#laddie the half vampire
bonniebirddoesgifs · 1 year
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Sam Emerson & Laddie Thompson (TLB) - Credit if using
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starthelostboys · 2 years
how often do you think that the boys and star and laddie get like. actual food. cause i like to imagine that they use all of whatever little money they have ordering out every night
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spidercookie18 · 8 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆
The Lost Boys 1987 AU set in modern time. None of the boys died, and all the Emersons/Star/Laddie/Frog brothers are vampires. This is explained later…
Tags: General violence, halfing vampire, swearing, choking, mentions of suicide/death/kidnapping/dangerous acts, unprotected sex, breeding, scenting, degradation/praise, use of y/n, afab, use of she/her. MINORS DNI Word Count: 8.6k Previous chapter here: Next chapter here:
“No one should suffer what I suffered. I still dread those scenes when man killed man. I lost my parents, most of my family, by running away.” — Milkha Singh
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Chapter Two:
It had been over a week since David last saw you. He went by your house most nights and saw that your lights were off, and your truck was gone. He noticed that wherever he tried to mark as ‘his’, was gone the next night. Your scent had the same potency each time he went back, so he knew you were there during the day, which he was fairly sure you knew he wouldn’t be by to bother you then.
Where the fuck did she go. David's thoughts kept returning to the memory of you and how he longed to feel you against his flesh once more.
He was irritable again, and the other boys noticed. He had been avoiding Max as he was sure he’d be able to smell you on his clothes, and he didn’t want to get yelled at – if that was all Max would do, David thought. He groaned with frustration as he put on his boots.
“Come on man, are you fucking going back there again?” Paul yelled at David as he was walking up towards the mouth of the cave.
“Shut up Paul,” David grumbled, not turning.
“Dude you’ve gone like every night this week,” Paul responded.
“Yeah man, it’s not like she’s going anywhere, all her stuff is there, right?” Marko said, turning the bag of chips upside down into his mouth. “So why don’t we go out,” Marko tried to appeal to David, his mouth full of chips.
“This really isn’t healthy behavior, David,” Dwayne said, casually throwing some candy into his mouth.
David grumbled; he was annoyed but knew they were right. He felt a pang in the pit of his stomach, he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep, he was on edge all the time. He sighed, “fine,” he turned back to the boys, “I got to get out of my head,” David said, grabbing the keys to his bike. “Let’s go crack some skulls,” he smiled a dark smile and the boys rallied behind him. They grabbed their jackets and headed to the bikes.
“Hell, yeah man!”
“Let’s go kick some teeth in!”
The boys yelled as they followed David up out of the mouth of the cave towards the bikes. They sped down the hill and towards the city, hollering the whole way.
They rode into town and up the boardwalk to a spot they knew would cause a commotion. They wanted to roll heads tonight, and where better to do that than where you’re ever so despised.
They parked outside a new ice cream shop that had been open a few weeks and there was still a line of people waiting to get in. They skidded to a stop loudly and revved their engines to turn all the heads.
The boys loved attention and smiled and chuckled at the contorted and angry faces that stared back at them. David looked over at his brothers and asked who they thought would be able to put up a good fight, they all laughed.
“So, y’all just constantly go around terrorizing people is that it?” A voice cleared itself behind David; he turned and saw you.
He had been looking for you all week and suddenly, the second he stopped trying, you appear.
The boys all turned to look at you, “can we help you?” Marko spat, clearly still pissy from the bar.
You looked over at him and rolled your eyes, then looked back at David, “I need you to move your bikes for the night.”
David shook his head in disbelief at how haughty you were being right now. “You want to run that by me again?”
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A few minutes before, you had finally got to the front of the line for the new ice cream shop that you had been dying to try since you first stepped on the boardwalk. You’d been much too busy with work this week and finally had a second to yourself to go get a little treat.
It had taken much longer than you had initially thought to get your sweets, and it was now dark out. You finally reached the front of the counter and tried to order some of your favorite ice cream.
“I’m so sorry, but we’re out,” the boy behind the counter told you.
Just my luck...You sighed, “fine, can I get…”, you scanned the menu for something that wasn’t marked ‘unavailable’. “Can I just get a churro with caramel?”
The young man behind the counter apologized again for the inconvenience and turned to tell your order to his coworker. “I haven’t seen you in here before,” the young man tried to make small talk while your food cooked.
“Yeah, I’m new in town. I’ve been wanting to come here all week.” You watched him stare at your breasts from under the brim of his uniform hat and you handed him the money from your bag.
As you waited, you heard the roar of motorcycles coming up the boardwalk and turned to see David and the boys park opposite of the shop. They immediately begin provoking the customers standing outside, and you chuckled. Those idiots.
The cashier groaned and turned to his buddy, “they’re back again.”
“God damn it,” the other teen responded. “Well, I’m not going out there again, you tell them to move.”
“Nuh-uh, I’m not going out there,” the cashier quickly responds. He takes the churro and places it in a white paper bag and starts to hand it to you.
“I bet I can get em to move,” you say pointedly. The teens look at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah, fat chance,” the one furthest laughs out.
“No, I’m serious, I bet I could.”
They turn to look at each other, “...okay,” the cashier begins to haggle with you, “what do you bet?”
You think for a second, “tell you what, Charlie,” you nod at his name tag, “I bet, that I can get them to move for the night...for an extra churro.” The cashier smiles, “and all the money in the register,” you finish saying. The one making the food scoffs, “and if I can’t, then...” you stare at the cashier and wink at him, “I’ll let you take me on a date.”
The cashier makes a face like he’s thinking. He’s weighing the options of the ridiculous bet; no chance you get them to move, he can’t lose. He smiles down at you, “I’ll throw in the churro, and you got yourself a deal.”
You take the small crinkly bag from him and walk out the door, they’re both watching as you walk up to the ‘biker gang’.
“If you move, I’ll make it worth your while,” you raise an eyebrow at David.
He looks you up and down, “what do I get out of this,” he sneers at you. He wants to be upset at your demeanor, but you look adorable in the green off the shoulder dress you’re wearing.
“First,” you waggle the food in front of him, “this churro, but you have to snatch it from me… Second, is the cashier looking?” You turn to point with the churro at the shop.
David leans on his bike to see around you, “yeah?”
“Okay, well I made a bet with him that I could get y’all to move for a prize, and if I lose then I have to go on a date with him.”
David scrunched up his face in a frown at the sound of your words, you could hear him growling lightly.
“And I really don’t want to do that, so…” you trailed off.
“Well, what’s the second part?” Paul chimed in.
“It’s a surprise,” you smiled sweetly at the boys. David stared at you with a blank face, unamused by your little ‘bet’.
“Please,” you asked, with honey dripping from your words, “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
He looked back at the boys, who also seemed bored by the idea. But he really didn’t want you going off with some human, on a date.
“Fine,” he stated, and the boys started to protest at the idea. “Enough,” David’s response was quick and scathing. He looked back at you, “if you even think of weaseling out of this…” he narrowed his eyes.
“It’s not like you don’t know where I live,” you remind him; that’s exactly the point he was trying to make. “I’ll meet you on the far end of the boardwalk in fifteen mi-”.
David cut you off, “you’ve got ten.”
You smiled at him, “deal,” you took a step back and the boys started up their engines; David easily snatched the snack from you. They rode two circles around you, David was eyeing you the whole time- the image of sharks in the water crossed your mind. Then they took a turn down the stairs of the boardwalk, swung around on the sand and headed off in the direction you agreed upon. You could hear them hollering as they rode off on the beach, you walked back into the ice cream shop and sauntered up to the counter.
With slack jaws, the teens watched as you nodded towards the register.
“What… what did you say to them?” The cashier asked.
“Oh, I just told them if they didn’t move, you’d come outside and kick their asses.”
The one further away walked up to his friend, who stood frozen behind the cash register. “My dad is going to kill me,” the cashier whispered, unmoving.
He looked over at his friend who’d elbowed him, “come on man, fair is fair.”
“Tell you what, how about I take you out tomorrow?” You smiled up at the cashier and his nerves seemed to have been soothed. As he looked at you, his eyes became glossed over, his expression became blank, and he slowly, and unwillingly opened the register and emptied the drawer into a plastic bag. The one that was prepping food handed you another churro in a small crinkly bag. “Pleasure boys,” you took both and walked out of the shop.
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It took less than the ten minutes you’d thought it would to walk over to where the boys were. “You’re almost late,” David yelled at you.
“No, I’m not,” you smiled and tossed the heavy plastic bag at him.
He reacted fast and the bag hit his gloved hands with a THUNK, he looked inside at all the money you’d just given him. “What’s this?” The boys were by his side curiously looking in the bag as well.
“It’s the other part of your gift,” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Dude that’s gotta be like six hundred bucks!” Paul shouted and happily shook David by the shoulders. The boys are happily bouncing on the balls of their feet and David, who was still sitting on his bike looks up at you.
You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly, “yeaaah, sorry. I thought they’d have more cause they’re so busy; but I guess most people don’t pay with cash anymore huh?”
David was more than pleased with how the bet played out, he flashed you a toothy grin, “not bad, Y/N.” 
“Oh, but there is one more thing,” you said as David handed the money to Dwayne to stuff in his saddlebag. “The cashier, Charlie, he’s still expecting a date,” David gritted his teeth, “so can you, like, do whatever it is you do to make people go away?”
The boys snicker, “what makes you think we just make people ‘go away?’” Marko laughs.
You shrugged, “well, they seemed scared nuff’ of you, so I figured you could fix my little problem.”
David laughed and gestured for the boys to head back to their bikes, “sure, we can do that.” David nodded to Marko who led the boys off on the bikes, presumably to fulfill your request. It was just you and David standing on the boardwalk now as you watched the boys ride off and out of sight. 
“While I’m not upset with the money,” David turned back to look at you, “I was picturing something a little…different when you said you’d ‘make it worth my while’.”
You giggled, “you don’t think you can charm my pants off the old-fashioned way?”
David laughed heartily, “hop on, I want to take you somewhere,” he grinned sweetly. You moved over to the bike and threw a leg over and tucked the hem of your dress under your thigh so it wouldn’t fly up as you rode. You wrapped your arms against David’s waist, you felt so warm against him, he throttled the handle, and you felt the vibrations against your core.
“I like to go fast,” he turned back to you, “so, don’t let go.” You squeezed tighter, and he took off. You were flying down the road; he wasn’t kidding when he said he went fast, you thought.
You leaned into David’s ear, “if you’re gonna kill me, can you at least make it quick?”
You can feel him give a deep laugh over the sound of the bike and the wind, “I’ll try to remember that.” 
You rode by a lighthouse on your right, and you could see the light turning as the two of you sped past it. You wanted to ask where he was taking you, but the air felt electric; you were too nervous to speak up, so you just held onto him. The ride itself wasn’t very long, maybe five, ten minutes, but the way David was driving made it feel frighteningly long. He zigged and zagged through traffic, and you thought he’d kill you both more than a few times. Every time you asked him to slow down, he’d speed up; so, you just stopped asking.
“Don’t ya trust me Y/N?” He’d yell over his shoulder.
“No!” You’d shout, and the way you were pressed up against his back you would feel him laughing.
There was one point where he was trying to pass someone on the two-lane road where you were sure you were going to bite the big one. He was tail-gating damn near every car he’d passed but this one wasn’t going to let it go; when he moved into the next lane, the car sped up.
You saw from over his shoulder there was another car coming from the lane you were in, “David,” you tried to get him to move back over, “David there’s a car coming.” He didn’t care, he wanted to feel your heartbeat against him, he wanted to smell the fear coming off you. “David, the car!” It was almost too close a call; at the last second, he gunned it in front of the driver that wouldn’t let him pass and ran them off the road. You turned to watch the car slide off into a ditch, and you could feel David laughing again. “Holy crap,” you clutched to him; “David I want to get off,” you hid your face in his jacket.
“We’re almost there,” he grumbled.
“No! I want to get off now!” You dug your nails into his side.
“Fuck!” He grunted and kept driving.
He kept going; you dug in harder, and you could hear him wince with pain. “Calm down already!” He shouted at you, “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you!”
“Please,” you were whimpering into his shoulder; to be fair, he was probably a much better rider than you were giving him credit for, but for Christ’s sake it wasn’t fun anymore. It wasn’t much longer till he pulled off the main road and turned towards the shoreline. You were riding up hill and he stopped the bike when you were at the top.
“Happy?” He kicked out the stand and turned back to look at you.
Your face was still pressed against his back in terror. “Take me home David.”
He sighed at your response, “if I take ya home now, I’m just gonna drive the same way.”
“Then I’ll walk,” you grumbled.
“Will you fucking look up already? It wasn’t even that bad.” He stepped off the bike and watched you hide your face in your hands. He almost felt bad at how scared you were, almost. He rolled his eyes at you, David had enough of your behavior. He leaned down to brush your hair behind your ear, “come on Y/N.” You sheepishly pulled your hands away from your face.
The view before you was gorgeous; the moon was so full and so perfectly placed above the cliff you stood on. The lights from the city were all but gone, and you could see every star in the sky. The waves crashed on the rocks below you and you couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the scenery.
You stood from the bike in awe, “wow,” you held your breath.
“Told ya,” David crossed his arms smugly.
You took in the scenery a little bit longer, staring up at the stars; without looking at David you started to tell him off, “if you drive like that again without letting me know,” you looked over at him with wide eyes, “I’ll fucking kill you.”
He laughed again from the pit of his stomach, “alright, alright, I’ll let ya know next time.”
He walked over to you and placed his hand behind your neck. Before you could react, he pulled your face to his and kissed you deeply. He tasted like cigarette ash and the cinnamon sugar from earlier. You tried to pull away from him, but he held you tightly; his other hand came up to your cheek, and he pushed his tongue into your mouth. “Mrmph”, you struggled against him. “David,” you whimpered, he smiled against your lips. You felt your body start to get hot, you were still so angry with him, but he was so strong. You wanted to trust he wouldn’t hurt you, but you knew exactly what he was. His hand behind your neck traveled up to the back of your hair and pulled down hard, “aah!” He smiled against your neck, your whimpers and moans sounded so sweet to him; you felt him kissing and sucking marks on your skin, his grip turning into his nails in your skin. You were mewling at his touch, “David,” you breathed out. He loved the way his name sounded off your lips. So sweet, so full of want, for him. You felt his teeth scratching against your skin as he continued to suck marks into your flesh.
“Not so hard,” you whimpered, and felt his fangs grow, you could hear him growling under his breath, you could see his eyes glow under his lashes. He started biting lightly, then harder. “Not so hard David.” You knew what was coming next, you felt his sharp teeth getting ready to rip into you; you reached down into your bag and searched as quickly as you could. By the narrowest margins, David’s fangs had pierced your skin, when he was stopped by a cold piece of metal against his temple. 
He heard the gun cock. “I said, not so fucking hard, David,” you panted out the words, and he pulled slowly away from you.
Without turning his head, he eyed the gun, then looked back at you. He raised his hands up by his head and stared at the gun nervously. “Take it easy there,” he watched you intently, as he blinked, his glowing amber eyes turned back to their normal blue. “If this is about the drive over, then I’m sorry, alright?”
You stared directly into his eyes, “no, I think you know what this is about.”
His eyes narrowed, “you know.” It was more a statement than a question.
“Uh-huh,” you nodded.
“How long?”
“Pretty much immediately,” you said pointedly. “You guy’s made it really easy.” He scrunched his face up, “you all were sniffing me like…animals.” David rolled his eyes, keeping his hands above his head, “also, you’re going to STOP pissing on my fucking lawn.”
He stepped forward to defend himself, “Alright I can explain th-”,
“Ah-ah,” you waggled the barrel of the gun in his face; he stepped back in place.
“You know they’re gonna kill that guy, Charlie, right?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Why do you think I asked y’all to get rid of him for me?” 
He laughed weakly, “so…you gonna kill me?”
You scoff at his words, “this was never about that,” David raised an eyebrow in curiosity, “I just wanted you to stop biting me.”
He exhaled in relief and put his hands down. “Fuck me, you had me there for a second,” he placed his gloved hand on his stomach and laughed gratefully that he wasn’t going to be shot in the face.  
“David,” you kept the gun pointed at him, “you can’t have my blood unless I say so, got it?” He stared at the gun and tried to keep from growling. “And,” you continued, “I don’t want your blood… Give me your word.”
He groaned at your demands.
“David I’m serious.”
“Fine, fuck!” He growled out, “you have my word.”
You turned the gun from him and decocked it. In an instant, he’s on you; your back is pressed hard against the ground. Your teeth clang as your head hit the dirt below, and your ears rang loudly. You strained to focus on the vampire before you, your double vision cleared to reveal David and his glowing amber eyes. His features start contorting in anger, “what makes you think I won’t just kill you now?” His hands around your throat, squeezing hard, and you can hear the blood pounding in your ears.
You reached for the pendant around your neck and held the vial up for him to see, “do it.” 
He held it in one hand and sniffed it. “What is this?” His voice dark and distorted.
You cough, “do you think I knew what you were off of a hunch?” He squeezed harder, the pressure behind your eyes making you nauseous, “you’d be doing me a favor,” you choke out, tears running down the side of your cheeks.
He turned the vial in his hand and saw a bubble move across the surface. He released his hold from your throat and stood quickly to his feet. “Whose blood is that!”
You cough and rub your throat, “my sire.” He feels his stomach churn at your words. You sat up on your elbows, “he killed my family, everything I ever loved was destroyed by his hate,” you yell at David. “He wanted to turn me, and I told him I would kill us both…”, you stared off over the cliff and let the tears come to your eyes. Your voice cracking as you spoke, “I told him if he spared my life that I would never run from him, never fight him… I would just be…his.” David was in disbelief; his body was in anguish at the words that came from your mouth, like poison in his veins. “I ran away from him thirty-five years ago,” you tucked the vial back into your dress. “I’ve been running ever since,” you stared up at him, and wiped the tears from your cheeks. 
David was livid, you were his. He didn’t care who had claims on you, you were his now. He knelt down to snatch the vial from you.
“If you do that I’ll die.”
He growled and let the vial fall to your chest. “Then take my blood.”
“David! I just told you I don’t want it!”
He gripped your jaw harshly and snarled in your face.
