lgcisa · 3 years
he was a secret member. it was a kind of cool in a way. people knew him but they didn’t know he’d be apart of type zero. and when he debuted, he wasn’t sure if the group’s fans thought that he deserved it. even then, that was the last thing on his mind. his thoughts were on debuting in general. 
“sometimes, i wonder if this is correct...choice for me.” isa lifted his head to face minjun and paused the songs. they were at the company today to prepare for debut, he had to learn the songs, he had to learn the dances. “only because i’m coming from a band background, it feels a bit awkward. i’m the lead rapper and yet.” he was a vocalist, he was suppose to be a vocalist and a base player. “i wonder if i fit.”
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lgcnathan · 3 years
he’s too exhausted to think. his aching body is much too fatigued to move, let alone form coherent sentences—comeback preparations have only picked up in intensity as their showcase draws closer and closer, so much so that nathan can’t help but audibly groan in annoyance at their newest assigned task.
“why do we have to still do this stuff? i mean, aren’t our priorities a little different from the other trainees in the company now?” he asserts, mustering up enough energy to complain. a pencil twirls between the spaces of his fingers, eye glancing over the sheet of interview questions before he outwardly sighs—flopping down to stare at the ceiling for answers and the overdramatic will to live.
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“besides, the company already roasted me about how shit my korean is during ‘future dreams’. i highly doubt that out of you, haneul, and akira, they’ll want me to answer any interview questions.”
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lgcmedia · 3 years
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when i watched the third season of future dreams, i was anticipating the popular members to debut under type zero, but who thought it was a good idea to include these other three members? i didn’t even know this nathan person was a trainee at legacy until he was announced that he was going to be in type zero. isa was supposed to be in that one band, but here he is debuting as an idol? and minjun was some stand-in member during type zero’s kick it promos? come on, legacy. why did you do this when you had so many trainees participating in the show? type zero already made their name months ago and for them to add these three is not only messy but unprofessional too! ugh, i’m going to stop supporting them after all of this.
[ + / - ] you’re probably upset because your bias didn’t make it to type zero. ㅋㅋㅋ i think all three of them deserve to debut! they’ve shown their worth through their appearances in future dreams and in prior works. but since you’re not supporting them anymore, goodbye~ we don’t need people like you! [ + / - ] i know, right??? i agree with you, op!!! when i saw who was in type zero, i was confused why nathan and minjun were there and even more so when they released that poster about isa being in the group?? all of them aren’t outstanding performers either so i don’t get legacy’s logic behind all of this… [ + / - ] legacy probably did this to gain some attention to type zero and future dreams. ㅋㅋㅋ no offense to the future dream fans, but i thought the third season was sooooo boring that having this twist made me curious of the group’s future. let’s hope this strategy of theirs will benefit their album sales. ㅋㅋㅋ
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lgcgitaek · 3 years
recording sessions have been an interesting experience for gitaek who has only really ever been on the other side of it. the producer track -- which he was very glad to be on -- had given him new experiences that he hadn't thought he would ever get to do. he likes being on this end of the session. to be the one directing it and helping the person singing do their best. while gitaek likes to sing. he prefers it this way. to be able to deal with the techincal side of it all. plus its allowing him to work with people he might not have been able to.
"sunbaenim?" he calls quietly, making sure to raise his voice a little bit so he wasn't whispering like the normally might have. the teens normal volume a low one that he knows he needs to work on. always getting called out for being too quiet. "was there something specific you wanted to focus on today or?" he questions, leaning back in his chair after having made sure the settings for the mixer were in the right places.
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lgcjiho · 3 years
━━ IF YOU HEARD  +  ·
for @lgcminjun​
     this whole family interview thing has him a bit nervous, but that seems to be his general mood nowadays. ever since the announcement of v&a, jiho has been feeling kind of anxious. then with the subsequent position announcements, that had only further fueled his anxiety. but, even so, he knows that everything will (most likely) be okay. he hasn’t had much time to spend with people outside of his future group members though, so he was itching to see any friends that he could. 
     which of course meant that he was making minjun come hang out with him before they got too busy with both of their respective groups. 
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     when they meet at the cafe they had decided on—jiho had originally thought of just meeting in a practice room but then remembered that they would probably both be spending the rest f their lives in those and had decided against it—he orders himself a drink and a slice of cake, settling at a table. thankfully, they didn’t seem to be well-known enough yet to warrant any unwanted attention. “i’m sad we’re not debuting together,” he comments first, taking a sip of his matcha latte. “i know it wasn’t likely, but i’m still sad about it.”
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lgcshinha · 4 years
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Perhaps Legacy’s biggest family, the YKS family is extremely complicated and chaotic but they somehow make it work.
