#layla talks shit about astrology
pacifymebby · 6 months
Hi! Can you tell me something about me please?)
Sun in Sagittarius Moon in Capricorn Your rising sign (Ascendant) is Cancer
🌼 Actually never know what to do with myself when I find myself face to face with a fire sign haha but
🦢 the aesthetic of this album cover /the song kind of gives me Sagitarius Sun, Cancer Rising vibes?
🌼 your sun sign longs for direction and your moon sign is very good at building plans and working towards a future, so perhaps your need for direction can be pacified by listening to your heart (moons supposed to rule your inner thoughts/feelings?)
🦢 cancer rising could present as a little shy.. could be like how some people are very quiet until you get to know them... People might have the impression they don't want to upset you, they may perceive the sensitive, watery rising sign only to find that beneath that initial layer you're very sharp, passionate and honestly a little wild?
🌼 most of the Sagitariuses I know hate sitting still for too long, they like to be doing stuff all the time so they can be prone to rushing into things.
🦢 be wary about how you approach friendships and romance, with a cancer rising and a sag sun you might find you get attached to the idea of love and partnership very quickly...
🌼 Capricorn moons aren't quite as reserved and standoffish as the other earth moons, you might find you're quite blunt when it comes to expressing feelings/ very matter of fact about them...
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waffle404 · 1 month
Kaveh and Dr Ratio fans unite!!
So after learning about the Fibonacci series and something called golden ratio, and since then my brain has been plagued by Genshin and Hsr so, I've come to a conclusion.
Y'know how Fischl appeared in Honkai impact 3rd? I kinda want a collab between Hsr and Genshin, and I don't want some star or astrology character (I'm sorry Layla and Mona) I want Kaveh to meet Dr Ratio.
Their first meeting would be odd as fuck but they get the hang of eachother once they tell eachother about what they do. Okay enough chit chatting this is what I actually want to say:
• I believe Kaveh and Ratio would immediately become friends like they have sooo much in common
• My two little math/physics nerds who enjoy arts too, cuz I often see people forget that to become an architect you have to study maths and physics and they just dumb Kaveh down to a drunk dependent babygirl
• The both of them talk over architecture and how they enjoy it. Kaveh gets inspired by the Greek architecture and Ratio learns about the Akademiya and how they teach students
•Kaveh draws a portrait of Ratio while Ratio makes a whole ass statue of Kaveh
• They're called Golden ratio but this name can also extend to Aventurine and Ratio
•While Kaveh is enjoying his time in space, the whole sumeru crew is wondering where tf he went. Al Haitham is waiting for the rent. He also acts aloof to Kaveh's disappearance but gets a little scared cuz his favorite blond math guy is missing, LIKE NO ONE KNOWS WHERE HE IS.
• Ratio takes Kaveh to penacony and some shit happens (I haven't done the quest) but Kaveh gets overwhelmed and gets homesick not to mention Ratio reminds him of Al Haitham.
•And boomshakalaka he gets hit with those cars? Fuckin dies and ends back up in Sumeru.
•I want to add a his V/A's quote like from on of his streams. Like: "Paimon we may be high" - Ben Balmaceda
That's all I wanted to shit post about. Ill try to draw them together and shi. No this is not proofread and the punctuation here SUCKS. Okay bye my loves <3
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brain-stuck · 2 months
what up welcome to brainstuck
were called that because we . Because we are Stuck in th
were a massively introject heavy system of like 26 or some shit and we made this blog to. idk reblog system shit and maybe you guys can interact with us or smth . this blog was the result of a democratic vote so here it is 💯
bodily 22
trans dude, default to he / him
overall aroace. headmate identities heavily impact the Flavoring so were loveless, lovequeer, nonamorous and partnering all at the same time
refer to us as a whole as brainstuck or perhaps bingus. i am serious we will respond to bingus
not endogenic or traumagenic but a secret third thing (nunyagenic) (nunya business)
DISCLAIMER some of us arent white in brain but we are bodily white . we dont claim those identities but we do like learning about those cultures so if you got any cool facts hit us up
the resident shawties
COHOSTS: kyle (irl), xingqiu (discord), dave (tungle)
FREQUENT FRONTERS: tao, shinobu, yoimiya, layla / samira, lynette, bronya
OTHER SHAWTIES: bo, john, rose, jade, jane, dirk, jake, lark, aradia, sollux, karkat, feferi, lumine, barbara, keqing, xinyan, kokomi
LITTLE BITCHES: dimple (<- what we named our intrusive thoughts demon)
click the read more for more info on us individually OK EPIC BYEEEE
KYLE 💤 - Our core Guy. The OG. He / him, trans, aroace. Handles IRL stuff. Professional Sleeper. We are all facets of this guy including This Guy
DAVE 🎧 - @aroacedavestrider and @incorrect-hs-quotes (mod dave). he / him aroace homestuck gang. yallready know whats goin on. cohost
QIU 🌊 - @alegendofsword and @blueboy-mlm. He / him, gay ace, trans. Genshin Gang. Cohost. Name is pronounced “CHYO”. Writer and reader.
