lgcmanager · 3 years
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
a little bit differently from our usual side-event, this one offers two different activities to two different groups. click on the links for details related to the group your muse is in !
project origin members, actors and entertainers: YEAR END 2020
trainees (including lgc girls japan and future dreams 3 who aren’t part of project origin), band members, models, musical actors and producers: LGC SPORTS FESTIVAL 2020
** paths are based on where your character is as of autumn 2020, not on the changes coming in january 2021 **
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lgcmedia · 3 years
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I didn’t understand why my friends were making a big deal about LGC Girls. I didn’t want to waste my time falling for another group that wouldn’t last but I felt goosebumps when the Dun Dun performance began. All the girls are gorgeous and clearly talented but when the camera panned to Kang Jina I was shocked! Her eye contact with the camera is INSANE. It felt like she was directly looking into my soul. Can you imagine how powerful she is in person? Let’s just say that I replayed the Dun Dun performance an unhealthy amount. Now I have to catch up and learn about the other members. Seriously, what is LGC doing? They need to stop wasting star potential and debut her.
[ + / - ] Another person has fallen for Jina’s charms! Beep Beep has been sitting in my most played playlist since the song was released. I want her to debut soon too. So, please support the group and buy their songs! It’s the only way the girls will debut.   [ + / - ] OP, what are you talking about?? I beg you not to become a solo stan. There are way more talented girls in the group. Her parents are the only reason why the company keeps promoting her. She fades into the background so easily that I often forget she is in LGC Girls. [ + / - ] I want her confidence. My life would be so different if I had her face and just a quarter of her talents. ㅜ_ㅜ
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lgcjaesun · 3 years
a year end 2020 starter for @lgcxjun
the end of the year was such an exciting time, in jaesun’s opinion. honestly, he had no idea that they were going to get a chance to perform at the year-end shows. how many trainees got an opportunity to do such a thing? well, were they really even still trainees if they’d had a whole world tour as well? the distinction was tricky indeed.
"junnie,” he nudged the other next to him, hoping he didn’t mind the pet name that accidentally slipped past his lips. “can you imagine that might be us next year? i mean, that we’ll have an actual debuted name and consistent line-up and ...” was it so different from what they had now? maybe not, but at least it might seem more permanent. “they look so cool. do you think we looked that cool too to the audience?”
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lgcyoungmin · 3 years
youngmin doesn’t remember the last time he had been in an award show like this. he never imagined himself to be attending anytime soon, but he’d be lying if he said he hated it. when it was announced that cram school actually did win an award, youngmin was a little surprised—of course he knew that the drama would do well, what with all the talent and hard work put into it, but that doesn’t stop it from being slightly shocking. it’s a pleasant surprise though, not at all a bad one.
what he isn’t surprised about, however, were the actors and actresses he knew who rightfully received awards for best newcomers. once the post ceremony celebration began, youngmin goes over to congratulate said actors and actresses, starting with ( @lgchanbyul ). he approaches with with a bright grin, genuinely happy for the other. “congratulations on the award! you totally deserve it, everyone could tell that you worked very hard.”
briefly, he wonders whether his praises seem pretentious, but he does mean them. youngmin always makes it a point to remind those around him of how hard they have worked, or praise them when it is deserved. and at this moment, hanbyul definitely deserves the compliments.
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lgcmiso · 3 years
♤ like a dream
shivers ran through her spine when she stepped outside of the car in her dark blue dress. rather than the cold air of seould on her bare arms, it had been because of the feeling of the red carpet under her high heels, it had been the slightly familiar, yet unfamiliar sight, it had been the realization that she was truly attending korea's acting awards. again. finally. finally, yet, at the same time; already. but she was there. she was here.
the ceremony started. the win of cram school was expected, in a way, while kim's family had been hoped. and then, the name of the sitcom had been called. and here she stands, in front of the microphone. it's her turn to say her thanks.
