#like I always dreamed of living in a queer household and?? im doing that?
jewshboy · 8 months
im not sure I've actually /really/ taken a moment to be grateful since ive moved. not that it hasnt dawned upon me but man.... im living the life i dreamed of having since i was a young teen basically.
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holidcy · 4 years
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i am actually embarrassed to say how long this intro too me to write out ? so im not gonna say it ! it’s not like it took be 3 hours or anything 👀 . and for what ? idk because this intro is a mess . but anyways ... i’m mia , i’m a whole twenty years old which really just feels like a glorified teenager but whatever , we’re not here to talk about that right now . we’re here to talk about my lil baby holly . guys she is literally the sweetest human ever ? but also ? to sensitive for her own good and really the good of those around her ? very happy feet energy coming form this girl . but without further ado , below you can read up on holly & if you wanna plot give this a like . also my discord is 𝖒𝖌𝖐'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#9789 if you wanna plot there or just generally chat !
full name: holiday elena addams nickname: holly ( she’s basically turned this into her name , not one really calls her holiday ) , holls , elle ( by her parents ) birthday: june 3rd birthplace: chicago , illinois hometown: highland park , illinois ( although the family home was located in highland park her parents would in chicago and holly even attended private school in chicago ) residence: new york city , new york nationality: american ( est. 1999 through birth )  ethnicity: english ( maternal & paternal , 50% ) , polish ( maternal , 25% ) , spanish ( paternal , 25% ) religion: catholicism  orientation: heterflexible ( she claims being straight but in all actually she’s not closed off to anything despite not having much experience outside the opposite gender ) languages spoken: english ( fluent , first language ) , spanish ( fluent , second language ) , polish ( conversation , third language ) , mandarin  ( conversational , fourth language ) . father: leandro oliver addams  ( 49 years old )  was born & raised in chicago , illinois by a politician / businessman & a philanthropist . leandro went on to take a little bit from both of his parents as he is a highly esteemed business tycoon as well as being regarded as one of the most charitable men in the world .  ( relationship:  there has never been a day that has gone by where the two didn’t get along . if there is anyone in this world who gets holly it is her father . truly , daddy’s little girl . the two of them are as thick as thieves . ) mother : susanna renee addams ( nee daniels ) ( 48 years old ) was born & raised in long island , new york . the daughter of a hedge fund investor & a stay at home mother . susanna grew to be an amazing cosmetologist and which the help of her father’s amazing business mind she was able to start up a salon in new york city . she gained the most devoted clientele , loving every second of her work . she took a break for almost a decade before deciding to return to the beauty industry . today she has salons across the globe in chicago , los angeles , toronto , london , and new york city .  ( relationship: susanna often had to play bad cop when it came to parenting and because of this the two butted heads quite often whilst holly was growing up . despite this , her mom is her role model and the two have always had a friendship that underlined their mother - daughter relationship .  ) social class: upper education: attending new york university ( s. 2018 ) she spent her first year of university at usc , she’s majored in creative writing at both universities  career: author ( her book is a coming of age mystery called privilege that she’s recently admitted to writing the full book during a coke binge ) , internet personality , philanthropist , socialite , and student  notoriety: being apart of the prominent addams family , amassing over 32m followers on all social media platforms , publishing a new york times best selling book at the age of seventeen . weight: 120lbs height: 5′5″ hair color: brown ( with blonde highlights ) eye color: brown positive traits: benevolent, high spirited , extroverted , romantic , honest , affectionate , intelligent , friendly , ambitious , passionate , approachable , charming  negative traits: immature , vain , garrulous , critical , sensitive , stubborn , inattentive , naive , sarcastic , obsessive , insecure , impractical , irritable likes: anything strawberry flavored , flowers , driving fast , pink , watching the first snow fall , birthday parties , lips gloss , netflix , sunkissed skin , dogs , peanut butter , agatha christie , redecorating , driving with the windows