dannystheone · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KYLE!! (Lee Kyle/Lers Stan/Kenny/Eric)
WARNINGS: Kids swearing!
"Cartman, don't touch me there. Hey- stop! You guys- HEY!" Kyle Broflovski suddenly found himself in the middle of his best friends with conniving looks on their faces.
It was his birthday today, and it had been one for the books. A huge party with all of his fourth-grade class invited, presents, music, a bouncy house, and anything a kid could want for his party. It was a massive success (despite Cartman eating up most of the snacks before anyone else could reach for them) but it was still successful nonetheless.
Now that the party had cleaned up and the fourth graders returned to their homes, it was just the four of them playing games and talking in Kyle's living room. Another present of Kyle's from his parents was that he had no curfew tonight, and he was having a sleepover with his friends.
Cartman had teased all week leading up to Kyle's party that when he blows those candles and becomes ten years old, he's gonna get what's coming to him. Of course, Kyle wasn't worried, it was Cartman after all. But at the same time...it was Cartman. Kyle tried asking Kenny and Stan what Cartman possibly had planned, but they shrugged and kept their mouths shut without another word.
Now that they were actually here, Kyle rolled his eyes and put his hands up to try and de-escalate the situation.
"Alright alright, so what is it, huh, Cartman? If it's ten punches and an extra one for good luck, I'd prefer you do it on this arm." Kyle offered his left arm to Cartman, to which Cartman just gave a slow shake of his head.
"Oh no Kahl, I knew you'd be expecting me to do something like that for your birthday. Something juvenile, something poorly thought out right? Well, I've thought of something you'd never expect. And certainly, never forget." Kyle furrowed his eyebrows at Cartman and looked to Stan, which had a blank expression on his face.
"Stan, what is he talking about?" Stan was about to answer when Kenny interrupted him. Kenny reached up and showed his phone to Cartman.
"The timpher imph set." Kenny said. Kyle crossed his arms over his chest, suddenly feeling protective of himself.
"Timer? What timer? Cartman, whatever you're thinking of doing-" Cartman cut Kyle off by suddenly standing on his couch and sitting behind Kyle on the backrest. A bewildered Kyle didn't follow as Cartman scooped up Kyle's wrists and locked them in place.
"Alright men. The time has come. Pin the Jew!" Cartman called out. Stan rolled his eyes as he inched closer to Kyle and started tickling his tummy. Kyle started wriggling as Kenny and Stan both started scribbling their fingers on his sides and tummy.
"Cartman, that's not the name we agreed on. Why do you always do this." Stan groaned as he shook his fingers in his best friend's tummy.
"W-Wahahahait!! Whahahat thehehe hehehehell?!" Kyle cried as he immediately started belly laughing from the choice spots being targeted. Stan and Kenny had big smiles on their faces as they delivered their birthday tickles to their best friend.
"You didn't think we weren't gonna do anything like this for your birthday, Kyle? I guess it really is a surprise then." Stan commented while scratching his blunt nails in Kyle's right underarm. Kyle felt himself shrink as his eyes narrowed in his laughter.
"Myeah, we hamph thimph plammed all weemk!" Kenny added with happy-looking eyes. His gloved hands dug into Kyle's tummy, which made Kyle's legs kick.
"Okahahay I gehehet ihihihihit! You gohohohot mehehe!" Kyle giggled as he twisted against Cartman's hold. Cartman had a surprisingly good grip on his wrists, keeping his torso stretched out. Cartman's legs were also on either side of Kyle, so Kyle was essentially trapped in a tickle box. Or a tickle Cartman?
"We're gonna do more than just that, dude! That timer is set for eleven minutes! Ten minutes for your birthday, one more for good luck. You gotta last the whole thing if you wanna earn becoming a man!" Stan explained. Kyle's body shook with his laughter as Kenny kept trying new places to get him. He settled on his leg and poked his fingers up and down the length of it.
"Buhuhuhut thihihihis isn't mahahahanly!! Ihihit's chihihildish!" Kyle laughed and kicked out as all three boys gasped loudly.
"He said it! He said the thing! Do it, Cartman!" Stan and Kenny stopped tickling as Kyle regained some of his breath.
"Huh? What did I say? Hey- Cartman!" Cartman switched Kyle's wrists into one hand and removed Kyle's hat with the other. Kyle's red curls shook out from the hat and fluffed all over his face.
"You see Kahl, we had a small bet on the side to see how long it would take you to say that this activity was childish, because of how predictable you are." Kyle groaned as he saw Kenny move closer to him out of the corner of his eye.
"So as punishment for being so painfully predictable, Kenny here is gonna tickle the shit out of your ears. Better luck next year." Eric clapped Kyle on the shoulder before taking hold of Kyle's wrists in both hands again. Kyle's knees bucked as he tried to get Kenny away.
"Kenny don't, wait! We-we can do something else! You wanna play the new console I just got?" Kyle tried to distract Kenny, but Kenny had a huge smile on his face, as did Stan.
"Whup, you heard him, Kenny! He said 'don't wait!" Stan instigated. Kenny giggled mischievously as he took his gloved hands and started scratching them over Kyle's ears. The scratchy material and the wiggling fingers underneath made Kyle cringe and duck his head.
"Kehehehehenny!! Nohohohoho nohoho no! Stahahahahap!" Kyle's laughter was high-pitched and boyish, his biggest and most hidden tickle spot being targeted. While Kenny was up there by his ears, Stan started squeezing Kyle's knees and getting the skin behind them.
"Guhuhu-HEHEHEHE'S!! STOHOhohohop!! Thihihihis ihihihisn't fuhuhuhunny!!" Kyle shouted. The guys gasped once more as they resumed their tickling.
"He said the second thing! That just added five minutes to your timer, dude!" Kyle groaned inwardly as Stan added the additional time to Kyle's ever-growing tickle timer.
"Oh Kahl, you obvious bastard. I could quote you like a book." Cartman teased. Kenny scratched Kyle's ear with one hand and swirled a finger in his open underarm with the other. Kyle jolted as Stan came back from the timer and started zipping his fingers up and down his thighs.
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup! I hahahahate thihihihis!" Kyle cried out and bucked his knees.
"That's why we had to do it! So you'd never see it coming! Happy birthday, dude!" Stan said gleefully.
The boys eventually let Kyle go once his time was served, reminding him that it was all in fun and they were all still pals. Another year of being the smartest, yet most foreseeable one in the group.
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Cuphead Tickle Headcanons Pt.2
These are going to mostly be the bosses, sorry if it's not accurate since we have yet to see all of them in the show
The Root Pack:
It's got 2 lers 1 lee
The Lee is Ollie
Sal and Chauncey regularly gang up on him to make him stop crying
They're giant vegetables, so their front sides are the only spot
Goofy Le Grande
Slime ler
Doesn't usually start tickle fights bit WILL end them
If you stick your hands into his body and wiggle your fingers, he goes into hysterics
He can't handle having his muscles traced either
Hilda Burg:
She attacks from the sky, knowing damn well you can't reach her
Will use her Zodiac form like Gemini to wreck you
She's not impossible to wreck though
Her worst spot is her hips
She will haul ass of you intend to tickle her
That doesn't usually stop Csgney tho
Ribby and Croaks
Two very competitive lers
After the boat disaster with the cup bros, they started resolving arguments less with physical fights and more with tickle fights
Croaks's worst spot is his feet and Ribby's is his ribs
They will try to pin each other down
Neither of them end up winning in the end
Cagney Carnation:
Mr Petals here is too ticklish for his own good
Speaking of petals, those are this death spot, especially between them
He snorts a lot
Gets wrecked by the other bosses and forest creatures regularly
Will not hesitate to tickle someone else tho
He uses vines to hold and tickle someone
Baroness von Bon Bon:
She's definitely tickled someone who came to Sugarland before
She specializes in raspberries and ticklish nibbles
Her sweet spot is her belly
She enlists her candy cadets to help her wreck someone
Beepi the Clown:
Loves tickling others and being tickled
He's made it his mission to tickle every single person on the Inkwell Isles
He's already completed half the list
Death spot is his armpits
He loves going after Djimmi and the cup bros
Djimmi the Great:
Ler-leaning switch
Ticklish but he'd never admit it willingly
Has to tickle Beppi often since he won't leave him alone
Uses his magic to his advantage
His death spot is the thighs
His laugh is loud and boisterous
Wally Warbles
He's not ticklish
He's got feathers, so watch out
His main target is his son
Speaking of his son, he makes little gadgets that tickle people
Grim Matchstick
If he's the ler, he's extremely gentle
He's usually too nervous to engage in a tickle fight
Wings = immediate death
He get way too flustered to tease people
He'll hug you after, whether you were the lee or not
Rumor Honeybottoms:
She's never let herself be tickled, so no one truly knows if she is
She's a monster ler tho
Enlists her guards to grab anyone who tries anything
Or gets them stuck in honey to trap them
Warner Werman:
Makes machines that tickle people
If you can catch him, it's easy to tickle him
Death spot is actually his ears
He will bite you though
Dr Kahl:
Usually a ler
He thinks he's too refined for something as childish as tickling
But when he's provoked.....you'd better fucking run
He'll either use a machine or his own hands to wreck you
He'll tease like a bastard
No one knows if he's ticklish or not
Captain Brineybeard:
Doesn't mind being tickled
Worst spot is his sides
Would absolutely tickle his crew to cheer them up
He tried to tickle Cala once, ended up turned to stone, but that doesn't stop him
Sally Stageplay:
Dramatic switch
If someone keeps flubbing their lines during rehearsal, she wrecks them
Her worst spot is her sides
Has tickle fights with her husband all the time
She would only let herself be tickled on stage if if was written in the play
Cala Maria:
Mysterious sea beast
Only Briney knows that she's ticklish
But he swore to never spill this secret because he's a good man who drinks his respect women juice
Death spot is her belly
Anyone who does try something gets turned to stone or killed
Had wrecked Briney before and would do it again
Phantom Express:
Lers and lees vary between the inhabitants
Blind Specter is the most ticklish
Their death spot is the eye sockets in their hands when they're empty
The Conductor is the second most
Worst spot is obviously the ribs
No one touches the Lolipop Twins
And the train isn't ticklish because it's a fucking train
And that's done! Let me know if you want more or if you want to send a prompt for a drawing or fic!
