#legit only learned it during my apprenticeship
ayakashibackstreet · 1 year
Local failcringe IT reject boy once again mourning the fact he can't solder
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technodromes · 9 months
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Saby
PRONOUNS: she/her
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I tend to overshare or overexplain. I like to think that I got better about filtering myself all in all, but when I feel very cozy talking to someone, I still start talking too much lol. It's always okay to tell me 'Saby, that's too much information', because there are still moments I don't catch myself right away.
Iced Coffees from the store fridges are my guilty pleasure. I said a million times now that I want to reduce my consumption of them but I still pick them up every now and then to treat myself lol.
I made an apprenticeship as a gardener and worked in an arboretum for 5 years. I had to learn 420 botanic & german plant names during that bloody apprenticeship, but I think I forgot 90% of these names since lmao. They reduced the amount of plants to 418 (lol), but if you're just curious and want to take a peek: Here's the site with the lists (EFZ Zierpflanzen alle Lehrjahre (2018))
PLATFORMS USED: tumblr (main), animexx (inactive), various forum sites (don't rp there anymore), discord (only very briefly and I didn't like it)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I always used to be someone who's very much winging things on the go. But I like to plot partially now and look into possible directions with my partner to not get lost in the plot. The latter has happened to me way too often in the past. However, I say it here right away, I absolutely don't like to plot something from start to end. Sometimes I or my partner get a better idea while writing a reply and I'm sure we all know how a sudden change in plot can turn things awkward when everything was plotted through beforehand. So I rather just don't. As far as memes to threads go, sure! If I or my partner come up with a great pitch to a random prompt, there can be great threads out of that. But I also admit that, while I like random prompts, they can be difficult sometimes to reply to and incorporate into a scenario that would work for both of the muses. I have done so many prompt memes in the past, that I feel like I'm a little burnt out of them at the moment.
GENDER: I have no preferences as far as gender goes. Everyone's welcome here.
MULTI OR SINGLE: I rp with both likewise. Listen, I had single muse blogs only in the past and can see the pro and contras in both. I understand why someone prefers single muse blogs, but I also understand why someone prefers multis. But if someone changes their interests almost daily, they will hop blogs and muses all the time, regardless of whether they run a multi or single muse. So for me it's not about 'multi or single-muse' but whether someone found a balance in how they deal with their old and new fixations on their blog/s.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):  After a million edits later all I have to say here is that I think that's a stupid-ass point. And I have no 'least favorite faceclaim'. NEXT.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I love fluff. I'm legit a sucker for it and I'm guilty of wanting fluff threads when I don't feel very well. They're like my comfort food? Unfortunately, my muses here are all assholes by default unless they know someone well enough to adopt them into their asshole family. Except Bishop. Please send Bishop all the hugs. Yeah I love fluff but prefer writing it with people and muses I know.
ANGST:  I think angst can be entertaining and useful for muse development. It helps characters to understand each other better and either get them closer or have them drift apart. But tbh, I don't like writing with muses that are all ANGST ANGST ANGST in every.single.thread. It gets tiring fast. For example, I don't want Grum to be defined by their trauma only, even tho it is a great deal of who they are now. I rather wanna focus on them trying to get away from it. But I certainly DO love to delve into angsty themes when they come up.
SMUT: I've been thinking about that lately and I tried talking myself into 'I can write it once every while' before. But tbh, I'm no smut writer at all. I'm not opposed to letting the muses have some fun, but I generally prefer fading to black when the details kick in. I will remove my smut blog too, because I don't see myself using it. Things might get suggestive here once every while but yeah... my muses only get to have actual sex off-screen here for my own comfort.
Tagged by @countlessrealities Tagging: whoever wants to do this? Idk who's been already tagged and who not x"D
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theschneeflocke96 · 2 years
I need to word vomit so bad.
