#let’s take a look at what interior can learn from exhibition design.
vaathigroup · 2 years
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homeimprovementway · 3 months
Cherry Wood Stain: Unveiling the Power to Transform Cherry Wood
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Yes, you can stain cherry wood. Cherry wood can be stained to enhance its natural beauty and color. Cherry wood, known for its rich tones and warmth, is a popular choice for furniture and other woodworking projects. If you're considering staining cherry wood, you'll be pleased to know that it can be easily accomplished. By applying a wood stain of your choice, you can enhance the natural beauty and color of the wood, creating a more personalized and customized look. We will explore the process of staining cherry wood, including the necessary steps and tips to achieve optimal results. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional woodworker, staining cherry wood can be a rewarding and fulfilling project. So, let's dive in and learn more about staining cherry wood.
1. The Beauty Of Cherry Wood
Cherry wood is renowned for its exquisite beauty and timeless elegance. Its warm reddish-brown tones and smooth grain patterns make it a popular choice for furniture makers, homeowners, and interior designers. Let's take a closer look at the natural characteristics and popular applications of this stunning wood. 1.1 Natural Characteristics Cherrywood has several distinct natural characteristics that contribute to its allure. These features include: - Natural color variation: Cherry wood can display a range of colors, from pale pink to deep rich red. - Beautiful grain patterns: The grain of cherry wood often exhibits a subtle waviness, enhancing its visual appeal. - Aging with grace: Over time, cherry wood develops a rich patina, further enhancing its beauty. - Unique mineral streaks: Occasionally, cherry wood may have streaks of dark mineral deposits, adding an interesting touch to its appearance. 1.2 Popular Applications Cherry wood's versatility and aesthetics make it a sought-after material for various applications. Some popular uses include: - Furniture: Cherry wood is a top choice for crafting high-quality furniture, including elegant dining tables, chairs, cabinets, and bed frames. - Cabinetry: Kitchen and bathroom cabinets made from cherry wood not only provide functional storage but also create a warm and inviting atmosphere. - Flooring: The rich color and durability of cherry wood make it an excellent option for flooring, adding a touch of sophistication to any interior space. - Architectural millwork: Cherry wood is often used for creating stunning architectural details like crown molding, trim, and paneling. - Decorative accents: From stylish picture frames to intricate carvings, cherry wood can be transformed into beautiful decorative pieces that add character to any room. Whether it's the unique natural characteristics or the versatility of its applications, cherry wood continues to captivate people's hearts in the world of design and craftsmanship. Its timeless beauty and warm hues make it a fantastic choice for enhancing any living space.
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2. Introducing Cherry Wood Stain
If you're looking to enhance the beauty of your cherry wood furniture or flooring, cherry wood stain can be a game-changer. In this section, we will explore what cherry wood stain is and the benefits it offers. Let's dive in! 2.1 What Is Cherry Wood Stain? Cherry wood stain is a specially formulated solution used to add color and depth to cherry wood surfaces. It is designed to penetrate the wood fibers and enhance the natural beauty of cherry wood, giving it a rich, warm tone. The stain can be applied to both unfinished and previously finished cherry wood, making it a versatile choice for any cherry wood project. 2.2 Benefits Of Using Cherry Wood Stain Using cherry wood stain offers several benefits that can elevate your cherry wood aesthetics to the next level. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of using cherry wood stain: - Enhanced Visual Appeal: Cherry wood stain allows you to create a customized look by adding depth, richness, and character to the wood grain. It brings out the natural beauty of cherry wood, making it more visually appealing. - Protection: In addition to its beautifying properties, cherry wood stain provides a protective layer to the wood. It helps shield the surface from environmental damage, such as UV rays, moisture, and everyday wear and tear. - Color Consistency: Cherry wood can vary in color from light reddish-brown to deep, dark burgundy. Using cherry wood stain ensures a consistent and uniform color throughout the wood, making it easier to achieve the desired aesthetic. - Customization: With a wide range of cherry wood stain colors available, you have the flexibility to create a personalized look that complements your overall interior design. Whether you prefer a lighter or richer tone, there's a cherry wood stain option for every style. - Ease of Application: Cherry wood stain is generally easy to apply, whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice. With a few simple tools and techniques, you can achieve professional-looking results. Now that we've explored what cherry wood stain is and the benefits it offers, you can see why it is a popular choice for those looking to enhance their cherry wood projects. Whether you want to revive an old piece of furniture or add warmth to your living space, cherry wood stain is an excellent option to consider.
3. Enhancing Cherry Wood With Stain
Cherry wood is known for its warm, rich color and beautiful grain patterns. However, if you want to enhance these features even further and customize the look of your cherry wood furniture or surfaces, staining is an excellent option. By applying a cherry wood stain, you can highlight the natural grain patterns, deepen the color, and add depth and dimension to the wood. Let's explore these three ways of enhancing cherry wood with stain: 3.1 Highlighting Grain Patterns One of the most appealing characteristics of cherry wood is its eye-catching grain patterns. These unique patterns give cherry wood its distinct look and add a touch of elegance to any space. By using the right cherry wood stain, you can emphasize these grain patterns, making them more prominent and visually appealing. To highlight the grain patterns effectively, choose a stain that is slightly darker than the natural color of cherry wood. This will create a contrast between the lighter wood and the darker stain, accentuating the intricate grains. Apply the stain evenly with a brush or cloth, following the direction of the wood grain. Allow it to penetrate and dry before adding a protective finish. 3.2 Deepening The Color If you prefer a richer, deeper shade for your cherry wood, staining can help you achieve that desired color. Cherry wood naturally darkens over time due to factors such as exposure to light, but using a cherry wood stain can expedite this process and give your wood a more mature appearance. When selecting a stain to deepen the color, opt for one that closely matches the shade you're aiming for. Apply it in thin layers, allowing each coat to dry completely before adding the next. Remember, it's easier to add more layers for a darker hue than to remove excess stains. Take your time and test the color on a small, inconspicuous area before proceeding with the entire piece. 3.3 Adding Depth And Dimension Cherry wood has a natural warmth and depth to its color, and adding stain can enhance these qualities even further. By applying a cherry wood stain with a subtle sheen, you can create a more luxurious and multi-dimensional look to your wood surfaces. Choose a stain that has a slight gloss or satin finish to bring out the depth of the wood. Apply the stain evenly in smooth strokes, following the grain. Allow it to penetrate for the recommended time and wipe off any excess stains. This will leave you with cherry wood that not only has a striking color but also boasts a lustrous and captivating appearance.
4. Selecting The Right Cherry Wood Stain
When it comes to enhancing the beauty of cherry wood, stains can work wonders. With the right cherry wood stain, you can effortlessly transform your furniture or woodworking project, giving it a rich and luxurious finish. In this section, we'll explore the key factors you should consider when selecting a cherry wood stain, as well as some popular stain colors that are sure to complement your cherry wood. 4.1 Consideration Factors Before diving into the world of cherry wood stains, it's important to take into account a few key factors to ensure you choose the right stain for your project: - Wood Preparation: Properly preparing the cherry wood surface by sanding and removing any existing finish or imperfections will help ensure that the stain is evenly absorbed. - Desired Color: Think about the final color you want to achieve. Cherry wood naturally darkens over time, so selecting a stain that will enhance its natural beauty while achieving your desired shade is crucial. - Transparency: Different stains have varying levels of transparency, ranging from transparent to opaque. Consider whether you want the wood grain to show through or prefer a more solid color. - Compatibility: Some stains require specific ways of application or additional products, such as sealers or finishes. Make sure to choose a stain that is compatible with your chosen application method and desired results. 4.2 Popular Stain Colors When it comes to cherry wood stain colors, there are endless options to choose from. However, certain shades have gained popularity for their ability to enhance the natural beauty of cherry wood. The following colors are frequently used and highly recommended: Stain Color Description Rich Mahogany A warm and deep stain that brings out the reddish tones in cherry wood, adding elegance and sophistication. Golden Oak A lighter shade that highlights the natural grain patterns of cherry wood, creating a bright and inviting look. Coffee Bean A darker stain enhances the natural richness of cherry wood, providing a classic and timeless appeal. These stain colors are excellent choices for bringing out the inherent beauty of cherry wood. However, don't hesitate to explore other options based on your personal preferences and the desired aesthetic you wish to achieve.
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5. Applying Cherry Wood Stain
5. Applying Cherry Wood Stain Once you've chosen cherry wood as your desired material for furniture or any woodworking project, the next step is to enhance its natural beauty with a stunning cherry wood stain. Staining cherry wood can add richness, depth, and character to your furniture, while also protecting it from damage and wear. In this section, we will explore the process of applying cherry wood stain, from preparing the surface to achieving a professional finish. 5.1 Preparing The Surface Before applying cherry wood stain, it is essential to prepare the surface for optimal results. Here are the steps to follow: - Start by ensuring your cherry wood is clean and free from any dust, dirt, or debris. Wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove any surface impurities. - Next, use sandpaper with a grit of 180 to lightly sand the wood surface. This will help open up the pores of the wood and promote better stain absorption. - Once you have sanded the surface, remove any sanding residue using a soft brush or a tack cloth. This will ensure a smooth and even application of the cherry wood stain. - Lastly, it is important to test the stain on a small, inconspicuous area of the wood to determine the desired color and stain absorption. This will help you make any necessary adjustments before applying the stain to the entire piece. 5.2 Steps For Applying Stain Now that the surface is prepared, it is time to apply the cherry wood stain. Follow these steps for a successful application: - Stir the cherry wood stain thoroughly to ensure a consistent color. - Dip a clean, lint-free cloth or brush into the stain, and apply it to the wood surface following the direction of the grain. Apply even pressure to achieve a uniform coat. - Allow the stain to penetrate the wood for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer. This will vary depending on the type of stain used. - After the recommended time has passed, wipe off any excess stain using a clean cloth. Be sure to wipe in the direction of the grain to avoid streaks or unevenness. - Let the stained wood dry completely before applying any additional coats or finishes. This drying process typically takes 24 to 48 hours, but it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific stain used. 5.3 Tips For A Professional Finish To achieve a professional finish with your cherry wood stain, keep the following tips in mind: - Always work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes. - Consider using a wood conditioner before staining cherry wood. This will help the stain absorb more evenly and minimize blotching. - If you desire a darker color, apply multiple coats of stain, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next. - To enhance the natural beauty of cherry wood, consider applying a clear topcoat or furniture wax after the stain has dried. This will add a protective layer and give the wood a polished look. - Regularly maintain your stained cherry wood furniture by cleaning it with mild soap and water, avoiding harsh chemicals that can strip the finish. By following these steps and tips, you can create a beautiful and long-lasting finish on your cherry wood furniture or woodworking projects. Enjoy the process and let the natural beauty of cherry wood shine through with a perfectly applied cherry wood stain!
To summarize, staining cherry wood can enhance its natural beauty and provide a rich, deep color. With proper preparation and the right techniques, you can achieve impressive results. Remember to choose a high-quality stain and test it on a small area before applying it to the entire piece. By following these guidelines, you can successfully stain cherry wood and create a stunning finish that will last for years to come. Read the full article
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designacademy · 5 months
5 Advantages Of Learning Interior Design Course
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To modify the look and feel of a room, interior design is a burgeoning subject that involves a combination of vision and technology. Because it may lead to fulfilling and demanding employment, it is a job that appeals to all reluctant but devoted persons. Aspiring interior designers may improve their talents. Gain confidence in your style by enrolling in reputable furniture firms that provide extensive training and useful advice. These organisations allow students to learn from professionals, obtain practical experience through hands-on activities, and remain up to date on industry trends and the newest technology. Aspiring interior designers may exhibit their talents and progress in this sector by participating in such a helpful learning environment.
Let’s Have A Look At The Benefits
Beginning a design career provides a world of opportunities in this ever-growing and profitable field. There are programmes available such as Masters, Masters, Diploma, and Certification. Among these alternatives, DA Delhi Design Academy stands out as a one year interior design course in Delhi. There are reasons why pursuing an interior design program is worthwhile;
Business efficiency:
Aspiring designers may take advantage of online interior design courses. They are capable. They may either outsource their services to established design firms or create their own enterprises. Starting your own business allows individuals to control their schedule and create a career for themselves. Furthermore, businesses create career chances for developing artists. Following an art programme is a fantastic chance for people who wish to be their boss and build a name for themselves in this exciting and competitive sector.