she has thought about this moment thousands of times. she prepared for it, she dreamed of it, she begged for it, she cried for it. but nothing could've prepared her for the real think. "i--" her voice cracks. kim family might have just been a comedy, it had been her first project in so long. she blinks a few times to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. but it's in vain, and she knows. "i'm so proud to be standing here with seniors and friends alike. the months we've passed to bring joy to the viewers weren't always easy, but they were like a dream to me." she pauses for a second. "for so long, i have yearned for a chance like this, i practiced hard, and i tried to be a better actress for the day i would get to work as an actress again." there's so much left unsaid, so much hardships brushed under the rug, so many heartbreaks kept silent. "to the staff, the directors and the producers; thank you for this wonderful opportunity and fun series. to my coworkers; thank you for teaching me everyday. to our viewers; thank you for all the love you have given us." she's said enough for now. so she steps back, steps back enough to let her tears flow unrestrained.
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lgcjude · 3 years
A sense of restlessness had overcome him when the winner of the category was announced to be revealed after another performance. He had consciously avoided to cross his arms across his chest and guided his anxious energy to the rhythmic motion of his foot. Had his father been seated beside him, he would have asked him to stop several times but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to appear guarded or nervous, but there was a chance that LGC Boys could win. 
"And the award goes to..."
The words finalizing the suspenseful sentence has him envisioning the cliché record scratching sound in his head and the frame freezing subsequently. He could picture prominent memories that had been stored in his mind that varied widely in emotions. He had kept his mixed feelings about taking part of Future Dreams to himself. His experience had been made more difficult through his own decisions, but he wouldn’t have become the person who was sitting with LGC Boys had he not jumped at the opportunity. 
Nevertheless, he hadn’t thought of the muscle aches or the zombie-like veil that he waded throughout the first competition. He had come so far since then and now felt a sense of accomplishment that he couldn’t put into words. But there was a reason that he was smiling more, and enjoying the process that needed to occur before a song could be performed on stage. 
He had fallen in love with music again and the high he felt after performing was addicting. He was lucky enough to share the stage with sixteen other members who had helped him get to that point and not left him behind. He couldn’t exactly say that in his speech, but he was beyond thankful to everyone that had encouraged him to become a better, happier version of himself. 
LGC Boys was a temporary project to most, but the group was his foundation and served as motivation to continue improving. His speech was far more simpler than his thoughts, not wanting to take up meaningful time for the others who had more to say than him. He thanked the fans, the members, and the staff for their unconditional love and support.
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lgcdanbi · 3 years
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                     < © 2020 korea’s music awards: best new girl group, legacy girls >
at times, danbi doesn’t feel much like a leader. despite it being her unofficial-official title, she’s still too weak (leaves all too much room left to grow) to be considered strong enough as the figurehead of the group. not the best singer, not the best dancer—not nearly talented enough to rest proudly in the center—so she has her doubts, undoubtedly, about being considered the ‘leader’ of legacy girls—wonders often, over and over again, whether she’s just assuming her position as one of the eldest, the most senior trainee—unconsciously snubbing someone else with worthy enough charisma and authority to stand at the helm of the group.
but strangely enough, in times like these—seemingly of the highest prestige and publicity—she’s reminded that circumstances do not make the man (or woman, in this case), they reveal him.
maybe it’s a bit too public of an opportunity to judge her character, as cameras swiftly swarm them at the blaring announcement of ‘legacy girls!’ over surround-sound system, cheering fans—blinding lights and applause, all around, engulf them, and in a moment as overwhelming as this one, danbi—calm as can be—follows her instincts to stand up, bow, and check on the other girls.
most of them weren’t expecting this—winning the most coveted rookie award of the season, with only six months after debut under their belt. emotions are high, as to be expected, and are only exasperated atop surprise and astonishment. danbi’s quick to embrace jueun in a hug, a tender smile, before reaching over to give jina an encouraging squeeze on the shoulders. pulling back, she finds herself even sending yura a knowing nod as her hand naturally finds miso’s, squeezing the other’s palm as one last congratulation before transitioning to the stage.
