lovers-paradise · 7 months
The Games We Play (Are Not Games At All) - Liandrin Guirale/Red Ajah F!Reader
A/N: Written for this request: Hiii again! Thank you for writing my Liandrin's request! I hope you don’t mind another request whenever you have free time for it😅
Can you please do where Liandrin is training fem reader who is also red ajah and they have feelings for each other? Maybe someday Liandrin goes veey rough on y/n during the training but it's only because she wants her to be better for her own safety and later that evening Liandrin finds fem reader in her room tending to her own bruises after practice and Liandrin helps Y/N and also they confess feelings for each other?
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“Red Ajah are the worst…” The had been the start of the trouble. Your hand clenches, your gaze locked on Liandrin’s back, ignoring the mutters. It doesn’t matter. It can’t matter. It won’t matter. Let others hate and mutter, let them wonder, you won’t miss a step. “Only a Blue would have such ridiculous notions.” Your reply is cool, calm, collected and you can feel Liandrin’s smirk even as you move to fall into step beside her, the two of you brush fingers even as you walk, the one sign she’s pleased with your response. You have known you love Liandrin since you started training with her in private, the two of you spar and struggle and she almost laughs the times you trap her faster. She’s been training you since you were a novice, a woman brave enough to speak for her, choose her, want her. Now you are Red Ajah, hers to train as she wishes and you both make use of the lack of others who chose to place Red. It is only you and her and she pushes you, challenging you to be better, try harder, work cleaner. The sparks you used to show when emotions got the better of you are gone now, shielding your truth but in times when you are tired they return. Today they are itching to break free and you miss focus for mere seconds, throwing up a shield when her own power flows at and through you, blocking it. She is tough, tougher than usual and you swear you can see tears in her eyes. She’s through your shield in minutes, you fall hard but she’s not stopping and finally you roar your answer, pushing her back just as hard and only just stopping her hitting a wall. She stops, finally, but you hold her here longer, give yourself space to breathe before letting go. It continues for hours, stopped only when you react faster than her, spinning her to the side before she can hit a wall when you push her away, harder, inches from potentially hurting her. Then you drop her the extra inches to the ground, letting your power weave around her to hold her there as you pant for air, finally dropping the hold when she nods just once. You leave quietly, make for your rooms and wonder just how long this has to keep happening. She had been tearful, quietly, since the session starts and you know she meant the words ‘to protect you’ when she snapped them at you. Bruises and burns hurt but the worst pain is wondering what happened to her. She finds you, of course, quietly tending to bruises. She has never been good with healing but you are and by the time you are ready to face her it’s less painful to move. “Let me… help?” She sounds so hesitant you almost smile, nodding and moving to give her space, barely hiding your wince when she takes your wrist in her hands, eyes closing as she focuses, willing the healing to work. You don’t say a word, allowing her to work her subtle power through you. The echoed love silencing all doubt in your mind. “I’m sorry….” “For what?” “I was… rough… on you.” “No more so than that Blue would have been. At least now I know I can face her down.” Liandrin falls silent then, stealing a look before pushing herself up and away and you rise so quickly you almost stumble, crossing to her by the window, letting a soft tendril of power flow around her, your touch soft on her damp cheekbone. “I hate seeing you in pain…” You speak softly. “Someone as… as strong as you should be loved, cared for… not left to cry alone.” “Who could ever…” “I do.” The words come before you can stop them and she turns to look at you, more power flows from you now, wrapping her close even as you move to pull her closer gently, her power responds, curling into your own power and she smiles, leaning in inches from your lips. “I love you… Liandrin.” You whisper the words, silenced by her kiss before she moves only inches away. “I love you too, my Brightspark.” The fondness in the nickname makes you smile, even as you kiss her again. This, you think, is all you could ever wish for.
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cubanpetekotrb · 8 months
So my other obsession of the month is wheel of time and I saw episode 7 and boy o BOY do I have major thoughts and I need to get them out.
Siuan?? What the hell? Following LONG ass post is in defence of Siuan because the general consensus there is right now about Siuan just doesn't rhyme for me.
ONE thing all of Siuan actions did, it brought out SO MUCH .
Liandrin drew out 1 dark friend (Moiraines nephew) and he consequently got locked away (or killed).
One Forsaken showed herself to an entire city, no more hiding or denying (at least not from the Aes Sedai because there were like 14(!) there)
Siuan clearly has doubts about Verin and Verin acted exactly as expected (now I think Verin has a lot more going on but hey 🤷🏼‍♀️)
When Siuan shields Rand, she pushes Moiraine to say all of her intentions with Rand and their decades build plans in front off Rand as if he is not there. Which Moiraine does to protect Rand from Siuan.
