#let time and warrior be gremlins 2k20
jinmukangwrites · 5 years
I don't know if this is from a movie but "You fight like my sister." "I've fought your sister, that is a compliment." With Time and Warriors
"Now remember, there's only three chests. With the mirror it should be a piece of cake," Time says, leaning towards Warrior so one else can listen to their conversation.
Warrior turns the mirror over in his hand and turns to give Time a lifted eyebrow. "Y'know, I just never took you up to be a swindler, old man."
Time smirks and shrugs. "When your a kid with a mission to save the world, you have to get some easy money somehow."
"Just like how when you're a group of traveling heroes across era's, you have to get lots of money somehow."
"Exactly," Time says, "now, c'mon, the champion says that one chest will have three hundred rupees and the other two will have a single rupee. The one you're looking for I'm told is gold."
"Yeah, but, I think when the champion told us about this game he didn't think we'd cheat the man out of business."
Time simply waves his hand like he's brushing off a particularly annoying fly. "What he doesn't know won't kill him."
The duo walk up to the front steps of a particular wooden home near the edge of Lurelin Village. Warrior can't read the language painted above the wide open door of the home, but the images of gold rupees painted on either side of the sign is hint enough that if one is lucky enough, they'll walk out richer than what they came in. Or, in Time and Warrior's case, if they're simply bastard and tricky enough. Luck has nothing to do with the purple hued mirror in Warrior's hand.
"Welcome!" A man calls from a small table set in front of three chests pushed back against the back wall, three tarps hang behind each chest promising riches. "Here to place your bets?"
"Indeed my good man, 50 from each of us. We're playing to win," Time says, placing an assortment of differently colored rupees down on the table in front of the man.
The man smirks and picks up the rupees, counting them each with nimble fingers. "Living on the edge, huh? I'll go set up. No peeking while I'm fiddling with the chests, got it?"
Both Warrior and Time are escorted outside the building for just a few moments, when they're invited back in, the man is wearing a smug look on his face, clearly thinking he's already won.
"Take all the time you need to choose a chest to open. Look, listen, smell... taste 'em if you think it'll help."
Time walks up to the chests and Warrior conveniently places himself on the other side of Time, lifting his scarf ever so slightly to inconspicuously swipe the mirror across his eye. A flicker of gold catches his eye and he smiles. "I think we should try the left one?"
Time hums. "I trust your judgement," he says as he walks forward, taking care to look a little hesitant as he bends down to open the chest. A shit-eating grin appeared on his face as he opens the chest and pulls out a shining, golden rupee.
The man almost chokes on his own spit from behind him and Warrior has to try very hard not to laugh. What they're doing is... wrong... but it's also so goddess damned amusing to see the old man get this way. Plus, they do need the money.
"Where did that... What did you... How did you score a prize like that?! Can you introduce me to Lady luck? You gonna keep going right? Or do you admit defeat?"
And oh, they do not admit defeat. They place another hundred, and then a hundred more, and with every win the man gets increasingly more and more outraged by the sheer impossible luck these two random gamblers have. The final straw, it seems, is when the duo of heros are up three thousand rupees in wind.
Warrior flashes the mirror across his eye, and he sees only green. He frowns. He sees how it is.
"You know," be says slowly, "I don't think... any of them have a golden rupee, old man."
Time barely has time to reply before the man, Cloyne they've learned his name was, jumps up from his spot at the table, flipping it over with a yell. "How?!" He screeches.
He strides forward and grabs Warrior and Time by the scruffs of their tunics drags them outside. Warrior is about to complain about the money they're owed but the man growls a simple "stay there" and he disappears back into the shop. He emerges a second later. "This is double or nothing," he says, "and, only you can play."
He points at Time.
Shit. He's on to them.
Warrior clears his throat, deciding to quit while they're ahead. "I- I don't know, maybe we should-"
"I'll do it," Time says, fire in his eye, and Warrior almost smacks the palm of his hand onto his own face.