I'm not sure how much of my concerns are legit but here we go. I suffer from autism and adhd and likely an anxiety disorder. I'm most definitely depressed and been for the last couple of months been borderline suicidal. I also have bouts of anger that I have no idea where they are coming from. I also feel empty. Nothing brings me joy anymore. I'm so tired of living this life in this body with this family. Theoretically I could change a lot of things but I can't change nothing at all in the position that I am in.
I have made an effort to seek help but the help I found was some weird antimasker and also raging transphobe somehow obsessed with transwomen and apparently having a penis. The other one was okay but apparently couldn't help me and that was very disheartening. I have a lot more numbers to call but I really am not the opinion that I can be helped. I haven't tried since. I should start but that would require energy which I don't have.
I have gotten kicked from a server and a friend blocked me. I feel like I lost the love of my life in that moment. I love them all so much, I can't go a day without thinking about them. I'm otherwise very lonely due to being in a place where I never wanted to build contact with, and also because I'm horribly passive in friendships and always worry if I could disturb them so I just don't ask if they want to do something fun. On the other hand I resent that my trauma always seems to fall out of my (metaphorically speaking) open chestcavity. I am obsessed with trying to turn everything back the way when it was better, brighter happier. I'm always thinking about if my suicide would be apology enough. My pain against their pain. I'm medicated for Adhd and depression and it doesn,t help.
I was bullied heavily in school and even at home my mom and "friends" would keep calling me stupid and laugh about me, and later mom would regularly threaten to kick me out. One time moms friends locked me on the balcony. She has started drinking heavily when she met her current fiancé and it has gotten worse and worse until one day she decided to hit me. He stopped her thank god but it feels like something broke within me that day. Despite me telling her I forgave her, I haven't. I haven,t forgiven her giving me her pain, I haven't forgiven her yelling at me to solve equations I couldn't possibly have solved at the age I was in. I haven't forgiven her all the talks at 11pm talking about how lazy I am while I sat in the chair, afraid of their wrath. Wrath that I inherited from her. I haven't forgiven her for visibly ignoring me whenever I want to prove my competence, and then getting 11pm textmessages about how ungrateful I am.
I hate my body. All of my family is heavyset, unfit for physical exercise, due to heavy sweating even from minor exertion. I hate my heavy tits, I always wanted to cut them off with a knife, I hate my skin, it always breaks out in hives regardless of how I treat it. I want to pull my hair out because it's mere presence is annoying me. I recently discovered that it's not normal to despise every womanly thing on your body by default. I take pills to not have my period, I want to overdose on it to become infertile, yet the chance is not guaranteed.
I genuinely desperately want to be a robot.
I'm jobless and live with my father and I'm afraid every day that he will have enough of me one day. I recently finished my apprenticeship with the best grade in my group and been job hunting since. I get positive reviews regularly, I learned how to dress in a way that is not only acceptable but also extremely fancy. I fit applications to the companies I apply for, I once stayed up to 3 Am during the heatwave to iron my suitjacket and vest and still was only ever the second choice. I asked the people at the unemployment office and I seem to do everything right in their opinion. Recently I even lost the energy to write applications. It's a vicious cycle which I have to get out of yet I can't because I'm just the passenger. I don't want to end in a dead end job, I also don't want to be a commodity for companies to switch around. I want a job I like and I want to get home, draw, play games, talk to friends, don't want to worry about the current political landscape.
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zhymyrrh25-blog · 4 years
How to Earn at the Comfort of Your Home?
Earning at the Comfort of your own Homes is one of the goals of almost all individuals nowadays especially this season of pandemic where almost everyone is in their homes with their families. But aside from staying home, we also want to be productive because we have bills to pay and we need to work to provide for our family’s needs. But due to pandemic, we are on lockdown and our access becomes limited.
This pandemic causes many to lose their jobs, businesses are shutting down and many business owners are struggling and are finding ways on how to survive this season. Many business owners convert their business through online platforms such as Online Delivery, Online Store, Online Jobs, Online Teaching, Online Business and Even Online Scam are one of the top ways of earning this season.
