks, floating around the boy as they spoke in jumbled words, overlapping each other. 
“NO oNoNoN”
The spirits moaned as they tried to pry the child off the crafting table, their ghostly wails growing distorted as they fell through the boy, turning to mist before reforming into spirits. It wasn’t until Kristin came out that they retreated back to their individual chicks, who all swarmed George to begin pecking. All, that is, but one. A small chick with a blue bead around its neck made it’s way to Tommy, a single seed in its beak. Accepting the gift from the small avian, he smiled as he picked them up with care. Stroking it’s head, he watched as the mist leaked out of the chick and into the air, forming a spirit in front of the child.
“Naughty joke.”
“Okay, I was going to wait for someone else to ask, but no one is.”
“Ask what?”
“What’s up with the chickens?”
They all nodded as they looked to Kristin for answers, who rolled her eyes at the sight of her own family being confused. 
“They’re the physical forms of his Chat, which is what we call the voices in his head. Phil has a physical form for him as well, but the twins don’t. Tommy’s voices can be a bit lenient, but not all the time. They were giving him a major headache around this time when they overcrowded his head, so they all compromised to take physical forms in order to follow him around until he’s ready for them to return.”
“And they chose to be chickens?”
“Well, no. They didn’t choose what form they got, but they didn't mind.”
“You’re fine with being a chicken?”
“Oh, I chose to be one! His mother hen, if you will. Clara and I can choose whatever form we want, we just find it amusing to be chickens. Clementine and Wilbur show up later, but they chose different forms aside from chicks.”
“It’s an inappropriate joke? I like inappro- Let’s hear- Let’s hear the inappropriate joke!”
He frowned when the chicks all avoided telling him, peeping as they scurried away. 
“You guys suck.”
“Alright, there’s only one thing to do.”
“yea tommy”
 George let out a sigh as he watched the child attack his past self. As much as he hated to admit it, it was quite amusing to watch from the outside. Tommy’s “Chat” did seem to add to the comedic portion of the whole ordeal. Before he knew it, he was smiling as he watched the child act so carefree, something no one has seen in a while. 
 The group watched as Tommy teleported into a snowy biome, far from everyone else. Tubbo let out an exasperated cry as Tommy’s hp went down as he hit the ground. The child blinked a few times, before turning to look at Chat, who all seemed to have mixed feelings about Tommy being flung to a different part of the world.
“Oh my god”
 Tommy just shrugged his shoulders, and peered over at a water hole in the icy river. Without hesitation, Tommy walked over and jumped in. The cold didn’t seem to bother the boy, and the fact that he was taking damage didn’t bother him either. Despite the group thinking that this was a terrible idea, Chat seemed to cheer the boy on.
“IQ 400″
 Tubbo and Ranboo physically relaxed when Tommy respawned, all three hearts still there. Tommy hummed as he sat up from the bed, only to frown when Dream teleported him away once again. The boy rolled his eyes as he opened his communicator, messaging the admin to stop teleporting him away. As soon as the child sent the second portion of his message, he took a few steps forward, Strays shooting him dead. As he was respawning, Chat was roaring with laughter as Tommy kept a straight face. A few chicks tried to scold the boy, but their parenting lessons fell flat as they couldn’t fight the giggles. This went on for a while, only stopping when Dream teleported Tommy to severe limbo, threatening to ban him. Tommy finally admitted defeat, promising to listen to the server rules. As soon as he was unbanned, he ran straight into the mouth of a polar bear. 
 “See? He never listens! Look at him and cause problems on purpose!”
 The group all turned to see Jack, who was ticked off at watching the boy be annoying for fun. It definitely didn’t help that the child’s voices, or spirits, or chickens, or whatever these things were, were encouraging this behavior. Karl turned to address the annoyed man, who was grumbling about how much of a nuisance Tommy was being.
 “Jack, he’s a literal child right here. Look at him, he’s like, what? 8? 9? He’s not causing war crimes, he’s acting his age.”
 The sound of an explosion caught the group’s attention once more. They all turned to see Tommy, groaning as a creeper explosion caused a hole in the path. They watched as the child griped at his chat as he took out wooden planks, beginning to repair the path. As he stood up to make more planks, the hissing sound of a creeper startled him. The boy yelped, throwing wood on instinct, as he covered his head and stepped away from the mob. Once the hissing mob self-destructed, Tommy couldn’t help but whine as more damage was made to the pathway. He opened his inventory to get more wood, only to smack his forehead with the palm of his hand when he recalled that he had thrown it. 
 “Shit! It just keeps getting worse! It just keeps- It just doesn’t get any better! Oh no, oh nooo!”
 Chat laughed at the child’s minor inconvenience. Tommy’s face was in his hands as the spirits came out of the chicks, all wheezing and laughing around him. After he did the best he could with repairing the path, he made his way to a different area in the world. The boy stopped on the path as a hen fluttered from the sky, seemingly out of nowhere. As Chat voiced their greetings, Tommy hummed as he caught her in his arms.
“Oh? Coming nan!”
 Tommy sat down where he was and crossed his legs, closing his eyes in the process. He seemed to no longer be with Chat, who all waited patiently for the child to return. As the chicks pecked and conversed around the dormant body, the viewers faintly heard Tommy’s young voice, accompanied by Clara’s. After a moment, Tommy's eyes reopened. Chat cheered as the child stood up, speaking of what Clara had told him.
 “We’re going to try and be a lot quieter-”
 Another creeper explosion pushed the child forwards, causing him to lose six hearts as he hit the ground. Getting himself back to his feet, he turned to see the creeper hole behind him. As Chat roared with laughter, Tommy kept a straight face.
 “Oh no”
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Birthday fic for Buttlord
So, day late, dollar short, but cut me some slack I have TWO birthdays to celebrate the 28th and I’ve been out for the past 12 hours doing so XD
Happy birthday @justcallmebuttlord​, have some cute twin bday fic ^^
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday dear Lynnie,”/“Happy birthday dear Lyssie,”
“Happy birthday to us.”