down , long plane rides , denim jackets , taco bell , orange juice , makeup , sports , female empowerment , online shopping , fresh berries , roller skating , photography , writing , tea dislikes: liars , driving in the snow , coffee , having no siblings , deep water , bad drivers , body shaming , pizza , hateful people , being rushed , cuss words , repetition , disloyalty , being alone ,  horror movies , dentists , silence , cheap perfume , criticism , the unknown , traffic , wine , poptarts ,  small spaces ,  hobbies: reading with a hot cup of tea , video editing in the back of a car , smoking before bed to help fall asleep , going out to eat with her parents , napping , hiding alcohol in her bedroom , painting alternate universe cartoons , attending big soirees , stashing drugs in jewelry boxes , sleepovers with her closest friends , talking the dogs on walks , early morning instagram lives , old disney marathons , scribbling in a notebook while snuggled up in bed  chara inspo: olivia baker ( all american ) , leila faisal ( all american ) , tan france ( queer eye ) , elena gilbert ( the vampire diaries ) , dorothy gale ( wizard of oz ) , lucy pevensie ( chronicles of narnia ) , lara jean ( to all the boys i loved before ) , elle woods ( legally blonde ) , jeffree star , jenny humphrey ( gossip girl ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) fashion inspo: vsco girls , bella hadid , megan markle , rihanna , selena gomez , perrie edwards , emma watson aesthetics: ghostly sounding music playing as background music to a pen to paper , eyes widened at the chance to do something positive , the annoying beg for approval , infectious energy , a pout so crippling , the swell of regret as you sneak a bottle into your bedroom , tanned skin tousling with silk sheets , big eyes threatening to shed a tear , the zip of a pink mclaren 
holly is the only child to leandro and susanna addams ( the addams family 👀 ) . she was born with not just a silver spoon but the silver spoon . the addams are a prominent american family , that are regarded as one of the leading industrialist during the gilded age . in short her families been billionaire rich for a long time and are known as one of the families to bring wealth to the city of chicago . she was incredibly spoiled growin gup as you would assume but by the grace of her parents teachings she was anything but a brat . she had being filthy rich and being an only child working against her and she still managed to be the most giving and down to earth child . from a young age holly would give her toys to other kids during play dates & ask her parents if she could donate the things she didn’t use anymore to the less fortunate . 
although her father had a busying career as he took over the family company just a year before holly was born , but in spite of that he always made time for his family . luckily her mother had stepped away from her career soon after meeting holly’s father , so she was able to be a stay at home mom and be there for every important moment of holly’s life . by the way , susanna was straight of of a real housewives show only just an overall better person ? they had dinner together as a family every night , threw parties at the house for every big moment in holly’s life . everything from birthdays , graduations , academic honors , to becoming captain of the cheerleading team and everything in between warranted a celebration in the eyes of susanna and leandro . 
she grew up extremely sheltered , mostly because her parents wanted to keep their little girl well their little girl . they didn’t want the world to taint her . she went to church every sunday and even wednesday nights , if she wanted to have a sleepover it was always at the addams household , and her parents met the parent/s of every kid she befriended growing up . 
despite their attempts her parents couldn’t shield her from one thing . getting her heart broken and at sixteen she experience her first bout of heart break . the boy she’d falling head over heels for just stopped talking to her one day , with no rhythm or reason he moved on to another girl with a blink of an eye . she couldn’t understand why ( pst ? it was because she slept with him and that was all he wanted to begin with ) someone could be so cruel an play with someones heart like that . it was her first experience of how the world could really work and in all honesty , holly couldn’t handle it . she got her hands on her parents bar room in the house and would literally drink every night before bed so she could sleep . 
this soon turned into her going to parties , promising her parents "i just want to hang out with my friend , i wont touch any alcohol” and her promise was always kept , she didn’t touch alcohol at these parties instead she smoke weed and on the chance one of her friends had it on them she’d do a line . 