A pleasurable path:
Every furniture designer understands that no two projects are alike, which is what keeps this work interesting. As designers engage with a diverse range of clients, each project has its own set of setbacks. Meeting such demands involves a combination of creativity and strong interpersonal skills. Taking on these obstacles and immersing oneself in unique areas transforms every assignment into an exciting experience.
Travel Accessibility:
Choosing an art program can be a wise choice because it allows you to interact with people with different skills and competencies. This book helps you gain business-related information and skills. Additionally, internships with respected businesses will be combined with interior design course, providing valuable experience that can be useful within the industry
Mental Stretch:
One of the most exciting aspects of planning an interior design is the opportunity to explore your creativity. It is a platform for design and innovation that pushes the boundaries of creativity and innovation. The discipline of design is dynamic and constantly changing, and enrollment in a program in this discipline allows students to actively participate in its development.
Endless possibilities:
With today’s modern inventions and technological advances, designers who can adapt to changing trends are in high demand. An art standard offers a world of endless possibilities. From organizing event venues to converting restaurants into hotels, exciting opportunities await the right professionals.
Presenting The Shining Institute With An Interior Design Course
When deciding between certificate courses and degree programs in design, keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Your choice should be based on your business goals, time frame, and personal preferences. If you want to start a career in design, the certificate programs offered by DA Delhi Design Academy can provide you with practical knowledge and hands-on experience. These programs are perfect for anyone who wants to start a business.
On the other hand, if you want to study interior design and get your job, then enrolling in a degree program at a reputed university like DA Delhi Design Academy could be worth it for you. Their Two Years Advance Diploma In Interior Design provides information, opportunities for knowledge production, and legitimacy that only a formal education can provide. Ultimately, your choice should represent your goals and how you intend to build your career as an interior designer. Whichever route you choose, institutes like DA Delhi Design Academy are geared to give you the education and training you need to excel in the fast-paced world of interior design.
Source URL : https://dadelhi.com/blog/5-advantages-of-learning-interior-design-course
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insdpcmc · 10 months
Exploring Unlimited Creativity: How Jewellery Design Courses and Textile Design Degrees Fit Together
Exploring Unlimited Creativity: How Jewellery Design Courses and Textile Design Degrees Fit Together
In the world of art, classes in jewelry design and degrees in textile design are at the forefront of creativity and skill. These two creative fields dance together in a fascinating way that gives designers a chance to show off their artistic skills and make mesmerizing wearing art. In this blog post, we look into the world of jewelry design classes and textile design degrees. We look at their unique qualities, the learning opportunities they offer, and the options they give to aspiring designers. Come with us on this magical trip as we open the door to a world of endless creativity!
1. The Mysterious World of Jewellery Design course: Jewellery design course immerse students in a world of shiny metals, precious stones, and complicated designs. These courses teach you everything you need to know to start making jewelry. They cover topics like design principles, metalworking skills, choosing gemstones, and making methods. Designers-to-be learn how to turn their ideas into beautiful, unique pieces that show off their own style. With access to the latest tools and experts in the field, jewelry design classes give students an immersive learning experience that helps them develop their skills and talents.
Getting to Know the Textile Design Degree: On the other hand, textile design degrees take students into a world of color, texture, and manipulating cloth. These degrees encourage students to experiment with different materials, printing methods, and surface embellishments to make fabrics that catch the eye. Textile design programs teach students how to design fabrics for fashion, interior design, and other fields by giving them both hands-on experience and theoretical information. Textile design degrees give people the skills to change the way we see the world around us, from coming up with ideas for patterns to learning how to use digital design tools.
3. Bridging the Gap: Where Jewelry Design and Textile Design Meet:
When jewelry and textile design come together, it opens up a world of options. By adding cloth elements to jewelry, designers can make pieces that stand out and go beyond what is expected. Textiles can be used as complex weavings, embroidered accents, or even as bases for elaborate beading. The way these two fields work together makes it possible for designers to try out unusual materials, use new methods, and tell their own stories through their work. This kind of cross-disciplinary research gives the world of jewelry design a breath of fresh air and gives people a place to let their imagination run wild.
4.Educational Opportunities: Jewellery design courses and textile design degrees are valued by many schools around the world, which is why they offer specific programs to meet the different goals of aspiring designers. Well-known colleges and universities offer students a wide range of courses, expert teachers, and state-of-the-art tools to help them develop their creativity. These schools often work with professionals in the field to put on workshops, internships, and exhibitions that give students real-world experiences and help them make links in the field.
5. Textile Design Colleges: A Hub of Creativity:
Textile design colleges are places where creative people from all over the world come to experiment with art. Here, students are immersed in a rich tapestry of different cultures, methods, and points of view, which makes for a lively and collaborative atmosphere. Students can try out a wide range of methods and materials at these colleges, from traditional hand-loom weaving to cutting-edge digital printing. By learning about different textile traditions and modern trends, people who want to be designers learn more about the field and broaden their creative ideas.
6. Giving designers the tools they need for the future: The design world is always changing, so designers need to be able to shift easily to new trends and technologies. By taking a course in jewelry design and a course in textile design, designers get a full set of skills that help them to push the limits of the industry and make new paths. If a creator knows a lot about both jewelry and textiles, they can put together pieces that go well together and make each other look better. This makes it possible to work in fashion shops, art galleries, product design companies, or even start your own business.
Jewellery design classes and textile design degrees meet at the point where art and craftsmanship meet, giving designers-to-be ideas to work with. The way these two fields work together gives creative people the power to break rules, push limits, and make amazing pieces that capture the world's attention. Whether you take a course in jewelry design, get a degree in textile design, or do both, becoming a designer in these fields is an exciting journey of self-expression and discovery. Start this journey that will change you and help you realize your full potential as an artist who can create magic with jewelry and fabrics.
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carneystraarup20 · 1 year
Get The Internal-Design Questions Clarified By Reading On
The phrase 'interior design' may bring you visions of luxury along with a asking price that is just as equalled! Don't let oneself get caught up in the skilled opinions of interior decorating. Decor has anything to provide for all, including a beginner like your self. Make use of the suggestions within the write-up beneath to your great advantage and you will definitely see what interior design provides for yourself! Make certain that before you take part in creating your house you have an agenda into position. This will help to much to lessen your get worried if you are along the way of designing your property. Also, you can coordinate your funds much better whenever a strategy is place for any project. If you are framework a photograph, use creativeness and creative thinking. Your pictures can be a icon individuals, and the frames that they are in must be to. That can be done a lot more than simply hang them inside a right range. Try and hang up them in planned angles or habits. The contrast of these items to surrounding white-colored place is normally sufficient to modify a room's feeling. As opposed to swapping your bedroom and cooking area compartments and cupboards, get new knobs and manages. Just a hint of silver on the handle, or even a bright new button, could bring outdated pieces straight back to life. Think about the atmosphere you need, and select tiny items appropriately. You won't must devote a lot of cash, and you will definitely nevertheless see improvement. When shopping for a fresh eating out set, believe ergonomics. Snapshot the desk with every seating engaged within your dining area and think about how much area there exists just to walk around it. Your eating out region must have sufficient place to fit the dining set up after it is at its sitting potential without having any person tugging their chair in. Don't overlook to take into consideration lighting effects when you're designing a room. You don't want points to be way too darkish and hard to see otherwise you risk eyesight strain. You can devote nice lights that can enhance your living space, or use sun light. Wall mirrors are excellent at exhibiting gentle from home windows, so strategic position of any vanity mirror might help reduce a room with all-natural sunlight. công ty thiết kế khách sạn mini -design and style hint is not to get way too nuts with all the photographs of the youngsters or maybe your household. When individuals enter your own home, they expect to see a number of these forms of images. Nevertheless, way too many will slip anyone out, and yes it may possibly seem a shrine. Prior to starting an internal-layout undertaking, explore the price ranges from the materials you want. Typically, in the event you go shopping and make a price comparison, you will be able to discover much better price ranges than you would expect. Shopping around also offers you time to be sure that your ideas are concrete and nicely-fleshed out before you carry out a huge venture. If you always have interior decorating in your mind when you shop, usually have cloth or colour free samples inside your tote or glove package through the genuine area you will be designing. A little swatch which represents the basic coloration scheme or design from your home will assure that everything you purchase will coordinate completely! Ensure the household furniture you select for that space is definitely the suitable dimensions to the room. Nothing can produce a room seem smaller than purchase through an around-scaled bed furniture or workdesk taking on most of the room. Make sure you look at the room to determine which will fit in it and the way significantly space it'll take up. As we discussed, there are many approaches to technique decor. You don't ought to hire a professional or purchase deluxe items to create your property pleasing for yourself and your family. Use some or all of what you have learned on this page today, and you are certain to discover a more content home for you!
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suttonbroe · 2 years
Easy Steps Concerning How To Spend Less In Interior Design
When you notice properties that take a peek like they should be in mags, do you hope that your house will look such as that, too? Effectively, the jealousy will not need to go on. It is possible to dress increase your residence like those that are exhibited in mags. You just need the proper direction. Read on to learn mẫu cầu thang gỗ creating your residence publication worthwhile. Decide what feeling you're attempting to set up and use that as being the grounds for your shade alternatives. If you would like it to be comforting or calming, think about using lighting and cool hues like blues and plants. Your shade selections and your selection of household furniture must be based on what you're trying to achieve with the appearance and feel from the place. Offering your house a facelift can be as simple as selecting new case entry doors. Replace wood entry doors with cup versions if you would like make your cooking area seem roomier and brighter. Finish your look with a few ornamental features inside the cupboards to get a great really feel with your space. Don't be afraid of colour! More and more people keep bright white wall surfaces in their house given that they are unsure what hues works for these people. You don't will need to go insane with color--even artwork a single wall surface a remarkable coloration will alter the really feel of any area. If you are reluctant to color, begin with toss cushions in brilliant hues and find out your opinion. You may create very interesting interior styles by deciding on a center of attention. Your centerpiece may well be a view, a thing of beauty, a genuine furniture piece or possibly a beneficial product. Stay away from cluttering close to this important level and use this center point setting a theme or possibly a concept for the complete area. Most of us use a small area in our residence which we want to make it appear larger. To assist using this type of matter, you may paint the surfaces a less heavy colour as that will create the areas truly feel greater than these are. When cầu thang use darkish shades in tiny spaces, it can make the places seem smaller than they actually are. When building a child's area put yourself in their shoes. Get down and check out the design strategy from their standpoint. This will help you once you suspend cabinets or hooks so they can use. You don't wish to placed these furnishings so substantial that your child will struggle to make use of them. When holding pictures, try and class like topics and structures together. The collection ought to be the centerpiece in the room and arranged within the range of your imaginary bigger frame integrating each piece on the inside with the objective of coordintaing with one other as well as them working in creative harmony. In case you have a really tiny area, you should attempt to add a vanity mirror or two to the surfaces. A mirror can easily make a place appear to be much bigger than it is really, and that is a goal for a lot of. For that reason, in order to increase your residence style venture, get a high-top quality mirror or two. The whole lights of the room depends upon the drapes you place up. Dark-colored hues, like black colored, light brown, and darker, reddish colored or glowing blue, do not let sufficient sun light to penetrate your room, triggering that it is dim. Attempt to get less heavy-shaded window curtains, like suntan, white, peach, beige and taupe. Attractively embellished house interiors do not have to cause you jealousy any more. With all the suggestions here, you will be able to transform your own right into a showplace for your very own type and persona. There is not any purpose that you should truly feel that one could not have access to that, as you are already because of the proper instruments to do so.