“I am not tethering myself to another vampire,” you shouted back at him, “not after all I’ve survived!” 
He bared his teeth against your neck and pulled away resentfully to keep himself from biting down, “you are more than flesh and blood can bear!” 
David sat on your waist, angrily. He claimed you as his before he met you, the second he smelled your scent, he claimed you. You stared at him, defiantly. His nostrils flared as he stared down at you from his position. “You’re smelling him, that’s why you’re drawn to me.” David placed his head in his hands, he felt he was running out of ways to rationalize keeping you. “It’s instincts! Alphas seek out other alpha’s mates, it’s part of why war is waged for territories… we’re the only ones that can bear the weight of your love.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “just… stop talking for a second.”
You sighed, crossed your arms in frustration, and laid back down on the ground.
So, this is what Max was going on about. 
David had known for some time that there were vampire lords all throughout the world. They were sires to many, and masters of their vast territories. They were, ‘for all intents and purposes, kings,’ Max had explained to him once. And that it was best to avoid them at all costs. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” David shouted into the night. 
Why couldn’t he have just said that.
Should he kill you? Was it easier to just remove you from his life? No, like you said, it was instincts, he wouldn’t be able to do it. Could he get one of the other boys to do it? No, he felt sick just thinking about your death. David stared down at you; your attention was off over the cliff somewhere. Were you thinking of running away from him too? No, you ran away from…, “what’s his name?”
“Montgomery,” you didn’t look over at David, you stayed pretending you were somewhere else. 
She ran away from, him because he was a bad pack leader.
Whatever he had done to you to make you break a vow and stay on the run for all these decades was something that David would never drive you to.
I’ll never make her run away; he thought as he looked softly down at you.
“What David,” you looked up at him finally, still fuming.
Whatever you had said and done to keep your old alpha from turning you must have been enough that he thought it was easier to bewitch you into being a halfling. David knew he wouldn’t be able to turn you and keep you from murder suicide, not forever. He knew his persuasion didn’t work on you, so he couldn’t force you to be docile, especially not if he turned you. There was only one way to keep you from leaving.
David raged against the thought, he bellowed and screamed in his mind. His nails gripped into his palms with all his force, if the gloves weren’t on his hands, he would have surely bled on you. Civility was not something David actively practiced; nor was he used to not just taking the things he wanted, things he claimed as his. He took a deep breath in, sighed, and reluctantly got off you. He threw himself on the ground beside you and looked up at the sky, still raging in his mind.
“I don’t want you to run away…” you looked over at him as he spoke softly, “I won’t drive you to that.” He said, it was almost a whisper.  He sighed, loudly. He threw his hands up to his face, and pulled down on his skin, with a groan.
“Thank you…” you uncrossed your arms and smiled at him.
You could hear him growling, and the creak in his gloves as he continued to clench his fists. “This feels AWFUL,” he protested.
You laughed, “I’m sure it does,” you placed a hand gently on his arm. “You’re not really supposed to go against your instincts.” 
David looked over at you, a look of annoyance on his face, “I could still kill you; you know.”
You rolled your eyes at him; you knew he didn’t mean it, but were sure he didn’t know how to process these new feelings without lashing out at you. As you watched him, you noticed his coats had lain open when he threw himself on his back. The edges of leather and wool falling off from his abdomen and onto the grass by his sides. Breathing in, you could finally smell him.
Leather, oil, cigarettes, salt…David.
His scent filled your nostrils and swirled around in your lungs. You could feel your chest heave as you panted, breathing in more of him. It was the first time you noticed his scent. Not even when you were wrapped around him on the bike could you smell it. The coats did a very good job of masking him, and as his air filled you, you instinctively began to squirm. Your body becoming hot, the flush in your cheeks; your heartbeat quickened. You could hear little over your own panting, but David could hear you quite well. He cocked his head as you tried to stifle a whimper.
“I can help you though,” you kicked off your shoes. You needed something to quell the fire in your loins. You slid on top of David and sat atop his hips. You leaned down to kiss him, you felt you could trust him; but more importantly, all the screaming and yelling and raging fell utterly unimportant in comparison to the instinct that demanded you roll your hips against his.
 If he was willing to give you his word, he wouldn’t feed on you or try to turn you; and he wouldn’t hide you away from the world like some stolen prize, maybe he wasn’t the vampire you thought he was.
You put your hands to the sides of his face and kissed him deeply, he sat up with you still on him. You moaned into his mouth, and let your hands wander down to slip off his jacket.
“No,” he whispered into your skin, he stopped you from taking them off.
He shrugged you off his shoulders and slid his hands under your dress to pull it off you. You stayed kissing him while your hands unbuckled his belt, and feverishly unbuttoned his jeans. He put a hand to the back of your head and pulled you closer to slip his tongue in your mouth. “Mmhm,” you whined and grinded your hips down on his stiffening cock. He was kneading your breasts and moved his hands around your back to unclasp your bra. “David,” you whimpered, and he smiled against your skin. You loved the way he sounded when he chuckled, so deep, and dark; he excited you so. David kissed and licked your nipples, “ahh.” He was enjoying the feeling of your soft, plush breasts in his hands. He loved hearing you melt for him.
David pushed you down on your back- you always forgot how strong vampires were- and you giggled as he nibbled down your neck. He pulled away from you and took off your panties; his gloved fingers hooked under the thin fabric, and he kissed down your legs as they came off. He put them to his nose and took a long inhale, and you felt a blush come to your face at the sight. You saw his pointed ears twitch with excitement and his eyes flashed bright blue to a deep orange. David stuffed them in his pant pocket, “you’re not getting these back.” His voice was deep and slightly distorted again. You giggled and he shoved his jeans down enough to free his cock. 
David was big, enough to make you clench around nothing at the sight of it. Not overly long, maybe six, six and a half inches, but he was impossibly thick. He had plum, prominent veins running along the underside and one on the top, his fat tip already leaking precum. You gulp, and he laughs at your reaction. “You might be too big for me, David…” you make a worried look, and he runs a gloved finger up your slit.
You mewl under his touch, and he chuckles, “you’ll take me just fine, darlin.”
He circles his finger around your clit as you begin to whine for him, “aah, fuck.”
You bite your lip and look up at him, he brings the finger to his mouth and licks your love off it. “Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he moans, and grips your hips tightly to pull you to him, you yelp as he drags you. He pushes his pants down further around his thighs and you chuckle nervously as his ample balls sway lightly. He He’s smiling down at you, licking his lips; he lines up with your cunt and presses into your heat.
You cry out as he stretches you to what feels like past your limit. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, David,” you push your hand against his hips to keep him from driving more of himself in, and he ignores your pleas. With force, he slams his hips against your ass, and you move to grip his forearms. Your nails are digging into his coats, and he growls as he pushes into you to the hilt. David gives you no mercy, and you can feel the wind be knocked out of you in shock. His cock is pulsing as he nestles against your cervix, you’re whimpering, and he tries to remind himself you’re still part human. David huffs as he tries to regain himself, his fingers digging into your hips. You wrap your legs against his waist to try and keep him from moving. “Wait,” you gasp out and you can hear him suck air in through his teeth. You try to adjust to his size, but he hooks his hands under your knees and pushes your legs forward. Your hips are off the ground, and he starts pistoning into you.
“Fuck!” He growls.
You’re so full, the weight of his cock feels like it’s going to tear straight through your cunt. “David!” You dig your nails into his forearms and keep moaning your screams; you can see his fangs growing in his open mouth.
He leans down, and you’re folded in half, “you’re so fucking noisy,” his words accentuated by each thrust. He covers your mouth with his gloved hand and your eyes roll back into your head. He feels so good, he’s so, so big, and he keeps hitting against your cervix. You cry out, and he’s laughing, “ohhh, sweet thing, does that feel good?”
You nod under him, his hands still covering your mouth, “mmhm.”
“How about this, darlin?” He releases his hold on your face and moves his hands to your hips. He lifts them off the ground, changes the angle of his thrust, and his tip is rubbing against your sweet spot.
You moan and scream and writhe into the night.
With his hand off your mouth, your tongue lolls out; David laughs, “you look like a dumb, fucked out toy, you know that?” His pace is punishing, it sounds like a sledgehammer breaking against your pelvis, and you try to focus on breathing as your orgasm quickly approaches. He looks down at you and his eyes narrow at the sight of the vial around your neck. He batts it away so he doesn’t have to look at it as he claims you. You breathe out a chuckle between gasps, and he can feel you squeezing against him, “are you gonna cum already sweetness?”
“Please sir,” you moan out, “please can I come?” He groans and thrusts his cock in harder, “fuck, David!”
He can’t get enough of your noises; you sound so cute getting fucked out on his cock. “Come for me sweet thing,” he rubs his thumb over your clit, and you spasm around his cock.
You’re moaning and gasping for air in between sweet ‘thank you’s’. The image of you crying and trembling under him is being burned into David’s mind. He holds your thighs close against his body and shoves his cock in as deep as he can reach and paints your insides white. You can feel his pulse hammering inside you as he comes. It’s so much, you can feel it dripping out of you and down your ass. David’s throbbing cock feels so good pumping you full of cum. He doesn’t stop pistoning into you, he just turns you on your side and fucks his cum back into your wet cunt. You’re clawing at his arms now, “fuck, David, wait!” He ignores your pleas; he can only hear the sound of your pounding heart, and the squelching of your soft warm pussy around him.
He’s growling, moaning something like, “so fucking good. So fucking tight f’me. So soft, n’ wet, n’ warm, f’me. My sweet thing.”
You can feel him slipping away from you as he mumbles into your flesh, he’s going feral fucking into you.  “David,” you call out to him, and he looks down, his features completely foreign to what he looked like a short while ago. He grunted as he pushed your leg over your head. “Fuck! David calm down!” He fucked you hard, as hard as he could manage. Your breathing was staggered from the weight of him pressing over your ribs. The sound of his hips cracking into your pelvis was painfully loud. You were glad no one was around to hear, the plap and wet noises was sinful, and you moaned like a whore for David. The feeling of your gummy walls sucking him in was the best thing he’d felt in so damn long. He let his cock bully into you and drag slowly out. His fingers pushing into the plush of your thigh, the sound of your wet pussy getting fucked raw inviting him to keep going. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and focused on how good you felt around him. 
“So…soft,” was all he could manage as he grunted and came again in you. His voice completely distorted now. He let his open mouth settle on your calf, sucking lightly as he came. You could feel his teeth, not enough to break the skin, but enough you were sure it would leave a mark.
Your arms were up by your head to cover your face; you panted, and wheezed, and gasped, hard, trying to get air into your lungs as David kept railing into you, “please David.” You begged, tears coming down your cheeks. The pleasure was too much, you couldn’t stop cumming around him. You thought you were gonna pass out as he ripped another orgasm from you, you needed air.
He grabbed your arms and pulled you up towards him, “don’t look away from me.” He had his arms wrapped around your upper half and was fucking up into you now; you were sobbing. Your body went limp against his and you let your face hide in the crook of his neck.
“Too much… David” you cried out. His hefty cock kept pistoning up into you. It was too thick, too heavy, too much, you could feel him ruining you; and you felt your cunt spasming around him again.
He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, he loved how needy and pliant you were for him. He couldn’t get enough of you, your pretty little pussy, your cute noises, your scent. David groaned and bit into your shoulder, he lapped at the dark purple teeth marks on your skin. He focused on his hips slamming up into you, your legs weakly draped around his hips; the warmth of your body seeping into him. He snaked a hand up to your jaw and lifted your chin to look at him. He loved how you looked, glossed over eyes, flush cheeks, baby hairs stuck to your forehead with sweat, mouth agape with soft whines escaping with each thrust. He bit his lip and kissed you. He swirled his tongue around yours, and you whined into his mouth. Poor David couldn’t stop himself, his mind screamed that he needed his scent to envelop you. He came again and your head fell weakly against his shoulder.
You felt David reposition you, he turned you over to all fours. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back towards him. His hips pressed hard against your ass as he shoved himself back inside you. You let your hands grip at the ground beneath you, you tried not to clamp down on David’s cock, but he stretched you so goddamned good. “I’m gonna come again!” You half begged, half thanked him, the way his girth dragged in and out of you was divine. You felt your legs buckle under you and David held your hips up to keep you from falling over.
“Come!” He demanded, he let one of his hands wrap around your body and rubbed your nub.
“Fuck!” The high-pitched whines that came from your throat a clear indication of how hard you were coming undone for him. David felt your walls sucking him in again and growled as he fell against your back. He pumped his come against your cervix once more with a groan. He bit down on shoulder, his tongue tasting the sweat from your flesh. It took everything in him to keep from sinking his fangs into your skin wherever he could.
All the while you focused all your strength on not buckling under yours and David’s weight. You could feel his come and your slick drip down your folds and your clit. You whimpered at the feeling, you felt so fucked out and loved it. “Daavid,” you whined, he stepped out from under you and grabbed you by the top of your hair. “Aaah!” you shouted in pain as he pulled you to a kneel, he pushed his cock into your mouth and started fucking your face. You gagged and moaned against his girth; David moved his hands to hold you by the back of the neck and, pushed his thumbs up to your nose to fuck down your throat. You could feel his cock down the back of your throat, through the tears in your eyes you could see him above you; completely lost in his own instincts.
His cock slid quickly in and out, atop your tongue and he moaned, “so good.”
You could taste yourself on his length, your come and his come mixed in your mouth with your saliva. His cock was painfully big in your mouth, it almost felt like your jaw was going to pop.  David pushed you deep on his cock till he was at the base against your lips, you could feel yourself beginning to gag, and he fucked hard shallow thrusts against the back of your throat. Your hands grabbed at his arms and dug your nails into his flesh as hard as you could manage; he pulled you off so you could breathe. You gasped loudly and he shoved his cock back inside. 
David fucked back into your mouth; his pubes pressed against your nose. You fought to pull yourself off him, but his hold was too strong. He pushed the back of your head down on himself, shot down your throat and slowly pulled you from him; you were gasping for air. His come was salty and thick. You coughed as you tried to ease your breathing, but David still held you by the back of your head and jerked off in your face. He was going to cover you in himself. You flinched as he sprayed on your face and breasts. You could feel his cum dripping down your face, and you grumbled in protest. He ignored your complaints; hooked his hands under your arms, pulled you up off the ground, and wrapped your legs around his waist. David was standing; he had you held close against his body, and he lowered your weeping pussy back down on his cock. He licked a long stripe across the length of your neck and sucked bright red marks into your chest. 
More, more, MORE, his mind screamed. 
David held you by the plush of your ass and fucked up into you. His fingers gripped into your skin and if it wasn’t for his gloves, his claws would have ripped clean through your flesh. Your hands gripped tightly to the collar of his jacket, you whimpered and moaned as you felt his thick cock slide in and out of you. Your pussy was raw, and it felt like he had been fucking you for hours now; the pleasure that ripped through your body took your breath with it. The sound his hips made slapping against you ass was loud and wet, and you thought again of how grateful you were that there was no one around to witness you getting fucked like a pathetic doll.
“David,” you cried with the last of your energy. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t stop, and you didn’t entirely want him to stop.
“Keep squeezing my cock like that, sweet thing” David growled out. The way you spasmed around him had him fighting back the last of his sanity to not fuck clean through your cunt. He couldn’t push himself far enough into you, the way your fat little cunt sucked him in was enough to bring him to another orgasm. He could feel his and your cream dripping down his shaft and down his balls, he wanted to fill you to the brim, and he would fuck you as long as his hips would keep pistoning.
As your vision faded to black you watched David’s face. He was completely gone, and you were sure he was far from stopping that night. You felt him reposition you, he turned you around and gripped you by your hair and fucked you standing up. Your limp body being held up by his sheer strength; the pain on your scalp matching the pleasure that came from your pussy. You were going to pass out, and all you could do was listen to David as he moaned and growled, and whimpered praises and degradations into the night.
“Such a good toy; such a dirty whore; you fucking tease, you wanted this. My perfect fuck toy, my sweet thing I’m going to fill you. You want that don’t you? Of course, you do why else would your soft little pussy be sucking my cock like this? You want my come, don’t you? Say it. Say it! SAY IT!”
David adjusted how he was holding you; he laid you back down on the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist, he was pistoning into you again, demanding that you begged for his come. He looked down at your limp, weak body and screamed a loud, pained growl into the night. He couldn’t stop himself. He felt his mind slipping away. He was worried he hurt you, but he physically and mentally couldn’t bring himself to pull himself out of you. David had gone completely feral fucking into you; he couldn’t think of anything but scenting you and pleasuring himself with your warm wet cunt. He pressed his sweaty forehead against yours and covered you in his scent. There was little you could do but moan weakly, your eyes wouldn’t even flutter open anymore. He pulled your hips towards him and pushed deep against your cervix. You sobbed quietly, feeling his cock throbbing inside you, and he filled you again.
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David finally stopped ravaging you some hours later. He kept going until he was past the point of exhaustion. You had long since passed out from the abuse on your body, and David knelt over your unconscious form. His mind stopped screaming, and he panted, hard. You were covered in bruises, bite marks, scratches, and his sweat and come. You smelled overwhelmingly of him, and he was finally satisfied. He looked over the cliff, he didn’t have the faintest idea how much time had actually passed, but he knew it would be morning soon. He gathered your things and stuffed them in your bag, he snorted softly as he picked up the gun and put it away too. He placed the bag on your chest and wrapped you in his jackets, he was much too tired to try and redress you, and he couldn’t guess when you would wake up. You groaned softly as he placed you in his lap and straddled the bike. He didn’t want to take you home like this, but he had little choice. He was too weak to fly you both home and he didn’t want to leave his bike so far from the cave.
So, he started the bike, with you draped over the front of his seat, and cradled you between his arms as he rode. Luckily, there was no one else on the road at this hour… whatever hour it was. It took longer to ride back to the cave than he had hoped, as he had to drive slowly for fear of dropping you. Finally, he’d reached the entrance to the cave, he put the stand out and carried you down into his home. 
“Aye, there he is,” the boys shouted.
“Hey man, we brought you back a doggy bag,” Marko, who was wearing the cashier’s uniform hat, pointed to a 7-11 cup that Paul was sipping on. “Dude fucking knock it off,” he chucked an empty beer can at Paul.