They're walked back into the building and Warrior nervously folds his arms across his chest as Time strolls forward towards the chests. He places a hand in his chin and finally walks towards the center chest. He hums, then turns quickly towards the right most chest and opens it, finding a miraculous golden rupee inside.
Warrior does not hold back his chear as Cloyne's jaw drops. Warrior is so ecstatic that he rushes forward and embraces Time in a one armed embrace, earning a surprised chuckle from the older hero.
Then, something clunks.
The mirror.
Warrior pales as he freezes and watches the mirror skid towards the shoe of the flabbergasted Cloyne, bumping harmlessly against the sole. Time verbally sucks in a breath as Cloyne bends down and picks the mirror up.
He looks through it, and somehow against all odds it's pointed towards the chests. His tanned face instantly redens.
Warrior scrambles towards the man and quickly snatches the priceless item out from the rampaging man's hands. He fumbles with it in his hands, and he turns to see Time already booking it out of the shop.
That's their queue to leave, isn't it?
He almost trips on his own feet sprinting out of the shop, the man yelling behind them. For a second, Warrior thinks they'll get away but then they are physically stopped by a rather large Zora in a suit of armor.
A guard from Hyrule castle. Wild's mentioned that young men and women of all kinds were training at the castle and we're being sent across Hyrule to protect the outlying villages and towns.
Hoh boy.
The Zora looks down at the two heroes, and man isn't that a weird sight. Someone looking down on Time and Warrior. They're both usually the ones looking down.
"What's going-" the Zora starts, but is quickly inturrupted by Cloyne as he runs up behind them.
"These two baffoons are cheaters! They've been gambling with magic mirror!"
Warrior does what Warrior does best. He goes dramatic when he panics.
"A magic mirror!?" He demands, turning towards Time with the most offended and shocked face he can muster. "You gave me a magic mirror?!"
The guard lifts a finger to say something but Warrior plows on.
"Guard! He gave me!! A magic! Mirror! Guard, arrest him!"
"You dare impugn my honor?" Time butts I'm angrily, placing a hand on his chest like the mere thought was a physical blow. With his other hand, he points at Warrior. The poor guard can simply watch with a helplessly confused agape mouth as a crowd begins to form. "He's the one who was cheating! He tricked this poor man and took all of his money! Arrest him!"
"Oh now I'm the thief?!"
"Take a look in the mirror, pal!"
"Take that back or I'll-" Warrior stuffs the mirror into his pouch and grasps onto his sword. "En garde!"
The crowd gasps.
Time pulls his own sword. "En garde yourself!"
Warrior lunges forward and strikes a blow that Time easily blocks. The crowd rushes to get out of the way as Warrior and Time fight, exchanging half assed blows and child level insults.
"I will gift you the honor of a quick and painless death!"
"Well, any last words?"
"I will cut you to ribbons."
They hit their swords together a few more times until they've worked themselves further from the gaping crowd of poor villagers.
"You mincing, fencing, twit," Time grunts.
"Ah, you fight like my sister!" Warrior retorts.
"I've... Fought your sister! That's a complement!"
Swords clash.
"Not the face... Not the face..."
One, two, three blows more and finally Time and Warrior are a considerable distance from the group. They share a look and finally, Time strikes his sword in such a way that has Warrior's weapon flying out of his hand and landing with the blade partly buried in the dirt. Warrior falls dramatically backwards
The crowd, surprisingly, claps. It seems, in the world they grew up in, many events entertain them.
Time bends down and helps Warrior to his feet. "You've been a lovely audience," Warrior says, bowing and grabbing his sword. Time takes a bow as well.
"But we really must be going!" Time says, and then they both turn and book it.
The spluttering yelling from Cloyne follows just a second later, but the two "heroes" are already heading out of town.
They run into Wild later, the boy was waiting for them tapping his foot in the forest, an accusing eyebrow raised, but when Time and Warrior shows him the loot he simply smirked and says that he's been trying to find a way to cheat that game for months.
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