Alyssa and Lynnea Ostenmeyer could be forgiven for being confused when they walked downstairs to a veritable feast waiting for them for breakfast. They glanced at each other, identical confusion in their eyes. Finally, Alyssa shrugged, making for the table to sit down. This was hardly the weirdest thing that had happened since the ill-fated ‘hero’ game. With their father having taken up cooking instead of pot brownies, they had a lot better meals (with a lot less drugs slipped into their meatloaf).
“Good morning girls!” Kelly sing-songed, coming into the kitchen.
“Morning mom,” Lynn replied, glancing at Alyssa, Did we slip into an alternate timeline in our sleep or something?
Alyssa shrugged, face clearly as confused as Lynnea felt. Both of them were distracted as two piled high stacks of pancakes were set down in front of them.
“We forgot to tell you, we’re having the house cleaned today, so you’ll have to spend the day out,” Chris said from the counter, cracking a couple of eggs into a bowl of batter, “Hope you don’t mind!”
So, same thing we do every weekend, then? Alyssa took a bite of bacon.
Kelly and Chris shared an indecipherable glance over their heads, “Well, once you’re done with breakfast, get dressed and head out. We’ll message the two of you when it’s all done, okay?”
“That was weird, right?” Lynnea asked as they stepped down off their front porch steps, “Like, that wasn’t just me?”
Alyssa shook her head. No, definitely weird. Mom and dad are up to something.
“...you don’t think we have to move again, do you?” Lynnea asked, voice suddenly taking on a panicked edge, “I thought we’d been taking care of the government guys so they wouldn’t notice.”
No, I don’t think so at least, Alyssa cocked her head to the side. It was enough to get Lynn to relax as they headed down the street.
“Wanna see if the guys are busy?” Lynn asked, not waiting before heading across the front yard to Butters’ house and knocking on the door.
Both twins were grateful that it was Mrs. Stotch who opened the door, “Oh! Hello there you two,” she greeted, “I’m afraid Butters is --” Please don’t say grounded, “--n’t home right now.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Lynn said, hopping down the steps, “He’s probably at Cartman’s if he’s not here.”
Alyssa nodded, leading the trudge through the snow this time to the next house down, “Hello Dee, Lynnea. I’m sorry, but Eric’s gone out already.”
Curiouser and curiouser, Alyssa thought, nodding and going back down the driveway to meet Lynn.
“Cartman too?” She asked, surprised. Alyssa nodded, “Kyle and Stan’s, maybe?”
Alyssa frowned slightly, but nodded, following her sister down the street.
“Okay, what the fuck,” Lynnea asked emphatically as Mrs. McCormick shut the door, “Is going on today? Butters, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, AND Kenny are all out?”
Can’t get ahold of Clyde’s gang either, Alyssa turned her phone screen toward Lynnea, showing unanswered messages to Clyde, Token, Tweek, and Craig.
“Tricia, Karen, and Ike aren’t answering me, either,” Lynn said, frowning at her phone, “Well… alright, fuck the boys too, they can do whatever it is they’re doing without us. Feel like hanging out with Wendy?”
Wendy’s always cool, Alyssa nodded, watching as her twin’s fingers flew over her phone keyboard, then pause.
“Wendy’s busy too,” she said, “And she went offline after I messaged, what the heck? Since when does Wendy Testaburger go radio silent?”
Ooookay this is officially donkey balls levels of weird, Alyssa frowned, looking at her friends list. Their usual gang of miscreants was all offline… or invisible, she wasn’t sure which.
“This blows,” Lynn muttered. They had relocated to the park, with Lynn peeking into the girls room to see if there’d been a meeting today she didn’t know about in the Sunshine Sparkle Club, but they’d found it empty. So now, they sat on the swings in sullen, confused silence.
Fuck ‘em, Alyssa reached over to squeeze Lynn’s hand, Not the first time we’ve gotten by alone. We don’t need those cock guzzling taint munchers anyway.
Lynn squeezed back, her grip noticeably weaker, as she continued to scroll through her phone. Alyssa rolled her eyes, and grabbed the phone with her free hand, “Hey!”
No more phone for you, you’re just getting upset.
“At least give it back so I can play something while we wait,” Lynn pouted. Alyssa gave her a flat, disbelieving look, “I won’t even open facebook or instagram, okay?”
Uh huh, Alyssa didn’t believe THAT line for a second, but she handed Lynn her phone back. Probably a wise choice, given that it was nearly another two hours before their phones simultaneously ‘pinged’ with messages from either parent that it was time to come home now.
“I’m half tempted not to,” Lynn admitted, skipping a rock across the top of the pond, “But they’d probably just come looking for us like the time we got lost in the forest.”
Given that they discovered that the forest was full of non-linear paths, satanic fauna, and aggressive wolves. Alyssa wasn’t necessarily complaining about THAT particular rescue. But the two of them threw the last of their gathered pebbles skittering across the top of the water’s half-frozen surface before heading back to their street, and past the bus stop back to their home.
Lynnea got to the door first, skipping over all the icy bits of the walkway up the stairs, and stomping her boots free of dirty snow on the mat before shoving the door open and --
Alyssa isn’t sure which of them react first -- either way, they both had the SAME reaction; time freezes, suspended with the smell that could burn hair off anyone too close by. It was probably a good thing that they were both immune -- sort of -- by now to their particular brand of… superpower.
“Wha -- oh my god,” Lynnea said, as they surveyed the scene that they had just ripped one on, “Oh my god. It’s our birthday.”
...fuck me running, it is, Alyssa realized, looking around the living room.A banner hung above the kitchen doorway reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY in vibrant letters, a veritable mountain of presents below it on the table. It looked like EVERY kid their parents had ever seen them so much as look at for more than a few seconds was in there.
There was a sniffle from beside her, and Alyssa looked over to see Lynn tearing up, “Wh -- whoa, hey, what’s with the waterworks?” she asked, safe to speak with no one to hear her but her twin.
“We -- we’ve never celebrated it before,” Lynn hiccuped, wiping at her eyes.
Alyssa didn’t have time to say much else -- she could feel the air straining around them, like a rubber band about to snap. It was always disconcerting to snap back into place as time began to flow forward again, even if she hadn’t really moved all that much.
