#let's talk about hybrid!hotch !!
ddejavvu · 2 years
oh man now you have me thinking about puppy hybrid reid😭it’d fit so well for his earlier seasons.. or cat hybrid hotch
PUPPY HYBRID SPENCER <333 THE LOVE OF MY LIFE <333 he's got big floppy ears and like early seasons hair where it's around his shoulders and straighter and he's clumsy and trips over himself all the time and gets spooked at loud noises and loves loves loves when you rub his tummy :') you're not even sure he can feel it under the sweater he's got on top of his button-up but he melts into your hand :')
cat hybrid!hotch and he's just a bitch all the time LMFAO - he keeps all of his cat traits under wraps except sometimes you catch a string of yarn in his briefcase or he's sprawled out over his desk bc there's a sunspot there <333
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hoe4hotchner · 2 years
More with Thomas x puppy please? Maybe him talking about how she acts when he's directing the episodes and such 😊😊😊
"So Thomas, now that we're on the subject of your newfound love for hybrids. What's it been like to direct one? Do you use dog masters or how does it work?" The interviewer smiled as she looked up from her prompt cards.
You were laying dormant against his lap, his fingers lightly fiddling at the nape of your neck, slightly pushing your collar to the side. The tag had been removed, for the time being, ensuring that any details wouldn't accidentally slip during the morning show.
Thomas started reminiscing about the latest episode, one that he had been lucky enough to direct.
"And action." He instructed, clapping the hinged filmstick down on the main part of the board. He moved behind the camera, watching the rest of the actors play the scene unfolding in the unfamiliar police precinct. It was supposed to take place somewhere near Los Angeles, the weather situation present on the style of clothing, even though it was snowing and below freezing outside.
You were laying on a blanket in the corner of the scene, calmly waiting for the cue that should make you go into your next position, but something else came to your mind. You'd let your gaze slither towards Thomas, his fingers rubbing together near his face, like Hotch's tell. You couldn't help but investigate, perhaps he had a treat for you.
Without much effort to adhere to your previously tasked command, you rose on your feet, bouncing towards the man that had become your owner after getting added onto the show.
Protests of "no's" and "heel's" could be heard from the rest of the cast as you'd unintentionally ruined the scene. You plopped down, right in front of Thomas' feet, staring up at him with wide expecting eyes as you waited for him to give you a treat. Because you "listened" to his hand signals.
A quick chuckle filled the air as Thomas' lips twisted into a smile, he crouched down to pat the top of your head in amusement. Your tail swished against the ground at the quick burst of attention he was showing you.
"Puppy, you need to STAY!" He commanded, guiding you by your collar back to the makeshift dog bed that they'd brought on their case.
"Alright. Take 2." He clapped the board again, hoping that this time you'd stay still.
"Well. Sometimes it's a challenge, but that's mostly after a long day." Thomas answered the question, starting to tell the story of how you managed to ruin a whole day's worth of shots, just because you wanted treats.
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The Sight of You (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Spencer’s disturbing dreams about his childhood bring him back to Las Vegas to face two of his childhood’s greatest enemies: his estranged father and his ex best friend.
AN: it’s a friends to enemies to lovers fic! Set in the episode “Memoriam” 4x07
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Content Warnings: usual Criminal Minds stuff, mentions of child death, childhood trauma, descriptions of a dead body. Let me know if I missed anything!
Despite seeing Spencer around Pre-k, Y/N did not trot over to talk to him with their brightly coloured rucksack swinging vigorously and violently behind them. They walked faster instead once their parents had dropped them off. Spencer did his best to catch up to Y/N but lost them around the corner in the sea of students seeking their next class. He was meant to be one of them. Adjusting his glasses as they slipped down his nose, Spencer noted that he needed a new prescription before entering his own class and preparing to focus on a subject he was already well-versed in.
It was lunch time when Spencer finally found Y/N. They were sitting at the furthest end of the table in the canteen. But Y/N cowered away from him, his shoulders drawn up defensively.
“Are you OK, Y/N?” Spencer asked before getting to what was more significant to him: “Do you know when you will be free to play again?”
The next sentence out of Y/N’s mouth stung like a nettle. They stood up, their face contorted in their fit, and they pushed Spencer hard on the shoulders.
“Go away! I can’t look at you! You make me feel sick, you and your family!” They cried.
They went silent when Spencer was laughed at by those who heard what was said. Just grabbed their lunch and moved away, leaving Spencer spellbound in the middle of the canteen, heartbroken and with a new opening for a potential chess partner. Maybe that man they saw last week at the park would be kind enough to join him again.
But there was no replacement for Y/N, who now never said a word when they caught a glimpse of Spencer being bullied – only dithering about on the spot before fleeing the scene moments before a teacher would show up.
Spencer was hurt; that hurt warped into hatred when he was next out with his mother and father. They were at the shopping mall and had just bought Spencer his new glasses. Going down the escalator, he saw Y/N. They were smiling and skipping between their parents, a new pair of shoes shiny on their feet.
The second they spotted the Reids, Y/N ducked behind their parents. Spencer could still see their face: brow furrowed, eyes squinting, hands shaking now that nothing was holding them. Their parents didn’t seem to notice. They kept talking and walking even as Y/N stopped in time with the Reids stepping off the escalator.
Sudden footsteps running away was what dragged the public’s attention to a suddenly absent child.
“Y/N!” The parents called out as they chased after the four-year-old. They were quick past the Reids, not stopping to say ‘hello’.
Spencer kept his eyes trained after Y/N’s fleeing form, right until his mother’s face came into view. Diana looked saddened; she too was staring after the L/Ns. Turned to his father. William was composed but his eyes were turned down and watering.
For making his parents react like that to their mere presence, Spencer despised Y/N.
---> ---> ---> ---> ---> 
 The burning hatred from adolescence staled once Spencer reached adulthood. The protective nature that spawned from it for his mother remained.
Which is why, when Diana Reid casually mentioned Y/N when asked about Riley Jenkins, Spencer froze up.
“You remember Y/N?” He said stiffly.
Diana didn’t notice her son’s change in tone, “Of course, you two were opposites but you got on so well. So sad what happened to them.”
The first guess was that she was referring Y/N’s repeated attempts at running away before Reid cut contact with neighbourhood gossip at age fourteen. He didn’t bother with a second attempt to understand what his mother meant.
“I don’t care about Y/N. I want to know if you remember Riley.”
“And I told you: Riley was a boy you made up.”
“No, Mom, he was a real boy who lived in our neighbourhood, and somebody killed him. And, I don't know, I think-- I think that dad might have had something to do with it.”
“He was real?”
“Yes. And...”
“He was on that little league team, too.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
The whole case was surreal - “case” being a very loose term.
When they got into his office, Spencer thought that perhaps things might simmer down a little. Unfortunately, as soon as his father spoke about their history of similarity in appearance, Spencer’s usual comfort of statistics and facts on the elderly and pets failed to conceal his abandonment issues.
William Reid was clearly affected by Spencer’s accusations, calling the idea of fitting the profile thus being Riley’s killer “absurd”. Furthermore, he was confrontational when asked for access to his files and demanded a warrant. Coupled with Lou Jenkins’ absolute certainty that William was not involved in Riley’s murder and Penelope asking him “you sure about this?” concerning invading the aforementioned files, Spencer was very close to snapping.
“I really wish people would stop asking me that.”
Then there was the envelope posted beneath his motel room door. Suspicious timing aside, there was a brand-new suspect basically handed over on a silver platter. One Gary Michaels whom Spencer couldn’t remember him but he couldn’t be sure that he didn’t know him. Uncertainty being the feeling he hated the most.
This man could fit the profile; his previous of exposing himself to a minor was a precursor to molestation. But that wasn’t what Spencer wanted to hear from the shady file slipped to direct his attention away from William.
Garcia reported back about his father’s drives, “No kiddie porn, no membership to illicit websites, no dubious emails, no chat room history.”
“What about his finances?”
Hotch joined the conversation, “We went back ten years. No questionable transactions that we can find.”
Spencer sighed while Emily decided to crack a joke: “Well, he did buy a ticket to see Celine Dion six months ago, but I think we can overlook that.”
“He’s smart. Is it possible he kept things under the table?” Spencer persisted.
“Well, of course,” Hotch answered, “But from what we can tell, Reid, he doesn’t fit the profile.”
“We can tell you other things about him, if you want to know.”
A peace offering on behalf of Emily. Clearly she had improved after her night out and subsequent hangover. Spencer gave the go-ahead and Emily listed her profile:
“He's a workaholic, he actually logs more hours than we do. He makes decent money, but he doesn't spend a lot of it. He has a modest house. He drives a hybrid. He doesn't travel much. He stays away from the casinos. Um, and according to his veterinary bills, he has a very sick cat.”
“He appears to spend most of his free time alone,” Hotch added, “He goes to the movies a lot, and he reads. And from his collection of first editions, it seems his favourite author is-”
Spencer interrupted his boss, “Isaac Asimov, I remember that one.” He pressed his lips together. They were right; William Reid did not fit the profile.
Garcia piped up once more, “He does have one other major interest. On his home computer, he's archived, like, a ka-jillion things on one common subject.”
“You, kiddo. He's got, like, everything that's been published online. Every article you've been quoted in, pieces you've written for behavioural science journals, He even has a copy of your dissertation.”
“He's keeping tabs on you,” Rossi said, That's saying something.”
But Spencer smoothly dismissed this attempt to make excuses for his father, “Yeah, he googled me. That makes up for everything. I'm going to get some air.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
After getting said air, Spencer went to the local bar and began playing an computerised poker game. His paying attention was only to distract himself, clear his head with something he knew he could control. And thankfully, a chance interaction with a lady at the bar spawned the inspiration for a sporadic hypnosis session.
Doctor Jan Mohikian allowed them a session. Reminded of the limitations that a four-year old’s memory could provide, not including the bias he already had as a son and a profiler, Spencer lay on the couch. His feet hung over the end so that his head could be comfortable in a pillow. There was no time for self-consciousness with Rossi in the room observing. He closed his eyes and felt his hand be placed upon Doctor Mohikian’s body.
She spoke low and calmingly, “I want you to hold my wrist in your left hand. And if you should feel any fear, I want you to squeeze, do you understand?”
“Go back to the night you were just telling me about. You're at home, in your room. You can't sleep because your parents are arguing.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 His eyes were closed still, but the couch shifted into a bed. His bed. A floor below, the faint shouting between his mother and father was heard. There was someone else there too. A child wailing, and it wasn’t him.
Suddenly his father was at his side, touching his arm, saying, “I know you’re awake. Daddy loves you; you know that?”