BO 📺 - @nosignal-standby. he / it. aroace. nonhuman static entity. voidsona. shoutout to deltaverse. probably a trauma holder.
JADE 🌱 - @gardeniagnostic. she / they demigirl! polyam pan, homestuck gang :) talk to me about hawai’ian culture and green magic!!!
LAYLA / SAMIRA 🌟 - @fantastical-eveningstar. she / her for both of us, two-person subsystem. demiaroace and maybe bi about it ?? genshin gang. astrology nerd
JOHN 👻 - he / him, biro ace, homestuck gang. resident Dissociator™. i’m learning spanish and greek! june egberts can interact if comfortable. :)
ROSE 🐙 - She / It. Demi, sapphic. Bi lesbian, don’t care to figure out which I am specifically. Homestuck gang. Talk to me about crystal magic.
JANE 🎂 - She / He? Bi, some kind of gender going on. Homestuck gang. Not frequently near pilot. Sorry :B
DIRK 🔥 - He / him. Gay, aro, left arm amputee in headspace. Rewatching MLP. Rarity is funnier than I remember. Homestuck Gang.
JAKE 💀 - He / they demiboy quoi-aro and bi! Homestuck gang. Absolutely talk to me about crazy ancient relics and sites. Australian not british!
LARK 🐦‍⬛ - he / him and bi. kind of a fucked up human bird davesprite thing. not crow strider. used to go by luke. part time protector
ARADIA ♈️ - she / they n0nbinary thang. ar0ace. autistic 0n the beat ab0ut cryptids and urban legends 0u0. h0mestuck gang. name is pr0n0unced “uh-RAY-dee-uh”
SOLLUX ♊️ - he / hiim, biiro ace. iidk much el2e ii ju2t work here. ii play a lot of miinecraft. home2tuck gang
FEFERI ♓️ - S)(e / )(er and pan! Name is pronounced “F-EF-furry”. )(omestuck Gang 38) !! I’m a trauma )(older, actually!
LUMINE ✨ - She / her, lesbian. Genshin Gang, kind of a… splice between Traveler and Abyss Lumine? I was both. I am both. Where is Aether
BARBARA 🎶 - she / her and bi ^^ genshin gang. i love to sing and make playlists for my headmates! kind of a… religious trauma processor??
XINYAN 🎸 - she / they ace lesbian and im the proud token punk rock headmate WOOO!!! genshin gang. send me cool music!! names pronounced “SHIN-yan”
TAO ⚰️ - she / they aroace :) genshin gang ! i collect books full of ghost stories so tell me some if you dare~
KEQING 💫 - She / her, lesbian. Genshin gang. Name is pronounced “KUH-ching”, but I also go by Kit. Let’s call me the… “manifestation of productivity”.
SHINOBU 🗡️ - she / he. not picky. aroace, genshin gang. i also go by “shoby”. protector.
KOKOMI 🐟 - She / her lesbian and Genshin Gang! Qiu and I read a lot of books together and I would be very happy to hear recommendations :)
YOIMIYA 🎆 - she / her demi lesbian genshin gaaaang nice to meet you!!! i’m a… motivator?? lmao?? yeah!!
LYNETTE 🎩 - She / her aroace. Genshin Gang. Call me Nette please. Not much of a talker
BRONYA 🐰 - She / her unsure of what the Bronya is. Bronya likes Seele. The Bronya is newest member of system and does not know what she likes yet. Only Honkai subject as far as the Bronya knows.
DIMPLE - this is our resident “and a half”. hes like our intrusive thoughts brain demon and we all hate him so we made him look like dimple mp100 and we call him shit like “scringle” and “bunkle” and “grinkle”. hes not allowed to talk cause he sucks but if he was wed make him use this 👹 ok epic
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darthwheezely · 3 years
hi!! can i request a male ship? 🔐 i'm a slytherin and i'm an enfp! i'm also a gemini. i love reading and astrology. i'm a very bold person and i can be loud at times. i'm very honest and flirty sometimes even when i don't notice lmao. i love giving people advice and people there for everyone. my friends would describe me as funny! i'm 5'6 and i have brown hair with curtain bangs. i wear eyeliner if i'm in the mood for makeup! i'm not very big on talking about my emotions to everyone. thanks!!
oh, layla, i saw slytherin and gemini and blunt and was like OH THAT MAKES SENSE I BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS ONE- (also this is slightly spicy I’m so sorry it’s like PG-13)
I ship you with Sirius Black!
