#lambda core
deerest-me · 7 months
REDISCOVERED while backing up my pc that i have all of the audio files from Black Mesa
i think i might need to prepare some autism tracks for focusing at work fjjshcdjdjxjcjxj
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internetskiff · 3 months
A tidbit of Half-Life lore that always fascinated me is that the machine that causes the Resonance Cascade and basically kicks off the events of the entire series is called the "Anti-mass SPECTROMETER" - spectrometers usually doing.. exactly what it says on the tin, measuring the spectrum of something (light spectra for example). So basically, instead of the entire incident being kicked off by a deliberate teleportation experiment gone wrong like in a cliche science fiction horror story (which iirc that was what they originally went with in early development), the whole incident was kicked off by a "relatively" mundane measuring device (by Black Mesa standards, at least). It's such a good subversion of tropes methinks, especially for a videogame from 1998. The teleportation experiments still happened, of course. They've been happening for a while. They've been dissecting fauna from the other world, studying it, setting up outposts - they were pretty close to finding their footing in Xen, and in any other videogame at the time the Lambda Labs would be the root cause of the problem, and their teleporter device would be what causes a tear between realities. But nope! It's merely the precursor. Shit only hits the fan because of an otherwise normal sample measurement gone wrong.
It adds a degree of believability to it, methinks. A device being pushed to it's limits by staff racing to meet a quota - it almost sounds like I'm describing the lead up to a real life nuclear accident, doesn't it? Hundreds of lives cut short by a rushed sample measurement? The G-Man planted a particularly pure sample, but I really do wonder how much it's purity actually played into the whole disaster. It seems like it was IMPERATIVE that the Spectrometer was also pushed to it's limits analyzing it. I mean, even one of the scientists says that boosting it to 105% is a "bit of a gamble" so they knew it was a risky move to stress the system like that. The Lambda Core Teleporter operated swimmingly - meanwhile a mere spectrometer was the weak link the G-Man targeted. Half Life 1's lore is a lot more sophisticated than people give it credit for imo.
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ralseifan123 · 5 months
Half-Life story structure headcanon
I feel like Half-Life can be split up into three distinct acts with an epilogue and a prologue.
The prologue is "Black Mesa Inbound", and "Anomalous Materials"
Act 1 is from "Unforeseen Consequences" to the end of "Apprehension"
Act 2 is from "Residue Processing" to the end of "Forget About Freeman!"
Act 3 is from "Lambda Core" to "Nihilanth"
The epilogue is "Endgame" or the G-Man speech
I feel like this because each of the sections feels pretty distinct from the other
The prologue is like the calm before the storm before the resonance cascade occurs and the campaign "really" begins
Act 1 is the initial Xen invasion with vortigaunts and headcrabs, and also the initial HECU takeover of Black Mesa, it ends when Gordon is ambushed by the Marines and knocked out
Act 2 is distinct because it's when the Black Mesa Incident really goes to hell, with gargantuas and alien grunts running around the surface, the HECU begins to lose control of Black Mesa and eventually ends with them abandoning the whole facility. Act 2 ends for Gordon when he goes underground for the final time after escaping the gargantua from the car park
Act 3 is separate from the HECU-heavy act 2 as it recenters the antagonistic role from the military back to the aliens, It also brings the science team back into a central role in the story and builds up Xen as the Gordon's final destination
The epilogue is self-explanatory as it's completely separate from the rest of the story with the surreal G-Man speech
This post feels really long so im going to end it here, byyyeeeee
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moviecode · 7 months
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NeXt S1E1 https://www.disneyplus.com/en-gb/video/c9912951-a749-4913-b176-04f1abae655b
"The code looks like an Apache variant; but it's the library stack that has me worried"
Source code seems to be Python Tensorflow, but searching for the exact code yielded no real world results, however snippets were found randomly across various example codebases on Github, which may suggest that the code itself was generated by AI.
Eg. "# Check that there is no :1 (e.g. it's single output)." is found here https://gist.github.com/sseveran/e27045c5fdb2d2f836ca63e13755665f but is incredibly out of context in the screenshot.
File names appear somewhat nonsensical too (save_ml_graph_info.config.py) and the files in the left sidebar seem to be a subtree of Tensorflow 1.8's codebase written in C++ (which you would be very unlikely to be looking at whilst developing actual TF code in python...) https://hhhhhojeihsu.github.io/tensorflow_1.8_woboq/tensorflow_1.8_aot_test/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework/
Code on the right appears to be taken straight from a Tensorflow tutorial: https://programtalk.com/vs4/python/PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda/Chapter04/lesson4.3/Lambdapack/tensorflow/python/training/sync_replicas_optimizer.py/
Apparently in the show the AI is writing itself. I find it kinda cute that it's following an online tutorial to do so.
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thienvaldram · 23 days
Black Mesa - Interloper
Black Mesa Interloper is actually good, the 'I got bored and decided to make this' rant.
So like... you jump through the Lambda Core teleporter and are greeted by this absolutely stunning skybox in Xen, and towering in the distance is the Nihilanth's lair, the 'Interloper Tower' as I like to call it. And you spend a good couple of hours moving your way slowly across Xen towards it.
Until you're finally standing at the base of this absolutely massive megastructure. Journey less than half over because you've still got to climb it.
And the god damn chapter makes you feel that climb. That's always something I've felt HL2s Citadel lacked, its like 8 kms tall in lore but it does not feel like anything other than a skyscraper, which after towering over you for much of the game is so anticlimactic. Like yeah the Super Gravity Gun is nice but the tower don't feel like the behemoth its supposed to.