soon, she’s taking the first steps out of sixteen, leading the pack not out of courage, no, but rather composure. dignity. for if there’s any message for them to put out, it’s one with back straightened, chest puffed, and head held high as they steer towards the podium—lining up, one by one, in stark announcement of if the sixteen of them, who aren’t even guaranteed to stay together until the end, can win now, who’s to say that they can’t again?
danbi strides up to the microphone, bowing and leading the group in proud greeting as an introduction to her speech. and as sobs and sniffling are softly heard behind her, she bears a wide smile on her face, happily wearing it for those who can’t right now.
“firstly, we want to thank korea’s music awards for allowing us to perform on such a magnificent stage. when the sixteen of us first debuted back in june, i don’t think any of us were expecting to be nominated for such an esteemed award—let alone winning it—so we can’t express enough how thankful we are for the consideration. and to everyone at legacy, thank you for always supporting us and pushing us to be the best that we can be. and, of course, thank you so much to our fans, for this award is theirs just as much as ours. without our fans, we couldn’t stand in front of you all as ‘legacy girls’ now. so thank you again, and i hope that, in the future, we can continue to meet the high expectations that you have for us—as a group and as individual artists.”
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lgcjiho · 3 years
watching stray kids at the kbs gayo daechukje 
     he never would’ve thought that they, as in the lgc boys, would be invited to any of the year end shows, if only on the premise that they were a temporary group. he had kept up with their sales and general rankings and whatnot and knew that they had done pretty well for a group that was absolutely going to be temporary and also a group that had just debuted. 
     so this whole thing, getting to sit in the audience before and after performing and getting to watch all the exceptional performances of the other super talented idols feels like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. especially since he’s not sure he’s guaranteed to debut anytime soon since there’s no guarantee for future dreams. 
     literally, jiho is sitting there in awe as the music starts for the next song. there have been multiple groups that he knows and listens to the music of and also many groups he had never heard of before but when the song starts, he jolts upright and grabs @lgcminjun’s hand with a gasp, staring up at the stage. 
     “oh my god—”
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lgcxjieun · 3 years
━ Daydreaming ~*✧
jieun still can't quite believe it. sitting all dolled up in the audience of a year end show, even winning an award this year and being now a part of the idols she always watched on tv; it was a dream come true in a way. the female still wasn't certain if her calling was the idol life and if she wasn't better off being a musical actress but jieun knew she was too young to limit herself down and decide on what she wanted to do for a living.
modeling was fun, performing was fun- even hosting her own show now was fun as well. while she wouldn't see herself as a model or entertainer primarily, she wanted to keep her options open for now and see where this path would take her.
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spacing out she didn't realize how she'd probably been staring in awe at the male group performing right now, their song catchy and their moves captivating. in a way she wondered if they had the same effect on other idols despite being new comers and a rotational unit.
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lgcalec · 3 years
a year end 2020 starter for @lgcyoungmin 
     he’s not going to deny that being at the acting awards itself is already pretty freakin’ cool. and to be able to go on stage as part of the supporting cast for both cram school and kim family. it’s really cool and something he never thought he would achieve in his life, considering that he hadn’t really considered acting a serious career path for himself until recently. it wasn’t until kim family that he had really thought he could do this for the rest of his life. 
     there’s genuinely no thoughts about winning anything else, considering he thought that cram school had done better than kim family—not that he had really kept up with the ratings or anything though. he just thought the plot was more fun for younger kids, though he guesses his part n kim family was pretty interesting too. 
      it kind of grows slowly though, the want that festers inside of his chest. he wants his own award one day, something big that ... best actor. or something. best main lead? he’s not too sure what the usual awards are but alec can feel it. he wants to become the best actor he can be and he knows that tthe path that he’s taken so far is leading up to that. he hopes that the audition he had done for the second season of cram school can maybe push him up to where he wants to be one day—even if he doesn’t get a main character role, he would be pretty happy with getting either a lead or even a supporting character again. namgil was fun. 
      that’s where his thoughts are as the mcs start talking again, somewhat zoned out as they discuss who they think the best newcomers awards are going to. turning to youngmin who’s seated next to him, he checks for cameras before he whispers: “do you think you would count as a newcomer since you’ve been acting for so long? or are you a veteran now?”
