Castiel walked into the church, finding it a little strange not having been in a house of God in a long while. Walking down the central aisle he slipped silently into a pew, far from the other patrons, his eyes glancing over the windows as he started talking in a low voice.
"I don't know if you're listening."
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"Just because you don't care doesn't mean you can't hear me."
He glanced around, the church being mostly empty except for him and a few other lonely looking people.
"I understand that this holiday has nothing really to do with you or religion and is more about appreciating the kindness of indigenous people hundreds of years ago but even with your repeated absence and what I can only perceive to be your....shunning me....I still believe that this is all part of your plan. One you didn't tell us about."
He chuckled. "And you are still my father. So....who better to thank?"
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Lowering his head, Castiel did his best to pretend that no one else was here and began to pray in a way he hadn't since before even his punishment.
"I am thankful that I have my family. Even through everything we've been through. Even after all the challenges and difficulties that have tried to tear us down, even the ones that have succeeded. I could think of no better people who I would want to stand by me through all of it.
"I am thankful for Dean and his patience. Greater men would have given up on me a long time ago but he never has and I hope never will.
"I am thankful for Mary. Confusing and terrifying as a child is I do not regret or begrudge her anything. She is wonderful, she is perfect and I know she will go on to do things as great as her father.
"I am thankful for our house and for our friends. Friends who will no doubt stand by us against all odds, just as they have before."
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"And I am thankful in the knowledge that...though you may not care for me any longer.....I am thankful for the knowledge that you will not allow the people I love to suffer. For any reason."
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mothstradamus · 11 years
lastofthewinchesters replied to your post: They know he’s dead, but not what happened they...
(what? who died?)
An old classmate of mine. He was always nice to me when everyone else pretty much ignored me, and since we were two of the tallest people in class we always sat together. He liked pressing things into my skin because I'd always get sunburnt and it would leave an impression of whatever was pressed in. He also had very nice handwriting and I always let him cheat off of my vocabulary tests. I liked him a lot.
attentiondeficitaptitude replied to your post: He was like 2 days older than me and always nice...
Can you contact his family at all?
I got a hold of another old classmate, but I wasn't the most popular person, so being friends with me on a level that was 'i know your parents' wasn't exactly good for your own popularity status. I'll call the Parish tomorrow to see if they can tell me anything else.
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-taps on shoulder-
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eyesofophelia · 11 years
flashing-stark done tagged me. follow her por favor
The Rules:
Always post the rules
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones
Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
Let them know you tagged them
Boobs or butts? boooooooty
Sherlock or Elementary? BBC Sherly bb
If you only had one wish that cannot be selfish, what would it be? I wish that stupid fucking people would stop ruining life.
It’s the apocalypse, what would your five member team be to fight and survive? The Doctor, the TARDIS, Amy Pond, Rory Pond, River Song. Cause then we could do some fighting and then the Doctor could get us out of there. If not them, Sam and Dean Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, and Bobby Singer. Yesss. AND THEN  IF WE'RE TALKING OUT OF FANDOMS, Misha Collins for the lolz, Chris Hardwick for the nerdy lolz and he knows enough about zombies to kill them, my brother Jonathan cause he was in the Army and is in the National Guard, my brother Justin because he's handy with the guns and such, and Mark Pellegrino cause he's big and tough and dfjskdfjldjf
Best vampire movie of all time? Um, I've seen so many that they're all mooshing together so um probs Interview With the Vampire cause sHUT UP LOUIS.
Pitch Perfect or Bridesmaids? Defend your answer. I haven't seen either, but I'd say Pitch Perfect cause singing.
You have the chance to live in an alternate universe that’s based on a show, movie, book etc. What would that alternate universe look like? Um, I don't know. Between SPN verse/DW verse/BBCSherly verse.
Favourite song to passionately sing to? I don't know. I sing passionately to like everything I fucking love singing guys.
Funniest comedian you can think of at this moment? me.
Favourite article of clothing? My t-shirt of 'Van Gogh's'' painting of the exploding TARDIS
What would your dream man/woman be like? Personality and appearance? Basically just look at Misha Collins. He's tall, slim, blue eyes, dark hair, funny. Perfect. For a girl, well I'm just going to have to describe it. Curvy, blue or green eyes, dark hair, nice booty, nice boobs (if i like her personality enough it doesn't matter. but i'm kind of vain so.) likes tattoos and piercings and sexy clothes and also being lazy and yeah.
uno: when u mom com home and make teh spageti do u feel good?
dos: okay serious,  have you ever played or watched playthroughs of the PS3 game, The Last of Us? 
tres: if so, what did you think? who was your favourite character?
cuatro: do you prefer spelling things the american way or the english way? (favorite vs favourite, color vs colour, practice vs practise, etc.)
cinco: favourite movie? favourite character in movie?
seis: favourite tv show? favourite character in tv show?
siete: can you speak another language? if so, what?
ocho: favourite season?
nueve: hitler vs abe lincoln on an eagle? who would win a battle? (ps hitler as atomic rays that shoot out of his mustache)
diez: favourite subject?
once: if you had the chance to meet your favourite celebrity but on the day you had to meet them, you had to donate a kidney to your mother, what would you do? donate? or go meet the celebrity?
