lgcsori · 1 month
by the animals
sori had not been told who she was going on a date with, instead she’d been given an item as a hint, the cloud pillow just made her more unsure though. she’d stared at the item for a while, twisting her brain around who it could be, but she had well, no idea. she was given the task of picking their date location, she would’ve liked knowing who she was going on a date with, so she could put into consideration where they would want to go, but she had no knowledge of her date yet. she picked the zoo, a place she’d never visited before, she wasn’t sure if this was a good date place because, well, she’s never been on a date before.
normally she doesn’t care much for what she’s wearing, but for today she’s carefully picked out an outfit. a white crop-top with an elephant print on it, a pair of long denim pants, a bow in her hair, and her make up has been done. she’s a bit nervous, because though this isn’t completely a real date, she still has no knowledge of dating nor flirting. she waits nervously besides the flamingos, staring at the pink birds until her date shows up.
GO! @lgchxneul
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lgcmanager · 1 month
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MBC DATE LOTTERY is back and here are our new pairings to kick off the show's comeback:
this season, the production crew decided not to assign a date theme to the couple. instead the YOUNGEST individuals of each pair will be the one picking the place/activity for this date. location have to be within 2 hours drive of SEOUL at most and each couple have envelope of 60′500 KRW as a budget for their date, though pricier activities will be covered by the production.
neither party will know who the are paired with. as such, muses will be tasked to pick ONE OBJECT to hint about who they are. the production crew will give the object to the partner at beginning of filming before the first meeting. make sure to mention these objects at the beginning of your threads !
** IMPORTANT: as written in the requirements, the thread has to be when the cameras ARE rolling, please do not write threads during breaks or off camera, the goal is to write about what the viewers are likely to see **
DATE: write one thread with your partner while the cameras are rolling. for every four (4) replies (two posts per muns, 8 lines minimum) you’ll receive +3 VARIETY, +2 NOTORIETY for up to +9 VARIETY, 6 NOTORIETY !
DECISION: write a 200+ word solo in which your muse comments on the date and decides wether or not they wish to continue the adventure with their current partner for +5 SKILLS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE, +2 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:datelottery on your threads and solos !  to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before JULY 6, 2024 11:59 EDT.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙  LGC DATE LOTTERY 004 - DATE +3/6/9 variety, +2/4/6 notoriety [ LINK ] - DECISION: 5 skills points distribution, +2 notoriety [ LINK ] ** if you have declined continuing with your current partner, are you still interested in being in date lottery for another season: yes/no
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hyunsoolgc · 1 month
-ˋˏ ◡  A FLEETING SPRING BREEZE / @yujinlgc
Far be it for Hyunsoo to admit that he had little to no experience with dating. On the contrary, he became quite adept at it in his years following high school. ( Nevermind that year — where he and the girl he shared that time with thought of studying and eating together as proper dates. ) His real run-ins came at the behest of his mother, determined to marry him off to the daughter of a random acquaintance or prestigious name. Two years of perpetual dinner dates and coming up with excuses to get out of them. He managed to escape until now; and not without the help of Minseo.
Between the arranged dates, his first and last roles involving a love interest, the fake relationship that was coming to its inevitable end, and the introduction of this show, he cannot help but wonder if the extent of his public 'dating' would be just that — a total fabrication. However, Hyunsoo had never bothered himself too deeply when it came to these matters. Matters of the heart, public displays. Particularly not when it came to everything being an act for the show.
And so, he decides to be a bit ... ambitious for his selection of a date location and treat it like the real thing. He carefully calculates the mileage and the time of travel, affordability ( with some wiggle room that would certainly not hurt his wallet ), and weather. With accordance to the season, he comes to the conclusion that Nami Island would be the perfect spot for a first date.
Hyunsoo paces before the filming begins, eyes traveling from the fluttering cherry blossoms down to the object in his hands. The MyMelody charm smiles up at him blankly, its vibrant pink color leaving him curious as to who this is meant to hint at. He turns it around carefully as to not overtake it with the sleeves of his light sweater.