Spencer didn’t want to be there, and then it was the following morning.
Putting his glasses, the room fell into focus. His mother was there, she didn’t see him because she was too busy looking out the window. Her body language told him that this was not a meltdown, but what she saw was distressing. She’d been crying. As she walked away into the house, she hid her face as if she knew Spencer was watching and she wanted to hide her reaction from him.
Spencer ran to the window the second Diana had left the room.
His father was in the back garden and burning clothes. A bloody shirt, a tiny cardigan, landed on top of the pile already set alight.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and wake.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 And Spencer was shocked out of the scene, back to the doctor’s couch and gripping her wrist with an iron grip. Rossi was by his side, bringing him back to peace with his voice.
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 Derek was clearly disturbed that Spencer was very set on his father being a paedophilic murderer as much as he had been that Spencer was taking something that was said after his mother’s fit seriously. He continued however to assist with Rossi in Spencer’s investigation.
As if everything else hadn’t been hard enough, the captain took some time to agree to holding William Reid in custody. Finally, he settled for twenty-four hours. William was as resistant to the questions as he had been upon the initial reunion. All he could say was that he didn’t hurt Riley. Spencer wore him down, getting him to drop the Gary Michaels bomb plus the threat that he “didn’t want to go down that road”.
Garcia’s search of Gary Michaels’ DNA on the databases brought to light that their suspect was dead. Buried across state lines, beat over the head with a pipe or bat, and the body was discovered in 2001.
“Maybe it wasn’t Riley’s blood on the clothes he was burning.” Derek was about to hang up when Garcia began to speak again, a new discovery ready for her team.
“Also, Todd found something in your father’s finances. There was a standing order for a therapist, specifically a child therapist from 1985 to 1995. I thought it was for Spencer, but William left when you were twelve, and these sessions continue irregularly after he left you!”
“Who was the patient?”
“One Y/N L/N. Local to North Vegas, born 1980 to Shelly and Finley L/N.”
Both Rossi and Derek looked away from the phone to Spencer and he knew. He knew he’d have to face another villain from the past – like a knight in one of Y/N’s stories.
“Still alive?”
“Yep, already pulling up an address. There’s a lot of short leases attached to this name. Lucky for you, they keep going back to live with their parents.”
Spencer wasn’t entirely sure that he could handle two bitter reunions in one day.
“We’ll send off the fingerprint while we visit Y/N. They could have been a potential victim of Michaels before he died. They might know something.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
It was a normal home in a normal neighbourhood. Spencer had never visited Y/N’s house. Their play-dates were always at the park.
“Hello, Mr L/N,” held up their badges, “I’m Agent Derek Morgan, this is Agent David Rossi and Doctor Spencer Reid. May we come in and ask you some questions?”
“Sure. My wife is uh out at work at the moment,” Finley opened the door wider and stepped aside for the trio to enter, “I’m the house husband as it were.”
Looking about the kitchen, Spencer spied several photos of an adult Y/N but very few of them as a toddler and even less as a teenager.
“You have a child, Mr L/N?” Rossi asked.
“All grown up now, Y/N,” Finley smiled with a nod. Then he squinted at Spencer, “You’re not related to William Reid by chance, are you?”
Masking his bitterness, Spencer said shortly, “He’s my father.”
Finley seemed in awe at the prospect, so Derek redirected the conversation back to the matter at hand, “What was Y/N like as a child?”
Nodding still, like a bobble head, Finley looked weary at the notion, “Troubled. They were very young when they withdrew into themselves. Used to run away from home a lot. I don’t know what happened, but Y/N never told us.” He then jumped to protect his child’s reputation at present, “They’re doing better now, went to therapy and they’re doing very well for themselves.”
“I’m glad to hear.” Rossi replied.
Finley continued his defence of Y/N, “They’re a published author, they write fantasy things for kids and young adults. We’re very proud of them.”
“Did Y/N know Riley Jenkins when they were a child?”
“Riley Jenkins, that’s Lou’s kid who died, right?” Finley sought confirmation and, when he had it, he spoke, “Not personally. I think they might have played at the park once or twice. Before he died, Y/N would play with anyone. But you… you know that.” And Finley gestured to Spencer, much to his disgust.
“Is Y/N in the area?” Spencer asked briskly.
“Well, they’re due for a visit in a few hours. They went on holiday.”
“They still live with you?”
“A month ago, they got a new flat in the city. But they’ve got their own room here, for whenever they need it.”
“May we see it?”
The wallpaper was barely visible beneath exam revision notes, posters of Fresh sheets on the bed and the clear space on the floor were the only tidy things about the place. It was a haven of organised clutter.
A chess set caught Spencer’s eye. It sat upon the windowsill, recently dusted. The pieces were not that of a classic set; each was painted prettily but with enough error to indicate it was a personal touch.
“You and Y/N were close then?” Derek was holding up a photo album. Upon inspection, the photograph the page was open on was of Spencer and Y/N dressed up for Halloween as Doctor Frankenstein and the Monster respectively – accurate to the book of course.
“Yeah, ‘were’,” Spencer turned back to the chess set. He didn’t bother to ask when his friends had figured out he knew Y/N.
Rossi decided to further test the waters, “You think that Y/N could have killed Riley?”
“Of course not. A four-year-old couldn’t kidnap, tie up, rape, and kill a boy their own age. No violent history that indicates they would ever do something like this. Do I think that Y/N knows something about what happened and my father is trying to keep them quiet? Yes.”
Rossi moved beside Spencer, picking up the knight. Except it wasn’t a knight. It was a wizard of some kind in purple robes.
“We’ll stay up here for a bit then go down once Y/N’s inside and settled,” He gestured with the knight to the window. Spencer blanched as he spied a cab at the end of the driveway. The trunk was open and someone was retrieving a suitcase from within.
Y/N appeared around the corner, waving off the cab and turning to the house. Mr L/N appeared on the drive and they met in the middle for a hug. Over Mr L/N’s shoulder, Spencer could see that Y/N had grown into their chubby childhood features. They looked genuinely happy.
He would have to go through with it, but he didn’t have to like it. And he couldn’t go hide in the bathroom like with his father.
The trio plodded down the stairs when the sound of the front door closing was replaced with a joyous gathering in the kitchen. It all changed when Y/N went to take off their jacket and caught sight of the three FBI agents standing in the doorway. Taking out his badge, Rossi led the way.
“Hello, Y/N, I’m Agent David Rossi, this is Agent Derek Morgan, and Doctor Spencer Reid. We’re looking into the death of Riley Jenkins, and we were hoping to ask you some questions.”
To the naked eye, very little changed about Y/N’s appearance. To the three profilers, there was a visceral reaction: Y/N’s right hand started trembling, the hard swallow, the dropping of their gaze from Spencer to the floor.
“OK,” They said, a great deal quieter than they had been with their father.
Rossi sat next to Y/N at the dinner table. Derek was beside Rossi; Spencer stayed standing. Mr L/N stayed in the kitchen, at Y/N’s request.
“Can you tell us what you remember about Riley?” Rossi began.
“Not very much, I don’t really remember much about school.”
“Oh, you don’t?” Spencer blurted, “Well, I do.”
Derek glanced back at him with a look that just screamed “shut the hell up”. It seemed to cut down Y/N’s resolve, their jaw quivering.
“Sorry, can you give me a moment?” They stood up quick, the chair legs scraping loudly against the floor as they walked just as fast to the kitchen. Through the open door, Rossi, Derek, and Spencer watched Y/N grab a glass from the open dishwasher. The water from the tap hit the bottom of the glass harsh, crashing out like a wave of the ocean hitting a cliff. Y/N didn’t seem to care. Their hand dripped water onto the surface as they chugged back some of the drink before returning to the table with a topped-up glass.
“Are you alright?” Rossi inquired, leaning closer to Y/N.
They answered wearily, “Fine, just feeling woozy.”
“You’re a writer?”
“Yeah, you’re a writer too. My mom reads your stuff before bed.”
“Bit of an odd nightcap,” Rossi said with a little chuckle.
Y/N shared that smile for the briefest of moments, replying “You’re telling me.”
From their pocket, they pulled out some painkillers, popping them back with a slug of water then speaking again. “I remember Riley was smaller than me. Still figuring out coordination, but he liked to play chase. I know he was killed; I didn’t find out how until I looked into it last year.”
“Why did you look into it?” Rossi gently probed.
Y/N rubbed two fingers back and forth across their head as they spoke, “I was back here, I felt sick so I went for a walk in the park, and I just remembered him tripping over while trying to tag me. No one ever told me what happened, just that he had to go away. I wanted to know what happened to him.”
“Are you sick often?” Derek asked suddenly, his voice soft to match Rossi. Spencer grimaced at the treatment Y/N was receiving but said nothing.
“Headaches and stomach aches mostly.”
“You get them whenever you come home?”
“I do. Figured I was allergic to something but never figured out what.”
That would have to be a very quick response, like a dog allergy. And coincidental, seeing as the symptoms didn’t start until they saw Spencer.
“Y/N?” called their father, “Can you come here a moment please?”
“May I?”
“Of course,” said Derek and Y/N was out of the room. Derek pivoted in his chair to include Spencer in his theory, “I think they know something, but they don’t know they know it. I think they repressed this memory like you did, Spencer. We should take him to the therapist, see if we can jog his memory.”
“You can’t be serious,” Spencer covered his face with his hands, dragging them down with irritation.
Derek was persistent though, “Spencer, like it or not, Y/N’s linked to this investigation. Put aside your differences for a moment, please.”
Spencer all but squawked, “Put aside my differences?”
“You have brought a lot of bias to this case. Let us at least pursue this lead.”
“Sorry,” Y/N interrupted Spencer’s retort, sitting back at the table, “He needed someone to get unhook the loft door. Mom usually does it.”
“That’s alright.” Rossi waved a hand dismissively. Once Y/N accepted that, he moved in with Derek’s suggestion, “You know, some people have strong physical reactions to memories, trauma. Maybe you’re not getting sick. You’re rejecting something.”
“Rejecting?” repeated Y/N. There was no doubt in their voice, more cautious curiosity.
Derek nodded, “A memory, repressing it, and your body has linked the physical responses to your home. We think it has something to do with this case, and we’d like to see if we can retrieve any memories you might have. Would you be alright to come with us?”
“Yeah,” said Y/N, though they didn’t sound too certain, “Yeah sure.”
The resigned, too tired look on their face, and Spencer felt a tug in his chest. A longing to see Y/N smile like they had when they first entered the house. He’d rather hate someone who was happy than someone who suffered the same as him.
