#leet's have some fun with it~
lexumpysfunland · 2 months
You guys asked for it. so here it is! Walter in a dress! Yippeeeeee!
yes, he has strange anatomy, it's on purpose : D
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NOW LET'S MAKE IT A FUN CHAIN TOGETHER!!!! let's share our Narrators in dresses~
I want to see others too 👀
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ewingstan · 7 months
Figuring out what dnd class each undersider is can be fun enough. But we can get sillier with it. I propose that we instead start arguing about which playbook each undersider would be as characters in a game of Most Trusted Advisors by @thehorizonmachine.
The game is about rollplaying a group of rich assholes on a monarch's privy council: enacting overly complicated schemes, trying to appease your liege's insane whims, and attempting to avoid getting killed by the inquisition. Characters get a list of privileges they can do for free as well as actions that give them points (ducats) determined by what tropes their playbook is riffing off of—for instance, the treacherous Blackguard can always "emerge from the shadows" or "sharpen their knife meaningfully", and gets a ducat whenever they make an overcomplicated plan or wear a terrible disguise. Its terrific fun, and my go-to game for oneshots. Y'all should play it. Lets imagine if we forced these fuckers into it.
While the "no fun allowed" aspect of his later characterization tends towards the Hierophant, I'd say given how he's both the most practical and most mercenary undersider, The Treasurer is the best choice.
The Treasurer's whole thing is combining a get-rich-quick schemer with the long-suffering voice-of-reason archetype, and that fits Brian "trying to be a responsible older brother in a financially stable position by punching twelve year olds" Laborn perfectly. The Treasurer "can always freely roll his eyes at tomfoolery" (Brian trying-to-hard-to-be-a-parent Laborn), gets a ducat when he "runs into someone who drives [him] insane and tells the table why" (Brian introduces-shadowstalker-as-a-problem Laborn) and gets a ducat when he "personally suffers as the result of another players scheming" (Brian suffered-more-than-Christ Laborn). Give him points in Skulk and Shadow and some titles that help with combat to complement his powers and background, and you have Duke Brien the Gruesome of House Laborn, Royal Treasurer, Knight Marischal, Seneschal to the Royal Household, and Adeptus Major of the Hermetic Order.
While the Blackguard's whole assassin-in-the-shadows thing is a pretty good match for Imp's powers, I feel like I'd be doing her a disservice giving her anyone but The Alchemist. Its the playbook that's all about being a weirdo court wizard who may or may not have actual magic, but who will definitely try to convince you that speaking to them before 10 AM risks unleashing one of the daemon's they've binded to help serve the kingdom.
The Alchemist is archetypically most similar to a Tinker (Leet is definetly in the Hermetic Order), but the playbook's abilities to cause small unexplained mischiefs and make people question themselves certainly lends itself well to a Stranger. Their privilege to "spout obscure technical jargon" fits with her determination to get good at literary reference-based one-liners, and their ability to declare people cursed fits well with her crusade to scare off/torture to the point of suicide any enemies or would-be despots. The playbook's tendency towards unexplained occult behavior seems in line with Aisha making dolls of Alec to keep around all the time. Also being incentivized to "egregiously violate a moral, religious, or cultural taboo" is just part of being a youngest child. I'm open to other choices, but Madame A'Ishah the Improbable of House Vasil, Royal Alchemist, Queen's Chemist, Archsorcerer, and Master of the Castle Ravens feels like a winner to me.
The Blackguard looks like it would fit with its focus on snide comments and bad lies, and The Alchemist would potentially justify his powers while satifying Alec's whole "rude bitch who only half knows/cares how to fit into polite society" thing. But I'm gonna take the wildcard option and fit him in as The Lover.
The romantic "let them eat cake" figure might not seem a great match for Mr. Vasil (ooh weird feel no not calling him that again), yet nevertheless there's a lot of fun tragic irony to be wrung out of it. Have the former Heartbroken who dies before his odd little situationship with Aisha can become anything be the loverboy, it'll be barrels of fun.
The playbook starts with a high Appease score, which you'd have to have coming out of the Vasil household. They're incentivized to "share a moment of physical or emotional intimacy with someone," and while Alec probably wouldn't seek out such a moment, God does he need to have some intimacy he isn't forcing someone to give him. They have an option to take a title that lets them release angry swans whenever they want to, I know that's not really related to anything Alec can do in canon but c'mon he'd love that. They get a ducat whenever they "say something insensitive without meaning it to be" which is pretty much his and Taylor's whole relationship. The playbook's theming fits the "I'm disconnected from all this and not taking it as seriously as you think I should" thing that he's trying to project with his costume, and as a result the aesthetics are a natural match. Honestly you probably wouldn't need to change him from how he dresses in canon. Maybe put him in one of those fancy Victorian nightgowns iota draws him in. Convergent evolution.
Also I think the "You can always coquettishly bat your eyelashes at someone" privilege just fits. Dollboys can have coquettishly long eyelashes to bat at people. Prince-Consort Alexander the Hijink-Prone of House Vasil, Royal Lover, Court Jester, Keeper of the Swans, and Junior Karian Dynast is ready to take a depression nap lounge luxuriously while his fellow councilors make their plans.
A natural fit for The Marshal, the overly aggressive general. While the playbook is meant more for a proud and hawkish thumb of a person (think TF2's Soldier) than a traumatized and paranoid homeless girl, there's more than enough overlap to make the match. I could just list off the actions that give the Marshall a ducat:
"Run into someone you wounded in a duel, and tell the table why": has taken a chunk of nearly every hero in the bay
"Walk directly into danger, knowingly and fearlessly": walking into Khepri's field of influence because she trusts her too much
"Kill or maim one of your enemies in a fair fight" see point one
"Overcomplicate a simple plan by going in all guns blazing": does not like plans more complicated than "point your dogs at the problem"
"Overreact massively to a perceived slight on your honour": literally the first thing she does on-page
Overall, I feel pretty confident in my pick for Marchioness Raquel the Bitchin' of House Lindt, Royal Marshal, Knight of the Order, Commander of the Hussars, and Member of the Equestrian Order.