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kristiansenoneil7 · 2 years
Louis Vuitton Mens Bags Replica
Luxury baggage from massive manufacturers are ridiculously costly and in a lot of the circumstances, they're priced high only for their model name and never necessarily the quality. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you can get it for $one hundred or lesser? Our baggage are very inexpensive, and when you're in search of fake low cost Louis Vuitton luggage, AA Replica is a great choice. We perform every little thing attainable to make sure that we'll deliver an improved performance than our rivals. We are utterly proud and confident of the within and out of doors designs of our replica Louis Vuitton baggage. In reality, when you look on our web site, we post tons of different footage that show the interior and exterior design of the bag. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re on the lookout for a fake Gucci bag or a Louis Vuitton replica. You have to be so good that anyone who simply walked out of a Gucci or Louis Vuitton store in Beverly Hills or an higher-finish shop in Paris wouldn’t know the difference. That’s the kind of quality you need to be taking pictures for. Let’s get one thing clear; there are tons of low high quality, cheap replica handbags on the market. You must read the guide under so you can find the last word quality in knock-off Louis Vuitton designer luggage on the internet. I’ve put collectively a complete information that will enable you to make a truly informed determination. I’ve seen quite a few factories and so they all have an analogous process. So let’s get into the best Dhgate replica bags sellers. These are prime notch high quality replica baggage from China so to speak. Verified by us as well as tonnes of product evaluations on DHGate. replica wallets Looking for replicas of high manufacturers similar to Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and others? They are worth it within the sense that they appear low-cost and are easily affordable. The replicas look the exact same with no differences and they're a legitimate bag which is able to stand the check of time. As you'll be able to nicely imagine, hanging out with such refined individuals and exhibiting up with a fake bag or purse can be social suicide. If you are a fan of the brand, you most likely know a number of things about authentic Louis Vuitton purses and what units them apart from others. For one thing, every of them is totally made by hand with extraordinary consideration to detail. wikipedia wallets Every sew is ideal, and every material used is durable enough to last for years. If you take a look at my closet and also you didn’t know any better, you could have sworn that I actually have spent lots of of hundreds, if not tens of millions of dollars in my assortment. You have to understand that there are plenty of knock-off products are sold online. The drawback is, if you do not learn my information, you probably will get faked out. The wonderful excessive-high quality high quality replicas are that you simply get standing, recognition, and other people would see that you have class and class. This isn't one thing that you just see ordinarily, particularly with the upper finish copies.
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buck-nialled · 3 years
Undertow- S. Mendes (I)
CH I: Catastrophe at the Cove 
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The ceaseless crashes of Hawaii’s waves and the drowned cheering coming from shore were all white noise to Shawn now. He was enraptured in the scratchy velcro lassoing his ankle. The sea breeze made his nostrils burn with great intensity, and complemented by the golden rays beaming down onto his body—slathered in SPF 50 and donning a wetsuit—he felt tears begin stinging his eyes as they balanced on the brim of his eyelids. It was like his body was challenging him who could stay upright longer on this never-ending trapeze act: the threatened onslaught of tears or his body on the gun.
With his eyes transfixed on the approaching curl of water, his body flipped in autopilot as he adjusted his legs and shifted the full weight of his trunk. The audience’s murmured words of fascination morphed rapidly to cheers as he climbed the steep undulate, pivoting his body before taking the drastic plunge down through the foam. Keeping his stare trained on the blue surface, Shawn can vaguely understand the announcer’s voice through the speakers on the sand. But he knows exactly what tricks have been screamed into the microphone for the last seven minutes while he has been doing them. Every few seconds his feet remained planted to the board, Shawn’s eyes would flicker over to the other competition around him. He sensed their reciprocated side-eyes as well but maintained his equilibrium.
“Getting nervous, Mendes? It hasn’t even been ten minutes!” Wesley taunted, catching waves lateral to Shawn. The boy only grumbled to himself, biting his lip to net all of the swears he wanted to throw back at his competitor. Wesley was Shawn’s largest adversary on the sea. People on the shore who barely know the two boys’ names could perceive the tension between them. He and Shawn were no strangers to the long-lasting feud either. They would alternate between who came out victorious or runner-up in every contest they shared (which was all of them). But Shawn was determined to be unpredictable this year. While his exterior goal to take home a cash prize and trophy were transparent, the inward objective to knock Wesley’s ego and stature on the island down a few pegs, he was determined to keep concealed.
Somehow Wesley wriggled out of his parents' demands to attend university in exchange for a full-time lifeguard job. Shawn felt envy still crawl inside of him each time he looked up from the sand sticking to his toes to see the man waving down at Shawn in his red-painted throne with a smirk. And the green that would cloak Shawn’s cheeks when he passed by could not be more apparent. He would do anything to just sit by the sea and bask in Hawaii’s warmth, day in and day out with no woes about when his next biology assignment on the island’s flora would be due. Nobody saw through the facade Wesley was so keen in dressing himself up in; a pair of designer sunglasses, overpriced board to add to his collection of six, and swim trunks hung all too low on his hips, whenever Shawn caught a glimpse of the man’s v-line unwillingly he experienced a heightened level of nausea.
A recognizable splash and groan were heard, alerting Shawn that yet another contestant had wiped out. Whispered roars sounded from the huddle of bodies on the sand, both for the fallen surfer and encouragement for Shawn and Wesley.
Shawn’s breathing began to pick up as his eyes zoned in on nearby terrain. The rock jutted out of the water and stood tall, the lip of it glaring back at Shawn as he maneuvered his body to perform a cutback to save time. The Cove was a hazardous area to be approaching, surfer, or not. Habitants of the island always spoke of the jagged processes lining the interior and hostile, branching coral that leave lacerations on any venturer’s foot if they dare get sucked into the small bay. Especially at high tide is when most warn beach-goers to keep a safe distance as drowning is a likely possibility when strong currents are present.
Shawn proceeds to twist his body and bend lower to maintain his well-built momentum. Upon exhibiting the cutback with appraised technique, the announcer’s voice begins narrating his moves once more. Halfway through his announcement and Shawn’s introduction to a new wave, the deep voice grows in awe by a new sight. Wesley, who was now feet ahead of Shawn and to his right, slightly closer to shore lurches his body into the air, grasping his board along as he displays a perfect aerial for the crowd's eyes. Gasps leave everyone's lips as the announcer continues, and Shawn’s hopes of winning are drastically deflating when Wesley’s board cuts into the water and keeps gliding without fail.
“Where’d he learn to do that?” Shawn whispers, before snapping his head back and eliciting a yelp. The nose of his board is halted by the stone protruding from the blue and the man finds himself being catapulted further into the water and off of his board seconds later. Exclamations of terror coming from the audience turned muffled as the waves engulfed Shawn’s frame and the current pulled him under alongside his surfboard.
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Y/N grumbled and flipped her body on one of the flat rocks located inside of the small cave as another rambunctious applause woke her. She curled her legs upward to her chest and trembled with each splash of water that crashed onto the rock and kept the flowing, white dress damp on her body.
These surf competitions happened way too often in her opinion. It felt like there was a new kind of surfing event every two weeks, breaking the usual quiet of the cove she liked to hang out in. It was nice to watch the competitions every once in a while, but on days like these, she wished she could sleep without the noise.
She let out a groan as she sat up, rubbing her hands over her eyes and stretching her legs. She could see some of the surfers from where she sat, making a face when she saw one fall off his board. His face popped out of the water soon after, eyes in the direction of the cove. Y/N slinked into the shadows, trying to keep herself concealed. People seeing her would lead to questions.
Who are you?
Why are you in here instead of shore?
What are you, a mermaid, or something?
The last one would be a joke to the person asking, but not to Y/N.
She scooted over to a corner located a little further back, hoping to get a better view of what was going on. Even if she was annoyed with them, watching the events brought some excitement to what was usually a fairly boring day.
There were only a few people left, all of them seeming to be unbothered by the other contestant going down. She wondered how they did it sometimes: ignoring all the cheers and splashes while executing insane tricks and keeping their balance. She had to admit, it was a little insane.
A peculiar stream of water captured her stare, and she immediately felt her muscles clench up. Slowly, she reached beside her to clutch the abandoned fishing knife she uncovered from the seafloor on one of her many late-night swims. The stream jetted straight towards her, encouraging her to lift her knife higher, and steady her position. By the sight of the rubbery gray bottlenose exiting the depths, she relaxed immediately and sent a look of disdain to the dorsal-finned creature.
“Douglas, what are you doing here?” She receives the usual squeak in reply, the young bottlenose sparing her a sheepish smile.
“You can’t be following me, they’re probably still looking for me.” Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes and splaying out across the hard surface. Douglas responds with a series of clicks the girl translated within a matter of seconds. Her head turned to face the bottlenose, looking less than amused by the information.
“Well tell my dad that he can take his little search team and--” A pained groan perks her ears up. She sat up on the platform and slowly scooted to the ledge, leaning over to see a man being sucked in her direction by the current.
“Someone’s coming. Go!” She demands in a hiss to Douglas, who chirps in protest.
“No, I don’t think Harry Styles filmed Watermelon Sugar here.” She says. Another series of clicks sounds before she rushes, “yes, I’ll get you his autograph if I see him. Promise, now shoo!” She waves off the bottlenose, who happily swims away with a future gift on his mind. Another wail, now sounding closer in proximity, has Y/N shifting further into the platform’s corner in hopes the shadowy inlet would hide her well enough for the disoriented-sounding human.
She hesitated before peeking her head out to see who the noises were coming from.
What if it’s a trick?
Her father seemed very adamant about finding her. Y/N got news from Douglas within the first two days she ran away that he sent a search party after her. She told the dolphin multiple times that he needed to stop following her around in case someone used him to find her, but he refused to leave her alone. He scared her every time he came up to talk, but she couldn’t deny that it was nice to have someone to talk to every so often.
She was well aware of the lengths her father would go to find her. It wasn’t like he was the worried father whose daughter disappeared out of the blue. She hadn’t left on good terms and she knew he was only going after her to get his revenge for the humiliation she was sure to have caused.
Another groan and the splashing of water broke Y/N out of her thoughts. She gripped her knife tighter. Her head slipped out ever so slightly around the corner, eyes transfixing on the large figure that was a little too close for comfort.
The wetsuit and surfboard floating behind him told you that he was likely one of the people from the competition. He was laying in the shallow water, brown curls soaked as he struggled to get himself upright. He eventually got himself into a sitting position on a nearby rock, pulling his foot up to examine the bottom of it. Y/N could see the red gashes from where she stood, feeling sorry for the poor surfer. He was struggling to get the board close to him so he could untie it from his other ankle. He wasn’t trying for long, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair.
He was just going to have to wait for the rescue team. That would probably take a while, considering how dangerous the area was. His eyes scanned the area around him. Y/N threw herself against the stone wall when he looked at her, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. He didn’t see her, thankfully, and she contemplated whether or not she should help him.
On the one hand, he looked like he needed help. She could help him get his board off and get him out of the water so he wasn’t enduring the sun’s scorch while he waited for help.
On the other hand, part of her was still convinced this was a well-plotted plan to get her back to her father. Who knew who this boy was?
He put his head in his hands and she felt her heart drop. She didn’t even know him, yet some strange part of her was drawn to him. She slowly emerged from behind the wall, dipping her foot in the water. He lifted his face from his hands and she froze, worried he somehow managed to hear her. After a few seconds, he put his head back down and Y/N continued submerging herself.  
She silently swam over to his board, seeing that it managed to get tangled in the coral. She dislodged the board and rope and kept the board over her head as she guided it over to the surfer. She stopped once he was close enough to grab the board, waiting for him to take hold before she could swim away. She rose out of the water up to her eyes when she didn’t feel a tug, pushing the board into his leg. His head shot up, glancing at the surfboard before he caught sight of her. He jumped, falling back onto his hands and feeling the jagged rock cut into them. Y/N immediately sunk back into the water, swimming as quickly as she could back to the cove.
Shawn stared at the board in shock. Was there just a girl there or did he hit his head that hard? He pulled the board all the way over to him and untied the rope from his ankle. It was a little red from being rubbed so much but it seemed fine otherwise.
He heard a soft clang from behind him, making him whip his head around to see what it was. He was surprised to see a girl in a white dress climbing onto the rock, whispering something to herself.
