vhscorp · 2 months
Laisse ton cœur s’emballer et battre à découvert, qu'il puisse s’exprimer, enfin libre et sincère, à trop se protéger, on finit solitaire…
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passion-whippet · 2 months
Laisse ou pas laisse pour mon Whippet ? Comment savoir ?
Introduction Avez-vous déjà été confronté au dilemme de savoir si vous devriez ou non attacher votre Whippet en laisse lors de vos sorties ? Vous êtes-vous déjà dit laisse ou pas laisse pour mon Whippet ? Si vous êtes comme moi, vous souhaitez offrir à votre compagnon toute la liberté possible. Cependant, il est crucial de bien connaître les règles pour garantir sa sécurité et celle des autres.…
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Pourquoi des amis vous laisse tomber ?
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Tu as 20 ? 30 ou 40 ans ? Vous êtes célibataire ? Mariée ? Vous avez des enfants ? Non ? Occupé au travail ? Sans emploi ? Êtes-vous un être humain vivant, qui respire ? ... Si c'est le cas, il y a de fortes chances que vos amis vous aient laissé tomber au moins une fois dans votre vie, mais probablement beaucoup plus. Ce sont les amis qui ne voulaient plus traîner avec vous. Ce sont les amis qui répondent aux SMS 3 jours plus tard. Ou jamais. Ils ne répondent jamais quand vous appelez et ne sont disponibles qu'au moment qui leur convient. Ce sont les amis qui ont toujours une nouvelle explication sur les raisons pour lesquelles ils ne peuvent pas être là quand vous en avez besoin. Ils disent qu'ils vous aideront à déménager, mais dès qu'ils ont de meilleurs plans et qu'ils n'appellent pas, ne se présentent pas et ne répondent pas à votre appel ou à vos SMS. Je pensais que c'était un phénomène d'entrée dans la trentaine. Les gens ont des emplois plus sérieux et qui prennent plus de temps, ils commencent à se marier et à avoir des enfants, alors bien sûr, ils ont moins de temps pour leurs amis. Mais non, ce n'est pas vrai. Vous voulez planifier quelque chose et les gens disaient qu'ils allaient "essayer" d'être là pour le faire. Mais ça voulait juste dire qu'ils verraient s'il y avait de meilleurs plans d'ici là. Si rien de mieux n'arrivait et qu'ils étaient d'humeur ce jour-là, ils vous feraient grâce de leur présence. Hourra ! C'est exaspérant ! Que faites-vous quand vos amis vous laissent tomber ? Combien de fois leur pardonnez-vous et leur montrez-vous la grâce ? Tu proposes toujours de sortir avec moi ? Tu n'arrêtes pas d'appeler et d'envoyer des SMS ? Ou est-ce que tu les abandonnes ? L'expérience m'a appris des choses qui m'ont aidé à rester sain d'esprit. Que faire lorsque des amis vous laissent tomber ? D'abord, Premièrement, ne le prenez pas personnellement. Neuf fois sur dix, ce n'est pas toi, c'est eux. Il y a de très bonnes chances qu'ils vous traitent de la même façon qu'ils traitent tous leurs amis. Peut-être qu'ils sont juste impolis. Peut-être qu'on ne leur a jamais enseigné les bonnes relations sociales. Ils ont peut-être beaucoup de choses dans leur assiette en ce moment que vous ne connaissez pas. Peut-être souffrent-ils d'anxiété sociale ou d'une autre maladie invisible. Tu ne connais même pas tous les détails de la vie de ton meilleur ami. Ne présumez pas que la façon dont ils se comportent a quelque chose à voir avec vous personnellement. Deuxièmement, acceptez que les gens ne sont pas parfaits. Les humains ne sont pas toujours capables de perfection. Si vous maintenez quelqu'un à ce niveau, vous garantissez qu'il vous laissera tomber. Ajoutez à cela des variables comme le fait d'être submergé, fatigué, hormonal ou déprimé à un moment donné, et les risques d'imperfection augmentent considérablement ! Oui, leur imperfection dans l'amitié vous semble personnelle quand vos amis vous laissent tomber. Mais vous avez probablement blessé involontairement d'autres personnes dans vos moments moins que parfaits également. Troisièmement, croyez-vous que vous êtes capable de tout contrôler ? Tu ne peux pas contrôler ton ami. Ce que vous pouvez contrôler, c'est la façon dont vous leur permettez de vous influencer. La vie, c'est 10% de ce qui t'arrive et 90% comment t'y réagis. Est-ce que la frustration causée par un retard ou des plans annulés vaut la peine