A bit trickier to narrow down. I could see an argument for how she's fits in as an Alchemist; the ability to spend a ducat to have a vision fits with her powers, and she certainly lives her life as if she gets a ducat whenever she "egregiously violates a moral religious, or cultural taboo." And by Ward she might have been long-suffering long enough to be a Treasurer, which would fit in with her tendency to manage everything.
But ultimately it comes down to the tropes she's playing off of, and she seems much more like a reconstruction of the duplicitous-second-to-the-big-bad archetype that The Blackguard is based on than anything else. She's certainly making frequent use of that playbook's "disparage someone's intelligence" and "announce 'I have a cunning plan!' " privileges. The Blackguard's ability to spend a ducat to learn a secret is probably the closest we could get to her powers (coupled with some more titles that let the players learn shit they shouldn't know), and its abilities related to thin disguises works well with Lisa's whole "subsumed by the mask, nothing behind it she's just a collection of masks" thing. Give her more points in Survey and Disdain and Baroness Elisabethe the Tale-Teller of House Wilbourn, Royal Blackguard, Postmaster General, Lord Spymaster, and certainly not Silent Watcher of the Skychamber is ready for a day at court.
On the one hand, her tendency to be much more judgy than the other undersiders suggests The Hierophant. And maybe that would work if I was specifically making Weaver. But for the Warlord of the Boardwalks I actually think I'm going to assign her The Liege: the GM-equivalent who plays the monarch the rest of the players are advising/serving the whims of. They're the one whose "the lynchpin of the story, the instigator and motivating factor for everything that happens," and if there's one thing about Taylor its that she's very good at making herself a lynchpin. Also the book advises the GM/Liege to "cause new problems and to complicate simple situations," and that seems like a pretty good way to describe Taylor's tenure as an Undersider. Admittedly, she might not fit the suggestion that "your Liege should be the least qualified person for the job in the realm, perhaps the world," but nonetheless. Have her play either as a Have-at-Them or a Powder-Keg and you're ready to give the Royal Council the headache of their lives. "Queen Taylor what do you mean you want us to accompany you in dueling Lord Slash and his brigands, we have armies for this." "Queen Taylor why do we have to break you out of the Holy Protectorate, what do you mean you killed the Pope." "Queen Taylor the second coming has arri—what do you mean you want to declare war on the resurrected Christ."
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nekropsii · 1 month
Im not an Native english speaker and some years ago when my english was still bad my teacher suggested for me to start reading books/comics to help me, saw some fanart of homestuck and decided to try reading it.
Most trippy experience I've had ever lmao, I read the entire comic and still could not tell you a single plot of it(I also could not for the life of me read most troll diologue im so sorry) I did however came out of this experience with a shit ton of american slang.
Recently, I found your blog and read some analysis and decided to reread the comic, and I've been having a blast! So thanks for that it's really nice to finally be able to understand what's happening even if I still struggle with some troll quirks(mituna bby, im so sorry)
That’s really fun, I’m glad you’re having a good time!! If it makes you feel any better, a lot of native English speakers also struggle with some of the quirks- Leet is inaccessible on purpose!! It’s, like, the whole point of it.
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cairavende · 4 months
Worm Arc 16 second half thoughts (after Defiant interlude, 16.7 to end):
I'm very glad I split this arc where I did cause WHAT THE FUCK
Tattletale . . . the entire time . . . in secret!
And Coil's whole crazy plan at the town hall debate!
And and and Rachel held Taylor's hand and it was gay BUT IT WAS SAD GAY!
And the bug box (I'm sorry, "The Famine Engine") what the fuck
And Taylor was shot and almost lit on fire and she become a fucking terror demon scary bug monster and got away from all the people and set off some grenades and and
passes out
Taylor sees her dad and argues with his friends a little and realizes that things aren't as clear as she thought they were maybe but whatever I just want to get to know Lacey better. For reasons.
I knew something would happen at the town hall. Once Dragon was taken care of I figured it would be Coil but I wasn't sure what he would do and I didn't expect this. I thought he would mostly be trying to take out Skitter or something.
Happy to see Uber and Leet again, even if they are working for the asshole. They are fun.
Getting more info on Leet's power and I'm even more fascinated then I was before. He couldn't make the teleporter work if it was putting the target into instant danger, like a bomb or a vat of acid. Wild. I wanna know more.
He really did go full supervillain right at the end. Monologuing, using cheesy lines, stopping the execution of his enemies when one of them yells "Wait!" and letting them talk. Crazy elaborate plans. Good for him I guess.
The Wards new "teleport without swapping matter" tech is quite fancy and it can apparently do a heck of a lot of people at once! Which I could see becoming a big deal. I had initially assumed it was Kid Win who made it (since he did the same with is guns before) but with how stuff has bounced around I'm legit not sure.
I had fully called Coil being Thomas Calvert by now, so that itself wasn't a surprise. But I hadn't expected Thomas to have gotten back to working with the PRT. Makes sense if he can make it work, that is a wonderful source of power.
Too bad Tattletale pulled the fucking rug out from under you Thomas!
Taylor leaving her dad at the hospital without stopping to see him is unfortunate I guess, but not really unexpected. I've kinda given up on their relationship getting repaired. Besides who needs Danny when shes got me!?
Oh and I guess Taylor can't really see now. Cool. I'm sure that will just get better right away with no issues! /s
I mean it isn't really a huge deal for her vs most people. But still.