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lgclili · 28 days
FLY WITH ME. wanna fly with you in my arms ; hangang citizen’s park, seoul — @lgcminkyu
lili hadn’t thought much about the date lottery when the option had been placed on the table. it had been more or less a throw-away decision, sign her up there, hear about it later — sort of thing. 
however, when news came of her actually participating — and worse, having to be the one to plan the whole date — lili had her reservations. 
she had never been one to care about such things but what if her date sucked? and what if her date hated what she planned — what if netizens thought it was boring? ugh, this was the type of stress that imprinted permanent wrinkles to the forehead.
said wrinkles are ironed out as she eases herself into a sense of zen ; rolling her mystery date’s hint between her fingertips —  an adorable kuromi plushie that makes her wish she had chosen a my melody counterpart rather than the jellycat snake she had been eyeing for ages — as she waits at the corner of the entrance of hangang citizen’s park. all the cherry blossoms had finally departed from their blooms and all was left were their fallen petals, skirting around her heels.
she tries hard to keep her face from falling into a look of anxiousness as she pretends the camera currently zooming into her face from several steps away isn’t there, nor is the producer whispering into his headset isn’t inducing an annoying buzz in her ears. from afar, she can already spy the dozen or so kites taking flight ; vibrant colors painting the afternoon sky in their illustrious rainbow. "i hope they like it," she whispers to herself, taking another breath to calm herself.
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lgcmilan · 1 month
crying, shaking, throwing up? yes, that's been milan since learning that she'd participate in date lottery. lesson learned; never put a second choice that you don't want because life has a way, especially when you're only a joke to it. just six month ago, she would've been ecstatic taking part in this show, but she's not the same as six months ago. she was so much younger back then, so much brighter. how she envies the milan of six months ago. but time has ticked and events have happened, words have been said and actions have been taken. she doesn't feel like forever 19 anymore, and her heart and mind feel closer to 60 than her real age. perhaps it's only because she's 21 that she can think like that, but her current state isn't how she thinks a 21 years old should feel.
however, this doesn't matter to legacy, nor should it have an impact on her work. yes, this is part of her job and has nothing to do with her personal life. by dissociating the event from her private life, she had managed to dispell the negative feelings and turn this so called date in a once in a lifetime event. her first and (very likely) last date ever. a chance to live out her fantasy in a safe setting, with safe parameters and then cross her heart, men and romance forever.
the idea of having a picnic by the han river comes from hours of daydream, of picturing herself brushing softly one's hair, of crowning his head with a wreath of flower, of legs tangled and fingers of intertwined, of locked gazes only disrupted by eyelid flutters and lips dancing together.
and so, on a sunny day of may, she arrives near the area picked for filming today. she looks all the part of the perfect date with her white skirt and blue top, a wicker picnic basket under her arm.
considering there's only one small filming crew in the area, her destination is easy to find. she bows to the staff, though it's easy to see that she's a little nervous from her body language. "am i early?" she wonders, only to be given a camera as answer. the producer explains that this object is a hint to find her partner and milan raises an eyebrow. "hmm, there are quite a lot of people interested in photography in the company..." she comments, turning the camera around and checking each angle as if the answer would jump out in her face. "but that makes me think that it must be someone artistic, with a good sense of observation." she continues, starting to walk further towards the river. "maybe even romantic?" she chuckles. "like in those american college dramas where the man studies photography and suddenly notices a pretty girl!" she explains further.
the young woman raises the camera to her eye, deciding to check through the lense, maybe be the one to find the pretty boy instead.
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lgchyoseop · 1 month
scales and flowers
hyoseop had been surprised when he was told he was the younger out of the pair, and that he needed to pick their date spot. he’d been used to being older than many as a trainee, he would argue it wasn’t because he was old, but because these trainees and idols kept getting younger and younger. he’d originally chosen another spot, but as he talked with his sister and talked about the idea, she took the idea and left him to find another spot to have his date. he wanted to look good in front of his date, hence he’d chosen ‘cafe jool’, a place they could get something to drink, and paint a piece of pottery, which meant, hyoseop would get to show off his painting skill.
who his date was though, he had no idea. he’d been given an item as a hint who it was, a ‘justice scale’ had been shown to him, he’d stared at it for a long while before asking if he was going on a date with one of legacy’s lawyers. safe to say, he had no idea who his date was. still, he’d dressed up for the occasion, dropped his usual look that consisted of sandals, white tight shirt and sweatpants. changed it out with denim pants, converse and a shirt with flowers on it. he stood with a rose in his hand, waiting for his date (whoever they were) to show up.
