#like i wore a bikini when i went to cancun!!!
axelotyls · 8 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) 🌟
hi meeeeeg
my hair, my smile, my sense of style, my body, and me :3
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT:no selfies in the bathroom please ; captain america
This one got buried deep on my blog too but I truly did enjoy writing for Cap. And I’m probably gonna do one hell of a lot more of it. For now, this is a start.
Roxy is on a cruise and it’s not going well at all. A phone conversation with Captain America, however, gives her something to look forward to.
Captain America x OFC, Roxy.
uhhh innuendo, flirting..
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“I’m rethinking my decision to go without sunscreen. Holy shit, everything hurts.” Roxy cringed at her sunburnt skin in the mirror. The cell phone pinged and Roxy grabbed it, scanning the text from Natasha.
← How’s Cancun?
← Meet any guys on the cruise?
Roxy bit her lip and dragged a hand through tousled deep golden brown waves. She’d have to worry about her skincare predicament later. She’d gone almost a week with no contact and she knew that Natasha texting was a passive way of her team mate pointing it out, so she figured that rather than risk Fury sending down agents and ruining what was left of her vacation, she’d better just answer.
→ Welp, I’m sunburnt so bad that I don’t even wanna think about clothes, I drank so much rum I tried to go into the wrong cabin and now there’s a storm rolling in for the rest of the week, so.. 5 out of 10. Not too bad, but could’ve gone so much better. How’s the mission going? How’s Captain?
→ Yeah, several married fuckboys. I’ve given up on the stupid mixers they hold on this cruise, it’s pointless… I repeat, how is Captain holding up?
Scrolling through Spotify, Roxy found her favorite hair metal playlist and turned it up as loud as the volume would go to keep the sound of the neighbors hate fucking from echoing through the wall separating the rooms. When Bon Jovi barely covered the moans and growls and bed creaking, Roxy glared at the wall, flipping it off before stepping close.
“Can you two knock it the entire fuck off? Some of us are trying to take a nap before the next call to port.”
“Jealous much?” the muffled reply came through and Roxy rolled her eyes, sticking her finger down her throat as she pretended to gag while muttering to herself, “Not likely.”
Which was, of course, a total lie. Because hell yes, she was jealous. Very jealous. Insanely jealous.
…. If you’d stop being a little bitch and just make a move already…. Who knows? You two might have even gotten together and maybe you’d be getting your own action right now that’s not battery operated….
….Steve isn’t that kind of guy…. But at least you wouldn’t be alone on this damned cruise….
“Did you hear anything?”
The question had Natasha smirking to herself through a curtain of vibrant red hair. She knew telling Roxy total radio silence from the team for a while might be a good thing and if her suspicions were right, Cap’s tone held just the slightest hint of concern. Natasha finally pulled herself out of the text conversation that she was having with Roxy and looked up at the man, giving a shrug as she responded “Maybe?”
“Well?” Steve’s hand raised, slowly dragging through shaggy hair. Shaggier than he’d ever worn it before, but he refrained from cutting it mostly because he was too lazy and too picky. And maybe the new team member Roxy had something to do with it, the way she was always playing with it, his mind was quick to add but he shoved out the thought before it could fully form.
That would be too weird. Despite outward appearances and overall physical health suggesting otherwise, Steve kept circling back to one simple fact. He was old enough to be Roxy Davenport’s grandpa.
He lowered himself into the seat next to Natasha and before Natasha could move her phone out of sight, he caught sight of the screen.
Of Roxy in a bikini that was… Definitely daring. Left very little to the imagination. Natasha smirked triumphantly at the fact that he was gaping like an ass and after closing the screen out, she shrugged. “She hates the cruise. First the airport lost her luggage, so she had to buy clothes. Then she spent all night above deck at one of those mixers and apparently drank so much rum she wandered into the wrong cabin below deck. Then at the last port, she got propositioned by some really questionable looking local man. And now, she apparently fell asleep sunbathing and according to her, becoming a nudist is looking appealing.”