Oh and Skitter's deal with Coil to turn off the dead man's switch included "Take care of Bitch's dogs!" GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
And "Tattletale gets to live!" like ya ok sure it was all so she could get Tattletale here and such I get that but whatever, it is also GAY! GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!!!!!!!!!!
But for real Tats has been coming in with the fucking long con OH MY GOD. I legit didn't see it coming. Coil losing this arc? Sure, maybe not likely but possible. Coil dying? Again, was surprising but not shocking. But Tattletale having payed off have the mercs in a carefully planned coup in the works since Arc 3 at a minimum? Blindsided me. Just hit by a bus. HOLY SHIT!!!
Fake Skitter shot Bitch!!!! AHHHHH!!! But she was ok. And the speed of her accepting that real Skitter didn't do it and not staying mad at her!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Seriously though Skitter breaking out of the house she was teleported into and getting past all those troops? God. Using the swarm speech for physiological warfare? Chef's kiss
I wonder how Cauldron is feeling with Coil dead? I don't know exactly what they needed him for but he sure ain't doing it now.
And Dinah at the end!! Just me sobbing.
I'm sure the whole thing with Noelle (or should I use my cape name for her when she's on a rampage - Traveler in a Vault, or TiaV) will just blow over and won't be a bigger deal than arc 8 in the end. Everything is fine.
Marquis interlude thoughts:
TINY PRISON! I love tiny prison.
Look I'm sorry I don't make the rules but Marquis and Lung are totally gay for each other. They are both terrible people. I don't ship them because I want to, I ship them because there is no other option. I do what I have to do.
Glaistig Uaine is my new favorite. She is terrifying and I love her. Forget Bonesaw's passangers or Coil's agents, they're called head fairies now.
I'm sure Amy and Glaistig Uaine working together in the future won't be bad at all.
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protectoratenova07 · 2 months
Coil has three main flaws that lead him to his death despite the amount of resources he has to call on. Possessiveness, cruelty, and pride.
Taylor picks up his possessiveness over Dinah quickly enough in Arc 7. She knows that he’d never give her up if he could. She also knows from her meeting with him in Arc 6 that he is a very prideful man. If he takes over a city, he wants it to be run well. If he gets what he wants, he’ll ensure his subordinates get what they want because what’s the point of being king if he can’t provide. She takes him up on his offer of anything that she wants, asking for Dinah’s freedom should she prove more useful to his take over the city plot in Arc 10. She then reaffirms this request as a promise, in Arc 16 when Dragon shows up, in front of all his subordinates. The other Undersiders, the mercs, and the Travelers all hear it so that Coil can’t back down or else he’d lose out the worth of his word, which everyone else is banking on to get what they want. 
And Taylor and Lisa know this. They know that they have to plan around either flaw of Coil’s to achieve a victory. If it’s his possessiveness, then they go with Lisa’s plan. Gather enough money, make Coil spend enough of his, so that only she can pay off his mercs and then bring Dinah home after the take over. If it’s his pride, then they go with Taylor’s plan. Get Coil what he wants, the city, and in return Dinah gets to go home.
But Coil also knows this. He reveals to them that he knows in Arc 15, showing that he can trick Tattletale’s power. He didn’t have to, but he wanted a bit of fun. A challenge against Tattletale to show that he’s better. The same as when he words his recruitment of Lisa as a choice. The same as when he guns down his assistant in his interlude because it’ll bring him some enjoyment. His cruelty. 
This is where he really fails. We find out in Arc 16 that Coil tries to kill Skitter about twelve times with a teleport trap, but because he’s using Leet as the tinker it consistently messes up if the trap is too lethal. He can’t keep trying either because he’s on the clock to fulfill the promise he made to Skitter. Coil wants Skitter dead. He needs her dead. But she won’t die. Time after time after time. It isn’t even the first time he tried to kill her but it is the time he needs it to work. 
He’s got an injured pride, is what I’m saying. If you ever played any video games, imagine trying to fight this one enemy who’s not even a boss, but no matter what you can’t manage to kill them because of some busted game mechanic and you’re also trying to beat the game under a mandatory time limit. 
That’d piss you off, right? To the point where you might take a more enjoyable route, just to finally get rid of this thing that has been bugging you right before the moment you beat the game. 
Coil has a double body of Skitter. He already planned for her to attack the Undersiders and teleport out with Dinah. Make them think she went rouge. But isn’t it better if, instead of trying so hard to kill Skitter himself in that burning building, he just focuses on weakening her to the point where when she meets up with her beloved, valued teammates, that they'll do the job for him? Won’t that be far grander? Especially because Coil already knows the Undersiders have agreed to turn against him for her. When he does take care of them as Director Calvert of the PRT, he can send them to the Birdcage with the knowledge that the teammate they killed never actually betrayed them.
Coil would keep Dinah. He’d even keep Tattletale and the body double he had with her as another false betrayal later down the line. He’d be able to say he kept his word to all appearances. Heck, he never said that he wouldn’t capture her again, so he might even think he did keep his word himself. And once he captures the Undersiders as a win for his civilian identity, he can revel in the Undersiders reactions as he tells them that he played them for fools for daring to betray him.
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dicebound · 13 days
System Wars
So system warring in the hobby has taken a weird turn since the whole WotC debacle. I shared two different posts kind of touching on the subject, that I agree with in some manner or the other. Let me lay it out for you: No one should be shamed for their preferred system. This hobby is about fun & games and people should be allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. If you only wanna play 5e, fine. If you'd rather play anything else, also fine. If you're shaming people for their preferred system you're doing more harm than good.
A little homebrew here or there also does not mean someone needs to play something else instead. Everyone has house rules.
