#lance is very audhd (just like me fr)
starrstrucksapphic · 6 months
Autistic Klance headcanons!
- Keith usually forgets to bring stim toys with him when he goes out, so he just fidgets with random stuff (his hands, Lance’s jacket, etc.) until Lance notices and hands him a stim toy to use instead
- Keith is a “I need to wear socks or else I will explode” autistic and Lance is a “If I have to put on socks I will explode” autistic
- They 100% have nights where they take turns infodumping abt their special interests
- Keith chews through things like his life depends on it! He chews on anything he can get his hands on (bottle caps, straws, a fucking spatula???)
- Lance bought him a heavy duty chew necklace shaped like a shark tooth and it was ripped to shreds within a week
- Sometimes they lay on each other bcuz deep pressure stim!!!
- Their stim playlists are DRASTICALLY different. Lance’s playlist consists of: Owl City, video game music, 2010s pop and indie! Keith’s is nu-metal and cafe music????
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