“Yeah.. The sunburn..” Steve was still trying to make words form properly and with a cough he finished, “It looked really bad. Didn’t she have any sunscreen?”
“Yeah. Here. In the bathroom on our wing. She forgot to pack it.”
Steve shook his head, clucking his tongue as he did so. “I told her a thousand times to pack it.”
Natasha’s cell phone started to ring and as soon as she saw Roxy’s contact information and photo on the screen, she passed it off to Steve and left the room.
Staying hidden outside the door, of course. Maybe if she forced them to talk they actually would. And they’d get along just like she felt they would.
They both needed someone, and they both felt something.. Steve was just more reluctant to show it than Roxy.
“Steve?” the reception was bad. The storm was starting to roll in and due to the water being a little choppy, they were currently docking at some island port to ride out the storm before going any further. Roxy stood on her bed, peering out the porthole window. “Where’s Nat?”
“Nat handed me the phone and left.” Steve shifted around in his seat, trying to will away the image of her in black fabric scraps. But he couldn’t. “Do you send all your friends personal pictures?”
… way to go, Steve… way to make it awkward… Steve took a deep breath and shifted around in his seat some more, grabbing for the remote on the table in front of him. “Nevermind, I… That wasn’t my business.”
Roxy gave a soft laugh but eyed the phone with a raised brow. He almost sounded a little… Bothered… by the picture she’d sent Natasha so Nat could see her sunburn and how severe it was.
No, Roxy thought to herself, that cannot be it. There’s no way plain ol’ me has worked Captain freakin America up, nope.
It didn’t stop her from hoping that maybe she had though.
“Honestly, that picture wasn’t that bad. The stupid swimsuit didn’t fit but like… There’s worse on my Instagram, trust me.”
“Define worse.” Steve couldn’t help the way it just came out. He bit his lip as he tried not to say anything else. If he opened his mouth one more time, he was almost 100 percent sure that the way he felt -and how jealous it made him sometimes whenever Starlord or Thor flirted with her and she seemed to flirt right back, that was all gonna come tumbling out before he could stop it.
“You’ve seen it. You’re following my Instagram.” Roxy stifled a soft giggle. On his end, Steve took a deep breath and tried to go back in his mind, tried to remember what Instagram was and how he’d wound up following her. It hit him then.. Tony. Tony made him an Instagram and he’d followed everyone he worked with on Instagram. After the first few days, the novelty wore off and he rarely looked at it now.
Curiosity got the best of him, so while he was talking on Natasha’s phone, he took his own out of his pocket, going to the app. Going to her page and when he did, he coughed and swore to himself.
Roxy heard him mutter a quiet and almost growled “Fuck” under his breath and she raised a brow. “Everything okay there, Cap?”
“Everything is..” but he couldn’t get any words to come because his eyes were glued to her Instagram profile, snickering softly to himself when he hit play on a video she posted the night before, her singing karaoke to some song he’d heard her listening to a time or two.
“Yeah?” Roxy muttered, wondering what the hell was up with Steve. This was the most he’d said to her since the last mission they went out on together. The one where they had to act as husband and wife and maybe things got a little… Tense when they were in closed quarters.
… you walked in on him after he showered and then he accidentally grabbed your tits trying to secure the wire…
“Fine.” Steve finally managed to answer, letting out a shaky breath and continuing to scroll. That bikini made it’s first appearance further down the timeline. He tugged at the collar of his fitted white tee and took a deep breath.
“You sure? You sound like you’re not feelin well, Captain.”
“I’m fine. Just.. Hot. Yeah, it’s hot here.” Steve was partially telling the truth. “Have you done anything about the sun burn?”
“Ice bath.”
…. But the sunburn wasn’t the only reason I needed it, thanks a lot Tasha, posting a video of you sparring, sir….  The thought came quickly and Roxy tried to shove it out.