Siuan asks Rand if he has channelled carefully and deliberately (not verbatim but this is the general idea), which he hasn't. She scolds him for it and says that he hasn't learned much in 6 months, which is absolutely true.
Which leads to:
Moiraine is shielded (something I do not think Lan figured out on his own) and subsequently released of said shield by Rand when she tells Rand that she trusts him. When last season Moiraine very clearly showed that she doesn't. Rand needed to hear that from Moiraine. It pushed Rand to actually use the one power very DELIBERATELY and CAREFULLY otherwise, Moiraine dead. Now who again scolded Rand about that I wonder hmmm 🤔
Which brings me to the following and perhaps most important point:
Rand now 100% trusts Moiraine, he believes Moiraine does want to protect and guide him to save the world, which previously he didnt. He was confused about what was going on and felt like a toy being played from all sides. Siuan put Moiraine in an impossible situation and Moiraine chose Rand, the dragon reborn because she knows that is the right thing to do. Rand needed to be shown Moiriane will give everything to save the world including turning away from Siuan and being made to do something she does not want (closing the gate).
It is VITAL that he does because Moiraine will be the only one capable of providing Rand the protection and guidance that he needs to save the world. He only does at the end of this episode, which is nearly at the end of this season. They already lost too much time. Drastic extreme measures are unfortunately required because Siuan was right, Moiraines way wasn't working.
At the end of this episode due to Siuans actions, he doesn't trust any Aes Sedai, which is good because you know Black Ajah and doesnt trust the Forsaken, but he very clearly does trust Moiraine, and that WILL set him on the right path.
If I can trust book readers, Siuan is a very powerful channeler. However, like Egwene, it's her intelligence that is actually her greatest power. She is a crazy smart woman and nowhere near as impulsive, brash and stubborn as Moiraine, aka Pufferfish.
Something that stuck by me is that Siuan said "you have given everything, Im going to row beside you now". Siuan knows Moiraine will absolutely not let her. Moiraine is like Nyneave in that way. She would rather die than let anyone she loves do that.
Siuan has given up a lot this episode and put power back with Moiraine, leaving herself incredibly vulnerable, having lost her one true ally, Moiraine. Going back to a tower filled with enemies, she's f*cked, and she knows it, but she needs Moiraine focused on her mission, not on Siuans' potential downfall. Because that will definitely be a distraction for Moiraine.
There is no way in hell a Master chess player like Siuan would move her pawns so early and openly like she seems to be doing in this episode. That is not Siuan. Everyone in WOT world, though, needs to believe that she is (including Moiraine).
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Gentle with my hands, my tongue, it understands your language – Lanfear/Dragon Reborn F!Reader/Liandrin Guirale
A/N: Final fic for this request:
Hi :) Can you write Lanfear x Lisndrin with these prompts which you posted?
"Someone should punish you for that."
"I believe I could make you do it."
"I don't think you've had enough already."
(If you don't write character x character), then can you do either Lanfear x reader or Liandrin x reader? Whoever you prefer... or just three of them together lol)
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The scent of copper hangs in the air as you enter the room. Lanfear is pacing, Liandrin stood still, eyes locked on her cheek, split open yet again. A snarl escapes even as you move to stroke Liandrin’s cheek focusing the healing on her cheek and speaking softly as you look over at Lanfear. “Someone should punish you for that." Lanfear looks about to speak and you cut off her argument sharply. “I believe I could make you do it." “She…” “I want you both. She was coming to meet me because I asked her to.” Your voice fills the silent room even as you tuck hair from Liandrin’s newly healed cheek, pressing a soft kiss there and smiling at her shy smile, stroking her cheek gently before moving to pull Lanfear closer, noting her small tremble and smirking. “Fearful now, aren’t you?” She looks ready to say no, but then she pulls away and wraps her arms around herself in a surprising display of insecurity. “Last… last time I shared I was… set aside.” “Not this time.” Liandrin’s voice is soft as she moves closer and you watch quietly, noting the way Lanfear uncurls slightly at Liandrin’s voice, looking at her with clear nervousness, your voice gentle as you join them both. “I want you, my Chosen… but I know you have… feelings… for Liandrin, our fierce Lioness.” A pause then. “I was going to ask Liandrin to join us.” “I was going to agree.” Liandrin admits softly and you smile, nudging her towards Lanfear and watching the lingering kiss they share, moving to draw them both to the bed, Lanfear spread between you both even as you stroke an idle hand between Lanfear’s thigh, stroking Liandrin’s bare back as she leans to settle against Lanfear, your moving hand teasing them both even as you watch them together. This, here, is your dearest pleasure, watching the women you love tremble, moan and share their pleasures easily. Release comes easily for Lanfear and you smirk, watching Liandrin shudder undone as Lanfear whispers something to her, your laugh soft when Liandrin shifts to settle on her back. “I don't think you've had enough already." Liandrin looks ready to protest and Lanfear surprises you. “I think perhaps we should make our mark on our pretty one…” Liandrin shudders but nods and you smirk, leaning to kiss Lanfear before whispering your thought before moving to sink sharp teeth into Liandrin’s tender collarbone, using a little power to burn the mark into place before moving to settle between Liandrin’s thighs, watching Lanfear’s own mark trace into Liandrin’s hip, sharp nails burning the mark to her hip into place, Lanfear’s lips covering Liandrin’s chest in gentle firm kisses before, when you are both sure Liandrin is close, swapping positions, she finds her release against joined hands, the claim cursing you all even as you laugh, finally free of the wheel’s wills and free to enjoy your beloveds.