“Hey!” he shouted to her. The girl visibly froze, eyes wide and focused on the ground. She looked towards him and saw him staring right at her, causing her to grab something on the rock and dart into a part of the cave he couldn’t see.
“Wait, come back!” he called as if that alone was going to be enough to bring her back. “Please? I just need to thank you.”
Y/N placed her hand over her heart, praying that the boy was a harmless surfer. She could hardly make out his voice over the sound of her breathing. Her knuckles were white from gripping her knife so tightly and her eyes were screwed shut.  
“If you don’t come out, I’m coming in.” He wasn’t exactly sure how effective that would be. It wasn’t meant to be a threat, even though it sounded exactly like one. He wasn’t even sure how he would get in there, considering how beat up his foot was.
Y/N weighed her options. Him coming in wasn’t playing out well in her head and her coming out meant she might be able to escape should the need arise. She took a deep breath, dropped her knife, and stepped out from behind the wall.
Shawn smiled at the sight of her. “Thanks.”
She shot him a thumbs-up, causing him to chuckle. “You got it.”
Her voice was angelic. He couldn’t point out what it was, but there was something that made him want to hear her talk every day for the rest of his life; all she had said was three words.
She felt uncomfortable under his stare, lowering her eyes to her feet and biting her lip.
“Can you come over here? I want to see my hero.” He cringed as the words came out of his mouth. He was well aware it sounded like a cheesy line from some romantic movie, but he wasn’t sure what else to say in the situation.
Y/N’s gut told her to step back into the cove; that allowing this person to see her, even more, wouldn’t end well. Despite all the warning bells going off in her head, she stepped out into the sunlight, now no more than five feet away from him.
Shawn wasn’t sure what to say. He was suddenly faced with the stranger who saved him and his brain was a jumbled mess.
She offered a small smile, swinging her foot to splash him with a few droplets of water. “You’re not here to kidnap me, right?”
“No?” he laughed. “What are you doing in the cove?”
“Would you believe me if I said I was exploring?”
“Since you phrased it like that, no. Not to mention that it’s pretty dangerous over here. I find it hard to believe that you willingly came over here without getting hurt.”
“Some of us are more athletically inclined than others.” She took a few steps closer to him, sitting down and pulling her knees into her chest.
“Fair enough.” He looked out across the ocean, seeing Wesley perform yet another perfect trick. It appeared that everyone had already forgotten about him. “I’m pretty sure no human being in their right mind would voluntarily come over here though.”
“And what makes you think you know me so well? You don’t even know my name.”
Shawn turned his gaze over to her, met with a suave look from the girl next to him. “Most people are concerned with not dying. You look adventurous but you also look like you value your life.” He shrugged. “What is your name?”
“Looks can be deceiving,” she pointed out. “But you make a fair point. The name’s Y/N.”
“Well, Shawn, you also look like you value your life. May I ask why you are sitting here on this rock with some serious gashes on your foot?” She let go of one of her legs, allowing it to stretch into the water.
“I was in a surfing competition ten minutes ago but a rock caught me off guard, launched me off my board, and the current pulled me in. Now, I get to watch my rival shred the rest of the competition.”
“That’s unfortunate.”
“Quite. Why are you here?”
The simple question caught her off guard. The bells went off again, telling her what a terrible idea this was. The fact that she was in the open world was enough. Was it worth it to expose herself? She knew deep down that it was a bad idea. She also had some deep feeling that she could trust Shawn.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“It can’t be that crazy.”
“You say that but-” Y/N was interrupted by a splash of water. She quickly noticed Douglas floating a short distance away. “Douglas, what are you doing here?” Douglas responded with a few clicks and Y/N’s face fell.
Shawn gave her a confused look. He could let the weird cove lurking slide, but talking to a dolphin? Something was up.
“What do you mean they’re almost here?” she asked, eyes frantically darting around as a feeling of dread took over. Douglas used his tail to motion at a raft that was slowly drifting towards the cove. Y/N’s eyes widened and she scrambled to her feet. It was too late, she knew. People had already seen her.
“What’s up? Are you a mermaid or something?” Shawn joked, using his hand to shield his eyes from the sun as he looked up at her.
“Uh…” The booming shouts begin growing in their volume. “No comment.” Y/N feels a tightening in her throat as she spares a glance down to her white, bedazzled gown. Anybody from below would recognize the fabric to be from royalty. Her eyes darted back to the bottlenose.
“Douglas, I need you to distract them.” With a few clicks, his rubbery head is submerged in the depths and he is hopping back towards the raft with a few splashes. Her eyes meet Shawn’s next, and he is staring at her with creased brows.
“Okay, here’s the deal. I’m gonna take this dress off and we’re gonna get back to shore.”
“Um, you-you don’t need to--” The man’s breath hitched seconds later when Y/N ignored his suggestions to remain clothed and began shedding herself of the gown. “Okay, and you’re doing it.” He spins around to shield his eyes from her stripping. All she donned at this point was a pair of damp panties and a makeshift band, constructed with pieces of weaved seaweed to wrap around her breasts.
“Look, Y/N, is it? I’m loving the determination and everything. But that current is too strong to push through. We’re just gonna have to--”
“Shawn, if you don’t get on this board I will not hesitate to leave you behind.” She heard him release a weak sigh and caught sight of his shoulders hunching. Shawn’s eyes peek at his still-injured foot and a sharp wince left him as he tried standing on it. Y/N bit her lip and observed the raft from the distance, finding Douglas’s nose trying to bounce it the opposite direction without being noticed by the confused men aboard.
Swiftly, Y/N clutched her blade and ran to the edge of the cove, submerged herself in the blue, eyes frantically searching for seaweed. Shawn’s hazardous shouts from above to watch for the coral made her roll her eyes. Amateur, she thinks to herself, as her eyes landed on the swaying green which was a similar color to the strands lining her breasts. She brings the knife to the plant and slices a strand clean from its place in the ground.
Shawn yelps as she reappears in front of him, bobbing up and down in the shallow waters. She holds up the seaweed with a proud smile, before sparing a glance at his left sole. The man clenched his teeth and elicited a loud hiss when Y/N cupped a small amount of saltwater in her hands to cleanse his wounded flesh. Afterward, she securely wrapped the greenery around the gashes, tying it in a secure knot at the top of his foot.
“Shawn,” his eyes opened and stayed focused on hers, “we need to go. Now.” He decided to leave questions for later and wasted no time clamoring onto his board. Y/N situated herself behind him, and Shawn could not choke down his snickers when she advised him to hold on tight.
“Please, honey, this isn’t my first time riding one of these.”
“It sure seemed like it ten minutes ago.” She grumbled, meeting Douglas’s eyes as his head popped out from the water. She sent him a small nod, a cue for the dolphin to halt his diversion of the raft while her hand grazed the top of the water.
“Ready?” Albeit Shawn could not see her lifted brow, the questioning lilt in her voice was enough for his forehead to wrinkle in puzzlement once more.
“Ready for wha--” A loud yell cut off his unfinished question, as Y/N worked the currents silently to surge the two back to the shoreline.
“Hey, Wes!” Shawn shouted while zooming past his competitor—already declared victor—yet wanting to show off. Water gushes from behind him and Y/N, earning a confused stare from Wesley as he snaps his neck to earn a better look at the woman’s backside.
“Huh?” Wesley exclaims before the wave he was targeting moments before turned against him and resulted in his unfortunate wipeout. As they neared the water’s edge, Y/N slowed the waves’ motions and, in turn, the board’s speed. Celebratory cheers rang about at the sight of Shawn’s reappearance but soon died down from the sight of the foreign face sitting behind him. Scattered whispers drifted through the crowd, eyes scanning over Y/N’s figure in question.
Shawn was the first to step off the board with a groan and take a few steps closer to the sand. Before he treads completely onto the grainy terrain, he held an outstretched hand for Y/N, who was still sitting on the board. Her wrinkled palm embraced Shawn’s as she delivered him a gracious smile. The two continued their departure from the waters together, Y/N dragging the surfboard behind her by its string. When their feet planted themselves on the warm sand, Shawn was immediately met with a hug from another man donning swim trunks and Y/N with a towel.
“Here you are, dear.” One of the islanders greeted with a kind smile. Y/N inhaled sharply and held the dagger tightly in her grip, but made no further moves. There were far too many witnesses for such a casualty to occur, and even if the woman’s intentions were not out of malice, Y/N was desperate for a new wardrobe that excluded her drowned white wedding gown. After cloaking herself with the soft fabric and sparing the samaritan a gracious smile, her eyes drifted over to Shawn. He broke away from the hug and allowed his eyes to meet Y/N’s apprehensive ones. Clearly, a crowd of people this large was something foreign to her. He stepped closer to her and placed a comforting hand against the towel shielding her back and began to speak.
“Everybody, this is Y/N. I found her when I landed in the cove…” Slowly, Shawn’s eyes moved down to his bandaged foot. Many eyed followed, gazing down wondrously at the makeshift aid before following the man’s stare back up to Y/N. “She saved my life.” He announced with a proud smile. More cheers rang out from the audience. Y/N only spared a shy smile at the praises, before the two survivors were escorted to professional medical attention.
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Look out for the next part of Undertow coming 1/29/2021!
join the taglist so you can be the first to read what happens next
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daretosnoop · 3 years
Chapter 4: Bad Girlfriend
Chapter 3
The chapter some of y’all have been wanting since this game came out. I hope the story is interesting so far. 
Henry told Renee their plans, then brought Nancy upstairs to the guest room. It was a simple room, if a little bland for colour. Henry supposed his uncle had some notion of social etiquette given that many people would probably not take to his interior design choices. Renee entered soon with a bundle of clothes.
“Not sure what would fit you dear or what your preference is so I brought some of my clothes, Dr. Bruno’s clothes, and some random pieces stored over time”.
Nancy thanked her and both Renee and Henry went downstairs.
“I’ll make a little night snack for your sleepover,” Renee said as she headed for the kitchen. Henry followed her.
“Don’t trouble yourself. And it’s not a sleepover. We don’t have a choice given the weather”.
“You could have always dropped her home”.
“I, I can’t do that on rainy nights”.
Renee paused in powdering the beignets. She looked at Henry and nodded.
“Could have asked me. I don’t mind”.
Henry shrugged and Renee just smiled and returned to her beignets. She placed two on two plates and poured out a glass of cold milk.
“In the morning, y’all can have them with coffee”.
She then wished Henry good night and went out the kitchen towards the stairs. On the landing, she suddenly felt a chill run across her back and turned to see Nancy peering over the model cemetery.
“I’ve seen it too,” she suddenly called out.
Nancy whirled around, startled by the voice.
“Seen who?”
“The skeleton man”.
Nancy’s face became serious as she headed towards Renee.
“What have you seen?”
“I don’t even want to talk about it. All I know is that I saw it, that thing. Soon after seeing it, strange sounds came from my room”
“What did you do?”
Renee looked up proudly. “I found a solution in my book. Used my powers in hoodoo to put up a spell,” Renee placed a hand around her little pouch necklace. “It worked too. Those sounds stopped”.
“Did the skeleton man stop? Was it just the one time you saw him or did you see him repeatedly? Do you think there is a connection between the sound and the man? Did you tell Dr. Bolet? What did he say? Did he believe you?”
“Goodness child,” Renee laughed though it did not reach her eyes. “You sure are inquisitive”.
Nancy shrugged.
“Well, I admire your tenacity child, just be careful. There are powers far beyond mere mortals. The best we can, and should, do is protect ourselves and not dare challenge the powers”.
Renee said nothing to Nancy’s perplexed face. There really was nothing to tell the girl. She would either play it safe, or learn the hard way. She told Nancy of the food she placed out and bid her goodnight.
 Nancy was surprised to see Henry in the kitchen. He had started on one of the beignets but his attention was clearly on his phone.
“Bad news?” Nancy asked, reading his face.
Henry started, blinked at her while he processed her question, then hummed and took another bite of the beignet.
I wonder if it’s that Summer person?