Leaving the house, Spencer took a deep breath of fresh air.
He ignored Y/N’s voice for a moment, but he couldn’t disregard Y/N standing in front of him and speaking again, “Spencer, can we talk please?”
“I’m busy,” He said, already walking off as he pretended to call someone, “Hey Garcia.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 “Hold onto my hand, use it as an anchor, and squeeze when you feel fear.” Doctor Mohikian accepted Y/N’s hand on her wrist and their silence nod as they lay back on the same couch Spencer had been just hours before.
“I want you to think back to your childhood, back to when you were five. You’re at the park, your parents are on a bench watching nearby to keep you safe. What do you see?”
“Spencer Reid.”
Derek and Rossi glanced at Spencer, who did not react. They kept quiet so that Y/N could immerse themselves in the hypnosis.
“What’s he doing?” Doctor Mohikian continued.
“Teaching me chess.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
Sat on opposite sides of the table, Spencer and Y/N’s eyes were glued to the chess pieces that were neatly organised between them. Spencer was thinking strategy. He could not say the same for his companion Y/N. They reached a hand out and hovered over the pieces before finally selecting their last knight.
Their tongue clicked as Y/N trotted the piece on the spot.
“What’s this one again?”
“The knight,” Spencer recited, “It moves two spaces up, down, left or right, and another step perpendicular to the first direction.”
“Brave creatures riding into battle,” Y/N narrated before continuing their clip-clopping to its new position, “Pawns in the game of war.”
Spencer didn’t understand how they were coming up with this whilst playing. Well, actually, he did. Because Y/N was clearly not playing to win. They were playing for the best possible story.
“Where do you think this story will end?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t know.”
“You’re lying,” said Y/N, pushing back the sleeves of their white cardigan, “Come on, you can tell me, with your magic powers.”
“It’s not magic. It’s logic.”
“That’s magic to me,”
Narrowing his eyes, Spencer decided that he should give his friend the information they sought: “I see checkmate in fifteen moves.”
“See? Magic! The gift of sight!” crowed Y/N, clapping their hands together. The cardigan sleeves fell back in place as they did so. Spencer felt his cheeks heat up; he dropped his head so he could smile in privacy while Y/N began to decide their next move.
“How’s your mommy today?”
Shrugging, Spencer said, “Better than normal. But that means a bad day is around the corner.”
Y/N nodded solemnly. “Do you want another ice cream? I got more birthday money.”
“No thank you.” Spencer moved the piece but was immediately intercepted by Y/N, “You’re getting better.”
“Fank you.”
“You’ll have to wait longer to beat me though.” And he snatched Y/N’s knight away, just as planned and much to Y/N’s dismay.
A new voice from their left spoke, “Hey you’re pretty good.”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 Y/N’s grip tightened on Doctor Mohikian’s wrist, “Someone’s with us.”
“Who do you see?” Doctor Mohikian asked patiently.
“A man. He’s asking us if he can watch us play, listen to the story.”
“Do you want him to stay?”
“No,” Y/N flinched, “But Spencer keeps talking to him. The man won’t go away.”
“It’s OK, it’s OK, you’re safe, Y/N.”
Y/N flinched again, this time letting out a whimper, “He’s on the floor.”
“Spencer is?”
“No, the man.”
“What’s he doing on the floor?”
“He’s,” Y/N began panting, their face tensing and body jerking, “I can’t get to him. There’s glass in the way and the ground is shaking.”
“I can’t look, I’ll be sick! Whenever I see them, sick.”
“OK, you’re going to wake up in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”
Their eyes snapped open with the click of the fingers and Y/N leapt out of Doctor Mohikian’s couch. Their head aimed over the bin by the door and they retched. Nothing came up but their stomach continued to squeeze up
Spencer fidgeted in his seat, trying his best not to look at Y/N. The choice words of the session, three in particular, wrapped around his head.
Y/N had seen Gary Michaels inside, somewhere that wasn’t the park.
A window, Y/N was watching what Gary Michaels was doing.
“Go away! I can’t look at you! You make me feel sick, you and your family!”
It wasn’t just Michaels in the room alone. They had been a witness to his murder.
Derek’s movement to help Y/N took Spencer out of his analysis. Sweaty, Y/N was led back to the couch, the bin between their legs, head lolling forward. Spencer tried to move beside them for questioning, but Y/N winced and began heaving again. He felt that ache in his chest again. He was causing this and nothing he could do would change that. Not until they both knew what happened to Riley and Y/N got help through it.
“What did you see, Y/N?” Derek asked as he replaced Spencer’s spot beside them.
With watering eyes, Y/N looked at Spencer, “The man we played with, he was on the floor. His head – thank you.” They accepted the water from Doctor Mohikian, gulping some back, “It was smashed in.”
The three agents left the room, Doctor Mohikian following after Y/N left to get some air.
“It’s logical to assume that Y/N tied that sickness, that repulsion because of what they thought they saw your mother be involved with, to you and your family,” Doctor Mohikian evaluated.
Interrupting again, Spencer stammered his way through his analysis, “That’s why they avoided me. They associated me with being ill. It’s probably also why they ran away so much; they had to get away from this horrible feeling they had associated with their home.”
Doctor Mohikian shook her head, “We won’t be able to use this in court, I told you when we started.”
Derek’s phone started to ring. As he answered, Spencer somehow managed to slip away for long enough to find Y/N. They were leaning against the ramp’s railing in front of the practice, their body lifting and slumping with each deep breath they took. Against his better judgement, he moved toward them.
“Y/N? Can I have your number?”
The breathing slowed again.
“I need it to call you with an update on the situation as soon as we get one.”
Without looking up, Y/N pulled out their phone and handed it over to Spencer. He punched his number in a new contact, using this time to gather the courage to maybe say something else. The hurt and pain went beyond him now. Y/N was suffering and had been much longer than he had.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Spencer said quietly, hoping that his didn’t add to the illness, “I hope you feel better soon.”
Their head still down, Y/N croaked, “You too, Spencer.”
“Spencer, get over here! We got a match on a print on Michaels’ body!”
 ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
“What makes you think Gary Michaels killed your boy?”
“He admitted it,” Lou Jenkins said, as monotonous as he had been for the last fifteen minutes of the interrogation.
Derek’s quickfire was on Jenkins instantly, “You beat a guy with a baseball bat, he's going to admit to a lot of things. How do you know he was the right guy?”
“I know. He approached another kid in the neighbourhood.”
“And how do you know that?
“I was told by a concerned party.”
“Who? Another parent?”
Jenkins leant back in his chair, “That's all I'm going to say on the subject.”
“Who was it?” Spencer suddenly spoke up.
Caught off guard at his interjection, Jenkins awkwardly parroted himself, “I told you that's all I'm going to say on the sub—"
Reid slammed his hands on the table, getting right up in Lou’s face, “Who was it?”
The door opened, Detective Hyde appeared, “Agent Reid?”
“Do not interfere with this interrogation, detective,” shouted Spencer, “This is not your case anymore!”
Once again, he was cut off. This time, by the arrival of his own mother, Diana, and her admission of guilt: “Spencer, it was me”.
  ---> ---> ---> ---> ---> 
  Of all the things this case had brought him, Spencer least expected to be sitting in a room with his mother and father together for the first time in years. To have Diana explain to him how she was involved in a child’s murder was also up there with the unthinkable.
But he stayed quiet and listened to her confession.
The reveal that she had seen Gary Michaels playing chess with him and Y/N, that she and got a feeling that something was wrong before anything had even happened, opened the story. Lou Jenkins’ involvement was next on the menu. Two days after the chess game, he drove Diana to Michaels’ house, disclosed his history of child abuse, and demanded she leave while he went into the house.
Upon reaching the point where she entered the house, Diana struggled with her words. William reached over and took her hand.
She described seeing Lou with the bat, standing over the body, slipping in the pool of blood, finding Y/N standing in the window and their face, their little face as innocent as the white cardigan that covered their shoulders and absorbed the blood from Diana’s hands as she shook their shoulders.
“And the rest... It's all dark after that.”
William continued for her. Diana came home and brought Y/N with her. Eventually he came to understand what had happened and decided that nobody could ever know.
“You were burning her bloody clothes,” Spencer concluded.
His father nodded, “But the knowing, you can't burn that away. It changes everything.”
“You paid for Y/N to go to therapy.”
William didn’t seem surprised that Spencer knew this, going straight into explaining: “They went into a dissociative fugue state after seeing what Lou had done. When Diana brought them home, they were just stiff. I asked them for their home number, to call their parents, but they started screaming and throwing up. We had to take them to the police station.” He mopped his brow with a handkerchief, “They needed help, but their parents couldn’t afford it. And they didn’t know what had happened. I couldn’t drag another person into this, Spencer.”
“Is this why you left?”
“I tried to keep us together, Spencer. I swear to you, but the weight of that knowledge, it was too much.”
“You could have come back. Could have started over.”
“I didn't know how to take care of you anymore. When I lost that confidence, there was no going back. What's done is done.”
“At least now you know the truth,” Diana made an effort to smile at her son
Choking on his words and the overwhelming remorse he felt, Spencer refused to look at his parents any longer, “I was wrong about everything. I'm sorry.”
And William said something that Spencer had been waiting for, for a long time, “I am, too, Spencer.”
  ---> ---> ---> ---> ---> 
  All of this was repeated when Spencer walked with Y/N through their old park the following day. Filling the final gaps in the memory would hopefully bring some respite to them both. Or at least maybe something to start the recovery process, easing Y/N’s sickness and Spencer’s pain.
“I’m sorry for my behaviour during this case,” Spencer sniffed, “When you said we made you sick, back when we were four, I thought you had seen my mom during one of her episodes and thought she was a freak, like everyone else.”
That stopped Y/N in their tracks, their hands coming up to cover their mouth, their eyes misty, “Oh Spencer, I’m sorry too, I’m so, so sorry I caused you so much pain.”
Spencer’s hands rushed up as if to create belated damage control, “It’s ok! I hurt you too. I made you sick.”
“That wasn’t your fault though.”
“It wasn’t yours either. We were kids.”
Almost pedantic, stropping, like a child again, Y/N moaned, “It’s all been such a waste. We could have been friends all this time!”
“We can be friends now,” Spencer pushed his hands down into his pockets to stop them flailing about anymore. His sentence was phrased more like a question.
One that Y/N gladly answered, “I would like really that.”
Sitting in the reply for a moment, Spencer followed up on his concerns, “How are you feeling? I mean, are you feeling sick again?”
“A bit, but I can handle it.”
Spencer could not see any changes in their behaviour from the day before. So obviously they were lying about that. But he didn’t protest. The lie meant Y/N wanted to stay with him, which was good - Spencer wanted that too.