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lovers-paradise · 8 months
Let the world around us//Just fall apart//Baby, we can make it//If we're heart to heart - Liandrin Guirale/Reader
A/N: Written for an Anon Request.
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Denial has always come easily. Red ajah are prone to it after all. Liandrin Guirale had caught your eye the first day you both came to this place, trained to be who you now are. Aes Sedai. You still push away the feelings deep down. She’s too cold to know better and you will never tell her, you’ve been rivals for everything. Battle changes things. Forsaken, not Liandrin’s, you think almost idily. Lanfear is not here. Oh, she’d thought she was so smart, so slick, you had known anyway, but the battle still comes and Liandrin still falls. She’d hidden it at first, battling back to her feet before her body collapsed under the pressure. Her shield, already thin, is close to cracking and without thinking you throw all you have behind the shield you build from the Power, pressing it to protect you both even as your hand covers her bleeding wounds, ignoring her protests. She heals slowly, so slowly that you are nearly hit when your shield breaks, rescued only when Liandrin whispers Lanfear’s name into the air between you, hiding her face in your hair all the same. You are left alone hours later. Liandrin had cursed quietly when you pulled her to her feet and you can see the healing job is barely holding, inches from tearing. You mirror her now, red clothing slashed and torn, ragged marks over your collarbone. She allows you to heal, first her, then yourself, her eyes focused on you in a way that should make you nervous. It doesn’t. She seems curious, even as you shift to find clothing, wrapping yourself in fresh red shirt and then move to find her something, helping her change quietly. “You would you…” “Liandrin…” “You could have…” “Lia. Please.” You move on instinct this time, run a hand into her damned blonde braids, tug firmly and kiss her when she turns her chin up at the perfect angle to let you meet her mouth with your own, your free hand cupping her cheek, brushing blood and a few strays tears away. “I love you… you stubborn fool.” You mutter the words against her lips, barely hiding your smile when she shifts away, looks up at you again and then sighs, rising to meet you when you turn away, suddenly unsure. “I love you too.” Four little words. Innocent but spoken with such feeling that you can feel a sob threaten to escape. You turn in just enough time to see her knot her fingers together, squeezing tightly. She’s nervous, even after you admit to loving her and you move closer in three short strides, tuck her into your arms and let your lips find her ear. “Come to bed?” She nods, short, shy and you smile, leading her to the bed and settling, coaxing her down beside you to wrap her closer again, holding her steady even as she knots her fingers into your shirt. “Rest, Liandrin, I won’t push you.” You mean it. Here, held, is enough. You will never once push her beyond what she feels able to give, building her back up with your gentle care and fierce loyalty. She had strayed to the Black, you think, but so had you, for her sake.
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Our Gentle Sin - Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for the following request: Hii! Can you please write fem reader x Liandrin where they just finished training and y/n decided to help Liandrin undress and also worship her body? Like leaving kisses on Liandrin's different muscles, as abs, thighs and just going on your knees and eating her out while she tightly grabs your hair and pushes closer.