Interloper does, and it is glorious. It's a slog as you slowly push your way up, as the Nihilanth throws all these forces at you trying to stop you from ascending, and you're burning through your ammo until, when you're close to running out, you come across the Gluon Gun recharging crystals and it goes wild. The tower itself is an absolutely amazing bit of worldbuilding too, it's like a massive living organism with technology sewn into it, enslaved by the Nihilanth to produce Alien Grunts like everything else in the factory.
And you climb, and climb. Reach the elevator and ascend, you can feel Nihilanth's desperation as you get closer. You're hurting, and tired and running on fumes but its a battle of wills between the two of you as to who will crack first.
Until you, at long last triumph, and are standing at the top of all that, overlooking everything you've come through over the last third of the game, conquering the tower. The catharsis of this moment would simply not have worked if the tower was half that height. Without the struggle the payoff is nothing.
This chapter is good, and I only wish the Citadel was like it. Imagine getting stocked up by Barney right before entering the Citadel, only to slowly burn ammo ascending through the Combine's manufacturing plants, going up past Striders and weapons and up to ships. And then hitting the confiscation field just as your ammo is hurting. And then bam, Super Gravity Gun. And then the catharsis of finally reaching the top and knocking Breen of the pedestal you've fought tooth and nail all the way up.
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jet-bradley · 3 months
decided to bite the bullet and remake
new blog: @lambda-core
follows from: @wheres-all-the-data (effectively a continuation of my current main, @legacycode)
This has been in the making since at least last october.
If you guys followed me on a different sideblog (like my space blog, @x-15), it's probably been transferred over to the new account. This is the one I'm leaving behind. I won't be deleting it because I don't want to erase what's effectively a log of my personality, interests, etc. through the end of high school, college, and university.
As for @tron20emails, I deliberately left it on this account to cut ties with the Tron fandom, but it's not getting deleted or anything. Whenever I want to return to the fandom, I'll probably transfer ownership of it to the new account to maintain it. I could be convinced to share ownership with someone who's been in the 2.0 fandom for a while, if anybody has an interest in maintaining it. But I won't be handing it to just anyone, only people I know have an interest in maintaining an asset for that community. Message me on my new blog if you're interested.
I have a lot to say about this decision, and yet, nothing at all. I just need a fresh start. It feels weird to cut off an old part of myself like this, but it's just how it is. I need to get out of here, and changing my url and icon isn't gonna cut it this time. I need out.
Thanks for a good... seven !? (2017?) years everyone. I had a lot of fun on this account. If you wanna keep contact, don't be a stranger, hmu over there.
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: “Call To Action”
The first entry in our finale arc and the moment the gloves came off and Rebels went, “Oh you thought I was a nice safe little kids cartoon huh?  Hold my beer.”
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Yet another gorgeous establishing shot.
This sequence is staged/blocked as a parallel to the Emperor arriving on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi, the looming Star Destroyer, the Lambda shuttle, troops lined up in neat formation and the Imperial March at full ominous strength.  Fitting given that we’re bringing in the big guns.
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Tarkin was offhand mentioned as being the governor of the Outer Rim early in the series, and “Tarkintown” was a direct result of laws and policy he put into place that allowed the Empire to simply seize people’s properties to strip mine them for resources, so he’s kind of been a very background looming shadow for our Rebels from the beginning and wastes no time dressing everyone present down for making him have to come out to this stupid insignificant backwater planet personally.
The roasting is epic.
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“Look I know you’re an airheaded ditz who only got this job because Pryce is too busy faffing around the Core Worlds but you could at least not look so incompetent at it.”
Tarkin seems awfully certain there’s no possible way Kanan can be a Jedi.  I wonder if it’s a matter of he truly doesn’t believe that any survived or he’s not very impressed with Kanan as compared to the Jedi he knew.
Note again: No fanfare.
We lighten things up a bit with a brief little action setpiece, calling back to the speeder chase in the pilot.  It’s the kind of safe peril you’d expect from the early part of the show, no mess, no trouble, just fun adventure set to exciting music cues and watching our heroes be cool.
You know... lulling us into a false sense of security.
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Sabine once again participating in the banter with Ezra and even throwing in a sweet little shoulder pat as well.
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(Ezra looks disappointed that Kanan didn’t say anything to compliment him, maybe Sabine thought to cheer him up?)
Ugh, Trayvis’s slimy, “Well of course I never advocated for violence, those Rebels are twisting my message!”
The Holonet does not have Twitter Community Notes alas.
“Readers added context they thought people might want to know: You’re a lying traitorous dick and you suck.”
And the plan to take control of the Imperial communications tower is hatched.
Watching the microexpressions on Ezra’s face this whole scene is a trip, because you can tell he has misgivings but also agrees that the best way to reach the people is to break through the state-controlled media propaganda machine and offer up the truth.
Comedic staples Aresko and Grint, who have been with us on the show from the beginning, are brought in for their own dressing down before being summarily and literally beheaded in the office.
Yeah no, the first time I watched this I was like, “OKAY WELL THAT JUST HAPPENED HOLY SHIT.“
Ngl, Grand just casually walking around the desk to go stand behind them is even worse after you know what’s coming.
“Your Rebel cell is more principled than others.”  Lol is that a dig at Saw and the Partisans?