“My bad,” Paul laughed and popped the straw out of his mouth. The big gulp was in fact, filled with blood, “where have you been all night?”
David walked down the entrance into the cave, cradling you close to his body. The boys sniffed at the air, “dude, what the fuck is that smell.”
The boys covered their noses with their jackets.
“Bro what is that?”
Their senses were assaulted with the unbearable scent of David that was coming off your body. He walked you down to a small alcove where the bed was, he placed you gently down and the boys walked over to investigate.
Still covering his nose, Marko looked down at you, “oh David… what the fuck did you do?” David moved to grab a bucket and some rice for you and put them by the bed.
“Is… is she still alive?” Paul asked, peering down at you.
“Of course, she’s alive you idiot, can’t you hear her breathing?” Dwayne mocked him.
David had knelt down by you on the bed and brushed your hair out of your face. “David… what did you do man?” Marko asked worryingly.
“She’s fine,” he sighed out, “she’s just tired.” He handed your bag to Dwayne, “put this where she can’t get it.” Dwayne looked briskly into the bag, then flew up to put it in a hanging light high in the cave ceiling.
“Dude she’s covered in bruises! What happened?”
David snapped his head to look at the boys, “it’s not like that,” he growled at Marko, “I just…I just got carried away…,” he looked back down at you, his expression softening. With the back of his hand, he rubbed gently on your cheek, “really…she’s fine.”  He stood and took the cup from Paul, “no one is to touch her. And no one will tell Max about this.” The boys watched him as he flew up into the roost, “I’m fucking going to sleep.”
Paul leaned down to sniff you, “ugh,” he wafted his hand in front of his face and left to the roost. Marko pulled the jacket closer around you and turned to follow the others to bed.
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sad-ghost-of-garbage · 11 months
Dwayne Drabble
Author: SadGhostofGarbage
Dwayne x gn reader
Warnings: reader is like a parent to Laddie, sick child.
This is fluffy af, but be aware that the reader is taking care of a sick child. Also I did a small bit of research regarding gender neutral terms for parents and I picked one I personally liked the sound of so Laddie calls the reader Nobi ❤️
You’re in your room sleeping peacefully when you hear frantic knocking at your window. Startled and groggy you turn your light on and make your way over to the window that was causing a ruckus. Opening the blinds to see a panicked Dwayne knocking at the window and from what you could tell he was going to break it if you didn’t get the thing open now.
“Dwayne,” you say with a little yawn, “what are you doing here? What’s wrong?” The heavy feeling of sleep slipping away when you actually get a good look at your lover. He looks disheveled and scared?
“Please princex, I don’t know what to do!” Strong arms wrap around you as he starts pulling you out the window.
“Woah, hey slow down handsome what happened?” His eyes are wild with fear, and it looks as if he’s about to cry.
“It’s Laddie, he’s sick and I don’t know how to help him and it’s almost daylight and I won’t be able to take care of him during the day. Please help me, baby.”
“Hey now don’t panic D, of course I’ll help take care of Laddie, just let me grab some stuff and we can go.”
Dwayne was in such a hurry he hadn’t even driven his bike, he just flew over to your house after he hadn’t been able to comfort the small sick boy. Laddie was currently clinging to David bawling his eyes out, and the moment you and Dwayne touch down in the cave the small child is crying harder and scrambling to get over to Dwayne. The tall vampire sets you down and immediately scoops up the boy and starts trying to soothe the boy. You gently start rubbing the boys back and start moving the hair off his tear stained cheeks.
“Hey bud, I heard you weren’t feeling well. Can you tell me what hurts?” Laddie looks at you still sniffling a bit. His voice horse and quiet,
“Everything hurts nobi.” Hiccuping in between words, because the poor boy just couldn’t cry anymore.
“Alright baby, I’m here to help take care of you.” You didn’t know shit about how to take care of a sick half vampire, so you’d do your best by taking care of him like any other sick child, with love and patience.
It was a process, first getting the boy to drink some electrolytes, then you helped him bathe because it's no fun to feel sweaty while sick. Drying him off in a fluffy towel you carried him over to the room the boys had renovated into a bedroom for the boy. It was closer to where the boys sleep and closer to where your nest would be when you finally moved to the cave. After the boys went through hell to bring Laddie back after the incident in ‘87 they decided it was safer for the boy to be deeper in the cave and closer to the boys. You sat him on the edge of his bed while you started pulling out clean pajamas for him to wear. Dwayne was hovering in the doorway just watching as you helped Laddie get dressed. Dwayne had been following you around like a puppy. He felt lost; he had been a vampire for a good chunk of time and sure it wasn’t anywhere near as long as David or Marko still, he’d been around a while, and none of that time had prepared him to take care of a sick child. He hadn’t had kids in his life, but when he had seen the little boy near death he felt something, something that had him begging David to save the little boy. He loved Laddie, all the boys did and though they weren’t as obvious about it, they all were concerned about the boy. He watched silently as you babied the boy who was much too old for it but alas, that’s the bittersweet nature of immortality. He watched as you crawled into the bed behind the little boy with a book in your hand, watched you two curl up and get comfortable. The call of the sunlight was getting stronger, the call to the daysleep was beginning to weigh on Dwayne’s shoulders. He was about to retreat to the “roost” when Laddie’s little voice calls out to him,
“Come join us papa, we’re reading Treasure Island.” Dwayne smiling wide he heads over to the bed and starts taking off his clothes getting into the bed next to you. Laddie flops over and squeezes in between the two of you. After a chapter or two Laddie couldn’t get comfortable and was wiggling around in both general discomfort of illness and slight excitement from the plot of your story, neither of you noticed that Dwayne was now curled up against your side with his head on your stomach until you both heard soft snoring coming from the giant vampire.
“Nobi, papa fell asleep.” You press a kiss to his forehead as you turn the page,
“Yeah baby it’s getting late and papa was tired, let him sleep okay bubba?” Laddie just nodded slowly trying not to wake up his dad. After a few more pages the boy was also softly snoring against your chest. Taking a deep breath you lay there in silence just enjoying having both your boys in your arms.
Tagging: my lovely wife @britany1997 because she waited patiently for this ❤️
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The Lost Boys name etymology:
As the leader of the group, we’ll start with David. The name David means ‘lover.’ His approach to vampirism is somewhat romantic. The ritual and the wine mixed with blood, takes on an erotic edge for example. Their lips touching the same bottle and the exchanging of fluids, and the haze that follows. His role as the leader could be violent given his power, or indifferent like Max’s way of running things- but he chooses to genuinely savor each member of his little pack. The tears he sheds for Marko are shed with love. The words he whispers to Michael, conscious or not, are endearing and soothing. Whether these bonds are more than platonic to him, or even approached in an acceptable way, he still has loving and sharing that love deeply in his nature, amplified by his powers.
Following him is Dwayne. Dwayne can mean ‘dark.’ Not just referring to his hair among the group obviously, his name could give a tiny glimpse into his character. Being less than a main character his screen time and thus his analytical depth is limited, but something about Dwayne is he can go from smiling with the group, to taking on a very stoic or cold expression fast. The ‘darkness’ inside Dwayne could be festering more than the other boys and making the whole -slightly irritating but mostly harmless teenager facade- a lot harder to keep up for him. Notable especially around Max is that stoniness. Part of his depth, it seems, is distrust for anyone outside of his boys, even his own sire. Dwayne’s edge (and weakness, actually) is his quickness to hold those dark and bitter feelings.
Marko involves some mythology to understand his meaning. The name itself stands for ‘dedicated to Mars,’ and Mars is the God of a few things, prominently war and feral nature. What this means for Marko is possibly strength and power. Of course, he is the smallest and that’s why he’s picked off first, but had the fight been between an awake Marko instead, his name hints at him possibly being the most brutal of the pack. It would make sense, that smaller stature equates to speed, in addition to the heightened vampire powers. Marko probably strikes like a feral animal. His tendency to drift to David and, in the words of Alex Winter himself, serve as something of a lap dog to him, is also possibly because of this nature. The idea being that he sacrificed some of his humanity to the brutality of vampirism and turns to David like a handler of sorts.
Finally is Paul. Maybe unexpectedly, the name means ‘humble.’ Where this personality trait can most prominently be seen is in Paul’s treatment of Star, Michael, and Laddie. He seems to be the only one to empathize with how unsettling vampirism can be and offers gentleness to each, at least in the novelization. There are also still distinctly human traits to him like his substance use, his more enthusiastic expressions, and turning on the radio, which he initiated out of the group. Even refraining from harassing (though affectionately, as we know from the deleted scene) Maria the video store worker. It seems that Paul uses being a vampire to intimidate humans and half vampires much less than the others. This makes him a branch towards humanity. Where he loses his humbleness is when he dies. He takes the time to brag about the stupidity of the Frogs and it costs him time. In his grief he gave up a trait that was so woven into him, and thus became reckless enough that he gets killed.
That’s the case with all of the boys really. Their rage and grief over Marko’s death meant letting those qualities either amplify or disappear to the point of losing themselves, and then losing the fight. In Dwayne’s case, he embraced the violence in himself and targeted Sam even when he knew it wasn’t safe because of Michael’s proximity. The ‘dark’ quality of him took over the common sense. As for David, he trusted in Michael so blindly that he was still trying to coerce him to their side. Even after Marko was gone and now the boys were dropping like flies, it was too hard for him to just stop loving someone. It only becomes clear too late, and then Michael has the upper hand and David’s the one dying.
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luv4fandoms · 6 months
Best Christmas ever! (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)
So this idea hit me when I read these prompts and I couldn't resist writing it. It seems I am a sucker for Christmas themed stories with Dwayne and Laddie lol. This is kinda in the same universe as "When you're unaware" since it mentions a brother who owns a truck
late night drives to see all the christmas lights in the neighborhood
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Pairing: Dwayne x Fem!Reader
Word count: 885
Warnings: Overload of cuteness
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"The Carter's still got the biggest light display back home?" Your brother asked as you walked down the boardwalk to meet up with the boys, it had only been about five months since you had met them and already you couldn't picture your life without the rowdy group.
"Oh yeah, every year Jenny is adding something new. I think now it's a competition between them and the Gonzalez family that moved in down at the old Jackson place, they go all out too"
"I remember how pissed George used to get when mom would get dad to decorate"
"Yeah times that by a hundred and you now know the first Christmas after the Gonzalez's moved in" you laughed just as you caught sight of the boys.
"Y/N!" Laddie called, running down the boardwalk to hug you.
"Hey sweetie! Having fun so far?"
"Paul took me on the rollercoaster and Dwayne got me cotton candy" he smiled up at you.
"Hopefully in that order right?" You laughed.
"Paul knows better" Dwayne nodded earning a 'Hey!' from the blonde vamp.
"So what were you two discussing?" David asked while Paul passed a blunt to your brother.
"The families that go all out for Christmas back home"
"Should have seen this one, I swear they must spend a grand a day in electric with how many lights they have" your brother told them.
"Whoa really?" Laddie asked, now invested in the conversation.
"Oh yeah, think of like every light on the boardwalk but on just one house" you laughed.
"Paired with light up animatronics of Santa, reindeer, and snowmen" your brother finished.
"That is so cool!"
"It really was" your brother nodded.
"It definitely made Christmas" you smiled
"That it did"
"I will admit, I'm gonna miss not seeing it this year...I feel like it's not Christmas time until you see the lights"
"Yeah I know what you mean, it's childhood"
"But I get to spend this Christmas with you so I'm happy!" You smiled, leaning down and grabbing Laddie in a bear hug, listening to the smallest vampire laugh, unknown of the eyes that were watching the scene unfold with a soft smile, and a plan forming in his head.
It had been a couple weeks since then, the boardwalk had decked itself out even more for the Christmas season with various lights and window displays, but that wasn't what Dwayne wanted you to see that night when he pulled up to your house. He parked his bike in the garage, Laddie jumping off the back to go get you while he grabbed the keys to your brother's truck. He had already told him his plan, so he had offered his vehicle since it would be able to fit the three of you, and because he kept it at your house instead of at the cave near the ocean air. He watched you stumble out, quite literally, due to Laddie dragging you, he may only be half vamp but he was still stronger than a human. A bag of homemade cookies in one hand and a smile on your face as you gained your balance.
"I have been retrieved" you laughed, making your way over to him.
"I also come baring goods, but please kind sir, why have I been fetched from my kitchen?"
"Because fair maiden, we are going for a drive" he smiled, holding up your brother's keys, which caused you to raise an eyebrow.
"Come on!" Laddie cheered, pulling you towards the old truck before you could say anything, you laughed as you helped him up into the cab, before getting in once he settled in the middle of the bench seat, Dwayne soon getting in and starting up the old girl. You weren't sure what he had in mind, but you knew he wouldn't do anything reckless, not only was he not that type, but he also had Laddie in the vehicle, your brother's vehicle at that. He drove for a while before you found yourself in a more populated part of town, but not as populated as the boardwalk area, more of the suburban type of place...And that's when you saw them.
Lights were strung up on just about every house, in ever color, and every shape. Some houses had full blown Christmas trees out front while others had the wire reindeers. Some had Santa on the roof while others had the classic blowmolds that looked like they had been passed down for generations.
It was Christmas.
Dwayne smiled as he watched you and Laddie stare in awe at the houses, the radio softly playing a Christmas station while he drove slowly. Laddie had already dug into your cookies as he offered them both one with a smile.
"This is so...magical" you smiled.
"This street continues on into the next town, they do this every year. I always take Laddie to see it" he explained.
"It's my favorite part of Christmas! When we heard you talking about missing the lights Dwayne wanted to show you too!" Laddie spoke around a mouthful of cookie. You tried not to tear up as you looked over at the man who held a soft smile while looking at the two of you, his two favorite people he concluded.
"Thank you, this is the best Christmas ever" you spoke softly. He simply nodded as he watched Laddie curl up against you, pointing excitedly to his favorite displays. He couldn't agree more.
'Best Christmas ever'
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I'm so happy with how this came out! Short but sweet lol. I really do lean towards Dwayne and Laddie for Christmas stories 😂. I hope everyone enjoyed it!
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 6
A/N: I aim to spoil you all. That and I'm not going to lie, the comments fuel me! <3 I love you guys.
Word Count: 3,016
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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David’s hand gripped her hip to keep her still. “You should sit still. I don’t think you want to know what I want to do to you if you rile me up just yet.” The words came out of him so easily. Y/N stiffened as she tried to stay as still as possible in his lap. The other guys had a smirk on their lips except Laddie who seemed to be far too distracted by the sight of the waitress returning with their drinks and his milkshake.
“Oh.. you know if you guys wanted we do have that one booth in the other side of the diner that could seat all of you-...” Sylvia said to them looking amused. “Young love.”
Y/N’s head spun to look behind her and sure enough, in a corner away from sight unless you looked, was a booth that wrapped around a corner of the wall which would have seated 10 people if they truly wanted to. Then she looked back to the guys.
Paul was openly laughing, Marko looked out the window while moving his lips together to hide his own smile. Dwayne was just smiling and shaking his head. Y/N didn’t even want to turn around to look at David’s face which no doubt had been smirking behind her.
“Oh, we totally forgot about that booth. Oh well we are all comfortable now. Isn’t that right Y/N?” Dwayne asked her tilting his head to look over to her.
It was almost like he was daring her to say that she wasn’t comfortable where she had been. The moment she opened her lips to answer though Laddie had unknowingly betrayed her. “I like this one! This is my favorite!”
Instantly her lips closed into a thin line, well as thin as her lips allowed her while she tried not to smile; these boys had managed to trick her into coming to this side so she wouldn’t have seen the other.
Laddie had just been so happy that she wasn’t able to say anything about it. The drinks were placed in front of them and Y/N reached over to get her milkshake. “Thank you Sylvia.” Y/N said to the woman who offered a smile and asked for their food orders.
David had kept Y/N close against him while they waited for their food. Keeping her head pressed against his shoulder with his cheek resting against her head. A content smile on his lips as he listened to the others talk with their little mate.
They had been missing her for more than half of the night missing her, they just had wanted to find her. Of course they had to mess with Michael just a bit before they did start their search. Michael seemed oh so reluctant to admit that he liked spending time with them. He still had sought them out at times but then would always give his attention to Star the moment he saw her. It was such a shame. Truth be told the reason they had tried to change Star was because she seemed to make people want to like her. A valuable trait for a vampire to have because it ensured an easy meal.
“So why Santa Carla?” Dwayne asked her. “This is the kind of place people usually go to disappear. You’re not looking to disappear are you?”
“Of course I’m not looking to disappear. If I was then I wouldn’t have spent time talking to you now would I? No point in meeting people if I’m trying to stay away from them.” Y/N said, but it was a good question.
Paul rested his head on the palm of his hand while looking at her like he was staring at a piece of art. “Where are you from?”
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That had been a question that caught her by surprise. Sure it might have been a normal question to ask but it hadn’t been a question that she got before. That might have something to do with the fact that she hadn’t talked to people in a while. Though it had been far too long for her to remember that kind of information; the only thing that Y/N could remember was a river near her home.
“I don’t really know where I’m from? I guess you could say I’m from everywhere.” Y/N said as she bit the inside corner of her cheek making her lips move to one side in a slight pout. Her mind trying to remember which place she had been originally from. “I move a lot. Tyr and I don’t typically stay in one place for too long. It never felt right to set down roots.” Especially since if she stayed too long then she would more than likely be seen as not aging.
“Tyr? That’s your roommate right?” Paul asked her plopping a fry into his mouth. “He’s like your best friend or something?”
“Well you can say that, he kind of saved my life. I’ve been close to him ever since then.” Y/N explained to them. A smile on her lips making them just feel so drawn to her. “He’s almost like a brother to me. When you have been around someone that long, you learn to feel like they are family. I think he thinks of me as a little sister.” Y/N said laughing a bit, not because it was funny, but because it just gave her this warm feeling in her chest that just made her happy.
If she wasn’t so sure that Tyr meeting them would lead to a battle unlike anything she had ever seen before, she would have loved for them to meet.  
It was a relief. They had been worried, even when she had explained to them that they had not stayed in the same room that didn’t mean anything. The fact that she had seen this Tyr person as a brother was a weight off their shoulders.