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“What are you…” Liandrin’s protest falls silent as you move to disrobe her, your own pooling behind you when she turns, her nervousness falling away at the look in your eyes, love, pure love and promise. A promise she is loved, wanted, cherished and worshipped. It's easy at first, soft hairline, sharp cheekbones, soft lips that part easily to let you deepen the kiss even as you steady her. She’s on her best behaviour for you, shy and a little tender but proud. Training had been hard work, it always was, neither of you holds back anymore, neither of you likes the thought of light sparring, still, she is radiant. Quietly powerful. Her breath catches at your lips against her shoulder, then lower, lingering at her chest just long enough to show your appreciation before you slip lower, kneeling up to kiss her waist, then firm abs, your lips brushing her wrist as she reaches for you, your smile soft as you drop kisses against each thigh, easing her open to your focus, her grip tightening in your hair even as she finally lets herself want you, pulling you closer, deeper and finally relaxing for you, trusting your sure grip at her hips. You won’t let her fall, focused only on her pleasure, worshipping the woman you have long considered your goddess. She almost whimpers when she comes undone and you rise quickly to pull her closer, pressing another kiss to her hairline, then lips, silencing her apology. “You are… incredible… my goddess.” “My brightspark.” The nickname is murmured and you smile, leading her to the bed, smiling when she unfurls into the space beside you, shifting to kiss her firm abs again, smiling at her groan. “You are insatiable…” “Mmm, indulge me, my love?” She almost huffs her laugh but allows it, her breathing hitching when you shift her onto her stomach, pressing soft kisses to her shoulders, her scarred back and the muscles that ripple under soft skin, strong as ever. “Beautiful… my warrior.” You murmur, smiling when she arches to you again, rolled onto her back too quickly to protest even as you slip long, strong, legs over your shoulders, the brush and tug of slim, strong fingers threading into your hair rewarded with a smirk against soft skin as you settle to your work, wringing more releases from Liandrin as you continue to worship her fully.
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Every night makes me hate the days//Can't get enough of your love -  Dom!Liandrin/Sub!F!Reader
A/N: Written for the prompt: Hiya! I saw your smut prompts and can you please do Dom!Liandrin x fem reader with these: 26. “I want you to ruin me.” , 2. “Open your mouth for me.” , 6. “You look so good beneath me.”  , 18. “Swallow.” , 23. “Say my name.”
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“I want you to ruin me.” The words are whispered as you walk away from the group, Liandrin has always kept you closest, her right hand, her loyal servant in all things Red Ajah, but people had no idea just how close you really are. Later, shut away safely with the silencing walls and door, thick and impenetrable by any sound, safely in place, she moves to tuck hair from your eyes, studying you for any sign of insecurity or nerves. Nothing shows. You sink willingly into place given the sign, neither of you bother much with clothes when you are alone, Liandrin knows by now you want her, all of her, even the ‘unpretty’ parts. “You look so good beneath me.”  Praise, easily earnt and freely given but you smile all the same, keeping eye contact even as she smiles down at you. She knows you will always do what you can to behave for her. It’s easy to follow her to the bed at the next signal, you settle and she smiles down at you again, sitting over you with quiet ease. You wonder, briefly, what she wants this time, then she’s settled against your lips. “Open your mouth for me…” You do, of course, settling to work when the next signal comes, silent and almost a plea. You are happiest here, between her thighs, watching her tremble for you. She had doubted, at first, that anyone could ever want to submit for her, but you had, from the beginning. Now, as she shudders so beautifully for you, you smile into her skin, working deeper and harder when she’s ready, reading her easily. Her release, which used to come slower, comes on her quickly and her voice is softly husky when she next speaks. “Swallow.” You do, eagerly, watching her move off you and lower, your eyes slipping closed at her touch teasing you open to her, your breath catching in your throat. It won’t take long, it never does, but she teases you by pulling away just before you can reach a peak, the command simple. “Say my name.” She’s back on you before you can question it and you whine as you shudder undone, her name comes from you as a gasp. “Liandrin…” She’s quieter when she tucks against you, your arms looping around her as you tuck both of you under blankets, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “I love you Liandrin… so much.”
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Fight For This (Love) - Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for the Prompt: Hii! Can you please do where Liandrin and fem reader are doing combat training? Maybe you could include where they are both good at it and kinda fight for dominance but at the end Liandrin overpowers and they end up in a lying position where Liandrin is on top of fem reader?