“Aw, dude, c’mon!” Stan said, waving a hand over his nose as, with time unfreezing, the smell of using their powers hit the rest of the party as well. Alyssa shrugged at him, scooting around the gaggle of girls that had surrounded Lynnea the moment they’d noticed the burgeoning waterworks, Motherfucker you all should know what happens when you surprise us, you’re lucky you didn’t get hit and we were still out on the step. Now one of you want to explain the fresh FUCK is happening here?
“Your parents invited all of us over,” Kyle expounded without much more prompting than her raised eyebrow.
“Why didn’t you two ever tell us when your birthday is?” Stan asks, which gets him a look, “Okay, why didn’t LYNN tell us when your birthday is, wise ass?”
Alyssa shrugged, You never asked.
“Lame excuse man,” Kenny said, “Wendy had to dig this shit up and suggest the party to your parents.”
And depending on how this goes, I owe that girl SO many cookies, or a punch in the face, Alyssa glanced over the boys’ heads, at the gaggle of girls surrounding her sister, who looked a lot less wet-eyed now, laughing and accepting gentle scoldings for likely the same thing the boys were digging at her about. Wendy caught her looking and grinned unapologetically, ...maybe cookies AND a punch in the face, she amended privately.
“Whatever, not like it’s a big deal anyway,” Cartman grumped, distracting her from Wendy and her smug ass grinning, “No kewl party has girls at it.”
“Dude. They’re twins. And Lynn’s a girl,” Craig deadpanned.
“Y-yeah, it’s b-both their parties, of c-course the girls are gonna be here,” Tweek said.
Cartman huffed, “Whatever. I’m gonna be over HERE, NOT getting cooties,” he said, shuffling off to the other side of the room.
“Ignore him,” Kyle said, rolling his eyes, “He’s just bitter that you two get more presents.”
“And that people actually want to give you presents that aren’t off an itemized list,” Kenny snickered.
Alyssa raised a brow, Okay, gonna have to fill me in on that one --
“Who wants to break the pinata?” Chris called from the direction of the backdoor.
--after I beat a paper mache donkey to death, move it assholes.
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
There's a sneering attitude that the dub is inherently inferior solely for being a dub, and when I say 'dub' I mean the American one. No one attacks the South American interpretation, funnily enough, or the variety that exist globally.
Why not if foreign languages are so abhorrent?  Do you think it's kewl to hate America?
That's so original you know.
If the moan centres on the dub changing certain things, well that's a pointless stance, because it's impossible to do otherwise.
What's accepted in one country is not always permitted elsewhere, so either you make those alterations or it's never shown. I'd prefer seeing a slightly toned down version rather than have it never reach the West at all.
This is without considering the technical obstacles that a direct translation brings. The words do have to fit the mouth movements, and if they don't, truncation must follow.
America and Japan are different; the population of the former are not going to comprehend the references to the latter's history and culture, which necessitates some divergence from the original to give it mass appeal.
Anime is a branch of entertainment. It has to attract the public's good will to stay in business. If impenetrable, it'll fail, with all the resulting unemployment and finacial losses that brings.
Those in charge of dubbing understandably think they're on safer ground promoting familiarity rather than the strange, but that's not to say Pokémon was stripped of its identity. On the contrary, it was like nothing I'd ever encountered before.
I may have watched Western cartoons then, but the idea of doing so now is silly. I won't give time to any modern animation unless it's Japanese. Growing up on the dub has not produced an ephemeral fan less serious or 'true'.
The 4Kids dub had wit, humour, deep emotion, suggestive comments and flights of fancy. The voices fitted the characters well.
Unlike the current one, where everyone sounds on the verge of vomiting, but then they're clearly working with substandard material on a miserly budget. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear after all.
Dubs can be bad, but the very state of being a dub doesn't confer worthlessness automatically. Considering the work gone into them, attempting to gain your favour, it seems rude not to appreciate the time and energy spent in production.
Knowing a little about history, sub-only fanatics remind me of the kind of folk who opposed an English Bible, because it was too good for the oiks to read the word of God.
Of course it was alright for them, rich enough to be taught Latin, but not so much the ordinary man.
It amuses me how dozens dismiss the dub, but see no hypocrisy in using its evidence to further their ship or anti-ship arguments, so it can't be that revolting.
It's also bizarre that so many hold sacred the sub of a series currently in a frenzy to shed every aspect of its anime and Japanese origins, leaving a vague, rootless ghost, supposedly making it easier to slip down the gullet of the masses.
Pokémon I've seen referred to as a 'gateway drug', as in the anime that introduced a generation to the entire concept. This means the dub. You would not have got enough kids in the late Nineties to read a screen rather than watch it, and even today most would lose interest rapidly.
Where would you be without that dub? Unless you're Japanese, your first experience of Pokémon will have been a dub, and if not the American, the one where you live, which was only made because there was the funds available.
You may have then progressed to watching the sub, but only because that dub stirred love in your soul.
Where would the franchise be without that dub? You think Pokémon would've grown to be a world-wide obsession raking in billions by itself? No, it'd still be a solely Japanese phenomena, and most likely never lasted this long.
Its decades of supremacy rests on the quality of that dub. It sold games and merchandise to kids by the ton, giving an incentive to keep the series going. If you're not a fan from the first wave, then your favourite era would have never existed had it not been financially attractive carrying on.
The team who wrote the first film actually preferred the dub, moved to tears by its emotive use of music, therefore they aren't so precious as the fans.
Where would anime be without that dub? Pokémon brought it to the West. A handful slipped through previously, but made minor impression.
To those who would dismiss Pokémon entirely in favour of more 'worthy' output such as Studio Ghibli, I would say that Pokémon, first the games, then the programme they inspired, must have an integral quality to have caught on in Japan, which isn't exactly short on similar concepts.
To have gained popularity in a crowded market, and so fervently a dub became an option, can only have come about because it held a certain magic.
It was the dub that smashed a hole in the cultural barrier, setting free the tidal wave to engulf the world. In Pokémon's trail followed Digimon, Cardcaptors, Monster Rancher, Yu-Gi-Oh! et cetera.
Without Pokémon, I doubt they'd have been translated, and definitely never broadcast on mainstream television. That came about as channels desperately hunted down anything Japanese to serve as the next craze.
I really appreciated the effort made by 4Kids in converting every aspect of the series to suit American tastes, including changing text on signs, letters and books into English. I assumed this was standard practice until I watched others.
