#leo aiolia x reader
Es hora de revivir el amor por Saint seiya, ¿ Puedo solicitar headcanon de Aioria y Milo invitando a salir a un male reader?
-- ¿Como te fue en tu última misión? ---
Ese es su saludo y manera de conversar, uno que le ha ayudado a crear un vínculo contigo que esa frase ha tomado un gran significado.
Pero ese día fue diferente:
Aioria sabemos que es un caballero temerario y valiente... pero creo que para esto debio prepararse muchísimo.
Antes de preguntarte, el práctico frente al espejo bastantes veces.
Después práctico con Marin las diferentes respuestas que le pudieras dar.
Hasta cierto punto, la santo ya no sabía si era practica o una estrategia de batalla.
Asi que tuvo que calmar al León y asegurarle que todo estaría bien, que ya estaba listo.
Al momento de invitarte... puede que se le hayan cruzado algunas palabras y la invitación pareciera otra cosa.
8/10 al momento de la invitación, 11/10 en la cita.
No voy a mentir, con Milo solo hay dos opciones:
La mejor invitación galante que hayas tenido en tu vida (seductora, confiada, determinada y olor a buen pay de manzana).
O, si fueron amigos de muchos años:
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agirlisnow · 4 years
The First Time They Knew 💛 – Classic Saint Seiya & The Lost Canvas
Aries Mu
Mu knew you for a while when he finally understood that what he felt for you was more than a friendship. At first, he probably underestimated his feelings. But that early morning, when you smiled back at him, with your nose slightly burn from the sun of the day before, wearing your favorite summer dress in the sunrise breeze… He just had to face he was in love.
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Gemini Saga
Saga realized he was in love with you when he put his own life at risk to save yours. For once, when he felt all his energies abandoning his body, he prayed with all his heart to survive. He wanted to live, to spend more days with you and have a chance to tell you how much he cared about you. He just wanted more time to stay by your side and show you all his love.
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Leo Aiolia
Definitely, Aiolia would not expect to fall for you in that way. It was embarrassing, he was in the wrong place at the worst time, and you stayed furious with him for a few days as well. What happened? The Leo Gold Saint walked by your window. He genuinely wanted to say hello and leaned inside your room. But you were undressing, and when you notice him, it was too late: he had already seen too much. And he was in love with you.
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Libra Dohko
Dohko realized he was in love with you the very first time you met. He was standing there, in front of you, holding your hand, so smaller than his. And while you were telling him your name, he found your voice so sweet and nice that his head started to spin. If it weren’t for Shion, you would not even know the Libra Gold Saint’s name.
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Scorpio Milo
The Scorpio Gold Saint may be proud even when he shouldn’t be. Deeply convinced of his self-sufficiency and that he didn’t need anyone, he somehow tended to push you away. But when that night he saw you all covered in blood and he felt his broken heart, his empty lungs and tears streaming down his face, he just knew.
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Sagittarius Sisyphus
Probably he fell for you gradually, he is way too mature to lose his mind for a woman he just met. He was aware of his feelings when you talked to him about Regulus progresses. He could clearly feel that awkward sensation when his fingers touched yours for an instant while training. And definitely, he realized you were his significant other when he had to turn his face away while you were laughing, trying to hide his red cheeks from you.
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Aquarius Camus
The way Camus got to know he was in love with you was very simple. One day, while walking down the street with him, you got catcalled. So, he simply realized he was giving a little too threatening look to those guys. At first, he felt weird, but once he realized it was just the way he felt, he “randomly” put an arm around your shoulders and led you to another street.
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Pisces Albafica
Albafica tends to be a very distant person as well. He really didn’t expect to fall in love so easily. Once, it was a very warm summer day, he glimpsed you from afar strolling down the village, holding a huge bunch of flowers. Apparently for no reason, you turned around and looked into the Gold Saint of Pisces’ eyes. You didn’t know he was there and he didn’t anything to make you notice his presence. You simply turn your head and looked at him. And his heart skipped a beat.
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  🌸   Thank you for reading  🌸
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Cat in A Tree
Well Hiya peeps. Yes I’m still alive. I just haven’t had a lot of time or to be honest energy for writing. Work has been killing me. I finally got the urge to write again. If this gets decent Response, I might do more. So please enjoy. :) Also don’t forget I have an Ao3 by the same name as on here so... Yeah :)  Enjoy this bit of Saint Seiya Fluff!!! Cus yes I’m Saint Seiya trash now. It’s just so good. 
Another Request. At least this one was out of the city. You held the basket with one hand swinging it lightly as the warm summer breeze came and picked up your hair as it passed by. Under all of these trees, it honestly felt pretty good. You couldn’t help but smile gently as you wandered along the path.