However, treating 5e like it's a universal system that can run any genre of game is insane. There are literally thousands of games out there that already do what your homebrew D&D 5e conversion would do and more, save yourself the energy and just play that. Additionally, Most systems you could play as an alternative to D&D are way cheaper, if not free in comparison to the massive tomes WotC puts out each year. Many of them are just as supported if not more so by their creators in the form of digital tools and add ons too. If you are affording new purchase of 5e books on the regular, you can absolutely afford to branch out into other cheaper systems. A dogmatic devotion to D&D is what contributes to WotC's stranglehold of the market share. This fear of learning new systems in the hobby is bad for players, bad for GMs, and bad for the hobby's health. If you've genuinely tried other systems and still prefer 5e, Great! Have fun! If you're a person who wants to play a genre conversion for D&D (think Pokemon D&D! One Piece D&D! Fallout D&D!) - I recommend you grab one of the numerous games specifically designed to capture that genre rather than putting a D&D square peg in a round fallout hole. If you're a player in this scenario, then shame on you for demanding your DM go through the hard work of converting an entire genre into 5e just so you don't have to learn a new system.
Some of my favorite mechanics and favorite sessions at the table have come from sessions of Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Call of Cthulhu, City of Mist, Pathfinder 1e, etc. I've even carried minor game design back into my 5e games to make them better too. There is space for both. 5e Players and Other System Players are brothers and sisters in gaming, and we should be uplifting and challenging each other - not fighting and demeaning each other.
5e players aren't stupid, and you're not some leet gamer because you play Pathfinder or GURPS instead. 5e also isn't God's gift to gaming. Expand your horizons, but enjoy what you like. Catch flies with honey not vinegar. Telling people they have BRAIN DAMAGE FOR ENJOYING 5E is beyond the pale and insisting there's NO POSSIBLE WAY I COULD EEEEEEVER learn a new system is just laziness to the point of idiocy.
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elinaline · 4 months
The Elina way to get an uncrackable password:
Write a sentence with correct capitalization
Put some leet in it
Have fun with the punctuation
Example "Here's 1 fucking passw0rd !!?!"
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honestly zutara being such a popular ship doesn’t bother me because the most recent 2000’, 2010’ and 2020’ romance stories have being the worst shit u could imagine i mean twilight, 50 shades of gray, the after series like my god they’re so popular aand soo bad no wonder zutara is so popular lol aand i do see zutarians wanting their ship to be like pride & prejudice which is one of the only good romances who are popular buut they will never compare to mr darcy and elizabeth leets be honest
I'm gonna be real, I don't care that people like shitty "love stories" like Twillight or 50 Shades. What bothers me is when these people are not even a little bir aware that the relationships in these stories are not healthy, and thus are only to be immitated in other works of fiction, not in real life (50 Shades in particular annoys me since it's taken as BDSM 101 by some clueless people even after the actual kink community went "PLEASE don't take this as a guide, you WILL get seriously hurt"). If they're aware of it and just want to enjoy some trashy fun to turn off their brains for awhile? Good for them, none of my business.
Same for Zutara - I think the ship is boring and makes no sense, but if people like it, fine. if they are writting fics in which their relationship is problematic, toxic, abusive or they're just selfish assholes in geral, while being AWARE that's what they're writting? Power to them. Do they want to write some self-indulgent crap and get all pretencious? Same, that's a Tuesday for me.
It's the non-stop, condescending, arrogant "We are totally the feminist ship", "We are canon actually, you MUST treat us a such", and "We can write full on non-con fics if we like, but if you dare to ship Kataang after the Ember Island kiss, you're an abusive apologist" that I cannot fucking stand.
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muxas-world · 1 month
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Why they can leet a babygirl have some fun, my god you can't do anything now days
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spiderh0rse · 2 months
freeman's mind notes part 6, e26-30
new intro scene! AMS.
wants a gnome. Does not know what he's talking about here.
would feed his gnome granola and house it in a cage
gnome agnostic
can't think of anything people other than him have done right today
still waiting for hidden treasure...
knows German
a bit surprised shooting road signs is the correct action to take
you are indeed number one, buddy
i hesitate to tell gordon about the deeply ableist roots of freak shows
would attempt to headbutt a headcrab
thinks the OAR tram is just for fun
[makes banjo noises]
HATES spinning tram
should have been a pirate
still wants to surface
it's still his exact speech patterns hes just doing a voice and slang
repeating flintlock.......
milksops,,,,, I am just going to be repeating back his silliest words here
oh yes raid those empty boxes
Miniature grapeshot is pretty clever tbh
he must sound nuts to anyone who happens to survive his passing
fighting.... fighting roosters. I will not quote directly.
"there be all manner of queer beasties in this hole" very true
should that be slur count five actually???? uh.. nah. Nah.
awwww we're done already :(
drops the voice. Coughs horribly
has a LONG way to go before his voice sounds like that normally
ambassador pineapple!!!!
immediately distrusts something convenient
looking for money in a side room
headcrab SNOT MONSTER couple in the vomitorium
"yore dead."
yeah this amount of explosives underground is unpleasant
not yet at the phase in his life where he has to double tap people
not being paranoid would kill him, he's pretty sure
frog people mentioned AGAIN
owls are very dumb beasts. They probably can't read minds
freeman please stop being ableist i beg you. i BEG
has a perfect shot on some marine that isn't in his way. Doesn't shoot at him.
has $10,000 of gold in Massachusetts.
once again I cannot recognize the language but I can only assume he's speaking Hindi here
Eddie mention AGAIN. this time about transit
curious if his suit can stop heavy caliber bullets
"ha HA" goofiest laugh I've ever heard.