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aticklishtem · 6 years
*dead because of blushing*
Oke just a little side note before we begin, I don’t mean to offend ANY German people in this! This is how they made him talk in the game, so I’m just following his character.
Also, YES. I DO SHIP IT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. You can take this platonically or not, but I did add one little shippy scene in this 🚢
Serioulsy, Lee!Werner is so cute to mehdjsndhskbd I CANT EVEN??? I’m a mess thinking about it XD
I hope you enjoy!~
((tem sez: this is yet aNOTHER BEAUTIFUL BLESSING BY @kittychanaskthecrew​ who you should go follow rn if you aren’t already!!! *w* ))
Cheer Up, Won’t You?
Werner put his face in his hands as he sobbed uncontrollably. He hadn’t cried in a few years. Tears were streaming down his face, each little high pitched squeak and hiccup making him even more drained. People around the isles had been spreading rumors about the rat. “Working in a small room on Rube Goldberg projects won’t get him anywhere.” Some would say. “No, he went crazy years ago! The war was too much for him, so he popped a screw. He makes little trinkets to calm himself down from the war.”
Even the smallest of words can get to the toughest of people, Werner had found. He could feel his heart actually ache, his small yet lanky body trembling. Why was he crying so hard? He didn’t have to be such a baby over a few harmless rumors, right? Right? He had managed to bottle everything up for years after the war. Those weren’t little trinkets in the war- oh no. They were giant missiles- huge tanks- ginormous aircrafts, and all were made in under a week. He knew all of this very well, so why is it suddenly hurting so bad? Every rumor seemed to bring back a familiar memory from the war.
Suddenly, he heard someone knock on his door. Oh dear god, it couldn’t be. Not right now. With the the perfect “rat-a-tat-tat!” Humming at his door, he felt almost 100% sure it was who he thought it was. Werner got up slowly, wiping his eyes with a little squeak. He winced as he felt the pounding feeling rush back to his head the second he stood up. Everything was spinning.
When Werner opened up the door, he saw none other than the well composed Dr. Kahl. He was as prim and neat as ever, the only thing seemingly “untidy” about him being his long, curly hair that was puffing out at the sides of his head. “Oh, ahm, hello, Kahl.” Werner said, his voice soft and raw from crying. Dr. Kahl smiled. “Why hello, Werner! I was just stopping by to,” Suddenly, Dr. Kahl’s face fell. He immediately went from a slightly self centered know-it-all, to a concerned and shocked man.
“What on earth has happened to you?” Kahl said, almost trembling when he saw the red in Werner’s eyes. He immediately knew that Werner had been crying, crying very hard nonetheless. “I… did nacht get much schleep last night?” Werner said, grinning a little. Dr. Kahl chuckled as they walked inside, Werner telling him everything.
“Ah, I see,” Dr. Kahl smiled. “We should have to find a way to make you smile, now shouldn’t we?” Werner’s face visibly became red. “Now, now, I don’t sink zis is necezaree-“ “Nonsense!” Kahl butted in. “You are feeling sad, and as one of your closest and fondest friends, I shall help you along!”
Over the course of two hours, Dr. Kahl has tried everything that he knew to make Werner happy. Trying his most bori- funny jokes, showing him a book on mechanics, and even letting him see a few blueprints for one of his upcoming machines. Unfortunately for the both of them, nothing would work. Werner, eventually driving himself to tears again, had to step outside for a moment to compose himself. Though this upset his friend that he had to do this, it left him to look at his amazing room.
It may not seem like much to the average eye, it was incredible to Dr. Kahl. Blueprints, equipment, and most of all, the books. There were books everywhere! Manuals, guides, and even some of Werner’s own plans. Through all of the books that caught Dr. Kahl’s eye, one in particular really got his attention. It was a small notebook, the cover worn down and the pages dulled by pencil lead. Dr. Kahl knew that he shouldn’t look through something like this, he almost knew that he NEEDED to. (For science, of course!)
As he flipped through the pages, he saw amazing sketches of anatomy of different creatures. Mr. Kahl immediately decided that Werner also loved to sketch, as he was terrific at it. Though the more he searched through the journal, he realized that there was a pattern being repeated. Tickling. The curious doctor was suddenly interested, immediately flipping through page after page of tickling. Some pages were of Werner wondering why he couldn’t say the word “tickle”, and others where he was practically screaming out to be tickled.
Dr. Kahl then realized that Werner had wanted something like this to happen to him for a long time. He finally knew what would cheer the poor fella up. Sure, it’s childish and a bit embarrassing, but it would work.
Werner came back into the room, eyes red again. “Zoree, I didn’t mean to do zat. I have not cried in a vile now.” Dr. Kahl didn’t say anything, just patted the bed beside him. Werner obliged, sitting down next to him. A squeeze to his side made Werner jump, his eyes widening. “Vait!-“ but that’s all he could say before he was pushed down onto the bed, immediately attacked with tickles.
“What a very nice laugh you have, Werner!” Dr. Kahl teaser, scratching along Werner’s collarbone, another hand creeping up along his side. “EEhehEHEHheheheE! zTAhPpiT!” He squealed, high pitched giggles ringing out through the air. “Oh, but you wouldn’t want that, would you? A little notebook on your shelf told me otherwise.” The doctor winked. “Now, stay still! I’m trying to examine your body!” He said, running his fingers under his knees and admiring the squeal. “VhyhyhyYHYhyhYYHY DIHIHID YOohooU reHEHEAd ZAHAHAhahaAT?!” He screeched, feet pounding on the ground.
Werner was kicking and squealing, his eyes back to a white tint and his face with a grin. When Dr. Kahl reached the rat’s stomach, he paused, clawing his hand right above the sensitive spot. Poor Werner squealed and squirmed our of anticipation. “Eeeeek!” He whimpered. Suddenly, two fingers danced across his stomach, making it quiver and jump. Dr. Kahl chuckled. “You really do have a sensitive stomach, don’t you? You just love it when I tickle, tickle, tickle there!” He said, and dug all of his fingers into his stomach.
Werner absolutely screamed with delight, kicking and thrashing about. “nnyaaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHE! ES KITZELT! ES KITZELT! Ich kann nicht aufhören zu lache!” He screeched, his high pitched voice going up an octave. “And I also know from your little journal,” Dr. Kahl grinned, pinning Werner’s arms above his head. “That you like to be tickled, just. Like. This.” He suddenly began to blow raspberries all over his stomach, neck, and collarbone.
Everything started to feel so tingly on Werner. He was thrashing and squealing, giggling and snorting. Even though he would never admit it, it was quite obvious that he liked it. But when he felt something nibbling at the extremely sensitive skin on his ears, his laugher went silent.
Dr. Kahl immediately stopped as Werner curled up into a little ball, no longer the tough guy or the depressed guy, but a tiny, cute lee that wants so much to be tickled. He was still giggling and gasping from the tickles, clutching his sides. He looked adorable spread out on the bed, his face less splotchy, but now replaced with a red blush on his face. He finally got the courage to look up at Kahl, who was currently gazing down at him, chuckling. “V-vhy did you stop, Kahl?” Werner giggled, curling up again.
“Well why wouldn’t I?” Dr. Kahl said, putting a finger to his chin as if he were pretending to think. “Obviously, you didn’t like it.” Werner sat up. “Yes I did!- I mean-“ he covered his mouth. “Well, whatever did you want me to do again? I completely forgot.” That idiot. Werner mumbled something under his breath. “Er ist so ein Idiot.” Dr. Kahl perked up. “So what would it be that you want?” “Kitzel Mich.” “What was that?” “Kitzel me.” Dr. Kahl grinned. “What was tha-“ “Tickle me!” Werner shouted. Dr. Kahl kissed him on the forehead, making him jump and blush very hard. “V-vhat?” He said, giggling nervously as Kahl looked over him with wiggling fingers.
The seemingly tough, yet sad soldier had turned into a cute, giggly mess that day, yet the composed near freak had turned playful and joyous. Now, thankfully for Werner, he gets tickled more than once a week because of Kahl.
They both love switching their roles up a little bit.
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the-victor-brothers · 5 years
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Okay, here’s what I’m going to say; as a 2D animator, I’m not too crazy with “The Thief and the Cobbler” (yes, it’s an animation gem, but that doesn’t mean I should root for the film over Disney films). I love “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” since I was a kid (I also love “The Last Belle” the best, which it was directed by Neil Boyle who worked at “Thief”) . Though, aside from “Thief,” I enjoyed Richard William’s animation style from his works (I think the best ones are the animated commercials). 