You had just been trying to clean up around the house of the pope when Lord Aphrodite found you. He needed someone to do a bit of shopping for him. First it was just picking up some herbs and things so he could make his own shampoo. Now it was to fetch apples from the orchard. You didn’t understand his thinking but at least it got you out of Sanctuary for a while.
You were just humming gently to yourself when you heard something odd. It honestly sounded like a tree that was cursing up a storm. You stopped midstep, Honestly terrified you had been followed. Some of the younger male saints had a habit of trying for any young maiden from the pope’s house. Most of the time Pope Ares would tell them to back off but on the rare chance he didn’t, You feared for your safety.
Thankfully it seems you weren’t followed. You saw a small black cat jump out a tree close by and look at you curious before it headed out.
“Oh yeah, Yeah. Just hop on down…. You couldn’t help me back.” You gave the tree an odd look. Trees didn’t talk and that sounded like someone you knew. You walked closer leaving your basket by the base and looked up.
Dirty blond hair, cut short attached to a frowning face with gorgeous blue eyes staring down at yours.
“Oh. Um…” You couldn’t help but laugh as he tried to keep the bottom of his shirt up.
“Lord Aiolia?” He waved with one hand then.
“Hello (Y/N). Um… What brings you out here?”
“Lord Aphrodite wanted some fresh apples. I think he’s making that apple conditioner again.”
“Sounds it.” He tried to reach up to his foot and you saw. A thick branch had decided to lace itself with his sandal. He was stuck. You covered your mouth then trying not to laugh before you looked back up.
“Might I ask why a gold saint is in a tree?”
“Well…” He finally straightened out sighing.
“I followed a cat out here and up into the tree. But then the little bugger got stuck. So I had to climb further up to get it free. When I picked the poor thing up tho, It kind of spazzed and I lost my balance and Well… It got my shoe. Cat got down right?”
“Right… Well…” You giggled then before you found a good foothold and pulled yourself up.
“You saved one cat. I’ll save another.”
“Huh?” He gave you a confused look before it sunk in.
“Oh Damn it!!!” You laughed then as You got in a safe location before you pulled out your knife. Most Maids weren’t allowed to carry one but since you went out into the city often, No one argued. A woman had to protect herself.
“I can fix your sandal later if you like.”
“Nah. These are older anyway.” You nodded as you reached up carefully and cut through the leather strap. The branch slipped free and Aiolia yelped before catching himself on a branch under him and swung around so he landed on his feet. You waited a few, Making sure he wouldn’t fall before you found your way down. He helped you off the final branch with a smile.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. Just Funny our grand Leo Saint would get himself stuck in a tree like that.” He sighed then before smiling.
“Don’t tell the others?”
“Never.” You gave him a kind smile before you grabbed your basket.
“Well… Since we’re both here, Would you like to go apple picking with me? Maybe there’s more cats that need saving.”
“Hm… I think I’d rather just help a cute girl if that’s ok by you.” You felt your cheek go red as he easily takes the basket from you.
“Plus all the good apples are always at the top. You don’t need to be climbing trees in a dress.” You shrugged but easily fell into step beside him before picking a leaf out of his hair. Aiolia was always a kind man and honestly moments like this were some you held close to your heart. They made the harsh life in the pope’s house easier to deal with and served as a reminder. True knights did still exist. Even if they did sometimes get stuck in trees.
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Yandere Camus y Aiolia, plus Lugonis
Camus se dirigió a paso tranquilo al templo de Leo, no quería levantar sospechas pero tenia prisas de llegar al templo. Aun no estaba de todo convencido de este trato, aunque ese convenio había traído bastantes beneficios.
Cuando el santo de acuario entro al quinto templo, se dirigió a los cuarto privados de este lugar hasta una habitación. Camus toco la puerta y espero a que le abrieran; Aiolia fue quien lo recibió y lo dejo pasar.
El santo de Leo portaba ropas mas casuales y el pelo un poco mas alborotado de lo normal, pero nada importo cuando los gélidos ojos del caballero de la séptima casa se posaron en la silueta del antiguo santo de Triangulum.
(Y/N) vestía un típico atuendo de ama de casa, así como su bello pelo estaba recogido en una cola de caballo. La santo estaba preparando la cena sin percatarse de la presencia del francés, quien tosió un poco para llamar su atención.
(Y/N) voltio y sonrió ante la presencia de Camus, se dirigió a el para recibirlo con un abrazo (algo que Aiolia le había "enseñado") y un beso en la mejilla (sorprendentemente, esto ultimo fue idea de Camus). A ambos caballeros aun les dolía ver la mirada apagada y dócil del santo, aun recordaban como esos ojos tenían una chispa de pasión por la batalla así como un cosmos con futuro potencial... pero ahora solo quedaba una dulce y amorosa ama de casa. A Camus y Aiolia aunque extrañaban esa chispa en los ojos de (Y/N), no iban a negar que esta nueva actitud les encantaba. Así ella podría estar a salvo de los peligros del mundo.
