#like my anorexia is literally 90% beause i want to be able to be skinny so i can be the cute skinny butch everyone idealizes in queer spaces
mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
body standards in the queer community are so fucking harmful. the amount of fucking breakdowns i’ve had because i knew i’d never be able to fit into the perfect butch fashion idea. god. it’s exhausting and nothing makes it better. fat queer people, qpoc, disabled queer people, this shit affects so many queers in different ways and it’s so hurtful i want to cry rn. im not even mad im just sad that the world is like this. i deserve to love my body but i dont and the biggest reason is because i dont fit into queer narratives. it sucks. but i will still do my fuckin damndest to uplift others who are struggling with the same thing. it breaks my heart, watching other queer people talk about this. sure, it’s good to know im not alone but i also dont want anyone to ever have to go through that but i know thats not realistic. yall are all beautiful NO MATTER WHAT. your skin is your skin, your body is your body, your hair is your hair- it’s all okay. especially if you’re trans and this kind of stuff hurts cuz dysphoria. it’s so important to recognize that transition goals dont have to be an ideal, they can be realistic to you. im not asking anyone to feel guilty im just asking that you realize that something needs to be done because this is killing people. just love all queers no matter our bodies or physical characteristics, we all deserve the happiness that other queers deserve. i love y’all so much if you ever need anything or need to rant or want some validation please know you can come to me.
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