Now, since I discussed with my good pal @theshadowsofevil​ , we conversed about how Tack and Princess Yum-Yum both inspired Burton’s characters. Which I’m going to discuss now:
During this decade, everybody knows that the Once-ler from “The Lorax” was inspired by Tack the Cobbler, who was inspired by silent actors, like Buster Keaton, and Art Babbit’s/Milt Kahl’s animation (while Yum-Yum seemed to be inspired by Snow White or other old retro cartoon gals). However, do you know that Tack (and Yum-Yum) reminded you of any Burton character? Well, here’s this.
1) Since we know that Sally inspired both Emily and Victoria from “Corpse Bride,” both Sally and Victoria seem to be referenced from Princess Yum-Yum. I mean, think about it; similar eyes and headshapes... and have a feeling with cinnamon-roll beanpoles. Oh, and did I mention that Victoria has a nurse/maid like Yum-Yum’s, while Sally has a “father” figure like Yum-Yum’s dad? Just a hunch.
2) From both Jack and Victor VD, they seemed to be referenced from Tack’s because of the similar, lanky body. Not to mentioned pale skins (well, Jack is a skeleton, of course). Though, while Jack and Tack (hey, they both have rhyming names 8D ) are indeed look alike, the question was how Victor VD was similar to Tack? Was it the black flip hair? Well, not only similar body, but maybe because of the personality - especially their feelings toward their love ones (Yum-Yum and Victoria)? Just the guess.
Though, it’s hard to tell if Selick and/or Burton used references from William’s. I mean, when I saw the Brigands, I couldn’t help that their design reminded me of Tim Burton’s style a lot. 
Well, Amelia ( @theshadowsofevil ) , feel free about what you think. 
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caprano · 4 years
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Übrigens: In Wahr­heit ha­ben wir dies­mal mehr als nur ei­ne gu­te Nach­richt er­hal­tenBes­ser hät­te sich Hol­ly­wood das nicht aus­ma­len kön­nen:  Aus­ge­rech­net jetzt, da sich mehr Men­schen an­ste­cken als je zu­vor,  darf die Mensch­heit vor­sich­tig ei­nen ers­ten Er­folg im Kampf  ge­gen das Un­ge­tüm fei­ern. Weil Co­ro­na im Herbst mit solch enor­mer  Wucht zu­rück­kehr­te, schien die ge­sam­te Hoff­nung aus dem Som­mer  schon ver­lo­ren. Nor­ma­li­tät ade. Wei­te­re ver­hee­ren­de Lock­downs  mit Un­ru­hen in der Ge­sell­schaft und Kahl­schlä­gen in der  Wirt­schaft wirk­ten fast un­aus­weich­lich. Und vor al­lem: Es war erst  ein­mal kein En­de ab­zu­se­hen.n Wahr­heit ha­ben wir dies­mal ei­ne dop­pelt gu­te Nach­richt  er­hal­ten. Kurz vor dem Ziel steht jetzt nicht nur ir­gend­ein  Impf­stoff, son­dern mit ihm auch ei­ne neue Tech­no­lo­gie. Statt wie  frü­her das Im­mun­sys­tem mit Be­stand­tei­len des Vi­rus selbst zu  schär­fen, wird da­bei le­dig­lich des­sen ge­ne­ti­scher Bau­plan  ko­piert und dann den Men­schen in­ji­ziert. Der Impf­stoff ist auf  die­se Wei­se nicht nur güns­tig her­zu­stel­len und künf­tig  viel­leicht gar lo­kal ähn­lich wie im 3-D-Dru­cker zu »dru­cken«; die  Me­tho­de könn­te so­gar die ge­sam­te Impf­welt re­vo­lu­tio­nie­ren.Ent­wi­ckelt hat den Stoff au­ßer­dem nicht ir­gend­ein Start-up rund um  ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Eli­te-Unis wie Har­vard, son­dern ein jun­ges  deut­sches, von ei­nem Mi­gran­te­n­ehe­paar ge­grün­de­tes  Un­ter­neh­men na­mens Bi­oNTech. Die Chefs leh­ren an der  Uni­ver­si­tät Mainz. Und ih­re an der New Yor­ker Tech­no­lo­gie­bör­se  ge­führ­te Fir­ma wird ge­ra­de zum Welt­star, der im Üb­ri­gen nicht  al­lein da­steht. Cu­re­Vac aus Tü­bin­gen mel­det mit ei­ner  ähn­li­chen Tech­no­lo­gie eben­falls ers­te Tester­fol­ge. So zei­gen  die Me­di­zin­for­scher und die Mil­li­ar­dä­re, die sie fi­nan­zie­ren,  ge­ra­de den In­ter­net­grün­dern, was in Deutsch­land mög­lich ist.  Der Stand­ort dürf­te vom neu­en In­ter­es­se in­ter­na­tio­na­ler  In­ves­to­ren und For­scher pro­fi­tie­ren. (uwe Jean Heuser, Die Zeit)
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10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
Geralmente, as cenas de sexo ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites, mesmo em filmes convencionais e de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez longas recentes que possuem cenas de sexo explícitas e não simuladas.
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Como o sexo ainda é um tabu na sociedade, as cenas de relações sexuais ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. No cinema convencional, o que ocorre, geralmente, são simulações. Trata-se de “técnica”, como sempre dizem os atores, ou do trabalho de dublês. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites e colocam cenas de sexo explícitas e reais em suas produções de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez exemplares recentes, lançados entre 2016 e 2019. Entre eles, destacam-se “Ana, Meu Amor” (2017), de Calin Peter Netzer; e “Marfa Girl 2” (2018), de Larry Clark. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com a data de lançamento. 
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2019), Abdellatif Kechiche
Em 1994, Ophélie descobre que está grávida de seu amante, Tony. Ela está noiva de outro homem, o casamento se aproxima, e Tony se recusa a assumir o relacionamento. Agora, Ophélie se sente perdida entre as duas escolhas possíveis: ir a Paris e fazer um aborto em segredo para se casar ou seguir seu instinto materno e cuidar da criança sozinha.
Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
O filme acompanha a vida de dois jovens que moram na pequena e desértica cidade de Marfa, no Texas. Adam, um skatista, tem dois filhos com mulheres diferentes, mas não assume suas responsabilidades como pai. E “Marfa Girl”, personagem cujo nome não é citado, luta para reconstruir sua vida e superar um estupro que sofreu no passado.
Ana, Meu amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
Ana e Toma se conhecem na faculdade de literatura e se apaixonam intensamente. Lutando contra a vontade dos pais, Toma se casa com Ana. Mas, quando eles descobrem que Ana sofre de uma doença mental, o relacionamento começa a ruir aos poucos. Toma esquece de si mesmo e faz de tudo para cuidar de Ana, mas ela se torna cada vez mais confusa e distante.
A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
Ao ler um livro, Frank lembra de seu antigo amor, Marie. Há 20 anos, ela se mudou para os Estados Unidos e nunca mais deu notícias. Sentindo-se melancólico, Frank resolve viajar para os EUA para encontrá-la. Em seu percurso, ele conhece Nina, uma enigmática garota de programa que ganha a vida filmando suas relações sexuais. Ela se interessa por Frank e o convida para trabalhar com ela.
Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
Stephanie e Julia são duas amigas que vivem em uma pequena vila dominada pela igreja católica, no início do século 20. Franek, um talentoso pintor de imagens eróticas, chega ao local em busca de modelos. Secretamente, as amigas aceitam posar para Franek e os três se envolvem em um triângulo amoroso. Em uma sociedade reprimida, Stephanie e Julia descobrem a paixão e o desejo. 
A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
Com uma estética hiper-realista, o filme acompanha Martin, um homem de 40 anos, que caminha pelo submundo do sexo em Buenos Aires. Desesperadamente solitário, Martin procura sexo nas ruas para passar o tempo. Durante toda a noite, ele fica com várias pessoas, entra em diferentes boates, participa de orgias e consome drogas.
Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
O diretor Pavel Ruminov filma o processo de término com sua ex-namorada, a atriz Natalia Anisimova. Ele decide se separar, mas Natalia se recusa a deixar a casa que os dois dividem, alegando que a história que os dois construíram não pode acabar. Durante esse tempo, eles brigam, contam confidências e fazem amor repetidas vezes.
Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
A vida tornou-se insuportável para Nick, de 23 anos. Ele arma um plano sombrio e vai armado a um passeio de barco com seus colegas da faculdade, planejando assassiná-los. Mas, o destino se antecipa e um acidente em alto-mar mata os estudantes, deixando apenas Nick vivo. Pelos próximos dias, Nick enfrenta uma forte crise existencial, assustando todos ao seu redor.
Theo e Hugo: Paris 05:59 (2016), Olivier Ducastel e Jacques Martineau
O filme acompanha Theo e Hugo, jovens gays que se conhecem durante uma orgia em um clube de sexo no subúrbio de Paris. Os dois se aproximam e decidem pedalar pela cidade, conversando sobre suas vidas. O filme foi inteiramente filmado em tempo real, com início às 4h27 e término às 5h59. A cena da orgia, que inicia ocupa os 18 minutos iniciais do longa, não foi simulada.
