#lennon wells
jessread-s · 7 months
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Make no mistake…this book will have you in a chokehold. 
“Pretty Little Mistake” follows Lennon Wells and Beckham Sullivan who are forced to work together on a project despite the wounds they still nurse from their failed relationship. But the two can’t ignore their lingering attraction for each other and when one sizzling night leaves Lennon pregnant, they become a constant in each other’s lives whether they like it or not…and they just might be starting to. 
I picked up this book after stumbling across the author’s TikTok teasers and it lived up to all my expectations! I loved every single page. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—it isn’t easy to execute the unexpected pregnancy trope. Oftentimes, books featuring this trope depict two strangers starting a relationship based solely on the fact that they are having a child together, which isn’t a great idea when you really think about it. That isn’t the case in this book. Lennon and Beckham have history and their circumstances only give them a second chance to reconnect and find they’re happily ever after. 
Lennon and Beckham’s chemistry is palpable. Their playful banter is endlessly entertaining and their actions speak volumes for how deeply they care for each other. I appreciated how they were both there to support each other as they worked through their respective generational trauma without overstepping. 
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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javelinbk · 7 months
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The Beatles - Now And Then (Official Music Video)
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pondanimal · 19 days
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am i doing this right
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opossauce is my art blog btw. this just aint going there
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franklyimissparis · 5 months
never getting over this actually
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paperbackwriiter · 23 days
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Get Back (2021): Day One - Thursday 2nd January, 1969 "The Beatles face a daunting task."
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got-ticket-to-ride · 4 months
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Arriving at the scene for their interview "RoundUp" April 30, 1964 // John looking glum when Paul asked Morag Hood out to come to their show.
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atlas-hope · 3 months
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I’m normal about the british insects
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foryouwereinmysong · 2 months
Those John and Paul moments ... again … now as a video montage bc I’m obsessed
(Ready, Steady, Go rehearsals, 1963, full video here)
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ringosmistress · 2 months
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fireintheimpala · 3 months
That Early 70's McLennon cunt energy
John 1970, Plastic Ono Band, Well, Well, Well:
Well, well, well, Oh well. Well, well, well, Oh well. I took my loved one out to dinner [...] She looked so beautiful, I could eat her. Well, well, well, Oh well. Well, well, well, Oh well. I took my loved one to the big field...
Paul 1971, RAM, Long Haired Lady + Eat at Home:
Well, well, well, well, well Do you love me like you know you ought to do? Well, well, well, well, well Or is this the only thing you want me for? Well, [paraphrase] I have a very sexy lady now also, I love her sooo much. And I definitely do eat her...at home. Here's some on point iconography for you, you jackass, and I don't want to hear another word about what happened in that field.
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thekhoei · 1 month
my favorite lennon starr friendship moment is that each of them narrated the other's commercial
(i couldnt post 2 vids at once so i added inline links to the videos)
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
um does anyone know what miles says right at the end of the ep version of aviation?? because to me it sounds suspiciously like “how was that yoko?” which. yeah. i don’t even know how to begin to process that if i’m hearing that right???
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javelinbk · 1 day
Happy anniversary to one of John’s most dad jokes of dad jokes
The Beatles (3/4 + Jimmie Nicol) at their press conference in Sydney airport, 11th June 1964
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I'm not adding the link cause you need to subscribe to read about what I truly hope is a rumor
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newportangels · 3 months
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muzaktomyears · 3 months
When we met the Beatles they were undressed and dripping with sweat
That day the Beatles were playing, all kitted out in black ties, white shirts and black trousers. It was so hot and crowded in the Cavern that, as usual, sweat was dripping off the ceiling, but we didn’t mind. The Beatles’ rhythm and harmonies were so tight and focused that we couldn’t stop dancing. They played covers of Barrett Strong originals, like Some Other Guy and Money. They did a raucous version of Twist and Shout, and wild rock’n’roll songs like Chuck Berry’s Roll over Beethoven and Little Richard’s saucy Long Tall Sally. More than ever, we wanted to be up on stage like them, playing our guitars and making the crowd rock.
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After the set Wooler [Bob Wooler, the Cavern’s compere and DJ] said, “Come on, I’ll take you to meet the lads.” It was so exciting. He grabbed us and we threaded through the audience backstage where George Harrison was standing in the corridor talking to a very good-looking blonde girl. He was wearing a fantastic black leather coat, and later walked out of the Cavern with her, already like a rock star.
In the dressing room John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in their undies, getting changed. They were drying themselves with towels because they had just come off stage and were dripping with sweat. They were very handsome. Apart from our brothers, we’d never seen men in underpants before, so us four teenage girls just stood there staring at them. They were very down to earth, and Paul was particularly kind.
“Hiya girls, y’all right?” he said, while John sat there looking at us in a way that was direct and penetrating.
Bob Wooler told them, “This is the Liverbirds, they’re gonna be the first all-girl group.”
“What a great idea,” said Paul, but Lennon was sarcastic. “Girls don’t play guitars,” he said.
After we left the dressing room we huffed, “The cheek of it! We’re going to prove him wrong.” Years later we found out more about Lennon, that although he often made sardonic comments he was also sensitive and intelligent, an artist who regretted his disdainful treatment of women in his early career. “We can’t have a revolution that doesn’t involve and liberate women. It’s so subtle the way you’re taught male superiority,” he said in 1971, in an interview with Tariq Ali and Robin Blackburn for the underground paper Red Mole. It’s clear his feelings about women evolved, but we also wonder if what he said that day in the Cavern dressing room was meant to test us, provoke us into making a success of the band. If so, it certainly worked.
from The Liverbirds: Our Life in Britain’s First Female Rock’n’roll Band by Mary McGlory and Sylvia Saunders (source)
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