<3 @lgcyein
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lgcyushin · 4 years
our summer
okay, first off, he hasn’t watched any former episodes so perhaps that isn’t the best introduction to this show but he’s not going to tell the crew that. they’re following him as he makes his journey to the place of the date, which is banpo bridge park. and they chose a near-evening time, so that they could get a pretty view of the colourful lights that would decorate the entire park. ah, what a simple way to enjoy life and scenery, the combination of rural enjoyment with the city backdrop.
evening might bring some cooler temperatures, despite the humid summer heat that is slowly rolling into autumn’s fingertips, so he’s prepared some blankets, as well as some bites to eat for early dinner, and some bug repellent just in case. this was going to definitely be one of those dates where it called for a lot more talking and interaction, and getting to know each other in comparison to doing an actual exercise, and that’s not bad either. 
“oh, do i seem nervous?” yushin realizes he’s been ignoring the camera, despite the camera having been on him the entire time as he is walking to locate a good spot to put down the picnic blanket and other things with him. “i didn’t mean to space out. have a lot to think about,” he says as he finally spots a location to place his belongings down. “i wonder who it will be with! okay, fine. you’re right. i am nervous. ahh.”
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lgcmedia · 4 years
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backdated, summer 2020
wed, august 26 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to take care of children of various ages and backgrounds. this week’s babysitters are:  BAE NATHAN x CHOI MAX, CHOI DAEHYUNG x LI ZIMENG, CHOI JONGSUK x HAN INSOO x SEO YUMI.
fri, august 28 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: AHN DOHWAN x  KIM MIA, AHN JAESUN x JUNG MISO, BAE NATHAN x SONG AHRI, HAN INSOO x MAYURA NANA
wed, september 2 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to take care of children of various ages and backgrounds. this week’s babysitters are: CHWE HUNJI x KANG YONGHWA x KIM JINAH, HAN ALLIE x KANG JUN, HWANG MINJUN x NAM JUEUN x TSAI KING.
fri, september 4 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: HAN INSOO x MAYURA NANA, CHOI JONGSUK x SEO YURA, JUNG AHIN x SEO YUMI, KIM ALEX x LEE JIAE
wed, september 9 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to  take care of children of various ages and backgrounds. this week’s babysitters are:  IM HYUNJIN x KANG EUNHO, JEON HARU x TSUCHIYA MITSUKI, JI HANEUL x SON SEOLMI  
fri, september 11 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: AHN DOHWAN x  KIM MIA, AHN JAESUN x JUNG MISO, BAE NATHAN x SONG AHRI, HAN INSOO x MAYURA NANA, CHOI JONGSUK x SEO YURA,  JUNG AHIN x SEO YUMI, KIM ALEX x LEE JIAE, KIM JINSEO x SON SEOLMI, LEE BENJI x YAMASHITA ICHIKA, LEE JAEWOO x KIM JINAH
wed, september 16 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to  take care of children of various ages and backgrounds.  this week’s babysitters are: JUNG AHIN and LIM SANGHYUN, JUNG JIHYE and LEE YUSHIN and KANG JINA and PARK SEOJIN
fri, september 18 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: JUNG AHIN x SEO YUMI, KIM ALEX x LEE JIAE, KIM JINSEO x SON SEOLMI, LEE BENJI x YAMASHITA ICHIKA, LEE JAEWOO x KIM JINAH, LEE YUSHIN x SEO YUMI
wed, september 23 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to  take care of children of various ages and backgrounds.  this week’s babysitters are:  KIM ARA x SON ALEC, LEE HANBYUL x SHIN YESEO, LEE YOUNGMIN x PARK SARANG
fri, september 25 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: LEE BENJI x YAMASHITA ICHIKA, LEE JAEWOO x KIM JINAH, LEE YUSHIN x SEO YUMI, OKAMOTO AKIRA x IM BOMI, PONGSAK THEERAT x OH EUNHYE, SEO GEONWOO x SON JIEUN