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lgcxking · 3 years
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of course he remembers the pride and joy when lgc boys won the best new boy group award. walking to the stage under a thunder of applause from their fans and the rest of the audience. he remembers every word from every speech made by the other guys too. although it felt like a dream, king had never felt so vividly aware of what's happening around him, taking mental pictures and videos of every second of it. he knows it's his first but not his last award. in fact, he couldn't be more certain. he came to korea to make something of himself and this is only the natural course of things. after working so hard for so long there's no way he's gonna play the humble card and pretend he doesn't deserve such a big honor. fuck no. he deserves every single bit of that award. instead of feeling emotional, he just feels happy.
the type zero award, however, comes as a total surprise. of course he knows they had a lot of impact this year despite their short promotion period and the fact that they're only a temporary unit (lols). but for those exact reasons he didn't think the fans would actually pull through with voting, and instead settle for a permanent group. apparently king underestimated their power and love for them. he shares a dumbfounded look with haneul, minjun and the rest as they slowly make their way to the stage for a second time.
it's not really that this one means more to king. but it provides a different type of reassurance that he did well this year. type zero is a much smaller unit, where his presence is undoudtedly more essential. not just his presence but the others', too. their contribution is a lot bigger in type zero than it is in lgc boys. that's why king feels like this award is so much more personal. he knows he won't cry on stage, but he feels weird this time, with a small pit forming in his stomach. and an even smaller wave of emotions flashing through his eyes as he looks at the cheering crowd. he doesn’t know why it hits him only now. this genuine and strong love from the fans. exactly what he sought by coming here to become a celebrity, while he claims he just needs the fame. once it passes, he's all smiles and confidence again.
"wow, thank you so much guys!" he begins, raising his fist in the air. "woo! what a ride, huh? it's been such a fun year, meeting you guys on tour and spending time with these guys too," he turns briefly to look at the other boys surrounding him. "we know how hard you worked in order to gift us with this award tonight, thank you for your support. we promise we'll work even harder in the future." he goes on for a little bit more after that, before passing on the mic to somebody else.
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lgcmedia · 3 years
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Okay… I’m convinced every LGC Girls made a collective resolution to become more fatal for the new year. It’s getting harder to stay loyal to just one of them. TT My eyes kept drifting to Bomi for this performance! She’s not my bias but I couldn’t help but notice how fierce she looked during her DUN DUN center part. It was like seeing a hamster trying to be scary so I admit that I just found it cute instead of anything else at first. I’m gonna have to find a fancam and try to learn the dance since she makes it look so easy, even when her shoelace came untied. She did look a little tired during the red carpet though which worried me. Even so, she sounded stable on stage so maybe I’m just reaching… The girls are training really hard but they need to rest, too! I hope the company isn’t overworking them?
[ + / - ] They styled her so glamorous for the show and she always manages to look elegant all made up but… off stage… there’s such a gap with her personality lol. Then she catches me off guard and does an all out attack like this. Is she for real? I’m getting so confused!! TT [ + / - ] Maybe she couldn’t sleep because she was so nervous. I know I wouldn’t be able to sit still if I was performing in front of so many senior idols. [ + / - ] She’s improving on her expressions, at least. I know she’s all cutesy but she really needs to be able to adapt to the concepts like this and learn from the other girls. Maybe she was trying to look chic for the pictures.