humming AGAIN
Finally thinks this isn't a rescue operation
lack of corpses indicates he is going to wrong way
grappling hook Longing
nitroglycerin would be insanely unstable. Not shelf stable
insists he should not be this impulsive
confused at the lack of destruction in the wake of high explosives
wants to see explosive hurdles at the olympics
today's episode brought to us by the number eight
he keeps devising more and more unsettling tram plans
would love to engage in psychological warfare
wants some PILLS.
being on a submarine wouldn't make him feel better
that is too many shotgun blasts
silly voices continue
this IS a world where not all glass is bulletproof
the military probably doesn't have object permanence yeah
wants to make ghost noises. Makes straining noises instead
worse Marco Polo yeah yeah
does sit down to listen to the marines. Kills em when they're done though
does a little jump for joy when outside
what are these noises sir
new intro! flashing monitor room
thinks he can pry blast doors open
the code to the door is not "leet"
familiar with the three stooges. Thinks Mo would kill the others
climbs up to the launch bay's window instead of puzzling his way by the dynamite
does consider not killing a couple of guys that aren't in his direct path
shaken by bullets getting near his head
resolves to just kill any member of the military he comes across regardless of their intent
the microbiology department was not a controversial bunch
"if somebody's grandma is cold and she puts on a camo blanket? she's DEAD."
presses the launch button without knowing what it does
drama queen <3
"i did not leave any fingerprints. I was wearing my suit." My favourite line in the series
climbs on out of there! Climbs back down! He knows he won't survive a multiple day trek across the open desert
he's just so matter-of-fact about killing everyone. It's delightful in some way i can't put words to
tram based pizza delivery system
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errorleafeon · 1 year
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I forgot what I was doing there ANYWAYS- We got some rules and INFO for this blog in the read more right below me! Fun. I'll just let the mod deal with THAT.
CHARACTER INFO POST: https://www.tumblr.com/errorleafeon/724030427278491648/character-info-post
// Hello! I'm the mod of this blog. You may call me Pierce, or Umbra. Whichever one strikes your fancy more. My main account is @meowstival . This is an ask blog for my Pokemon Character Error, a beloved oc I've had since around 2016. She means the world and beyond to me! As such, I'm very nervous about opening this blog up lmao. But here's some Info/Rules!
-Whenever Error is speaking IC, her text will be blue. She often uses all caps, and sometimes even uses zalgo or leet speak. Whenever I, the mod am speaking, I will preface it with //, end it with \\ and it will be the default color for text depending on your theme. Do not take what I say as what Error says! She is an oc. I am a real person behind a computer screen. -Fetish, NSFW, Hate-Speak (Error's a very LGBTQ Pokemon. If you're upset about it just block me now lol) asks will not be answered. I am not giving you the light of day, I am uncomfortable with people interacting with her like that. -Error might be seen as an OP, mary-sue like character. While Error's character is a bit more then that, I do not blame you if you see her that way and wish to not engage. It's your tumblr, your choices! -You're allowed to interact via characters/other ask blogs! If I'm feeling up to it I might draw them with her, but I can't promise much. She mainly interacts with Pokemon but due to Error's nature, really anything goes. -Error as a character is very fond of leaning on the fourth wall and making references to the "real" world, or unsettling themes such as death, gore, etc etc. Also, due to how Error looks, this blog is FULL of eyestrain/bright colors. You have been warned. -While Error is my absolute baby and means the world to me, please try not to take her TOO seriously. This blog is SEMI-SERIOUS! Error's a very lighthearted character who doesn't take much seriously. I hope this isn't overwhelming! Thank you for reading and please, enjoy the Sparkleleafeon's antics.
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cacao-snorter · 27 days
Leet’s Journal Entry #1: Leader Eater
How interesting. A little small book with no writing, but thin blue lines. At first I thought that this is how humans read, they’re somehow able to read the lines as something, until I looked into it. Apparently, humans write on the blue lines! Did you know that? I decided that if humans can write little letters on lines to get their thoughts down, so can I.
My name is Leet. Short for ��Leader Eater”. It’s pretty self explanatory. I eat humans who think they’re in charge. Did you know that there are humans leading over millions of other humans on massive chunks of land? So much power can kill all the good in a person. They have it all and they only want more. Humans seem to call these people “Government” or “Royalty” or “Presidents”. At first I thought they all meant the same thing, but I just recently figured out that they’re all different things! There’s so many greedy people in the world, humans need multiple categories for them! Isn’t that sad? A bold hearted witch granted her shadow its very own form, and sent it… or him, on one mission.
To put these “leaders” back in their place.
But oh, that witch is long dead. I’m still here though! I’m still here to remind them of how worthless they actually are. So I eat them. Yum.
Okay, now that we know each other, I want to rant about something dumb I saw today.
I saw one human take a bullet for another! What?? How can somebody be so emotionally attached to another human to a point where they’d lose their one life for that other human?? It’s not like they’re gonna get anything out of it, so why try? Does it just make them feel better to play the good guy? Are some humans really willing to take it that far for praise? Are they genuinely just that attached? I’m not a human, I’ll never understand those freaks. Anyways, the person they took a bullet for was a human female, with short brown hair. She had all this weird stuff on her face. I don’t know how to explain it. She was crying about it, and god was it annoying. The person is dead, move on. No amount of tears is gonna bring that idiot back. I just kinda left after that. Unbelievable, honestly. That bitch’s crying was about to give me a headache.