She started on a beignet and thought over her case. She’d called Bess soon after changing her clothes. Half-asleep Bess barely registered everything Nancy told her but somehow understood that Nancy was not coming home tonight. Nancy didn’t know when Henry was going to sleep, but she hopped it was soon. He was still a suspect and nighttime was always optimal for snooping.
“Find everything okay?” Henry asked.
Mouth still stuffed with food, Nancy nodded.
“Put my clothes to dry so I can wear them tomorrow. I plan on calling professor Hotchkiss and then going from there”.
With a beignet half in his mouth, Henry looked at her, eyes wide.
“You mean, you intend on continuing?”
“What if I say no?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to go. I’ll go and forever lament this unsolved case to my friends,” Nancy waved her hands about, exaggerating the tragedy Henry’s refusal would cause her.
Henry’s lips twitched.
“You’re stubborn”.
Nancy gave him a cheeky smile.
“Good friends are”.
They chatted amicably on Nancy’s previous cases until the beignets finished. Henry immediately took the dishes and washed them. He then nodded at Nancy before heading towards the study.
“How long do you stay up?” Nancy asked.
Henry shrugged. “Depends on the work”.
Darn. Hate those answers.
With nothing better to do, Nancy bid Henry good night and went to her room. She fiddled with the number she had for professor Hotchkiss and thought over the night’s events. Not able to think of anything new, she searched up hoodoo, the Bolets, and New Orleans on her phone. Something sinister was afoot in this house.
At around 10:45 p.m. Nancy heard footsteps climb up the stairs and a door open. She waited a while longer, and when she was sure Henry was not planning on leaving his room, she quietly opened her door and walked down the stairs with her torch. Thankfully, the stairs did not creak. Nancy opened the door to the study and crept towards the desk. Looking around quickly and finding no one, Nancy sat on the chair and grinned.
 She meticulously searched through all of Henry’s papers, but could find nothing relevant. She then looked through the desk drawers but only found a keychain with an eyeball. Strange, but again, not relevant. Henry had left his computer on the desk and of course, it was locked. Nancy thought over any possible passwords. Bolet didn’t work. Henry’s name didn’t work. Don’t tell me. She typed out Summer and logged in. There was nothing relevant on Henry’s laptop though Nancy did see an email from Dr. Buford’s medical clinic. It was an invoice for a paid bill. Myocardial Infraction. Dr. Bolet’s cause of death.
Nancy looked through the rest of Henry’s emails but found nothing of relevance their either. Not even in the junk and deleted folders. She fell back onto the chair and sighed. Then her eyes caught the rubbish bin beneath the desk and she reached out for it. She read each memo, card, and invite but found nothing of interest. She then picked up an envelope. It was from Milo Research and Technology, and addressed to Bruno Bolet. There was an address but no number. She put the envelope aside and continued to dig. There were some pieces of paper in intelligible handwriting, but Nancy did catch the word skull repeated so she put them with the envelope.
Finding nothing else, Nancy stood up and carried her clues back up the stairs. As she climbed she happened to look up and felt her heart freeze. There, by the flower vase, she could almost swear she was seeing Renee’s eyes watching her. But that was ridiculous. Renee was not there. Nancy took a deep breath and slowly let it out as she went back to her room.
 After breakfast, Nancy went back to her French quarter hotel and was greeted by a frantic Bess.
“Nancy! Where were you?”
“Bess, I called and told you that I would be staying the night at Henry’s place”.
“You know I can’t remember anything told to me when I’m half asleep!”
Bess sighed loudly before looking behind Nancy at the man who was standing awkwardly at the front door. Following her gaze, Nancy introduced Bess to Henry and soon Bess had ushered him in for tea. As the trio sat around the table, Nancy filled Bess in with what had happened to her and what her plans were. Bess’s face fell when she learned that her friend was, again, bailing on her to pursue a case. She knew Nancy meant well, and to be honest, helping Nancy with a case was more fun than a traditional vacation, but Nancy had just gotten back from Alberta from another case. It would have been nice to have some time in the warmth before she whisked off again.
“Will you help me Bess?”
Nancy’s words broke Bess out of her thoughts. She wasn’t paying attention.
“Uh, help you with what?”
“Finding out some information. Just background research. Nothing dangerous”.
“Okay, okay. I’ll be on standby. The sooner you solve this, the sooner we can get back to our vacation”.
Bess turned to glare at Henry.
“You could have just told her no, you know”.
The man shrugged and Bess could tell from his face that he had tried, Nancy just didn’t listen. She never could catch hidden tones very well, but it was probably a good thing. She wouldn’t be a good detective if she was constantly hampered by emotional cues.
Nancy got up to pack her bags. Alone with Henry, Bess found herself not knowing what to say. The man was a complete stranger, even if he was dressed smartly, and even if he did carry himself with a certain grace. It was interesting to see that despite his outwardly appearance, Henry exhibited a lot of manners. He hardly made his presence known and it was only after Nancy left that Bess took a good look at Henry.
“So, how do you know Ned?”
“We’re classmates”.
Bess nodded and silence overfell both of them again.
“Do you like tea?” Bess asked.
“Yes. It’s nice”.
That’s it? Just nice? C’mon, give me more to work with! Henry was a walking enigma and it infuriated Bess.
“I’m sorry about Nancy. She can be,” Bess moved her hands to emphasize, “much”.
Henry snorted into his tea.
“But her intuition is always right, or close to it. Whatever it is your uncle’s hiding, she’ll figure it out. Don’t worry”.
“I’m not worried. I just don’t think there is anything worth finding out”.
“So you’re okay with letting possible treasure, a priceless artifact, go undetected?”
“Doesn’t really mean much to me?”
“What if it meant something to your family?”
“I’m the only living relative of my family, and since I know nothing about my family, the treasure or whatever uncle Bruno may be hiding might as well not exist”.
Bess didn’t know what to say to that, and they finished their tea in silence. Nancy came in and plopped in front of Bess.
“Bess. I need you to look into someone. His name is Gilbert Buford. Dr. Buford was Dr. Bolet’s heart doctor. Apparently they were also friends”.
“What do you want me to ask him?”
“Ask him what he knew about Dr. Bolet. If Dr. Bolet ever confided anything to anyone, his friend would probably know—right?”
“I suppose”.
Bess glanced towards Henry.
“Is it okay if I do this? Or am I breaking some law here?”
“Don’t think so. If you are, I guess you can just say that I’m asking you to do this”.
“Great!” Nancy beamed and all but dragged Henry outside.
Bess sighed and pulled out her phone to look up medical clinics, but stopped when she heard Nancy come back in. She wore a serious expression.
“Bess. I need you to do something else”.
Nancy handed her a piece of paper that said ‘Zeke’s’ on it.
“I need you to see if there is some store called Zeke. Then I need you to go in and ask if Henry Bolet or Renee Amande ever sold anything recently”.
Bess slowly lowered her phone.
“You, you suspect Henry and Renee?”
“You know the drill Bess, everyone’s a suspect”.
“But, for what?”
“For being the skeleton man. I’m following up on every lead I have. Couldn’t tell you earlier because,” Nancy nudged her head towards the door.
“How does this place relate to a skeleton man?”
“Don’t know yet, but I know it was burned recently. Renee mentioned she keeps the place spotless. She couldn’t possible have overlooked the fire place if it was burnt a while ago”.
Nancy thanked Bess then headed out the door.
 Henry drove them back to the Bolet manor and went towards his desk. Nancy pulled out her phone and dialed professor Hotchkiss. No one picked up, but Nancy was not surprised. Professor Hotchkiss was probably off doing research or some other wacky project. She left a message asking professor Hotchkiss to call back to discuss a book she recently wrote.
She had no other lead to follow and so went out to the gardens. Renee was not there and Nancy took her chance to snoop. There was a shovel on one wall and some other gardening tools hanging about. For the most part, it looked like a garden. Even the plants seemed common place. Finding nothing suspicious, Nancy turned to leave the garden and came face-to-face with Renee.
“Can I help you dear?”
“Oh, I was actually looking for you,” Nancy spoke placidly. She was a little startled by Renee’s sudden appearance, but quickly recovered when she saw the pouch necklace Renee always wore.
“I was going to ask you, what’s in that necklace”.
Renee closed her hand around the pouch and Nancy could have sworn she saw anger flash through her eyes.
“This is my connection to the forces of the universe. Their elemental powers course through me when I wear this”.
Nancy stared at her and Renee scoffed.
“Well, least you didn’t laugh. How else can I help you?”
“Well, what can you tell me about Dr. Bolet?”
“Recluse. Obsessive. Neither jolly nor morose, but there was always a soberness that clung to him. It’s as if he refused to let himself be happy. Not very picky either. So long as I left him alone and kept the house, he didn’t care about what I did in my free time”.
Renee gave a soft smile. “We had a great working relationship. It’s rare to have in the housekeeping business”.
“How did you come to work for Dr. Bolet?”
“Answered a paper advertisement,” Renee answered quickly.
“Did he ever talk about his family?”
“Very little”.
“What did he say?”
“That his parents died when he was in his thirties. He had a younger brother whom he adored. Loved his sister-in-law, and had no desire to get married”.
There was barely anything to work with, still, Nancy persisted.
“Dr. Bolet was alone his whole life? Even after his brother’s death”.
Renee pressed her lips into a thin line.
“From what I’ve come to understand, Dr. Bolet loved his brother and when he died, he essentially lost a part of himself. Whatever was left came out only through his eccentricities”.
There was nothing of use in anything Renee mentioned. She tried a different angle.
“Do you know how Dr. Bolet died?”
“Oh yes,” Renee’s eyes took on a far-away look. “I was. I was there when he died. I saw him fall, on the threshold”. Renee placed a hand on her shoulder and looked down. “I thought, maybe, he just stumbled. Maybe got knocked unconscious, but Dr. Buford was there and he said it was a heart attack”.
Nancy looked sharply at Renee.
“Dr. Buford was there on the night Dr. Bolet died?”
“Yes. I suppose he came to visit Dr. Bolet”.
“Does he regularly visit Dr. Bolet?”
“No. Usually Dr. Bolet visits, but I suppose given his age. It must have been easier for Dr. Buford to come. Or maybe he wanted something. Either way, he was there”.
“What was Dr. Bolet doing on the threshold?”
Renee scrunched her face and held a finger to her lips. She still did not look at Nancy.
“I don’t remember quite well, but I think he was reading something. A letter perhaps?”
Excitement rose through Nancy.
“Do you still have the letter? Can I see it?”
“Sorry dear. I don’t know where it’s gotten to”.
Renee gave Nancy a tight smile and pointed towards the plants. Nancy took her cue to leave Renee and head back into the manor. She went back to her room and searched up Gilbert Buford, New Orleans. There were three Gilbert Bufords, but only one had a medical clinic. Nancy dialed the number and waited for the receptionist. The receptionist told her that Dr. Buford was not working full-time anymore.
“He only comes in for urgent situations and requests”.
“Where can I find him outside of the clinic?”
“I’m not authorized to give you that information”.
Nancy was fed up of facing blockades that interrupted her investigation. It was as if the whole of New Orleans didn’t want the mystery that was Bruno Bolet to come apart. She decided to take a risk.
“I really need to talk to him,” she said, softening her voice to add grief. “You see, we had a mutual friend who recently died, and I-I just need to talk to him”.
“Need some consoling?” The nurse empathized.
“Yes! Exactly! I need, that”.
“Well, alright. I guess it’s okay given the circumstance. Dr. Buford generally spends his time in the French quarters. He lives nearby and frequents a Cajun truck stop at Rampart and Dumaine. Claims it’s the best gumbo New Orleans has. I’d contest him on that though. Nothing beats a fine gumbo than my own Bluefoot’s Gumbo”.
Rampart and Dumaine? Jackpot!
“Thank you so much”.
“No problem,” the receptionist replied. “And I hope you get the help you need for your friend”.
“Oh, yes. I will. Thanks. I feel better already.” Saying so, Nancy quickly hung up and called Bess.
“Bess, he’s in Rampart and Dumaine!”
“Who?” Bess asked, her voice laced with sleep.
“Gilbert Buford. I called his clinic. They said he spends his time nearby a Cajun food truck”.