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lgcminjun · 3 years
no matter what he’ll be doing in the future, it’s a given that project origin will be one of the best experiences of his life. minjun never thought he would see himself receiving any sort of award. although, everyone in legacy boys are talented individuals, there should have been no doubts. the same can be said about type zero. he always wanted to perform in award shows, wondered what it would be like during breaks or when he’s fantasising about his future as an idol. he didn’t think that the opportunity would come so fast—it’s nice, minjun tells himself. this could also be another reason for him to be more confident.
( @lgcxhaneul ) had been a teammate since type zero kicked off, then project origin. now, minjun finds himself teammates with haneul for future dreams as well. he’s glad that there’s someone he has already known well enough in the same group, makes things less awkward. hopefully, as the show progresses they would become even better friends. they’re watching one of the stages now, simply vibing to the music and enjoying the performances by other well respected groups. from the corner of his eyes, he sees haneul imitating the choreography on stage, and minjun lets out a laugh.
“you’re doing great, hyung!” it’s moments like these that minjun treasures, the fact that they can have fun and actually receive awards for all their hard work. in a split moment decision, minjun decides to join the other, a sparkle in his eyes. he pays close attention to what the other idols are doing and tries to copy, albeit sloppier than usual—it’s all in good fun, after all.
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lgchyunjin · 3 years
it’s christmas and they’re at the gayo daejeon music awards. he’d sent messages to his family not to wait up for his call in case the event went super late, but all in all, hyunjin isn’t mad that he and the rest of the lgc girls and boys and type zero are here to be able to bask in all of this. the lineup was certainly intriguing, a lot of new groups peppering the lineup, among himself with haru beside him. when enhypen show up to perform, hyunjin cannot help but be enchanted, eyes glued. another rookie who also came from a competition show. it feels so mirrored to what they were going through on future dreams. glancing over at haru he whispers, “i really love this song. what do you think?”
they had a prince like charm with the help of their outfits, and the boy feels a bit nervous in his seat, a different thought wandering from earlier. when the public puts them all in the same melting pot of new male idols, do they stand out? is there a lasting impression that they can provide when there are so many groups? it’s silly, but among the performers, he’s both in awe and horror at the same time, no doubt shown through his wide-eyed glazed look. 
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lgcmiso · 3 years
♤ cast a spell, we god
                                            being the best audience with @lgcsoyoun
it's fun being back with LGC GIRLS. while her true passion doesn't lie in being an idol, they've been through a lot together, including a debut. going on an award with them has fills her heart, and the gayos stages are just the cherry on top. miso has decided to attend those events with a light heart with no care of who is watching and what they might be thinking. she's just here to have a good time.
as type zero enters the stage, she claps for her company mates and her boyfriend. a smile blooms on her face. she has to force herself to keep it small and hide the pride she feels for king. she can only guess how much this means for him. 
anyway, she holds it in well... that is until the song they are performing today begins. she perks up, sitting on the edge of her chair. "woooooooooooo" she sings with viggo then turns towards the girl on her left, which turns out to be soyoun and exclaims. "THIS IS MY SONG!" before attempting to echo and imitate king's swag for the rap of the first verse.
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lgcjude · 3 years
poker face
2020 was ending, and he had several realizations since then. He had survived Future Dreams, successfully completed a tour with the members, and got to perform at the annual music festivals. He had begun to find the adrenaline felt after a performance addictive, and he wasn’t willing to walk away from the path he had chosen for now. LGC Boys had yet to perform, but he was looking forward to performing two songs for their first festival appearance. 
He found himself seated next to King, wondering how that could have happened. Usually, they were like poles repelling away from one another. A pertinent realization that he had was that King was no longer insufferable. The younger man had matured somewhat, and he could stomach having to spend time with him. He didn’t see himself becoming friends with him any time soon, but their interactions weren’t as forced as they had been in the previous year.
Mamamoo’s performance began with Hwasa’s single Maria, which he bobbed his head to the tempo of the music. The shift of the choreography in the post-chorus had his eyebrow raising, completely unaware that the cameras had turned to catch their shared reaction. 
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