The rivalry you had with Gryffindors was purely for show...wasn’t it? Not everyone really understood the lengths of which you would go to shit on your boyfriend’s house - but I mean, no one really understood his either.
This was the dynamic you both had had for ages now. He roasts her. She roasts him. He turns her hair green. She charms his face red for an entire day. All with love of course.
Today, however you had charmed all of his clothes and skin to be bright neon green - and glow in the dark.
“LAYLA” you heard a familiar roar through the Great Hall as you saw your own personal sexy glow stick of a man stomping towards you at the Slytherin table. He had stopped in front of you, your friends cackling with delight at the sight of your enraged (but slightly aroused?) boyfriend.
“Sirius, my love, you are positively radiant today aren’t you?” The whole of the Slytherin table roared with indescribable laughter. He clenched his jaw at you and bundled his fists.
“You think you’re so funny, gorgeous, don’t you?”
“Oh, love, I don’t think I’m funny, I know I’m hilarious...looks like someone clearly thinks so too” you winked at him admiring the growing tent in his pants and he gritted his teeth.
He grabbed your wrists and pulled you from the table.
“What are you doing, Sirius?”
“I’m gonna show you exactly what I think of you my dear.”
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gaymirajane · 7 years
Lucy Heartfilia Headcanons (modern!AU)
Because who doesn't love this princess?? -Lucy is such a sci-fi nerd like honestly what she doesn't know about Star Trek/Star Wars/Doctor Who probably isn't worth knowing; -Honestly anything that is remotely space themed she just loves she's always a slut for space; -She 10/10 has a "You're going to rattle the stars ✨🌙" tattoo going down her spine okay she's just like that; -Also maps stars... her room is basically a maelstrom of charts and maps and images and telescopes and magazines and everything. She just loves space so much because woah it's infinite and beautiful and rad and what's not?? To love??; -But with space comes *dramatic music* ALIENS; -Okay hear me out... Lucy is that one friend who starts talking about conspiracy videos at 2AM and Natsu is 100% her conspiracy theory buddy (we all have one cmon); -Those two are hell together really they both track all the major theories and Lucy has notebooks full of them and every light in the sky is a UFO ("it was an object that I can't identify and it was flying... what the fuck do you think the definition of UFO is, Cana?"); -This led to the video of Lucy, Natsu and Gajeel at a party drunk where they had tied Gajeel onto a bicycle (idk how, that dude weighs like a whole lot) and we're pushing the bike (and him) down a hill shouting "ET GO HOME!!"; -Natsu and Lucy also have matching "We come in peace 👽✌🏼" caps because bros doing bro things; -Dating Lucy is wild though because sometimes she'll wake Cana up for no reason like "Babe do you ever think about how we're not the only life forms in the universe and how- stop covering your head with the pillow okay hear me out- it's inevitable that we're gonna make contact with extraterrestrial life one day??" "Go to SLEEP Lucy!"; -Also lets not forget the old, "JUVIAAA!!" *juvia drops plate, runs upstairs quicker than light itself, barrel rolls into the bedroom, slams open the door with her face, trips over the rug and falls in front of Lucy's feet* "What the hell is the matter, are you okay??" "LOOK!! The sky looks so pretty tonight!!" "...????"; -100% says shit like "That's such a fucking libra thing to say."; -Believes more in horoscopes and the zodiac than her own government tbh; -Lucy probably got her love of astrology from her mother and feels like her strongest connection to Layla is through the stars.
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pacifymebby · 6 months
Can you do me please? 🫣
Libra Sun
Scorpio moon
Gemini rising
Thank you love x
Always knew I got good vibes from you haha (so many of my irl besties are libras!!!)
🪐 a watery moon <3 I feel like these make for some lovely empathetic people but they also put that person through emotional hell. An emotional sponge you just sook up all the feelings in a room until you really can't hold anymore maybe.
🍒It also kinda gives me insight to your writing... How you're always drawn to either the dark stuff (Pure/ Ice Cold) you're so talented at drawing out that darkness and really sinking your teeth into it and the taboo stuff (you make the idea of shagging your uni teacher or your bfs best mate so enticing and like tempting haha) Scorpio moon might be what draws you to those themes!!!