“Hang on”. Bess muttered and Nancy could hear her wrestling out of the bed and walking around.
“I’m in the balcony now”.
“What do you see?”
“I see a food truck called ‘Granny’s Cajun Cooking’”
“And no one else. It’s pretty busy right now, but no one is sitting around the food truck”.
Nancy sighed. “Must be too early in the day”.
“Or hot, it’s the middle of the afternoon. But I’ll keep any eye out, okay?”
Another dead end. It seemed that for every inch of progress Nancy made, there was a foot of backlash.
“Hey Nancy,” Bess’s voice called urgently. “You won’t believe what’s in front of our hotel. It’s the name, ‘Zeke’. It’s a curio shop!”
“Bess, you gotta get right down there and ask those questions!”
“I’m on it,” Bess replied with determination and hung up.
 Nancy wandered around the gardens, looking for a clue that would help her understand the spider lock. Neither Renee nor Henry understood the lock, nor did they know if Bruno kept a pet spider. Renee eventually mentioned that she’d often see Dr. Bolet standing in certain spots around the garden. Sometimes he looked up to the sky, and other times, he was peering down. At times, he’d even bend over and inspect the base of the fountain that rested in the centre of the garden.
Carefully, Nancy crept around the fountain. The rain had made the soil muddy so she could not walk within the base. Thankfully, she did not need to. There was a hole surrounded by overlapping wires nestled into the soil ground. Nancy pulled out her phone to confirm her suspicion. The wire web before her matched the lock image on her phone. They’re keys, she realized. Musical keys. Each wire twanged a musical note. Looking at the image on her phone, she realized that the dashes extending out of each wire varied in number. So each dash must corroborate to a number—an order perhaps? But what would it release? She assumed it must be another key given that she was trying to open another locked door. Peering down into the hole, she saw a bronze key and the legs of a giant tarantula. Nancy could face anything, had faced everything, even certain death. She’d grown quite resilient in nature— but spiders, spiders were the one thing she just could not understand. I’d better get this right.
Carefully she pulled each wire in the order the lock indicated, and listened carefully to the note it played. She heard the mechanical sound of a platform being raised, and saw that the spider had backed off because the key was sitting upon a stand that was now rising to greet her. She nabbed the key and stuffed it into her front pocket. She turned around and saw Henry.
“What are you doing?” Henry asked.
“Oh you know,” Nancy shrugged then grinned. “Just testing theories out”.
Henry’s eyebrows quirked. “Discover anything, scientist?”
Nancy laughed. “Maybe,” she coyly answered.
Henry nodded but when he saw Nancy was not going to offer any more information, he let it go.
“Just going to take walk”.
“I’ll join you,” Nancy spoke suddenly.
“You will?”
It was a sudden decision, but Nancy did want to learn more about Henry. He might know more about his family, and Nancy wanted to know more about this Summer person. She might also be connected to this mystery—though, probably, very weakly connected.
They walked into the cemetery, Henry being a gentleman and opening the gate for Nancy.
“Thanks, but don’t bother. I’m your friend”.
“So I shouldn’t be nice to friends?” Henry countered.
“No, I meant. No need to be formal. Chill out a bit”.
“Yes, I suppose I could learn a bit about chilling out”. He gestured around the cemetery. “Think this is a good place to learn how?”
“Can’t be more chill than dead, can you?” Nancy teased and Henry laughed.
When they got to the Bolet mausoleum Nancy could sense Henry’s tension. One pain for another, I guess.
“So,” she started. “Tell me about Summer”.
Henry’s eyes snapped towards her, and without needing to look back, Nancy admitted that she overheard his conversation.
“Overheard?” Henry asked and Nancy knew what he was really asking.
“Well, you were loud enough. What was I to do? Cover my ears?”
Henry just sighed but didn’t say anything. Nancy tried a different angle.
“Friends help each other”.
“Why do you keep insisting we’re friends?”
“Because we are”
“People don’t just become friends in a day or because someone says so”.
“Then how do they become friends?”
Henry shrugged. “I dunno. Hang out a lot. Talk a lot. Eventually they come to rely on each other and feel safe and wanted around each other. They enjoy each other’s company”.
“Is that what you have with Summer?” Nancy asked softly.
Henry stopped walking and looked down. Nancy waited. She thought Henry would refuse to answer, or tell her to stop walking with him, or even cry, but slowly, Henry lifted his head and stared right at her.
“So Summer’s not your friend?”
“No. She’s my girlfriend”.
“Your girlfriend can’t be your friend? Little ironic. It’s in the name”.
“It’s,” Henry scratched his ear. “It’s complicated. I like her, and I think she likes me back, but she can be so unpredictable it drives me nuts”.
“How so?”
“I never know what’s going to make her happy. Like just recently I— “Henry stopped and hesitated. “I always have to buy her things”.
Nancy’s mind began to whir.
“Have you tried talking to her about it?”
Henry nodded. “I did but she always gets very mad, and I’d rather not deal with her anger. Besides,” Henry pressed down hard on his lips. “I’m afraid if I don’t give her what she wants she’ll,” he pressed down harder and his lips disappeared into a thin line. “I’m afraid she’ll dump me”.
“What’s wrong with being dumped?”
Henry looked at her incredulously. “I couldn’t take it. She’s the only girlfriend I’ve ever had, and probably ever will have”.
Nancy did not understand Henry’s argument. “So you’d rather be unhappy with someone, then happy but alone”.
“I’m not unhappy when I’m with Summer,” Henry snapped.
“You just said you don’t consider her your friend,” Nancy argued, “and that you’re only staying with her out of fear”.
“What’s it to you?” Henry argued.
Shoot. Her inquisitive side had gotten her involved in emotional affairs again. Whoever said detective work required cold calculated minds was a god-damn liar. Henry must of have noticed the change in the air and quickly apologized for his behaviour.
Nancy rolled her eyes. “Look. I know I’m nosy. I probably shouldn’t have said anything. But I’m not that type of person. If something’s wrong, I usually try to figure it out, and seeing your behaviour, I feel you’re in the wrong relationship. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but if you don’t consider me as a friend, then consider this as advice from a stranger who’s sensing something’s wrong—you’re in a bad relationship. This Summer, she seems like someone who likes being provided for and taken care of”.
Henry crossed his arms against his chest. “And what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing, if you’re okay with having such a relationship. But if you’re not, then what are you doing?” Nancy hesitated and carefully said her next words. “You’re going to make both of you unhappy, and eventually, one person is going to leave”.
“Oh, you’re a relationship detective now?” Henry spat.
“No,” Nancy said softly. She laced her fingers together in front of her. She could see the gates dividing the cemetery and garden. She walked ahead of Henry and opened the gate. Standing on the threshold, she looked back at Henry and smiled.
“I’m the bad girlfriend”.
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woshivn · 3 years
The fort is in a sorry state
The fort is in a sorry state, admittedly. Our discussion today and going forward will focus on the continuing operations of the core Finish Line business.. And her, for you’ve wounded her too. "The barefoot craze lasted much longer bottines cloutees femme than I ever expected. I guess we lived like people did a long time ago. Moped riding teenage thugs armed with an 18 inch MACHETE. The Yunkish Supreme Commander, Yurkhaz zo Yunzak, might have been alive during Aegon’s Conquest, to judge by his appearance. IX. Volleyball Greeley West Darren DeLaCroix Northern Colorado Football Green Mountain Luke Kuberski Metro State Baseball Shelbey Gnagy Garden City CC Softball Danielle Lord Biola Univ (CA) Women Soccer Matthew Ramirez Washburn Univ. It's nice that he always marries women with strong personalities to take care of him because then he can just wander around, get stoned, drink and tell stories. The lakes had vanished, and the woods as well. “When the Stormcrows return from Lhazar, perhaps I can use them in the streets,” she told Ser Barristan, “but until then I have only the Unsullied.” Dany rose. That was adidas mariposas his oneil mellény mistake, the false humility of youth that is itself a sort of pride. Theon wondered if he might be allowed to fight. Above him loomed a grotesque fat man with a forked yellow beard, holding a wooden mallet and an iron chisel. His brother could have told you that.”. We came here to talk fashion, let's talk! Tell me about your outfit. These days the Sistermen left open piracy to Salladhor Saan and his ilk and confined themselves to wrecking. Big on Performance EarningsThe Big Bolero Pik up range offers power packed performance as it comes with a trusted and proven MDI Engine. Her face was glowing, and her eyes shone with a strange light as though of inspiration. 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He followed the black walls until they opened into a big cave. We love Jesus Christ, because he is the Lamb without spot, the one altogether lovely. That made her laugh. I slipped into Volantis myself, posing as a trader, to learn how many ships might be available to us. They had to get out folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil fast. They found that most of the lower extremity kinematic variables showed inconsistent trends for individual subjects depending on the subject's running style, running speed, and footwear. 12.6 are more than Villanova has or had until recently and more than Providence College who spanked the Hoyas good three weeks ago. In the perpetual reaction of that awful force of human passion and human will, which necessarily meets the compressive power of slavery,—in that seething, boiling tide, never disco duro externo pita wholly repressed, which rolls its volcanic stream underneath the whole frame-work of society so constituted, ready to find vent at the least rent or fissure or unguarded aperture,—there is a constant necessity which urges to severity of law and inflexibility of execution. “With my tongue.” He licked his fingers, one by one. The court ruled the IRS is not legally able to change the original law by unilaterally extending federal subsidies to states that have chosen to use the failed federal Connector rather than to have a state Connector like Hawaii Without those subsidies, most who did sign up for Obamacare will be unable to afford the higher, actual costs of the new law. Grand Maester Munkun errs. One gang only had a few children. I was thinking about a low carb 1,200 calorie diet and upping my steps to 15,000 a day but I wondering what else I can do when I can exert myself.. The old man looked at me suspiciously, and from his eyes alone one could divine that he knew all, that is that Natasha was now alone, deserted, abandoned, and by now perhaps insulted. Sale of sponsorship rights could fetch another $500 million. But our conversation was suddenly interrupted in the most unexpected way. “Another bloody bath?” said their serjeant when he saw the pails of steaming water. Originally planned to enter service in May 2008, the project experienced multiple delays. And you yourself will long for the days when what made America great is the ability to disagree, and be diverse.. “You might want to impress that on her. It just the second time they hit the century plateau since the last time they won the Stanley Cup in 1992 93 (they had 104 points in 2007 08).. We consider the voluntary enslaving of one part of the human race by another as a gross violation of the most precious and sacred rights of human nature: as utterly inconsistent with the law of God, which requires us to love our neighbor as ourselves; and as totally irreconcilable with the spirit and principles of the gospel of Christ, which enjoin that “all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Slavery creates a paradox in the moral system—it exhibits rational, accountable, and nike sb prod x immortal beings in such circumstances zattini promoção de botas as scarcely to leave them the power of moral action. Have an open work environment; encourage initiative and welcome new ideas. He also taught summer courses for Tulane University and Louisiana State University in Greece and France. There’s a hundred mothers never will, I know.”. They arrived at the aquarium in October and have acclimated well to the staff and environment, said Elena Lamar, the aquarium's associate curator. Some roads over interior portions of the state are slick and a bit snow covered, especially in the higher elevations of the state. You and me, these Freys, Lord Manderly, his plump new wife, even his bastard, we are but his playthings.” A serving man was passing by. There are various dance steps which makes Zumba fun to learn. 1, 2) show a well defined bony outgrowth from the fibular metaphysis with a well defined outer rim. Your sisters. He followed the black walls until they opened into a big cave. Tuesday's order also adds to Boeing's recent momentum in its competition against European rival Airbus. Right now Edmonton is on track for 67 points. His face was very familiar. Today, with ever evolving cuts, designs, and styles, there is usually no need to wear one. All you need is the beat of some good music, a great outfit and the right attitude.. There are over 20 additional taxes that the middle class will have enforced.. Someone at Asics wasn't paying attention, as the "dislikes" will testify.
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henshengs · 4 years
hunger games au, part 7
previous parts
It’s not until he enters the vast and echoing Training Hall that Meng Yao really begins to understand what he has gotten himself into.