I could never be as involved in them as I was Pokémon because of that block. It was like being denied access to the deeper waters, fenced into the shallows, and implied a rushed dub, with little care shown but to chase the same crowd and money.
If personified, the dub 'n' sub wouldn't be one human being, but rather identical twins: the same to a casual observer, but easy to tell apart by the more attentive.
It's like the games: Red and Blue are versions of a single adventure, but not totally one. Take the dub and the sub the same way. They are parallel dimensions running on separate rails, and beyond reconciliation, and that's before we consider that, sub and dub alike, each generation has only a faint relation to its predecessor, working on its own whims.
Everyone has a favourite, or can like both, and there's nothing wrong in that, but so many are proud of the fact they hate the dub, as if it conveys a revered status of supremacy.
When Disney films are shown abroad, they too are translated, and I'm sure references and jokes are redesigned to make sense to the locals. It's no use selling yourself as a comedy then being surprised when the audience refuses to laugh, having no idea what you mean.
If people prefer that one, for being what introduced them to Disney as a whole, or as a fond memory of childhood, then so what?
I don't mind if their view of a character is minutely at odds with mine, having seen the original, because what they think is canon to their version, so can't be wrong.
I don't go round declaring every Disney dub to be pathetic by its nature, that viewers of them are of a lesser breed of fan for preferring their own tongue, even though more of the world's population understand English than they do Japanese.
If you enjoy one tailored to your country there's no crime in it, just as I like one at least comprehensible to mine. It's not even my culture, but I pick it up mostly.
The choice must be made on which to follow, and this blog runs on dub canon, as that has a claim on my heart. Just because I don't acknowledge what takes place in the sub doesn't mean I'm unaware of it, but it has no bearing on what I write.
The idea that the dub alters things willy-nilly without rhyme nor reason is also mistaken. Often it does it because the original does not make sense.
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In the sub, I know Nanny and Pop-Pop are just a couple of old duffers taken at random and dropped in to a castle, supposedly as James's far away nannies.
Oh yeah, that's a cushy position. You doing a lot of child care from miles off?
Mind you, it used to describe 'em as 'caretakers' on Bulbapædia, as if Nan serves as housekeeper whilst Pop tends to the garden.
That's right. Ma and Pa finally got some work out of this pair of freeloaders.
They're not related, remember? No, no, absolutely not, no way. Of course their style reflects that. They just gave Pop a 'tache, thick eyebrows and a bigger nose, and Nan got a bun and lines in her hair, but there's certainly no connection. Oh no. Such a thing is ridiculous.
They're NOT family. No. Yet Hoenn James still panics they might learn he's joined Team Rocket, spending the whole episode trying to hide the truth.
Why? Who are servants to criticise the son of their employers? Why should their opinion be of any consequence to Hoenn James, especially when his parents, fiancée and butler are cognizant of reality?
Children of aristocrats are usually brought up by governesses, thus develop a stronger attachment to these figures rather than their parents, but that isn't the case here.
James lived with Ma and Pa, not the codgers minding the castle. He would have very little contact with distant employees compared to those who waited on him daily, so why seek out their approval?
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Hoenn James apparently was permitted visits to Nan 'n' Pop, which is strange considering they're not relatives. Why them and not any other house-stters?
That's right, Ma and Pa sent their son to one of their properties without them, entrusting him to the care of two shrivelled pensioners of his size that he barely knew, and who could keel over at any minute. There are no other servants present. Apparently Nan and Pop clean an entire castle by themselves.
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Oh, and they run a makeshift Pokémon sanctuary, but since it's not their home it has to be done with Ma and Pa's blessing, who also have to pay for it, but they're eevul aren't they?
The idea that somehow Nanny and Pop-Pop have not cottoned on to James's occupation by now is risible.
Servants gossip about their masters. I bet the entire household of his home know, and so in turn does the county. That Nan and Pop remain oblivious proves how isolated they are, for no one's thought to inform them.
When it came to dubbing it, they were made his grandparents, removing all the above nonsense. Of course he visits his nan and granddad, it's their gaff and their money funding the place, and it is likely his mother or father would keep James's job a secret, for fear the shock would finish 'em off.
It should do really. If they're not bothered by it that's a sign of where his rapscallion ways were inherited.
They aren't facially akin to Ma and Pa, but display the same additions, so if staff it's bloody lazy, as if nannies have to resemble your parents, but inventing a blood link excuses the slothful characterisation.
Every reference I've seen on Tumblr relating to the coffin-dodgers calls them Nanny and Pop-Pop. Apparently the dub decision is met with universal approval. It does have redeeming aspects then.
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Now the sub writers, rather than ignore this development, took to it too. They aren't exactly bursting with ideas these days and are probably grateful for the lifelines offered.
Remembering James had parents, they forced a likeness between them and Nanny and Pop-Pop. How else do you explain the inexplicable ageing, even when Sinnoh Ma and Sinnoh Pa are younger than Ma and Pa?
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I've also known for years that the sub has this woman as Jessie's foster mother, not Ma Jess, but that's stupid.
I can grasp the idea that Jessie and Ma might have endured extreme deprivation, considering that's what Team Rocket has brought to Jessie anyway, and that they may have lived at the bottom of Mew's mountain prior to Ma's death.
What I find difficult to take in is that social services (or as they're known where I live, the S.S.), however notoriously awful they are, would give a child to a mad bitch in a shack with no running water.
Come on, they have to at least pretend to be concerned for Jessie's welfare.
As Jessie is very young, bereavement can't have befallen her in the distant past, so how can she be happy this soon after becoming an orphan? How could the grieving period be a cherished memory?
If that woman's creaming off the money, why hasn't she fixed the place up by now? Where do the payments go, sniffing glue?
Then there's the depiction. If this is just some daft bint never to be mentioned again, why do they conceal her face? Who cares what she looks like when she's unimportant?
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Here's another figure from Jessie's past. She isn't disguised, and why not when she too briefly appears and is then forgotten?
Who was she?
The only sort of characters they tended to hide were other members of Team Rocket:
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During the early scenes featuring Giovanni, he was enveloped in shadow, adding both intrigue and a sense of menace.