“How did he save your life?” Dwayne asked her, that was the main part that caught his attention. Though seeing as Y/N shifted her eyes to look away from him as she placed her lips on the straw to her milkshake to take a sip; he could tell that wasn’t a question she wanted to answer, and seeing as she hadn’t told them why she had been running earlier, they wanted to know this one.
“Listen my muse, please, we want to know you.” Marko said to her flashing a smile; every time he listened to the sound of her voice it was like the greatest thing gracing his soul. The guys had only felt these feelings to each other when they had first met one another.
Y/N set her cup down and gave a very small smile, “It was so long ago. I was just a young kid then. It didn’t seem like I was very welcomed in my neighborhood. I think. I don’t really know the details. I just know that someone set my house on fire, or multiple people. All I remember is that Tyr was the one that helped me get out safely and we have been running ever since.” She left out the gory details of her parents passing.
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It just didn’t feel like something she had to say. It should be clear considering she was able to run with just Tyr after.
The guys had lived long enough to know that someone who sets houses on fires just felt personal. David pressed a kiss to her temple making her cheeks flush. “Well, we are going to keep you safe from now on. So you don’t have to keep running. This can be your home.” David said to her.
The guys seemed so happy to offer her this place with them, to make her a part of their lives. “I’m..” She wanted to say she was travelling with someone which would make it impossible for her to just settle down without him.
“If Tyr means that much to you then hell he can join too!” Paul chimed in. The others didn’t seem to entirely agree with that sentiment though. It was understandable. Vampires weren’t known to be the most trusting of those they didn’t feel an immediate connection with and they hadn’t even met Tyr.
“That seems like a lot to take in for one night. Can I think on it?” She asked the guys. At this point in her life she had liked to think of herself as an evasive person. She even wanted to evade questions that she wanted to think on more or just didn’t want to answer. With the things that Tyr had told her then this was for the best.
“People who know you too much know your thoughts; know your plans. Don’t let them in.” Tyr had once told her back when they had first met. Looking at the time they knew they would have to leave soon. The sun would start to rise in just two hours.
“You said you lived kinda close to the cave right?” David asked her. “Let us give you a ride there so that you can be closer to home.” As he spoke he took out money from his pocket to set on the table, along with a generous tip for Sylvia. They really did seem to care about that woman. It was sweet.
Dwayne got out and helped Y/N come out so that David could slide out of the booth. Paul and Marko had been saying their goodbyes to Sylvia and wishing her a great morning as they left the diner. Dwayne had kept Y/N close so that she could ride back with him this time. “Are you guys taking turns?” she asked laughing a bit but still she got on the back of his bike, Laddie had gotten on the back of Paul’s bike.
“It’s either we take turns or we end up fighting over who gets to be close to you.” Dwayne explained to her, “You’re real special to us. More than you can imagine.”
But she could imagine, because they were special to her too or she wouldn’t be in this situation, on the back of their bikes and just spending time with them. “You guys are special to me too.” With that they drove back to the cave. It felt like a race to beat the sun. They parked their bikes at the top of the cliff and one by one said goodbye to her.
David kissed the top of her hand, his lips pressing against her knuckles, “Goodnight, Doll.” He said to her and made his way down. Dwayne pressed a kiss to her forehead whispering goodnight. It was strange how Dwayne’s whisper of a goodnight felt like it went through her soul as he backed away and went back down.
Marko went up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and twirling her around in a circle planting a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight beautiful.” He said setting her back down and rushing after the others with Laddie going in after her.
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Paul looked at her, smiling like he seemed to always be doing. He walked up to her, placing his hands on her cheeks to cup her face. “If you ever need to cry?”
“Come to you, or one of the others.” Y/N said to him feeling flushed at the closeness that they had been together. This felt far more intimate than the others way of saying goodnight.
“Good girl, remember that.” Paul said to her and before she could even blink, he leaned down and kissed her lips. “Goodnight.” He said against her lips before going down leaving her standing there stunned by what had just happened.
Y/N stood at the cliffs edge after the guys had gone down. Standing as she watched the sun start to rise for just a while longer. It was not often that she managed to see it. Y/N was more of a night owl, no need for her to stray far away from the sunlight. It actually felt kind of nice, the warmth on her skin. Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning seaside air.
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Then the memories of what had happened last night here in this very cave came back to her. It made her feel sick. Y/N turned to walk away so that she could head home to rest when a voice dragged her out of her thoughts. Turning she spotted none other than the Halfling himself.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.” Michael spoke to her like she was somewhere she didn’t belong. Though after the time that she had spent with David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul she felt like this might be the very place that she had been searching for her whole life. If anything, this was the place she should be.
It was impossible for her to look him in the eyes, “Not like it is any of your business, but I was spending time with the guys.” She said to him while keeping walking. She just wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. It didn’t seem like her wish would be granted. Y/N could hear the sound of footsteps following her.
“You’re all the way out here, the sun had just barely started to come up, let me take you home. If you were with them then you must have been up all night.” Michael pled. He had brought his bike over and didn’t think that she would be okay to walk.
“Michael, I’m sure you have to get home soon, if you think that I had a long night then I know that you had more than a long night.. and  I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding harsh, but I don’t want to talk to you again.” She didn’t even stop, at least not until the sound of metal hitting stones could be heard. That made her turn her head to look back at him.
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Y/N’s heart thumped seeing Michael walking over to her, not even caring that he basically shoved his own bike out of his way to go over to her. His hands cupping her cheeks as he brought her in for a kiss. It was deep, needy, and desperate. She was shocked, then, she was furious. Pushing him away from herself, or at least trying to. Freaking vampires with their stupid strength! At least he had the common decency to remove his lips from hers when she showed she wanted to distance him from her.
“Michael, what the actual hell was that for!?” She asked him; her hands had been on his chest to stop him from getting close again.
“Don’t say that to me, please.” Michael begged. He sounded broken. This man, this half vampire, believed he had the right to sound broken just because she had said she didn’t want to talk to him anymore? “I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”
Y/N had been so close to yelling at him when she finally made eye contact with him, “What...” Her hand moved to his chin, turning his head to the left then the right, all the while keeping eye contact. “You idiot.” She hissed at him.
She refused to forgive him for what he had done, he shouldn’t have slept with Star, even then she knew it wasn’t entirely his fault now. “What does she want from you Michael?” The look on his face was enough for her to know he had no idea what she was talking about. Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, “Star Michael. What did Star want from you?”
“She wants help.” That was all the information that he was going to give her it seemed. She could tell he didn’t want to tell her everything; for a moment Y/N had forgotten that Michael didn’t know that she knew about the vampires.
She continued to look at him, urging him silently to continue with what he was saying; but he kept his lips sealed. “My god Michael I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything. Please don’t stop being a freaking stubborn ass and just tell me what she wanted from you!”
Y/N was trying so hard to keep herself from yelling at him. She didn’t want to yell at him but she was so frustrated.
Michael swallowed harshly as he kept looking into her eyes. His eyebrows close together while he was deep in thought. Weighing his options on whether he should tell her. “The guys are vampires.”
“I know.” Y/N said to him when he didn’t finish, again.
“You know? How could you know? Did they tell you? Did they try to feed on you? Did you drink from the bottle?” Each question had Michael feeling more and more angry with each passing second.
“I’m not a half vampire. I just want you to tell me the truth right now Michael. I’m not going to ask again.”  At this moment it had felt like her soulmate had been created with the sole purpose on testing her patience.
“She... doesn’t want to be a vampire. She wants to stop it from happening and wants me to help stop the others.” Michael said to her now finally releasing his hold on her face and stepping back. “She doesn’t want this kind of life. I don’t either. I have a family I need to be there for.”
A frown formed on her face. Y/N thought this through silently for a moment. Michael studied her face to see what she would say. This was crazy though. Y/N didn’t know what was going through Star’s mind. Was it possible that she, herself didn’t know the truth? Possibly..
“But she’s not even a vampire..” Y/N groaned. Michael’s eyes widened as he looked at Y/N. He had seen what Star was capable of, how she got into his brothers room in an instant. If she wasn’t a vampire, then what was she? And how did Y/N know? “She doesn’t even know she’s not a vampire!”
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the-lost-boys-whore · 2 years
Introducing The Lost Boys
Number one (Vamp (Daddy) Dad)
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🐆 Tall, dark, silent, handsome
🐆 Doesn’t own a shirt
🐆 Has a son
🐆 Speaks French and Iroquoian
🐆 The only brunette of the four boys
🐆Soft boyfriend
We love our quiet boi
Number two (Italian Stallion) (nickname from @luv4fandoms )
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🕊️ Goldie locks number one
🕊️ Pet pigeons
🕊️ Lost half of his shirt (oh well)
🕊️ Speaks Italian
🕊️ Loud boi
🕊️ Affection driven boyfriend
We love our first pot smoker
Number three (THE pot smoker)
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🍃 Goldie locks number two
🍃 Do not let him bake pot brownies (He will burn down the house)
🍃 Will drop his pants for anything
🍃 Headcannon!! He’s from Amsterdam or Norway (still debating)
🍃 Loud boi 2.0
🍃 Horny stoner boyfriend
We love our twisted sister
Number four (Bleach Blondie)
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🍾 Overdressed for Cali
🍾 Mind powers
🍾 Eats worms noodles
🍾 Probably speaks whatever the boys do just to fuck with them
🍾 Glove kink
🍾 Meanie with a soft spot boyfriend
We love our Scarlet Witch vampire
Number five (Astrology Girl THE ONLY FEMALE IN THE GROUP SAVE HER)
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🌟 Pro at stick and pokes
🌟 Will make you jewelry
🌟 Bisexual witch
🌟 Totally Latina, fluent in Spanish
🌟The only one you can trust to cook
🌟 Gift-giving girlfriend
We love our girl
Finally! Number six (Phoenix boi)
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🥡 Picky eater (since the maggot incident)
🥡 Cuddler
🥡 Constant compliments
🥡 I feel like he’d know some type of Spanish not fluent however
🥡 Would totally do skin care with you
🥡 Soft supportive boyfriend
We love our final girl
Send in requests babes. These are the only characters I write for. Probably platonic Laddie cause of Dwayne but that's it. No Sam or frog brothers cause Sam is a minor and I don't like the frogs lol
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luminnara · 1 year
While we’re on the topic of various horror! Readers, I’ve always loved the idea of the boys meeting a mermaid. Logistically since they live next to a beach it could happen, and it’s kinda fun to imagine mermaid reader and one of the boys potentially trying to seduce (and eat) the same victim
Literally so angry because I accidentally deleted this once and had to start over omfg
ANYWAYS HEAR ME OUT: creepy deep sea mermaid creature
You get dragged up from the depths during a storm, or maybe some illegal deep sea fishing went wrong and YOU were hauled up instead of the usual catch. Either way, you wash up on the beach outside of Santa Carla, half dead and extra freaky looking, and when you come to, you’re surrounded by four scruffy-yet-glam vampires who are all arguing about whether or not your blood would kill them.
Initial shock and hostility aside, you all start getting along pretty well. You’re too weak and too useless on land to attack them, and they’re not stupid enough to go in the water and get pulled into the death roll from hell, so you’re all at a bit of an impasse. The boys realize they can drag their leftovers to you and you’ll dispose of them, bones and all, since down in the depths there are all sorts of whale carcasses you’re used to snacking on, and slowly but surely you begin recovering.
As your health returns, so does your bioluminescence. One evening, as you’re dozing near the surface, the boys come outside to see your entire body dotted by tiny blue green lights, and it’s positively hypnotizing. Who knew that vampires were just as gullible as fish?
You can’t eat them, though. They helped you, even though they’re always poking fun and calling you things like “sushi,” whatever THAT is, and you enjoy the free meals. So you stick around, and they keep visiting, and sometimes you hang out with just one or two at a time and sometimes it’s all of them. You learn more of their language and all sorts of new words, and you try to teach them yours, but they aren’t very good at it so you eventually give up (although dwayne keeps up with his mermaid duolingo lessons).
Eventually, they reveal their lair to you, and the fact that the sunken hotel has a few rooms-turned-grotto inside that you can reach via underwater caves. You start hanging out there, and you meet Laddie—and double triple pinkie swear not to eat him OR any of his midway prize plushes—and soon, your ethereal siren songs echo throughout the entire cave, and it’s as if you had been there with them from the beginning. 💕
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n3kk1tty · 1 month
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This chapter contains NSFW material.
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
( Masterlist )
Original Characters in Chapter: Lamia, Veve, Volk, Puck
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4
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After the run in with the terror twins at fight club you were surprised what seemed to greet you when you made it home that night. Your aunt was standing in the door of the kitchen taking a drag from her pipe as you sauntered in through the back door with a stack of tips. You were half expecting her to kick your ass for being at fight club but instead she took a seat at the kitchen island before motioning you softly to her. You cautiously step towards her before she gently scoops you into a hug. “I’m so sorry little one. I would have never assigned you this job if I knew it would put you at risk of harassment. If you want you can stop this assignment and the council can choose another person for the job.”
You pull away from your aunt looking into her eyes as they softly gaze back, fear laced on her form. It feels like your world stops. You could stop going to the cave everyday. You could stop having to watch over the vampires. In truth you could probably blow them off and go back to never interacting with them. You thought about it. Going back to each day being filled with doing what you want before your shift at the Chateau then going to the fight club. You could return to that. But you had been doing just that for 50 years. Succubi did not age like humans so you could return to spending your ridiculously long life keeping to yourself and a group of friends. The same thing over and over.
You shake your head at her in a firm no. You couldn't do that to Laddie. Paul and Marko fought so hard for just a date with you. Even though your days had been unconventional since the start of this job you had found joy in the change of pace and you'd be lying if you said you weren't attached to at least the small vampire at this point. You didn't know when the adventure would end but for now no matter what trouble came your way from being close to the young boy you weren't going to run just because you were inconvenienced.  You smile up to her mischievously. “ If I ran away I'm pretty sure Dad would kick my ass for being weak. Those dumbasses are vulnerable during the day anyway and I don't know anyone in Santa Carla faster than me. “ 
Your aunt smiled at you ruffling your head, you were the spitting image of her brother's rambunctious behavior. Truly at this moment no one could say you weren't his kid. The older succubus smiled before putting a big stack of cash down on the table for you. “Well since I know now you're not afraid of those vampires I’d like to inform you that two of them came by earlier to request a whole night with you. “ Your eyes widen as you look at the money in front of you. There was no way Paul and Marko did this. They were with you all night. You didn't even know the group was packing this much money. 
“I’m assuming you swindled them blind. Because Auntie my prices aren't this expensive. “ The older woman smiled wickedly, laughing to herself. “ Well I had to make them prove they really wanted to reserve you. You are my kin after all plus if you said you didn't want to see them anymore I was going to state you rejected their reservation. “ You give her an accusing look. “ And this would be after you pocketed half their deposit?” The woman gave a wicked laugh before handing the cash towards you. “ Well of course. Me and that David boy argued for hours over the price of reserving you all night on Monday. He was red in the face by the time he left and my time is money after all. “
You shake your head at her. You didn't know which was worse between the siblings. Your dad's want to fight others or your aunt's want to swindle everyone blind of their money. “ Guess I'll be on damage control Monday. You know it's bad business practice to piss off potential returning customers. “ Lamia laughed, fanning herself with a stack of hundred dollar bills. You wandered off to bed for the rest of the night hoping to sleep and to come up with the best way to smooth things over with the Vampires Monday and Tuesday. It was weird to you. Four of the pack members had come after you but the two other fledglings seemed to be keeping out of it. There were rumors around and what you could pick up from your spying that those two weren't happy to be half vampires.
As you lay in bed talking to Veve you try to devise a plan to stay on everyone's good side if you'd have to stay interacting with them in the future. You figured dropping off food tomorrow for the fledglings while you tried educating Laddie would be enough to smooth things over if they were mad at you for being in their turf. If they were hunger striking like you picked up on then bringing a human carcass or blood may not be the best peace offering. You drifted off to sleep knowing that you'd figure something out. Unbeknownst to you a certain female vampire was also drifting to sleep with a piece of fabric that smelt like you.
You had gotten there earlier than usual to pick up your little partner in crime for his daily day time shenanigans. Though this time you brought food and educational materials for both Micheal and Star as you figured if Laddies education was this poor then so was there's. You wanted to break the cycle of ferals and hopefully you'd be able to get the terror twins also up to date of educational standards. Maybe they would stop hunger striking if they knew all the options they had with immortality and the great lengths vampiric kind has gone through to make being one not as much as a curse.
Lamia had mentioned things she knew about their sire Max. While the man appeared to care about his pack he wasn't as hands on as he should be and he definitely wasn't educating them properly. No one could figure him out but then again no one ever stuck their noses in others' business like this before. You shake the thought from your head. It wasn't your business what there sire did or didn't do. If they were the ones taking care of Laddie without you there they needed to be educated too . You were originally going to have Laddie carry everything down to them in the cave but that changed when this boy came running out with no shoes on and the outfit that definitely needed washing.
You felt a little annoyed at this, deciding you and the boy's side mission today was to get him washed up and in new clean outfits. You crept down into the cave not daring to enter if you even sensed that anyone was still awake other than Laddie. The little boy on the other hand barreled inside excited to show Star what he had in his hands for breakfast. You chastised him telling him to be quiet as everyone was sleeping and was probably tired. The little boy nodded as you dismissed him to go find his shoes. You inched towards the sleeping girl making sure to move quietly. She was undeniably gorgeous, her curls sprawled out on the bed as she slept. All these vampires were attractive which was aggravating when you were trying to keep your distance from them.
You'd protect them and we're starting to get friendly with them but you wouldn't let them steal your heart. Laddie was already doing that and it stirred uncomfortable feelings in you and insecurities you thought you killed in your being a long time ago. But you couldn't help but look at her as you gently placed the books and food down with a card you and Laddie made to apologize for any inconveniences you had caused. You tried to stop yourself but you moved on instinct, tucking the girl into her comforters a little better. The female vampire stirred in her sleep as your scent strongly wrapped around her. She thought she was dreaming when her blurry eyes fluttered open slightly to see some one hovering above her.