No but hold me back from getting into my messy Rebellion Era Jedi feelings and wordspewing about how even with all the Empire’s propaganda, even with all the effort and energy they expend smearing them and erasing their legacy, they still represent Hope to the ordinary people and inspire them to stand up and fight.  And how that’s so so dangerous to the careful order and control Palpatine set up and so he can’t allow any of them to survive because their mere existence makes people stare in awe and take up their arms.
*sobbing forever*
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Kallus and Tua’s slow dawning horror as they realize what’s about to happen. D:
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See, even these two are unnerved.  It takes Kallus a full second to blink himself back into composure when Tarkin addresses him.
This cue here in the aggressive low brass is part of the Inquisitor’s theme and gets used later in the big Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother introduction I’m pretty sure.
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I always love the way Rebels does background sky, it looks almost like watercolor paintings.
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“I said be optimistic.”
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“Five minutes is optimistic!”
They bring a bit of the fyrnock cue back here, I think to put us just a little bit on edge.
(Also apropos given what Ezra does moments later.)
Sabine being pouty all, “I could have done that.“
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Please appreciate how Ezra beams at Kanan’s praise and Sabine get embarrassed at how heartwarming they are.
Too bad the probe wasn’t 100% dead.
LOLOL Kallus seems a little on edge as he leaves Tarkin’s office here.
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“Lure them into a trap?  But... but I literally just tried that last episode!”
The plan is further hatched but Ezra gets solemn when Sabine brings up that things never seem to follow the plan and Kanan, sensing something up, doesn’t take Ezra’s deflection for an answer.
 Oof and watch how Ezra’s arms come up in his self-protective pose right there.
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At first, Kanan thinks it’s just insecurity about taking on the role and by implication the legacy of his parents, nervousness about speaking.  And yes, Ezra confesses that that’s part of it.  (Once again with the self-esteem issues, “I’m not brave, I’m not special, I can’t do this without the rest of you.”)
But it runs deeper.  Ezra’s afraid of loss, of having something bad happen to his new family like it happened to his parents.  But for a Jedi, fear of loss, fear of potential loss, can cripple you.  Paralyze you from being able to think and take proper action.
So Kanan reminds Ezra that loss is going to happen to matter what.  You can’t cling to the things you have, you have to let them pass away, if that’s what’s going to happen.  You can’t be attached.  You have to let go.
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“We will take more losses before this is over.”  “When the times comes, we’re going to have to be ready to sacrifice for something bigger.”
Don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four--
The Force theme plays out sweetly in the background as Kanan talks about how they’re “learning these things together”, ending on a modified major chord to leave on a brighter note resolution.
And this is such a pretty shot.
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And this one too.  And this might be the first time we see Lothal’s twin moons?
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This is such a smooth action sequence, the way Sabine hops off her bike and lets it Tokyo drift into the cannon to blow it up before rolling into view and popping off shots, the conservation of camera movement as it cuts to Zeb, quick inserts and then Ezra and Kanan are on site.
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Hate to keep repeating myself but seriously, look at that cloud painting work.
The Imperial March, naturally, as the Empire’s vehicles close in.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra’s eyes dart from target to aerial target.
The camerawork this episode is really excellent, love this dolly in shot of Grand.
Nnnfhkhg Ezra flinched a bit when Kanan got in his face and ordered him to get Zeb.
Cripes, I think Kanan is already thinking ahead to what he’s going to have to do.
“But I like this gun!”  “We’ll get you another gun!”  Children, both of you.  Lol.
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Seriously, it became an awful kind of running joke.
Right, so in spite of Kanan’s reassurances, said to get Ezra to keep going and not stall, Ezra still lingers long enough to watch Kanan shut the door behind them.
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Grand drops down accompanied by his bass chorals and Kanan turns his saber on the door controls and about right here is when I think we all knew he wasn’t going to be right behind Ezra at all.
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Again with the camerawork, this tilting pan up towards the top of the tower and then tracking dolly zoom in as the others spill out onto the balcony.
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Nooooooooo bbyyyyyyyyyy. :((((((((
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Zeb shields Sabine right here.
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Kanan’s matching the Inquisitor strike for strike now, and even repays the kick in the chest from “Gathering Forces”.  He’s calm, almost zen, having accepted what he has to do, and his cavalier attitude throws Grand, stalling for enough time to let Hera get there.
The “Shenanigans“ theme rolls in on somber trombones, stalling out after only the opening notes.
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Capping this scene is an exercise in, “Whose expression looks more devastated?”
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Hera’s tight-lipped tremble as she makes the call is especially hard.
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My gosh look at the smoke effects though.
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This episode really has no business being this pretty.
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I hate you Tarkin, I hate you I hate you I wanna punch you in your stupid sneering face.
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Kanan looks astonished to hear the others are still proceeding with the plan and making the transmission.  I guess he thought they might write the mission off as a loss what with his capture.
Aaaaaah Ezra I’m so proud of him!
This really is an excellent speech.
The woodwinds plink away in the background of some muted brass here, even the Main Titles theme (Luke’s theme, used to denote heroism in the Star Wars score) is quiet, fading out before a slow dooming Imperial March takes over.
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“Ho shit, they’re firing on their own tower?”
Well uh... we already knew that Tarkin doesn’t believe in overkill.
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The show makes use of some very effective silence, only the faint static of the transmitter playing over the closing stinger.  Just to drive that last devastating blow in.
And cue cliffhanger.
Ha ha, another one I don’t rewatch that often, at least not without completing it out with the next two because seriously, that is a cruel cliffhanger.