We Are The Flesh (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
Um apocalipse misterioso devasta o mundo, forçando os irmãos Lucio e Fauna a vagarem sem rumo em busca de comida e abrigo. Após anos sozinhos, eles encontram um dos últimos edifícios restantes da Terra, mas ele já está habitado por Mariano, que oferece abrigo a eles. Só que, em troca, Mariano faz um pedido para os irmãos: para viverem ali, os dois devem fazer sexo enquanto ele assiste.
10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
0 notes
dannystheone · 1 year
I'd like to see more lee!Butters because he's too cute. Maybe the boys are having a sleepover and someone suggests playing Truth or Dare. When Butters' turn comes up he chooses "truth" and gets asked if he's ticklish.
YES THIS!! Anon I could kiss you on your forehead
So I've had this idea for a little while now, but I wasn't sure how to piece it all together. The power of my two brain cells finally worked so I combined your request with my idea! This is gonna be a hefty one!
Also you guys are AMAZING!! You blew up my inbox with your incredible ideas thank you all! You're definitely not sick of SP content which is AWESOME!!
I hope you guys like this! also if you don't know what Charlie Charlie is, it's an American game where you put two pencils stacked on top of each other on a piece of paper with a yes/no grid on the paper and ask if Charlie is there, and if the pencil swivels to yes, then you can ask Charlie yes/no questions. I used to play in middle school lol
WARNINGS: Feet tickles, Horror descriptions, Kids swearing! They are nine in this
Reveal Who You Are, Marjorine! (Lee Marjorine/Multiple Lers)
Marjorine comes back to a second girl's sleepover to uncover the girl's secondary method of fortune-telling. But with Marjorine being gone in between sleepovers and showing up out of seemingly thin air, the girls become suspicious of her.
"Khhh- Marjorine- Come in Marjorine-" Eric Cartman peeked through a set of bushes with binoculars held up to his eyes with a radio in his hand. He scanned the area of Wendy Testaburger's house with that of an experienced lookout.
"I'm here, Eric. I'm walking up to their front door as we speak." Marjorine's voice crackled through the dollar-store radio. Stan and Kyle leaned in to hear what Marjorine had to say.
Cartman held the radio up to his lips to reply as he watched Marjorine walk up the steps to Wendy's door. "Okay, remember. Get the paper and the pencils they used and do not separate them. We don't know how the magic works until we investigate it. You got that?" Cartman asked.
Tweek winked behind a bush as he kept a lookout for Cartman while he spoke on the radio. Craig picked a leaf off the bush and spun it between his fingers when they heard Marjorine speak again.
"I'll get it done. Over and out." Marjorine clicked off the radio as the boys gathered in a circle behind the cover of bushes.
"How the hell is Marjorine gonna hide that radio wearing that thin dress?" Kyle asked thoughtfully. Cartman clapped him on the back and shook his shoulder gently.
"That, frankly, is not my problem, Kahl. Getting the truth behind this fortune telling is." Cartman brought the boys in close in a hushed huddle.
"Alright gentlemen, this is go-time. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, we are going in as Team Alpha. We're gonna stay behind the cover of bushes and keep a steady communication with Team Bravo as they report to us what's going on behind enemy lines. We'll also be on the lookout for possible parents, as we have a broader look at the house from this far away." Cartman explained, the boys nodding as he went along.
"Clyde, Tolkien, Tweek, and Craig, you'll be our recon team. You'll be reporting everything that goes on from the basement window. When Marjorine successfully steals the Charlie Charlie device, you will relay to us over the radio "Fags in the bush- I repeat- Fags in the bush." Craig was listening intently to Cartman's instructions, but threw up an eyebrow at that last part.
"Why does that have to be what we say when Marjorine gets the device?" Craig asked. Cartman gave Craig a look to ask if he was serious or not.
"Because Craig, okay? It's just what you have to say. It's all military terms, I swear. Now remember, Marjorine is wired. We'll be listening in on their conversations, we won't be going in blind like last time." Tweek pulled on his shirt as he winked in anxiety.
"Being on recon! ACK! That-That sounds like too much pressure!" Craig held Tweek's shoulder as a noise sounded from behind them. The boys scuttled behind the bushes as Cartman brought his binoculars up to his eye. Marjorine was being allowed into Wendy's house.
"Alright, we're in."
"Oh Marjorine, hi! We thought you moved away?" Red answered Wendy's door and greeted Marjorine. Marjorine straightened out one of her braids out of nervousness and nodded.
"Oh uh, we- I did move away! But...I'm back now! I moved to Western...Burg...Townville." Marjorine stuttered as Red blinked at her.
"Well uh, welcome back! Let me run ahead and tell the girls that you made it." Red left Marjorine at the door while she ran down to the basement quickly. Marjorine tentatively walked into Wendy's home and slowly walked over to the basement door without seeing Wendy's parents anywhere. Maybe they went to sleep already?
Marjorine picked up the microphone on the wire underneath her dress and spoke into it. "Cartman, I'm in Wendy's living room. No sign of cult activity or nothin'. I'm going into the basement." Marjorine walked down the steps of the basement, the girls all speaking in hushed tones. They looked up at Marjorine's arrival.
"Oh Marjorine, you're back!" Wendy said with a wide smile. All the girls stood up, greeting and welcoming Marjorine. Marjorine smiled nervously as she waved to the girls.
"Oh uh, hiya girls! I didn't think you'd realize I was gone!" Marjorine said honestly. The girls led her into the blankets and pillows they had set up on the basement floor. Marjorine sat down in a fluff of plushies.
"Well of course we would! Red was just telling us about how you moved back to South Park." Heidi said. Marjorine fidgeted with her hands as she swallowed. She could feel the wire taped to her chest coil against her.
"Oh uh, yes! I-I moved back to South Park from WesternBurg...Town...ville." Marjorine cleared her throat.
"Oh WesternBurgTownVille, my aunt lives there." A girl called out from the back.
"Well, great that you're back! We haven't started any activities yet, is there anything you wanted to do?" Wendy asked gently. Marjorine opened her mouth to speak, but other girls piped up before she could answer.
"Oh let's sing karaoke!"
"No, no, let's braid each other's hair!"
"We can talk about boys!"
"We can play Charlie Charlie?" Marjorine asked meekly. The whole operation of her infiltrating the girl's sleepover for the second time hung in the open air.
It was silent for one second too long.
"Mmm, it's a little too early for that. That's more of like a midnight thing, so it's scarier!" Nichole said enthusiastically. The other girls at the party agreed with her in earnest. Marjorine huffed an inward sigh as her idea was dismissed.
Wendy sunk into her pillow pile as she got an idea. "Oh I know! We can watch Disney movies! My parents have all the princess ones on tape. Do you wanna pick one out Marjorine?" Wendy asked. Other girls bumped their opinions into what was supposed to be Marjorine's choice. Again.
"Oh put on Princess and the Frog, they have the best songs!"
"No Moana does!"
Wendy reached behind her and started flipping through a CD book with all the princess movies available. The girls at the sleepover crowded Wendy as they tried to see what she had.
"Oh choose Sleeping Beauty, she looks like me!" Bebe said with a flip of her hair.
"Oh you gotta choose Cinderella, she's the prettiest!" Marjorine said, pointing to Cinderella's DVD. Wendy looked up to Marjorine with a smile, but noted something odd. Her smile faltered on her face a little. Upon being so close to Marjorine's face, she noticed a scar she hadn't seen before over her left eye. That was strange. Where had she seen a scar like that before...
"...Sure! Cinderella it is." Wendy selected the DVD from the plastic sleeve and slipped it into her console. Heidi helped out and flipped on the TV; Cinderella's storybook appeared on the screen. Marjorine took a seat in front of the TV and started watching happily. The girls behind her discussed something too quiet for Marjorine to hear.
"Hey girls! You watching? Cinderella's about to move in with her bitch stepsisters!" Marjorine said with a wide smile. The girls all loomed up behind Marjorine now that they had come to a consensus from their hidden conversation. "Now Drizzella's nose is too big for me, and Anastasia's chin is ugly, but-but I think if I put bags over their heads it would make me like them better." Marjorine fidgeted with the ears on her bunny slippers as the girls looked at each other confused.
"Marjorine, are you lesbian?" A girl asked.
"Yeah, why are you talking about the stepsisters like that?" Nichole asked. Marjorine's eyes widened as she stood up quickly and started shaking her hands.
"N-No no! I-I meant I was talking like I was a boy who felt that way about them! N-Not me! At all! I'm totally straight! I like...hopping on boys' weiners!" Marjorine said hurriedly.
"Ew..." One girl spoke out. The girls looked at each other, gauging her response in their heads. Marjorine gulped as she tugged on her braids.
"Well, I had an idea," Wendy spoke up after a long moment of silence. Marjorine put a hand to her chest as she breathed out. That was close.
"While that's playing in the background, why don't we play truth or dare?" Wendy suggested. The girls started giggling and agreed to play loudly.
"Oh that's a good idea, Wendy!" Heidi said with a smile.
"Okay! Let's all get into a circle. Marjorine, have you played truth or dare before?" Wendy asked while the girls organized into a circle. Marjorine shook her head, causing her braids to fly around.
"Well, I haven't! I know a lot of my friends have though!" Marjorine sat next to Red and Heidi in the circle.