She gently reached out but before she could touch your face you dispersed into a swarm of moths going to the entrance of the cave trying to hide as your heart pounded out of your chest. While you were hiding trying to calm your heart from the shock Laddie came running to Star to shake her awake as he he could not find his shoes. The female vampire sat up in her bed confused as the little boy shook her side to side whining at her to get up. “ Star, I can't find my shoes!.” The girl rubbed her eyes feeling nauseous from her lack of food in her stomach as she had been trying her best not to feed on blood. 
“Laddie honey I think there under the bed.” She gently stroked the boy's head. Looking to her night stand she noticed the takeout container and books. “Laddie, what's all this?” The girl softly opened the container while inspecting the card as the little boy perked up before darting off to grab something excitedly. “ We got you food! Big sister said it would help with your sickness.” Star looked at the card in surprise reading what was on it as the little boy came darting back with a Styrofoam cup filled with something. The letter had nice neat writing compared to the crudely scribbled on pictures which was most likely a finishing touch from the little boy himself. 
‘ Dear Star, I’m terribly sorry if my presence around your home during the day has caused a disturbance along with my outings with Laddie. I promise to be more mindful in the future as I continue my post of watching over the boy in the day while you and your companions sleep in peace knowing he's being cared for. I implore you to take care of your own health as well. Starving yourself from blood is your own choice but please be mindful your body needs iron and protein. I gift you a hearty breakfast of beef steak and pork ribs along with strawberry electrolyte water to help quell your sickness. In deepest regards and sincerest apologies Ms (Y/n). ‘
The girl traced the elegant handwriting for a moment before going to try the food. It was still hot meaning you had to have just recently dropped it off. Star looked around hoping to spot you from your scent still lingering in the cave but was interrupted by Laddie poking her face. “ Star, can I have some of your food too? I wanna bite of the steak, it looks yummy. “ The girl softly looked at the boy before handing him some, taking a bite herself from the plate.
Star was almost ashamed of how quickly she started to scarf down the rest of the  meal between sips of the sweet water. It's like she hadn't truly eaten in ages and this was the first meal she had in years. She was almost brought to tears by the medium rare steak that was cooked and seasoned to perfection. When she polished off the ribs  she gave the bones to Laddie who gladly chomped straight through them. Star had never felt more grateful in her whole life as she didn't feel sick anymore and like she had a little more energy. After wiping her hands she moved on to glancing over the books that were next to her. One was a binder with the same handwriting on it as the note. 
When she opened it she saw pages of colored photos of other vampires, inventions, places, and even medicine. Each had notes in the handwriting explaining short tidbits about the picture and the information that accompanied it. The first page of the binder explained the old books in the pile were all the educational materials needed for a basic vampiric educational course for new halflings. Though the books were old and didn't have photos so Laddie couldn't follow a long so you went out of your way to retake the course to combine a binder of photos and basic knowledge the child definitely needed to know. Star was mesmerized by the photos, especially the ones of the inventions and city of vampires as she didn't even know those existed. 
She flipped to the section on Vampiric women and laws they have created. She looked over Dracula's bride who was known for being mortal before a surgery was performed to extend her life into an immoral one. Lisa Tepes was known as the head founder of laws that brought peace between vampires and mortals and even other demonic creatures. The woman was famous for her ethical eating laws and reforms. Star was in amazement. This book could be the answers to all her worries and prayers without her having to get Micheal into a fight with David. Star hopped for her freedom from her sire and hoped she would never have to harm a human to stay alive and this book could be her ticket out of that.
She didn't even get the chance to thank Laddie as while she was tucking her books away into hiding the small child had run off. Star hoped she would be able to thank you and get to meet you as your scent was drawing her to you. She and Micheal were hoping to meet you, possibly to save them from their fate. Neither of the pair wanted to hurt humans and neither wanted to give away their freedom to be trapped in Santa Carla never to feel the sun on their skin again. They didn't want to be killers, at most they selfishly wanted freedom from time and belonging to a group but they weren't going to kill humans to do so.
For the rest of the week you brought Laddie and Star breakfast which had become a little daily tradition. You sneak in to give her food and you and Laddie eat your breakfast together at the opening of the cave. Star thought it was cute as Laddie had sworn since it made her feel better that breakfast together was mandatory and even though she tried to catch you in the act multiple times she knew the minute she opened her eyes you'd disappear before her. You’d always leave her little notes with her meals which she started replying to with her own. Since you stubbornly refused to meet her, only watching her from a distance or tucking her in she would have to put up with pretending to be asleep to feel your skin grace hers.
Star could tell you were a gentle soul the way you would whisper to Laddie when you thought she was asleep or how you'd gently handle her. You really had been acting like a sudo mother to him during the day. The way you would chastise him for leaving his area messy or how you'd praise his writing skills. Star wished she could spend time with you as well. Bask in your kindness and your sweet smell. She was ashamed of her dreams that whispered to her to do things to you. Whispered for her to grab you into her arms, sinking her fangs into your neck. Even worse were the dreams where you and Micheal were seducing her. She’d wake in a panic, sweating , unable to hide the blush flush across her face and her sexual frustration.
It's not like your daily ritual had gone unnoticed by the others either. Though Paul and Marko were hiding their own secret as every night they would sneak to the boardwalk to find a pay phone so they could call you to harass you. Which mostly was them trying their best to flirt with you over the phone before you were pulled away by work laughing and reassuring the two they could see you Tuesday. It was like the whole pack was in a secret battle to get your attention. It was whoever was gonna get to your body and blood first who won. David and Dwayne would have been dead last but for their reservation they pulled through into 1st leaving Micheal in the dust . His nights spent hearing about you from Star or Laddie while the three did research while the others were away.
Those books you dropped by have become their saving rope from this situation. Finding ways to meditate their hunger and find solutions to fix this problem. Micheal damn near worried his mother with how much meat he was eating while his grandfather thought the boy was bulking. Making excuses that he had a job to excuse his sleep schedule while his younger brother looked over the books as well. Neither of them could come to terms with the whole of Santa Carla being infested with the underworld but when they looked around they would start to notice it. The night club, the witch stores, the grave yards, hell even the mechanics or sea wasn't free from creatures of the night.
It was like their eyes had been opened for the first time and it was terrifying the first few days. That was until during the night they realized the whole underground was mostly harmless. Witches didn't give a shit if the frog brothers and Sam went into the shops to purchase things or flat out call them a witch. It threw them for a loop when the warlock at the counter rolled his eyes at them saying anyone could become a witch or warlock by just opening a book. Like they were dumb for accusing them. When they tried interrogating the succubus at the Chateau they were teased by the scantily clad woman and men saying they were still too young to come in but to check back in when they reached eighteen.
The three went to the mechanics accusing them of being werewolves before the brunette guy with a scar behind the counter scoffed at them as another bigger one walked passed laughing carrying an engine like it's nothing. “Took you dumbass kids a while to figure out. News flash kid this is a pardoned town. All of Santa Carla and anyone in it is free game. Us underworlders can eat tourists or locals who go sticking their noses into shit to cause trouble. So if you pip squeaks ain't gonna buy shit get the fuck out. “ The brunette huffed going back to his smoke while the blonde came back around with sodas for the boys.
“ Hey If you three really wanna get a taste of the true Santa Carla way why don't y'all pick up witch craft and then you can come check out the fight club we host at night. You gotta count as an underworlder to come but that rule is easy to skirt around since witches exist. “ Edgar looked at the man like he was dirt glaring at him down. “ You people eater to, you fleabag. “ The man laughed at him. “ You kids really are dumb. Not everyone in Santa Carla eats people, the ghouls eat dead people for new parts and the vampires supply the ghouls with said dead people. On the food chain lycanthropes are just the clean up crew between the two. “ As the man walked away to continue his business he shot the kids a warning. “ Just a friendly heads up. You kids planning on starting shit with any of the monster factions you'll have the whole ecosystem on your ass. Especially the vampires with their guard dog. You're lucky your kids or she’d kill you on sight for just thinking about it.”
Needless to say the idea of killing any creature of the night was dismissed but the books from the witch store had provided the information that there was a human faction besides witches that policed the underworlders on humans behalf. Exorcists. If the boys couldn't eradicate the underworlders they were gonna police them. And the vampires broke two huge laws. Making a child vampire, and turning someone without their consent. They were gonna teach them a lesson and if they wanted they could find a vampire faction member to get the sire vampire executed. Which would set Sam's brother free.
Today was finally the day. You had finished the day out with Laddie sending him back home before you returned to the Chateau to get ready for the long night ahead. You figured getting a nap in wouldn't be possible as if they were willing to drop so much money to reserve you then they would be here as soon as the sunset and they were freed from the containment of the caves safety. Before you had even left you could sense movement in the cave and could hear the boys starting to stir into a frenzy.
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You bathed yourself first making sure to scrub all the sweat of the day off of you replacing it with the vanilla cinnamon scrubs and soaps you used to enhance your pheromones natural aroma. You had picked out a gorgeous flowy babydoll style nightgown for the night's festivities. Replacing your usual studded collar with a soft lacey fluffed one with a matching bow on the back in the same soft (f/c) as the night gown. The edges of the outfit were adored with a soft white fluff. You strapped your feet into the clear heels as you added the finishing touches on your makeup. You knew tonight would probably be another rough aggressive session with lots of your blood being drunk to make up for any of the headaches you had caused the pair.
Vampires tended to be spiteful, arrogant, and egotistical so to balance out the rough job you had ahead of yourself you had dressed as soft and sweet as possible. This should fulfill their need for power you thought as you admired yourself in your private room's bathroom. You had set out fancy cigars for David and made sure your bar was stocked with the bourbon Dwayne had ordered last time they were here. Setting the room up with anything you thought the pair would enjoy you admired your work. You would have to keep them entertained your whole six hour shift. Which a two person all nighter sounded fun at first thought but you didn't know if you were really ready to spend that much time straight stroking vampiric egos and being a juice box just to make up for a turf dispute.
You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time as the intercom in your room announced the pair's arrival. You push the corners of your mouth into a smile. You felt nothing doing this job. Fucking was simply eating to you. Every night you had to put on a fake facade that every customer you had was your number one person and that you actually enjoyed the time you spent with them. You didn't. They were just food and a paycheck. That's why you enjoyed Volks time so much and had become close friends with him as he was the first to see past your facade and ask what you wanted to do. His second time coming in, you two had just spent the night really talking and watching horror movies.
You didn't even bother to try and put on a mind blocker spell. Especially if they had just read through Veves there was no point. If they wanted to toy with your brain so be it. Maybe it would be a welcomed reprieve from the dull sensation you felt during sex. Obviously your body would orgasm and you'd moan and cum but it's not like it was special. It was just fucking and that's what you were about to do again. Fuck and get it over with. You were finally able to put on a fake face as you walked out of your private room. Strolling from the back you saw the men standing against the lobby railing looking out into the crowd and stage of dancers. The music was loud and the scent thick with ecstasy and lust.
You quietly walked towards them the sound of your heels not even making a dent against the noise coming from the speakers. You snaked your arms around David's and Dwaynes locking them to your side as you smiled up at them. “ Well there's my top spenders of the week! You boys really are so sweet being so determined to rent me out for the night. I’m (Y/n) I’ll be your entertainment for this evening. “ Your voice was cheerful and sweet, matched perfectly with your face as your plumped glossy lips curled into a smile. Your pheromones sweep over the boys as Dwayne had to control himself for a moment being hit by the cinnamon and vanilla essence. Neither of them had noticed you approaching and neither had a moment to reply before you were dragging them to the back cheerfully bobbing through the crowd like a flower petal in the breeze.
As you three walked past regular goers in the crowd noticed you before trying to come close to drunkenly attempt to snatch your from between the men. You gracefully dodged the tall mob man's advances. “ Oh my goodness Mr. Falcone has your liquor hit your head already sweetie I told you I was busy tonight.” Dwayne glared down at the drunk older man before the guy chimed in. “ Aw toots, why don't you serve me after you're done with these chumps. I got something better for you than these dirty leather dogs can provide.” The man crudely grabbed at his crotch trying to push closer to you. “ I know my favorite pussy cat needs another fancy car. Why don't you service daddy Falcone and I'll give you all you want. “ This man was hitting a nerve inside David and Dwayne as they were two seconds from ripping the man's jugular out if it wasn't for the anti bite masks they had on.
David sneered at the man grabbing your arm closer to him in a protective stance. “ Too bad we bought her out for the whole night. Looks like she's not gonna have time to play with you. It seems our little princess here will be too busy playing with us. Why don't you find another toy around here to get your rocks off geezer. “ The drunk man staggered before becoming angered and irate. Lunging for David, a clear heel quickly came speeding in hitting the old man square in the face with a hard kick as a crunch could be heard from the pair. Your smile still plastered on your face as the man crumbled to the floor, security rushing over to collect up the pathetic human. “ Looks like you had too much to drink, baby doll. Seems you need to go sleep it off in the alley way. Remember honey pie you have to pay to play with me and I don't think I want your money any more.”
You pushed the man's head into the ground with your heel glaring down at him like a bug as you grinded his broken nose into the ground. “ Anyone who treats me or my guests with such disrespect are lower than dirt to me.” You lean down to his ear as he whimpers in drunken stupor. “ And you smell like pig shit you disgusting old fuck.” The muscular incubus and werewolf drag the man away prepared to dispose of him as David and Dwayne look down at your smile plastered face. Their mystery girl appeared to have a mean streak to her and that riled them up inside. You continued to make your journey through the floor as you passed a table with an old veteran surrounded by incubus in sailor costumes as you pass he whistled for your attention. “ Y/n did that scumbag try and hurt you deary. “ You pause, letting go of the boy's arms to turn towards the man.
A genuine soft smile graced your lips as you walked up to the three at the table. “ No Johnny, I'm okay. Make sure you get home safe tonight okay.” The sweet old man laughed before placing a chocolate coin in your hand. “ You go rock those boys' socks off. You're one dynamite broad you know, don't let those old pervs get your spirits. “ You and the man share a laugh before you take your coin back to the boys finishing the journey out of the main room and into the back hallways through a series of doors. You make it to a velvet (f/c) door before you open it for the boys to walk in. You take there jackets from them as the door shuts and the room is filled only by soft music as Dwayne interjects. “ Whose the old timer at the table.”
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You smile gently as you turn to him. “ That's Johnny. He's an old timey Sailor that hangs out here every night. He doesn't have any family after they found out he was queer so the Chateau has been his family ever since. “ You make your way around the bar to start making drinks to loosen the energy in the room. “Sorry about Falcone too. That was his third strike so he'll be lucky if he sobers up with his boys still intact tomorrow. What drinks can I get my boys tonight. “ David chuckles sitting on the bar stool watching as you make yourself a cotton candy cocktail. “ I”ll take a whiskey on the rocks if you don't mind gorgeous.” Dwayne follows suit sitting down as you pass him a little menu of drinks you can make. “ So a private room gets a private bar as well. Who would have thought. “ You slide David his drink before you place the bourbon bottle Infront of Dwayne giving him a wink.
“ Well of course you boys did get swindled under the table so it's up to me to get you your money's worth tonight boys. Can't have my customers being cheated out of their cash. It's bad for business you know.“ David almost chokes on his drink, mumbling to himself. “I fuckin knew it wasn't that expensive. “ You laugh at the man as you open a box full of top shelf cigars for the vampires to choose from. David's fingers trace down the line of them before gingerly choosing one. “ I guess my Aunt was really hiding me from you boys. Hold on darlin you can't drink your whiskey with that on. “ You gently undue the bite masks from both gentlemen placing them on the counter as you pull a lighter from your bra, lighting David's cigar for him. “ You aren't afraid we're gonna bite you. “ Dwayne says eyes are boring into your form. He's been watching your every move since he first laid eyes on you.
Your smell was heavenly and you had a sweetness with underlying spicy tone to you. You moved gracefully every step of the way and your smile on your face was the icing on the cake. He wanted to see more of you. He was keeping himself in check as his mind wandered to all he could do to you in just the hours he had. “ Well you can do what you like to me tonight. I am your girl all for this evening. Be pretty silly to stop what's natural for vampires to want. Just like it's silly to think a succubus doesn't need energy to live.” David smirked evilly tilting your face up to his, fangs twinkling in the light as cigar smoke and whiskey with just a tinge of blood could be smelled from his breath. “ We have plenty of time for all of that tonight. What we want right now is answers. “ You stare into his eyes, never breaking eye contact like it was a silent war of dominance.
“ You’ll have to be more specific then that sweetness. I have a lot of answers and questions I can't answer a question I don't know though. “ Dwayne chimed in from his glass. “ Why are you always in our turf during the day? “ eyes shifting to the man you make contact. “ Would you take what I tell you seriously. “ Dwayne's face flashed a sign of confusion as he looks back at you not expecting that answer at all or the fact you’ve been bold this whole time for someone who keeps giving them the slip. You sigh as your facade falters a bit. “ Some people have been making claims there going to start killing vampires in Santa Carla. You have an illegal child Daywalker running free in the day with no protection, education, or common sense. So I spend all my day time guarding your little cave as frankly it would be childs play to pick you guys off one by one during the day time hours. “
You pour yourself a shot from Dwaynes bourbon bottle not a care in the world. “ You got a problem with it tell me now if not I'll be out there tomorrow again with Laddie because quite frankly someone needs to be watching him in the daytime. “ You slide some of David's deposit back to him as he's currently studying you, taking in every inch of beauty before him. “ Well he wasn't always a Daywalker till about two weeks ago he was a halfing. But tell me more about this whole illegal thing and vampire killers in Santa Carla.” You pause from your drink putting the hint together from David before you rub the back of your neck whispering a light cuss to yourself for not figuring it out before. “ Your telling me you're not here because I'm in your turf, you're here because my blood made the kid a Daywalker. “ Dwayne nodded to you smirking into his drink as your facade fell further as you open up to the men.
“ Well shit. I’m sorry I caused y'all all this trouble. Well I'll make sure to take responsibility and at least continue teaching him during the day and such. About the killer stuff I'm not sure exactly who it is but the rumors stated it was a bunch of kids but honestly it could be your other two halfings or a vampiric council member themselves. You know making child vampires, especially daywalkers, has been outlawed since the black plague but guess I caused the day walker bit. “ David smirked into his cigar, puffing his smoke into your face. “ We don't mind you doing all that but we were thinking since you waltz into our lives you could do a lot more than that to pay us back. We have two other halflings and we think they still wanna be able to play in the sun so maybe you could tack on two more to your little game of teacher.”