Rebels does not really believe in a static Status Quo, which I appreciate.  Even in Season One it throws wrenches, shakes things up, unmoors our characters.  And by extension us the audience. XD
Even for those of us who believed in the show from the beginning I don’t think anyone expected it to axe our two staple recurring side antagonists and end an episode with Kanan captured.
So kudos to Rebels for taking that risk.  It has more freedom to do so, granted, than a show like TCW or Kenobi, given that it’s mostly original characters not protected by Plot Armor, but still.
Next episode takes us two steps forward and one great big Mustafar step back, I can’t wait!
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tamapalace · 8 months
Tamagotchi Uni Uses AWS, Amazon Web Services
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The Tamagotchi Uni is the first Tamagotchi to ever connect to Wi-Fi, which enables it to receive over the area updates, programing changes, and more. How exactly is this all being done by Bandai Japan? Well Bandai has built the Tamagotchi Uni on the Amazon Web Services platform (AWS).
The details of this are actually outlined on a recent article on the Amazon Web Services blog. The blog post provided a detailed view on how Tamagotchi Uni use AWS to achieve secure and reliable connectivity and quickly deliver new content updates without leaving customers waiting.It details that Bandai Co., Ltd., the company responsible for product development and sales, adopted AWS IoT to realize the concept of globally interconnected Tamagotchi, enabling users to interact with each other.
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Bandai partnered with their cloud development partner, Phoenisys, Inc., to connect and manage million of Tamagotchi devices. One of the critical features was the over the air software updates which uses the jobs feature of AWS IoT Device Management to distribute the latest firmware across all Tamagotchi devices without causing any delays to customers.
To make Tamagotchi Uni IoT-enabled, Bandai establish the three key goals, which was implementing secure connections, scaling the load-balancing resources to accommodate over 1 million connections worldwide, and optimizing operational costs. The article even features the AWS architecture for the Tamagotchi Uni, which is interesting.
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AWS IoT Core is used to manage the state of each Tamagotchi Uni device, which helps retrieve distributed items and content. AWS IoT Device Management is used to index the extensive Tamagotchi Uni fleet and create dynamic groups on the state of each device, facilitating efficient over-the-air (OTA) updates. FreeRTOS is used to minimize the amount of resources and code required to implement device-to-cloud communication for efficient system development. AWS Lambda is used to process tasks, delivering new announcements, and registering assets. Amazon DynamoDB is used as a fully managed, sever less, key-value noSQL database that runs high-performance applications at any scale. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is used for object storage service, each of these data stores are used to manage the various resources within Tamagotchi Uni. Lastly, Amazon Timestream is used to accumulate historical data of user’s actions like downloading items and additional content.
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The article also details how Bandai is handling large scale firmware updates to Tamagotchi Uni devices which are executed at a rate of 1,000 units per hour which would have resulted in a delay for some devices. The team actually designed job delivery as a continuous job which automatically updates the devices under certain conditions. This is using fleet indexing that runs a query to see which devices meet the criteria for the update to be pushed out to it.
Lastly the article details how Bandai conducted system performance testing at a large-scale to emulate what it would be like after the device was released. They verified the smooth operation and performance of updates through their testing.
Be sure to check out the full article here on the Amazon AWS blog.
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3-inch-sam · 2 months
@lambda-core and i had a very serious discussion about half-life 2 weapons yesterday
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the degree to which Lambdadelta represents Satoko’s “Witch”? I know that Satoko kind of has a “Witch” in Sotsu that may or may not grow into Lambdadelta with time, but that notwithstanding, I think she’s an effective analogue for Satoko’s sense of “absolutes” and is an effective expression of Satoko’s traumas as well - Lambda being the “only one to understand” Bern as well as “her only friend” but also Lambda being the one to chain Beatrice to the game board of Umineko so she can’t ever stop playing and thus can’t ever leave Lambda.
See, I think the fandom overplays the idea that Satoko or Takano has to be Lambdadelta so I'm not a fan of the debate. Even Ryukishi himself was very non-specific about this during that interview. I don't know Japanese so I don't know how he phrased things but it's interesting how he uses may a lot in the translation.
However, you're right that Lambda has so much in common with Satoko. She has many quotes in Umineko that are direct references to Satoko, her dumb side is basically the same as Satoko's, and her way of speaking generally is too. Gou/Sotsu adds a lot to this too.
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It comes across to me that Lambda is influenced by them both in terms of how he approaches and writes them as characters. Ryukishi likes referencing things a lot as a writer. He's really fond of thematic parallels and easter eggs. He really likes referencing themes, motifs and characters in loose and referential ways (e.g. why Chie Rumiko is a homage/reference to Ciel from Tsukihime (Chieru Miko)). Higurashi is influenced by Tsukihime as a work a lot and Ryukishi wears that on his sleeve even if the way he ends up approaching social issues and everything else is very different.
Bernkastel is basically this in Umineko because she's important thematically as Ryukishi delves into personal critique and further exploration of topics explored in Higurashi. She's more of an explicit Rika read but I think the fact that BT's favorite was Rika factors a lot into this.
It's also clear that Ryukishi has always been invested in the complications of Rika and Satoko's relationship because it's very messy, and Lambda and Bernkastel are an extension of that, and with Gou/Sotsu he had a further chance to explore a concept he'd had in the back of his mind but couldn't get into in the original story because the codependency of their relationship was something he felt went against the "unity" theme of the story so he didn't cast much spotlight on it.