🪐 I always associate Scorpio with darker colours, a few of my Scorpio friends dye their hair or keep it naturally dark shades of brown... Also greens, dark dark blues, night time imagery... Most my Scorpio moon friends are bordering on nocturnal and find peace at night time.
🍒 I feel like because your Libra will have you really valuing and seeking out strong relationships, your Scorpio moon will mean you feel deep deep about important relationships in your life... But also that you resist those deep feelings. Scorpios have that trust issues stereotype so you might find yourself desperately wanting to get closer to people whilst not trusting yourself not to hurt too much if it falls apart.
🪐 and like if a friendship or relationship falls apart you'll deep it, you'll take it to heart, you'll over think it and shoulder the blame, probably carry the guilt for a really long time.
🍒I mean this so so affectionately I promise but I don't know a single gemini that doesn't come across a little bit weird or erratic. And your rising sign is how you present to the world haha.
🪐 you know in science at school they'd show you what happens to particles when they heat up and become air and it was like, lots of tiny balls fucking flying around bouncing off the walls... It's not necessarily that you're always loud and hyper, but your thoughts maybe occurs very quickly and you just say stuff... You could be very quick witted (especially when it comes to sarcasm or "mean" humour because of your Scorpio placement)
🍒anyway yes, geminis are definitely "bright" personalities, kinda sparky, unpredictable and generally really interesting to know. Get excited about a new idea but won't necessarily follow it through, depending on what your mars and mercury are you might find you have loads of ideas, burst with enthusiasm but then struggle either to communicate them or bring them into physical reality?
🪐 always associate Gemini with yellows, golds and like sparkly colours. Ginger and golden hour.
🍒 your rising is the same as Alexandra Saviour and Stephen Malkmus' sun sign. It won't be exactly the same and gemini would impact them differently, however because you present to others in first impressions as your rising, these are both very gemini vibes geminis and they kind of sum up what I was meaning about geminis being a little cooky or unpredictable, Stephen Malkmus just presents as like an awkward little sunbeam and Alexandra Saviour presents as so not made for this world, left of center/misunderstood but like ethereal because of it.
🪐 anyways it's a cool combination of signs to have <3
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pacifymebby · 6 months
So from sams chart- is it safe to say he had the best sex with somebody who he loves not just fwb?
I was wondering if anyone has ever read all that haha
I would say that obviously it might not be true you can never account for people's personal feelings at any one time or like I can't because I'm not really thattt knowledgable about this haha but
I'd say that whilst his mars is an Aries and people always associate fire signs with hot, passionate and often times wild sex, because his Venus (which rules love) is Taurus (somewhat traditional but also shy) and his moon (which rules inner emotions) is Virgo (fucking so suppressed, cautious to trust others with their true feelings) and his Sun is Taurus too (that's like your individual identity) all those earth placements will definitely dampen or hold back that Aries Mars and so in order for that to really burn he'd probably need to be with someone who makes him feel confident, someone he knows pretty well?
I'm quite conservative in my own personal views on sex too and I can't promise you I'm not being blinded by my own belief with this interpretation.
If it's fwb and it's actually a friend then the sex could be really good because it's still someone trusted/well known. But like, that would always be in conflict with a Taurus Venus that wants to literally make a home with/in their partner. They're one of the most dedicated Venus signs so I'd say a relationship thats not based on a really strong romantic/friends/ride or die style love will never compare to one that is all of those things.
Like fwb could be so fine, but theres potential for a longing for more/potential to feel a level of rejection or damage to self esteem if a fwb /no tender feelings relationship or a series of one night stands goes on for too long.
I'd say genuine one night stands/flings with strangers probably will be shit and like you only really have to listen to Will We Talk? To kinda hear not just the "what's really the point in this?" And also the bitterness there. Idk I've always heard that as a regretful or bitter/sad song. Like there's a sense of rejection to it whether he's feeling it for the girl or the boy in the song, or whether the boy is him and he's telling the story from 3rd person.
Also, thinking more about it, Aries has the risk of behaving quite selfishly, putting themselves first, they can be impatient, wanting immediate satisfaction... In a fling where neither person involved care about one another there's potential for those traits to rise to the surface?
Thing to remember though is that the rest of his chart is water and earth signs, his two Aries placements are mercury and mars, so there's SO MANY highly emotional placements, but with a virgo moon, so emotions (which I personally think are key to sexual pleasure) there'll be an instinct to repress those emotions. Idk I feel like such a mom bur trust is key to good sexual experiences and someone who can't open up/trust very easily is going to take longer to trust and open up to people emotionally and therefore sexually too... So flings are doomed from the start and fwb would need to be long term friends (still doomed eventually though because a Taurus Venus will long for something more)
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pacifymebby · 6 months
hey, can you please do mine?