David's moving close to your face now, maybe a little too close to focus. He can hear your heartbeat in your chest and even with him threateningly close your confidence has not changed a bit. You aren't scared of them hell your brain isn't even racing. David could peer into your brain past your sweet facade you were forcing out and see that you were more annoyed in this moment by your own stupidity than the fact you were in the room with two vampires who very much wanted to rip into you. Claiming you all for themselves. It was so tempting to be this close to you. Your scent was truly a treat for David and your little attitude, boldness, and outfit were all doing something for him. You poke David on the bridge of his nose pushing him away from your face slightly as you try to think. “ With y'alls obvious lack of education all seven of you could stand to have some time hitting the books. But I'm not giving them my blood unless they want it. I gave the kid my blood because he was damn near starving to insanity.”
Dwayne came closer to you, trapping you further between the two. It was getting harder to hold back as he lifted a lock of your hair inhaling the scent. “ I wouldn't mind you teaching us. We will gladly take the close quality time with you. I’m sure Star and Micheal are also craving you the way we are. “ David grabs your hand from his face staring into your eyes, his lips ghost over your palm. You stare back into his gorgeous baby blues as they shift to a shade of golden yellow red pricking his pupils. It was like they were gageing your reaction, like two predators watching their prey for permission to strike. They both were beautiful, mesmerizing in their own rights and both of their scents were tempting you. But you were no prey in this game you were a beast all in your own right. You bit your tongue, blood gushing into your mouth as you roughly pull the blonde into a feverish kiss.
Shock overwhelms him for a second as you slip your tongue between his pink lips battling for dominance in a bloody dance. His eyes glow deeper with lust as he pulls you into this dance stubble scratching your face. Blood flows into his mouth greedily accepting the heavenly taste between your battle of tongues as Dwayne pulls you from each other unable to stop this want anymore. You're pulled into another kiss, tongues tangling around each other Dwayne passionately searching for every drop of your essence. It was wild and untamed lustful grunting and almost demonic yearning as the pair fought for claim of your mouth. No time for breathe as David was making short work to bite into your shoulder grabbing onto your plump sides slamming you forward into Dwayne roughly. Your claws dig into the man's chest as you growl into the kiss as your tongue fights to win this battle gaining a hiss in return from the man.
Moaning, hissing, and growling fills the room as you grind against David while you pull Dwayne further down into your kiss. A wet pop can be heard as you are abruptly yanked off of the vampire pinned down against the blonde. “ Bed now. “ Was all you heard from the tall vampire as he swiftly tossed you over his shoulder dragging you to the soft satin embrace of the bed where your body was thrown down pinned under the weight of this beastly man. Lust, desire, and something deadly was all your eyes could see as David lifted your face to place a kiss to your bruised lips one last time as he sat in a chair facing you with a smirk. “My my, our little princess is just full of surprises aren't you. Dwayne, why don't you take care of our naughty little beast here. “
A swift sting can be felt from your ass as Dwaynes hand comes down quickly admiring the red mark left on your soft skin. The man presses his free hand on your lower back keeping you trapped as he makes work to release his throbbing cock from his denim jeans. Your head pushes back as you tease the pair wickedly smiling directly at the blonde, never breaking your defiant stare. “ Do your best to tame me but I’m a wild ride boys. I like the fight. “ A black belt snaked around your arms encasing them in it's grip as your lifted up onto Dwayne's lap. Legs spread wide displaying your cloth covered cunt for the pair it was slick with your excitement. Fingers trailed down your form as lips nibbled at your wounded shoulder a long wet tongue quickly lapping over the blood seeping out.
“Looks like your enjoying this princess. “ Dwayne softly whispered into your ear earning another twang of excitement in your lower core as his hands mapped over you getting closer and closer to your flower. “ Of course I am. Not everyday someone comes in smelling as good as you handsome.” Your eyes dilated as a finger teases over your bud twirling painful circles through the fabric that was soaked with your fluids. David watched in enjoyment as Dwayne tormented your clit for him to see. Fingers twirled before dragging long lines slowly along your slit begging for something to fill you up your walls clenched around air face flush with lust. You could endure this teasing, but your body craved to be filled up. Filled and defiled right In Front of the blondes eyes you wished solely for your panties to get out of the way of your enjoyment.
Your hands may be bound but your tail was not. Slithering it's way from between your legs and through the straps a sharp spine made working cutting both straps the (f/c) cloth falling limp onto Dwayne's hand as he stared at your cheeky expression on your face. Rough calloused fingers plunged between your folds harshly pumping in and out at a neck breaking speed. “Princess if you're gonna be naughty for me you're going to be punished. “ Dwayne nipped your ear juices, slicked his fingers as your voice became a symphony of moans and mewling teasing naughty words back to the man. “ I'll be whatever you need handsome. Just as long as you keep playing with me.” Orgams started to roll through your body as the man's thumb rolled over your clit fingers never ceasing their tirade of your sex.
“ I think she needs something a bit more Dwayne.” The blonde leaned forward stroking the man's cock earning grunts from his lover as David helped position the member before your entrance. With a swift motion Dwayne's hands came up to grab your chest and David pushed you down on Dwayne's cock. The thickness stretched you to the max while the tip of his member kissed deep to your cervix almost making you see stars from just the insertion. But the moment was short lived as Dwayne started thrusting in and out of you roughly, body bobbing up and down on his throbbing shaft. David took Dwayne's hand licking your juices from it before capturing your lips in a feverish kiss forcing you to taste yourself off his lips. It was passionate and intoxicating. You could feel David rooting around in your head making your vision blurred from lust as he tried to heighten your senses.
Dwayne made quick to pull down your nightgown freeing your breast he pinches your nipples down while massaging circles into your bosom. Moaning into the kiss you were seeing stars soon blurry vision clouding your mind as David made work to take his time showing you visions of what he wanted from you. This was lustful and passionate, almost animalistic in nature as the pair ravaged you. David sucking on your shoulder nipping your skin, lapping your warm blood while his hands found their way to your clit while making his way to free himself from his clothes. Your head throws back letting out a symphony of moans and cusses as another orgasm washes over you as Dwayne's hot seed fills you up.
It felt amazing the sensation of your mind dancing in fantasy as your body was filled to the brim with hot cum. You panted trying to come down from your high as your body is dragged further on the bed before you fell forward. Face in the sheets your body shakes as you take in the energy. You feel the men position you to your side as Dwayne caresses your face admiring your flushed form. “ No time for rest, princess. We have so much more to give you. “ Dwayne leans forward kissing your cheek before stroking his cock positioning at your entrance again while David opens your mouth for him. “ What a pretty little thing. Why don't you take care of me princess.”
You display your tongue for the man opening up wide dragging your tongue over the tip of his member. Taking in the musk from his manhood he slides himself into your mouth as you latch on mapping every inch with your tongue. David relishes in the bliss slowly thrusting in and out he leans forward placing a kiss on Dwayne as the two lock in a passionate dance of tongues. Both were enjoying your body to the fullest, your blood was everything they hoped for and more. Every drop made them feel this powerful rush and it was like they were truly alive. You were addictive to them. Your presence, taste, and personality was addicting and every second they wanted more of you. The pair wished to wisk you away back to the cave and make love to you till morning as there was no way these six hours would be enough for them. You unlocked something from deep inside of them.
A free spirit who was unapologetically yourself embodied everything they could ever want from another partner. You cared for Laddie, got along with Paul and Marko, and even were willing to help with Star and Micheal. They wanted you even if for now it was just for lustful and selfish reasons. David let out a loud moan as he finished in your mouth. You greedily accepted every drop of warm cum making sure to thoroughly clean his throbbing member with your tongue you open your mouth to display to David it was indeed all gone. David wanted to ruin you. Make you cry and break your defiant nature making you bend to his whims and wants. While Dwayne finished inside you again filling your womb with his seed making sure to press deep into you so you could feel every time his cock pulsed releasing it's divine fluid.
Your limp body was pulled in between the pair as they propped you up between them freeing your hands they held you in a gentle embrace. Dwayne gently drew patterns on your exposed back while David readied himself to go another round. He filled your head with visions of them making love to you in their nest nonstop. Moments flashing in and out of your vision like they were memories being shown to you in real time. It wasn't just David and Dwayne in the visions, it was all six of the vampires. All of them taking turns making sweet love to you or exchanging soft embraces. Soft moments of intimacy you have never experienced in your lifetime. Sweet good mornings, gentle goods nights, being held in their arms like you were there everything.
David entered you slowly as he whispered things into your clouded and confused mind. “Be with us (Y/n). You belong with us. We could give you all the love you could need. “ Your eyes dilated, your heart beat started to race. They could make you there's, you could belong to them. Mind, body, and soul everything could belong to them. Visions played before you of them marking your neck. Kisses, bites, hickes. All along your bare neck during moments of passionate exchanges. David was pushing you towards another orgasm as your hands started moving to your neck in a hypnotized state while Dwayne also whispered sweet promises into your ear. “ We would love you forever. Take care of you till time gave out. Be ours princess. “
David released into you as he encouraged you to remove your choker. Visions of you removing it playing in your mind as you attempted in your blissed state to make sense of what was reality and what wasn't. Not realizing you were moving towards doing it in real time. Tears began filling your confused clouded mind. Were you there's? Was it true. Did someone love you like that? Could you find people who loved you like that? Insecurities creep into your clouded mind. With the sweet whispers of promises becoming washed over by a sense of internalized fear. You weren't worthy of love, not as the monster you were. Biologically you were doomed to never have your happy ending. You were destined to be free or die chained to someone's side. No love could save you from this fact. It was like a bitterness washed into your mouth and before David could make sense of it his brain was filled with the loud screams of pain, loss, and insecurities from a long life lived.
Like a mass headache had hit him all at once he couldn't keep control of your brain. Your eyes clouded as your face contorted into a monstrous one fangs baring like a beast. Your hand reached from the sky flesh morphing into thick armored bone. Jagged claws reaching for the heavens you scream out in confusion. “I DON'T LOVE YOU!” A strike came swiftly in seconds for David's eyes as tears flowed from your confused ones. Dwayne is only able to quickly kick David out of the way in a attempt to hold you back as you snarled in pain. You writhed in agony as you began to lash out like a beast at the man's desperate hold. You screached in confused agony forced to motion through these waves of negativity. Your tears flowed freely as the bed was being ripped to shreds by your claws and tail David on the floor shocked in place by your statement.
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You wailed like a banishee “ I CAN'T LOVE. I DON'T GET THAT PRIVILEGE. “ The pair watched you stunned in place as you tried desperately to get away. You start slowly coming out of your confusion tears never ceasing. “I don't know love. I’m just a monster. “ Your whole body goes numb and you stop as your brain comes back to sanity. Looking down at your monstrous hands as tears continue to fall you coldy yank yourself from Dwaynes grasp, marching yourself off the destroyed furniture and slowly dragging clawed feet to the bar. The room is silent as you rustle through the bar pulling out a box. A red pipe with a mysterious bag filled with a bunch of dried herbs is placed on the counter as you say nothing to either.
Your face completely devoid of emotion you light the pipe taking in deep breaths of the red smoke. Your body slowly morphs into how it was before tears drying up with each puff a wave of calm comes over. You do nothing to acknowledge the pair either to focused on returning to some sense of normalcy . It was like they had been hit by a truck by your statement. Neither thought that this statement would effect them so much or that you could lash out like that. It hurt though. Like a hole was punched in their hearts the whole scene hurt, it was like you were in unmeasurable pain. David's stomach turned uncomfortably. He wanted to make you cry at first but now that he had. He wished to never see you like that again. He wanted to never be the reason you cried like that again. There was something broken in you and they had forced it to the light.
As the smoke numbed your body and replaced it with a gently calm you clear your head replacing it with a numbed buzz. You make your way back to the bed staring at the wreckage with a frustrated sigh. “ Well I ruined your night. “  Dwayne's eyes snap to you in shock. How could you think this was your fault. They pushed you to that and instead of worrying about yourself you stood there worrying about how there night was ruined. It was almost aggravating the lack of emotion you had for your own feelings. “ Don't worry about this. We caused you this pain. “ Dwayne reached out to comfort you but you turned away going to David on the floor instead. You crouch down to the blonde, grabbing his face, giving it a firm look over. “ I didn't injure either of you did I. It's been ages since I had a lash out like that. “ 
David reached for your hand against his face. You were cold. Almost unfeeling right now and it pissed David off that he did this to you. Your tongue clicks in annoyance at yourself. “ Last time I took the customers' eye out. Good thing you guys are quick to react. If you want a refund I'll give it all back. “ Davids teeth grinded down in anger. “ I don't want my money back. I-“ He softened abit as he grabbed your face. “ I just want to make sure you're okay. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. “ You blow red smoke into his face in response, a lazy half baked smile finding a way onto you. “ I told you to go rough pretty boy. Plus I didn't put a mind blocker spell on. Honestly would have been disappointed if you hadn't tried anything like that. “ 
You rustle the blondes head a bit as your smoke is making you feel warm and fuzzy putting you in a better mood like it's designed to do while also grounding you back to your senses. “ Plus who can be mad at seeing such nice day dreams. They are cute sentiments but hate to burst y'alls bubble. I’m kinda biologically designed to not be able to have a small amount of partners. “ Dwaynes face floods with confusion. “ What do you mean by that. “ You turn to him blankly taking another puff from your pipe. “ I’m a hybrid. My hunger is way higher then normal so having two or three partners is not really in the cards for me. If I'm really fucked over I'll need about fourteen like my aunt. That's if my partner's energy and libido are regular. “
David chimes in. “What if your partners had higher levels of energy and libido. More to offer you. How many do you think you would need. “ Thinking to yourself you can't imagine a number as you've never even attempted to find out. “ I’m not really certain on that. I've been with a ton of different races with varying levels of energy. My father is pretty ravenous too but he's been pretty healthy just by feeding off my jorogumo father. But it probably has more to deal with my dad being a protector of land and having more energy from worshippers. Oni’s though I can go through 3 and have a decent meal every night but they are huge on only settling with one partner. “
“What about vampires. There's six in our pack. If you were to feed every night off of all six of us would that be able to keep you fed. You wouldn't have to feed off anyone else or continue this job.” You look at the tan vampire as his eyes remain focused on you with a passion. “ What are you two trying to suggest? Marking my neck is not just a casual thing. Excuse me but you've just met me today. The only way in hell I'd let your little group of ferals become my mates is if you truly loved me and I loved you. “ The pair is inching closer to you with determination in their eyes as you scoot away becoming increasingly defensive. “ And I don't know how to love so good luck with that little endeavor. “
An idea sparks in David's head as he starts to scheme a way to make you there's. To bring you into the pack and get Star and Micheal into line. “ I’m not hearing a no to being our mate. Nor am I hearing your gonna run from us. Why don't we have a little wager. A agreement of sorts. “ Your eyes dart to him as you glare at him wondering what this man was up to. “ What would this little bet be. “ David wickedly smiles taking your chin in his hands lips ghosting over yours. “ Spend time with us and try feeding off the whole group. Allow us to learn to love you and we will win your heart fair in square. If we all fall in love then you become our mate and only feed off us. That is if you see us as an adequate meal source. “ You push the man away as your face heats up.
All of these vampires were ludicrous. First they are chasing you around the city for a date. Now they're sitting here suggesting you learn to love them. All of them were crazy. This whole night was a crazy shit show. But something in you wanted to try. The group was filled with a variety of beauty's and all of them smelled like amazing feeds. Plus you and Laddie were thick as thieves and you'd hate for him to go back to being a filthy little goblin running around being a pain in the ass. You thought about it before reaching your hand out to make a sealed vow. This deal if it didn't work out would show you there was truly no reason to try and love while if they succeeded maybe you could finally get the happy ending you thought you couldn't have.
“ I'll allow you to try and fail at making me love you. Nice to give cocky vampires a little taste of humility sometimes. But we play by my rules and pace. “ David grabbed your hand smiling as a blood circle appeared around both your wrists spinning violently before chains started to form from your blood reaching to eachother. “ I wouldn't have it any other way. But you'll be eating your words my sweet. “ The chains locks together glowing a hue of crimson red before the chains form a tattoo on your respective wrists etched in blood. David pulls you in for another rough kiss that lasts for a brief moment before you pull away. “ Hey! I'm all down for aggressive sex but the room is trashed and you stink of sweat, sea, and man musk.”
David looks offended but stops to smell himself. Dwayne chiming in. “ When's the last time we took a proper shower, my love. “ David's face goes red as he thinks back to it. Maybe ocean baths were not the best. You scoff making your way to the bathroom. “ Stinky cave vampires. '' Dwayne shakes his head following behind as David grinds his teeth at your comment. Maybe he liked you more when you were putting an act on for him. “ And who's gonna fix the bed. We still have three hours left that remind you I paid for.” David yells at you as you turn the waterfall shower on collecting soaps for the pair. “ If you think you're the only guest to break the beds, you're wrong. The maids will get it. I promise you once we go back in the room the whole place will be back to normal. Now get your bitchy ass here so I can scrub your hair. “
David's patience was thin. Your attitude is apparent, and not appreciated. “ Am I still not a paying customer. Shouldn't you be treating me with care so I'll want to pay again. “ You laugh as you strip everything off your body, even your collar before a bone armor plating covers your neck. “ Aren't you the one who wanted this bet. We're supposed to be falling in love here. And you can't exactly love me for me if I'm not being my true unfiltered pain in the ass self.” David huffed coming over to you before begrudgingly sitting down in the shower seat you set up. Dwayne watching in amusement at your bickering. In all his years of loving this man he had never seen someone so willing to jump into conflict with the blonde. No one in the pack would dare talk to David like this but you had not a care in the world bullying this man over and giving a snarky attitude right back to him.
You use your nails to lightly scratch into David's scalp, really trying to massage his head to the best of your abilities. You had picked for David a Bourbon Vanilla Scented bundle. It smelt amazing and you figured Dwayne would appreciate his bottle blonde smelling like something he enjoyed. David may have been frustrated with your attitude but the minute the warm water hit his back along with you massaging his head it was like all his troubles melted away. The pack has mostly stolen stuff from stores if they could and taken showers at the public beach wash off or go to Maxes house where he had a shower room to use.