And isn’t that ridiculous? He’s traveled hundreds of miles, been physically transformed, been beaten, been humiliated, and yet none of that has been particularly new to him, and so, perhaps, he’s been able to lie to himself that he knows what he is up against, that he has survived all of it before.
Unlike the other parts of Nightless City that Meng Yao has seen thus far, the Training Hall has very little gold in its interior, only dark black pillars soaring up to a distant vaulted ceiling. The material has a sheen to it, akin to volcanic rock.
Gleaming among all that darkness are silver racks of weapons.
Swords. Sabers. Whips.
They are made to stand in a line while a red-robed man recites the rules of the Training Hall. No fighting with another competitor. No injuring another competitor. No damaging the equipment.
The gentry children are eyeing up the weapons with excitement on their faces. The Wens have outlawed possession of blades in the sectors, but unofficially everyone cultivates with swords and sabers anyway. These might not be the gentry children’s own swords, but even Meng Yao can feel they still vibrate with some degree of spiritual power.
When Meng Yao first joined the Nie sect as an outer disciple, he’d been foolish enough to ask when he’d be trained to use a blade. He’d gotten a cuff on the ear for it. His promotion by Nie Mingjue had been an honor and a high privilege, but his new duties kept him far too busy to spend any time learning cultivation, even if any of the Nie masters had been interested in teaching him. There are a few exercises he knows, and he’s diligently practised them over the past few years, building up a golden core droplet by droplet, but the only time he’s touched an edged weapon are the few times he’s lifted Baxia out of or back into its prison of a case. His golden core may not even be strong enough to control a sword, let alone a saber. If these children get their hands on weapons, inside the arena, they will have an incredible advantage over him.
And how many of them do you think have ever killed another human being? he reminds himself, as he has been reminding himself ever since the Reaping. They’ll be slow, at least the first time.
But they’ll learn fast.
He feels a shiver running down his spine, and hooks his hands behind his back to hold himself still.
Past the racks of weapons are different training stations. The largest one looks to be demonstrating the drawing and usage of paper talismans, and most of the competitors flock to this one, as talismans can be used without a golden core.
The male Yunmeng tribute pulls an elegant black bow off of the weapons rack, slinging its matching quiver over his shoulder. “Shijie, why don’t you make a pretty target for me?” Meng Yao hears him suggest to the female tribute. “Like a kite!”
“There’s no wind in here, A-xian,” Jiang Yanli says, but she’s laughing as she says it.
Jin Zixun is sliding a shining sword from the rack and moving into various martial exercises, like the ones Meng Yao sees the Nie disciples do in the Unclean Realm courtyard every morning. A Lanling mentor in flowing golden robes stands by him and makes comments. Luo Qingyang has abandoned her martial brother, heading across the room to a station that Meng Yao would guess has something to do with natural remedies, judging by the number of flowers and leaves laid out upon the surface of the table. Wang Lingjiao, Meng Yao notices, picks a flail from the rack without even trying for a sword. At least she’s aware of her limitations.
Throughout the room, small objects like jeweled insects buzz and float, going higher or lower, approaching competitors and then zooming back from them. Cameras, getting their close ups.
Near to Meng Yao, neither of the Lans have moved at all.
Meng Yao doesn’t move either, not yet. He takes a few steps to the side, letting the competitors behind him move past, and lets his eyes pass over the hall. There are guards by the weapons racks, and at intervals along the walls. They wear the same red uniforms as the guards in the Transformation Pavilion, and the same gold masks.
A suspicion has been growing in Meng Yao’s mind, about the silent, stiff guards, but it’s not something he can currently prove or disprove.
Thirty or so feet above the floor of the training hall, the walls turn to glass, revealing an arcade around the edge of the hall, filled with tables and cushion, refreshments, even a musician or two. People sit or stroll along behind the glass, looking down at the children below. At the zoo exhibits. People wearing what looks like very expensive clothing. Meng Yao only lets his gaze flicker over them for a moment, before looking back down, into the shadows further down the hall. He sees a familiar silhouette. Nie-zongzhu. His eyes return to Lan Xichen, curious if the Lan heir has noticed Nie Mingjue yet. Lan Xichen is standing straight and still. There’s something infinitely fascinating to Meng Yao about the line of his neck from his slightly angled head down to the open triangle of his robe. About the way the bright gold lights of the hall are reflecting in his eyes. He doesn’t seem to have noticed that Nie Mingjue is here. He’s looking at Lan Wangji; and Lan Wangji is looking at Wei Wuxian.
Meng Yao bows, though he knows Lan Xichen won’t see it, and slips away, walking quickly across the polished echoing floor, heart pounding in his ears for no good reason, for a hundred good reasons. The hall is so large, each echoing footstep reverberates, and the grandness of it thrills him a little, and intimidates him much more. He dares another glance up at the spectators. Members of the Competition Committee wear gold and white robes of office, he knows that from the propaganda documentaries; many of them are here, but there is also a profusion of other colors, rich merchants or socialites who’ve paid well for a ticket to the show. He spots a tall, spiked golden guan- Wen Chao. There doesn’t seem to be a woman with him, so perhaps he’s thrown aside his latest arm candy.
A suspicion strikes him and he glances back behind him at the weapons racks, at Wang Lingjiao and her flail. She’s making desultory attacks on a mannequin, but her eyes keep moving up, to the spectators, and her movements seem designed more to show off different angles of her body than to make a solid hit on her target. Her red and white robes swoop low enough on the chest that he knows there must be significant tape holding the fabric in place.
Well. That makes sense. It isn’t as though she has any other viable options. Everyone knows the Competition Manager is scandalously fond of younger women. And her strategy must be enjoying some degree of success already, for her to be accepted into the main alliance. He’d admire her effectiveness if it wasn’t suddenly one of the greatest threats to him living out the month.
He looks away from her quickly, before she can notice his attention, and hones in on Nie Mingjue like an arrow. A hundred feet, eighty, sixty. He can’t see any visible bruises on Nie Mingjue, any signs of damage. Zonghui is next to him. They’re standing by the hunting station, and she has a long spear in her hands.
Forty feet, and Nie Mingjue sees him, a fierce light coming into his eyes, and it sets something in Meng Yao burning, makes him want to close the distance between them at a run and throw himself into Nie Mingjue’s arms. He slows his walking speed, instead. Lets Nie Mingjue be the one to rush towards him. Watches Nie Mingjue struggle to still himself, when he gets within a few feet of Meng Yao.
“Meng Yao,” Nie Mingjue says. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” Meng Yao says, smiling at him, “please don’t concern yourself.” He can hear the buzzing of a beetle-like camera nearby, and bows, using the motion to bring himself closer, to murmur, just loud enough for the camera to hear, “Lan Xichen is by the weapons racks.”
And with his arms above his head he doesn’t have to see Nie Mingjue’s face. By the time he straightens Nie Mingjue has already turned. He is holding himself still, with the face of a man tormented.
Meng Yao’s back is to the nearby camera, but there will be others. There will be footage that the editors will review, after Meng Yao says what he plans to say at the first interview session this afternoon.
“Walk with me,” Meng Yao says, “I can bring you to him.”
Nie Mingjue looks at Zonghui. She bows as best she can while holding the spear. “I will practice until Sect Leader returns,” she says.
It’s all the permission Nie Mingjue needs.
They walk, both scanning the room for the sight of blue and white. “You weren’t there when I woke up,” Meng Yao says, quietly. “I was concerned.”
“I’ve been told,” Nie Mingjue says, voice tight with anger, “that due to my behavior last night, I am not permitted to socialize with competitors outside of my duties as a mentor.”
“I see,” Meng Yao says. The Lans aren’t where he left them. He turns slightly. There they are- sitting on the floor, backs against one of the hall’s wide support pillars. Both managing to look calm and serene and entirely above the events around them, like immortals cultivating on a mountaintop. Seeing Lan Xichen at a new angle is yet another revelation for Meng Yao. His eyes are distracted by the fall of silken dark hair down an angular shoulder, but his ears hear Nie Mingjue take a sharp breath. Hear him say, “Xichen.”
The two of them have been seen- the Lans are rising gracefully and then bending into bows. Nie Mingjue takes a long stride forward to catch Lan Xichen’s forearms and pause his motion. The way Lan Xichen did for Meng Yao, only half an hour ago. They stop moving, both of them, and just look into each others’ faces.
“Excuse me,” Meng Yao says softly, and smiles, and bows, and turns away, into the path of a buzzing camera, and lets the smile drop sharply from his lips, lets his face twist into a mask of displeasure.
The benefit of knowing exactly what needs to show on his face is that whatever he is actually feeling is entirely irrelevant.
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
164 - The Faceless Old Woman (Live)
Jeffrey Cranor: I’m really excited, we wrote this script recently coming up in this last performance for tonight. And I got real excited for writing it, cause we haven’t written like a, to do a live show full length in a new voice. And it was a lot of fun to do.
Joseph Fink: Yeah so tonight we are presenting the first Welcome to Night Vale show that is entirely from the point of view of someone who is not Cecil, this is the time when the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home gets to step out from her secret.. place in your home. [laughter] And tell you a little bit about herself.
Jeffrey: One of my favorite things about writing the Faceless Old Woman stuff is cause the way Joseph and I work is that we’ll write episodes or write parts of episodes and pass it to the other and that person will, sometimes have questions but oftentimes just maybe like add something to it. So a lot of times it’s either, when I get stuff back from Joseph and I dunno if he feels the same way getting stuff back form me, with the Faceless Old Woman script it was always either something really hilarious for something really upsetting. [laughter] And I really love that a lot.
Joseph: This is maybe the most upsetting thing we’ve ever written, I hope you guys enjoy it. [laughter]
Jeffrey: Have fun, good night! [applause]
Joseph: I guess we should start that show we talked about.
Jeffrey: Let’s do it. You guys, let’s welcome to the stage your friend and ours, Mara Wilson!
[applause] [long silence]
Mara Wilson: I am the Faceless Old Woman who secretly lives in your home. Hello. You don’t know me, but I know you. I know you very well. I’ve been going through your medicine cabinet. You take too much Advil. Do you realize how hard that is on your digestion? I know a couple gelcaps and a glass of water before bed can alleviate a morning hangover, but it also puts you in a bad mood, because you don’t get good sleep with all that extra stress you put on your guts. You know what’s a better hangover cure? Not drinking like it’s the last day of community college. I replaced your vodka with clear Windex, and your Advil with Ipecac. This won’t help your hangovers, but it certainly will be more entertaining for me. I don’t sleep, so I need better late night entertainment than Netflix. I’ve already watched every episode of “Money Heist” and “Criminal Man” and “Planet documentary”, I have to spice it up a little bit.
Which reminds me, sorry about the tarantula incident last week. And here I’m speaking specifically to you, Tony. Yes you, in the shirt. The one hoping I’m not talking about you. I’m not sorry you woke up with a tarantula covering your face, nor that it bit you, causing your eyelids to swell up like Kinder eggs filled with purulent discharge instead of toys. I am sorry that I forgot to turn the flash off of my camera, which alarmed both you and the spider, and I never got a good photo. I’ve been building up my portfolio for an art exhibit I call “Gross Things on a Sleeping Tony”. It’s going up June 1, exclusively in your living room.  I’ve already gotten “Open-mouthed Centipede Bouquet” framed. You’re gonna find this show absolutely terrific.  Wait no, not terrific, what’s the word? Terrifying.
Tony, you’re one of my favorites in Night Vale. I know you hate your direct marketing job selling high interest credit cards to twenty-somethings, but the benefits are great. You have health care, a 401k, and you get to take advantage of people less fortunate than you. Everything is its own reward. But I’ve read your poetry, you love poetry. To be fair, there isn’t a big job market for poets, but you need to explore what makes you happy. I tattooed one of my favorite lines of poetry on you last month. It’s by Mary Oliver. “Instructions for living a life. Close your eyes. Be scared. Good luck.” And then I drew a little butterfly next to the words. I’m not the best artists, though, so it kind of looks like a radish or a sarcoma. Doesn’t matter, you still haven’t noticed. It’s just right below your right shoulder blade, don’t try to find it now, it’s still healing and given that I used the metal rod from that fondue set in your closet as the needle, it’s possible it’s infected. Better to leave it alone.