Indeed, all of us want to survive this season. That's why we are finding ways to maximize the internet and the online platforms because we want to earn and want to provide for our families’ needs and pay our bills. Because even there is Covid, Still we need to eat and we need to pay our utilities, dues and monthly amortizations. So even if there is a pandemic outside, our bills will continue to incur and charge us. Therefore, we need to find ways on how to earn amidst this pandemic.
One of the top ways of earning this season is through Online Jobs or freelancing since most businesses nowadays are converting to working at home. They are looking for more virtual assistants who can help them in their businesses. So, many moms ang young entrepreneurs enrolled for Online Class like Filipino Virtual Assistance for them to compete in the market. They provide training on individuals who want to start their freelancing career and they guide their students until they finally get their first client. What I like about FVA, they have the heart to help their students, they guide them step by step until their students land a job. For a minimal training fee, they will give you a 1 year access to their lounge, freelancing tips and support plus they have an apprenticeship program where their graduates can apply there and can even work full time.
FVA is not only for those people who are looking for freelancing jobs but it is also beneficial to business owners who want to maximize their businesses and want to explore the online world. They have their Freelancing Course which is the introductory or basic knowledge of everything like Social Media Management and Marketing, General Virtual Assistance, Administrative Support, Customer Service Support, Keyword Research, SEO, Content Writing, Lead Generation, Website Creation, Optimization, Blogging, Email Marketing, Graphic Design and Facebook Marketing. If you want to deepen your knowledge in a specific field, they have also In Depth Courses. For Business Owners, the freelancing course which has the basics of everything will help you a lot especially for business owners who are just starting their online presence. It will help you in managing and marketing your business online. You will be able to see how important the social media presence is in your business, how to maximize and optimize the social media platforms. You will also be able to know how to make websites, how to optimize your websites, ways on how to effectively make fb ads, google ads and ways on how to easily see your business in search engines.
Another way of earning this season of pandemic is through online selling. As we can see many individuals nowadays are selling through online because buyers or customers are preferred to shop online for convenience and safety. Many online sellers also provide free deliveries or delivery at minimal cost. In online selling, all you need to do is to Decide or choose a line of products to sell, post it on online platforms then when buyers buy, they deliver and earn profit in return.
I also know a business that we can market online through online selling but at the same time you will earn through referral and bonuses. Yes, this business is legit and this company is one of the Top 1000 Corporation in the Philippines. The Name of the Company is Nworld or Alphanetworld Corporation, they are on the distribution of beauty, healthy and wellness products. This business already helps many individuals and families to earn and have an extra income, many lives also changed through this business and it also provides hope to many Filipinos. The good thing about this business, it is open to all, no requirements and those people who are diligent and industrious will really excel in this business if they will work it out. I am one of the beneficiaries of this business, from a side business, it has now become my bread and butter. Because of this side business, I am able to help my brother and sister to graduate from college and I am able to acquire my own car, condo, provide the needs of family, travel for free and pay bills. I started this business through online selling because I believe in the beauty of online business. I love to earn at the comfort of my own home. Back then, I was not fond of selling beauty products, but due to the need of an extra income, I need to try it and learn it along the way. Indeed, I am really grateful to this business, especially this season of pandemic, because we are able to continue the business online and the company has also an online platform where we are able to shop online and they offer free deliveries. During the season of pandemic, I am indeed grateful for this online selling business because it feeds me and family and I am able to pay our bills because of online selling. Indeed online selling business is one of the businesses that can help us earn at the comfort of our homes. Internet Connection, diligent posting and answering inquiries, having a lot of resellers, stocks availability, God’s guidance and favor is the key to your online selling business journey.
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elefosgame-blog · 6 years
More About Game Tester Job Openings
Game Tester Job Openings
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sherrygorugh · 6 years
Mastering Roasting Concepts With Joe Marrocco
Mastering Roasting Concepts With Joe Marrocco by Michael
There are few jobs in the coffee industry as romantic or mysterious as roaster. Traditionally, the tradecraft of the making-coffee-darker arts has been a closely guarded secret, passed on from roaster to roaster in old fashioned apprenticeships. Other than a couple of good books, there’s not many resources available to aspiring novice roasters. Joe Marrocco is helping to change that. The longtime Cafe Imports educator recently moved on to work with Mill City Roasters, but the year-long video project Roasting Concepts is now free to view on YouTube. We caught up with “Roaster Joe” over email in the midst of his busy travel schedule to learn the thought behind the project, and how young roasters can develop their skills. 