Bonus: Lugonis
El santo miraba con una sonrisa a su pequeña "familia" mientras que su "esposa" parecía entretenida alimentando al pequeño Albafica. Lugonis sentía su corazón latir cálidamente ante el acogedor cuadro que lucharía por mantenerlo. Se levanto de su asiento para pasar un tiempo con sus seres amados pero un guardia apareció para entregarle una misión.
Pobre soldado, casi muere por las rosas que el santo de piscis había hecho crecer por acercarse siquiera al pasillo que dirigía a los aposentos privados del templo. Lugonis era un buen caballero y buen esposo, pero era muy receloso cuando se trataba de su familia hasta al punto de que no temía en usar su cosmos para advertir incluso hacia sus propios compañeros.
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Hi! if possible I can apply for Camus, Lugonis or Aiolia, pleace?
Hi, so sorry for being this late.
Camus and Aiolia
Camus walked at a leisurely pace to Leo's temple, not wanting to arouse suspicion but in a hurry to get to the temple. He was still not entirely convinced of this deal, although this agreement had brought quite a few benefits.
When the Aquarian saint entered the fifth temple, he went to the private rooms of this place to a room. Camus knocked on the door and waited for the door to be opened; Aiolia was the one who received him and let him in.
The saint of Leo wore more casual clothes and his hair was a bit more disheveled than usual, but nothing mattered when the icy eyes of the knight of the seventh house fell on the silhouette of the former saint of Triangulum.
(Y/N) was dressed in typical housewife attire, as well as her beautiful hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The saint was preparing dinner without noticing the Frenchman, who coughed a little to get her attention.
(Y/N) turned and smiled at the presence of Camus, went to him to greet him with a hug (something Aiolia had "taught" him) and a kiss on the cheek (surprisingly, the latter was Camus' idea). It still pained both knights to see the dull and docile look of the saint, they still remembered how those eyes had a spark of passion for battle as well as a cosmos with potential future... but now only a sweet and loving housewife remained. To Camus and Aiolia although they missed that spark in (Y/N)'s eyes, they were not going to deny that they loved this new attitude. This way she could be safe from the dangers of the world.
Bonus: Lugonis
The saint looked with a smile at his little "family" while his "wife" seemed amused feeding little Albafica. Lugonis felt his heart beat warmly at the cozy tableau that he would struggle to maintain. He got up from his seat to spend some time with his loved ones but a guard appeared to hand him a mission.
Poor soldier, he almost died from the roses the pisces saint had grown for even approaching the hallway that led to the private quarters of the temple. Lugonis was a fine gentleman and a good husband, but he was very suspicious when it came to his family to the point that he was not afraid to use his cosmos to warn even his own companions.
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agirlisnow · 4 years
How he would confess his feelings for you – Classic Saint Seiya & The Lost Canvas
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Aries Mu
Mu would take this task very seriously. He would spend several days just meditating about how he could confess to you in the best way possible, pondering every single word, choosing the right time and place. He wants you to feel at ease and avoid any embarrassment. However, when finally confessing his feelings, the perfect atmosphere would not be enough and he would stir within more than he likes to admit.
Gemini Saga
His confession would be just a formality, because it would be crystal clear long ago that you are more than a friend to him. This does not mean that Saga would be very confident in doing it. In fact, he would tell you his feelings with a heavy blush on his cheeks that he is unable to hide despite his every attempt, still worried about a rejection.
Cancer Manigoldo
He would take you out to dinner, away from the Sanctuary to create a romantic mood. His invitation would be really a surprise for you, since lately Manigoldo was more ironic and sarcastic towards you than usual. By the strange way he acts, you know he's hiding something, so you decide to play along and find out. On the way back to the Temples, when the evening is almost over, you couldn't expect him to stop in the middle of the path, blush and confess he's fallen for you.
Leo Aiolia
Aiolia would go for the dinner technique as well, but he would opt for a home-made meal, with a beautifully set table for the two of you, with candles and flowers. Not that he's such a great cook but, not being a good speaker either, he hopes that his efforts would make up for the simple words he would use and show you how strong his feelings are.
Libra Dohko
Dohko would definitely be a stuttering mess when confessing his feeling to you. He would start full of confidence when planning how to do that, but eventually in front of you, with his heart racing and his face flushing, he wouldn't be able to spell a single word correctly. Luckily for him, you were well aware of his love for a long time.
Scorpio Milo
His confession would be Camus' nightmare. The Aquarius Saint would lost count of every night spent with his friend trying to decide the best way to tell you his feelings. When finally happy with his speech, result of Camus' hard work, Milo would ask you to meet him by his Temple and there, decide to kiss you without saying a single word.