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Madame Boss also got this treatment, even though there was probably no intention to ever feature her in the anime. What's the use in keeping an appearance a mystery if it'll remain masked?
With that pattern, it implies this woman is in the same category, like Ma Jess.
When it came to animation, it definitely was intended to be a foster mother. Not her real one. No.
What did they do?
They gave her Jessie's skin tone and purple hair hanging down her back!
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You know, like Ma Jess?
Any colour would've done. Any at all, and being anime I do mean any colour, but no. The choice was made to give her the looks of the exact person she's not meant to be!
Is it that surprising the dub simplified things?
I don't mind if you like the dub, sub, both, or any from around the world, but I'm tired of the smug condescension, as if we all agree the sub is the only one that counts, and that dub fans are grunting troglodytes, or not 'proper' aficionados.
None of us would be here were it not for the dub. Pokémon would not be here. I think it deserves some respect for how much of a difference it made, to my life and to yours.
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thepeopletm · 3 years
11/5/2021 -💤? idk 6:00 pm
2day we had 2 spend hours around some1 we don’t like. we also we’re dissociating for half of it, wilbur fronted for awhile to help us out w socializing. overall it waz kinda a blur tbh. we saw sad-its new video which was kewl :] i’m extremely tired zince last night a new alter fronted and decided 2 chug the last of our monster under a minute and left me having 2 deal w the effects of it (which was not fun) usually once every month we’ll be paranoid that we’ll die that night, it’s kinda a long story so i’ll explain later probably :p sorry these posts are always usually short, i can’t remember much even tho i wanna talk abt interesting stuff. Today was nice tho cus we didn’t have school since the braves won apparently. later i’m gonna get ice cream and watch tiktokz and yt maybeee and play genshin and cookie run, hopefully we get to play genshin w my sister!! or hopefully she’ll help us out our led lights on!! :D anyways that’s abt all 4 now! (also random thing whenever i get home from school or a friends house i always see my cat laying on the bed sleeping but she’ll be awake by the time i open the bedroom door, and when i try to lay down or anything she’ll immediately climb on me to sleep just like how she’s doing rn. sad tho cus i have to get to a comfortable spot and unlock the door even tho shes sleeping on me ☹️) bye byezzz
11/5/2021 -📀? 7:56pm
Sometimes I get paranoid that c!Dream is watching me somewhere, our c!Ranboo gets extremely paranoid and anxious when he sees the dream smiley face when he’s fronting which sucks :( but idk right now it feels like someone is watching me ig.
Also tw for self harm? And gross stuff ig?
One time when we got extremely sick we tried to drink more water but immediately after we’d throw it up, but at the time we didn’t care and kept drinking it anyways. Somehow it kind of made it as a self harm thing. So whenever we feel like we need to throw up we’re so used to it that when we say “hey i might throw up later, just a heads up” our friends will go “oh my god r u ok? do u need to rest? do you need help?” and we’ll go “no dw it’s fine! i’m used to it” cause i am, with our adhd meds we have to take if we didn’t eat breakfast we’d throw up every morning at school even if it was just some water. Every time we throw up it’s always fuckin painful cause it hurts my stomach and ribs and torso a lil too much which is kinda concerning considering we need to get our ribs checked asap. But either way if we feel nauseous like our head hurts or stomach doesn’t feel good we’re so used to it that it doesn’t phase us, and in fact my head is blurred a lot rn i think cause of the monster that bitch ass headmate chugged last night. So i might try to throw up later even though it won’t do anything. Overall I’ve just been feeling like shit. We’ve been having somewhat “extreme” pains in the sides of our stomach/torso and when we move sometimes it feels like our ribs are moving an organ or something. And sometimes our stomach or bladder (i think?) hurts or like that one word that starts with an “s” i think? i just can’t remember it rn, anwyays basically we have a lot of problems and my mom STILL hasn’t called the fucking doctor when she said she was going to. AND THAT WAS A MONTH AGO!! AND she STILL hasn’t brought us to therapy or tried to fix the payment issues so i cant even talk to my therapist to ask if we can find a new one to help with our disorder!! She doesn’t care about her own children very much unless it’s cooking for us, and she’s made that very clear when she leaves for almost all day and night to go out with her friends or her bitch ass bf. How the hell did she expect our twin to be happy here when she gets drunk of tipsy every weekend??? Also her bf is fuckin weird. He comments on things he doesn’t have the say to, He’s literally been here for a few months and yet he commented on how messy my room was. He was like “yeah you better clean that room of yours cause it’s disgusting” or something like that. LIKE?? SIR. You have no fucking say in my room. Anyways i’m getting a huge headache and stomach feels like mush and i hate how we feel rn, i think we might be sick?? Sorry for the vent if anyone is even reading this. I doubt it though.
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back to Let me watch TV 4 U? The blog where I watch TV for YOU! Last night was the season 7 finale of Game of Thrones. What happened? LET’S FIND OUT! Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned. You’ve also been warned that you are about to be #SHOOKETH. 
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Again, I was fully #shook the entire second half of this ep. But the first half was less shocking, so let’s get that out of the way first, shall we?
We open on Greyworm and the rest of the Unsullied army…
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And they are in #formation on the lawn of King’s Landing. Jaime and Bronn watch from a tower and discuss dicks and basically conclude that dicks make the world go ‘round which is A. GARBAGE and B. WELCOME TO THE SEASON OF THE KWEENS. Also Bronn oversees the Lannister army’s production of “pitch” which I’m assuming is like tar (I know this from Into the Woods, thanks Sondheim!). What is this pitch for? IDK it’s never mentioned again! During their dick-discussion, the Dothraki forces ride up on their horses through the Unsullied formation and J and B are, frankly, spooked.
While the Unsullied and Dothraki approach by land, the big wigs ride in by sea. We’ve got Tyrion, Previously-Traumatized-Theon (PTT), Sleevey, Bae, No-Knuckles (NK), Stoney, and Missi on deck. Down below, the Hound checks to make sure the ice zombie they obtained last week is still zombie-ing. As they approach, Theon’s Uncle Crazy-Pants (UCP) has his whole fleet of ships guarding King’s Landing. We check in quickly with Queen Pixie Cut (QPC) who is reminding her zombie-bodyguard, The Mountain, to kill everyone please.