But even now, all she could see was him sparring with one of the rookies.. Or doing push ups, shirtless.
It was burned into her brain.
“That’s all? You need some aloe or somethin on that, doll. Because from that picture you sent Nat… You don’t look good at all.”
… way to go, Steve, there’s absolutely no way you could screw this up worse if you tried… you know what you’re doing, act like it…
“Gee, thanks.” Roxy pouted.
“I don’t mean like that, you look damn good, just.. The burn not so much.”
Roxy felt herself getting flustered. Everything about the tone and the phrasing… Was he flirting with her?
“Well, see, therein lies a problem, Captain. I kind of can’t reach the majority of the worst spots. And there’s no way I’m going to ask someone to rub aloe all over me.”
… unless it’s you, of course…
“If it’s still that bad when you get back I.. I mean if you need someone to rub…” Steve palmed his face, took a deep breath and finally managed to say it calmly and with a straight face, “I’ll do it.”
Roxy’s thighs tightened at the way he said it and the mental images it filled her mind with. “Oh you will, hmm?” her voice dropped a little and she bit her lip, suddenly fidgety. She settled down on the bed, trying to find some level of comfort against badly sunburnt skin. Oh god, I bet his hands would feel so fucking good against my skin… And that mouth.. He must have said something while she was on her little distracted mental tangent, because he said her name again.
“I was saying I’d do it.” Steve answered, trying to work up the nerve required to just go for it. Finally, he managed to do so. “Are you sure it’s a good idea posting those pictures you post?”
… so he’s looking at it now.. Interesting.. The thought came and Roxy gave a soft laugh, rolling onto her stomach and immediately regretting it when the thin blanket felt like prickly like a cactus instead of soft like it had before she’d gotten her sunburn. “Nobody really notices, I mean.. It’s a way to keep in touch with friends and stuff, let people see what I’m doing.”
Steve coughed a little, eyes scrolling through the comments on the black bikini pic. His breath hitched in his throat and he blurted out before he could stop himself, “I didn’t know you had a tattoo.”
“Yeah, it’s itty bitty. I lost a dare. Otherwise, I’d never have gotten it.” Roxy muttered, scrolling through her messages. “Are you sure you’re okay, Captain? You sound a little out of it.”
“I’m fine. Just tired.”
“Yeah, I saw you sparring with the new guy. Looked pretty intense.” - her giggle really did something to him, he clenched his fists and unclenched them, standing up. Maybe if he moved around, he could get rid of the situation currently on the rise.
… I had a good reason too, Steve thought to himself as he chuckled quietly and stretched, catching sight of the time. “You did, huh?”
“I did. It was… Interesting.”
“Oh?” Steve asked as he moved towards the kitchen and grabbed himself a bottled water, drinking down half.
“Yeah. Ya know, I had quite the view myself.”
Roxy wanted to punch herself in the throat as soon as she said it, but it was out, no sense in covering it up. Steve coughed a little and chuckled again quietly. She sounded flustered. No, he didn’t dare get his hopes up.  “Oh really now?”
Roxy took a deep breath. Now she could feel her face heating up and she could only imagine those baby blue eyes of his fixing on her.. That little smirk on his face and the way he rubbed his chin when in thought. She closed her eyes and imagined it almost perfectly, Steve wandering around the main room in the tower because he couldn’t ever really sit still when he had to have a phone conversation she’d noticed. Stretching his arms and the way the muscles would stand out as a result.
“Shit.” she gasped as she squirmed slightly and the thin blanket on her bed rubbed right against sunburnt flesh. Steve muttered quietly, “Language.” and Roxy retorted with a soft laugh, “Oh trust me.. If you were burnt like I am, you wouldn’t care about language.”
“I still can’t believe you forgot your sunscreen.”