"Well Marjorine, truth or dare is really easy," Nichole explained. "We go around the circle and ask each other Truth or Dare? If you choose Truth then we ask you a question, and you have to be 100 percent honest. If we ask you Dare, then we give you a dare and you have to perform it right then and there." Marjorine's eyes lit up at the idea.
"Oh boy! That sounds like a lot of fun!" Marjorine's smile grew as the other girls nodded.
"Yeah, it is a lot of fun! Okay, who should be first?" A girl asked from the crowd.
"Well it's Wendy's sleepover, I think she should be asked the first question," Red suggested. Wendy rolled her eyes with a smile as she settled into the pillows.
"Oh okay, go ahead..." She relented. The girls leaned in close as Red sat on her calves.
"Okay Wendy, truth or dare?" Red asked. Wendy thought for a moment.
"Mmm...truth." She answered.
"Ooooh snap! Oh, oh she picked truth!" Marjorine said excitedly. The girls gave her a side glance as Red continued.
"Hmm...Oh, I got one. If Stan were to propose to you right at this moment, would you say yes?" Red asked with a glint in her eye.
"Oooooooo!" All the girls at the sleepover giggled and hushed each other as Wendy shook her head.
"Of course not! I'm only nine years old, that would be crazy!" Wendy replied. The girls collectively went "Aww-" and started chatting to each other.
"Oh, Wendy that's a boring answer! I thought you really liked Stan!" Bebe called out. Wendy put her hands on her knees as she blushed slightly.
"I do, but not enough to marry him right at this moment! I don't know anyone I'd marry right at this moment!" She defended.
"Alright, alright, alright. Wendy, since Red asked you a truth-or-dare question, you get to ask Red a truth-or-dare question." Heidi said. Wendy's face cooled as she gathered her hair from her shoulders and slipped it behind her back. She faced Red on the blankets.
"Okay Red, truth or dare?" Wendy asked. Red had a challenging smile on her face.
"I'll go dare." She said confidently. The girls of the sleepover "oooo'ed" collectively. The sleepover seemed to hold its breath while Wendy thought up a dare.
"Ohhh, she's in for it now! Get her good Wendy!" Marjorine called out. The girls glanced at Marjorine as they set their gaze back on Wendy.
"Okay. Red, text your crush and tell him you like him." Wendy said as she folded her arms over her chest. The girls all giggled and squealed as Red's cheeks blushed. She slowly pulled out her phone and started to text.
"Hey, I need to see the text to know you're telling the truth, Red!" Wendy pointed. Red's blush deepened as she held up her phone.
"I am, I'm really texting him!" She cried. The girls clamored over each other trying to see Red's text, but she kept her phone hidden to her chest.
After a few moments, a 'whoosh' sound was heard as she sent her message. "Okay...I sent it." Red said with burning cheeks. Heidi and Nichole giggled at her sides as they started teasing her.
"Aww, you're so red, Red!~ You really like him, huh? Who was it?" They asked. She pushed them away lightly as she fanned her face.
"Oh stop it! I'm not telling you!" Red's face burned as the girls giggled.
"Okay, who's next?" Bebe asked.
"Mmm, let's do Marjorine!" Nichole suggested. Marjorine perked up with a hand to her chest.
"Who, me?" Marjorine felt small as all the eyes of the sleepover were on her suddenly.
"Yeah, it'll be fun! Here, I'll ask you." Nichole turned to Marjorine as Marjorine started shuffling her hands.
"Marjorine, truth or dare?" Nichole asked. Marjorine pulled on one of her braids as she thought for a moment.
"U-Umm...truth!" She called out. Nichole smiled at her response as the other girls of the sleepover started to whisper and chatter excitedly.
"Okay. Are you ticklish?" Nichole asked straightforwardly. Marjorine's heart beat as the sleepover waited for her response. She wasn't expecting a question like that at all.
"Oh jeez...um...yes?" Marjorine's body suddenly felt light and tingly from the question. Nichole seemed pleased with this answer.
"Oh cool! Where?" Heidi asked behind Nichole. Marjorine swallowed as she pointed to Heidi.
"I-I have to answer that too?" She asked. Nichole and Heidi exchanged a glance before Nichole nodded.
"Y-Yeah, any question asked during your turn, you have to answer it completely honestly," Nichole explained. The girls at the sleepover nodded in agreeance. Marjorine fidgeted with her hands as her cheeks burned.
"Oh hamburgers...um...everywhere, I guess? I can't really...think of anywhere that doesn't tickle." Marjorine could feel her ears burn. This was embarrassing. The girls grew quiet as they silently agreed on what was next to come in the activities list of the girl's sleepover.
"Hey, Marjorine. How would you feel to be officially part of the girls?" Red asked. Marjorine's face softened at the question.
"R-Really? You mean it? How?" Red had a small grin on her face as the girls parted to two sides, and left a space in the middle of the blanket pile on the floor.
"Well, we have this thing. It's called initiation. You go through this initiation, and if we think you're worthy, we'll turn you into one of the girls. You're automatically invited to all the sleepovers and eating lunch with us at school! How does that sound?" Red explained. Marjorine grew excited as she nodded enthusiastically.
"Oh boy! That sounds great! When can we do it?" Bebe pointed to the middle of the blanket pile with a feline grin on her face.
"Just come lay down right here and we can get started." Marjorine shuffled to the middle of the blankets as she was told and laid on her back. The wires hooked up to her chest shifted as she laid her head on one of the nearby plushies.
All the girls at the sleepover huddled close all around Marjorine's body. Marjorine held her hands over her chest as she looked up to everyone's eyes on her at once. Her slippers rubbed up against each other nervously.
"What do I have to do? Are we gonna lezz out?" Bebe and Wendy looked at each other before looking down at Marjorine.
"No Marjorine, we're not lezzing out. You just have to lay here and last for however long you can, and we'll go ahead and see if you're worthy enough to join us. When you're ready for it to stop, just say 'Uncle'." Bebe explained. Marjorine nodded, her anxiety leaving her chest with this answer.
"Oh goody, okay, that sounds nice- Wait. Last for what?" Marjorine's gaze whipped from side to side as the girls started shuffling closer to her and closing her in on all sides of her body. Marjorine hugged herself as she felt her cheeks flush.
"Okay girls, you ready?" Wendy asked them. Marjorine's eyes widened as the girls picked up their hands and started wiggling their fingers on all sides of her.
"Last for what?! What is this?! Oh Christmas!" Marjorine cried. Nichole set her phone to the side as she cracked her knuckles.
"Okay, the timer is set! Girls, dig in!" All the girls at the sleepover dove their fingers into Marjorine's body at once.
"Cartman, come in Cartman. We have a situation here." Craig called in over the radio. Cartman shuffled behind the bushes as he answered.
"Go for Cartman. What's the situation?" He answered. Craig winced at what he witnessed through the basement window and clicked the radio.
"The girls started attacking Marjorine, they're all on her at once! If they find that wire on her body, we're done for." Craig relayed back. Cartman's eyes widened as Kyle and Stan looked at the radio concerned.
"Craig, what do you mean attacking? Are they boxing? Lezzing out? What is it?!" Cartman demanded. Tweek winked and looked away from the visceral scene. Tolkien and Clyde held their faces in horror at the decimation.
Craig swallowed his horror as he held a shaky hand up to his face holding the radio. He couldn't look away from the scene before him. It was like watching a car crash.
"...You'll just have to see for yourself! No way in hell can I describe what's happening." Craig admitted. Team Bravo turned from the scene to find Cartman running low over to the window. He shuffled over and peeked inside the basement window. His eyes widened at the stomach-dropping horror below them. All fingers were on Marjorine at once. There must have been hundreds, maybe thousands. It was a damn buffet. It was like something out of a zombie horror movie.
"FUCK! FUCK! GOD- THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Cartman held his stomach and shuddered as he spun around from the scene. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny ran over with their heads ducked to avoid possible detection.
"It's blown! It's blown- the whole fucking thing is blown!" Cartman yelled out angrily. The rest of the guys reached the group near the window.
"What the hell is wrong Cartman? What's the matter with Marjorine?" Stan asked. Cartman shook his head as he held his hands on his knees. He looked like he was about to throw up.
"You'll have to go see for yourself." He said in a hushed tone. Stan, Kyle, and Kenny walked over to the window slowly, as if they were about to witness a dead body firsthand.
All the girls at the sleepover had Marjorine in the middle of a circle, with all of their hands tickling her at once. Her slippers were discarded, and she had about two or three girls down by her feet and calves just for that area. Every spot on her body had at least two to four girls on it at the same time, tickling.
Her arms were free, but no matter where she tried to shield herself, there were more hands that would tickle the free areas she couldn't protect. Wiggling fingers dove into her tummy and sides, they squished in her thighs and vibrated in her ribs. Fingers wiggled in between her toes and scribbled on her neck. She squirmed and writhed and belted out as much laughter as her tiny body could permit. Girls that the boys knew personally looked completely different; with hungry twisted looks on their faces as they dove in for more and more.
Kyle turned from the scene with his hands on the sides of his head. "No no no NO NO NO! NO! NO! AAAHH!" Kyle's mind broke from the absolutely visceral scene. Kenny held his hands up to the glass with shaking hands as he saw what Marjorine was subjected to. Stan turned to Kenny and tried to rip him away.