Never the matter. Do you wanna know what I look like? I still have a very shadowy form, so im completely pitch black, my pitch black face blends in with my pitch black messy hair, I look 2D sometimes. My eyes are VERY slanted. Not even close to human slanted, I mean slanted as in they are basically pointing to my mouth. I smile a lot. I’m not smiling right now though because my cheek bones hurt. It’s actually really heard to see a lot of my features since im basically just a pitch black, 3D shadow. Almost all of my features (accept my eyes) blend into each other. Soooo yeah. Oh yeah also I have a thin layer of fur on my body and I wear a cloak, and a wide brim hat. I also have dirty looking horns. Some human told me I looked like an “edgy tumblr oc”. As if, ugh. I don’t even know what that is.
I don’t have much else to write about, but I will keep you updated! This is fun. I like writing my emotions down on paper.
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crashynews · 1 year
Sara94: A leete tutorial on how to make N. Gin voice
Alrighty then, here we go! XD Been practicing my N.Gin voice lately, because when I do cosplay him (which I -will-) and build an actual voicemorph device to talk into,it better sound somewhat not shit. :’) Hahaha – So I figured, since some people asked for a tut on the voice effect, and I was having a good little practice session the other day, it would be fun to record it this way. XD Using FL…
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.2
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h  m y  g o d do I get a little crazier  every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [II]
EDIT 09/06/2023: Updated the traditional drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.-BFH FC 1 – Grawlbert
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: Things happening in the zombie place past the dark alley; BF confronting Grawlbert face-to-face
(#Been a while since last time we saw lil BF on da hood, yo)
(#City life really did wonders with you, dog)
(#Real shame your comeback had to be on these circumstances, tho…)
(*Truth be told, these are the main reason I’m here)
(*Gotta do what must be done to help the hood, am I right?)
(#Hmph, remaining as noble as when being small B, yo)
(#I know a way that’ll go well with ya, bro)
(#But ya gotta show off how much you can stand to have it, y’know)
(*Try me!)
(#Aight then. Brunze, get it going!)
Remember the zombie dude I mentioned before? Yeah it is him, say hi to the internet bert-
I’ll confess something though, before this one, I did another design specifically for a side project of mine that also has some FNF/NG references to it (andiwontdenyitbcihaverespectforthecreatorsthatcamefromthereilya) and then based myself off of it to make this guy, but trying to keep the similarities at range
Basically, I ripped myself off…unless we consider it as a AlterChar case (plus this isn’t canon anyway so i can fiddle with it if I want to heehee-)
Though, to be one of my ‘first’ zombie designs, it looks neat even if I say so myself
Trying new art tropes and styles is really fun, ngl
2.-BF’s cracked microphone
Aw man, you broke my mic-
For this one I initially though it to be during the oof moment with the eye snek and stuff, but I reimagined it to be in the later later
I won’t say why it’s cracked yet, though you can figure out things of it, won’t mind
3.- BFH FC 2 – StyX
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Side note: This event is kinda ‘unchained’ by the time I write it up (ergo, no idea what happened before hand in concrete sense), so I’ll only focus on the encounter alone for now.
Scenario: Inside what we’d consider to be a freak circus’ ‘warehouse’ (or something of that sort) that has been made a mess of, an anthropomorphic hyena is sitting on the corner on its own, facing backwards and having passive-aggresive physical spasms every so and then and in different parts of its body, tail included.
As BF comes by, the hyena’s ears twitch up, as it starts sniffing the surroundings until spots the human behind them.
Quick transition (camera goes off and on)
Insert average battle stage layout w/ GF here
WhyY, lOoh -Oohkie thErre!
WEe gOt sOome NeEw guests Overr tOo thEe pAarrTYy!
aAnd One Of thEem’s aA rrEeAl trrEeAt tOo thEe EeYeE!
HeRr smEell’s nOt tHaAt chAarrmIing, thOougghh…
Repulsion. Don’t you dare come near me or else, you mange bag
WhAat?? YoOuu AfRrAaid Of cloOwnss??
No, I fear you’ll give me awful zombie rabies by a touch alone
(*Aight, cut it out now)
(Hey Mr. McCooties, is it here where the power source of this place’s at? Y’know, cuz of the blackout thing and stuff)
AanDd AeE guEsSs yOou’re thEe One whOo wIll sOo “ffIxX” Eet, wOn’t yOUu, lIttLe mUusiCkAll bOYy?
WeEell thEen, lEet’s gEet thE shOoOw goOing, mYy dUude!
Frowns with a wider smile. …and yOu bEtter mAke yOur pArt gOod.
Lightly savage. I’m dOing sOme bIg Efforts hEre to kEep mYself from STRAIGHT UP tEaring yOu Open lIke mY cAge’s bEd pIllow
Normal+‘Ough’ face. Ah…
Speaking of old OCs making their comeback…also furries (I’m having pico’s school love conquers all flashbacks now help me-)
And OOPS I accidentally drew him on BF’s position, sorry sorry will fix later pinkie promise
Yes this boi was an old OC of mine that used to be a low-key clown and used to wear an orange-ish handkerchief round his neck
Now he’s a lame excuse for a Joker wannabe that plays a fool out of himself for mere cash…oh and he’s also quite the aggressive type when he’s bothered, reason why he wears a shock collar as you can see there
But since there is no electricity it’s no longer an issue for him so he can do what pleases him…rap included
And about how he is able to breathe…he’s kind of an undead too so sdfghj-
4.- Eye-nimals…?
Got a little carried away with the eye morph idea, oopsie
I’d say, despite how unsettling they might look, I think they’re kind of cute...spookute (?)
5.-BFH FC 3 – Madame le Momst
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Side note: This event is kinda ‘unchained’ by the time I write it up (ergo, no idea what happened before hand in concrete sense), so I’ll only focus on the encounter alone for now. (2)
Scenario: Momst’s boutique(?).
Madame le Momst
Oh my feathers, hello there, little darlings!