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[Asherah has children to distract her,
I don't know if Darling is going to be caught up, I'll have to wait to see what Dean, Cas, and Ten do
Lady isn't sure if they get to see it, but she's quiet.
Sexy and Continuity give zero fucks.
so my muses are quiet rn]
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Happy birthday to Cas
Happy birthday to Cas
Happy second Thursday of the month of september
Happy birthday to Cas
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lastofthewinchesters replied to your post: *suddenly appears in whatever room she is in, hoping she doesn't see the huge wings* Where is Cas.
*Did she notice? He didn’t know if she noticed.* Because he’s not here. *he says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the universe*
Yes, I'm aware of that. [ She can't tell if that's just the human part of him, stating the blatantly obvious, or if something is a little out of whack. ] Did you...need anything?
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mothstradamus · 11 years
lastofthewinchesters replied to your photo: Name: Tater Town: Oakdown FC: 1177-6669-0286 DA:...
(i love animal crossing! is it only for Nintendo 3DS?)
I'm pretty sure the new New Leaf one is only for 3DS, yes.
To be quite honest it's the only reason I bought the console/handheld to begin with, but the game's release was delayed for ages.
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themasterinthetardis · 11 years
lastofthewinchesters replied to your photo
He-ey! Looking good! Congrats on tying the knot.
You made it! Help yourself to anything, and thank you. It's a simple commitment vow, but it''s rather nice. Have you ever met my husband? He's around here somewhere.
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thetenthdoctah replied to your post: //Darling!//
It’s a response, which is all he needs right now, that’s all he needs. //Here, were here— Darling we’re coming//
She looks overwhelmed when she turns to Azrael, "My-My Thief is here, t-the Doctor is here he can help us get out. Whatever is preventing my matrix from getting out h-he'll know how to fix it." she hoped.
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*suddenly appears in whatever room she is in, hoping she doesn't see the huge wings* Where is Cas.
Umm… [ A few things are going through her mind. One, how did she not hear him enter; and two, what on earth are those things behind his back. She can’t help but think what have you done now? ] I don’t know, I’ve been tending to a piranha plant ever since I got home. I haven’t spoken to anybody all day. Why do you ask?
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mothstradamus · 11 years
lastofthewinchesters replied to your post: If any of you are going to drastically cut your...
((oh my god that sounds…inspirational. No really. The applications for that. I hop eyou get donated a lot of hair cause I wanna see what you do))
I haven't gotten anything yet, but I go have two small braids of my own hair.
I am also calling local hair dressers to see if they will let me sweep up so that I can have all of the hair I collect.
I'm all right with little clippings, but I'd love some larger strands.
I'm going to need a large pile (like jump-able leaf pile size) of Human hair if I want this to even be possible.
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proteus-no · 11 years
Cursed || lastofthewinchesters
Amnesia and short term memory lost had always been a reoccuring problem for Julia, but neveron this large of a scale. She couldn't remember anything specific. She remembered things like her nam, how she acted, personality, all the basics, but anything else gave her a massive headache. But for some reason, she was a hunter. It seemed so odd, like living normal was a dream, and she had finally woken up. She found herself fallen asleep at the wheel of a car in a parking lot of some cheap motel. It was nice, a 1967 black Chevy Impala, but it didn't feel natural. She could spot a pair of boxers peaking from a bag on the floor. Definetly not hers. She scrambled to get out of he mystery car, falling face first onto asphalt. As quickly as she was down, she was up, trying to figure out what happened before she blacked out this time.
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She was tending to Azrael’s wings, whatever prevented him from pulling them out had costed him. She was attentive, apologizing every few seconds. Then she heard it, she lifted her head and looked around. “Thief…” she spoke vocally at first and looked at Azrael before stepping away from him. Thief?! 
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He gets a whole lot of pissed and storms off to go get him. Then kills whoever's responsible, brings Cas home, lets him sleep it off, and gives him a nice hot drink and some Aspirin when he wakes up. :D
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