Capricorn Venus
Lilith in Aries
Okay so I'm not familiar with Lilith but I've done a lot of reading just now and I think I can maybe talk about it and also draw connections between Lilith and Venus. (Ps I've just done a lot of reading about my own Lilith and found that my ed/daddy issues/trust issues expressed as a desperation to find a "protector" and constant illnesses could all be linked to my Lilith so that's fun lol)
I've read a few wee things and it seems a lot of people associate Lilith purely with trauma/misfortune but I kind of prefer the other way of viewing it which I've read a few times too (and seems more true to the story of Lilith too)
That's basically that a black moon Lilith can show the raw, untamable parts of us, and then the "troubles" these parts of us can cause, in the story of Lilith it's her untamable nature which ultimately gets her banished from the garden of eden... But you don't really see her as a victim, more a heroine because she is true to herself and her desires, she seeks pleasure and is willing to sacrifice everything for her happiness/fulfillment...
So like maybe your Lilith when connected to your Venus can highlight the things you'd do, the sacrifices you'd make for Love, or pleasure. Also the areas of your personality that can lead to feelings of rejection.
Capricorn Venus
🪽 feel a strong sense of responsibility to your partner, traditionally committed, devoted, needs security in a relationship and will try to display their own reliability and capability
🐇 always trying to "prove themselves" to their partner, love language is words of affirmation and acts of service. Makes promises and keeps them.
🪽 scared of letting their partner down and will always be thinking ahead, planning for the future, big on talking about and making plans.
🐇 flirts by being witty and sarcastic, lots of flirtatious bullying lol (I feel like this is all earth signs) says the meanest shit but it translates to "I LOVE YOU ACTUALLY!"
🪽 you maybe love to play with the idea of control in the bedroom, you definitely know what you want...
🐇 not likely to fall head over heels for someone in a love at first sight kind of way but once you've picked your person that's IT.
Lilith in Aries
✨ struggles with the idea of asserting themselves for "self centered" reasons...
🌼 you were maybe told as a child not to be selfish when you were really just advocating for yourself and now you've taken it to heart and feel deep inner turmoil when you do assert your own wants/interests
✨ maybe have a lot of trouble saying no especially because...
Venus Capricorn/ Lilith Aries
🐇 the combination of Capricorns feelings of responsibility to their partners and your Aries Lilith's troubled feelings about asserting yourself maybe mean you really fear saying no to those you love, you may be scared of letting them down or disappointing them.
✨ you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of endlessly giving and giving and giving, grinning and baring anything that might make you feel not great until you can't hold it in or take it anymore. Then you'll assert yourself (the way your Capricorn placement is very very capable of doing!!!) In an extreme burst which you then regret... You regret it so much that you'll apologise, take all the blame, won't allow yourself to reflect and realise why you snapped or that your own needs ARE important too, and will double your efforts to right your perceived wrong.
🐇 maybe in sex too, you'll be more of a giver and struggle to open up about your own likes and dislikes... You might even find yourself considering engaging in activities that don't really do it for you because its what you think your partner wants.
✨ I feel like your Aries Lilith is in such sharp contradiction with your Venus Capricorn, and yet at the same time kind of the same. Both push you towards endless giving without a thought for yourself... But your Aries Lilith directly contradicts the Capricorn strength to stand up and assert themselves...
🐇this is kinda sad because Capricorns can assert themselves quite naturally, and you may find that you do assert yourself accidentally and spend a lot of time upset with yourself for behaving "badly" only no one else would view you as bad for asserting your own wants, youre just deeply scared of coming off as selfish...
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pacifymebby · 6 months
omg hi pls could you read mine? i’m cap sun, virgo moon, gem rising 💕
I feel like there's been so many Capricorn suns haha (just seen another in my inbox too haha)
🐇 something I haven't said but should have too all the other caps I've talked to is this : Capricorns are very willing and (in a heated moment) very good at defending themselves. Won't let anyone talk shit to them or to people they care about. If someone insults them or challenges them (even if they have a soft mars sign) they'll probably still rise to it and flare up to defend themselves... Even more so to defend their friends and family. (if you have a water sign in mars you'll maybe just be an angry crier whilst you're fighting your fight haha)
🦢 virgo moon is like, suppress your emotions vibes, I feel like virgos really struggle with their feelings, to the point that emotions or big displays of emotion embarrass them? The type to go stiff in a hug but they actually really really need the hug.
🐇 you might have issues with control, just because you'll have that task focussed Capricorn drive but also this determination to control and suppress your emotions too... You might really struggle when even the smallest loss of control hits you?