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Combat training, sparring, comes easily to you, but when you are paired with Liandrin as one of the few Red Ajah who dare go up against her, you know you have to work harder than usual. Neither of you mind the hard work, you are both stubborn and, much as nobody else knew it, you enjoyed being close to Liandrin, even when it meant getting a little beat up. This time you hold your own, missing her by inches with several strikes and power moves, her own miss you as you dance away and then she surprises you, throwing her whole body at you just hard enough to send you both sprawling, rolling over and over in a wild attempt to complete domination. In the end you are lying together, Liandrin’s grip at your wrists keeping her from landing completely on top of you even as you laugh up at her, your breathing a little rough. “You could always just ask me out Liandrin…” You mutter, too quiet for anyone to possibly hear even as she pushes up to a standing position, your hand fitting into hers as you rise, the two of you striding away from training, her smirk playful when you are finally alone. “Careful Brightspark, that’s how you get to be hated…” “I don’t care as long as you love me.” “I do.” Her voice softens, soft had squeezing yours. “You are the only one who doesn’t pull punches.”
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Don't Shy Away - Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for the Request:
Hii, I had another idea for the request if you like it... Can you do where Liandrin and fem reader are lying in bed after sex and Y/N wonders why Liandrin has so many scars on her body and Liandrin opens up about her past?
It was mentioned so quicky in the series and it feels like it needs more attention
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“What happened to you…?” The question is soft, your fingers trailing lightly over some of the many scars covering Liandrin’s back, her sharp intake of breath rewarded with soft lips pressed to another scar.  So she tells you, slowly, hesitant and stumbling over her words. Her father sold her when she was barely a teenager, seeing a way to make money, not caring that he was leaving her with a man who was cruel. The man had, of course, taken his new bride to bed, beating and cutting at her when she flinched away from him. Anger boils as she talks, your touch softer still, soft touches covering each scar, soft lips pressed to each one. She’s been through hell, you realise slowly, the fact she’s trusting you with it all is a miracle. “I… If you want to…” She’s hesitant and you press a kiss to her shoulder, where the deepest scars are. “I’m staying, Liandrin, my Lioness.” You speak softly, eyes stinging for her, you blink the tears away before they can fall, settling soft kisses at her shoulder again. “I would punish them both sore for what they did to you…” “So you don’t think I…” “No. I don’t. You didn’t deserve it.” Your thoughts return again to everything. Men had mistreated her horribly, using her as a belonging. No wonder, you think, she has been so much happier here, free of men but for the warders she barely sees. She is safe here, with you. “Do they hurt?” “No… well… mostly not.” She shifts, rolls onto her back at your eyes go instantly to the rope-thin marks across her hips and waist. Bindings and the marks of someone cutting her son from her. Her son, the one thing she had been able to keep from the past, until she had to let him go, for her own sake. Your touch trails over the wounds, a soft glimmer between her skin and your fingers, healing love flowing through you, soothing the last wounds, the last she had yet to share with you. Her eyes close and you smile, pressing lips to her bare skin. “I love you, my Miracle.” She murmurs the words and you smile again, moving to kiss her softly. “I love you, my Lioness.”
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lovers-paradise · 8 months
“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past…” -  Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for this request: Hi! I really like your Liandrin's fics! Can you please write fem reader novice x Liandrin, where Liandrin wants to become Y/N's mentor but they don't let her due to the past, but then Y/N stands up for Liandrin and says that she wants it too and they let them?
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“You? A mentor…?” Even as the past comes back again Liandrin’s breathing seems to shallow itself, her paleness has always been evident but now, here, it’s more than that, she seems to become bright only by the color of her skin, all light and hope in her eyes dims and you speak before called on. “You told me, did you not, that I could choose my mentor…” A pause, still silence and you speak as clearly as possible. “I choose her. Liandrin Guirale. Liandrin Sedai. I choose her. The past is over, it has no bearing on now.” Silence falls, your fingers clench tightly together and you hope. Small sparkles seem to light the air, the want is clear and, finally, you are given permission. Quick and sure steps take you to Liandrin’s side, you follow her from the room and through corridors until finally you are alone together. “You did not have to be so… bold.” “I meant every word. The past is history, I prefer dreams of the future, I hope to learn well and be a credit to you.” There’s the smallest tug of a smile, then she nods, just once. You smooth your novice clothing and settle opposite her at the table, the same lazy sparkles fill the air and you wait for your lessons to begin, knowing deep in your soul that this, your hope for freedom, will release Liandrin from her own self-sealed bondage. When you leave here as Aes Sedai you will work with her again, she will, eventually, be yours.