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As we approach the GoT-Model-UN, Bronn strolls up with Ladyknight and her squire, Pod on one side and are met by Tyrion and the rest of #TeamKhaleesi at a fork in the road. Pod and Tyrion and Bronn all used to be besties, so it’s kind of weird for them to be meeting like this, but OH WELL we’ve got ice zombies to discuss! The Hound and Ladyknight reunite which is cute because last time they met she left him for dead. They both chat about how they are proud that their little Arya has grown up to be a skilled assassin.
They approach the Courtyard by Marriott presents, the DRAGONPIT space that QPC has rented for their Model-UN conference, which is actually a giant pit where the Targaryens used to keep their dragons. It looks like one of those stadiums that was shoddily-built for the Olympics 25 years ago but has not been touched since. #TeamKhaleesi and #TeamBae all take their seats and then QPC and co. roll up with Uncle Crazy Pants. We get a reminder that the Mountain and the Hound (who are brothers) do NOT like each other. QPC is like, umm… Where’s Khaleesi? And then in the least surprising entrance ever Khaleesi flies in on Dragon #1 with Dragon #2 in tow and is like, what? Am I late?
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Uncle Crazy Pants has to remind us all that he’s crazy and rather than let the grown-ups chat, he yells at his nephew PTT and is like, hey, I still have your sister, remember? Tyrion tries to steer the convo back to Model-UN business but then UCP goes on a rant about how he hates dwarves until QPC is finally like shut all the way up, UCP. Tyrion and Bae co-present the case for their country in this model-UN, Khaleesi-ville. There’s a lot of back and forth but T makes a very good point when he says there’s “no conversation that will erase the last 50 years.”
Their presentation concludes with a real-life-3D-representation of the threat to their country, an ice zombie fresh from beyond the wall! The Hound sets him loose and he comes right for QPC’s face. She looks truly horrified while her “Maester” (who is into human experiments and keeping dead people alive unnaturally) is kinda turned on? Bae shows us that the 2 things that can destroy the ice zombie are fire and dragonglass, thus completing his presentation. Good job, Bae, A+ and extra points for visuals!
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UCP is not having this and is like, can ice zombies swim? Bae’s like, naw dawg they cannot. So UCP is like k, BAI and peaces out. He and his people live on an island so they’re safe from ice zombies as long as they stay put. Since Khaleesi recently purchased an island-condo, he advises her to do the same. QPC agrees to a truce with #teamKhaleesi on the condition that Bae heads back to Winterfell and not “choose a side” between Khaleesi and QPC. It seems like a good deal but Bae is like sorry I already chose a side I’m #teamKhaleesi til I die (again). QPC is like k, kewl, bai and her whole crew leaves without deciding on their model-UN resolution. Ladyknight appeals to her old pal Jaime to have some common sense but he is too #inlurve with his sister to listen.
Everyone left at the Courtyard by Marriott is like Bae couldn’t you just have told a little lie to QPC? And he’s like naw, not a liar. Can’t do it. Tyrion is like ok well I’ll go talk to my sis, she’ll probs kill me but, it’s been a fun life! Meanwhile, Khaleesi and Bae get a little heart-to-heart where she AGAIN mentions that she can’t have children and he’s like well who said that? And she’s like oh this witch doctor lady who killed my first husband. And Bae is like, she wasn’t even a licensed medical professional, what does she know!?
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Tyrion and Jaime have a quick moment of brotherly love before T goes to see QPC. T is like, ok sis, just kill me. Your giant zombie-bodyguard is here just give the order and have me killed. And then she doesn’t kill him. Instead, she declines his glass of wine because she is #drinkingfortwo now, that’s right, she preggers (or at least she claims to be). Somehow, telling Tyrion about her pregnancy leads her to change her mind so she returns to the Courtyard by Marriott to tell the crew that she will have her armies march North to face the “great war” of the ice zombies. Huzzah! Our mission is complete. OR IS IT?
Let’s pop into Winterfell, shall we?
Sansa finds out that Bae #boweddown to Khaleesi via a very informative letter and discusses this with Littlefinger. LF is like well, I guess Bae is a traitor now so maybe you should be in charge? And she’s like hmmm… but my sister is acting weird. And then he tries to tell her that her sis wants to kill her to become the “Lady of Winterfell” and take power. She’s like, well… I guess I better do something about that. A few scenes later, Sansa is busy looking out at the winter-y landscape and tells a guard to have her sister, Arya, brought to the Great Hall.
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In the Great Hall, Arya walks into a room filled with judgy-looking dudes in pointy hats and is like, did I miss something? And Sansa is like well… there is a traitor in our midst. And Arya is like, oh really, bitch? We gonna go there? And Sansa is like yep, you’re accused of treason, murder, and conspiring to kill your leader……… LITTLEFINGER!
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LF tries to talk his way out of this one but it turns out the sisters have been plotting against him all along and there’s nothing he can say that can combat that. Plus Bran is there and he can see the past so he offers some helpfully incriminating testimony against Littlefinger. LF is down on his knees begging Sansa for his life and she’s like #boibye, do it sis. And Arya cuts his throat! And then he is dead-o as dead as any dead thing that ever died. I truly cheered out loud at this scene. Like, I should have seen it coming but I didn’t. Thank you, GoT, for not only killing off a main character, but one we all wanted to see die anyway! Later, we get a scene where Arya and Sansa fully make up and are friends again, TG!
Back to #teamKhaleesi...
they’re debating travel plans to head North. Stoney is like, Khaleesi you should take the dragon express, but Bae is like no, sail on a boat wit me. And Khaleesi is FEELING BAE so she’s like sorry, Stoney, gotta get that D. Then we have a sweet scene where Bae and PTT resolve their past differences and PTT is like wow you are one good dude, Bae.
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Inspired by this convo, PTT heads to the boats to ask the small crew of his sister’s sailor-guys to sail with him to save his sis from UCP. The main sailor dude is like NOPE, you heard UCP, we’re heading to an island! PTT is like NOT TODAY, SATAN, and he starts fighting the main sailor dude. After taking several punches and getting back up again (that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call tub-thumping (thanks Kimmy Schmidt), when you get back down but you get up again), PTT is hit hard in the groin by the main sailor dude but jokes on him cuz PTT is like a Ken-Doll down there! PTT uses this momentum to wipe out sailor dude and after beating him up, rallies the troops to go save his sister! Good job, PTT!