Scorpio Kardia
He would really have no idea how to tell you he had fallen for you, not the slightest hint. Even if he knows he's not the kind of person who stay still thinking, Kardia would be worried by this impasse. The problem would be overcome the night when you unintentionally catch the eye of a bunch of drunk men at the village: after kicking their asses for harassing you, Kardia would claim you as his in front of them, making you a blushing mess.
Sagittarius Sisyphus
Being too shy to confess, Sisyphus would start being kinder than usual towards you, if it could be even possible. But, day by day, as his feelings grow stronger, he would begin also to blush a lot more just because of your presence, and this would lead him to avoid eye contact with you. You would worry about this strange situation where the Sagittarius Saint doesn't want to even look at you and one evening, finding him alone, would ask him what's wrong. Sisyphus would then take a deep breath and confess.
Capricorn El Cid
El Cid would never confess to you, yet he wouldn't shut down to his feelings; simply he doesn't know how to deal with that. That's why he would need you to make the first move in facing your love for each other. Anyway, you would probably notice the Capricorn Gold Saint has a soft spot for you by the very protective way he acts and how awkward he is around you sometimes.
Aquarius Camus
At first, he wouldn't even want to talk about confessing his feelings. But then, Milo would convince him to tell you everything, threatening him to do it himself if not. However, Camus would not plan anything strange, he would simply speak up at the more proper moment, maybe after a long day spent together, when returning to the Sanctuary in a warm summer night.
Pisces Aphrodite
The Pisces Gold Saint would tell you his true feelings without mincing words. Confident as always, he would confess at the right moment in the right place, without having planned about it so long. However, if he's not sure of your interest in him, he would court you for a while, making you fall for him as well. His only aim would be having you as his mate and he would succeed.
Pisces Albafica
Of course, his issues wouldn't let him live his love for you in the most serene way. He would decide not to tell you anything about his feelings and prefer to watch you from a distance, taking care of you in any way he could. But fate would have other plans and somehow wind you up to be together for a while. In that time spent with you, Albafica could no longer hide his feelings and, with your help, would find the strength to put aside his fears enjoying love in his life.
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🌸 Thank you for reading 🌸
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agirlisnow · 4 years
How he would show his affection to you – Classic Saint Seiya
Aries Mu – Making it easier
With his quiet attitude, Mu always do his best to take care of you even when you are not watching. You are his priority and he would do anything to help you when you need, but he tries to do it in the shadows. This is because you often scold him for worrying too much, afraid to be a burden for him. But anytime, he's ready to point out that you are not and that it comes naturally to him to make your life easier if he can and that your smile is his too.
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Leo Aiolia – Remembering little things
Aiolia is quite the perfect fiancé, almost perfect in everything he does for you and you relation. But the thing you adore the most is how he can remember even the smallest thing you say or like and pull it out again at the perfect time. That could be something you wanted to eat or something you said it was making you feel uncomfortable, and he would find or sort it, no matter what.
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Scorpio Milo – Praising you
As your partner, the Scorpio Saint would always look after you and would notice everything that happens around. That's why he often notices your fine qualities that the others does not seem to see, and praises you for those. He's always ready to spend a good word for you, not in order to flatter you, but because he really thinks what he's saying. He considers you one of the best people in the Sanctuary, he loves you for that and wants you to know it.
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Capricorn Shura – Taking time for you
Even though this may seem obvious for a normal couple, for you and Shura it is not. He is one of the twelve Gold Saints and it's not always simple for him to be with you all the time he'd like. Anyway, he never fail to save at least a couple of hours just for the two of you, maybe doing your favourite things. We are not talking about night time because, of course, since he didn't install a double bed for nothing.
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Aquarius Camus – Getting involved in the things you like
Always in place, poised and very cultured, he loves you so much that he would do anything for you, even the dumbest things you could imagine. This is because he knows that sometimes he could be a little too cold even towards you, and tries to make up for that. So, he would try his best to enjoy your favourite romcoms sank into the couch, wrapped up with you in a plaid, which is really too warm for the Ice Master.
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Pisces Aphrodite – Searching for the physical contact
Aphrodite tends to act as usual even around you, maybe trying a little not to put your relation under the spotlight too much. But he would always look for some physical contact with you in almost every situation, just to show you how much he cares. That's why, doing your everyday business, you would suddenly feel his his arm around your shoulders or, while having a conversation with him and the rest of the Saints, his hand would brush yours.
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🌸 Thank you for reading 🌸
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ao3feed-saintseiya · 4 years
Cat in a Tree
AO3: https://ift.tt/2YIlo0W
by SkywritesDaydreams
Reader is sent on an errand and Finds more than one type of Cat in a tree.
Words: 788, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Saint Seiya
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Leo Aiolia, Reader
Relationships: Leo Aiolia/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, x Reader, mention of cats
AO3: https://ift.tt/2YIlo0W
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