They kept walking, only in silence for half a minute before Spencer broke it again, “I read your books last night.”
“‘The Siege of the Lost Faiths’ in Rogue’s Mask, that was our first game of chess.”
“It had by far the best narrative,” Y/N dragged their shoe a little on the grass before coming to a stop, “Do you still play?”
“All the time.”
They nodded over to where the old chess tables still stood, “Fancy a game before you go?”
Spencer grinned, “Just promise that this is the only setting where we’ll be on conflicting sides from now on.”
Brushing the debris from the table, they both took their places opposite each other. From Y/N’s bag was revealed a box, spilling their painted chess pieces across the board. Remembering how they had stood in Y/N’s room, Spencer helped to set up the match. They took their seats opposite one another. Y/N was the green side, Spencer the purple.
Spencer moved first. After a second’s deliberation, Y/n moved their pawn.
“Isn’t there a story with this one?” Spencer said, an implicated teasing in his tone despite his shyness.
With an equally bashful eye roll, Y/N started their new story, “First begins the battle with the royals on both sides sending intrepid messengers to meet and pass along their deeds.”
Spencer took Y/N’s pawn. As he lifted their piece away, he spoke quietly, “One not as intrepid as the other.”
A gasp dropped from Y/N’s smile. He had never joined in the narrative telling before, always too taken up in the match to invest in whatever story they spun. 
“He’s not a coward,” They said, still smiling, much to Spencer’s delight, “Prisoner’s dilemma, he just couldn’t trust the other with his life.”
“Did they know each other before this battle?”
“Yes,” Y/N moved a knight across, stealing Spencer’s pawn, “They were brothers who once shared a crib and now they share a grave.”
Throughout the game, Y/N continued the story with Spencer asking questions just to hear them talk more. The maturity of the stories had grown just as Y/N’s voice had. They knuckled their eyes a few times, but they didn’t complain about the headache.
“I know what endings you like,” Spencer moved his rook, “Checkmate in five.”
Y/N didn’t seem to mind that little dig, “This’ll have to be a short story instead then.”
Spencer’s next sentence got away from him, trailing off the closer he got to the end of it, “You could write an anthology series, if we see each other again and play more games.”
Where Spencer’s voice disappeared, Y/N’s returned with invigoration, “That’s not a half bad idea, Spencer.”
The checkmate never came. Y/N diverted the ending into a draw.
“A peace treaty has been forged by the survivors, because too many lives have been lost to justify this violence anymore. If only they realised sooner that no blood had to be shed for peace to rule the lands.” And they smiled at Spencer, clearly chuffed as they leaned back in their chair, “Bit of an upgrade from the horse noises, I’ll say.”
Spencer rotated the purple knight – the illusionist – between his thumb and forefinger, “I liked the horse noises.”
“You should have said during the match! I’d recreate them, for you.”
One by one, the pieces were placed back into their box until the last piece remained in Spencer’s palm: the knight or Soren the Illusionist, distractions and deceptions but he loved the tricks that delighted most of all. Just like Spencer with his magic tricks but a little to the left. The character was always one of Y/N’s favourites. Some solace away from the pain of thinking of who he was based on.
Y/N pushed Spencer’s hand away, closes his fist around it, “Keep him. He was made with you in mind anyway.”
The information sank in and Spencer’s nose wrinkled with the little smile on his face as he cupped the little Illusionist, “I’m Soren?”
Nodding, Y/N confirmed, “You’re Soren.”
“But what about your set though?”
“I can always make and paint another knight,” and Y/N tilted the piece upside down in Spencer’s hand, revealing the signature on the underside, “You and him are the originals, it’s only fair you stay together.”
In a moment of pure instinct and nostalgia, Spencer clicked his tongue as he twisted Soren in time with the noise. Y/N let out a burst of laughter that dragged the air out of Spencer’s chest.
“Hey, do you wanna get dinner tonight?” He said, running out of breath very quickly as a result.
It had a similar effect on Y/N, “I thought you – don’t you have to get back to Virginia?”
“I have time for dinner. For you.”
  ---> ---> ---> ---> --->
 The bookstore was packed but the breath of the patrons was held as one. All eyes were watching the mini stage where a crouching figure lifted their head up slowly. A jump as the tension broke with the figure leaping up to their feet with a bang.
Y/N pushed up the brim of their cap. Snatching a deep green hoodie from the purple trunk – silver constellations painted on the sides – they swung it over their back before picking up the page where they had left off.
“Nasima looked up at Mason and said, ‘Well that was just unnecessary.’”
A burst of laughter shot through the pre-teens in the front row, spreading to the adolescents sitting further back who had grown up with the author’s other works, finally reaching the adults at the back where Spencer was fiddling with his cane. He adjusted the sleeve of his costume absentmindedly. He was just like everyone else in the room: captivated by how Y/N was so immersed in their reading.
They had just mimed kicking down a door, plus sound effects from their mouth. Swapping back and forth between the two conflicting characters arguing with one another, changing between the hoodie and the cap with every other line of dialogue and taking both off for the role of the narrator, it was certainly a workout.
An exaggerated breath was drawn into Y/N’s lungs, flopping over in a melodramatic state, which caused another laugh in the audience.
Spencer’s nose scrunched up as he grinned. He knew this was part of the scene; he’d seen Y/N rehearse this story in their sitting room. It was so much better to share this with an audience, for their reactions to fuel Y/N’s energy.
Y/N finished the short story A Battle of Bent Truths with a flourish, leaving the rest of the anthology for their audience to read in their own time. The kids were up on their feet first. Some of them were jumping up and down as they applauded with the rest of the shop. Y/N gave a big grin as they bowed, sweeping their cap off for extra drama.
There was a book signing and a photographer that followed, and Spencer waited patiently at the end of the queue, thankful that the store allowed him to bring a chair along with him. He was happy to entertain his godson and friends with a few tricks to pass the time.
“Another one please!” Henry jumped up and down when Spencer revealed his card.
A minor commotion arose by the photographer’s backdrop. There was a teenager was crying; she was clutching her copy of Untold Tales of Human Nature. Y/N was holding their shoulders, rubbing gently and speaking softly. Only half paying attention to his next trick, Spencer kept an eye on Y/N as they hugged the teenager, looking near tears themselves.
“Spencer?” J.J tapped him on the shoulder and Spencer realised that Henry was looking a little mad to have lost his godfather’s attention so easily.
“Sorry, Henry, can you pick another card please?”
When they reached the front of the queue, JJ went up first and took Henry and his pals up to see Y/N. They instantly recognised JJ and welcomed her with a tight hug. Henry was delighted to see his favourite babysitter and show them off to his school friends, boasting that they had read to him before today.
“They read me bits for bedtime, Mommy!”
“I know!” JJ tickled his cheek, “I read them to you too.”
“Who do you like better?”
Y/N gasped, dropping to their knees which made Spencer wince, “Henry, you wound me!”
Rossi approach next, knowing that once Spencer got to Y/N, they would not be left alone.
“You really know how to captivate an audience,” He kissed them on both cheeks, “Though don’t take offence if I don’t use the same tricks at my readings.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it! Thank you for coming.”
Y/N then caught Spencer’s eye and began meandering over to him with a smile they were desperately trying to stifle. Spencer rose from his chair, meeting Y/N in the middle.
“Hi, Spencer.”
With his free arm, Spencer flaunted his cloak, “Who is Spencer? I’m Soren the Illusionist!”
Giggles from his godson, his godson’s gang, his co-workers and friends, they almost caused Y/N to lose their composure. They held on just long enough to continue the banter.
“Oh, forgive me, you look so much like my boyfriend.”
“Hmmm, he must be very handsome,”
And Y/N burst into peals of laughter, waving their hands about, “OK, stop, stop, stop, I can’t.”
“Hey!” Spencer pretended to take offence, pouting as Y/N brought him into a hug.
“Don’t worry,” They kissed his cheek between giggles, “You are so very handsome.”
“To think you were once sick at the sight of me.”
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
BMO (part 2)
Warnings: there’s some mentions about diarrhoea and throwing up I think. As always if there’s anything I missed pls tell me
Brief: after dr y/n Lewis admits she finds Spencer attractive what will happen next 🤔
"you are attractive if that what you were gonna ask"
I don't even know what came over me to say something like that I mean in front of tara in front of all her co-workers IN FRONT OF HIM, I'm usually not that forward yes I have an outgoing personality and yes I'm confident but not when it comes to talking to guys I find attractive. they were a long moment of silence after I replied I don't think he expected me to say that and honestly me neither, he smiled back at me and was about to say something back before Rossi spoke.
"let's eat! we don't want to let my delicious pasta which I spent hours slaving over the stove to make get cold do we" Tara wasn't wrong Rossi's food is amazing, through the meal I asked tara's co-workers about their jobs their roles in the team and the cases they had done all of it was so interesting to me, continuously through the night I made great conversation with Emily and Garcia, I could tell they were the most fun if the group and I definitely planned to hang with Garcia whilst I was still in town. As the boys took all our plates going back inside to help Rossi with desert I was bombarded with a flurry of questions from the girls
“Ahhh you two are so cute together and can just see your babies being cute curly hair geniuses!”
"wow slow down Garcia she hasn't even had a full conversation with him yet" JJ replied
"okay well Garcia might be going a bit too fast but she isn't wrong you babies would be like smart cute hybrids with curly hair they would honestly be unstoppable"
"Tara you and Garcia need to slow down and calm down all I said is that he was attractive it's not like he freaking proposed to me or something, but if you all must know I think he's hot but like in the cute professor way where he's really smart and cute type of way and yes I did basically describe him and then proceeded to call him my dream man in front of you all but it's literally only been 2 hours so let's all slow down a bit okay?"
"okay okay y/n/n i’ll lay off it for a bit"
"thank you tara also where Is the toilet I really need to go"
when you walk back into the house keep walking straight until you reach the corridor then turn left and there should be a cream coloured door that's the toilet.
"okay thanks, ill see you guys in a min"
I began to walk out of the garden into the house
"wait tara that door leads to the kitchen, not the toilet," Emily said
"yeah I know if I'm right Spence will probably be rambling bout how much he likes her and that's gonna be fun"
"she is gonna kill you when she realises"
"I know but it will be all worth it and then she will thank me"
Spencer POV
"guys come on its not a big deal"
"uhh yes it is pretty Ricky you have a good looking girl who described you to a t calling you her dream man then she calls you attractive this is not a sign man this is a massive road sign telling you to go for it."