this double life , if you would , didn’t lead to any real issues , at least not while she was in highschool . she still graduated top of her class  and even got accepted into her dream school university of southern california .  it wasn’t until she was a semester deep in usc that she realized she was losing control over her life . maybe it was a mix of her derailing mental state , being separated from her parents , and the los angeles social make up . whatever it was holly wasn’t too far gone to see she needed help . 
instead of going back to school the following semester holly checked herself into rehab . her parents freaked out , unaware their daughter had touched a substance a day in her life . it was a long process and took alot of owning up for her own wrong doings but after a couple months she checked out of rehab and flew out to her parents .
she had decided upon leaving rehab that her best bet directly after getting out would be to surround herself with people who loved her . during her short stint in california her parents had made the temporary move to new york city so that her mom could focus on the salon in the city , so holly transferred to new york university to continue her studies and be around her parents .
she lives under their roof , despite being more than self efficient thanks to her multiple branches of income including her trust fund but she figures there is only so much more time before they leave to go back to chicago that the more time she spends with them the better off she’ll be when they leave the city . speaking of , she doesn’t know her parents will be leaving the city in the next few months . on a positive note they plan on paying the rent in the apartment they live in for her until she finds somewhere she likes better .   
today , holly is a sober ( she smokes weed here and there but it’s not a addictive so it fine 🙄 ) and happy . although due to how sensitive the girl is anything could make her snap , she’s incredibly fragile guys . like capable of having a mental break at any moment but like we ignore it because if we bring it up it’ll happen . wooo . 
not so fun fact ? when she has an off day she’ll literally sit in her room holding either a bottle she had hidden in her walk in closet or stares at the coke she keeps in her jewelry box . she hasn’t used any of it but she tells herself its there as a reminder when really it’s a crutch for if she ever needs it again , she has easy access .
secret time ? she pushed her ex boyfriend of a balcony while she was drunk . this happened before she went to rehab ... perhaps you could say it was what prompted her to realized her crazy ass needed to go to rehab . ummm , it’s not acceptable and she knows this but one thing we all need to know about holly is that holly + substances + being upset = toxic shit that is always the equation and there is never another answer to it . 
a girl squad or just a squad in general really , give my baby her lil group of people please
maybe a fellow chicago native ? who she dated in highscool and you know is the one who dropped her like a hot potato after she slept with him
ex hook ups 
frenemies but more like a blair & lil j circa season 1 situation ? 
someone who just doesn’t like her , but like she does everything she can think of to get them to like her 
an unrequited ting were he’s leading her one so he can sleep with her ?
or maybe someone has a crush on holly but she just doens’t have the heart to tell them she’s not interested so now here she is kissing and OMG YUP NOW SHES SLEEPING W THEM ...
someone she races ? she loves cars especially fast ones
a we hang out and watch/obsess over sports but the whole time i can’t help but think about how hot you are kinda vibe ?
someone who is v bad for her and they know it but she doesn’t care because she like them so much & he likes her too but knows he’ll hurt her ?!
someone who sees that she might be teetering on falling off the wagon ( maybe they were over her place and saw the stash of substances all over her room ), maybe they’re trying to get her to stop smoking weed bc they feel like for her that’s a huge gateway  
smoking buddies where they literally just hot box cars together and munch on taco bell talking about why sound vibrates & shit
someone who she used to party with & be wild with ( could be from chi or nyc because she visited alot as a kid ) and now they feel like she’s a lame bc she’s sober
she’s a good influence on them ? they’re a bad influence on her ? ride or dies ? partners in crime ? only friends when there is a substance involved ? sugar baby vibes ? unlikely friends ? flings ? crush ? friends with benefits ? everytime they are around one another its a fight ? someone she lets crash at her parents place sometimes ? someone she’s backstabbed but like she got tricked into doing it ? anything fluffy , anything angsty ... reall just anything you got , i’ll take ! 