Seo Minseok (04.12.1993)
Seo Minhee (14.02.1996)
Yoon Mirae (25.07.1996)
Kim Jinseo (09.02.1997)
Yoon Shinha (05.02.2000)
Kim Jinah (29.09.2000)
@lgcxminseok, @lgcseominhee, @lgcxmirae, @lgcjinseo, @lgcxjinah
@lgcxjunghwan, @lgcminjun, @lgctee​
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lgcjaesun · 4 years
a halloween 2k20 starter for @lgcminjun
it was a horrible thing to admit but jaesun honestly forgot about the existence of halloween. he had been so focused on preparing for future dreams ( and also just resting from their tour ) that all thoughts of the ‘holiday’ had slipped from his mind. it’s why he’s now in the least thought out costume that he could pull off in the time that he had -- at least he didn’t use the excuse that he was going as ‘himself’.
instead, he’s covered from head to toe in toilet paper as a toilet paper mummy. if it rains tonight, though, it’ll be a mess, so he prays for good weather as he heads to the party. the first person he catches sight of is minjun, who obviously looks like he’s thought out his costume more than jaesun has. “nice costume,” he notes, giving the other a pat on the shoulder once he reaches him.
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lgcsam · 4 years
just two queens
the party is in full swing and sam had found himself wandering around a little aimlessly. he’d already figured out the whole word riddle thing the staff had put together, and he’d lost haeun in the crowd. so now he was kind of vibing on his own, admiring the other costumes he’s seeing as he walks around with a water. his own outfit was still pretty comfortable though the wig was starting to get a bit hot--and itchy. 
as he was about to debate just bouncing he spotted someone familiar in a very familiar costume. actually, it was a little hard to recognize that as minjun at first but a few moments of squinting suspiciously at the older let him know it was absolutely minjun.
a grin over took sam’s face as he literally skipped over to the older.
“whoaaa~ harley quinn?? wow you’re even prettier in person!!” he starts as a greeting, making sure his tone has so much cutesy fanboying in it. smiling so brightly at the older male. “i’m really a big fan, miss quinn~ could we take a photo together?” 
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cherrylgc · 4 years
i 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 see underwater
TW : mentions of blood, crying, negative thoughts, self-harm
          ‘I bet ya parents are proud of you huh? Went away to become an idol and can’t even become that’ the words stay in Emil’s mind, no matter how and what he tries the words stay, it’s like a little animal biting into him that he can’t get off. He tried punching a wall to get out the words and his anger, yet the only thing that came from it was bloody knuckles. Now he sits here, hands covered in blood and cheeks covered in tears. The words shouldn’t have hurt as much as they did, but they did, damn did they hurt. And there was one very good reason for why they hurt, because they were true. Emil had basically ran away from his parents in order to “become an idol” but even after three years it felt like he had gotten nowhere, he hasn’t improved in dancing, he can’t sing even if his life depended on it, the only thing he really can do it create lyrics and rap it. Oh why did he every day have to be reminded of of how he isn’t perfect, back in Denmark he could simply just believe he was the best because he could do everything, here? Here he was constantly reminded that this wasn’t the truth, and no matter how hard he tried to convince himself he was the best, there just always was that thought that he wasn’t.
          Why was he even crying in an empty training studio? Was it because he was reminded of his parents? Because he was reminded of how he wasn’t the best? Because he realized he was a failure? There were so many reasons to cry yet not a single good reason to cry. He was just crying, perhaps it was just anger and sadness being filled up and now he finally let it out. He couldn’t go home because he didn’t want his roommates to see him, not like this. And then just as he was feeling most vulnerable, crying in the middle of the room, the door opened. Immediately Emil looked up, tried his best to be as quiet as possible, but to Emil’s mishap, it seemed like they had seen him.
                                                                                             for @lgcminjun
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lgcxking · 4 years
♚babysitters from hell
w/ @lgcjueun & @lgcminjun
korean-german siblings.
girl, 9 years old. girl, 8 years old. girl, 5 years old. boy, 9 months old.
king sees his entire life flash before his eyes. every choice, every decision leading to this very moment where he's about to meet four kids. that's four more than he could ever handle. it doesn't matter if he has two other "helpers" with him. they can't help him escape from this nightmare he's about to experience. why did he ever leave date lottery? sure, it got boring to go on dates after a while but at least he didn't have to keep four kids alive by the time their parents come back. who decided it was a good idea to leave him in charge of small living creatures? this can't possibly end well.
but he braces himself, and neither jueun nor minjun could suspect that he wants to throw up right now. they probably feel he's nervous though. there's only so much king can hide, but when the cameras start rolling and they find themselves meeting the kids alone, he's all smiles. or tries to. but he spends more time glancing at his two comrades, big doe eyes pleading them to take the lead so he can chill in the background and just get through today. but that wouldn't look very good to viewers, so he has no choice but to make an enormous effort. if he can succeed at passing for the clumsy but well-intentioned guy who doesn't have a lot of experience with kids, that would be quite an achievement already.
the parents have briefed them on quite a lot of information. what the kids like/dislike, what they might need to take care of for the baby short term and where the things are like milk, diapers, etc. as for the three girls, well, they're mostly able to occupy themselves but they also need to entertain them too and not just focus on the little one. "should we prepare a few snacks all together, then? we can pack it up and go to the playground to play. what do you think?" he's looking at the girls, then at jueun and minjun for approval. the girls are quite old enough to be a part of the decision-making process, king thinks. it's so beautiful outside that it would be a shame to stay in a stuffy apartment, although the closed environment feels a lot safer than going into the wild with four children.