weds, september 30 — a reality show where  participants are paired up together in groups of two or three to  take care of children of various ages and backgrounds.  this week’s babysitters are:  LEE JIHO x SONG AHRI, MIN SOYOUN x OKAMOTO AKIRA, PARK VIGGO x YOON SHINHA
fri, october 2 — a reality show where participants are paired up and go on a blind date. after the date, the participants are given the choice to either go on another date with their partner and deepen the budding relationship or try to find a better match. this week’s couples are: LEE YUSHIN x SEO YUMI, OKAMOTO AKIRA x IM BOMI, PONGSAK THEERAT x OH EUNHYE, SEO GEONWOO x SON JIEUN, SEO MINSEOK x LIU JIAO, SON ALEC x MIN ELLY, TSAI SUNISA x JIN EUNJI
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lgcjaewoo · 4 years
adrenaline rush
a date at everland ┊ with @lgcxjinah
it's easy enough to spot jinah amongst the sea of people in the theme park; her hair's still tinted pink, and it’s still as eye-catching as jaewoo remembers from the first time they'd met. the filming crew around her's a pretty dead giveaway, too. he has a similar team following him now as he approaches jinah; the cameraman to his left capturing the way his eyes practically light up when he spots her, the tips of his lips curving fondly.
part of it's an act, because this is still a variety show about cute "couples" and it'd do jaewoo well to put on that extra ~*twinkle*~ in his eyes when he looks at jinah; or stare at her for a second too long, like he's mesmerized; or, you know, whatever else it would take to make the audience coo. but a much bigger part of it's just genuine enthusiasm, because it's been a while since he'd last gotten to hang out with the entertainer, and he really is looking forward to seeing her again.
today's date is supposed to be action-packed, too, and although he's kind of scared as to what that might entail (he'd come to realize that jinah's a thing of chaos, so anything goes, really), it's also made him even more excited for the day ahead.
jaewoo slows down and comes to a stop behind her, gesturing at the staff to keep his presence a secret. he bends slightly, tilting his head, before gently tapping jinah on the shoulder.
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lgcahri · 4 years
you’re the straw to my berry.
unlike previous shows she had to film or events to present herself at,  this particular one managed to have the ever so calm girl actually nervous.  she didn’t recall having been on a proper date before and having her very first one on national television in front of million of viewers had her heart rate spike.  but she was excited,  nonetheless;  the date idea they were given sounded really cute,  fitting for summer and her love for fruits.  the partner she was assigned on date with was someone she didn’t know,  yet.  the name,  face,  everything was unknown information to ahri and made the nervousness spike even more.  
a part of her wished she’d be with someone she already knew,  not having to force herself out of her comfort zone.  on the other hand,  perhaps the whole surprise experience for herself and the viewers would be more authentic if she were to meet someone she wasn’t too acquainted with. 
the cameras began to roll when the brunette entered yangpyeong flower garden in her pink summer dress with the matching  natural makeup to emphasize her look.  hair was tucked behind her ear and her head tilted,  trying to spot her date partner for the episode.  she already knew beforehand he’d be entering after her,  so she decided to wait by sitting on the bench nearby the entrance,  gaze flitting from left to right,  excited,  anticipating.  none of her reactions were over the top,  nor acted,  and it scared her a little.  this was all for a tv show,  not the real deal. 