“Me either.” Roxy groaned, lightly hitting her head against the mattress as she sighed and pulled herself up, sliding off the bed. “I think I packed some cooling gel though.” she rummaged through her suitcase. The neighbors were at it again, fighting as foreplay. She rolled her eyes at the wall and it must have been loud enough for Steve to hear because he asked what was going on.
“My neighbors have a makeup sex kink, apparently. They’re either fighting or going at it like rabbits.” she stopped by the wall separating the two rooms and banged loudly, “And I really wish they’d knock it the hell off so maybe I could get a little sleep.”
Steve snickered and coughed. Because naturally, given the current conversation and the fact that he felt like Roxy was definitely flirting with him and now he was attempting to do the same back, it was so much easier with the phone between them, his own mind went down an interesting path and he could imagine himself there with her.. Rubbing the aloe into her skin. Trailing his hands over curves. Pressing his chest against her back and laughing, giving her some kind of smooth remark about her ability to fall asleep practically anywhere and stay asleep not doing her any favors this time. Holding her as they drifted off to sleep.
“If you’re not havin any fun by yourself doll, why go on the cruise alone?”
“My grandma bought me tickets to this damn thing and I love my grandma, so I was not about to turn this down. She wanted me to come on here and meet someone like she did a long time ago.. But like..” Roxy laughed and Steve took another long sip of water, waiting on her to finish her sentence. Which she never did.
Steve wasn’t about to bring it up, either. But he did find himself wondering what she might have been about to say.
“Hey, Captain?”
“Yeah?” he took a deep breath.
“If you really wanna apply my aloe when I’m back at the tower, I won’t object.” almost the second Roxy let it slip out, she was instantly on pins and needles. Maybe she’d said it because she was lonely and she wished she wasn’t on the cruise by herself. Maybe she said it because she’d held in her feelings entirely too long. Maybe being on the cruise and having distance between them via a phone line made her entirely too brave. She took a deep breath and started to speak up and say it was silly, but to her surprise, Steve spoke up first.
“You won’t, huh? Well, see..” Steve wandered back over to the kitchen area, grabbing himself another bottled water. He was trying to make one last ditch effort not to say what he’d been holding back for so long, but he just couldn’t anymore. He took a deep breath, uncapping his water and drinking a little and then he continued to speak, “ The problem with this doll is that I don’t know I’d be able to just stop at rubbin aloe all over your burn.”
Out in the hallway, Natasha overheard and nearly choked on a cough. She stepped away from the door, pumping her fist in victory. It was taking everything in the woman not to burst in and tell him that she knew he had a thing for Roxy.
Steve wanted to kick himself, but then he heard her give this sexy little quiet whimper and it only pushed things a little further. “You’re a flirt.”
Roxy’s breath caught in her throat and she gave a soft laugh to cover the fact. “Yeah? And?” while she panicked internally.. Was he catching on to her subtly -and not so subtly flirting with him for months?
“Yeah. And sometimes,” Steve debated heavily on what he was going to say next, ultimately just going for it. Laying it all out there just seemed to be a good idea. “I mean, don’t get me wrong doll, I absolutely love it when you’re flirting with me. Others? Not so much..”
Roxy twisted a strand of hair around her fingertip as she mulled over what he seemed to be dancing around saying. She chose to play coy, asking instead, “ How’s this pertain to you rubbing me down, Captain?”
Steve caught the slight teasing tone to her voice and he rubbed his chin, took a bigger sip of water and then after about two seconds of contemplating it, he went for it, “It pertains because since I know I wouldn’t be able to stop with just covering your sunburns in aloe, doll… You’re gonna have to stop flirting with the other guys. Because I’m not really into sharing.”
Roxy did it again, that little whimper. If he could see her right now, she’d be as good as fucked, she was almost certain because she was fidgety and blushing all over beneath the sun burn, biting her lips and almost squirming where she stood, peering out the porthole window.
“What if I told you a little secret, Captain?”