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lovers-paradise · 8 months
Silently the senses abandon their defences ... – Liandrin/Reader
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It is rare, you think, to see Liandrin like this. She had called for you without words, a pull so strong you come to her and kneel, take in her emotions silently then lean up, silent as a whisper, to press soft lips to her own. She is still speechless, for now, but you feel and see her tremble and the tears on her cheeks. She does not need to tell you why, you can sense the pain radiating. “Liandrin…” You make to speak, of course, ask if she is sure of this, of what she wants but her lips cover your own and you can’t help the breath that catches in your throat as her hand tangles into your hair, soft, pleading for truth, for safety just this once. So you do. You stand, pull her silently to her feet and lead her with you. Her rooms, here, hidden with you, are the majority of your home but you lead her silently all the same, secreting you both away in the highest part of the tower, where even if she were to scream or sob nobody could hear. She trembles for you as you undress her, deeply pained eyes begging for something more and you step closer, pull her close and trail a hand down her spine, feeling her shudder at the touch of your skills, secret and true and never once compelling. You want her on her terms. She gasps for you when you tangle a hand into tight braids and pull, just enough to gain her reaction, she arches so perfectly for you that you smile, settle her and move away to undress yourself, here, of course, you know what you want and she reads your silent commands, moving over you with a sigh that is also a sob, letting you worship her as you wish. You had taken your time settling to the bed and she lingers over you before lowering herself, eyes closing to hide her fear, your grip tightening at her thighs to pull her down, focus yourself where she needs you most and you smile when, after you do not in fact move, she risks a glance down at you. She may fear denial, fear that this is simply what she wants and you do not but your eyes say otherwise, enough so that she gives voice to her pleasure when you finally take your time with her. She is, you think, perfect. Your goddess. Your miraculous and messy wonder of a woman. She had always held the power over you here in the bedroom, but her need, now, to be wanted, to be loved, to believe she was enough had been so palpable you take charge just this once, rewarded with the sweetest noises of pleasure you have heard in your lifetime. Release, as always, takes time, but you have never once minded the time it takes, finding your home in her arms, under or over her. She had once commanded you to do exactly this, her tremble then a whisper of fear that commanding this, asking for it, was too far. Now though, she sees the truth. She is your home, over or against you, you will never once mind bringing her pleasure, you will love her through it all. She is silent again as she settles after release and after you bring her down, daring, for once, to settle with you and you smile as you trail a soft hand into her hair, tangling your fingers into her braids to allow her to rest against your neck, soft lips pressed to her hairline. She makes to speak, tilting her head and you hush her quietly, kissing her silent. “Enough, Lia, I know enough. Rest with me, you will not be alone.”
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Missions And Murders - Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
Written for the Request: Hiya! Can you please do Liandrin x fem reader where they go on a mission together and fight side by side?
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The ‘mission’ was supposed to be simple, still as you watch Liandrin pause you summon the power forward, feeling it curl around and between you, the two of you drop side by side, automatically falling into position with each other, ready for the fight that is coming. Liandrin’s power hits first, your own swinging through the attacking force, driving women into the nearby walls with sickening crunches, your eyes locked forward as you swing again, sweeping away girls and women Liandrin already bound, each crunch and snap of bone means your safety is closer to achieved. It's quiet when the battle is over, Liandrin seems completely unruffled and you take a deep breath, steadying your heartbeat as you let the power you hold fade, your eyes locked on her back as you follow her deeper. The mission will be successful, for both of you. Later, when you are headed home, she breaks the silence, her voice low and sweetly warm, something very few people got to hear, she hid behind sarcasm and softly sarcastic words. “Good job back there, didn’t think you had it in you.” Your laugh echoes in the silence, your voice low and gently warm. “I’ve told you before Liandrin, I’d do anything for you.”
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Craved Releases - Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Part 3/4 for this request:
Hi :) Can you write Lanfear x Lisndrin with these prompts which you posted?
"Someone should punish you for that."
"I believe I could make you do it."
"I don't think you've had enough already."