"Kenny, Kenny come on! You can't save her!" Stan shouted. Kenny shook his head and tried to push on the glass. The boys turned at the sound of the glass pushing inward, a rusty squeaking sound.
"I HAMPH TO SAMPH HERM! MMPH!" Kenny bumped his shoulder into the glass, a harsher sound scraping against the rust. Some of the girls tickling halted from inside the basement as they heard this sound.
"Kenny you're gonna get us found out! Stop that!" Stan and Craig started dragging Kenny away from the glass. Kenny twisted and tried crawling back to the glass to try and save Marjorine in any way he could. More boys started to help; Clyde and Tolkien took hold of his legs as they all ran over to the other side of the street with the rest of the boys.
They laid Kenny down gently in the snow as Kenny held his face in his hands.
"That was probably...the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life," Clyde admitted. Tolkien swallowed at the thought of so many fingers when he replayed the scene in his head. Cartman started pacing as he thought of what their next move was gonna be.
"You don't want to hear the audio. It's nasty." Craig stated. The boys collectively shuddered at just the thought of what a man being eaten alive could sound like.
"Alright, alright. We got a man in there, and he could be found out at any moment. He's got that wire strapped to his chest, and that radio still on him. I say we bail." Cartman suggested. The boys looked up at him in horror.
"You're a fucking coward, Cartman!" Craig pointed. Cartman marched up to Craig's face and stuck a finger in his chest.
"Oh yeah Craig, 'cause you're so fucking tough?! Then you go in there and drag him out yourself! And then all those hungry fingers will dig into YOU, instead! How about that?!" Cartman shouted. Tweek pushed Cartman back as he held Craig's shoulder.
"You get the fuck back from him, man!" Tweek shouted and winked an eye. Cartman burned as Stan broke the two apart with his body.
"Everybody relax! We need to keep calm! We got a man in the middle of a fucking situation, we got a heartbroken Kenny and a shell-shocked Kyle!" Stan recounted. Everyone looked back to see Kenny with his hand over his heart and Kyle rocking back and forth to soothe himself.
"So what do you suggest we do, Stan? We only have three options. Either we stay and wait it out and see if he survives, we go in and rescue him somehow, or we bail and leave him to die. Either way, we're all gonna have to come to a decision." Tolkien said. The boys turned grim at their options. It all seemed hopeless.
"Who would go in to rescue him? I mean we're all...sensitive." Clyde said with burning cheeks. The boys shuffled uncomfortably at the thought of going in and rescuing Marjorine just to be the one caught in the middle of all that mess.
"Alright alright. So whoever goes in there needs to be the least ticklish one of all of us in case we get caught. Which one of us do you think that would be?" Stan asked. The boys grew silent. They turned their gaze to the ground and kicked little rocks around.
"No one? No one at all? Even you, Cartman?" Stan asked. Cartman put his hands up as if he wasn't touching that with a 20-foot pole.
"Neeeeope, no, no, no, I'm good on that one. No matter how buff I am, I can't take those chances. What about you Stan, since you want to single people out?" Cartman asked. The boys watched as Stan blushed and looked to the floor.
"Well I can't go in, they'll tear me apart. Besides, Wendy is in there. If she sees me laughing, she'll think I'm a dork." He admitted. Craig sighed as he absent-mindedly put his arm around Tweek's shoulders.
"Then we'll have to sit and wait it out. Pray to God he survives that carnage."
"BWAHAHAHA!! G-GIHIHIHIRLS WAHAHAIT!!" Marjorine all but screamed out her laughter as she turned just about everywhere to escape the wriggling fingers. They were on all sides of her, relentless and scribbling into her body.
This has been going on for about five minutes now, and Marjorine was already at her wit's end. To be honest, she forgot what the password was to make the tickling stop. Maybe she should have clarified before they began, but the girls were eager to dive in and start.
Wendy kept her tickling light as her friends raced their fingers across Marjorine's skin. Her sheer pajama dress didn't help to protect her in any way. Fingers pinched, sharp manicured nails scribbled, they teased and flitted their hands over her tickle spots before they dove in. This was a level of method Marjorine had never experienced. The boys tickling her felt like caveman tactics compared to these precise techniques.
"So Marjorine, I have a question for you. You said you moved back to South Park from where exactly?" Wendy asked with a suspicious edge to her voice. She didn't believe that Marjorine was who she said she was at all.
Marjorine tried getting enough breath into her chest before answering. This was certainly a workout. "I- hehehehhee! I'm- I'm frohohohom Wehehehestern- TOHOHOHOWNBUHURG-WAHAHAIT!! NOHOHO NO NO!!" Marjorine squealed as her arm was pulled away from her side and manicured nails spidered in her armpit.
"Aww, her skin is so soft! Marjorine, can you give me the link to what lotion you use?" Bebe said with a smile as she kept up a bad routine of dragging her nails up the length of Marjorine's armpit and set it back down to the base just to drag her nails up slowly once more. It was horribly effective against Marjorine.
"Hmm, Marjorine, I thought you said you were from WesternBurgTownVille? But that's weird, what you said wasn't even close to where you said you're from." Wendy suspected. Heidi scribbled her fingers over Marjorine's sides as she smiled down at her.
"Aww, is she overwhelmed? Are the tickles too much for her? The itty bitty little ticklies too much for Marjorine?~" A girl called out next to Heidi. The girls all giggled as they started cooing at Marjorine. Wendy stayed out of it.
"YEHEHESS THEHEHEY AHAHAHARE!! IT TIHIHIHICKLES!" Marjorine yelled out with pink cheeks.
"Awwwww!" The girls sighed. Their polished pink and purple glittery nails were weapons of mass destruction as they scritched and spidered over Marjorine's skin. No spot was left untouched as fingers dove into her toe spaces and hands fluttered over her ears.
She's so adorable!" Nichole gushed. She used Marjorine's own blonde braids to fluff and feather over Marjorine's ears and neck. Marjorine squeaked and laughed lightly with squinting eyes.
"So Marjorine, do you wanna tell us where you're actually from? Did you even move away from South Park at all?" Wendy questioned. Marjorine cleared her throat in an attempt to clear her mind. She couldn't be found out and fail the mission. The boys were dependent on that fortune-telling device.
"Hehehehee- Hehehehee!! Yehehehes I dihihihihihihid!! I sahahahaha-!! I saHAHAHAhaid WehesternBuhurgTohohownVille!!" Marjorine laughed out. That took amounts of willpower Marjorine never knew she had. She squeaked as Bebe's nails found their way from her armpit and drug all the way down to the palms of her hands. Marjorine's arm twitched as her hand was held down and nails fluttered from the heel of her hand to the tips of her fingers.
"Aww, she has ticklish hands! She's the cutest!" Bebe giggled. The girls agreed as Heidi squished into the divet of her side, Nichole brushed over her ears with her braids, Bebe dusted over her hands and armpits, and Red tickled over her bare thighs. The rest of the girls at the sleepover tickled wherever they could reach, clamoring for a spot.
"Plehehehease fehehellas- I- I mehehehean lahahahadies!! Mehehercy!!" These slip-ups were gonna start costing Marjorine. Wendy was already extremely suspicious of her, as were most of the other girls. If it weren't for this tickling episode making everything light, the room would have a tense atmosphere.
Wendy tried a different approach. Her suspicion grew as a few dots connected in her mind when she thought about everyone in her class and who was missing.
"So Marjorine, you know that one kid Butters? I think he's kinda lame, but you two kinda look alike! Are you related in any way?" She asked. Marjorine could barely hear, on top of her own laughing and the sound of her hair fluttering past her ear.
"Hehehehehe!! Hehehehe's nahahahahat lahahahahame!! He's awhahahahaesome!!" Marjorine defended. The girls looked at each other while Marjorine was too overcome in her mirth. During every private conversation they have had without Marjorine, they discussed the possibility that Marjorine wasn't who she said she was. Wendy shared her theory with the same eye scar over Marjorine's eye and Butters' eye with them. And what a coincidence it was that the last time Marjorine was in town, Butters' was 'killed' just the night before.
"Oh, so you do know Butters? Do you have a crush on him?~" Bebe teased. The girls "ooooo'ed" excitedly as they kept up their tickling. Marjorine belted out high-pitched laughter as her feet were tickled. Manicured nails scritched over her toes and drug down to her heels. Her foot twitched with every pass that drug up and down the length of it.
"Nohohohohoho I dohohohon't!! Hehehehehe- Hehehehe cahahan gehehehet ahahahany guhuhuhuhuy hehehehe wahahahahants!!" Marjorine giggled and tried pulling her feet away. Hands were effectively placed on her ankles to clamp in her place, and the scribbling continued. Wendy raised an eyebrow at what Marjorine said, as did Nichole and Red.
"Get any 'guy' he wants? I didn't know Butters was gay." Red admitted. Crap! Marjorine screwed up in her mirth. She didn't know what she was thinking in her laugh-addled brain, she was thinking as herself as Butters but Butters as herself- her wires got crossed.
"Marjorine how did you find out Butters was gay? Who does he have a crush on?" Red asked. It was like the girls were trying to gossip while tickling Marjorine like crazy. Marjorine shook her head as she grit her teeth.
"Hehehehehe's nahahahahat gahahahahay!! Hehehehe gehehehehets ahahahahall the chihihihihihicks!!" She yelled out. Her toes and hands tried to clamp up and seal off her tickler's fingers, but they were quick to splay them open and get right in the spaces. Marjorine squealed out and twisted on the blankets.