“Oh? What’s that, baby doll?”
“I only flirt with them because you don’t seem to take hints well. So maybe I do it in the hopes that you’ll say somethin?”
Steve bit back a groan, leaning against the fridge as he chuckled quietly, dragged his fingers through his hair again. Suddenly it all made sense and he realized that apparently, Tony, Thor and Natasha were way more perceptive than he apparently was, because they’d all been telling him this for a month now and he refused to listen.
It felt freeing, laying it all out there, finally.
“In that case..” Steve’s breath caught in his throat and he went quiet as Natasha’s phone chirped, indicating low battery. “I’m gonna call you back on my phone.”
Roxy bit her lip and probably a little too quickly, she answered, “Yeah, do that. I really want to continue this conversation, Steve.”
“So do I, doll.” Steve muttered, grinning like an idiot as he hung up…
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Getaway (2019!Roger) - Requested
Request:  Hi, Lou! I rly loved your headcannons of dating 2019 Roger and i would like you write a one-shot! in particular a romantic diner with a bit of smut at the end, the idea got stuck in my head, please! - Anon
Summary: You and Roger go on holiday after Christmas and it’s only the two of you for the first time in a while, so to start the new year you get him all for yourself.
Warnings: Fluff, smutty - spoiler!vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don’t do that, children!).
A/N: I’m not gonna lie, this idea is also stuck in my head now. Also, I couldn’t just write a dinner date so here’s this and I hope it doesn’t suck!
You open your eyes and look around for a moment before remembering where you are. The room is quiet and empty, your body is covered by white and coffee colored sheets while there is a lamp on either side of the bed. The French doors leading to the balcony are half open, the soft wind coming in carries the smell of salt from the ocean and blows on the white curtains.
Rolling on your side you look for Roger, reaching out you realize he is not in bed anymore but his side of the bed is still warm, meaning he only got up a little while ago. With a smile, you stare up at the ceiling and sigh. When you arrived at the hotel the night before you two were absolutely knackered.
Now you push the covers away and slip your feet into a pair of white flip-flops as your pj’s hang loosely around your body. As you make your way outside to the balcony. The first thing you see is Roger’s back as he takes in the view. You traveled all the way to the exotic beaches of Cancun.
Although many people could not understand it, you adore the man you had in front of you. He gets you like nobody else ever did, and he is fun, loving, he is protective and a bit jealous. Messy and chill, responsible nevertheless. He brings the best in you out for the world to see, and you don’t even have to try to be the best you with him. You don’t need to make an effort for him. It comes naturally. He could be twenty for all you care, he could be a hundred: it wouldn’t change the fact that you loved him.
“Are you staring dear?” Roger knew you were there, and the humor in his voice gave him away.
You blushed, yeah, he could still bother you in all sorts of ways.
“It’s called admiring, Rog…” you offer, walking out there and wrapping your arms around him, you press your cheek against his back. “How did you sleep?”
You heard him humm in response.
“Like a baby, you?” He put his hands on top of yours.
“Same,” You giggled.
Taking your arms away you announced to Roger that you were going to go get ready to have breakfast and hit the beach.
While you make sure to have sunscreen and tanning lotion in your bag, and your one-piece swimsuit under a pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt, Roger gets ready too, puts on his shorts and grabs one of his hats. He lets his sunglasses hang from the collar of his shirt and holds your hand as you step out of the room.
For the rest of the day, you do nothing but sunbathe, read and drink the occasional cocktail with Roger laying on a beach chair next to you. The two joke around a bit now and then, going into the clear water for a dip at the sea.
“Y/N, what is this?”
Roger looks down at your body while you walk hand in hand towards the water.
You shrug and look down at your baby blue one piece, half your back is showing already tanning from the spray tanning lotion you applied earlier. Roger’s brow furrows as he gets a good look at your legs, appearing longer thanks to the way the swimsuit is cut, leaving your hip exposed.