de gâcher votre journée entière ? Est-ce que cela vaut la peine d'augmenter votre tension artérielle ou d'induire de l'anxiété ? Probablement pas. Ne laissez pas les autres contrôler votre bonheur. Quatrièmement, soyez la personne la plus grande. Cela a toujours, toujours fonctionné en ma faveur. Oui, c'est tentant de rendre à la figure des gens un mauvais comportement à quelqu'un qui vous fait du tord. Mais cela se traduit généralement par : 1) des drames, 2) excuse le comportement de votre ami d'une certaine façon. Ils auront alors des munitions à vous lancer. "Oui, j'ai fait XYZ, mais tu me l'as rendu !" Je n'ai jamais regretté une seule fois d'avoir fait preuve de bonne moralité lorsque quelqu'un m'a fait du tort. Je quitte la situation avec une conscience claire, les gens en dehors de l'amitié n'ont aucun problème avec moi. Cinquièmement, être un meilleur ami pour les autres. Faites-en une occasion d'apprentissage sur le genre d'ami que vous voulez être pour les autres. Si vous vous sentez mal aimé par votre ami alors qu'il n'est jamais disponible pour passer du temps avec vous, prenez du temps pour d'autres amis lorsqu'ils vous invitent à sortir avec vous. Si des réponses retardées par SMS ou par e-mail vous dérangent, assurez-vous d'être prompt à répondre aux autres. Nelson Mandela a dit un jour : "Je ne perds jamais. Je gagne ou j'apprends." Ne faites pas de leur comportement une occasion manquée. Faites-en une occasion d'apprentissage. Enfin, soyez ouvert à l'idée de vous faire de nouveaux amis. Si votre ami n'est pas toujours dans votre vie, vous pouvez soit 1) laisser cet espace vide ou partiellement rempli par votre ami absent, soit 2) vous faire un nouvel ami. Ça ne veut pas dire que tu dois virer le vieil ami de ta vie. Ça veut juste dire que tu as besoin de beaucoup plus de gens avec qui partager ta vie. Soyez donc ouvert à l'idée de vous faire de nouveaux amis. Engagez des conversations avec des gens qui semblent intéressants. Lorsque vos amis vous déçoivent, vous pouvez vous sentir déçu, triste ou même en colère. Pour votre propre santé mentale, ne le prenez pas personnellement, et essayez d'accepter que les gens ne sont pas parfaits. Comprenez ce que vous êtes capable de contrôler. Soyez la personne la plus grande et la meilleure amie des autres, et soyez ouvert à vous faire de nouveaux amis. Les gens te laisseront tomber toute ta vie. C'est encourageant, non ? Mais vous contrôlez toujours la façon dont les autres vous affectent. Profitez des amitiés que vous avez, mais ne permettez pas à vos amis, ou à quiconque en dehors de vous-même, d'avoir le dernier mot sur votre bonheur. David Schmidt Read the full article
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iamslip · 1 year
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Laisse, je sais ... #mansplaining #homme #femme #relation #exister #savoir #partager #place #genre #évolution #collage #visualyon https://instagr.am/p/Cl5gBOmKNVF/
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
En Alsace, Baguette Box laisse les boulangers dans le pétrin
En Alsace, Baguette Box laisse les boulangers dans le pétrin
⚡En Alsace, Baguette Box laisse les boulangers dans le pétrin | #Alsace #Baguette #Box #laisse #les #boulangers #dans #pétrin #Economie #france En Alsace, Baguette Box laisse les boulangers dans le pétrin Créée en 2019, Baguette Box se voulait une solution pour les habitants des zones rurales situés en Alsace, contraints à faire des kilomètres pour trouver du pain frais. Grâce à l’installation…
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chienapoil · 2 years
Apprendre la marche en laisse
Apprendre la marche en laisse
Temps de lecture estimé : 8 minutes Apprendre la marche en laisse à son chien ou bien même à son jeune chiot si vous en avez un n’est pas quelque chose de simple à faire, puisque tout repose uniquement sur son caractère. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’un chien docile est plus facile à éduquer qu’un chien têtu, mais rassurez-vous, son apprentissage et sa reprise en main est tout à fait possibles ! Alors,…
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lcasr · 2 years
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downfalldestiny · 8 months
En ce moment 🖤 !.