"So Marjorine, when were you able to hang out with Butters' when he was missing the day before you came to South Park and you moved after that, and then you moved back here and immediately came to the sleepover?" Wendy asked. Marjorine was starting to sweat. She had the feeling this wasn't an initiation at all. It was an interrogation. But with so many girls tickling her at once, she didn't even know how to respond. Her mind was in scrambles.
"I juhuhuhuhust knohohohohow hehehehehe's cohohohool!! Okahahahahay?! Oh Chrihihihistmahahahas!!" Two girls on either side of Marjorine started squishing into the skin above her knee. That was a bad spot. Wendy sighed. She was almost sure that Marjorine was actually Butters', but she had no proof.
"Gihihihihirls!! Gihihihihirls I fohohohorget thehehehe p-Pfft- PAHAHASSWORD!! N- AHAHAHAHAHA!" Marjorine started struggling and twisting with renewed energy as the girls found her tummy and belly button. The girls all giggled and sighed at Marjorine's adorable reactions.
"She wasn't lying, she's just ticklish everywhere!" Heidi exclaimed and slipped a hand under her dress to tickle over her bare tummy. Luckily she had sleeping shorts underneath. Marjorine pulled on her knees with renewed energy as Red and Heidi squished her baby pudge on her tummy and scribbled their nails into it.
"WHAHAHAHA?! WHAHAHAT'S THEHEHE PAHAHASSWORD?!" Marjorine couldn't take anymore. She was well passed her limit. Her body shook as the nails never relented and kept up their horrible tingling sensations.
"Oh, the password? It's-" Nichole started, but Wendy interrupted her.
"Marjorine what house do you live in on the street? Answer me!" Wendy demanded. Marjorine's eyes screwed shut as a tear slipped down her blushing cheek. Her belly was starting to hurt from laughing so much.
"Ihihihhihit's the brohohohown hohohohouse dohohohown the rohohohoad!! I- kehehehehee!! I cahahan't breheheheathe!" Marjorine laughed sweetly despite her grim words. Wendy thought for a moment before she felt the click of information in her mind.
"Brown house? That's Butters-" Wendy began, but the girls stopped tickling one by one when Red held up something to her eye to inspect it.
"What is this? Marjorine?" Red held the wire that was taped to Marjorine's chest. All her struggling had knocked the tape off and pretty much threw the cord off of her, and the wire fell to the floor of her dress. Marjorine breathed in large amounts of oxygen; her heart beating out of her chest.
"Marjorine what is this wire? Why are- EW! HUH?!" Nichole shrieked as she pulled her hands away from the braids she was playing with earlier on Marjorine's head. The whole hairpiece came off, showing that the braids were part of a wig that Marjorine wore.
Marjorine sat up in the middle of the group, exposing her true modest hairstyle underneath.
"BUTTERS?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" The girls exclaimed. They all screamed loudly and stood up in a hurry away from Butters. Butters popped up from the blankets and started fidgeting with his hands.
"Oh, Jesus!" Butters scanned the room wildly before his eyes met what he was looking for. The Charlie Charlie game on an end table across the room. Butters scooped up his wig and ran for the paper and pencils, before bolting up the stairs. The girls ran after him hurriedly.
"BUTTERS YOU GET BACK HERE!" Red demanded. Butters ran screaming through Wendy's house as he made his way to the front door.
"Waaaaa! Fellas! Fellas I got it! I got the device!" Butters ran out in the cold night as he ran across the street barefoot, waving the paper and pencils wildly in the air. Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Tolkien, Craig, Tweek, and Clyde all watched as a wig-less Butters ran into the street with a trail of angry girls following him.
"Oh shit! He was found out! Dude, we have to bail!" Stan shouted. The boys started to run with Butters to their houses as the girls stopped at the door and watched a whole group of boys bolt out of their bushes. Each girl watched shocked as boy after boy trailed after one another and raced down the empty road.
"Oh my God?! Why were they there?! Were they watching us that whole time??" Red asked, disgusted. Wendy, Nichole, Bebe, and Heidi watched disappointedly as their male counterparts disappeared into the night.
"What the hell just happened?!" Nichole demanded. Wendy sighed as she watched a blue and red hat get swallowed up by the night. That fucking idiot.
"The boys were spying on our sleepover. They sent Butters in as Marjorine as an informant." Wendy explained. The girls groaned and physically shook off their hands as they realized they were tickling a boy the entire time.
"Ugh, I HATE boys!" A girl called out.
"I know right? Why are they so weird?!" Bebe crossed her arms in a huff.
"...All in favor of wrecking them on Monday say, Aye," Wendy called.
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10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
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Como o sexo ainda é um tabu na sociedade, as cenas de relações sexuais ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. No cinema convencional, o que ocorre, geralmente, são simulações. Trata-se de “técnica”, como sempre dizem os atores, ou do trabalho de dublês. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites e colocam cenas de sexo explícitas e reais em suas produções de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez exemplares recentes, lançados entre 2016 e 2019. Entre eles, destacam-se “Ana, Meu Amor” (2017), de Calin Peter Netzer; e “Marfa Girl 2” (2018), de Larry Clark. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com a data de lançamento. 
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2019), Abdellatif Kechiche
Em 1994, Ophélie descobre que está grávida de seu amante, Tony. Ela está noiva de outro homem, o casamento se aproxima, e Tony se recusa a assumir o relacionamento. Agora, Ophélie se sente perdida entre as duas escolhas possíveis: ir a Paris e fazer um aborto em segredo para se casar ou seguir seu instinto materno e cuidar da criança sozinha.
Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
O filme acompanha a vida de dois jovens que moram na pequena e desértica cidade de Marfa, no Texas. Adam, um skatista, tem dois filhos com mulheres diferentes, mas não assume suas responsabilidades como pai. E “Marfa Girl”, personagem cujo nome não é citado, luta para reconstruir sua vida e superar um estupro que sofreu no passado.
Ana, Meu amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
Ana e Toma se conhecem na faculdade de literatura e se apaixonam intensamente. Lutando contra a vontade dos pais, Toma se casa com Ana. Mas, quando eles descobrem que Ana sofre de uma doença mental, o relacionamento começa a ruir aos poucos. Toma esquece de si mesmo e faz de tudo para cuidar de Ana, mas ela se torna cada vez mais confusa e distante.
A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
Ao ler um livro, Frank lembra de seu antigo amor, Marie. Há 20 anos, ela se mudou para os Estados Unidos e nunca mais deu notícias. Sentindo-se melancólico, Frank resolve viajar para os EUA para encontrá-la. Em seu percurso, ele conhece Nina, uma enigmática garota de programa que ganha a vida filmando suas relações sexuais. Ela se interessa por Frank e o convida para trabalhar com ela.
Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
Stephanie e Julia são duas amigas que vivem em uma pequena vila dominada pela igreja católica, no início do século 20. Franek, um talentoso pintor de imagens eróticas, chega ao local em busca de modelos. Secretamente, as amigas aceitam posar para Franek e os três se envolvem em um triângulo amoroso. Em uma sociedade reprimida, Stephanie e Julia descobrem a paixão e o desejo. 
A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
Com uma estética hiper-realista, o filme acompanha Martin, um homem de 40 anos, que caminha pelo submundo do sexo em Buenos Aires. Desesperadamente solitário, Martin procura sexo nas ruas para passar o tempo. Durante toda a noite, ele fica com várias pessoas, entra em diferentes boates, participa de orgias e consome drogas.
Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
O diretor Pavel Ruminov filma o processo de término com sua ex-namorada, a atriz Natalia Anisimova. Ele decide se separar, mas Natalia se recusa a deixar a casa que os dois dividem, alegando que a história que os dois construíram não pode acabar. Durante esse tempo, eles brigam, contam confidências e fazem amor repetidas vezes.
Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
A vida tornou-se insuportável para Nick, de 23 anos. Ele arma um plano sombrio e vai armado a um passeio de barco com seus colegas da faculdade, planejando assassiná-los. Mas, o destino se antecipa e um acidente em alto-mar mata os estudantes, deixando apenas Nick vivo. Pelos próximos dias, Nick enfrenta uma forte crise existencial, assustando todos ao seu redor.
Theo e Hugo: Paris 05:59 (2016), Olivier Ducastel e Jacques Martineau
O filme acompanha Theo e Hugo, jovens gays que se conhecem durante uma orgia em um clube de sexo no subúrbio de Paris. Os dois se aproximam e decidem pedalar pela cidade, conversando sobre suas vidas. O filme foi inteiramente filmado em tempo real, com início às 4h27 e término às 5h59. A cena da orgia, que inicia ocupa os 18 minutos iniciais do longa, não foi simulada.
We Are The Flesh (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
Um apocalipse misterioso devasta o mundo, forçando os irmãos Lucio e Fauna a vagarem sem rumo em busca de comida e abrigo. Após anos sozinhos, eles encontram um dos últimos edifícios restantes da Terra, mas ele já está habitado por Mariano, que oferece abrigo a eles. Só que, em troca, Mariano faz um pedido para os irmãos: para viverem ali, os dois devem fazer sexo enquanto ele assiste.
10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
Geralmente, as cenas de sexo ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites, mesmo em filmes convencionais e de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez longas recentes que possuem cenas de sexo explícitas e não simuladas.