“It’s fashion, my love!” You laugh and hold on to his arm, leaving your chin on his shoulder, “don’t you like it?”
“How do you plan on getting rid of the tan lines?” He wonders.
You’ve made the mistake before of wearing swimsuits with various small designs on the back or chest areas, which leave you with strange tan lines. As a matter of fact, when you first started going out you went on holiday with your friends to Greece and ended up coming back with some of the oddest tan lines Roger had ever seen. It didn’t bother him; in a way, he felt a little bit turned on by them, knowing he was the only one to know about these he had fun tracing them when you were in bed, you didn’t mind it much either if this was the treatment they would get.
“Oh, I won’t!” You wink at the drummer.
Both of you have a laugh in the water, watching as small fishes swim around your feet. Roger’s arm is wrapped around your waist most of the time. When the sun is about to set you to go back to your room and get ready for dinner, as tonight you’ll be celebrating the New Year all on your own.
Roger wears a white pant with a matching white shirt while you put on a short flowy red dress and style your hair in messy waves - which you pray will stay at least until dinner is over.
You go to one of the restaurants downtown for a traditional local dinner, Roger has a bunch of things he wants to talk to you about since Christmas, he will go on tour with Brian and Adam, so he wants to make the most out of the time you have right now.
The whole evening you talk and laugh with each other, discussing whatever comes to mind.
“Would you like to come to some shows next year?” Roger asked out of nowhere.
“If I say no, would you convince me to go?” you look up from your plate and smile at Roger, who grabs his cup of red wine with a smile on his face as well.
“It’s your choice I guess!” He chuckles. “Ah, but I could make you an offer…”
With that, you laugh and shake your head. As soon as you finish your dinner Roger decides he wants to leave.
“I feel like you have ulterior motives to take me back!” You watch him call the waiter.
“What if I do?” He shrugs after the waiter leaves your table and you look over your shoulder to see him go.
“What about the fireworks?” You raise a brow. “I thought we would see them from the square!”
“We can see them perfectly from our balcony,” Roger dismisses your comment.
The two of you leave the restaurant, your arm is linked to his and you give him a little peck on the cheek while you walk through the busy streets of the colourful city centre.
Upon finding an open ice cream shop, you two get a treat to share, the heat of the city has you both walking around in a not too comfortable layer of sweat that makes your skin glow everywhere the light hits it.
Roger has been dying to have you alone all to himself since that morning when you took your clothes off and he saw you wearing that beautiful one-piece. He would have thought that a bikini would have him like this but in reality your clothes never wore you and your attitude of carelessness was what got Roger going.
By the time you come back to the hotel you are only fooling around, taking the cab back to your hotel without being able to stop touching each other. You giggle into Roger’s lips and kiss him as his hand slips under your skirt up your thigh. You have had a shower before dinner and put on a fresh pair of black panties, your dress has straps so you forgot about wearing a bra, not that it mattered that much, although it seemed as if Roger could tell by the way his kisses slipped from your lips to your jaw and tentatively your shoulder, making you smile and giggle as if this could hide your moaning and gasping from the man driving the cab. You give warning glances at Roger, which he returns in a mocking manner.
Once you arrive, Roger pays and opens the door for you. Immediately you grab his hand and pull him through the large main doors of the hotel’s entrance, through a large hall and past a staircase you can see the sea in the back and a small crowd gathered in the beach to receive the new year, which you ignore to drag Roger to the lift.
“I swear,” you push the button for your floor and lean back into Roger’s from as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I’m about to explode!”
He presses himself against you and you close your eyes in ecstasy, already feeling his hard on pressed to your butt.
“Not yet, darling.”
You tilt your head back and turn just enough to catch a glimpse of Roger’s eyes, you reach out and pull him into a kiss that you do no intend to come the way it does. You moan into it and one of Roger’s hands is almost cupping your breast as his tongue licks your bottom lip and enters your mouth. You have to pull out when the ding of the machine announces that the lift is here and the doors open.