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lgcent · 4 years
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lgcara · 4 years
.・゜your dog loves you.゜・
The goal was to spread awareness to the visitors and also give them a tour around the shelter. They were basically given the go-around themselves earlier in the day, but after being around the entire morning, Ara felt more comfortable in the premises. Also the cute animals did help. But she did feel a lot better knowing that she did not have to do this all alone and that someone else was by her side in case she missed one of the main points of the tour, or whatnot. It is always better in numbers. She’s walking alongside Minjun after the two had found some visitors who wanted to know more about the shelter itself and the animals as well.
“Yes, did you prefer to see the cats or dogs? There is something for everyone, you will definitely find someone you love to bring home today!” She feels a bit like a salesperson, but honestly, the event-goers were here due to interest in the shelter itself and finding a pet, hopefully. “My favourite are the older cats. Honestly, you should take a look. If you need a gentle, family friendly animal that is low maintenance, older cats are often forgotten, and the kindest to young children.” She nods, awaiting their answers as she stands idly by Minjun’s side, peeking at him from time to time to ensure they were on the same page. “Which are your favourite, Minjun?”
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lgcmax · 4 years
& lost in japan.
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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐖𝐀𝐒 younger, he thought his cross-country road trips with his parents was considered travelling all across the world. little did he know that he would go much, much farther in the span of the tour than he thought he ever would. he’d been many places, but nowhere like japan, so when the legacy boys finally make it to tokyo, he’s a literal ball of excitement. and rightfully so - everything was so different than he was used to ! even living in korea now has more surprises for him to uncover everyday, so japan really is a completely different ball game.
he’s excited to have minjun as his partner-in-crime in this entire adventure, the epitome of a tourist as his sparkling eyes dart from sight to sight. even though they had just started to see each other frequently because of the group, he’s excited to get to know him better. max still was getting used to assimilating with everyone, and figures this will be a great start to getting friendly with one more member of the bunch. “ minjun ! ” he calls excitedly, having to release his burst of excitement by tugging on the other’s side. “ we have to go everywhere ! ” obviously, it’s too ambitious of a request, but that doesn’t stop max from reaching. 
“ okay, okay, maybe we should - god, we’re running out of time ! ” it’s unlike max to get panicked so quickly, but he wants to ensure they can fit as much in the schedule as possible. “ okay ! let’s start with ... ooh ! how do you feel about visiting tokyo tower ? looking at the city from that high up would be sick, don’t you think ? ” he asks, awaiting the other’s opinion with a cheerful smile spilling onto his cheeks.
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lgcmedia · 3 years
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happy 22nd birthday, hwang minjun!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #hwangminjun #lgcbirthday
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lgcxpv · 4 years
♞ – ‘Last Show
Summer is a little early this year. With the heat beating hard against their backs that almost nullifies the effects of the electrical fans meant to keep them cool on stage. It was the last stage rehearsal before the actual show taking place the day after. With Type Zero as the main event on the first night, Viggo knows just how much pressure it would have to put into making a memorable performance that evening. Especially since Type Zero technically already finished their rounds as schedule and the new group is about to debut. 
Tossing the mic casually between his hands, Viggo ponders what would happen to their group now. Casually sliding towards @lgcminjun, he cranes his neck from side to side, Viggo hands him the extra towel he had thrown over his shoulders before walking up to Minjun. “You holding up alright, bud?”
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lgcjiho · 3 years
watching stray kids at the kbs gayo daechukje 
     he never would’ve thought that they, as in the lgc boys, would be invited to any of the year end shows, if only on the premise that they were a temporary group. he had kept up with their sales and general rankings and whatnot and knew that they had done pretty well for a group that was absolutely going to be temporary and also a group that had just debuted. 
     so this whole thing, getting to sit in the audience before and after performing and getting to watch all the exceptional performances of the other super talented idols feels like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. especially since he’s not sure he’s guaranteed to debut anytime soon since there’s no guarantee for future dreams. 
     literally, jiho is sitting there in awe as the music starts for the next song. there have been multiple groups that he knows and listens to the music of and also many groups he had never heard of before but when the song starts, he jolts upright and grabs @lgcminjun’s hand with a gasp, staring up at the stage. 
     “oh my god—”
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