Como o sexo ainda é um tabu na sociedade, as cenas de relações sexuais ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. No cinema convencional, o que ocorre, geralmente, são simulações. Trata-se de “técnica”, como sempre dizem os atores, ou do trabalho de dublês. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites e colocam cenas de sexo explícitas e reais em suas produções de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez exemplares recentes, lançados entre 2016 e 2019. Entre eles, destacam-se “Ana, Meu Amor” (2017), de Calin Peter Netzer; e “Marfa Girl 2” (2018), de Larry Clark. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com a data de lançamento. 
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2019), Abdellatif Kechiche
Em 1994, Ophélie descobre que está grávida de seu amante, Tony. Ela está noiva de outro homem, o casamento se aproxima, e Tony se recusa a assumir o relacionamento. Agora, Ophélie se sente perdida entre as duas escolhas possíveis: ir a Paris e fazer um aborto em segredo para se casar ou seguir seu instinto materno e cuidar da criança sozinha.
Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
O filme acompanha a vida de dois jovens que moram na pequena e desértica cidade de Marfa, no Texas. Adam, um skatista, tem dois filhos com mulheres diferentes, mas não assume suas responsabilidades como pai. E “Marfa Girl”, personagem cujo nome não é citado, luta para reconstruir sua vida e superar um estupro que sofreu no passado.
Ana, Meu amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
Ana e Toma se conhecem na faculdade de literatura e se apaixonam intensamente. Lutando contra a vontade dos pais, Toma se casa com Ana. Mas, quando eles descobrem que Ana sofre de uma doença mental, o relacionamento começa a ruir aos poucos. Toma esquece de si mesmo e faz de tudo para cuidar de Ana, mas ela se torna cada vez mais confusa e distante.
A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
Ao ler um livro, Frank lembra de seu antigo amor, Marie. Há 20 anos, ela se mudou para os Estados Unidos e nunca mais deu notícias. Sentindo-se melancólico, Frank resolve viajar para os EUA para encontrá-la. Em seu percurso, ele conhece Nina, uma enigmática garota de programa que ganha a vida filmando suas relações sexuais. Ela se interessa por Frank e o convida para trabalhar com ela.
Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
Stephanie e Julia são duas amigas que vivem em uma pequena vila dominada pela igreja católica, no início do século 20. Franek, um talentoso pintor de imagens eróticas, chega ao local em busca de modelos. Secretamente, as amigas aceitam posar para Franek e os três se envolvem em um triângulo amoroso. Em uma sociedade reprimida, Stephanie e Julia descobrem a paixão e o desejo. 
A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
Com uma estética hiper-realista, o filme acompanha Martin, um homem de 40 anos, que caminha pelo submundo do sexo em Buenos Aires. Desesperadamente solitário, Martin procura sexo nas ruas para passar o tempo. Durante toda a noite, ele fica com várias pessoas, entra em diferentes boates, participa de orgias e consome drogas.
Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
O diretor Pavel Ruminov filma o processo de término com sua ex-namorada, a atriz Natalia Anisimova. Ele decide se separar, mas Natalia se recusa a deixar a casa que os dois dividem, alegando que a história que os dois construíram não pode acabar. Durante esse tempo, eles brigam, contam confidências e fazem amor repetidas vezes.
Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
A vida tornou-se insuportável para Nick, de 23 anos. Ele arma um plano sombrio e vai armado a um passeio de barco com seus colegas da faculdade, planejando assassiná-los. Mas, o destino se antecipa e um acidente em alto-mar mata os estudantes, deixando apenas Nick vivo. Pelos próximos dias, Nick enfrenta uma forte crise existencial, assustando todos ao seu redor.
Theo e Hugo: Paris 05:59 (2016), Olivier Ducastel e Jacques Martineau
O filme acompanha Theo e Hugo, jovens gays que se conhecem durante uma orgia em um clube de sexo no subúrbio de Paris. Os dois se aproximam e decidem pedalar pela cidade, conversando sobre suas vidas. O filme foi inteiramente filmado em tempo real, com início às 4h27 e término às 5h59. A cena da orgia, que inicia ocupa os 18 minutos iniciais do longa, não foi simulada.
We Are The Flesh (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
Um apocalipse misterioso devasta o mundo, forçando os irmãos Lucio e Fauna a vagarem sem rumo em busca de comida e abrigo. Após anos sozinhos, eles encontram um dos últimos edifícios restantes da Terra, mas ele já está habitado por Mariano, que oferece abrigo a eles. Só que, em troca, Mariano faz um pedido para os irmãos: para viverem ali, os dois devem fazer sexo enquanto ele assiste.
10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
0 notes
10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
Como o sexo ainda é um tabu na sociedade, as cenas de relações sexuais ficam restritas ao submundo dos filmes pornográficos. No cinema convencional, o que ocorre, geralmente, são simulações. Trata-se de “técnica”, como sempre dizem os atores, ou do trabalho de dublês. Mas, alguns cineastas gostam de brincar com os limites e colocam cenas de sexo explícitas e reais em suas produções de ficção. A Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista dez exemplares recentes, lançados entre 2016 e 2019. Entre eles, destacam-se “Ana, Meu Amor” (2017), de Calin Peter Netzer; e “Marfa Girl 2” (2018), de Larry Clark. Os títulos estão organizados de acordo com a data de lançamento. 
Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2019), Abdellatif Kechiche
Em 1994, Ophélie descobre que está grávida de seu amante, Tony. Ela está noiva de outro homem, o casamento se aproxima, e Tony se recusa a assumir o relacionamento. Agora, Ophélie se sente perdida entre as duas escolhas possíveis: ir a Paris e fazer um aborto em segredo para se casar ou seguir seu instinto materno e cuidar da criança sozinha.
Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
O filme acompanha a vida de dois jovens que moram na pequena e desértica cidade de Marfa, no Texas. Adam, um skatista, tem dois filhos com mulheres diferentes, mas não assume suas responsabilidades como pai. E “Marfa Girl”, personagem cujo nome não é citado, luta para reconstruir sua vida e superar um estupro que sofreu no passado.
Ana, Meu amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
Ana e Toma se conhecem na faculdade de literatura e se apaixonam intensamente. Lutando contra a vontade dos pais, Toma se casa com Ana. Mas, quando eles descobrem que Ana sofre de uma doença mental, o relacionamento começa a ruir aos poucos. Toma esquece de si mesmo e faz de tudo para cuidar de Ana, mas ela se torna cada vez mais confusa e distante.
A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
Ao ler um livro, Frank lembra de seu antigo amor, Marie. Há 20 anos, ela se mudou para os Estados Unidos e nunca mais deu notícias. Sentindo-se melancólico, Frank resolve viajar para os EUA para encontrá-la. Em seu percurso, ele conhece Nina, uma enigmática garota de programa que ganha a vida filmando suas relações sexuais. Ela se interessa por Frank e o convida para trabalhar com ela.
Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
Stephanie e Julia são duas amigas que vivem em uma pequena vila dominada pela igreja católica, no início do século 20. Franek, um talentoso pintor de imagens eróticas, chega ao local em busca de modelos. Secretamente, as amigas aceitam posar para Franek e os três se envolvem em um triângulo amoroso. Em uma sociedade reprimida, Stephanie e Julia descobrem a paixão e o desejo. 
A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
Com uma estética hiper-realista, o filme acompanha Martin, um homem de 40 anos, que caminha pelo submundo do sexo em Buenos Aires. Desesperadamente solitário, Martin procura sexo nas ruas para passar o tempo. Durante toda a noite, ele fica com várias pessoas, entra em diferentes boates, participa de orgias e consome drogas.
Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
O diretor Pavel Ruminov filma o processo de término com sua ex-namorada, a atriz Natalia Anisimova. Ele decide se separar, mas Natalia se recusa a deixar a casa que os dois dividem, alegando que a história que os dois construíram não pode acabar. Durante esse tempo, eles brigam, contam confidências e fazem amor repetidas vezes.
Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
A vida tornou-se insuportável para Nick, de 23 anos. Ele arma um plano sombrio e vai armado a um passeio de barco com seus colegas da faculdade, planejando assassiná-los. Mas, o destino se antecipa e um acidente em alto-mar mata os estudantes, deixando apenas Nick vivo. Pelos próximos dias, Nick enfrenta uma forte crise existencial, assustando todos ao seu redor.
Theo e Hugo: Paris 05:59 (2016), Olivier Ducastel e Jacques Martineau
O filme acompanha Theo e Hugo, jovens gays que se conhecem durante uma orgia em um clube de sexo no subúrbio de Paris. Os dois se aproximam e decidem pedalar pela cidade, conversando sobre suas vidas. O filme foi inteiramente filmado em tempo real, com início às 4h27 e término às 5h59. A cena da orgia, que inicia ocupa os 18 minutos iniciais do longa, não foi simulada.
We Are The Flesh (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
Um apocalipse misterioso devasta o mundo, forçando os irmãos Lucio e Fauna a vagarem sem rumo em busca de comida e abrigo. Após anos sozinhos, eles encontram um dos últimos edifícios restantes da Terra, mas ele já está habitado por Mariano, que oferece abrigo a eles. Só que, em troca, Mariano faz um pedido para os irmãos: para viverem ali, os dois devem fazer sexo enquanto ele assiste.
10 filmes recentes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
0 notes