"morgens right I usually don't like to get involved with your love lives but its true she is female you and you should ask her out before she leaves for town." hotch said
"yeah but what if she ughh you know what never mind"
"no kid you were gonna say something what if -"
"what if she doesn't like me what if she thinks I'm weird"
"kid, I don't think she's gonna find she weird you shouldn't worry about what she thinks when you haven't even asked her out on a date yet"
"I know I shouldn't worry but you know how I am Derek I do this"
"look, Reid, I've been married three times so I know about asking a woman out you should just be confident and cool and just ask her"
"you guys know I'm not cool especially when its a pretty girl"
"okay spencer lets just start off with the basics what do you like about her"
"I mean what's there not to like shes smart shes funny and I can see her and tara are really close and I mean look at her she's gorgeous her eyes, her smile it's just so bright I couldn't stop looking at her face during dinner the way her skin looked so golden as it reflected of off Rossi's garden lights I mean she's the most beautiful girl I think I've ever seen."
just as I finished answering Dereks questions the kitchen door opened and she walked in
Y/n’s POV
"oh I'm sorry Tara told me this was the bathroom where is it actually"
"Reid go show Y/n where the bathroom is"
spencer gave a shocked look at hotch whilst he walked over to me form the kitchen table he muttered someone to the three of them that made Derek start laughing
"hey if you keep w..walking down to the right the toilet should be there, "he said whilst stuttering profusely
"oh ok thanks spencer"
I finished on the toilet and began to walk again to the kitchen I was gonna ask spencer out even I was fucking shitting it and didn't know what to do or how I was gonna do it I was
I walked into the kitchen and saw the cake Rossi was cutting into pieces
"omg is that chocolate cake"
"yeah, it is I made it myself you want a slice?"
"yes please Rossi tara hates when I eat chocolate cake because I'm lactose intolerant can i eat in here, Derek and hotch laughed when I said this"
"it will our little secret"
"uno Symptoms of lactose intolerance may include farting, stomach cramps or diarrhoea a few hours after having food or drink containing lactose, these effects often crop up 30 minutes to two hours after consuming dairy in people who are lactose intolerant. And the more milk products you consume, the worse you feel"
"Derek then hit spencer after he spoke only realising what he said after he looked at me I started to laugh and giggle"
"well then let's hope my bloating and diarrhoea are worth this cake"
"spencer looked at em first in shock the also started laughing as well"
"god I really shouldn't have sad that I just get really nervous and say stupid stuff around cute guys next thing you know I'm gonna start talking about my obsessions I with a doctor who and foreign films"
"you watch doctor who and you like foreign films"
"yeah, I do my favourite season is-"
"Season 5"
"How did you know that was my favourite season"
"anyone whos smart would say season 5 "
"yeah I guess they would"
"will you ask each other out already it's getting boring" Derek said
"spencer started to visibly blush and didn't say a word"
"spencer do you wanna maybe go on a date with me this week?"
"taken off guard he replied yeah yeah I would love that"
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lucywritesreid · 4 years
Our own little island
Thank you for all the feedback from my last fic :3 I really don’t have any explanation for this other than....yeah...Spencer during lockdown haha.
Summary: Spencer and Y/N Have been living in their own private bubble during lockdown. YN has discovered a game and initially Spencer shows no interest...
There wasn’t much to say about the last few months other than they had been… weird. Weird on a global scale. You almost couldn’t believe how quickly everything went from normal to complete lockdown and watching the news every night had set you into complete panic mode. Both you and your highly germ-phobic boyfriend were more than happy to comply with the necessary restrictions. Spencer’s rational and calm mindset kept you both prepared and he did everything possible to reduce your anxiety. You would be forever grateful to have him by your side at such a horrible time.
For you the hardest adjustment was not seeing your work friends every day. It was odd to not spend every waking moment surrounded by all the people you loved the most. You didn’t realise just how much you would miss them despite seeing them all the time anyway. Friday night became the highlight. Your team, set up by Garcia, started a weekly quiz whereby everyone joined a Zoom call and one member was chosen to deliver a set of questions. Granted, it took Rossi a few failed attempts to be both seen and heard on camera, but you had all got it working in the end. Garcia’s quiz was based on cute, fluffy cartoon characters, Rossi delivered a mastermind style quiz all about the ratpack, Hotch surprised everyone with an in depth quiz about the employees of the FBI (where you realised he knew way more about personal lives of his colleagues) and you did pop culture through the ages. You had warned Spencer that ‘the history of the atom’ wasn’t in keeping with the Friday night spirit, and despite being met by many groans, he ended up presenting a fun and engaging quiz where losers had to take a shot for every question wrong. No surprise that he was the only one still standing by the end.
 The truth was that despite all the chaos and uncertainty, you realised that you were lucky to have so much time spent with the man you loved. Sure, you worked together, but that was as professional as you both could manage. Stolen kisses at the back of the jet and shoulder squeezes were as close as you could get whilst working. But at home, you both had free reign of each other. You were both night owls, sleeping through most of the sunshine. You spent your evenings playing chess, re-watching old horror movies and having a lot of sex. You were sure that you were keeping your local Thai restaurant in business, living mainly off that and tubs of ice cream. It was almost therapeutic spending your time lounging around in your comfortable clothes. Hours would pass while you both sat reading in silence (you, a few chapters, Spencer, a novel or three…), his arm slowly brushing the inside of your leg as you read. On the more anxious nights, Spencer would do absolutely anything to calm you down, making sure you were okay. He’d perform Shakespeare, teach you how to cheat cards, read to you in different languages and even let you braid the ends of his hair.
 You were very sure you were going to marry Spencer Reid.
 There was one of your hobbies that he didn’t quite understand. In the first few weeks at home, you had invested in a Nintendo Switch, mainly from the push of Garcia but you had been eyeing it up since it first came out. You spent many nights on animal crossing visiting Garcia and her magic candy land island. It was one way to experience the outside world without actually being there. There was something wholly therapeutic about going fishing, planting flowers and giving gifts to your wonderful animal villagers.
 Spencer, of course, didn’t really understand the appeal. Despite having the most wonderful brain you’d ever met, he seemed to have a block when it came to technology. He never discouraged you playing, but always looked over your shoulder with a furrowed brow whenever he saw you.
 “See that, y/n, there’s no way all those fossils would be in such close proximity to one another in such a small area.” He commented on more than one occasion. “What use is archaeology when they are just there on the ground for you to see?”
 “Spence, it’s a fictional world, I really don’t think they took into account geographical locations of fossils…” you couldn’t help but laugh whenever you spoke about it.
 “Don’t even get me started on the physical anatomy of these animals! How disproportioned they are from the real thing! And the colours, y/n! Have you ever met a purple tiger before?”
 You knew that he meant no harm from his remarks and was probably getting enjoyment out of it. So you’d shrug, offer him a turn and wait for some comment about how he was going to read an FBI report from 1987 again, and open your switch back up once he was distracted.
 One night, you had stayed up late to make wishes on your island. You really needed the star fragments to craft your new DIY recipes and had spent hours posed in position, ready to make a wish. You hadn’t realised that you were falling asleep and your switch was falling out of your hand, until…
 “YES! YES! Take that you stupid arachnid!” you heard a shout.
 Waking up and looking to your left, you blinked in amazement to see Spencer sat with your switch gripped between his fingers.
 “Spence? What are you doing? Are you okay?!” Many sleepless nights and bad dreams had left you very susceptible to fear when you heard shouting.
 He looked over to you and his cheeks flushed. “Oh, y/n, honey I didn’t mean to wake you I’m sorry! It’s just you fell asleep with your game in your hand, I went to turn it off and ended up talking about the stars with this wonderful little owl… She just tells you all these facts. And they are accurate, too! I even wished upon a star.”
 “That’s Celeste.” You commented, and yawned. “Spence, what time is it?”
 He squinted at the screen before replying, “4am.”
 You laughed. “And how long have you been playing animal crossing?”
 His focus went back to the screen but he carried on talking to you. “Oh, a few hours now! I’ve just caught a tarantula, the stupid son of a bitch bit me before! Did you know they could bite you in the game? I was just running around trying to get my bearings and it ran up behind me and bit me. But I showed it who’s boss. And hey! It turns out I was wrong about the fossils, in a sense..”
 You raised one eyebrow, “Dr Reid, wrong?”
 “Well, not wrong exactly. It’s still highly unlikely that they would be so close together, so close to houses, and be found in just one dig. But I took one to the museum after I dug it up and was really surprised. I hadn’t realised how accurate the information provided was about these fossils! And the details in the display, too! You’ve got yourself rather an impressive collection, y/n.”
“Mhmm.” Tiredness was setting in but listening to Spencer talk about your game was more than entertaining. You sat up slowly, leaned across and rested your head on his shoulder. “What else have you been up to?”
 “Well I recalculated the position of some of your flowers to maximise chances of getting hybrids. I know purple is your favourite colour so I looked into the best way to get purple flowers!” Spencer was speaking in that quick, animated tone that told you he was really into something. “I even researched the quickest and most beneficial ways of befriending your villagers to maximise the gifts that they give you. I spent a lot of time talking to the Raymond character.”
 “Raymond reminds me of you, y’know. Dapper, sophisticated, looks great in glasses…” you replied, nudging his shoulder with your forehead. “How did you find out all of this?”
 “Well, I read the whole Nookipedia website and that gave me a pretty good idea.” He turned to you and grinned. Of course, the genius had become the master of your favourite game in a matter of hours. “You can test me on any of the villagers’ names and personality types.”
 You looked down and saw piles of notepaper, all scribbled on, splayed out across the bed. You picked one up entitled ‘terraforming.’ Instead of trying to decipher Spencer’s handwriting, you decided to ask him about it. “Spence… what’s all this paper? What are these drawings?” You tilted your head and the paper simultaneously to try and get a better understanding of his scribbles.
 “Oh! I’ve been looking into reshaping your island. I came up with a few designs I thought you might like. My personal favourite is the honeybee, cos I know they are your favourite, so I calculated how we can use the terraforming tool to turn your island into a bee. Garcia would be so jealous and…” he trailed off.
 “What’s the matter?”
 He looked back at you with big puppy dog eyes. He chewed on his bottom lip a little before he spoke. “I’ve gone too far, haven’t I? This was your game, your private space, I never meant to take over. You really have done a great job…”
 All you could do was laugh. You leaned over and planted a reassuring kiss on his cheek. “Honestly? I’m really happy that you’re into this now. It means I can talk to you about it. Just you wait until you see Garcia’s island!”
“Really, you’re not mad at me?”
“It would be impossible to be mad at you, Spence. Maybe we’ll set up your own character now.”