Come in, come in, I’m all for visits tonight~
Pigeon Pit
Crook Crow
Hi there              
Madame le Momst
It’s been so long since I had someone coming to my boutique…
Lowered smile. …Since the blackout not only took my beloved music away, but also my fashion motivation
Sad. I’ve been trying to make new confections, but I just can’t come up with anything, as I so used to do before…
Cuckoo glance…and by just hearing that, you might tell it kinda has gotten me a little…too out of my head lately, to say the least
You don’t say, dear.
(*Well, I can help you out on that if you like)
Madame le Momst
Oh, you would do that for me?
(*Sure! Why else do you think I came over here anyway?)
Madame le Momst
Oh, so kind of you!~
Defying. …Still, you better make that kindness stand up enough towards my expectations
Sinister. And if you not, well…let’s just say your little girlfriend will have to compensate the loss
Cuckoo-er glance. I’ve heard demon eyes are quite the prettiest of jewels in this kind of industry after all
Heh, not even a chance, honey
Crook Crow
Sharp stares. Don’t underestimate me, woman
Sharp stares back. …
I’ll express my feelings towards this character through a meme:
-Female half-naked birb with tits doesn’t exist, she can’t hurt you
Female half-naked birb with tits
-Staring deep into my soul
I’m as lost as you might be, but this was out of a little memory of mine where my good ol’ friend Algid and I were talking about VB’s Ink Amalgam and I suddenly brought the idea of it looking like Momo
And well, here I am
You can tell I didn’t have much to think about and just went with the flow on this one, it was kind of fun still so whateva
Also really clever of me covering her crotch but not her tits
Sweet Jesus woman cover those nips of yours, no one needed to see them that closely t h a n k    y o u
6.-BFH FC 4 – Sarco Daddy/Mummy Daddy
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: Mummy Club’s interior; MumDaddy’s ‘office’ specifically
BF enters past the ‘stringdoor‘ alongside GF; they’re dressed with the same fashion of the ‘staff’
(*Good evening ladies and gents, I’m looking for the owner of this place)
Mummu Ka
Oh, you wanna see the master, cutey?
Zuu Xha
Jhe’ll be jhere in a zecondd, don’t worry
MumDaddy enters the room from a different stringdoor
Mummy Daddy
What’s going on here?
Mummu Ka
Someone’s here to see you, master
Quick transition (camera goes off and on)
Mummy Daddy
So, you said you know how to fix our power leak over here, did you?
Mummu Ka
Concern. I have a feeling we shouldn’t really trust this little boy, master
Zuu Xha
Yea, thiz girl jhe brought jhaz zomething zuspixiouz…
Slightly sharp stares with tongue out. I can zense it from jhere
Bruh face. That’s because I’m literally next to you, sis.
Zuu Xha
Suspecting. Ztill…
Mummy Daddy
Don’t worry dears, she doesn’t seem to call for trouble here
As for you, I’ll give you a chance to try do the magic with our stuff here.
Frown. But if things don’t work out in the end, you’ll get a free sadomasochist session by me personally
And trust me, it’ll be more painful than the human type of play.
Mummies are really classy to be a part of the undead category, aren’t they?
Yes, this is adult nightclub naughty things confirmed
Don’t worry though, fanonically here BF is an adult already so y’know (?) (I keep him as a shortie bc I’m lazy…and also bc he cute like that)
7.-BFH FC 5 – The Bone-Oilers Leader (Formerly known as ‘Motorbones’)
I changed his ‘name’, yes
It sounded really generic so yeah
He still gangsta tho
8.-Pit and Crowk (Madame Le Momst’s pets/little assistants)
Mommy’s little babies…wicked babies
9.-BFH FC 6 – Grave-nan
[Cutscene-styled script for partial storytell / character introduction sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Event skipped: BF’s quick discharge and final check-up (protocol purposes)**
Scenario: The Hood’s Graffee Streets
GF walking by and looking around carefully
GirlFriend (on though)
They said this was the place I had to go to ask
Hope it wasn’t a scam…
GF accidentally hits a paint can with her shoe
Someone steps in, a freakystein holding another paint can on his hand
(¬Woah! Watch it!)
Oh my, sorry
(¬Say, what’s a pretty lady like you doing around here all alone?)
Looking for someone that can help me and my BF on this whole blackout mess, that’s for sure.
(¬So, you got the memo about it, huh?)
(¬Well then, if that’s the case, then I’m the man you’re looking for!)
(Name’s Grave-nan, or Grave for short)
(¬And –wait, did you say BF?)
Uhm yeah, that’s my partner’s name for short
(¬Hold up, you mean THE BF? AKA Lil BoyFriend?)
Blue hair, short height, long brows
That’s my boy if you wanna know
(¬Frost damn, now you got my attention!)
My goodness, you guys are really fond with him, aren’t you?
(¬Heh, yeah!)
(¬…Though, people don’t have the same view of you on this side of the street after what happened during last Friday)
Crossed arms …
(¬Yeah, rumors do spread like disease ‘round here)
(¬But in all honesty, for a demon relative, you don’t seem like a threat to me)
If that’s the case, then we should take that zombie dude who hurt my BF with his snake thing as the main topic
Now that’s what I’d consider to be an actual threat, no bias thoughts at all
(¬Wait, Unk Grawlbert did that?!)
(¬Darn, now things are twisting to the worse with this outage!)
(¬Still, that wouldn’t have happened if he had a reason other than just…)
(¬…well, bare spitefulness)
(¬Say, did BF encounter with something ‘weird’ going on while he was there?)
(¬…just in case he actually told you, of course)
Now that you say it, he kind of did
During his stay at the hospital, he did mention something about ‘strange arrow patterns’
Translating his words, ‘instead of a 90 degree angle, they looked as if they were on a 45 one’
Grave-nan claps his hands in realization.