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Laisse tomber les filles 17. finale
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Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; sexual acts and dubcon, possible untagged elements.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: So it is the end. Thank y’all for waiting on me.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Your mother was near delirious as you laid her down. You only got her to calm with a valium offered by the sheriff from his cabinet. Your hands still shook as you rubbed her shoulder and watched her eyelids droop.
Adrenaline slowly seeped away and your grief moved in. It was only as your mother’s chest rose and fell evenly, assuring you of her slumber, that you realised where you were. You looked up at the wallpaper and your chest clutched tightly.
You weren’t surprised that Lee did not take you back to the hotel. He certainly would’ve thought of it but chose instead to lure you back to his lair. You’d been so distracted in comforting your mother, that you’d forgotten the danger that whisked you away.
“Honey,” his voice rolled over you like thunder, a storm that blew in to topple down what was left of the ramshackle. You stiffed and turned your head, his silhouette darkening the edge of your vision, “how’s mama?”
You squeezed your mother’s arm before you stood. Through the steady pang of your sadness, the anger swelled. You turned to face him and strode across the room. You still wore your rain-sodden sweater.
You went to him and sidestepped him into the hall. He backed out and watched quietly as you shut the door gently. Expectantly rather as he hooked his thumb in his belt and exhaled.
“She’s my mama, not yours,” you looked at him straight, your heart drumming wildly, “you won’t take her from me too.”
“What do you mean, honey?”
“Don’t lie to me,” you snarled, startled by your own voice, “I know what you did, sheriff.”
His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest, “I ain’t done nothing but my job. I was sorry to find your daddy–”
“No. No. I was there. With Andre. What you did–”
Suddenly your back hit the wall and you yelped as his large hand stretched around your throat. His thick fingers squeezed, just enough to send a chill of fear through you. You stood on your toes and writhed as you cupped your palm over his knuckles.
“You don’t talk about that, girl,” he growled, “we understood?”
You swallowed and batted your lashes. You nodded above the vice of his hand and whimpered. His blue eyes flicked down to stare at his grip on you and he slowly retracted, turning his hand and examining it as if it wasn’t his own.
“I’m sorry, honey, I just… I wanna forget about that. He was a mean boy who got what he deserved.”
You frowned and rubbed your throat. His gaze centered on that movement and his nostrils flared. He huffed like an angry bull and paced back and forth before you in the tight space.
“Now, don’t you look at me like that, honey. I ain’t a bad man. I am tryna take care of you–”
“I know…” you croaked as you clasped your hands together over your chest.
“What do you know?” He scowled.
“What you did to my daddy.”
The words hung between you as he stopped short. He lifted his chin, jutting it out as he ground his teeth. He tilted his head until his neck cracked.
“You can’t prove I done anything, honey,” he faced you again and stepped closer. He planted his hand on the wall behind you and loomed over you as he bent to meet your eyeline, “but you think I won’t do the same to her.”