And with that, you kissed him again, nuzzling into the comfort of his arm. “Show me what else you’ve been doing…”
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Dead?- Spencer Reid Imagine Part Three
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(Summary: The final fight between Mallory and the Mikaelsons.)
(Sorry this took sooo long to post. I’ve been preoccupied of other imagines. This wasn’t proofread so there might be some errors.)
REQUEST ARE OPEN (See my pinned for the shows/movies I write for.)
Warnings: Probably a handful of curses but that’s it. 
“So what’s our plan?” Rebekah asks as we reach the Abattoir. “Well I was thinking of what you said before about killing them. I can link my life to Mallory and one of you can kill me. Then Davina can unlink us when Mallory dies. Afterwards we can enclose the area and make it burn. ” I say glancing towards them. They all look at each other weighing the plan. “The witch would die and the vampire would be burned.” I say as Klaus smirks delighted at the idea. I smile as they agree on the plan. We all step into the Abattoir glancing around the giant space. “I knew you’d all come.” Mallory says from behind us. “Well you did summon us.” I say turning towards her. “Where is our sister?” I ask, tapping my foot on the hard floor. “They’re early.” I hear a voice say from behind us. I turn around facing the voice meeting eyes with the deputy. “Hmm what ever shall we do hun?” Mallory asks, twirling her hair between her fingers. “We aren’t here for games, give us our bloody sister.” Klaus says aggravated. “In nearly five minutes maybe less. That stupid BAU team will be busting through those door you guys aren’t safe. Especially you Y/N, does Reid even know?” Mallory says smirking. I smirk back at her. “Well you’re trying to unleash a war with the Mikaelson family. Do you understand our ways or how psychotic we can be?” I say to her shoving my hands into my pocket. “Actually us Mikaelsons are very quick thinkers especially when mortal beings are involved.” I say looking at her in the eyes. “Pagina nostrae, pro tempore.” I say linking our lives together temporarily. “Mallory love, last time I checked witches were of the mortal species. I am part original vampire, a species that is immortal. Good luck on your safe voyage to wherever you go cause it’s for sure as hell isn't peace.” I say smirking happily. “Klaus and Davina you know your roles.” I say stepping towards them. Klaus speeds over snapping my neck instantly as Davina starts muttering a spell.
No Ones P.O.V
The BAU team storms into the Abattoir seeing their beloved team member lying lifeless on the floor. Davina works hard safely unlinking Y/N and Mallory’s lives leaving Mallory completely dead.
Reader’s POV
I wake up from the floor gasping for air. I look at my surroundings being greeted by familiar faces. My team. I stand up dusting off my pants. “I will explain everything after I promise.” I say towards my team meeting eyes with Spencer. “If there is a later.” I hear the deputy say. I turn around facing him as he holds Freya's throat. We all stay silent for a moment.“Deputy Collins put the girl down.” Hotch’s stern voice breaks the silence. “They killed Mallory; they all deserve pain.” He spat holding Freya tighter. “Oh don’t be so dramatic. The Greenwood witch deserved her demise.” Klaus says bouncing on his feet. Morgan looks at Klaus stunned. “Invisique.” I whisper making myself invisible. Spencer and Morgan drop their guns. “Where the hell did they go?” Collins asks, turning around. “Here.” I say walking behind him snapping his neck. He drops to the floor letting go of Freya in the process. I make myself visible again gaining a few stares from my team. “Phase two?” Davina asks, running her hands through her hair. I nod and walk towards her. I guide the team and my siblings over to the wall. “Trace the floor with salt around his body.” I tell Rebekah. She runs off coming back with salt in an instant. Davina traces the body with salt. “Sit down and we’ll cross our hands over him.” I say quickly sitting on the floor laying my hands out for her. She grabs my hand and we close our eyes. “Adolebit corpus. Adolebit corpus. Adolebit corpus.” We chant as the deputy’s body slowly goes up in flames. We let go of each other and step back watching the flames die down. I look around at everyone and motion for us all to leave the Abattoir. We all leave, my team stunned at what had just happened. “I’ll explain but first let’s go to the Mikaelson Mansion to have our chat.” I say to them. “You guys can go compel the station.” I tell my siblings as I step into the van.
We step inside the mansion. Emily and JJ immediately gawk at the size and interior. “It’s not as good as the old one but it will suffice.” I say laughing at their faces. “So for starters let’s go over here this area bigger and we can all talk.” I say pointing to the living room. “Damn Mikaelson this place is the bomb.” Derek says sitting down. The team laughs at Derek's voice of words. “Would you guys like anything to drink?” I say as they all get comfortable. They all nod. “Spencer, help me.” I say waving at him. He nods and walks with me to the kitchen. “What I said before Spence I meant it. But I can understand if this is a lot and you don’t want to deal with me or my family.” I say grabbing a bottle of wine. “You told me you loved me and I never returned it. Yes I won’t understand anything about you or your family but I still love you.” Spencer says grabbing the bottle from my hands. “Y/N Mikaelson, I love you.” Spencer whispers softly, smiling. “Sorry you had to meet my family this way.” I say laughing as I grab wine glasses for all of us. “It’s fine at least I got to meet them. When you left I thought you weren’t coming back.” Spencer says as we head to the living room. “I’m over 1000! Getting rid of me will have to be one hell of a job.” I say laughing as I sit down with them.
“So can you explain this whole thing.” Rossi says, taking a sip of wine. “My family are over 1000 years old. I am kind of the middle child.” I say taking a sip of my wine. “My family is the world’s first vampire family, well vampires in general.” I continue. “I on the other hand am a hybrid. My mother was a witch and I was the first sibling to discover my powers and then my mother turned us all into vampires.” I finished. They all stare at me shocked. “So do you drink blood?” Emily asks. “Rarely. Being part witch suppresses my vampire side so I rarely get cravings.” I answer. “Wait wait do you look like the Cullen family when you change?” JJ says bouncing in her seat laughing. “No that’s probably the most offensive thing I have ever heard JJ.” I say laughing. “But to answer your question I think the Mikaelsons look scarier.” I say finishing my wine. “Oh you have to show us don’t leave us hanging.” Penelope says excitedly. “Do you guys really want to see it?” I say semi shocked. They all nod and lean forward interested. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes. I feel heat rush up my cheeks and towards my eyes. My fangs peek out and I open my eyes. “Woah that’s so sick.” Emily says bouncing back. “My brother Klaus has the craziest hybrid eyes.” I say shifting back. “Dear sister it’s not nice to talk about others behind their backs.” I hear Klaus say from behind me. “Ah the terrible brother.” I say jokingly. “Last time I checked Kol skipped off.” He says laughing before speeding off to the kitchen and coming back with a glass of wine. “Nik show them your hybrid face.” I say shifting quickly. “Being a hybrid isn’t a party trick sister. Remember 1384.” Klaus says drinking his wine. “I told you never bring that up.” I scold staring at him. “Fine but it was an amazing time.” Klaus says, quirking an eyebrow to the team. “Just show your vampire face Nik.” I say hitting his leg. “Alright you pesky child.” He says before shifting showing his yellow eyes and vampire face. “Yes!” I exclaim before leaning back into my chair. “Your family is amazing.” Hotch says laughing at the team. “I’ve dealt with them for nearly 900 years no they aren’t.” I say chuckling. “I thought you were 1000.” Spencer asks, slightly confused. “Let’s just say my brother Klaus was hellbent on daggering his siblings. I was one of the unlucky and was daggered for a century.” I say glaring at Klaus. “Oh my dear sister I know where you keep your daggers.” Klaus sas smirking. “But only I know where the White Oak ash is.” I say smirking back. He drops his smirks and speeds off to somewhere in the house. “Is this why you’re so fearless on cases?” Derek asks tilting his head to the side in curiosity. “Yep I literally can't die. So if an unsub decides to shoot me I'll be perfectly fine.” I say leaning into Spencer. “But being a vampire isn’t all glorious. We outlive our loved ones most of the time.” I say sadly. “Would you ever turn any one of us?” Derek asks, staring at Spencer. “No but if it’s that person's choice I’ll consider it.” I answer truthfully looking around.
“They look so peaceful.” Spencer says as we stand in the middle of the kitchen watching the team sleep soundly on the couch. I laugh as I clean a wine glass. “Like Morgan asked earlier, would you ever turn one of us?” Spencer asked, turning to me. “Spence hypothetically if we're talking about you The answer is no. I’d rather stake myself with a White Oak stake than turn you into a vampire.” I say staring up at him. “You don’t think I’ll make a good vampire?” Spencer says jokingly, stepping towards me. “You would probably cry feeding off of something.” I admit hugging him. I feel him laugh as he wraps his arms around me. We stand for a moment before Spencer lets me go. “So what happened in 1384?” He asks, crossing his arms. I groan at his question. “I will kill Klaus for bringing that up again.” I say laughing as Spencer joins in laughing too.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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m.list - aaron hotchner (cont.) 
masterlist #1
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thoughts: #let’s talk about aaron hotchner !!
your love language is acts of service
you get distracted on the jet by hotch's arms
hotch gets self conscious of his body
stepdad!hotch | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
sugar daddy!hotch
giving hotch a bj while he smokes
you’re on your period
hotch fucking you against a tree
hotch has to leave for a case after you fight
you meet jack for the first time
hotch x shy!reader (hcs)
soccer dad!hotch and soccer mom!reader (hcs)
bookstore owner!hotch | 2
hotch lets you do his hair
hotch + second chance romance
hotch scares you by yelling
shower sex with hotch
hotch remembers your birthday
going to the aquarium with hotch
biker!hotch | 2
you and hotch accidentally attend a swingers’ party
hotch has a soft spot for you
you fix hotch’s tie
you and hotch share a hotel room, you get hit on by room service
you like hotch’s beard
reading in bed with husband!hotch
jealous!hotch fucks you in the club bathroom
riding sub!hotch
hotch is a clingy drunk
coworkers to lovers with hotch
whipped!hotch (hcs)
hotch thinks about you in secret | 2
hotch x military!reader
hotch + facefucking
personal trainer!hotch
hotch loves when you wear his clothes
hotch with a goth wife
grumpy!hotch x sunshine!reader
morgan’s prank on hotch backfires
hotch x autistic!reader
pilot!hotch x pilot!reader
you’re talking to jack but aaron thinks you’re talking to him
hotch + daddy kink
hotch walks in on your masturbating
hotch + soulmate au
teaching law school!hotch how to dance
possessive!hotch | 2
hotch comforts you after a bad case
hotch has a dirty dream about you
you flirt with a bartender to get a free drink, and hotch doesn’t like it
pilot!hotch x flight attendant!reader
you’re very fond of hotch’s ass
band manager!hotch
hotch finds out you’re scared of spiders
moving in with hotch
hotch takes you for an ice cream run
sugar daddy!hotch | 2
you get a papercut and hotch is worried
you’re allergic to tomato and you’re served some in front of hotch
hotch is soft for you, the team notices
going undercover at a bdsm club with hotch
you pick out hotch’s work outfit
riding hotch’s thigh
tying hotch up
cat hybrid!hotch
furniture shopping with hotch
hotch gives you a boob massage
hotch fucks you into subspace then takes care of you afterwards
single mom!reader x hotch
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hi!! happy monday! so i was wondering if you could write something with hybrid au with hotch 👀 the reader is a cat hybrid and she lives with him and she’s really comforting to him and when he comes home he can’t wait to cuddle with her and kiss her and play with her and it’s just all so softtttt <3 thank you!
