penny-anna · 5 years
@leksa-willin replied to your post: I don't have the link but, that post about 'book...
I don’t understand the problem you have at all, either with the book merch or this t-shirt. Like, really, could you explain a bit? referencing a post I have no idea about is not helpful
when it comes to the shirt I mean like, one of the names on there is the name of an actor who played a dr who companion and one of the names is mispelled so that’s 2 things. it’s just... very obvious looking at it that whoever designed it doesn’t actually know anything about dr who (& I mean dr who in general not just classic who, the fact that ten’s one-off companions are so prominent is also very odd)
wrt to the book merch I found the post I was talking about ( @trans-cuchulainn u were asking for the link I think?)
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
ok homophobe 
that’s a good impression
can hardly tell the difference
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bakersttardis · 4 years
leksa-willin replied to your post “Ok how do some female readers feel about the Witcher books? Because...”
very good in my opinion!
ok thanks!
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rlainarin · 6 years
@leksa-willin replying to you re: the trans Evi post here
first off, it can be two things.
second, no, it wasn’t her brother’s sword.
third, what the fuck do white people have to do with this? neither Alethi nor Rirans are white. you’re dragging in something with no applicability just to paint Elli as racist.
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willin-art · 6 years
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Some crossover! Just watched the movie and the feels were unbearable :c
Deviantart: wcqaguxa | Facebook/Behance/Twitter: Leksa Willin
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shiroxix · 6 years
leksa-willin replied to your post “Help! Granted, I should have done this AFTER finishing the Cosmere...”
Empress is Navani. She had a huge lot of feminity and nurturing
Yes. My girlfriend pointed out that I missed the boat by not considering her immediately. The think is, I did, but was hesitant because Navani is so much more than a mother, but then I remembered she is the very embodiment of what it means to be a woman on Roshar and I think she’s going to be that card for sure!
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fleurdulys · 8 years
leksa-willin replied to your photo: chulaspice: i got bored in class and this happened
   Yeah you’re all racist   
omg this just in, if you make fun of what a neo nazi said, you’re racist
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penny-anna · 5 years
@harmless-hobbit replied to your post: @leksa-willin replied to your post: I don’t have...
It has a very ermmmm- “made by someone who thinks Minion Memes are funny” kinda vibe
I’m not sure I agree as I think the kind of ppl who’d buy it would be too hipster for minion memes but can I just say, ‘thinks Minion Memes are funny vibe’ is an amazing concept
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dorkflower · 8 years
leksa-willin replied to your post:So I have some gals and male friends following me...
If they are exclusively porn blogs/ads then they follow you only to gain more views (you check em to see who they are, there is a small chance you follow em back), I have a similar problem, though I block all the porn blogs that follow me :’)
Ohh, I see. Thanks for letting me know ^^
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lochcamaen · 8 years
Oh stop with "this ship is disgusting" about reylo! It is not like everyone knew he ISNT behaving properly. U don't ship it? Ok. But stop shoving up everyones throughts your friggin political correctness.
Me not shipping it has nothing to do with ‘political correctness’. You know what does?
*Under the cut in case this shows up in tags or searches*
My step-dad’s first marriage was a severely abusive one. His wife, a once sweet and loving person, turned into a horrible monster that my step-dad still has daily nightmares about almost 20 years after the divorce. His PTSD is so bad that he can’t even sleep in the same bed as my mother most nights. My step-dad is a lovely man and husband, scarred mentally and physically by his past.
I have seen the side effects of an abusive relationship, and it is terrifying. I refuse to tolerate anyone romancing it. I have done the same with Kilgrave/Jessica, 50 Shades Of Gray, even Edward/Bella years ago on an old blog.
You don’t like me reblogging posts pointing out the problematic nature of the ship? Ok. You don’t have to follow me, that’s your choice. It’s also my choice to reblog said posts and voice my opinion. You go do your thing with your blog and I’ll do my thing with mine, there’s no need for messages like this.
Good day, and may the Force be with you.
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willin-art · 6 years
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2017 summary of art
Facebook/behance: Leksa Willin Deviantart: wcqaguxa
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squidwithelbows · 9 years
Why u have elbows? :O
Basically, when I got this tumblr my friend and I were obsessed with bigfin squids, which are a type of squid with elbows, and so I put that as my username and promised that as soon as I thought of a better url I would change my username... And that never ended up happening.
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cloudjumpervalka · 9 years
Dandelion, rhododendton:)
Do you think you’re important?   sometimes yeah other times nah
What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?   idk something with my furniture being covered in human organs and junk
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nigar-kalfa-blog · 10 years
Wszystkiego najlepszego :D Ponieważ wszystkim przypomniałaś już o swoich urodzinach, nie dałaś się zaskoczyć, bo ja(i pewnie nie tylko ja) pamiętałam o nich już dawno wcześniej ;) No i cóż ja Ci mogę życzyć? Więcej pewności siebie i związku, w którym byłbabyś szczęśiwa, i czasu do pisania Twojej powieści. Na którą czekam. :P I wielu świeżych pomysłów. I motywacji do pracy. I do rysowania, nie porzucaj tego :) A prezent dostaniesz jak przyjadę :D
Dziękuję Ci bardzo za piękne życzenia ♥ Napisz do mnie jeszcze kiedy dokładnie przyjedziesz (godziny też), żebym mogła sobie wziąć wolne w pracy :)
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danixia · 11 years
leksa-willin reblogged your post: Ok everyone! December 27 for Naruhina day, is it okay for everyone?
well, in my country it’s the day, when an uprising started and it was the only one won in our history… :D What about 14...
first of all, cool!! waths the name of your country ? And second it wouldnt be a bad ideia...demo...on Cristhmas everyone could participate becouse its an holyday.... BUT your ideia its indeed realy good =)
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