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yikesola · 5 years
do you have an tips for a high schooler struggling to accept her sexuality in a christian, homophobic (even though my parents say they aren’t, they definitely are) household? im positive im a lesbian but ive had a hard time coming to terms w/ it after years of being told and lowkey believing myself it was wrong until the past few years when i sorta realized my attraction to women isn’t just nothing, it’s actually because im not straight, but idk it’s hard for me i guess
hi anon! first thanks for trusting me with this ask, i hope i can help in some small way🥰 next know that this will be pretty general advice, i’m just a gal and i don’t actually know you, but if you take it with a grain of salt hopefully it’ll do some good!
i’m sorry you’re stuck in that scenario right now, where even after all that work you’ve done to try being confident with your sexuality it isn’t safe or comfortable for you to be open. combining religion with the fact that your parents won’t even admit to their own homophobia despite it still effecting you is a tough spot to be in. it can feel trite as go-to advice, but really really i have to tell you that it does get better. you will Not be in this situation forever! you will be somewhere safe and accepting soon, somewhere good! if you’re already in high school, you’re over the hump— i know these aren’t fun years, but once they’re gone you have so much more agency (be it college, roommates, working, whatever your situation is). let’s quote danny boy in BIG, because he’s quite right: “Time changes everything. With the lives that we have, we can try anything we've dreamed of. I want anyone that's ever felt like this to realize you are never trapped. There is always hope. You just need to believe in yourself and get to the other side.”
now, saying that time changes everything and this won’t be so bad later doesn’t exactly help you now, does it? but i gotta take every baby gay i see and shake them by the shoulders and remind them, i GOTTA!
as for right now? do not feel pressure to divulge more than you are comfortable with. you are not lying by remaining in the closet, you are staying safe. if you have someone who you are able to be out to, someone that you trust, that can be a tremendous relief, but if you do not your safety is important. you’re playing a waiting game, til you’re not in high school and not under these homophobic parents’ roof.
remember that heteronormativity is a hell of a drug! a lot of your verrrry gay interests will fly under the radar so long as you don’t spell things out for more perceptive people, so don’t stop yourself from loving the things you love. those are your lifelines!
i’m here, the internet is here, the phandom is here and other wonderful interests are here, so please do not feel alone and please do not be afraid to make online friends who are every bit as valid as irl friends and can be there in your pocket when you really really need them.
and for lesbian specific tips, i’m glad you’ve made such strives the last few years to unlearn a lot of that shame you were carrying! 🥰 growing up in a religious household obviously came with a lot of that built in and mustn’t have been easy at all. i find a lot of comfort in reading about historical lesbians, even just pouring through wikipedia pages (why don’t you start with willa cather, annemarie schwarzenbach, joe carstairs, anne lister) because it means a lot to me to know we’ve Always been there, that we Always will be, that we’re interesting and nuanced and nothing to be ashamed of. even biblical ruth has some famous queer readings. we have deep roots💞
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mirberry-blog1 · 7 years
Yes, I’m a Mom and I’m Single — But That Doesn’t Mean I’m Desperate to Get Married
Image source: ThinkstockGoing through divorce has opened my eyes to the many subtle (and not-so-subtle ways) society views women without husbands. While it’s no longer a mark of disgrace to live life as a single lady, it still carries an unsavory stigma: unmarried woman are somehow looking for trouble. “How’s that man of yours?” a mom in my small community asked about my boyfriend of two years. It’s a common question. People have been naturally inquisitive since I’d met Tim, a man with a degree in nutrition who taught me how to weight lift and eat clean. I’d always worked out, but he helped me transform my mom bod and regain my confidence after infidelity fractured my marriage. After making some small talk, she asked when we were taking our relationship to the next level. I confided in her that things weren’t always easy and that we take things day-by-day, as there are a lot of adjustments to be made with three kids between us. It simply wouldn’t be fair to them if we moved in together or got married. Apparently, a strong, single woman is a threat to not only her peers, but to their husbands, too. Share Quote FacebookPinterest The next day, I got a rather accusatory call from a woman in our shared group of friends. When she blatantly asked me how