Those were fine but this was different. It was more relaxing than something of necessity.The hot water was plentiful and David had never known having someone wash his hair for him could feel this intoxicating. You finished rinsing the rest of David's hair from the conditioner as you pushed on his shoulders motioning to get up from the chair tossing a block of soap at him and a luffa. “ You're done pretty boy now go scrub yourself good. If you want trimmers or razors there's a grooming kit over there. “ You pulled Dwayne over from his spot where he had gotten done washing his body to have him sit in the chair for his turn.
The man hummed contently as you got to work, first rinsing his hair then latherining the shampoo from the ends of his hair to the roots. “ You're so good at this sweetness. Where did you pick up this talent hmm. “ You nod in response focused on your work, the scent of eucalyptus and coconut filling your nose. “ I don't wash customers' hair, it's not a service I provide. But I'm used to helping my cousin wash her curls out so it's somewhat similar. “ The man smiles into your embrace enjoying the time as he watches his beloved look like a kicked puppy at your gentle conversation compared to his attitude filled one. “Mm we must be special then. Should I help you wash through yours then princess.”
You lather in the conditioner before replying to the man watching the water trace down his tanned form. “ I don't need my hair washed right now. I had a proper shower before work so I just need to rinse off before the spa bath. “ David's ears perk up from his spot at the mention of a spa. “ You have a spa in this bathroom? How many spaces can fit in this one building? “ You look up from your work to make eye contact with the curious man. “ This building has spacial magic imbued into the very foundation of it. So the rooms and everything that's not the main entrance and the stage room is in this pocket of space in the in-between. You could walk through thousands of doors without ending in a room that's the actual building. And for your question of my room, I have a hot spring spa in mine because I've been enjoying them with my dad since I was just a small thing and others seem to like it to. “
“If this is your room. Do you actually stay here and sleep?.” You laughed at Dwayne's question shaking your head in a firm no. “ The bathroom and closets I use and it connects to where I actually sleep but no I don't sleep were I feed. It would be too personal. Plus I have to cosleep to actually be able to reach a state of rest so sleeping alone in that big bed I'd never be able to keep my eyes closed. “ You finish rinsing out Dwaynes hair as you step in the shower giving yourself a quick rinse off with your soaps. “ Is cosleeping something you'll always have to do?.” David admires you from a far watching the water and suds flowing down your body was exciting something inside him once again.
“ If I ever get Mates it will be their responsibility to co sleep with me as I'll require their heartbeat and temperature to sleep. Though I guess you guys sleep upside down in your cave so I'd be shit outta luck as your mate. Say since we're questioning sleeping habits. Do you guys cuddle together like bats do or is it just a thing bats do.” You tense us as you feel a warm body press into yours ghosting kisses to the back of your collared neck. “ We would sleep with you every day. Anything to take care of our princess. “ Your heart catches in your throat as you instinctively scatter into a swarm standing outside the shower, flared spikes acting as your shield as hands block over your collar. The pair stare in shock and awe at this display of supernatural abilities.
“ The neck is off limits I tell you! Off limits.” Your face is red and embarrassment is thick. David moves closer to you with a wicked smile on his face. “ Oh it's off limits is it? But it's just a kiss to your neck, no biting princess. “ You freeze as the man gets closer to mischief dancing through his eyes. You make a sprint for the hot spring to get away from his advances. David follows quickly in pursuit, chuckling as he chases you straight into the water diving after you. You two take a tumble in as Dwayne rushes in to the room behind you. When you come up for air you're squirming as David is putting kisses along your collar as your bare form is trapped against his arms.
“ You've been riling me up all night. And I finally found a way to pay you back. Keep squirming I'll just keep kissing. “ Dwayne steps in the water as your splashing doesn't seem to put a end to David's on slaughted torment. “ I give I give. David! “ David stops as Dwayne releases you from the blonde scooping your exhausted form into his own setting you down in the water. “ I think we should be resting you two. We only have a few hours left. “ You let out a sigh as you sink into the water only your head popping out to shoot a glare at David. “ Guess we should start winding down for the night. You were right (y/n) this hot spring water is amazing. “
“ Of course it is, it's a hot spring. “ The rest of the hours were spent relaxing in the tub with short small talk between you and Dwayne while you moved away from David who was still trying to antagonize you. Tomorrow you'd get a break from one blonde and start your date endeavor with two even more chaotic blondes. What had you gotten yourself into.
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( Previous Chapter )
( Chapter 5 )
Comments are always appreciated. This took way longer to put out and make than I thought it would.
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captainmera · 8 months
Mera, Captain, Laddie, Chap, Chum, You Majestical Swede I am living for your IBWR lore on vampires. I love tidbits on biology and quirks of fictional species, especially when it's given more unusual and creative twists. My investment in your comic has begun to peak, I am precariously standing at the edge of a new hyperfixation and you are daring to push me in with your art and lore. l'II be looking forward to seeing Ollie's lil quirks and other bits of the charming world that lives in your head. Also feasting on your TOH bits, as a lore enthusiast your rambles are so very enjoyable and your connection board is so relatable. A bit curious what hexsquad would be like in the world of IBWR or what peculiars/witches/regulars they'd be. So very glad I clambered onto this ship of yours and get to see some of the bits and bobs going on in your brain- I adore the way you think. Sorry if this was a bit long, I hope you're doing well and will feel better, whatever it may be from <3
*squeaky scream* thank you anon! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ <333333
I am having a lot of fun making my story! BWR is only in the baby phases! There's so much fun about this world and it's people, culture and history, that I'm so excited to share with everyone who reads!! :'D <3
IBWR has everything I personally enjoy in a story! This means a lot to me, it's my passion project (and hyperfixation of my own creation) for a reason.
Here's a doodle of Oliver and his buddy Sebastian :)
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As for who the hexsquad would be in IBWR! HMMM! :D
Luz would be someone with a weak fylgja who wants to be a witch anyway! And she'd join a coven to try pursue it. For her, I think her story would be about learning that magic isn't as beautiful as she had hoped, and joins another coven that doesn't do the traditional ways of things. Or perhaps she starts her own.. ;)
Hunter would be a werewolf! :D A beast-type peculiar.
Gus and Willow would be Fae-types. Gus a spriggan, Willow a fairy.
Green fairies "flaws" are envy, I think I could make that work for her! Otherwise I'd put her as a red fairy, the flaw would then be rage. Willow's "fairy gift" would be plants and working with gardening.
Amity would be a regular, I think. Perhaps a wealthy girl who finds herself quietly rebelling against her parents by going with her older siblings to women's rights activism stuff! Possibly that's where she meets Luz! :O
Gus being a Spriggan would mean he's a natural showman, as they're known for their mischievous nature and charisma. I think he'd work in a music hall! :D
Vee would be a fae-type too! But she would be a Huldra/Nymph (skogsrå in swedish). Meaning she can shapeshift into people still! So that fits best.
For IBWR, I take a lot of folklore and put a spin on them with my own interpretations! :)
I like playing with the idea that the folklore and fairy tales are based in half-truths. It's a lot of fun and I've put a lot of thought into it so that they make sense into the world I've built. :D
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bonniebirddoesgifs · 1 year
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Laddie (TLB) - Credit if using
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enquiringangel · 8 months
I am having thoughts on Laddie tonight.
If he became a full vampire I don’t think it would be a tragic Claudia situation where his mind ages but his body does not. The catchphrase is: never grow old, never die. I think he would just be ten forever. Mentally, and physically ten. And that he would never mind, beyond the vague desire to be like his big brothers.
“I want always to be a little boy and to have fun.” - Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie
I also think that the Boys would not see anything wrong with this. They’re not human, and they don’t have the ‘oh but he’ll never get to have x experience’ feelings of regret. All of them are, imho, in a state of arrested development. Which is why the ‘party all night’ teenage delinquency thing has not grown stale for any of them. Like, the whole film is based off Peter Pan, them not growing up and maturing is the entire point lol
Paul and Dwayne are the only two we see interacting with Laddie, and they clearly don’t mind having the little guy around. They’re nice to him and they play around with him. He’s their kid brother. Sure, he might cramp their style a bit while they go off to do things more suited to their mental age, but that doesn’t mean he’s not part of the family.
So yeah, I’m disagreeing with some stuff I’ve come across in fanfics where the Boys never wanted a kid around, or that he was Max’s idea, or that they only brought him in to keep Star happy. Or that he became a half-vampire by accident. Nah, they brought him on purpose. mho
Laddie is a Lost Boy. Or he would have been.
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spidercookie18 · 7 months
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒆
The Lost Boys 1987 AU set in modern time. None of the boys died, and all the Emersons/Star/Laddie/Frog brothers are vampires. This is explained later…
Tags: Halfing vampire, swearing, talks of abuse/abuser/manipulation , mentions of loss of family, also scenting, use of y/n, afab, use of she/her. Warnings: This chapter discusses abuse/abusers Summary: Y/N, left to her own devices, goes through the boys belongings in the cave, David takes this as an invitation to do the same to her house. Word Count: 8.6k Previous chapter here: Next chapter here:
“No one should suffer what I suffered. I still dread those scenes when man killed man. I lost my parents, most of my family, by running away.” — Milkha Singh
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Chapter Three
You woke up some time later, your hand immediately moving to your neck to make sure your vial was still there; it was. You sighed in relief, then looked to see the color of the blood inside. It was black, like obsidian, “that’s not good…”
Your eyes opened to an unfamiliar view; your body ached horribly as you tried to sit up. You saw a dim bit of light shine through near what you could only assume was a cave; it was probably midafternoon with how hard you slept. You looked down at your body and tried to remember what happened before you passed out. “Oh yeah… David,” your mind wandered to the night before. “That explains the bruises, and…” you looked down at the jackets wrapped around your naked form, “the lack of clothes.” You brought the collar of the jacket to your nose and inhaled. You smiled; it smelled like David…
Come to think of it, you smelled like David.
“Ugh,” you crinkled your nose at the smell, it was oppressive. You felt around for your bag, hoping David didn’t leave all your stuff up on the hill.
No luck. No phone, no gun, no clothes… you looked around the chamber and didn’t manage to see anyone. There was a wheelchair by the bed with a Chinese take-out container and a small metal bucket, “that better not be for me,” you hissed. Your mouth felt dry, and your stomach ached, you wondered just how much come David had made you swallow last night after you passed out.
You groaned as you moved to get out of the bed that was covered in miscellaneous blankets, “at least the sheets smell clean.” They had probably been washed recently, but you didn’t take the boys for avid housekeepers; someone else must have been making them wash their fabrics. You stepped your bare feet on the cool ground below you.
Above you, Marko was the first to hear you shambling around; he was a much lighter sleeper after the… incident, and he elbowed David who groggily woke up. Marko pointed down at the bed and the two of them watched as you poked your head out from the curtains to look around.
“You get back in that bed,” David said sternly. You looked around. His voice, no longer dark and distorted, echoed off the walls, but you couldn’t see him.
“You are not to leave this cave; do you understand me?”
“David, I need to go home.” You called to him, stressing the urgency of your situation.
“Well, I obviously can’t take you right now, can’t I?”
You grumbled, annoyed at him, and continued to look around, “I’m hungry.”
The other boys began to wake up at the commotion, “you have rice, eat your rice.”
“I have to pee.”
“Well, that’s what the bucket is for isn’t it?”
The boys snickered.
You furrowed your brows in frustration, “where’s all my stuff? Can I have some clothes?”
“You’ll get it back later.”
You sniffed the jacket again, “David, I need a shower.”
The boys were laughing now.
“No. You don’t,” David replied. He’d worked so hard to scent you all night, he wasn’t going to let you undo all that so easily.
“David, I need water.”
“Just eat your rice! I’ll get you water later.”
“Fucking vampire asshole,” you grumbled under your breath.
“I can hear you.” David retorted.
“Yeah, I know! That’s why I fucking said it!”
The boys had all busted out laughing at David’s frustration with his new mate, and how unafraid you were to yell at him. “Bahahaha!” “Oooooh, she told you!” “Get er’, David!”
“Everybody shut the hell up and go back to sleep! And you stay in this damn cave!”
He growled, huffed, then went back to sleep.
Angrily, you turned back to pick up the rice, “what, no fork?”
You eyed the bucket meanly, no way in hell I’m going to be using a ‘bucket’, you thought.
You angrily shoved the bucket off the chair, and it clanked and rattled as it rolled away. You picked up the paper container and ate the rice with your fingers and walked around the cave.
There was little light, but you had just enough vampire blood in your vial to see the cave for what it was. For being an actual hole in the ground it wasn’t horribly filthy. Sure, it was dirty, and cluttered, it’s a cave; but there weren’t decomposing bodies and spoiled food all over the place. It was about as trashed as you’d expect four eternally immature a-holes to keep it though. Littered with beer cans, cigarette butts, miscellaneous trash, and dirty clothes. The cave smelled damp, like stale sea water, and when you walked near the dirty clothes it smelled a bit sour. You crinkled your nose and continued to look around.
Up in the ceiling you noticed some hair and you went to investigate.
“You can’t be serious…” how pretentious do you have to be to sleep like that?
“David,” you called to him, “psst!” He shut his eyes tighter, the fucker was ignoring you. “Ugh!” you groaned in frustration. They were obviously not going to wake up; if the bucket didn’t wake them, and you calling to them didn’t make them budge, then nothing would.
So, you walked around, turning the to-go container into your mouth and looked at all the boys’ things. There were electrical wires and roots coming out from the ceiling and walls.
Odd, you thought to yourself. You noticed stairs and pieces of concrete and structures that looked like they belonged to some building. Something must’ve fallen into the cave at some point you figured. You continued to walk around the space and noticed a very dark corner off behind where the boys were sleeping. You walked slowly up to it and there was an eerie whistling sound; the wind you hoped. The darkness of it that seeped into the main chamber of the cave made your hair stand on end, probably best to avoid that part for now…
You stepped away from it and looked back around the space. They had music and movie posters covered over the sharpest parts of the rocks and records hanging from the ceiling. It actually looked like the movie posters they keep outside of theatres. You wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where they got all their ‘art’ from.
There were, what looked like windchimes, or ‘art sculptures’ made of human bones and sticks. “Classy,” you chuckled. As you looked around you noticed there were several distinct areas of the cave that looked to be the boys ‘rooms’.
There was one that was all old pieces of fabric and thread, and lots of wine bottles. The fabric looked to be cut up jeans and probably stolen clothes, like silk, and lace, and fur. There was also a makeshift pigeon coop built into the side of the cave wall. Someone really loves these birds. You thought as you walked around the space, the pigeons cocked their heads at you and softly cooed. There was an old book, or maybe a bible sitting by a mess of pillows on the floor. The book title had been rubbed off over the years, but the edges of the paper look to be gold foil, so a bible was your best guess. The leather-bound book sat atop an old, rusted metal box. Moving the book, you opened the box and saw miscellaneous keepsakes. An old dirty coin with a man and a curly mustache on it, a red chili made of glass, a picture, and some notes and a dried white lily. One of the notes look like it said, “Siate buoni, siate gentili, siate giusti." The picture was of Marko, and about a dozen other curly haired blonds. They were all crowded in the picture, and he stood next to, what you thought to be his mother. You could barely tell it was him as he looked to be a young boy, but that devious grin… it was definitely Marko. You gently closed the lid of the box and put the book back on top.
The next space you walked into was filled with blankets and pillows and had children’s toys scattered about. Are they nannies?  You picked up a small toy fireman and noticed the face all chewed off. “Yueh!” You threw it down in disgust. Little did you know, it wasn’t the ‘nanny’ or his kid that chewed on the toys, but Marko and Paul; the gremlins of the group. You threw yourself in the mess of fluff and stuff on the ground and admired the things this boy had hanging up. You sat back in the pillows and picked at the rice. He had shells, and feathers, and small bones, and sea glass hung up like a baby’s mobile. You watched the small objects circle lazily overhead; it was a very comforting feeling. As you wiggled around to get comfortable you felt something poke at you from the pillow beneath you. You sat up and moved the pillow from your back, there was a small wooden box. When you slid the lid off you had to keep yourself from crying. It was two silver rings, a picture, and baby socks. The picture was of Dwayne and a young woman, she was round as the Sun, and they both looked so happy. You could imagine how sad that tale ended but did your best not to think of it. You slid the lid back on the box and tucked it underneath the pillows. The comforting feeling quickly faded, and you left that alcove the second you got your bearings.
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself and continued walking around the cave. You stumbled a bit in the dark and came upon the next room. This space, you noticed was full of very human nick-nacks. Surfboards, skateboards, hockey sticks, old glow sticks, CD’s, guitars, a heavily patched up bean bag chair, and a Rubik’s cube. You picked up the toy and turned it in your hand, it looked like someone had peeled the stickers off and stuck them back on to solve it. It made you chuckle. This ‘room’ looked smaller than the others, until you realized that half of it was up in the rafters. There was a second part of this space that was high above the ground, you put the rice on the floor and flew up there you saw some of the things this boy kept. There was an old tattered green and yellow winter scarf, some rocks that weren’t the same color as the cave rock, shoelace strings, broken and half broken sunglasses, rubber bands, acorns, and this one too had a box of keepsakes. You knew it wasn’t your place to go through their things, especially after what the last one held, but you couldn’t help yourself. You opened the lid of the shoebox and saw a picture, ticket stubs of concerts and movies, guitar picks, and scraps of newspaper. The paper scraps were of various things from a town in Wisconsin, nothing that made sense to you. The picture was of Paul and a young blond girl. He was in a hockey uniform, nose bleeding with a chipped tooth in his smile, and he held his arm around her shoulder. She looked like him, crazy, wild hair and big soulful blue eyes. It was probably his kid sister, you wondered what happened to her. You looked at the ticket stubs for movies from eighty some odd years ago, and concert tickets from the last few decades. It looks like the boys, or at least Paul, went to plenty of concerts.
With how little magic there was left in the vial you could feel yourself falling. You quickly put the box back in its place and you fell hard on the ground with an, “oomf.” You rubbed the plush of your ass where you landed and dusted off the jackets.