You shuddered and squeaked as he glared down at you. He leaned in until his forehead was against yours, his hot breath cascading down your chin and neck. Fear rattled in your bones as he penned you, his other hand bracing the wall beside you.
“Sheriff,” you put your hands on his chest and wriggled, “why would you–”
“He wasn’t gonna let us be together. That ain’t right.”
“But… he’s my daddy–”
“He took care of you when you needed him to. That’s my job now.”
“No,” you murmured, “please—”
“You think you can do it alone? You think your mama can handle all this? She can’t even be awake right now. Don’t you know what all needs to be done?”
“Please, no, Sheriff, I don’t–”
“She gonna break down the minute she looks at a casket. Then again when sees the cost. All that money going to your schooling and none left to bury the old man. What then? Can’t even dig a hole with a dime these days,” he dragged his hand over the wall and along your shoulder, tracing it up your throat to your chin, “I’d be more than happy to make sure he rest well.”
Your breath hitched as your heart pumped harder and harder. He cradled your chin and you latched onto his wrist. He didn’t even realise what he was asking. How could you spend your life with your own father’s murderer?
“No,” you uttered, “no, I don’t want you. I never wanted you–”
“Honey,” his timbre rolled rocky in his throat, “you take that back.”
“It’s the truth. I don’t–”
He pulled his hand back and hit the wall next to your head. You cowered and whined as the plaster cracked loudly. You gaped up at him as you hugged yourself.
“Hmm, huh,” you heard your mother’s groans through the wall, “Henry?”
Your lip trembled as Lee stared down at you. Your mother’s confusion pierced into you like a knife. She was in enough pain. His eyes slowly drifted to the door and he reached for the handle. You stopped him, your hand on his.
“What’re you doing?” You whispered.
He paused and held your gaze, “what am I doing, honey?”
You stood in silence. He didn’t need to say it. The threat was clear in his tone. If he went in that room, you couldn’t stop him. You swallowed tightly and squeezed his hand. You already got your daddy killed, you couldn’t let your mama go too.
“Henry?” Your mama whined again.
“Mama,” you raised your voice and shifted closer to the door, “it’s alright, just get some sleep.”
You pulled Lee’s hand away from the knob. He let you. You clung to it tightly, afraid he might try again. He followed you step by step as you tugged him away from the door, down the hall. He moved as if in a trance, eyes stuck to you, hand tightening around yours the further you got.
“Honey,” he rasped as you reached his bedroom door.
You turned so that your back was against the wood and you gathered your wits. You wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. There was no running. Not anymore.
“You won’t hurt her,” you said staunchly.
“I would never hurt my mama by law, I promise you that.”
His meaning was clear. As clear as it was the night before when he tried to get down on his knee. You ran your hand up his arm and caressed his shoulder.
“Yes, sir, you wouldn’t,” you touched his neck and he quivered, “you wanna be a good husband, right?”
“So long as I got a good wife,” he smiled, the lines in his face deepening as the silver in his hair got the light gleaming from the sconce behind him.
“I never been a wife before, but I’ll try.”
Your heart shrunk and your stomach turned hollow. You were empty, you were defeated. Your surrender waved before you in blinding white. You leaned against the door dizzily as the world closed in, suffocating you as he did too.
“I know you can, honey,” his timbre softened as he tickled your cheek, “you don’t worry about nothing. No school, none of that. This is your home now. You and our mama.”
You grasped the collar of his shirt and found the doorknob with your other hand. You couldn’t speak. You had nothing left to say. He had his victory and you your doom. You twisted and the door shifted inward. You pulled him in with you, your steps clumsy and uncertain.
He nearly bowled you over with his sudden ferocity. You stumbled with him as he ushered you to the bed. Your legs met the foot of the bed and he fell atop you with a grunt, his weight crushing you as he crashed his lips into yours.