Tony, look at me. Imagine where my eyes would be. You have a lot to work through. I’m here to help you, I really am. I’ll prove it by giving you some advice. If a venomous arthropod is on your face, don’t scream.
Anyway, it’s not you Tony who’s bothering me, it’s the new people. They are elderly, like me, and they just moved into a house in the center of Night Vale. Or maybe this is decades from now, time is a little hazy for me. I’ve never been in this house nor noticed it before they moved in. it’s a one bedroom and there are three of them. I thought polyamory, but they have three separate beds and they never speak to each other, rarely look at each other, and never leave the home. The first night I secretly lived in their home, I realized they never slept either. They brushed their teeth, put on pajamas and get into bed. But they all lie there, eyes open, through silent hours of darkness.
I tried whispering to them but got no response. Usually when I reveal myself in the dark, I get the thrill of witnessing horror dawn across a person’s distorted mouth and bulging eyes as they see my faceless face pressed up against their own. One of the best parts of visiting new residents. But not these three. For once, I’m the frightened one.
Speaking of frightening, did you get your taxes (-) [0:08:20] on time Alex? You, you’re Alex. You with the shoes. I had to file for an extension. I don’t owe any money because I have no income, but I’m over 200 years old, never got a social security number, have no permanent address and I wasn’t born in this country, it’s a lot of paperwork. And Alex, you know your Wi-Fi is terrible and I was having a hard time downloading the forms I needed, so I just wrote my name on some yellowish-black Boston lettuce you’ve left in the crisper for the last three weeks. But the leaves kept falling apart, I think more like melting. After about 20 minutes, I got frustrated and just made myself a salad. Also, I used the last of your parmesan cheese, but don’t worry, I replaced it with dried skin I’ve been collecting from your bed sheets. Don’t be grossed out, Alex. Same texture and nutritional value, you won’t know the difference. I got the idea from a Food Network’s “Beat Bobby Flay”, where this one winner tied up Bobby and ran a (micro-) [0:09:17] across his forehead to make a chimichurri sauce.
I love that show, but I’m a bigger fan of HGTV’s “House Hunters”, the desert dystopian version. That’s where I met you, Addie. Yes you, with the face. You were shopping for a new home here in Night Vale. You told the realtor - who was inside of a living deer, its belly horrifically distended and quivering with every one of the agent’s words and gesticulation – that you wanted three bedrooms, a back yard, and something close to an outdoor community space. The first home, the yard was not in good shape, lots of (- remains) [0:09:55] and the lawn was glowing, perhaps from underground radiation testing. It was well under your budget, but you would have had to spend your savings on fixing it up. Also, in the bathroom mirror you saw, crawling across the ceiling, a faceless old woman devouring what looked like a rat. You didn’t need to worry about a rat infestation, Addie. It was a chipmunk. The second home was a condo right in the heart of the arts district. You loved the design: a simple large black cube, no doors, no windows, no interior. A true closed floor plan, so popular these days. But you weren’t sure there was enough room for entertaining, or anything else at all. The house you selected was perfect. Three bedrooms, a Jacuzzi en suite, and a large patio backyard. Plus it was right in the middle of town next to a community dog park. Although you would be disappointed later to learn that your dog had been arrested for domestic espionage after peeing inside the park’s forbidden walls. I think you made the right choice, Addie, but I can’t help wondering every time I watch “House Hunters”, who is this person running away from? You left Queens to move to Night Vale. Queens is where your family lives, where your best friend lives, and your girlfriend of two years. Are you afraid of stasis, Addie? Of being loved, of commitment? You might be afraid of that pinkish ooze coming out of your ear, might wanna see an ENT about that. Or if not an ENT, an entomologist.
Speaking of putting woodboring beetles inside orifices, I tried a similar thing with the elderly room mates who recently moved to town, or will move to town many years from now, again time is strange to me. But these room mates are also so strange. When I went to put a beetle into one of their ears, I noticed a lot of scar tissue there, making the hole too small. In my haste, the beetle scurried away and I got kind of desperate and just made a bunch of spooky moans and hisses like this: [moans, hisses] but not one of the three responded to me. They continued their meaningless pantomime of sleeping, and in the morning they got up and each went quietly about their days. One of them made coffee, but did not drink it. They then went to the window and waved at their neighbor, Susan Willman, who was on her porch stretching before her morning run. Susan looked at the figure in the window next to her and froze. She stared in terror, then darted back into her home and locked the door. Susan has always been unfriendly. I ran her bed sheets through her office shredder as a reminder to be more open and loving toward the world.
The other two room mates climbed into the shower at the same time. I’m not one to get off on others’ sexual activities, I just thought I might see something new, something human here. But no, they stood side by side, cleaning their cold gravity-defeated bodies, not once looking at each other let alone speaking. A squelch and a squish and grey water falling around yellow toenails. They toweled off, but when they hung the towels up, those towels were completely dry.
I’m used to being the one who does inexplicable and disturbing things. Last year during the community players’ production of “Romeo and Juliet”, I decided it would be more fun if they used actual poison. But it was a last minute idea, so the only poison I could find was Borax. Which just gave the two kids playing the leads several unhappy hours in the bathroom on the night after the show ended, so I don’t know. I could have made a stronger directorial choice. But so could the actual director, I get that Shakespeare plays are long, but he cut out all the best parts like the train robbery, and also Tybalt winning his bowling league. Although I did appreciate that they left in Juliet’s famous line: “Good night, good night, your blood and guts and marrow, which worms shall eat inside your grave so narrow.” It’s a classic story. Kids these days just don’t try to fake their own deaths anymore.
Oh. And Morgan. Yes Morgan, I’m talking to you, you with the fingernail sand the teeth. I need to explain something to you. You tip 20 per cent. You can afford it, stop using it as a measure of how much you approve of the restaurant service. A 20 per cent tip is not  bonus, it’s a fee. Restaurant owners don’t pay their staffs, instead they make the diners pay their employees through this idiotic notion of capitalist meritocracy. I don’t care how bad the service, tip them. You have money, Morgan. I would also tell you to stop asking to speak to a manager every time your Long Island Ice Tea is a bit like, but I got out your tongue last month, so they wouldn’t understand you anymore anyway. Do you know what a cut human tongue tastes like, Morgan? Yes you do. You just don’t know that you do. Remember Applebee’s last week? You ordered soup. It was a beef base with  little onions and little perfectly sautéed flecks of your own tongue that you had used to lash out at a manager the last time you ate there. You could blame them for poorly expediting your orders, but really the onus is on you for going to Applebee’s. Which serves neither of the items its name promises. It’s false advertising. It’s like an egg cream soda, or Taco Bell.
Speaking of eating, the elderly room mates made lunch together, but not for each other. They were all in the kitchen at the same time making separate meals in silence. They sat around the dining room table together and ate. They carved and stabbed and pushed foods quickly into their mouths, but their eyes were empty. One of them began to spit out their food. No one seemed to care or notice. They all began to vomit, but not with muscular heaves of shoulders and necks, the vomit spurted out like water from a hand pump, their torsos and heads perfectly still. After each bodily rejection of food, they would start shoveling it back to their mouths, repeating the same process. Eventually one of them stood up and threw their plate into the kitchen window, glass bursting everywhere. That person leaned into the hole and began punching the jagged shards out with their clenched fists as blood poured out of their forearms and wrists. They screamed mournfully into the suburban street. Neighbors and passers-by passed only briefly, as if they had barely heard the sad howls spreading across the valley. Susan’s lemon tree next door died instantly and all the lemons fell with wet plops to the ground. The fruit pealed open and inside of each was a fleshy crimson pulp, like meat that has been ground for too long. The other two room mates kept eating and vomiting, not even noticing the shattered glass being subsumed by the growing pool of blood on the floor.
You know, I wasn’t always like this, faceless or old. Secretly living anywhere. Once I was born upon warm water. The smell I remember is sharp citrus and the peppery sting of grass. The salt funk of ocean. I was once a child. I grieved once. I smelled blood. Once I was a thief. I lived among thieves, I saw empires rise and fall, centuries cast themselves upon infinity as fruitlessly as waves upon cliffs. Once I was a recluse. I lived amongst bandits and farmers, I spoke a different language then. I’ve spoken many languages.
Once I was under the sea. That was a quiet time. I lived amongst the coral and dead-eyed fish. Once I was a wanderer. I’ve seen the (head) [0:18:14] waters of the Mississippi and I’ve seen the cobbled streets of Paris and I’ve seen the empty arches of Franchia. But I’ve never seen anything like those three room mates. Of all the things I've been – child, thief, recluse, wandered, faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home, I’ll tell you this: I’ve never been more scared.
Fear is in the unknowing and the mystery. Fear is seeing everything about an old woman except her face. Fear is the uncertainty of her secretly living in your home. Fear is not the spider you see on the wall. It’s the spider you no longer see on the wall when you look back again.
In the unnerving din of shattered glass and mournful howls of that house, I found the loose thread that unraveled this mystery. The room mate who screamed had no tongue. And one of the others had an ear swollen shut from a previous surgery. And the other had a red mark, like a radish or sarcoma adorned with poetry drawn upon their shoulder blade. I realized I knew these three strange room mates. They are you, Tony, the special tattoo I gave you. And they are you, Addie, with your oral scar tissue from the beetle I jammed in there. And you, Morgan, with your tongue removed and digested. The three of you do not exactly live together in that home, not at the same time. You are living three different lifetimes in that same space. You do not speak or respond, because you are dead. Each of you alone in that house together, or you will be, time is confusing for me. Decades from now after you die, your souls will be trapped in the house, because something in this world is unresolved for you. You know this, paranormal neuroscience is required for all high school freshmen. But what they don’t teach you is how to resolve it. I know how and when each one of you die. I wrote it down on the back pages of your journals. Iv’e done this for everybody, but nobody ever reads it, because while people always think they’ll write every day, after a few pages they fall off the wagon and never see the lsat pages of their journals. Except Jonathan Franzen. He didn’t seem bothered by what he read. But he did cross out all my adverbs and added some Oxford commas. In case you’re wondering how Jonathan Franzen dies, here’s the answer: he doesn’t.
I am the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home. You might find this ambiguous, after all the word “home” is singular. So whose home is it that I secretly live in? Listen, some things in this tangled world are simple. I live in your home, and your home, and your home, I live in all of your homes simultaneously. I am many. [echo] I am many. I am one. [echo] I am one. You all live such different lives, teeming, that’s what you are: teeming. And I am there watching you.
You, Tony, you dream of being a poet. Resolve the unresolved. The worst that can happen is crushing disappointment and public mockery, and eviction when you can’t pay your rent. Many more awful things after that, get to it!
And you, Addie, you fled your previous city to escape a murder charge. Strangely, you didn’t commit the murder you were charged with, but you have committed murder. Weird choice to go on “House Hunters” as a wanted fugitive, but maybe it was a good first step to healing your soul.
And you, Morgan. You have an idea that could save us all, an epic defining idea, one of the greats, but you don’t know which one. You have so many ideas. I can tell you this: most of them are not important. One of them is vitally important. Good luck. Also, tip 20 per cent.
And you, I forgot your name, you tweet too much. We all tweet too much, but that doesn’t let you off the hook. That’s why I ate your phone. You can thank me later. You can all thank me later. Because you all will be seeing me soon. I think that tonight is the night to let slip my secret. You’ll soon see me fumbling wet and gray from out of the bathroom mirror, or folded up strangely loose skin and mashed bones in the bottom drawer of your dresser. Or you will see me scuttle on your walls, the hair hanging down from my faceless face. Or you will look out your kitchen window and there will be someone standing in your driveway, and it will be me, and there will be no one in the driveway and instead, I will be next to you in the kitchen. Faceless and so very very old. Won’t that be nice?
I’m the Faceless Old Woman who secretly lives in your home. And your home. And your home. And every home. And I will be seeing you very, very soon.
[music, applause]
Today’s proverb: Never judge a book by its cover. Judge it by the title page instead.
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