There are many explicit parallels between Satoko and Takano in Gou/Sotsu especially in terms of how it's the former inheriting the role of the latter and the alternate ending Miotsukushi even has Satoko stating she sees much of herself in Takano, and believes she has the potential to go down a similar dark path if not for her friends. It wasn't written by Ryukishi but I do think that's an intentional read of her, as the traumatic backstories Satoko and Takano share are definitely intentional in making us understand why girls who have been severely abused might end up lashing out and doing bad things.
I think the connection between Lambdadelta, and Satoko and Takano is much more subtextual. She carries facets of both.
It's very interesting to think about though because I already feel like the major conflict between Satoko and Rika in Gou/Sotsu is particularly reminiscent of the one between Battler and Sayo which is the basis of the core of Umineko. So it's amusing how Lambda was Beatrice's patron and Bern was Battler's patron in the first half of Umineko.
I find myself much more interested in the parallels and exploration between Satoko's decisions and Sayo's decisions as they are incredibly similar so I'm sorry if this answer was very indecisive.
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ash-and-books · 12 days
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Sparks fly when a lovelorn romance novelist and a divorce lawyer who has sworn off relationships agree to cohost a podcast series offering dating advice to viewers, in Truly, Madly, Deeply, the next steamy queer rom-com from Lambda Literary Award winner and national bestselling author Alexandria Bellefleur.
As a bestselling romance novelist, everyone thinks Truly Livingston is an expert on happily-ever-afters. She’s even signed on to record a podcast sharing relationship advice. Little do they know she feels like an imposter—her parents just announced they’re separating, she caught her fiancé cheating, and her entire view on love has been shaken to the core. Truly hopes the podcast will distract her... until she meets her cohost.
Her first impression of Colin McCory is...hot. But then he opens his extremely kissable mouth. Colin’s view on love just pisses Truly off, even if he does have an annoyingly attractive face. Bickering with a cynical divorce lawyer is the last thing she needs—so she walks out, with no plans to return.
A few days later, Truly is surprised when Colin tracks her down, asking for a fresh start. Truly can’t deny the little thrill she gets from Colin begging, so she reluctantly agrees. As they go from enemies to friends to something else entirely, Truly discovers they have more in common than she ever imagined, including their shared queerness. He’s a genuinely good guy—charming, sweet, and equally as unlucky in love as herself—and there’s something about Colin that drives Truly a little wild. When their attraction reaches a fever pitch, Truly is happy for the first time in years. Yet she can’t help but wonder... is Colin truly, madly, deeply in love with her? Or is it all too good to be true?
When a historical romance author finds her fiancee cheating on her and immediately goes on a dating podcast... the last thing she expects is to fall for the very snarky (slightly bratty) divorce lawyer. Truly Livingston is a bestselling romance novelist. She's believed to be an expert on happily-ever-afters... except when she walks in on her (ex) fiancee cheating on her, it has her rethinking love. Then she ends up on a dating podcast to give love advice and comes face to face with a gorgeous guy who just happens to be a divorce lawyer and immediately gets under her skin on the podcast. To top it off, Truly finds out that her parents, the people who were the blueprint to why she believes in true love, tell her they are separating. Truly finds her belief in love shaken to the core... and meeting Colin McCory, the one guy who manages to get under her skin yet can't leave her mind, is definitely going to shake up her world. For some reason, bickering with Colin is fun, and when he asks for a fresh start on his sister's podcast after their confrontational first episode together...it begins to turn into something more as they bond over their queerness, their belief in romance, sharing weird facts with each other, and sending each other texts all throughout the day. From coffee shop dates to running into each other at the grocery store, Truly and Colin can't seem to stay away from one another. Yet can Colin convince Truly that she shouldn't close her heart off to love, and can he convince her that he's the one for her? This was a sweet and deeply romantic read, I adored Colin so much. No matter how hard Truly pushed him away, he always supported her and stayed by her side. Colin and Truly were so adorable together and I loved reading their romance. This book was a fun rom com and I loved how both characters were bisexuals. My all time favorite quote from the book that had me tearing up was when Colin and Truly were talking about being Bi and Colin tells her "My point, before I got off on a personal tangent, was that there’s no such thing as being queer enough. Action and attraction are two different things. You could go the rest of your life never dating a woman and it wouldn’t change a thing.” It's a beautiful book and I would absolutely recommend it!
*Thanks Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager | Avon for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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chidoroki · 8 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 150
Chapter 150: "Vow of 700 Years"
Sigh, if only Yuugo & Lucas has this kind of resilience when it came to explosions.
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Crazy to think that an army full of demons can't take down a royal (well, their first core at least) but five kids and an adult can. Sure there's a wide gap between Legravalima and Leuvis in terms of power along with the different defense each of them had (Legs having multiple nobles protecting her vs Leuvis acting solo) but it's still impressive. I know she eventually falls due to the teamwork of three Lambda kids but regardless, someone on the human side still gets stabbed. What a parallel.
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Absolutely love how Demizu drew this panel and how it shows the force of impact with the blurred, double lines on her head around Geelan's bat as if this powerful whack is still in motion.
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Norman's gotta be thankful that a couple more swings were enough to break her mask. The Lambda crew might've been able to manage that but I feel like it also would've taken longer. Geelan himself noted how sturdy the mask was and while I don't doubt the crew's enhanced strength, it's still the power of children vs a large demon.
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The next two pages are so good, with Geelan getting so darn close to ending Legravalima's first life and achieving revenge for himself and all his followers..