He kissed you hungrily, like an animal devouring its prey. You garbled into his mouth helplessly as his hands greedily explore your body, tugging at the layers of fabric. He forced his arm between you and groped your chest, growling against your lips.
“Such a pretty little wife, I got,” he purred as he pulled back to watch himself fondle your tits through your blouse, “I’m gonna dress you in white proper, like you deserve.”
He popped one button, then the next, pushing apart the fabric to uncover your brasserie. He tisked and tugged down the thick straps from your shoulders, tracing the edge of the fabric with his fingertips. He folded the satin cups beneath your tits and bowed his head.
You shivered as he buried his face between your tits, nipping and sucking at the flesh, circling around your nipples only to take the hard bud between his teeth. A pluck twinged in your core and you bunched the blanket beneath you in locked fists. You turned your face away and closed your eyes.
All you had to do was let him have what he wanted. That was all it cost to keep what you had left. To keep your mama alive. To give your daddy the rest he worked so hard for all his life.
“Honey, you’re so sweet, such a sweet little thing,” he spoke against you, lips sending a ripple through you. "I'm gonna take good care of you."
He pushed your legs apart, forcing his thick thighs between yours, splaying your legs over the edge of the bed. He snaked his arm down and felt beneath your skirt, rumpling it high around your waist. He felt along the cotton of your panties, rubbing you through it as he carried on doting on your chest.
He hooked his fingers into the cotton and pulled it aside, toying with your naked cunt as you squirmed. You closed your eyes as he shoved a thick digit into you. That same ache radiates in your walls.
He rocked his hand, pushing deeper and deeper. You moaned and he bit into the tender flesh of your tit. He slid his fingers free and shifted his hips, fumbling beneath himself.
He leaned heavily on his elbow as he raised his head. He held himself over you as he wiggled his pelvis so that his pants slumped down his thighs. He prodded his tip along your folds and you sucked in another chestful of air.
He pushed against your entrance. You groaned as he began to stretch you around him. His intrusion was no less painful than the first time. He sank into you little by little, until you clenched in agony and grasped onto his shoulders to ease to pressure.
He framed your face and turned your head up. You bared your teeth as your eyes fluttered open and he rested his forehead against yours. He thrust, a single time as he let out a long sigh.
"Honey, I know you're gonna be a good wife," he snarled as he dipped back into you, "a good mommy, too, ain't ya?"
He rut into you harder and you sank your nails into his shirt. You bit down to keep the sobs from spilling forth. A swell of dread encased you as you gave into his will.
He was the law. He was your law. Your warden. And this house would be your cell.
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rosy2k · 4 months
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「CanCam」 2010
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lemondeabicyclette · 1 year
IA à l'œuvre - Évolution d'un humain (jeune homme blanc, noir, androïde et trans, genre) en relation avec les accessoires qui l'ont vu/le verront vivre entre 1910 et 2030.
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
Le fondateur de Patagonia laisse son entreprise à Dame Nature, sans cession ni introduction en Bourse
Le fondateur de Patagonia laisse son entreprise à Dame Nature, sans cession ni introduction en Bourse
⚡Le fondateur de Patagonia laisse son entreprise à Dame Nature, sans cession ni introduction en Bourse | #fondateur #Patagonia #laisse #son #entreprise #Dame #Nature #sans #cession #introduction #Bourse #Economie #france Le fondateur de Patagonia laisse son entreprise à Dame Nature, sans cession ni introduction en Bourse Le fondateur de Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, et Rose Marcario, alors PDG de…
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johnlockdynamic · 2 years
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game-of-kinks · 11 months
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Meganekko en laisse Toutes les cartes sont dispo sur @tire-une-carte Bon jeu !
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felixmustdie · 26 days
my super cool talent is when i hear the beginning of chick habit or laisse tomber les filles im really good at guessing which one it is
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downfalldestiny · 2 months
Constantine 🧡🌇 !.
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