🦢 prone to hangxiety probably.
🐇 omg especially because of your gemini rising oh wow, like you can't help but interact with others and in the moment you feel like you're THRIVING!! but then after the fact you're full of regret because oh my god, you said so many Things...
🦢 Despite your inner conflict between your moon and your rising you probably come off as light-hearted and optimistic, full of energy... The kind of person who can make a room full of people smile...
🐇 good at making people laugh
🦢 Gemini rising means that on the outside you come across as chaotic but on the inside you're actually battling to control everything, you compartmentalise everything and remember everything too... You just come across as a bit airy-fairy haha. Like a busy buzzing bee you flit from flower to flower in a seemingly chaotic path but you know exactly what you're doing and what you're working towards.
🐇between your Capricorn sun and your Gemini rising I think you're probably pretty good with people, if you need to win people over you can do so but... Like I said, you're strong and quick to defend yourself and your gemini rising maybe means you're unpredictable there too, sometimes you're surprised by yourself when you speak or when you decide to bite?
🦢 the combination of your signs reminds me of that red sky at night red sky in the morning rhyme idk why
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pacifymebby · 6 months
my big three: Leo sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising drag me sis
✨ two sides of Tumblr I interact with so... If you're from catblr then just know you would fight Van McCann for his microphone and you would win and become the new face of catfish and the bottlemen. If you're from Peaky Blinders Tumblr, you wouldn't hesitate to choke Tommy Shelby and I straight up think you'd get away with it somehow?!
🌼 Leo's have such a bad rep I'm so sorry but 1) you are the main character for real. 2) bad reps not alwaysss deserved and I'm gonna go soft on you because earth moon (although honestly probably makes you worse bestie X)
✨ Leos have this sense of like, the weight of the world on their shoulders but at the same time a sense that they like the weight of the world being on their shoulders because they were born to carry it
🌼 Stevie Nicks core I can't explain much beyond this
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Like, just fucking radiant but intimidating as fuck?
✨I'd be so scared of you if we met hahaha
🌼 really devoted to the people they choose to devote themselves too, you're the main character and you maybe create your own pride if that makes sense, you're the central figure of the found family, youre the big personality that can inspire togetherness in the others.
✨ your moon only makes you more devoted to your passions... Capricorns not as fixed as taurus so you'll maybe find that where your fire might have been softened by a different earth placement, Capricorn moon only serves to make you more certain and determined about your passions.
🌼 low-key built for greatness because whilst Leos expect to do great things, Capricorns quietly grafting away to achieve great things... You just might find it takes a little longer for you to decide what the things you devote yourself too really are.
✨ maybe you have the potential to be a little overzealous or dramatic on the outside but then when it comes to your true sensitive feelings you're more reserved... You know how to charm and flirt but when you meet someone who makes your heart race you're more shy or guarded to let them in beyond an easy flirtation? Idk if that makes sense.
🌼 basically maybe you can charm someone and lure them in but can you let them in once you've got them where you want them?
✨ again can't explain it but this is your song
🌼 you definitely crave to be the center of attention sometimes and tbh probably you don't even have to try that much you just overpower a conversation haha
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pacifymebby · 6 months
please can I have a little one? My sun is Capricorn, my moon is Taurus and my rising is Sagittarius 🌌
🌿 first of all BESTIE, Capricorn sun and Taurus moon, we could be such earthy wrapped up in blankets drinking hot tea at the riverside kind of friends <3
🌟 Capricorn sun is giving Girlboss haha, very future thinking, you're willing to work now to secure a happy successful future... Capricorns can be very blunt or sharp/cutting but because they're very tunnel vision goal focussed.
🌿 However twin that with your Sagitarius rising and you complicate things... Sagitarius is the flighty fire sign haha, they're impatient and they don't like having to wait for anything... The problem for you could be that whilst your Capricorn Sun is happy to take it's wee time about things (including settling on goals and working out what you actually want) your Sagitarius rising is already rushing into the next thing it thinks might make you happy.
🌟 and then maybe your Taurus moon can reign your rising in a little... Or just make your Capricorn Sun even worse.... Taurus will take their sweet sweet time, so emotionally you might be very pensive and thoughtful regarding working out how you feel, you might then hold onto those feelings for a very very long time
🌿 Taurus moon maybe feels emotions within the body, like you could locate the feeling of sadness to a physical spot, you could locate the feeling of happiness somewhere else.