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To her turning the tables on him in an instant. Using the blur on those freaky fingers/nails of hers really helps convey how quick her attacks are.
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I'm sorry but Geelan's blank reaction is hilarious. Even he can't believe what just happened.
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I dunno what it is about these panels, but it reminds me of the ch24 convo between Isabella & Ray somehow? Perhaps it's the superior vibes she and Isabella both give off while Geelan & Ray are paralyzed in fear.
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Nothing says "royalty" better than showing others just how far beneath you they truly are by stepping on them. (I would prefer getting stepped on by a totally different queen thank you.)
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Why am I more annoyed that Yverk is copying Legravalima's epic stomp rather than him beating on a dude that's already dead?
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Nothing says true fear like a five year old child wearing a paper bag, a striped shirt to match his tiger plush and wielding long damn swords.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I do like that panel of Geelan whacking Legravalima with his bat, but this is a pretty decent one too before he becomes a mess of cubes.
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monisha1199 · 7 months
Exploring the Power of Amazon Web Services: Top AWS Services You Need to Know
In the ever-evolving realm of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has established itself as an undeniable force to be reckoned with. AWS's vast and diverse array of services has positioned it as a dominant player, catering to the evolving needs of businesses, startups, and individuals worldwide. Its popularity transcends boundaries, making it the preferred choice for a myriad of use cases, from startups launching their first web applications to established enterprises managing complex networks of services. This blog embarks on an exploratory journey into the boundless world of AWS, delving deep into some of its most sought-after and pivotal services.
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As the digital landscape continues to expand, understanding these AWS services and their significance is pivotal, whether you're a seasoned cloud expert or someone taking the first steps in your cloud computing journey. Join us as we delve into the intricate web of AWS's top services and discover how they can shape the future of your cloud computing endeavors. From cloud novices to seasoned professionals, the AWS ecosystem holds the keys to innovation and transformation. 
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): The Foundation of Scalability At the core of AWS's capabilities is Amazon EC2, the Elastic Compute Cloud. EC2 provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, allowing you to run virtual servers, commonly referred to as instances. These instances serve as the foundation for a multitude of AWS solutions, offering the scalability and flexibility required to meet diverse application and workload demands. Whether you're a startup launching your first web application or an enterprise managing a complex network of services, EC2 ensures that you have the computational resources you need, precisely when you need them.
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AWS Lambda: The Era of Serverless Computing Serverless computing has transformed the way applications are built and deployed, and AWS Lambda is at the forefront of this revolution. Lambda is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code without the need for server provisioning or management. It's the perfect solution for building serverless applications, microservices, and automating tasks. The unique pricing model ensures that you pay only for the compute time your code actually uses. This service empowers developers to focus on coding, knowing that AWS will handle the operational complexities behind the scenes.
Amazon DynamoDB: Low Latency, High Scalability NoSQL Database Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service that stands out for its low latency and exceptional scalability. It's a popular choice for applications with variable workloads, such as gaming platforms, IoT solutions, and real-time data processing systems. DynamoDB automatically scales to meet the demands of your applications, ensuring consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. Whether you're managing user profiles, session data, or real-time analytics, DynamoDB is designed to meet your performance needs.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands as a colossus, offering a diverse array of services that address the ever-evolving needs of businesses, startups, and individuals alike. AWS's popularity transcends industry boundaries, making it the go-to choice for a wide range of use cases, from startups launching their inaugural web applications to established enterprises managing intricate networks of services.
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With AWS services at your disposal, the possibilities are endless, and innovation knows no bounds. Join the ever-growing community of cloud professionals and enthusiasts, and empower yourself to shape the future of the digital landscape. ACTE Technologies is your trusted guide on this journey, providing the knowledge and support needed to thrive in the world of AWS and cloud computing.
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 months
I realize in this* convoluted series of posts I was so focused on gym leaders and elite four as the sort of core of any games cast that I just casually neglected a bunch of side characters, so I figure it's a good time to go back and rectify some of that, starting with the now topical Kalos team...
*[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
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While they are in fact all named after plants, they are also themed around the ABCMX classification system for solar flares.
Aliana's name is actually AKEBI[アケビ] as in akebi[木通] the japanese name of the Akebia quinata, commonly called the chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine or just five-leaf akebia.
Bryony's name in japanese is just BARA[バラ] as in bara[薔薇]: "rose." A bizarre choice for a character with a green motif, and odd for such a minor side character when Roses are so iconic and universally beloved. Kind of feels, like a waste.
Celosia's name was CORREA[コレア] after the genus of flower shrubs that includes things like the common correa(aka native fuchsia), the Salmon Correa i used in the picture above, and the Dusky Bell among others.
Mable is in fact named MOMIJI[モミジ], after momiji[紅葉]: Japanese Maple, which seemed confusing at first, as those are obviously famously red leaved, but it turns out there are some prizes cultivars that can turns range of purples and violets instead, and as an odd result of this there are notorious scams built around the faking of a mythic japanese blue maple mutation. (Although the other flowers aren't perfect matches to their girls' color schemes either so maybe that's a coincidence)
Xerosic's name was originally XEROSICY[クセロシキ] named after Xerosicyos, a genus of plant notable for their round flat leaves, perhaps most notably the Xerosicyos danguyi: the Silver-Dollar Plant.
oh but there's more...
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But other than the obvious Flare association, it also ties back into the sun themes evoked by Lysandre being a descendent of AZ/his brother and as a kind of Kalos/France tied to the Parfum Palace/Palace of Versailles, is a parallel to King Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil:"The Sun King".