Over the last seven months Cafe Imports have been releasing a series of videos called “Roasting Concepts.” What inspired the project?
This is a project that I worked on with Cafe Imports over several years. I know that the videos seem very simple and short, but they took a long time to conceptualize, carve out time for and put together. The idea was born out of teaching people roasting at the Cafe Imports headquarters in Minneapolis.
I would spend essentially four to five days between prep and execution teaching 8-12 people how to roast in a two-day class. My desire was that I wanted to teach as many people as I possibly could, and get the information to them in a way that was effective, easily digested, meaningful, and low cost to them. This would require something more than asking 12 people at a time to come and visit us. I simply didn’t have the time to invest in spending four to five days away from my desk on a regular basis as well. I mean, my main job there was sales. So, I decided it would be best to spend time with people in their own homes, offices, wherever, and through the magic of technology. I then began to develop the curriculum that would achieve all of those goals, and lean on Andy Reiland, the director of marketing at Cafe Imports, to add the visual aids to pull everything together. That alone was an incredible process of collaboration.
Coffee roaster is one job without very defined career paths. How did you become “Roaster Joe”?
I knew, fairly soon after becoming a barista, that roasting is where I would spend some quality years of my life. I was not satisfied, from a craft and culinary perspective, only knowing extraction. I wanted to control more than that in the process, or at least understand that control.
I was offered a job at Kaldi’s Coffee Roasting Company in Saint Louis as a roaster and I loved it. Well, kind of. I loved the art and science of it. I did not love the monotony of roasting day in and day out. I would kind of deal with that part of the job as a payment forward to get me to those opportunities to dig into and unlock a profile on a new coffee, or sample roast a bunch of new arrivals, or better yet, teach a group that was coming through about the roasting process. Teaching is where I thrive. Kaldi’s was quick to recognize this and made me an educator with perks of being able to roast as I wished after only about a year and a half beside the machines.
Upon leaving Kaldi’s in 2011, I jumped into Cafe Imports with an exploratory hunger. I mean, they have HUNDREDS of different coffees. So, I began roasting these coffees and trying to figure out how to best highlight them. I began, and very controversially at the time, posting my profiles and taste notes on their website. Although I had already been “roasterjoe” for a while, this is where people outside of my normal circles began to care a bit more about my style and ramblings. Cafe Imports also supported me and encouraged me in this area and allowed me to do a lot more work with the (then called) Roasters Guild.
Beyond this, I think that one key thing that helped me the most in my journey was, once I was at Cafe Imports I was able to spend quality time with a huge number of roasters on their equipment with coffee that I knew, and simply roast a bunch of different styles on all of these machines. The cross-referencing that your mind does through taste and smell is incredibly powerful. I was able to see how roasters were implementing different strategies to achieve the results they wanted. I saw how a roaster on one machine would have a strategy that opposed a roaster’s on another machine, but their results were the same, or vice versa. I began to connect a lot more dots and learn about the deeper science of roasting in general, and not the exact craft of roasting on one particular machine. This was revolutionary and has been something that I have made my mind up to continually share with as many roasters as I can, open source, or as free as possible.
You’ve worked with a wide variety of different coffee roasters through out your career. What is it about Mill City that made you willing to throw in with this company?
I have been doing collaborative work with Mill City, really since they started about five years ago. The belief that roasting coffee should not be an exclusive job, more people can and should be doing it and doing it well, information on how to cook green coffee should not be a huge secret as it is actually fairly simple to do it fairly well, and the ability that their equipment has at empowering entrepreneurs who are otherwise kind of on the fringes of society are all things we agree on, full force. I have aligned goals with Mill City’s goals. I want to help people who are brave enough to venture out into business on their own become successful. The idea of putting my full-time devotion toward these ends was impossible to say no too.