🌟I think where you have Capricorn and Sagittarius in your big three you could be quite blunt/dry humoured, quite sharp and witty in a very cutting way (my favourite btw)
🌿 this kind of art reminds me of Capricorn sun
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pacifymebby · 6 months
Ohh if you’re still doing astrology readings, I’d love one ☺️
Leo sun
Aquarius moon
Taurus rising
Hello lovely yes I'd love to give you some thoughts!!!! I'll try my best and totally feel free to tell me how right or wrong I am haha
🌼 always got kinda fiery sign vibes from you but I'd have erred on the side of Sagitarius so that shows how good at this I am haha
✨ Leos are generally very strong, of heart, mind, passion, courage... This is lame and sorry for bringing Her Silly Books up, but I always think that She based the harry potter houses on the signs, and she had stupid biases and stereotypes too (though let's be real her astrological biases are the least concerning thing about her) anyway Gryfindors are all fire signs and harry is a fucking stupid Leo stereotype (and actually is a Leo I've just found out haha)
🌼 anyways bad leo stereotypes are like "full of themselves" "scared to let anyone else be center of attention" but like I don't think Leo's are like that at all, the only reason I bought up the books at all is because colour scheme, and "brave/loyal" is very Leo and I think that's the only thing she reallyyyy gets right there lol.
✨ specifically that their bravery often stems from a deep devotion to their friends and passions... Leo's are always pinned as entitled, like they'll claim things or a stage or take over a conversation or push in on someone else's relationship because they feel "entitled" to it but it's more that like, if the situation requires courage to take what they know they need then they will take it and they won't be meek about it either...
🌼 I do know some pretty bad Leo's who have the "sabotage others because they're scared they are a threat" stereotype going hard but generally thats impacted by the rest of the chart and I would always say that it's not something thats intrinsically Leo, it would be crazy to tar all those Leo's like that... The very same thing that can lead to Leo's being that way is the thing that makes them such true and noble friends.
✨ Aquarius moon in fact probably makes you more of a reliable, honest and pure hearted friend. Aquarius is quite egalitarian and so you may find it makes you the kind of friend who likes to help others in anyway you can... You're a go the extra mile kind of friend (or the proclaimers 500 miles if you wish haha)
🌼 potentially impulsive and dramatic when it comes to showing your friends and loved ones how much they mean to you... By dramatic I kind of mean accidentally dramatic, or it feels dramatic to you but because of your Aquarius moon making you quite shy to admit certain emotions, you sometimes think holding hands is embarrassing lol
✨ though you might come off a little aloof, aquarius is kind of awkward/shy, Leo is like royalty so just naturally holds your chin up and gives you that confidence to elevate you above others... And Taurus rising is definitely in conflict with your Leo sun, and again like aquarius, a more low-key vibe? Taurus can come off as shy but it's because they're comfortable with the quieter, more humble life.
🌼 I think maybe people who don't know you will see you as being reserved or hard to read, because your Taurus and Aquarius will be concealing your fire sign quite a lot. However when people get to know you you're an unstoppable friend like, just kind of crazy?
✨ I can imagine that in a conversation with people you know and trust and have good vibes from (aquarius is super vibes sensitive lol) you'll really light up and steal the conversation, everyone loves to hear your stories/jokes and opinions. You have a way of delivering them which makes people gasp and then laugh haha.
🌼 but also I think between your Taurus and your Aquarius you'd be certain to just drop people you don't fuck with or people you get bad vibes from. Also that Leo as well, people who bring you or your friends are getting dropped and left behind.
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pacifymebby · 6 months
Hi my love, can I ask for some thoughts on my big three?
Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Libra Rising
Hi lovely, if I met you irl I wouldn't know what to do with you oh wow
🌼 I feel sorry for anyone meeting you for the first time getting Libra vibes and then discovering that Leo Sun/Gemini Rising (I say this affectionately haha it's just that most libras I know are very calm, chill vibes and geminis are the opposite and Leo's are like starring into the actual sun) (which has its charms you know we're all tempted to destroy our retinas every once in awhile starring at the pretty ball of fire)
🪐 According to all the stereotypes we wouldn't be friends by the way, or there'd be conflict there because Leo's and Taurus don't get along HOWEVER!!!
🌼 I actually think the real reason that people think this is that Taurus and Leo are very similar, one is just much more lowkey about everything... Leo's are stubborn and devoted too, they're determined just as Taurus is, they can be serious but just like relaxation is Taurus' "play" and they're excellent at it, Performance is Leo's. And they're incredible performers be it in conversation, on the stage, on the dancefloor, center of a party or classroom etc...
🪐 Leo's can't help but draw attention to themselves, like I said they burn really bright, even quieter Leo's hold a level of self confidence, a sense of really knowing that they have a purpose.