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lgcjaesun · 4 years
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it’s hard to imagine that, just as with his vlive show, this would be his third season of date lottery as well. truth be told, it sometimes feels as if he’s gone on more official dates with @lgcmiso​ than with danbi, but he knows it’s good for the cameras and for the publicity the show gives. they’ve talked about this, and it’s why they’ve decided to reappear again. after all, there aren’t that many original couples left from the first season, especially with the company’s decision to allow them to be a part of a babysitting show instead.
this season, he’s given the task of picking the location of the date. he wants to pick out a place that the show isn’t already featuring ( and frankly, they’ve picked a lot of great options ). he doesn’t really know if the place he’s chosen ( the SKY ROSE GARDEN ) is one that miso will like, but he thought it was really pretty when he saw it online ( and he also went to check it out just to make sure it would indeed be a suitable place for a date ). 
as per usual, he arrives first at the location, the time set for some time before sunset so they can relax a bit before watching the sun go down. there’s a small cafe that he would go buy some food and drinks at too once she arrives. it should all go well, right?
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lgcxminseok · 4 years
Kayaking Date ||
He was quite excited for yet another date! His date with Nari, he thought had gone pretty well and while he liked getting to know Nari, he was excited for his next date. When he’d confirmed his return, he was quite excited again and when the day of filming came, minseok once again dressed quite nicely. But judging that he was supposed to be by the river, he dressed slightly more sensible. He had gone for a stylish white button down and light blue ripped jeans. He liked keeping in tune with his charismatic outlooks. 
Upon arrival, he saw the cameras already rolling and he gave the camera a cute wave. “This is my second date! I’m actually rather excited. Last time I was paired with a fellow actor! I wonder who will be my partner this -” he was cut off and upon hearing the new arrival, he laughed. “Oh man, I never thought our second date would be like this!” he exclaimed, seeing his partner for the date. Color him surprised. A girl he’d gone on one date with as a dare and then they never talked again. Oh, how awkward will this be? He had no idea 
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lgcmanager · 4 years
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following several weeks of casting with MBC, the main PD of the show has selected 19 GIRLS and 19 BOYS for the third season of DATE LOTTERY. that includes all participants from the previous seasons that chose to continue
individually, trainees have been notified of their participation in the show, day of filming and place of filming. their partner was not revealed yet. in addition, MBC has confirmed a payment of 603,000 KRW for participation (due to split income with the company, trainees will be paid 301,500 KRW each).
here are the assigned couples and their activities
AHN DOHWAN x KIM MIA bike ride by the han river
AHN JAESUN x JUNG MISO at location picked by Jaesun
BAE NATHAN x SONG AHRI strawberry picking at Yangpyeong Flower Garden
CHOI JONGSUK x SEO YURA at location picked by Jongsuk
HAN INSOO x MAYURA NANA at location picked by Insoo
JUNG AHIN x SEO YUMI ziplining at Nami Island
KIM ALEX x LEE JIAE mini-golfing
KIM JINSEO x SON SEOLMI kite flying on busan beach
LEE AARON x LIN YUE at butterfly garden in Seoul
LEE JAEWOO x KIM JINAH at location picked by Jaewoo
LEE MINSEOK x AHN JAEHWA at Seoullo 7017
LEE YUSHIN x SEO YUMI picnic at Bangpo Bridge Park
OKAMOTO AKIRA x IM BOMI diner at  Indian Soul Teepee
PONGSAK THEERAT x OH EUNHYE at location picked by Theerat
SEO GEONWOO x SON JIEUN ghost tour in Seoul
SEO MINSEOK x LIU JIAO kayaking on the han river
SON ALEC x MIN ELLY smores eating at Nanji Hangang Park
TSAI SUNISA x JIN EUNJI at location picked by Sunisa
each couple will receive an envelope containing 60′500 KRW as a budget for their date, pricier activities will be covered by the production.
you may plot who begins the thread. please keep in mind that, besides the boys organizing themselves their date, they will only learn who their partner once they see them at the meeting place and the camera will be rolling!
IMPORTANT: as written in the requirements, the thread has to be when the cameras ARE rolling, please do not write threads during breaks or off camera, the goal is to write about what the viewers are likely to see.
you have until OCT 10 to complete the following requirements using the hashtag #lgc:datelottery.
ONE THREAD with your partner while the cameras are rolling. for every four replies (two per muns) you’ll receive 3 VARIETY AND 2 NOTORIETY up to 9 VARIETY AND 6 NOTORIETY.