I knew another woman’s husband, I told her I had met Shannon’s husband at a friend’s pool party years ago. “Why do you ask?” I pressed. “Because you’re friends with the husband on social media, but not the wife,” she hissed. The conversation struck me as odd since I am friends with both of them, not only Facebook, but Instagram, too. They have two beautiful children and I hadn’t spoken to either of them since that pool party. Further, I had not given this man a single iota of my attention, or even so much as a Facebook “like.” Yet, the most basic of connections — a social media friendship — had people talking behind my back. I hung up the phone feeling bewildered and irritated, since I’d done nothing to warrant this woman prying into my list of friends. Perhaps Shannon’s husband was cheating on her? I wondered. Was it really possible that voicing my ambivalence towards marriage made me a suspect by default? Did these women I once considered friends really think I was capable of such a horrible thing? My confusion quickly turned to anger when I realized that the world isn’t entirely ready to accept a women’s strength and fortitude … unless, of course, she is another man’s property. Apparently, a strong, single woman is a threat to not only her peers, but to their husbands, too. The notion that maybe, just maybe, a woman doesn’t need a man for her survival, shakes the very foundation our society has been built upon. Helen Betya Rubinstein explores why single women are viewed as “strange” in a world that seems to only value marriage. The New York Times contributor states, “There was something queer about being single: queer in the sense of ‘strange,’ yes, but also in the sense that connotes a threat to the conventions around which most people arrange their lives.” I see the looks that certain women and their husbands now give me. And I feel sorry for them. Some of my former female “friends” now worry that their men may (god forbid) find me attractive, so the invitations to yearly social events no longer roll in. To their spouses, I represent what their own lives would look like if their wives decided to leave them — surely, a frightening prospect. Some even roll their eyes and scoff when I use the word “boyfriend,” as if the label is too juvenile to take seriously. The result is lots of whispering behind my back. And as Rubinstein states, “The shame of having failed at marriage isn’t unlike the failure of being single.” Let me be very clear: Another woman’s husband is not desirable to me in any way. Share Quote FacebookPinterest I don’t feel one bit ashamed about the circumstances that made me a single mom. In fact, I’m proud of the choices I’ve made and the person that I’ve become since. And being a willful partner in the breakup of another marriage is literally the last thing on my bucket list. Let me be very clear: Another woman’s husband is not desirable to me in any way. After all, if your husband is looking at me while he’s married to you, what are the chances he’ll be loyal to me? Zilch. And loyalty is the number one quality I value now, having been victim to the distinct pain of infidelity. I was raised in a traditional household and have benefitted greatly from my parents being married for more than 40 years. However, I no longer view wedlock as the fairy-tale ending that many young women dream of. My own marriage did not bring me the security I had hoped it would. I’ve since realized that while it may work for some, there are plenty of unconventional relationships that are just as fulfilling as a marriage. In a recent interview, Goldie Hawn said, “I would have been long divorced if I’d been married.” Adding, “… there is something psychological about not getting married because it gives you the freedom to make decisions one way or the other.” I also like the freedom of choice that my new life offers me, and I choose to focus on my children. I’m not placing my boys in a different school district to move closer to my partner and he is not moving farther away from his job and daughter to live with me. For now, talk of cohabiting and marriage is off the table. We share our lives together in many ways, and each make sacrifices to be together when we are both so busy. My partner is incredibly faithful to me and has spent more time with my children than my ex-husband ever did. I value what he brings to the table every single day. Marriage is a lovely idea that comes with a set of privileges reserved for long-term companions, but it’s not for me. And that doesn’t make me “strange” or out to get anyone’s husband leftovers. It means that I put my children’s needs ahead of my own … and that I don’t have to put the toilet seat back down in the middle of the night. Related Post This Single Mom Met Ellen and the Cast of ‘A Bad Moms Christmas’ — and Walked Away with $100K The post Yes, I’m a Mom and I’m Single — But That Doesn’t Mean I’m Desperate to Get Married appeared first on Babble. Powered by WPeMatico The post Yes, I’m a Mom and I’m Single — But That Doesn’t Mean I’m Desperate to Get Married appeared first on Baby Based.