The jingle of Aaron's keys in the door is enough to rouse you from your catnap, the sun warming your skin as you sprawl in a patch of it. You scramble to your feet, eager to greet your charge. Penelope, the sweet blonde glitter bomb, had recruited you in hopes of helping her boss with his emotions. She told you that he tended to shut himself down instead of feeling, and that she was absolutely certain a 'cute thing like yourself' would help. You'd say you're doing a pretty good job. Aaron walks in the door with a smile on his face now, a stark contrast to the grumpiness he used to radiate the first few weeks of living with you. Now, when your fingers pry at the collar of his suit jacket he grins, setting down his briefcase as quickly as possible so that he can catch you when you scale him like a ladder.
"Hi sweetheart," He hums, fingers already reaching for the spot behind your ears that makes your chest rev with a purr, "Did you have a good day?"
"Mhm," You nod, "I birdwatched."
"Oh?" He glances over at the birdfeeder he'd set up outside the window, a perfect spot for you to laze around and observe, "Did you see any cool ones?"
"One of them had yellow feathers on its chest," You muse, sharpened nails making quick work of untying his tie, "But other than that, just the regular ones."
"Maybe you'll see that pretty red one again soon," He recalls the bird you'd dragged him out of his home office to see, excitedly yowling about its stunning colors, "He likes the birdseed we put out."
You nod along absentmindedly, tail curling around his wrist as he supports you from below. A quick trek into his bedroom reveals that you're more than ready for the cuddle session you know is coming, a pair of pajamas already laid out for him. The clothes you wear are exclusively comfortable, a sweet pink nightgown already adorning your frame.
"These are your favorites," Aaron observes, plucking a speck of lint off of the black fabric of the shirt, "Are they softer than the rest?"
"No," You hum, already curling up near his pillow, blanket tucked to your chest, "They're the ones you wore the first time you let me sleep in here."
He stills from where he's shaking out the shirt, glancing up at you with his dress attire unbuttoned.
"Yeah," You pick at one of your nails, tail curled around your waist, "I remember you were worried about it, you were all stiff and freaked out. But I just rammed my head into your chest and started purring, and you relaxed."
He doesn't realize he's smiling until he's trying to talk through the expression. He ducks his face so you can't see it, "Yeah. I remember that."
"Hurry up," You clearly don't realize what a sentimental moment he's having, or you just don't care, but it doesn't ruin the mood. Your whining only makes him go faster, and he gets a knee up on the mattress in no time.
"You're impatient," He chides, but there's no negativity behind the tease. He wraps his arms around you from where you're bundled up in the blanket, his smile soft and sweet as his hair flops over his forehead. You've spent many a night combing your nails through it to get him to sleep, and if your arms weren't just as tightly tucked in as the rest of you, you might try it now.
"I missed you," You whine, and it does the trick. He stops poking fun at you and tugs you closer, eyes slipping shut as his nose butts against yours. When he speaks the murmur of his voice flows through you, warmer than any sunspot you've ever had the privilege of lounging in.
"I missed you too, honey. Tell me more about your day," He pleads, a hand stroking smoothly and soothingly over your back, "Is that dog next door still taunting you?"
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Dead?-Spencer Reid Imagine Part Two
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Spencer Reid X Mikaelson!Hybrid!Reader
Criminal Minds X The Originals
(Summary: After believing your brother has been framed you and your sibling try to get to the bottom of it.)
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: This won’t make sense if you don’t read part 1. Probably one or two curse words.
pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 3
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! It can either be crossover (scroll to my first post to see who I write for!!) or just a normal imagine! Also thanks for a lot of likes on my first post in the ‘Dead’ mini series I genuinely appreciate it :))
Rebekah and I enter Rousseau's and grab a seat at the bar. “Nice you see you back here. I was starting to think the Mikaelsons went extinct.” Camille says, passing Rebekah and I a drink. “Don’t worry it’s not poisoned.” She says laughing and walks away to attend other people. “Why do you believe our brother was framed Y/N?” Rebekah aasest taking a sip of her drink. “Well for starters my team and I came here to investigate murders of people being drained and suddenly waking up and leaving. When we got there the detective was immediately drawn to accuse our family and made Spencer and I call Matt Donovan. So I gave Klaus a warning after but the detective told me not to. But that’s not the crazy part Bekah! She made my brain almost explode! She’s a witch. She knows, well thinks the Mikaelsons are apart of it.” I say quickly gulping down my drink as it slightly burns my throat. “What was the witches name?” Rebekah asks fully, gulping her drink and stands up. “Greenwood.” I say standing up with her. “I believe you but we need to figure this out before your team decides to tear down a village to understand our family.” She says as we exit Rousseau's. We speed over to the family house and enter. This place hasn’t changed. “Klaus!” I exclaim as I set my jacket down. “Great another sibling who will forcibly give me an interrogation.” Klaus says emerging from the study. “Let’s get this quick so you can go to your mundane life with your human boyfriend who seemingly doesn’t know about your family secret nor of your siblings.” He continues grabbing a stool and sitting on it. “I’m not here to argue Niklaus seeing that has definitely worked in the past. I’m here to help you. I think you’re being framed by a witch-” I start. “Great more witches.” Klaus says clapping his hands. “Let me guess they’re the one leaving bodies on our bloody doorstep.” He says standing up. “Her name is Mallory Greenwood and I think she has help.” I finished. Elijah comes into the room glancing at Rebekah and I before walking up to us. “I heard the conversation, sorry to intrude, but what has this witch done that you believe our brother is innocent.” He says before standing next to Klaus. “She didn’t want me to warn you. Also my team believes I’m a Mikaelson, although I am, I told them I was a Gerard. I left my things at the station but I can’t go back there Elijah. We have to do this the only way we know how.” I say to him softly, nearly tearing up. “And what way is that?” Klaus questions. “By fighting fire with fire.” I say grabbing my jacket and exit with my family on my tail.
“Where are we headed?” Rebekah says speeding to my side. “The station I can show you the witch girl. Then we go back home and act like normal, human normal. If they decide to arrest all of us we need to stick together.” I say turning to face them. Elijah and Klaus look amused at the plan. We all speed to the station. Elijah and Rebekah instantly head to open the doors. “Wait!” I say, grabbing them and place Klaus’ hand on my shoulder. “Invisique.” I say turning us all invisible. We step inside carefully to not draw attention to the opening door. I spot Detective Greenwood talking to Spencer. I feel my blood boil a bit but brush it off he wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. “Who’s that?” I hear Rebekah whisper to me. “My boyfriend and the witch. Actually let’s all step out and I’ll go in alone.” I whisper back guiding the circle of invisible people outside of the station. I let go and we all appear slowly. “Okay I’ll go in and do what.” I say facing Rebekah and Klaus as Elijah wanders around. “I would say compel the little witch to give us our answers.” Klaus says clasping his hands together. “I can’t compel her in front of them are you insane!” I exclaim looking at Klaus like he's grown five heads. “I would’ve done it but I think they already have wanted posters printed out for all of us.” He says pointing to all of us. “I’ll just go in and talk to my team and if I get stopped by the detective I’ll compel her.” I say straightening out my jacket. They all nod and I start heading inside towards the team. “Welcome back. Cleared your head.” I hear Derek say laughing. I laugh slightly and grab my gun and badge, putting them in their respective places. Hotch and JJ look at me confused, Spencer and Emily just sigh in relief that I’m back. “Hello the Mikaelson family is outside.” A deputy says rushing into the room. “What!” I blurt out. The deputy smirks delighted. I roll my eyes and head out not worrying about my team. “I know you can hear me.” I hear the deputy say. I stop just outside the door as it shuts behind me. “Warn them your team dies.” He continues. “I will shove a wooden stake so far up your ass that the person that turned you would feel it.” I say clenching my jaw. “I have a proposition, an eye for an eye, I will give you Mallory for your stupid family.” He says. “What about my team?” I ask. “They look mighty delicious, especially the skinny one, what’s his name Dr. Reid.” He pauses for a moment. “Fine I’ll give you your team and Mallory for your family.” He says. I turn back and open the door. I glance towards the deputy smirking. I run over to him and grab him by the neck pinning him to the wall. “Threaten my family and team I’ll have your head strung up like a trophy at Mikaelson Manor to remember the idiot that tried to strike a deal with me.” I spat into his face my words stunning him. Hotch and Morgan pull me back as the deputy falls clutching his neck coughing. “Et dormient donec redire.” I whisper looking at the deputy. He falls snoring softly. I shrug a Morgan and Hotch off of me and run out of the station. I run out seeing my sibling dead on the floor, obviously a neck snap. I wait for a moment as they come back to life. “Who did this?” I ask them. “A tall guy that was canoodling with the witch. Melinda?” Rebekah says standing up. I automatically know who she's talking about. “Mallory? But we don’t have to worry about him he’s asleep until I get back to the station. We just have to figure out what she wants with our family.” I say as Elijah and Klaus get up. They both look at me confused. “Let’s just go home and figure this out. Get Marcel and Davina, potentially Kol and Freya so we can stop all this mess.” I say speeding off to the manor.