ONE SOLO of 200+ words, in which your character comments on the date and decides whether they wish to continue the adventure with their current partner or switch to another one for 5 SKILLS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH AND 2 NOTORIETY.
please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before OCT 11, 11:59EST.
TITLE: MUSE NAME · LGC DATE LOTTERY – THREAD: + (#) VARIETY ; + (#) NOTORIETY [ LINK ] – SOLO: + 5 SKILLS ; +2 NOTORIETY [ LINK ] ** if you have refused to continue with your current partner, are you still interested in being in date lottery: yes/no *** if you have two dates these requirements can be done twice. however, we ask you to send all of your points for validation in one go! thank you!
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lgcalex · 4 years
☁ Horizon | Alex & Jiae
a date lottery starter for @lgcjiae
          Alex usually wasn’t one to actually sign himself up for something such as a dating show, always having found the concept of shows like this to be pretty dumb and boring, however this time he had caved. He had told himself that it would be good exposure to maybe gain some more fans and also told himself that all he had to do was get through the one ‘date’ then it would be all over. He just had to endure the whole thing and be on his ‘best behavior’. Alex wasn’t even concerned about people he knew, those that knew he was nothing but an asshole, would end up teasing him about how he acted. He knew that they would probably figure out that he was just putting on some sort of act for the cameras, at least that’s what he hoped for anyway.
          The location for the ‘date’ had already been decided, Alex only knowing that him and whoever his partner was would be playing mini-golf, though the identity of his partner was still unknown until they would meet up. That was what he was currently waiting on, having arrived to the location a little early so he could scope the place out and see what all the ‘hype’ was about when it came to mini-golfing. He really didn’t see the fun in the little game, though he figured that maybe it would turn out to be at least slightly fun.
          When the staff gives him the ‘okay’ to head to the exact location in which they would begin their filming at, Alex nods a bit before making his way towards where he’s told to go. He honestly was a little curious about who he was going to meet, wondering if it was someone he knew or someone he had never met before. His answer is quickly answered once he arrives to the spot, seeing a female standing alone with some cameras pointing directly at her. Once he’s close enough he puts on his fake, but believable, smile as he approaches her and stops when he feels he’s close enough before finally speaking. “Hello, I’m Alex. It’s nice to meet you.” He gives a bow as he introduces himself.
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lgcichika · 4 years
Date Lottery @  Lotte World w/ @lgcbenji
When Ichika signed up to potentially be part of this season of Date Lottery, she knew what she was getting into. While some might use the show for a nice outing, or potentially to flirt with another trainee, Ichika had been purely attracted to the idea of the exposure. From a mixture of her childhood acting and her years as a Japanese idol, there was something familiar and comforting about the mask she wore in front of it. As she stood there, the screams and laughter of the amusement park around her, she was no longer the Ichika who preferred quiet and who would rather not most of the time. Instead she was the pretty, sweet Ichika that most people assumed her to be, hands clutched politely in front of her as she bowed her welcome to her date. 
“Nice to meet you,” she said before righting herself, and reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She knew how to smile easy and shy, and she laughed a little nervously as she glanced between her date and one of the cameras. “My name is Yamashita Ichika-- um, I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’ve only been training with Legacy for a year so I don’t know many people, actually.” 
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lgcxjieun · 4 years
━ Stoic Faces ~*✧
⇢ @lgcgeonwoo
Being on her third season now, Jieun had to admit that the locations continued to get weirder and weirder. It had started out well with just a tourist like date, then she got stuck with a sweet guy at a disastrous location and now they paired her up with someone 6 years older than her, seeming more like a calm and sane version of her older brother than an actual dat as they had to go through a haunted house.
Jieun wasn’t complaining though. This was definitely better than anything to do with fish. Not one to get easily scared it was perhaps comedy prime time to watch those two walk through the haunted house with stoic faces, just picking out things that seemed off or made the whole impact lessen in scary factor.
Geonwoo was nice. A quiet one like herself, who valued his personal space. She could definitely live with that.
“They forgot to cover the light here. You can see the on switch on this one,” she points out as they approach the next ‘scary sight’.
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