You purse your lips and pull away from him, both of you keep silent as you stare at one another during the short ride on the elevator. Up until the cab ride you had been behaving fine, keeping it clean and not even thinking about more than cuddling with your best friend, your lover: Roger. But now...you could feel anticipation bubbling in your belly and an uncomfortable wetness in your panties.
When you step out into the hallway Roger follows but you do not dare touch each other, thinking you want nothing more than to tear his clothes to shreds and have him.
Roger puts the card key in the door and unlocks it, opening it and letting you walk in first, only for you to turn and pull him inside by the collar of his shirt while he chuckles.
Upon closing the door Roger pushes you against it, his body on yours too and lips connecting. You rub your leg on his crotch and smile when he moans, reaching down he simply slips your panties to the side and brings a finger to your clit, rubbing circles on it as you moan. He kisses your cheek and your shoulder and cups your breast with his free hand as you hold on to his shoulders to make sure you’re okay in case your knees give in.
Roger’s beard tickles you everywhere and you love it, what drives you mad is his decision to bring two fingers to work your sensitive core, pushing inside slowly he watches you arch your back.
He pushes in and out without stopping and slips one of the straps of your dress off your shoulder, kissing and biting your tanned skin. You pull yourself together barely enough to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Rog...”you moan into his ear, “please, just-“ You gasp for air, knowing that he likes to tease you like this so you will break “please fuck me.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear!”
He brings his lips to yours and gives you a passionate kiss, his fingers leave your hot core and his hands slip up so he pushes your panties off of you while you take off his pants and help him throw away his shirt.
Roger tangles his fingers in your long hair and slides your dress off you, praising you for the lack of a bra.
“I’ve been thinking about this all night,” he says and surprises you by squeezing your breast rather harshly in his hands.
“All yours to play with, Love!”
You put your hands on his but push them away to slide across the room to the large empty dresser. You jump on it and sit there with Roger watching and following, as he observes with an amused grin on his face you pull your knees apart and reach out making grabby hands at him.
Roger knows where you’re going and he steps closer until you are able to trace your hands over his chest and up to his neck and shoulders as he is almost completely pressed against you.
“Like this?” He sounds amused and you shrug looking down.
He chuckles and pushes your hair back behind your shoulder as he leans in to kiss it while he lets his other hand roam about your thigh. Almost instinctively you throw your head back, your mouth falls open and you reach down to press your palm to his hard cock.
Both of you moan as a reaction to each other’s touch and you find yourself longing for Roger to fill you up, you don’t even care if you’ll miss the fireworks or if you’ll have a complaint from your neighbors.
“I want you...” He admits in a whisper and presses the tip of his cock to your entrance.
“You can have me.”
Roger cups the side of your face and kisses your lips, pushing your mouth open so your tongues meet while he pulls your hips closer to the edge of the dresser and he thrusts into you. Both of you hold on tighter to each other, feeling him pull away your breathing grows heavier and you breathe out in a loud moan disconnecting from the kiss once he thrusts into you again. Roger fills you up so good it drives you crazy, you follow his movements and crash your hips into his as long as you can follow. He loves to have your legs around him so you dig your heels into his back as he fucks you faster and faster, both of your orgasms building. Roger grunts against your mouth and you gasp for air as you go on, feeling him bring you closer and closer to the edge with each thrust. You cannot warn him, you cry out in pleasure as you cum, arching your back you call out his name and feel your walls closing in around his length that doesn’t stop rubbing inside you until a moment later when he buries his face on your neck and his hips come to a halt, his cock deep inside you, spilling his warm seed.
You haven’t been able to open your eyes again when the sound of the fireworks begins. You run your hand through Roger’s platinum hair.
“Happy new year, my love!” Roger whispers against your shoulder.
“Happy new year!” You laugh.
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