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The life you live must have meaning and purpose .. We do not just walk about on this planet without intention or purpose. For example, the majority of us have a day job or run a business. The reason we do this is because we have a purpose and that purpose is usually to make money and if we go a little deeper the purpose for wanting money will have a purpose or meaning, whether its to provide shelter and food or spend time traveling. Everything we do in life has a purpose or meaning.
Unfortunately, most of us are so disconnected from the deep foundations of what our purpose and meaning are, I call this the 'underpin' of your core values.  Core values are where the roots of your purpose and meaning are embedded .. Core values are the things that motivate your actions, how you express yourself. Core values are linked to what brings you balance ( balance is peace)  and joy. Your core values are what keep you focused and driven when life gets a little tough ...
Some would say your core values are the bones of who you are, I, however,  say they can contribute to who you are but they are certainly not the foundations of who you are. You are a far more complex being than that. Core Values should be where the seed of all your actions are formed
Let me give you an example. One of my core values is good holistic health. So my action throughout my day supports my holistic health, my finances support the maintenance of my holistic health. The people and things  I surround myself with either contribute  to my wellbeing or are pretty neutral when it comes to my wellbeing and holistic health
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tiyungworld · 5 years
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💄Too many of us are trying to make cake out of crumbs! 🍰 💄We as women have been shamed into having lower standards. ⁉️ ‼️ 💄The Pickme archetype is proliferating the social media space with messages of shame working as an operative for her fellow dusties. 🤷 💄You have succumbed to this negative energy and have taken on this archetype out of fear and desperation of a scarcity that does not exist! 🚫 💄You have adopted the poverty consciousness that has you in the same job with no advancement in the past five years. 🔗 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️You attract nothing but dusties because you have somehow convinced yourself that you are not worthy for anything of high quality or value. 🆘 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️Your energy is zapped by these vampires around you who feed off your lack of boundaries. 🧛‍♂️ The bad news is if you continue down this road, you will continue to be used, disrespected, stepped on,and mistreated leading to poor mental, physical, and spiritual health. 👉The good news is that you can start the entire level up process by listening to this video!!!! 👉👉👉👉 http://bit.ly/beagoddess2 🔥💄👜💋💅🧘➡️Join our sacred space where you can level up with like minds ➡️ http://bit.ly/thegoddessinnercircle19 #levelup #goddessinnercircle #highqualitywoman #thelevelupisreal #standards #boundaries #sacredfeminine #notbasic #nodoormats #lifecoachforwomen #womenempowerment #feminineenergy #futurewives #levelupgroup #goddessgoals #goddesscoaching #levelupcoaching #spiritualhealer #nomediocreallowed #povertyconsciousness #abundancemindset #pickme #dusty #valueyourself #selflovecoach #selfcare #breadcrumbs #lifestyleguide — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2ZxscOK
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Are you living paycheck to paycheck, well your not alone more 8 out of 10 workers are living paycheck to paycheck according to careerbuilder.com... If you are putting away an adequate amount of money and putting into your financial freedom or emergency funds then paycheck to paycheck is not a bad thing, but, the truth is that is not the case for most people in the UK... Most people are not saving or investing so they can be financially sustainable.. 
Below are 8 things you can do to help you break the Paycheck to Paycheck cycle 
1 Track Your Spending 
2. Create a budget
3. Pretend you earn less than you do 4. Automate savings. 5 Look at your fixed expenses make changes where you can 6. Save extra income or raises .. 7. Find someone to help you stay on track 8. What is your why.. Why are you going to stick to your new habits? I link this to my core values .. This will keep you focused and on track
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Sometimes getting fired from a job can be the best thing that could ever happen to you .. Janelle Monáe, Kerry Washington and Niki M were all fired and look at them now. Oh, Oprah was also fired
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 Do you know what you’re eating .. What are all those scientific names on your food packaging listed as ingredients 
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