Back in King’s Landing…
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Jaime is ordering the Lannister forces to head up North to fight the ice zombies when QPC walks in and is like lol wut? Jaime’s like just doing what we agreed to do at the Model UN conference! QPC is like, oh that’s sweet, you thought I was serious? I’m not gonna make a truce with Khaleesi! I’m gonna move in as soon as her troops head North! And Jaime is like how? We don’t have an army! And she’s like oh remember when UCP said he was going to leave and head back to the Iron Islands- psych!- he’s heading to the other side of the world to bring the “Golden Company” (a huge army of soldiers for hire that QPC bought with all that Tyrell gold) back here.
Jaime is NOT PLEASED because A. he wants them to keep their word and B. he’s like if these ice zombies win we’re all f$%-ed and C. QPC kept him in the dark about all of this. He’s like I know you murdered thousands of innocent people in a church and you’ve been 100% evil for the past 5 seasons, but this is the LAST STRAW. And he goes to leave and she’s nobody walks away from me and her zombie-knight is there. And Jaime is like ok, kill me. Which is cuckoo because this is the second time in this episode where QPC is faced with a brother saying “ok, have your zombie knight kill me then” and each time she doesn’t do it.
So Jaime storms off and it seems like he is finally dunzo with his twin sis/lover and is headed...North? IDK? As he is leaving King’s Landing, though, SNOW STARTS TO FALL whoa #winteriscoming #vintagenedstark #amiright ladies?
Let’s check in on Winterfell again!
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Sam arrives with Gilly and bb Sam and comes to see the artist formerly known as Bran Stark aka The 3-eyed Raven. Bran tells Sam he is the 3-eyed Raven now and Sam’s like….k? And Bran is like I need to see Bae to tell him about his parents. Bran is being a real know-it-all which is I guess his gig now and he’s like he’s not Jon Snow, he’s Jon Sand, he was a bastard born in Dorne (Dornish bastards have the last name Sand instead of Snow cuz of the climate) to Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. And Sam is like HOLD THE PHONE I just remembered that Gilly read aloud from this old dude’s diary that Lyanna and Rhaegar were legally married and he got offish divorced from his first wife!
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And then Bran goes back in time and watches the marriage and is like yep it happened and meanwhile he’s narrating all of this, Khaleesi and Bae are on a ship headed North when he knocks on her door late at night. She lets him in and then before we even get to witness their first kiss they are #doingit that’s right straight up boning and fully nude. It is very hawt but also we are confirming that she is his aunt at the same time. And Tyrion, meanwhile, watched Bae go into Khaleesi’s room and is feeling some kinda way about it?!?
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I’m too verklempt to describe the sensuality of these 2 beautiful people in the nude so let’s cut to our last scene. Gingerbae and Eyepatch are still at Eastwatch when GB spots a bunch of ice zombies walking up to the wall. He’s like oh snap they are very close now we better get our shit together. And then ICE ZOMBIE DRAGON flies up, with the Night King on his back and BURNS DOWN A HUGE SECTION OF THE ICE WALL WITH HIS FIRE/ICE BREATH!?!?!?! GB and Eyepatch seem to be ok but now, we have for the first time ever, a bajillion ice zombies who’ve successfully crossed into the realm of the living and are really, definitely coming for all of us. END OF EPISODE.
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Phew thanks so much for reading! Sorry bout my technical difficulties. I’ll see you next season!
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sundcwns-blog · 7 years
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heey, hello, it’s a meme. i’m maze ( she/her ) & hailing from one of the oh so lovely coughs gmt tzs aka gmt+2. besides being trash on the daily i’m literally always listening to music aka if u ever need something new in that department .. hello, or browsing through netflix without any intent on watching smth. living that wild life ik .. DKAMS. but you’re here for my two kids aka basil & saint so here we go ! if you’d like to plot like this and i’ll slide into ur ims or look under the read more for my disc*rd ! also as a warning i unintentionally was v vain and made both muses scorpios .....
☾ — ·˚ » BASIL CRATES is in saint tropez !! they often get mistaken as KIAN LAWLEY. apparently, HE/THEY is/are the JOCULAR of the group. they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old PANSEXUAL DEMIMALE. i hear they’re known as ALTRUISTIC and DOGMATIC. they also make their living as ART STUDENT / BARTENDER / COMIC BOOK ARTIST but you’d have to ask them a bit more.
born and raised in berlin, germany until his mother decided to move to the us when basil was twelve.
despite growing up bilingual, he had difficulties adjusting to the new surroundings and rather spent his free time drawing, eventually building up universes without needing any context and instead having the designs speak for themselves.
after finishing high school at age sixteen basil took a gap year to travel through europe with money they earned from several jobs during school times. bas was v very introverted back then, so it served as a challenge which once again they had difficulties with at first. but ofc you can’t get around without trying, so bas did. he’s still more of an ambivalent than an extrovert, but this journey made him see the beauty of uncertainty and they loved it.
also ik i used he & they in that last paragraph instead of just one bc basil honestly truly doesn’t care which one others use as long as they acknowledge bas isn’t cis bc he’s v open about his gender along with being pan .. but that’s another thing.
basil has a very high iq, but always prevented others from knowing about it. he basically failed tests on purpose back in germany and in the us he always made sure others don’t feel bad about their results and said his were worse even though he probably always got an a+, thus resulting in bas being able to skip two grades.
his mother had to carry two jobs to make a living for the two of them, which was one of the reasons why bas sold his art from a young age. thankfully it was actually decent ( coughs and looks @ ryan reynolds’ twitter ) and ppl actually wanted to pay good money for it. this was also one of the key moments in which bas realized they wanted to have their profession somewhere in the art department.
married his high school sweetheart in las vegas as soon as they both turned eighteen, but divorced just three weeks later. this is just one of their impulsive decisions as bas isn’t much of a planner, they rather have a few good laughs when telling the story ( even for the 10th time ) instead of asking what if. the only thing bas ever truly planned was becoming a comic book artist. they’re still at the very beginning as basil’s v young, but they’re just as determined to make it in the industry.