Along with this, the machines are LEGIT. As a roaster nerd, I have this personal list of things like, “I wish this machine didn’t simply have a damper, but that I could control the airflow by using a dial to control the fan speed,” along with so many more. Over the years, Steve Green and Nick Green of Mill City Roasters have heard all of these wishes from us roasters and have worked tirelessly at implementing the controls and information read-outs that matter to roasters, and actually matter to coffee. Sure, they have vetted these and thrown out ideas that don’t truly matter. This makes things even better! The machines are incredibly interactive, intuitive, repeatable, and honestly, FUN to roast on. We have people come through all of the time who have roasted on other equipment and feel sad leaving at the end of the day because the machines are just so fun. Helping my roaster friends have fun in their day to day job, which for me began to get so boring, is worth taking on this new job all by itself.
Do you still get to roast coffee with your new role? If so, what coffee have you been enjoying roasting recently?
HA! Yes. Indeed I do. I have been spending a lot of time getting into some of the other systems within the company, so I have not gotten to devote a lot of time to this yet, but I have full access to our green coffee and roasting equipment at any and all times. Most of the time I spend roasting is spent with other people either during a class, or a demo, or simply talking shop. I was recently able to take a trip through Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and teach four two day courses. I was able to roast on a lot of interesting equipment on this trip and it just continued to drive home how special our machines are.
I have been enjoying a natural Ethiopia that we picked up from Cafe Imports. But, if I am honest, I find the most joy in whatever is in the drum at the time I am roasting it. I know that sounds cheesy and made up, but it is absolutely true.
What advice would you give to an aspiring roaster? (Besides watching “Roasting Concepts”!)
Every roaster is different in their own goals and aspirations. Being successful in roasting is not about producing the perfect roast, the perfect coffee, the ultimate machine. If you chase that myth, you will only find disappointment and form firm ideals around how one “should” roast coffee. Being successful in roasting is about you. This is why it is very hard for me to define. It is about fulfillment, contentment, respect, equity in something, and so many other things. I know that for myself, it is that sense that I am making the world a better place, I am supporting my family, I am helping people around the world support their families, I am creating something of beauty that matters, and I am heard as a professional. In roasting, there are a lot of roadblocks to many people in achieving these goals. For those folks who cannot achieve this through the traditional methods of simply getting a job at a great company as a roaster, I recommend working toward creating your own thing. Carve out your success, and work toward including others in that space who have experienced your same struggle.
Ok, that may be a bit more philosophical than you were hoping for. Here are some practical things as well.
– Roast a bunch and fail a bunch. Burn a bunch of coffee. – Taste everything you roast. – Taste other people’s roasts. – Try to get on a number of different machines. – Try a bunch of different strategies. – Stop freaking out about dark roasts, and realize that a roast level is not a moral issue. – Don’t believe everything you hear just because a powerful voice says it. – Don’t disregard everything you hear, because there is likely a nugget of truth in just about everything, or that individual would not believe it. – Try to find something beyond yourself to work for in your pursuit for success, in order to make your success actually valuable and not simply ego. – Collaborate with people who you strongly disagree with. – Stop being as worried about long-term success and try to focus in on the short-term successes every day. If you do the small things well, they snowball to big things. – Focus your attention on, in other words, be mindful and intentional, when eating. Every taste experience you have is a learning opportunity. – Try to sleep well, eat well, move often, drink moderately, and stay healthy. Nothing is more important to your success than your health. – Remember, the best roasters on earth are likely the people who you will never see on video or in a magazine. The best of us are too busy ROASTING for all of that.
Mastering Roasting Concepts With Joe Marrocco was first posted by Michael on The Coffee Compass, The Coffee Compass - Your Guide for Craft Coffee
Mastering Roasting Concepts With Joe Marrocco published first on https://linlincoffeeequipment.tumblr.com/
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