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vee-blackwell · 7 years
i got a bout of depression that hit tonight from not being distracted enough to avoid getting in my own head and i think i had too many bad thoughts about who i am VS family acceptance
my queer things, my interest things, my (lack of) set goals.
it hurt a lot to try and explain transgender things to my gramma while watching I Am Jazz, when talking about nonbinary people using “they/them” pronouns, she essentially said that if you dont use he/him or she/her then you have no gender “so you’re just nothing” which was just too close to home (literally) for me to hear as someone who doesnt feel anywhere close to any definition of gender, and am definitely not enough % to feel comfortable going on the male side of the binary.
that’s the hard part of that. it seems like it would be easier to tell her i’m bisexual or something (another term that doesnt really match me, but explaining asexuality or the differences between pansexual and bisexual self-identities is another thing thats hard to do with an 86 year old woman). but then what if it changes how she asks me about anyone i hang out with or makes weird assumptions about my relationships?
but at the same time, in watching this show with her, where she’s trying her best to be open-minded and learn about transgender people via watching I Am Jazz, she starts asking me to explain things in the show. not in a negative way, again, shes trying to understand which is more than i could hope for other 80+ year old grandparents. but then she asks me how i know so much about transgender people and issues they face when its things she doesnt expect people i know in real life, close to me, to have dealt with yet. and i have to play the “Educated Ally” instead of the “Depressed, Closeted Transperson” and hope she doesnt go from asking about my friends that are out to wondering about me. because it just makes me fearful of being in another time period of living in an abusive and unsupportive / negligent household where i never feel safe and im constantly arguing with my family. and i dont need that, or even to feel like im risking getting to that point again
i at least want to feel like i wouldnt be kicked out of the house and become homeless, or stop getting money from my family if i came out at all... but how many other transpeople had the same thoughts and were totally wrong? my mom who watched some of the show with us today almost immediately misgendered one of the transgirls on the show, talking about how **she (i dont want to misgender even by quoting my mom) clearly didnt have hormone blockers as long as Jazz because **her voice had changed. and it’s like, alright, she uses a feminine name, looks like any other normal high school girl, and has been working to try and get her voice to pass better, and it’s still so easy for ignorant people like my mom to pick up on that one thing they feel doesn’t fit right and just misgender someone immediately. and it’s worrisome. because i know how easy it is for “the average adult” around my mom’s age to miss the point entirely on how someone works to transition and making their own personal choices
im just queer and tired and fearful. my mind screaming at me “do SOMEthing” every time i wake up is like the echo of a broken record player that’s playing somewhere i can barely hear it. so i do something. i get a food. i grab a game. i grab my phone for games. i grab a video, or a game tutorial, or ANOTHER computer game, or i go on social media sites. and i do all these empty “SOMEthings” to mute the bad thoughts like the ones above. the ones that both overwhelm me into submission and also make me numb to any emotions.
i get bored of the phone game, the magickarp jump cooldown timers are all that’s left.
i get bored of harvest moon, after realizing that i was 1 floor away from the bottom of the mines last time i get frustrated. do i go back for it again and make the long boring trek, or do i go back to grinding cooking recipes so i can finally make that god damn tempura meal? each day passes as quickly or as stagnantly as i please thanks to my emulator. freeze time and do my daily farm chores, use the inventory item dupe glitch to keep stocked every gift item i need to give everyone, show everyone on the local islands my pets for bonus friendship points, unfreeze time so that the one fisherman character will finally show up to talk to and i give him his daily gift and show him my dog, i go fishing with frozen or unfrozen time as i choose. the day is done. time for the next one.
i get bored of the computer games that both tantalize me into playing them because i love them and want the mental stimulation, yet the other screens beckon to me stronger, and i sit on the 3 blue hellsites, toggling between them in mixed intervals.