(If you don't write character x character), then can you do either Lanfear x reader or Liandrin x reader? Whoever you prefer... or just three of them together lol)
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“Someone should punish you for that." Your lips find Liandrin’s ear even as you move to undress her slowly, feeling her shudder. She’s been repressing her need for too long and you can feel how close she is to breaking, she is lucky to have you close. “Sorry…” A word, just one, coated in pain and fear and raw need. “Relax…” You murmur, moving to cup and caress her chest lightly, enjoying the soft gasp and whine that echoes in the room. Nobody can or will hear her but her relaxing helps endlessly. She arches beautifully even as you slide a hand slower, pausing when her eyes close and a sob breaks free, pressing soft, reassuring kisses to her bare shoulder, then her cheek letting your lips find her ear again. “It’s okay, I’m here…” “I can’t… I’ve never…” Oh. That old problem. You smile into her hair and let your voice drop to a lower, huskier tone even as you trace circles against her hip. “I believe I could make you do it." She shudders then, letting her legs slip a little more open and you purr your admiration softly, nipping her ear gently. “Good girl…” She’s tight, of course, wound too tight to relax fully even now and you murmur further promises until she relaxes, a soft laugh echoing even as you press deeper, twisting and dragging a whimper from her that is honest, so honest she blushes and you smile kissing her shoulder again. “Good girl.” She’s still hard to bring to release but you’ve never been afraid of that, her echoing howl of release hides the murmured reassurances you give her, your smile soft when she allows you to guide her to a wall, twisting her to lean her there even as you kiss your way down her body. “I don't think you've had enough already." Her protest cuts off into a sharp gasp as you move between her thighs, sharp nails digging into your hair even as you settle back to work. This release is easier but you don’t stop, rewarding her with more and easier releases, your smile soft as you rise slowly to kiss her softly. “Now, my Lioness, no more fears, not with me.”
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
Make Dark What Was Light - Liandrin Guirale/Red Ajah F!Reader
A/N: Written for the prompt: Hey! Can I please request Liandrin x Red Ajah Fem Reader, where they are coming back from the mission but get kidnapped by the witch hunters (I am not sure that's the right name, but those bitchy men who wore white clothes) and Liandrin gets tortured brutally and Y/N's powers overwhelm and finish everybody except Liandrin? And if you can also please include that later they find a safe place and Y/N heals Liandrin's wounds and they fall asleep embracing each other?
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“Grab her.” You hear the words moments before a sheet of white covers you, the fight you put up squashed only when you hear Liandrin. Capture together is bad, bad enough you can feel a burning rage already building even as you let them drag you. You had been coming back from the mission, Liandrin calling a halt hours from home, now you felt the distance growing. It didn’t matter, capture this close to home was overdue, all you could do now was be ready. “Get off me.” The words are sharp, as angry as you’ve ever heard Liandrin and when her repayment is a fierce slap and being dragged to their tent you feel the burning rage tangle deeper around you, the need for a weave drowning you as you pull the power close, holding it silently close and waiting. Liandrin’s hissed words turn to yells then a sharp scream, your eyes closing at the sight of her bared back, the wrecked clothing thrown aside and you know, you know what comes next. She’s already wriggling away as best she can, the second scream is louder, sharper still and the air stinks of copper, the men’s muttering shut out as you focus solely on what is happening. “She’s a woman isn’t she… use her as one…” “NO.” Your voice cracks through sudden silence, your thoughts wrapped around Liandrin, keeping her safe, killing the men comes naturally, your rage flickering even brighter and sharper. No man should have the power, you feel that in your bones and their attack, their plans to make what wounds they have settled on Liandrin worse by breaking her spirit make it all the easier to wrap chains of light, of the power, around them and squeeze. They will bleed and die for what they did. The chains they had kept you both in the last thing to break apart. Silence is broken by soft whinnies as you move away, walking towards the horses, hushing them gently as you pet first yours then Liandrin’s horse, the murmured ‘She’s okay baby, I got her’ a promise. She’s trembling as you bring the found clothing over, a simple outfit much like the one the men ruined. She is meek as you dress her quietly, murmuring quiet words of reassurance as you lift her, carry her to her horse and lead both animals away from he camp, setting it ablaze as you leave. Later you find a safe place, a home you remember as your own, just outside the walls of the Tower. You would not bring her home like this, not when you have the ability to heal her yourself. Liandrin whimpers just a little as you lift her down, the same scent of copper lighter now where you had done some very basic healing, your focus now on getting her inside and hidden away, sending the horses ahead to the Tower with a note for the stablehand, you had said only that you were close and would be home ‘within the next week’, buying time to see Liandrin heal truly. You heal her further when she allows you to draw her to the bed, gently unwrapping her arm and upper body, tracing gentle touches over her wrists, healing the chafed skin all over again before focusing your power on her cuts and bruising, silently letting yourself cry as you work, the passion you feel will make the healing work faster after all, a twist you never understood but do not question. It’s easy to re-wrap her clothing around her, slip her boots from her, then remove your own before you slip over her to settle behind her in the bed, tucking you both safely under the blankets you had pulled from the horses’ packs, wrapping your arms around her all the tighter when she turns to bury her face in the space between your neck and shoulder, your lips brushing her hairline softly. “Sleep, my Lioness, I’ve got you now, it’s all over.” Your own sleep takes you only when you are sure she is safe. You have survived, together. Later you may face The Seat, but for now, simply being alive is enough.