We enter the manor dropping our things on the couch and head towards the kitchen. The front door opens and familiar voices drown into the kitchen. “Explain to us in detail of what is going on.” Davina says immediately. “Hey Dav nice to see you too.” I say laughing. “But in all seriousness I think Klaus is being framed by a detective and a deputy. One is a witch and the other is a vampire, I think.” I say. “So this whole thing can end one or two ways. She kills all of us or we kill them.” Marcel says entering the conversation. “We can’t die but they can. So I vote we kill them.” Rebekah says hopping off her stool raising her hand. Klaus seems to agree but I immediately shoot down her idea. “No Rebekah because we can probably get arrested.” I say lying slightly. I don’t care for the fact that we get arrested but for the fact that my team has no idea this world or lifestyle exists. “It’s something else spill.” Rebekah says walking up to me. “None of my team knows about all of us being vampires, hybrids, and witches. I can’t just freely compel them, it feels wrong. They’re like my second family. They’re human and I like that they aren’t involved in our crazy messed up life. Of course one day I would’ve had to tell them but I didn’t expect that moment to come so soon.” I admit to her sighing as a heavy weight gets lifted off my shoulder. They all look at me sympathetically. “Tell them once this mess is all over. Then if all goes well we can all have dinner.” Rebekah says hugging me for a moment. We all stare at each other for a moment before a series of knocks abrupting the silence. “Mikaelson family! FBI!” I hear Derek say. “Let’s all get arrested I guess.” I start before hearing knocks again. “We can compel for freedom; all things are off the table. I will tell them about it later.” I finished as the door burst open. Spencer looks at me with pure confusion on his face as he comes over to arrest me. “I know my rights Spence just get this over with.” I say as he cuffs me. “Why?” He says his voice cracking slightly. “There’s a certain side of me I’ll explain after this is done.” I say as a tear slips out. He sighs softly guiding me outside into a police car. He jumps into the passenger's seat. I look out the window catching eyes with Davina. ‘Now’s the time Dav make us all invisible.’ I say telepathically. She nods. ‘On the count of three’ I say. ‘One’ I say looking around. “Y/N tell me what’s going on?” Spencer says. “Spencer I love you just know that.” I say breaking my gaze from Davina looking at him in the eyes. “What I’m about to do will make no sense, don't even try figuring it out.” I say tearing up. “You probably won’t see me for a while depending on how this goes.” I say as a tear slips out. He wipes the tear. “What do you mean?” He questions his voice laced with concern. “I love you Spencer Reid.” I say. I shift my elbow rolling down the window. I look over to Davina who’s getting loaded into a cruiser. She makes eye contact as I nod towards her. “omnes supernaturali creatura invisibilis verto.” We say aloud making every supernatural creature around us turn invisible. Spencer looks stunned looking around to see if anyone noticed what he saw. All the police officers and my team members look around stunned. No one says anything. I break the handcuffs and step out of the car noticing all the car doors are open. Thankfully they all got the memo. “Hotch what the hell was that?” Derek says aloud. “I have no idea.” Hotch answers confused. “Reid are you okay?” Derek says jogging to Spencer. “They said they loved me. I didn’t say it back. Now I have no clue if I’ll ever see them again.” Spencer says sadly running his hand through his hair. Trust me we will.  I sped over to the police station hoping that’s where my family went. “Are you all here?” I whisper knowing if they’re near they can hear me. “I am.” I hear Marcel say. “Here.” I hear Elijah, Kol and Klaus say in unison. “Present!” I hear Davina and Rebekah say. “Where’s Freya?” I question. I wave my hand in the air making us all visible. All of them appear except Freya. “Are you guys the Mikaelson family?” An officer says coming up to us. We all nod staring at each other. “Here.” He says handing me an envelope. I open the envelope pulling out a card. I turn to my siblings opening it. ‘Meet us at The Abattoir 8PM.” I drop the card on the floor looking at all of my siblings. This is a full fledged war. Let the games begin.
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Dead? -Spencer Reid Imagine Part One
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Spencer Reid X Mikaelson!Hybrid!Reader
Criminal Minds X The Originals
(Summary: Three words, Dead. People. Walking? When a series of murders get linked to one thing in common, all the victims that were presumed dead got right up and walked out of the M.E’s office without a scratch. Reader is an witch and original vampire hybrid.)
Warnings: Swearing, again one word. 
pt. 1  pt. 2 pt. 3
'Hotch says we have a case. Carpool?' 'Of course Spencer.' I text back. What would I do without Spencer Reid? I head out of bed and get ready. I step out of my apartment and get greeted by Spencer holding two coffee cups. "Here you go they didn't have your usual so I improvised. Hope you don't mind." He says kissing my head. "No problem. Do you have any idea on what the case is about?" I ask stepping into my car and start it up. "Not sure but Hotch said it was important." He says sipping on his coffee burning himself in the process. I hum in response and drive to Quantico to start off my day. I park my car and grab my coffee heading inside with Spencer. I enter the bullpen, set my stuff down and head to the debriefing room. "This one hits close to home baby BAU." I hear Garcia say as I enter the room. "What is it Pen?" I question. "Well hun this case is in New Orleans, Louisiana. Five people were found exsanguinated in the French Quarter. But the freaky flipping turn and twist is that once the M.E went to do what he does the bodies were not there anymore." Penelope says flipping through the pictures. "Excuse me for a second." I say standing up and head outside to call my older brother. "Elijah what is going on back home?" I immediately say. "I was just about to warn you our dearest Niklaus has gotten himself into what you would call a major problem. On something he swears he didn't do." Elijah responds. I rolled my eyes at his words of course it had to be Klaus. "Is everyone else okay?" I ask switching my tone of voice. "They are perfectly fine." He answers. I try to listen to what the team is talking about but I just hear Hotch say "Wheels up in 30.". I quickly shove my phone in my pocket as I see the team exit the room and head to grab my go bag. "Fill me in on the jet." I tell Spencer as we step into the elevator.
We step into the jet and settle down reviewing the files. "So what's the M.O?" Derek asks. "There's no racial preference or age preference on the victims. But none of them know their attacker. And the cause of death in all are blood loss like they were drained." Rossi says. "But if they were drained how are they walking now. It makes no sense." He continues. I look down at the file then stare out the window. Klaus what did you get us into? "You okay?" Spencer says sitting down next to me. "Yeah sort of. Stuff like this never happens in New Orleans." I lie. "Hey at least you can see your family." He says smiling at me. "Yeah hopefully." I smile softly looking out the window. "You can see them with me if you want too, Spence, they'll like you." I say turning towards him. "Are you sure? You've told me stories about your brother and sister. I seem so plain compared to what they've been through." He asks. I hear his heartbeat race. "Look Marcel and Davina will like you. They like everyone." I tell him resting my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes feeling bad for lying to him. I couldn't tell any of them I was a Mikaelson so I just told them I was a Gerard and that Marcel and Davina were my brother and sister. I shift to stare out the window. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.'We are thoroughly screwed -Rebekah.' I quickly type 'Why what happened?' 'Nik is out of his mind and quite frankly I'm not surprised seeing as he's costing us our secret.' She replies. 'I'll be there shortly make sure he doesn't kill.' I type back and shove my phone in my pocket.
We enter the police station and a detective immediately walks up to us. "Hello I am Detective Mallory Greenwood." The lady says holding out her hand. "I'm SSA Hotchner, this is SSA Rossi, Jareau, Morgan, Prentiss, Gerard and Dr. Reid." He says introducing all of us. I wave at her she seems so familiar. We set up our stuff and start working. The detective comes into the room. "I have a hunch it can be a certain family. They cause so much trouble but are never caught." She says walking towards Reid and I. ``Okay we can use that but we won't go on it without sufficient evidence. Just tell us their names." I say smiling at her softly. "The Mikaelson family. They used to cause issues in this town but they have ties so it sweeps under the rug."She says looking at me intently. "How are you so sure?" I say glaring at her slightly. "Well bodies have popped up previously and they would be tied to the French Quarter then the Mikaelson household. Stuff like this used to happen back in an area they used to stay in, what was it called, right Mystic Falls it's near Quantico. Sad you guys haven't heard about them. Sheriff Matt Donovan knows a lot you can call him in." She says then exits the room. Spencer turns to me "That was weird." He says. I hum slightly at what he says. How dare she. "Hello? This is Dr. Spencer Reid and I'm calling about a series of killings that used to happen in Mystic Falls." Spencer says to his phone. "I will put you on speaker." Spencer says setting his phone down on the table, and puts his phone on speaker. "Okay Matt now." I say. "Y/N?" Matt says surprised. Spencer turns to me but I wave him off. "We went to high school together." I whisper to him. "Okay so what do you want to know?" Matt questions. "The names of the Mikaelson family. Specifically any of them who would potentionally commit serial crimes." I say. "That sounds like them all. Okay anything else?" He questioned. I can hear him enter a different room. "They would be close but far away from law enforcement." Spencer says. "That sounds vaguely of Klaus Mikaelson." Matt says, sighing. I tense up slightly, Spencer catching my movement immediately. "Are you-" He starts. "Thank you Matt, you've been a great help." I cut him off and walked out of the room. I walk through the station and head outside. I quickly pull out my phone and dial Klaus' number. "Sister, what occasion does this phone call assist?" He says answering. "You need to be careful Nik." I say quickly. "Great, you are finally up to speed. Will you be the magical sibling that believes me?" Klaus says bitterly. "I'm not going to say I believe you 100% Klaus but I will trust you if you say you didn't do it." I say sighing. "Who are you talking to?" I hear a voice say behind me, I immediately hang up the phone. "No one Detective." I say coming face to face with Detective Greenwood. "Look warning Klaus won't help." She says stepping towards me. "Capitis Dolorem.''She says, putting out her hand causing a searing pain to go through my head. I heal instantly but it continuously happens. She moves her hand down as I drop to my knees the pain slowly going away. "I know you're a Mikaelson hybrid, but do they know?" She says stepping in front of me. "What one are you? The werewolf original vampire or witch original vampire." She says. "The witch one which also means when this is over I won't need an invitation to kick your ass." I spat at her standing up and headed back inside. I immediately get pulled to the side. "Are you involved in this case personally?" Hotch says sternly. "No sir." I say quickly. "Reid asked Garcia to check the Mikaelson family and your name shows up." He says. "With all do respect Hotch my last name is Gerard yes I do know the Mikaelson family but not in the way you're accusing." I say walking away from him and enter the conference area of the station. “Could they be lying?” I hear JJ say to Hotch. “They can compromise the investigation if they're involved.” Hotch says. Fine, I won’t be a part of it. I quickly gather my stuff and look around to see if any of the team is looking at me. Everyone seems busy. I take out my badge and gun, setting it down on the table.I pull out my phone and call Rebekah and she answers surprisingly fast. “Yes?” She questions. “Meet me at the French Quarter in about five minutes.” I say before I hang up. I step outside and check my surroundings and check back, they are all still busy. I speed off to the French Quarter and wait for Rebekah. “Hello stranger.” I hear a voice say. “Hello blonde.” I say turning around to see Rebekah and immediately hug her. “What brings you here?” She asks letting me go. “I think our brother is being framed.” I tell her as we walk over to Rosseau’s for a quick drink.
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