basil’s mother was always into greek mythology and even gave her child the middle name cerberus, which literally is the most dangerous thing about him and while he’s into mythology himself, he doesn’t really tell anyone his middle name as he’d rather not be compared to a three-headed dog .. but if he ever ends up drunk u can bet he’d insist on being called cerberus and nothing else.
being a comic book artist basil’s an avid comic reader as well, but mostly prefers indie comics as they’re more his kind of humor. speaking of, basil’s more of a morbid humor kind of pal ? but he’ll also immediately apologize if he takes it too far bc he values comfort even more than getting a laugh out of others and himself.
huge fan of dogs, literally the person that points at a dog and says “aw.” and definitely wants to pet them.
the least scorpio-like scorpio you will ever meet, and trust me this is coming from a Real Scorpio™.
ends up in a lot of weird scenarios while just trying their best, but always tries to take it with humor especially if someone’s with them.
most of his friends wouldn’t expect it, but basil’s very romantic, like going all out even for a first date and is probably doing waay too much for his opposite.
not really into the whole sex, drugs n rock ‘n’ roll as he prefers to maybe drink a few beers with his closest friends due to seeing what alcohol can do to people on an almost daily basis as a bartender. however, all of kian’s tattoos are canon for bas except for the native american and butterfly ones.
literally everything but to be basic .. a best friend ( who might even know about his high iq bc he truly doesn’t tell anyone ), bad influence ( basil’s not exactly innocent or good himself but there’s always worse am i right ), childhood friend ( someone he considered a friend after moving to a completely new country ), enemy ( maybe they’re of the opposite group or even in the same and they had some fight that led to it or just disliking each other for apparently no reason at all just .. pls give me smth negative ), ex on good/bad terms ( as basil’s pretty romantic it could’ve been too much for the other or literally any other reason k thanks ), someone who hates his jokes ( plain n simple .. kewl ), my brain is scattered bc it’s almost 2am rn so i Def missed 820397 plots i’d love but u know what .. i’m a plot pro so shrugs. also i nearly wrote pro plot so u get me now .. pls killme KMDSX.
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☾ — ·˚ » SAINT DEVERAUX is in saint tropez !! they often get mistaken as ALISSA VIOLET. apparently, SHE arrived from THE USA. they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old UNLABELED CIS FEMALE. i hear they’re known as VIGOROUS and DETACHED. they also make their living as an ACTRESS but you’d have to ask them a bit more.
just as a small disclaimer: if anyone read girls on fire by robin wasserman, saint’s personality is heavily inspired by one of the characters in it aka lacey. and if u haven’t read it .. pls do it if you’re even just remotely into ya literature.
born and raised in los angeles, us, saint was practially thrown into the lives of the rich and famous. her parents were big in hollywood back in the 80s & 90s and gave those legacies to her.
being practially raised by nannies, saint didn’t really have a connection to her parents till they retired when she was fourteen. from there it was basically always good which is .. v weird but they somehow made it work.
as soon as saint turned eighteen she decided to change her last name to her mother’s maiden name, as she’s never been a fan of women having to give up their names just for being married even if it’s voluntary. this also resulted in her imdb page ( she truly made it huh. ) being “divived” into saint bartowski ( also shoutout @ anyone who gets this ref ) and saint deveraux.
at age eighteen saint also let out her true self, at least towards her parents. she admitted to worshipping lucifer just to piss them off and see how they’d react, it was just a game for her. but to be as convincing as possible, she did the most, even though she would’ve already had them just with her words, but saint always wanted to know just how far she could take it.
to the public she’s seen as this socialite turned actress who never did anything wrong, but just due to her parents and herself keeping everything under a neat little rug.
saint’s a very passionate person and loves to be surrounded or admired by people, but at the same time she doesn’t really care about anyone, no matter how many i love yous she’s going to whisper into someone’s ear or no broken promises ever.
as a result of the press putting labels onto her 24/7 she resents them. the only one she’ll ever claim is being in the lgbtq+ com as it’s basically the only thing in her life she truly cares about besides acting and her cats. however saint also makes a lot of fun of men and highly prefers females and nb pals for .. u know what.
she can also be extra af as she literally bought an old vw t1 bus in st. tropez for the short amount of time she’s there and have it look exactly like the one she has back in la with the pride flag sprayed on its roof and every little sticker/detail on its doors, etc.
getting to her job .. she currently stars in a made up netflix show that’s somewhere between veronica mars, twin peaks and 21 jump street ( the movie version ). i actually made a whole filmography for her but i’m too lazy for graphics and i’m not even sure whether i can use real movies/shows so oo. but if u want a list i can tots send it via disc*rd ( btw mine is artcmis#4377 ). and just know that she admires amber heard and mostly chooses roles like her aka not the damsel in distress. tho she would def love to save that kind of character one day .. js.
this is getting soo messy already omg. but to put her in a nutshell, saint’s a callous, manipulative, control loving, determined scorpio who also happens to be an actress, cat lover and feminist putting up a facade daily. also she can’t handle relationships for shhhit.
and what would these bullet points be if i didn’t start and finish them with a disclaimer ? still a mess yeah ik .. MXKAJD. but even tho most probs don’t even know who alissa is i just wanted to say that saint will have green eyes bc .. #aesthetic.
once again any plot goes except for romantic stylez kind of plots bc yk not her kind of thing. catfish ( either someone used to catfish someone else using her pics or even better someone got catfished with her photos n now they’re meeting and she’s .. acting v different. plS. ), fwb ( so yeah saint hates relationships but u know what she doesn’t hate wink wink ;) KMSLASK also probs won’t work with males bc she’s all like [ cher horowitz vc ] as if ! ), fan ( someone who likes her movies or show idk ?? let her be all chill with them pls ), smoke bud ( she loves to party & smoke soo .. maybe even in an all-in-one with the fan plot ), enemy ( probs one of the other sec charas bc maybe they’ve met before or even wanted the same role ?? ), once again my brain is a mess sooo .. good bi !
this got longer than my biography ever could so if u read it all .. u truly are the mvp and deserve an award.
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