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
The sight of you will prove to me I'm//Still alive, and when you take me in your arms//And hold me tight//I know it's gonna mean so much tonight – Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for the request: Okaaay, imagine these ones with dom Liandrin, when you have free time for another smut😏
“On your knees.” While their fingers thread through your hair, guiding you onto the floor.
Hands desperately clutching at one another, gasping into each other’s mouths as if you were starved of one another.
“Please mark me, I want everyone to know I’m yours.”
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The door is barely closed before you lock it, ignoring Liandrin’s protest, you’ve missed her too much. She takes charge, of course, in minutes, neither of you stops to question it but you’ve been gripping onto each other, almost growling and whining into each other’s mouths. You’ve both missed this whilst you’ve been apart. You stay there a while, gripping and gasping into each other, her clothing falls away with your own, neither of you sure who removes what, you don’t care. It’s easier to give in. Kisses and gasps turn to moans as you let your lips brush her ear, your request soft. “Please mark me, I want everyone to know I’m yours…” "On your knees..." She smirks, nods and when she pushes you slowly to your knees you feel the sharp pain of strong nails puncturing your skin. Silence falls, her grip moves to your hair, pushing you down to the floor, kneeling between her thighs, your focus instant when given permission. She is not quiet, your need to be known as hers is echoed in her own refusal to stifle your love. Release after release slip through her before she pulls you up, her lips brushing yours before she pulls your head aside a little, sinking sharp teeth into the skin around your collarbone, a new claim. The bite of pain chased away by the glow of real, true, shared love.
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lovers-paradise · 5 months
I thought I knew what love was//I always ended up in tears //It's just the way my world was//Until you walked into my life – Liandrin/Red Ajah F!Reader
A/N: Written for the Prompt:
Hey! Your Liandrin's fics are the best :))
Can you maybe write where Liandrin and fem reader are inlove with each other but Liandrin still has a lot of self doubt if she truly deserves love and that she is good enough for fem reader (also red ajah), so Y/N swears the oath to Liandrin?
As I remember in the series or maybe books Moiraine swore an oath to Siuan because of love, right?
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“Why me?” The words are so familiar your heart breaks just a little, your footsteps quickening as you approach Liandrin, turning her from the window to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. Your love has always been strong, stronger than Liandrin’s fear, so you speak softly but firmly. “Why not you? You are beautiful, smart, powerful… you are incredible Liandrin. You are… everything… I could ever want.” You can see the same self-doubt in Liandrin’s eyes and smile just a little, leaning to kiss her softly. She’s never believed in herself, not that she deserved to be loved, not that she was or could ever be good enough for you, but you treasure her anyway. “Would you like me prove it?” Silence, then Liandrin nods just the once. “Please.” Her voice is so soft you smile, stroking her cheek softly before moving to gather the oath rod she’s always hidden away in her room, running soft fingers over it before moving to kneel at her feet, waiting for the power to flow through you as she takes the other side, waiting for the flow to link between the two of you, swearing your oaths to her, always her, only for her. The rod is set aside as you draw her with you towards the bed, settling her against you and tracing soft fingers through her braided hair. “I love you, my Liandrin.”
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lovers-paradise · 4 months
I see a red door//And I want it painted black – Liandrin Guirale/F!Reader
A/N: Written for a request on AO3.
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“She’s Black Ajah…” The whisper passes you by even as you walk seemingly serenely away from the gathered people. Nobody sees you pack, Liandrin’s things and your own are entangled in one another and you sneak away easily, gathering your horse as you go. Nobody sees you go but nobody ever looks for you. You find her when Moghedien is about to find her, pulling her into your barrier, sheltering you both even as you watch her shrink from you, eyes wide, fearful. You can almost read her thoughts. She thinks you hate her, that her betrayal has ended all your love for her. Moghedien continues to batter your protective shield and you move on instinct to pull Liandrin closer, letting your lips cover hers, lingering until she relaxes, then you turn your gaze to what is happening outside the shield. Moghedien is gone, a pale woman, taller, standing in her place even as you drop the shield, leading Liandrin away.
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