🌼 you don't have to know what that purpose is yet but like, there's a conviction that you're not just pissing around in this world for no reason, you're going to do Something one day.
🪐 I associate both Leo and Gemini with really golden warm sparkling colours, like gold glitter and. Blonde or light gingery hair.
🌼 Gemini moon only compounds this too tbh, it's a very communicative sign (the internet says you're a gossip bestie) you might find you're very good at sharing your feelings thoughts and ideas, but could be prone to opening up too quickly or to the wrong people... You maybe talk alllllllll the time and lowkey love an overshare... Not just when it's you sharing but when people meet you with the same energy
🪐 your Libra rising does maybe mean that you come off as very chill at first, that all that oversharing and wild performance energy is reserved for people you know a little better. Or perhaps more that you have a very good understanding of when to turn that high energy up and when to tone it down a little. Libra gives you the capability to take a slow breath and settle down sometimes (but you'll probs be bored in ten minutes time)
🌼 I think your sun and moon would mean that you probably enjoy singing/music performance or dance. You'd also probably be quite a quick comedian (I was thinking along the lines of Katherine Ryan how she talks and talks and talks and it's all sharp and high energy cutting, anyways I googled and her mercury is Gemini so checks out)
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pacifymebby · 6 months
Hey can you do mine too please!!)
I’m cancer sun, capricorn moon and capricorn rising!✨❤️
🌜 low-key inner turmoil between your very emotional, soft sun sign and your ruggedly determined moon/rising.
🪽 Cancer suns are usually very shy, very honest eyes. Full, well meaning hearts... Tainted optimism, a desire to see the good in the world even in the places there isn't all that much good - and when this lets you down the disappointment is tangible a mile off.
🌜 Capricorn is kind of the opposite to that though, they're guarded, can suppress their emotions when the situation requires it... You might find you feel like you struggle with big feelings and don't know what to do with them because your moon is like suppress suppress and your sun is like FEEL EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW
🪽 we have the same rising!!!
🌜 idk about you but my sun sign is quite low-key and shy, and Capricorn rising gives me this ability to "fake it till you make it" I can be calculating enough in first encounters to say the right things and charm my way through a conversation with someone new.
🪽 but like on the inside I'm terrified and embarrassed about every word that comes out my mouth.
🌜 i always associate cancers with really soft pinks and like pearly colours like the inside of an oyster I guess haha.
🪽 you have the same sun sign as so many of my favourite people irl, and also Lana del Rey and Angelina Jolie but also Elon Musk (rip)
🌜 I feel like you're the "looks intimidating as fuck is secretly a precious cinnamonroll" type. Like people mistakenly think you're a big girlboss with all her shit together but deep down youre really sweet and gentle and also have no idea what you're doing with your life but you're still hoping it'll all work out in the end.
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pacifymebby · 6 months
my big three
aquarius sun, cancer rising, aries moon
loved loved loved this idea you had!!
🪽 same sun sign as Matt Berninger from the National!!! Every aquarius I know is like, a little bit weird (in a good way) like, there's something a little awkward about them, non conformist. Often having some kind of existential crisis.
🐇 I say this half in jest but I don't know a single cancer who doesn't look like they're on the brink of tears at any given moment? Not necessarily super sad tears but just, watery eyes haha.
🪽 I say this less in jest but like, sensitive af... Not as in easily wounded but very empathetic (cancer) and sensitive to a general vibe, like that weird static in the air at certain times of day?
🐇 I kind of mean like, aquarius Sun picks up on that weird vibe and Cancer Rising understands that weird vibe. Like if it wasn't for your cancer rising you'd be in tune to the vibe but you wouldn't understand it or know what to do with it?
🪽 "you wait around in a conversation while I start stumbling through it" is a Matt Berninger lyric which gives crazy aqusrius vibes to me.
🐇like if you walk into a room and there's a weird silence you probably choke up and then either walk straight back out wordlessly or say something seemingly totally irrelevant and then leave abruptly.
🪽 something really dreamy and other worldly about you, like when sunlight dances and refracts through water?
🐇Aries moon probably sets off that non conformist aquariusness, going against the grain might come quite naturally too you, your Aries moon makes you brave enough to flourish as a weird air sign haha.
🪽 we would get on probably quite well, your cancer rising would go so hard with my Taurus sun and ice always been super fond of strange little aie signs haha (I promise I mean that in a loving way, I mean strange as in left of center, ally sheedy in breakfast club) your Aries moon and my leo moon would probably be wonderful and terrible all at once, we'd understand each others passionate nature, how much every matters to one another but also we would have no sense of balance and we'd make eachother worse <3
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