i get bored of neopets, because it is after midnight and its the 3rd day in the row i forgot to do my dailies. god DAMMIT i’m never going to get trudy’s shitty 30 day bonus spin for those 100k neopoints if i keep this up. i go onto the help boards, and bump up the lottery board. copy and paste my old post, add the moneybag emoticon and congrats the winners. short list gives the UNs. long list gets generalized. the regular group of lottery players and bumpers congratulate and recognize each other, making the odd chat message about their lives. this is as far as i chat on the neoboards now because i have no social energy otherwise to talk to other neopets friends about how life is still depressing, and trying to speak around the child filters and character limits.
i go to my mom’s room, its hard to predict if she’ll be home at 5 pm or 8 pm or 11 pm or gone to her shitty boyfriend’s house. it had been GTA V. then crash bandicoot warped (ps3 port). and now skyrim with the DLC. i play it as i spend my life, there are markers telling me where i should go for quests to progress, yet i wander aimless around the world finding something more interesting to explore until i finally remember what i meant to do. my mom comes home, and i ask if she wants me to get out so she can sleep. she says its fine, and leaves the lamp on shining on her bed. it becomes after midnight, my gramma scolds me for staying in there when my mom is sleeping. while i agree, my hyperfocus is hard to break, and it still takes me more time than it should to simply save and quit in the middle of my doing nothing of importance in the game that i play for the middle of my doing nothing of important in my life.
i eat wherever i spend my activity. TV tray by my bed at all times now, my propel bottle sways like a top heavy asshole everytime its moved. the tissue box takes up space for food, but everytime i move it on my bed its either in the way or not close enough to use when i need it. my nose is still almost ready to bleed from the dry summer air. im still dehydrated because i lack the ability to remember to drink the juice, milk, or propel bottles within arms reach.
it’s 3 am, or probably later. i ask joey if it’s time to sleep. i take my melatonin, we both brush our teeth and say goodnight. am i lying to him again this night, and apologizing and saying i’ll do it for real? this could happen twice before the guilt takes over and i either cave and do it for real, or stay awake focused on my daily nothingness distractions.
on the days its 5 am or later, my mom wakes for work. we talk about the cat. we always talk about the cat. sometimes she says her work is shit and that shes in pain. things that are obvious. she leaves for work and says goodnight to me in the hopes i go to sleep soon.
i sleep. around 11 am to 1 pm is around the time i get woken for my medications. anxiety, depression, birth control pill (1 daily for 3 weeks at a time). i have to eat and drink with it, so its something simple. on bad days i fall back asleep for over an hour. like a sloth, i drag the tray of food to me, resting the plate or bowl on my bed to eat as i stay laying down. sitting up means i feel more obligated to stay awake after this. i finish the food, drink, and my pills, and shove the tray back against my closet, and lie back down in bed forcing myself to sleep.
it becomes anywhere from 3 pm to 5 pm, on bad days its 6 and later. i lay in bed after waking up maybe two or three other times from sweating, or tossing and turning with bad dreams or being awake enough that i could get up, but unmotivated or too depressed to get up and have to be awake for that much more time. i crawl to the computer first, turning off my nightly music and going online on steam. just so whoever cares knows im awake. i go adjust the thermostat as both i need as well as what wont freeze my gramma to death (or at least to complaining for hours). i say that i dont know what i want for food. she offers a suggestion, and i say sure. i return to my room until food is brought to me, and i grab juice or milk to have with my meal. it probably gets cold if it was meant to be eaten hot.
i get a food. i grab a game. i grab my phone for games. i grab a video, or a game tutorial, or ANOTHER computer game, or i go on social media sites. and i do all these empty “SOMEthings” to mute the bad thoughts like the ones above. the ones that both overwhelm me into submission and also make me numb to any emotions. the pattern repeats.
this has been Vee Life Simulator. sorry. no refunds.
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