(¬Now that’s what’s going on)
(¬He expected him to use the ‘diagonal mechanic’!)
(¬…but he didn’t have anything to activate it, I’ll guess)
(¬You multiply that frustration and unconsciousness with the no longer contained zombie instinct)
(¬Then add the idea of BF betraying the hood because he plus you equals nope according to him and most of the old-school zombeeps and zomboops around here)
(¬And BOOM, total mayhem breaks into the party )
(¬Quick maths!)
Wait, diagonal…what?
(¬Diagonal mechanic, dear)
(¬It’s a new way of power generation, especially for this kind of situations)
How does that work?
(¬Well, it basically turns singing into electricity)
(¬Sound frequency particles being transformed into energy, this that)
(¬Science things, y’know)
(¬And all the magic can be done with the help of this little guy over here)
Grave-nan puts his hand inside his pocket, takes it out, and shows GF a small device as he opens his fist (the little device is slightly on due to his own body’s electricity)
Oh, pretty cute.
Grave-nan takes GF’s hand softly and puts the device on its palm, closing it afterwards.
(¬Just connect it to the mic, and then you’ll be ready to go)
What? So it’s as simple as that?
Grave-nan nods
(¬…Though it doesn’t do much when us undeads try to use ‘em, hehe)
(¬I mean, if it was to my will, you bet I’d give my all to help da hood, yo!)
(¬But uhm, you see…)
Freakysteins can’t touch active electronics, or else they’ll shock
I know, I work with plenty of them until the sun settles down.
(¬Oh, cool!)
(¬And good you know)
(¬So…Want me to give you a little lesson about how to use it correctly?)
Sure, why not?
Grave-nan lends his arms towards the alley
(¬Awesome! Come over here, we’ll have more space to practice)
GF walks past him to where he’s pointing.
Grave-nan (on thought)
(¬Oh brother, I’m real pimpin’!)
(¬I’m about to do something for da hood man himself, the one and only…Wow!)
(¬Might be just a small help, but it’s still nice to be somewhat helpful)
(¬…nonetheless, remember Grave, don’t grow too attached)
(¬you know how it is…)
Grave-nan takes a deep breath, regains his composure and goes with GF
That one NG-themed char I did for C4:C‘R’ but instead it’s a freaky-steined iteration of him
…yes I said freaky-steined -and yes my dude zombeeps and zomboops are how they call zombies around here, zombeeps for fems and zomboops for men)
He doesn’t join any parties though, but he knows things as you can see here
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Starting to write up this post in light of tumblr's new bullshit since I read and write in some dark fandoms (Danny Phantom and Red Hood, respectively).
I will tag in relevant posts from now on:
'tw: body horror'
'suicide prevention'
'tw: suicide'
'tw: death'
'tw: flashing'
'tw: gunshot wound' or 'tw: gsw'
'tw: injury'
The kids are not okay (for general warnings for mental illness, anxiety, PTSD, or trauma)
'tw: PTSD' (for specific issues)
Someone please hit whoever decided that "back", "girl", "misc", "queue" and "hard" were banned words. I will not use leet speak because I know that screws with screenreaders big time. The apostrophes might be bad enough.
In the unlikely event I'm reblogging something racy, I'll tag it 'NSFW' or probably 'sexual humor'.
Hopefully I don't get shadow banned from trying to make my blog safe and accessible for people with iphones. *insert gigantic eye roll*
Hi, everyone from Twitter. I don't care if you follow and lurk. I do, however, need one (1) post on your blog saying that you are human and you lurk, ESPECIALLY if you have chosen to put your full name plus two or three numbers as your username. That format is what the porn bots have been doing lately, so as soon as I see that format i tend to block on sight. Love you guys, have fun and be safe. 💜
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amearla · 2 years
Red cronchers
Red cronchers are another species of something. Usually well known for their resistance (or immunity in some more rare and extreme cases, more on this later) to redstone dust and often uses it to make very powerful and usually confusing machines. Now you may ask the question “how did they get their name?” Well that’s because they have been seen EATING REDSTONE DUST. Eating it. Yes shocker I know right? When they were named by my person who first saw them, they watched them eat the radioactive red dust. Scared the living daylights out of them. Poor guy. Thankfully not all of them eat redstone dust. Or they all do just some are more discreet about it.
Now there are different kinds of redstone cronchers just like how there are different kinds of ankle biters! However there are no tamed or wild redstone cronchers. None of them could be tamed, trust me. The day I come across a tamed redstone croncher, is the day I riot and over throw a monarchy, I don’t care which one, just whatever’s closest and easiest. Which would be ideal because I’m very small and soft. So what kinds are there? There’s only one kind. That’s it, because all of them are so unique and different they could all be there own species. However they are similar enough that they can be put under a “umbrella term” as I’ve heard my person call it. Common traits is that most of them are big, have high intelligence, have red stained hands and even mouths from time to time, speak in some confusing form of verbal leet speak and have front facing eyes. I swear they’re an apex predator but then I see some of the others and, well. I honestly have no idea.
Now to talk about the rare and extreme cases of immunity.
This is reached when the redstone croncher has fused with the redstone. It seems like it talks to them, making them unstoppable when they have a goal in mind. They often make the most extreme creations, sometimes not even understanding what they’ve made themselves. Redstone dust is radioactive, but there could be more to it. *pokes it with a stick to see what it does*
I honestly have no idea about redstone cronchers. It seems anyone can become one of them, but it’s difficult. I’ve tried working with redstone dust before and I’ve never gotten it to work. Must require some kind of red thumb I guess.
Overall redstone cronchers are very confusing and mysterious but can be very fun to be around, often adding an element to a friend group not many can have.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a species to agonize over from the comfort of my nest.
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