Also Lysandre's name in Japanese is just straight up Fleurdelis[フラダリ] which is of course extremely silly sounding. But the ⚜️ is itself designed after the Lily flower, and of course so is the Ultimate Weapon and AZ's special Floette.
In this vein I figured I could tackle a handful of other villain teams. A fun if obtuse one is that the extended Team Rocket cast in HGSS are in fact all named after rockets, both space ships and missiles.
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Archer was originally APOLLO[アポロ] named after the Apollo Missions carried out by NASA throughout the 60s, utilizing the Saturn V model rockets that would eventually put the first manned crew on the moon with the Apollo 11.
Ariana is ATHENA[アテナ] was named after the Athena series rockets built and launched throughout the 1990s. I get the feeling they just picked it because it had a conveniently complementary name to Apollo.
Petrel is LAMBDA[ラムダ] is named after a family of rockets made in Japan and launched the first Japanese satellite, the Osumi, into space in 1970.
and finally Proton was just LANCE[ランス] and seemingly named after the MGM-52 Lance missiles developed by the US military in the `1970s.
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Oddly while Maxie and Archie are named after flowers...
Maxie was MATSUBUSA[マツブサ] after the matsubasa[松房] tree, a type of star anise with a distinctive red starburst shaped flower.
Archie was AOGIRI[アオギリ] the Chinese-parasol tree, which is actually kind of underwhelming plant to have as a namesake, but the actual etymology of the name aogiri[青桐] is "Blue+Pauloniwa" and I assume the association with Blue is really the motivating factor re.
Courtney was KAGARI[カガリ] from kagari[篝] the Japanese word for a metal basket like structure that you put on a pedestal or tripod to put firewood in to burn as like a big torch. It can also refer to a bonfire.
Tabitha is HOMURA[ホムラ] from homura[炎] which is just the word for a flame or a blaze.
Matt is just USHIO[ウシオ] from ushio[潮]: "tide"
and Shelley is IZUMI[イズミ] from izumi[泉]: a "spring" or "fountain" of water.
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Galaxy's are all obvious, although in English they renamed Pluto to Charon, Pluto's coorbital moon.
Oh and Cyrus himself being the only person not named after a planet, was named AKAGI[アカギ] after the Bishop Wood tree, akagi[赤木].
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Okay so for one it's bonkers that N's real name is NATURAL HARMONIA[ナチュラル・ハルモニア] which, given some context I'm going to say is a reference to Natural Harmonics in music. But let me be real with you: I don't know shit about music theory so I cannot verify that claim, nor was I able to verify if the image I was googling to throw up here even accurately depicts "Natural Harmony" so take this one in particular with a hefty grain of salt...
And with that disclaimer in mind, Ghetsis's name is actually G-Cis HARMONIA[ゲーチス・ハルモニア], G-Cis as in "G-C♯" which is a tritone, and tritone's have the curious nickname of "The Devil's Interval" or diabolus in musica:"The Devil in Music" because of the extreme dissonance the gap in tone makes.
then there's N's foster sisters, Anthea, whose real name is VERBENA[バーベナ], after the flower Verbena, which has a variety of divine and mystical associations in western culture.
and Concordia's name is actually HELENA[ヘレナ] named after the St.Helena Olive, which I take from her epithet as "Goddess of Peace" is meant to reference an olive branch as a symbolic peace offering.
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Then there's also Colress, named Achroma[アクロマ] as in "Achromatic", as in Without Color, hence the English name being "Colorless."
And then there's the other sages:
ROOD[ロット] Dutch for "Red"
Bronius was originally SUMRA[スムラ] from the arabic word samra[*] for "brown/tawny/deep yellow." (*I tried to copy paste the arabic text here but for some reason it and the brackets together were really screwing up the formatting...)
GIALLO[ジャロ] like Rood was unchanged, and is just Italian for "Yellow."
Ryoku was shortened from RYOKUSHI[リョクシ] as in ryokushi[緑色]: "green."
Gorm was AZULA[アスラ] From the Spanish Azul:"Blue"  
and Zinzolin was named ヴィオ[ヴィオ] from Violet. Technically a few languages all spell it the same, but of note, the "English" name Zinzolin is French for a reddish-violet color
Bafflingly the Seven Sages includes Ghetsis, who of course is not named after a color, so between him and Bronius/Sumra being brown, they do not make a seven color rainbow spectrum. Why no Indigo or Orange? And why a green sage when Ghetsis and N have such strong green color coding? Why don't the sprites for the sages match their color namesakes???
Also the Seven Sages could have been a harmonic scale reference, yet aren't?? despite N and Ghetsis' thing.
It's interesting that Zinzolin is the one sage who comes back with NeoPlasma in BW2, and he is the one named in French... I wonder if he'll make an appearance in Z-A.
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Team Skull we did in the Alola captains batch oh wait wtf no I didn't.. Weird, I coudl have sworn iI included Plumeria and Guzma since they were clearly positioned as sort of pseudo captains for Poison and Bug types.
Guzma's name was in fact just GUZMA[グズマ] in Japanese, from the Guamania genus of Tufted Airplant
and Plumeria's name was PLUMERI[プルメリ] from the plumeria flower, aka frangipani.
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But there's still the Aether Foundation, the "surprise" real evil team of the game. Lusimine, Lillie, Gladion, Faba and Wicke.
Lillie's name is basically the same in English and Japanese, LILIE[リーリエ] the German name for the lily, and of course her overall disposition and design are clearly based on a pure white lily.
Gladion's name is GLADIO[グラジオ] it could easily refer directly to the Gladiolus flower, the "sword flower", but I'm assuming it's from Gladiole specifically, as that's the German name for the flower, and the whole of not just Lusamine's family but the Aether staff as well are all named in German.
Lusamine's name is basically the same in Japanese, although it was probably meant to be romanized as LSAMINE[ルザミーネ] because it comes from Balsamine, German name of the Balsam plant,
Faba's name was Saubuoh[ザオボー] from Saubohne, German name for the Fava bean, which accounts for his coloration.
Wicke is just WICKE[ビッケ] again the German name for the Vetch plant.
oh and Mohn's name is MOHN[モーン] and it's German for Poppy. Unlike the Poppy in Paldea, whose look is based on the flower in bloom, I'm pretty certain from his build and his hair/hat that Mohn is supposed to look like a Poppy seed, the type you'd harvest milk of the poppy, or poppy's tears from... to make opium...
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Also the Ultra Recon Squad, who have a fun theme were, to play into the way they come from a lightless alien world, they're all named after underwater plants or algae. I especially like the algae ones because despite how some alga, like kelp and seaweeds tend to look, they are not in fact plants, and this familiar yet different relationship feels like it fits the themes of the Ultra Beasts.
Dulse is in fact just DULSE[ダルス] a type of algae found in the waters around Ireland and Sctoland
Zossie's name is AMAMO[アマモ] from amamo[甘藻] the Japanese name for Eelgrass(Zostera marina)
Soliera's name is MIRIN[ミリン] which is the Japanese name for the genus Solieria
Phyco's name is SHIONIRA[シオニラ] is from the Japanese name for the Alismatales order of plants comprising a wide range of species, some of which grow near bodies of water, some grow in or above the water, and others still grow entirely underwater.
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So obviously Rose is ROSE[ローズ], who I guess msut have seemed too obvious because I totally skipped him before... His brother Peony is a play on the fact that the Rose and Peony are sort of undisputed romantic icons in the west and east respectively, although some of the rose's reputation has bled into the east as well. (also i forgot to put it in the image but the Tudor rose and Galar being England feels obvious even if it didn't really play into the plot or themes of SwSh's story)
Speaking of Peony... His daughter Peonia's name is actually SHAKUYA[シャクヤ] from shakuya[芍薬] the Japanese name for the Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora)​.
Oleana's name was actually just OLIVE[オリーヴ].
Oddly there's not really anyone of note that's actually a member of Team Yell, they don't have a real leader or admins, just Marnie as the object of their support.
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I did everyone in Team Star in my first Paldea post, but worth noting is the alias Cassiopeia refers to the constellation, hence team Star, but moreover the individual star squads are each named after a major star within the constellation: Segin, Ruchbah, Tsih, Schedar, and Caph. (Tsih and Navi are two names for the star γ(gamma) Cassiopeiae, just labeled "γ" above.)
And with that we're all brought up to speed with evil teams, until Z-A drops some new ones on us...
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random-tree · 1 year
Now reading higurashi it really feels like Lambda and Bern were created to reflect Takano and Rika but after the author decided he wanted Lambda and Bern to have homorotic tension he changed Lambda to reflect off Satoko more instead, it's so weird. I was already not the biggest fan of Lambda and Bern's characters (esp with ep 8) because of how disconnected they are from the narrative and how much screen time they are given despite that but I accepted them as important devices, but the vagueness of Lambda bothers me so much
I know 7th expansion isn't big on authorial intent but god this type of vagueness grates on me
It's like with Tiso from HK. Is his death supposed to showcase what foolish bravery gets you or just a dig at an uncooperative backer? I'll never know. How can I become emotionally invested in something if I'm left wondering if even the author is interested?
Vagueness is fine of the plot elements are vague but the emotional core is intact. And that's why Lambda bothers me. Who is she at her core. Is she and Bern a personification of Rika and Takano's relationship with fate and that theme being carried and expanded upon in umineko. If so that's fine but nooo we had to have homorotic tension (I can't believe I'm complaining about this) between them and lambda is now Satoko despite Satoko having nothing to do with the theme of certainty.
It's just muddies the emotional core that I was already not all that interested in.
Oh but what about our murder lesbian representation-
Just make Tohya a trans girl who realised it through his exploration of Beato's character in the forgeries, making them technically a lesbian couple through time.
This shit is just homestuck
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n3xu5-c0r3 · 3 months
Marina and Gordon Freeman being besties posting time (aka Headcanon hours):
Marina and just both her and Pearl in general, I fully believe they would help the resistance. (Adding on Ik it'd be hard but imagine 'Rina and Pearl wearing their Chaos vs Order fits)
Marina and Gordon would nerd out over science stuff, just going on rambles about their interests and the stuff they're proud of.
Marina would find so much interest in Black Mesa and Gordon would find so much interest in Inklings and Octolings.
Marina would def introduce Pearl, Acht and Agent 8 to the others and vice versa with Gordon and his friends (This one comes from: @/lambda-core (I didn't wanna give an unneeded @ to them)))
MLM and WLW solidarity in my mind
Also for the Pearlrina and Freehoun fans, 2 words: Double Date.
I don't wanna cross post HL and VRAI without reason but if it was VRAI!Gordon I think it'd be really funny if like Marina and Gordon we're just talking and in the background Pearl and Benrey are causing complete chaos in the background. They got that vibe I think...
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