You continued to rub your bruised skin and picked the rice container off the ground. You looked over at the next space, it had an odd feeling as you stepped into it. It was full of boxes and old paper. There were dozens of boxes full of old VHS tapes, more boxes full of CD’s, cassettes, camcorder tapes, and newspapers. There was a small nest of blankets on an army cot between the boxes, a laptop and what looked like a picture album.
You smacked the bottom of the rice container to get the last bits of food into your mouth and picked up the album. You opened to the first page, which was a picture of David and the boys. It was in color, and there were a few faces in the picture that you didn’t recognize. Dwayne was holding a small boy on his shoulders, next to him, Paul and Marko were making faces at each other. There was an older man with glasses and a woman with short hair who were on either side of a teenage boy. Next to her, there was a couple of young gruff looking boys, and a young man and a young woman, both brunettes. Off on the far side there was David, he was in the picture, but he didn’t really look to be part of the group. You flipped the page, there was a picture of just David and the boys. They were all bouncing around and flipping off the camera. In the next picture it was the same line up, but all the boys looked serious; you guessed whoever was taking the picture had scared them into being good. You smiled down at the photos.
There was a picture of David and the brunet man from the first photo, and on the next page you saw David and the brunette girl; he was smiling, and she looked solemn. “Huh...” you kept flipping, and saw various pictures of places, that were marked with the location and date; they were from all over the country, and went all the way back to the 1840’s. In between the landscapes there was pictures of one or all the boys wearing different period clothes. There were even a few more pictures of David and young men and young ladies, but the pictures all looked the same. He was smiling, and they were not. You got sad, you set the picture album down and a photo slipped out; it was Marko in the front, and the boys all holding pigeons and laughing. “Okay, that’s pretty cute,” you slipped the photo back inside and set the book down.
You noticed the camcorder and picked it up, hoping it had battery. You turned it on, and it surprisingly had a little charge. Opening the camcorder, you noticed there was already a tape inside, you shut it and rewound the tape. After it was rewound, you pressed play. The pixilated footage came into frame and the date flashed August 21, 1987. Google what movie came out that day, you’ll get a kick out of it. It was the young boy and the brunet boy; they were cleaning in a house you didn’t recognize. They didn’t want to look at the camera, and rolled their eyes when the cameraman spoke, it was David. Surprise, surprise, you thought.
‘This is Sam, and Michael, cleaning their granddad’s crap, cause-‘
‘David, shut up,’
‘That’s Mike, he’s pissed cause we were supposed to go to the movies tonight, but he got grounded.’ You can see David point at the tall brunet, with his gloves on. Michael looked up from dusting to make a face and flip off the camera. ‘Hey, you better stop that, or I’m gonna tell your mom; you’ll get double grounded.’
‘David, are you gonna help us or not?’ Sam, the boy, asked. He was sweeping what looked like a kitchen. 
‘Not,’ David scoffed, ‘I’m not helping no snitch.’ He walked closer to Michael, putting the camera in his face. ‘Mike, tell us why you got grounded.’
‘Knock it off David,’ Michael turned away from the camera, and David quickly followed him.
‘Come on Michael, tell uuuuusss,’ he said, sing-songy. The brunet was blushing fiercely, and he kept trying to keep his face out of frame.
‘David I’m serious,’
‘I’m serious too, Mike. So, say it.’  Michael stared at the vampire behind the camera, he was still blushing and stuttered at what he wanted to say.
‘It’s cause I caught you guys making out!’ Sam yelled, angry and annoyed.
‘Sam!’ The older brother shouted.
‘Oh, we were doing a lot more than making out, eh? Mike?’
‘DAVID!’  Michael yelled at the blond, who was laughing, clearly amused with himself.
‘Oh, I’m gonna barf!’ Sam yelled; his face was one of disgust. He made a spectacle of being grossed out, not because his brother was making out with David, but because he caught his brother making out.
‘You’re a boy kisser ain’tcha Mike?’ David was back in Michaels personal space.
‘Guys please, not here,’ Sam fake cried.
David held the camera low and pointed it up to capture the kiss between him and Michael. When they finished, the boys were giddy, and Michael dusted the camera lens as a joke. They smiled at each other-
‘EW! MOM!’
Off in the distance you heard someone shout at David. The next thing you knew, the video cut to capture David cleaning the kitchen, side by side with the Emerson brothers. David leaned back to give Michael a kiss on the cheek and the screen flashed black with a red depleted battery symbol.
You smiled at the thought of David being happy, but you wished you could have seen more of the video. Maybe you’ll ask the boys for the charger later.
You looked back around the space and opened a box that was written in a language that looked familiar. There were letters, and paintings, and documents; none of which you could read, but it looked like the paintings were of places they’d been. The letters looked like they were written in various languages, German, French, Italian, and maybe Russian? But you weren’t sure.
The dated paper looked like they went back to the mid 1800’s. You kept thumbing through the pages and there was a picture of a blond boy, standing between an older man and woman, “is that… David?” He looked so much younger than he did now. Still clad in leather, like a cowboy attire, but he looked different…he looked human. You felt melancholy looking at all of the things David and the boys had held onto throughout the centuries.
You walked back to the bed and looked all around the cave as you moved. You heard a soft vibrating, and you looked up, “oh, fuck me.” One of them- probably that asshole David- stuffed your bag up in a ceiling light. “Why is there even a light in here?”
Do they even get electricity?
No, stupid question, it’s a freaking cave.
You sighed at your things way up and out of your reach, “at least he didn’t leave all my stuff out there.”
David really didn’t want you leaving before he woke up; so, defeated, you crawled back into the bed. You looked back over at the sliver of light on the ground, it had begun to turn an orangey color and you’d hoped that the Sun would be setting soon.
You laid back in the bed and tasted your dry mouth. Well, maybe I’ll die before they wake up, you laughed at the morbidity of your situation. You were frustrated at how dehydrated you were getting, especially after a rough night like the one from yesterday. You turned on your side and tried not to think of the aching you felt in your flesh and bones.
Your body was still exhausted from the night before, and with little food, and no water, you were passed out again within an hour of waking up.
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David was the last one to wake that night; he was always the first up, and usually way before the other boys. But tonight, he was the last one to stir. Marko and Dwayne loomed over your half naked form, they notice that the rice was all gone, and the bottoms of your feet were black. Paul woke a little after Marko and Dwayne had, being the ‘youngest’ he tended to sleep in.
“You just know she touched all of our stuff,” Dwayne said.
Paul yawned and walked over to where the other two were, “ew, she still smells like David,” he pinched his nose at you.
Dwayne shook the edge of the bed with his shoe, and you moaned weakly. “Oh good, she’s not dead.”
“So, she just smells like that now?” Paul sneered.
“Paul, go get her some water,” Marko instructed.
“Dude, why do I have to get it?”
“Because you know where to get it, stupid. Now hurry up.” Marko barked at him. Paul groaned and took off. Being the second in command, Marko was the boss when David was unavailable. While he didn’t care for you, he knew you were important to David, so he wouldn’t let you be hurt while he was in charge. Paul returned a short while later with a few water bottles and some candy, he handed Marko the bottles and threw himself against the ratty couch to eat his snacks. Dwayne went to sit by him and hit his shoulder, demanding sweets.
“No Dwayne!” The boys argued and Marko sat you up.
He gently nudged you trying to get you to wake up. He kept pushing the bottle against your hand, but you wouldn’t grab it. “Come on,” he was annoyed that he had to baby you, he hated dealing with humans, they were always so weak and couldn’t do anything they could. He tilted your head back and poured the water into your mouth, you gently swallowed. He did that a few more times and finally you woke up.
You groaned and took the bottle that was being pushed to your hand.
“Marko?” you groggily looked at the curly haired blond that sat by you.
“Good, you can take care of yourself now, right?” He said walking away, not waiting for an answer.
You sipped the water and looked over at the boys that were on the couch wrestling over a bag of gummy worms.
“Paul! Fucking share!”
“Get your own!”
What a bunch of scary vampires, you chuckled. Marko walked over to the alcove where the pigeons were, and you could hear the birds coo happily. So, I guess those really are his birds, you thought. You looked around the cave and still didn’t manage to see David. You zipped up the leather coat that was under the wool one and walked through the curtains to the den. Paul and Dwayne looked over at you, “uhm…” Paul didn’t know what to say to you as you walked over to them.
“David’s not up yet,” Dwayne said pulling the bag from Paul, who’d moved his hands to his nose.
“Oh…” you looked around the cave, they’d lit some candles, and some trash cans, so it made it easier to see and move around. “Can I go home yet?”
The boys looked at each other, then over to where Marko had gone. “David said no,” Marko called, as he walked back to where the other boys were sitting on the couch.
“Hey, stay over there,” Paul said to you. He was pointing to the bed, still covering his nose with one hand.
You sniffed the jacket, “oh, yeah. I guess it’s worse for you guys, huh?” They nodded unanimously, “so is there a place around here that I can wash off then?”
“Please don’t make us say no,” Paul begged.
You sat back on the bed with a huff, and the boys talked anxiously amongst themselves. “Can I have my stuff back yet?”
“Knock it off,” Marko shouted, “you know we can’t do that.”
“Okay, well then wake up David, so I can leave.” They didn’t even turn to look at you. “Hello?” No response. “Look, I really need to go!”
“I said knock it off!” Marko screamed at you.
Fine, I know how I can get them to listen to me…
You sat back on the bed, and covered your hands in your face, and sobbed meekly. Paul looked over at you, “dude…you made her cry.”
“She’s faking,” Marko retorted, and you sniffled louder.
Paul and Dwayne restlessly moved around in their seats, “dude, she’s really crying.”
“No, she isn’t,” Marko said, unyielding.
You sobbed louder, “dude, you’re gonna get us all in trouble!” Paul said shoving Marko by the shoulder.
“She’s fucking faking it Paul, look!” Marko stomped over to where you were in the bed and pulled your hands away. To his horror, you were actually crying. You looked up at him with huge tears running down your cheeks.
“Oh, you’re so fucked,” Dwayne laughed from his place on the couch.
You started bawling loudly.
“No! stop! shut up, shut up!” Marko tried shushing you.
You pulled away from him, “DAVI-”, you started to yell, and Marko put his hands over your mouth. You scream cried into his hands and he looked up worryingly.
“Just stop crying, ok? Why are you crying? Please stop crying!” Marko didn’t know what to do, but he knew if he didn’t get you to stop your screeching, David would kick his ass.
Dwayne and Paul looked at each other, “dude, bail?”
And the two of them ran out of the cave. “Oh, thanks a lot guys!” Marko yelled, still covering your mouth. He looked back at the mess you had become, you kept sobbing violently into his hand, trying to break away. “If I take my hand off, will you please stop screaming?” You nodded, still crying. Marko slowly took his hand off your mouth, and you sniffled quietly. “Okay… now, why are you still crying?”
“B-b-because you haaate meeeeeeeee,” you sobbed.
“I don’t hate you, okay? Please just stop already,” Marko would’ve said anything to get you to stop before David woke up.
“Yes, you dooooooooo, you’re always so m-m-m-mean to meeee,” you whined.
“I’m mean to everyone okay!”
“You won’t even let me have cloooooothes!”
“Because David said you can’t have your stuff back!” He was screaming his whisper.
“I ju-ju-just want to gooo h-h-hooome,” you hid your face in your hands. The cuffs of David’s jackets swallowed your arms.
“Okay, okay! I’ll go get David so he can take you home.” Marko couldn’t get you to stop crying, so he would let David deal with you. You were his mate anyways, so he’d take whatever the consequences of waking him up were to get rid of your shrieking. He flew up into the roost and shook David awake.
“This better be an emergency,” David growled, not opening his eyes.
“You deal with her!”
David’s eyes shot open, and he noticed your whimpers and sobs below. “What the shit Marko!” David flew down to the bed, he threw open the curtains and rushed to your side.
“Daaaaviiid,” you held your arms open for him as you sobbed. You looked absolutely pathetic at this moment.
“Shh, shh I’m here sweet thing,” he said, holding you against his chest. David pulled you atop his lap and turned to look at Marko, “you have ONE job while I’m asleep. Look after the pack. Can’t you do that?!” David shouted at Marko.
“Just, go!” David’s voice was booming in his chest, you actually felt bad for Marko.
“Fuck this shit!” you heard Marko huff as he left.
David pulled you off his chest so he could look at you as he wiped the tears from your face. “Sweet thing, what happened?”
“David…I’m sorry,” he looked so worried, your mind went to the picture album; your heart ached at the thought of him being alone all these years, but you felt horrible for how you got Marko in trouble.
“Y/N, what happened.”
“Don’t be mad at Marko… he tried to take care of me,” David looked at you, his ears twitching at your words. “I just… I needed to go home, and they wouldn’t let me.”
“Y/N what did you do?”
“…I needed them to get you.” You held up the necklace, “it’s my vial, I just… I couldn’t tell them, and Marko wouldn’t get you.”
David’s eyebrows lowered, “so you started crying…”
“I’m sorry, but I really do need to go home!”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Don’t fucking scare me like that,” he sighed, “ever again. And you will apologize to the others. Especially Marko.” He held you by the shoulders and looked into your eyes, disapprovingly.
“Yes David,” you said meekly.
“What’s wrong with your vial?”
“I think last night really drained me, and since I’m connected to it…” you shrugged.
“And you still won’t take my blood?”
You looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Fine… I’ll take ya home.” David stood up from the bed. He rubbed the back of his neck, “where did Dwayne put…” he looked around.
“David?” You called to him as you peeked through the curtains.
“Well, you need your stuff don’t ya?” David said, looking around, “where the hell…”
“Oh, I thought you did that?”
You pointed to the round ceiling light hanging high above you both. David chuckled, he flew up and grabbed the bag and brought it back down for you. “Thank you,” you pulled your wrinkled dress from the bag, turned, and pulled the jackets off yourself. David was putting on his boots when he looked up to notice you changing, he sucked air in through his teeth, and you rolled your eyes at him, “shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything, sweetness.”
“Mmhm.” You pulled the dress over your body. You smoothed the fabric over your form and put your hair up with a clip from your bag. David watched as you moved the clip from your mouth to your hair. From the corner of your eye, you watched him adjust, “oh, you’re just insatiable aren’t you,” you laughed.
He walked over to you and placed his hands on your hips, “can I have you again later?” He placed a soft kiss on your lips.
“We’ll see,” you kissed back. He groaned as you pulled away from him, and carefully led you up the entrance.
You looked around at the ocean as the waves crashed upon the rocks by the cave entrance. You noticed something off to the side, it was the lighthouse you’d passed last night, and you quickly oriented yourself. The horn in the tower sounded and you jumped, startled at the sound. David chuckled as you clutched your heart, “fuck, that scared me.”
He patted your head and scooped you up in his arms. David flew you up the stairs and placed you gently down next to the bikes. “I can walk, David,” you giggled.
“You really trust those stairs?”
You looked back at the warped and mangled old wood that led down the cliff, “fair enough,” you shrugged.
You followed David behind some rocks where his bike was and got on the bike behind him. He pulled your hand from his waist and kissed your fingers, he smiled against your skin and put your arm back down around him. “You’re really layin’ on the charm ain’tcha?” You rolled your eyes at his cutesy behavior.
“I told ya, I want ya.” He put his boot out on the ground and revved the bike, he made a quick turn and you both sped off down to town. The town bustled with bodies, and you looked to the sidewalks where people walked in tandem. It was still early in the night, you saw the orangey, reddish glow of the sun over the waves. David swerved through traffic, this time it was less frightening, especially now that you expected it. You trusted he wouldn’t let harm come to you, that his words weren’t just talk. He turned onto your street and slowed to a stop in the driveway next to your truck. 
You let David get off first, then followed up the steps of the porch behind him.
You were starting to like him; he was firm, but fair, and he treated you with a kindness you had long since forgotten. You thought of him and the other boys, you enjoyed watching them all together; they were idiots, but they loved each other. The thought of them all together made you smile; you pulled your keys from your bag and unlocked the door; David held the screen door for you as you walked through the threshold. You turned to look at him and his puppy dog eyes as his boot scratched at the floor in front of the door.
You laughed heartily, “you can come in David,” he lit up and bounced through the entrance. You wiped a tear from your eye and turned on the light. David looked around at all your things, the whole house smelled like you, he took a deep breath and reveled in the smell.
You rolled your eyes at his behavior, “don’t break all my shit,” you walked off to the bedroom.
He picked up a throw pillow from the couch and pressed it to his face, inhaling you for a moment, then he sauntered off to find you. He found you kneeling on the floor with your closet doors open. You pulled a wooden box from the back of the closet and opened the lid. David subconsciously growled as the air from inside the box hit his nose, “I know, I’m sorry.”
You picked up a few herbs from inside and then held a nearly empty test tube up. The liquid inside was a falu red, it was beginning to grey with age, or maybe it was already grey, David thought. He eyed the blood inside, there was an old scotch tape label on the side of the glass that read, M. Ressequie.
You turned to David now, your voice grave as you spoke, “you might want to leave for this,” and waited for him to move.
“I can handle it,” he stood, looming over you.
You sighed, “okay…I’ll try to be fast,” and popped the lid off. David felt like he was going to be sick. He swayed and stumbled into the wall, his cheeks turned a greenish sick, and he felt his mouth go dry.
The stench was powerful, it was more than anything he’d ever come across. He’d smelt Max’s blood before, and that was so strong, in and of itself… but this. This was malicious, he felt a pang in his bones, down to his core he knew something was wrong with that blood.
You grabbed another vial from the case and moved quickly to fill the small glass before you. You filled half of the empty vial with the blood and threw in a concoction of herbs from another vial. You put the glass on the ground and capped the test tube, the air started to clear of the smell, and David grasped his chest. You pricked your finger with a needle and squeezed a few drops into the vial. You prayed over it, in a language David did not recognize, and the mixture in the vial turned black, then glowed a bright red, there was the sound of something sizzling and bubbling. Then, with a loud CRACK the blood stopped glowing. You capped the vial and took off the necklace around your neck and tied the new one on. You quickly put everything back in the box and shoved it deep into the corner of the closet.
You shut the doors, your hands pressing against the wood, as if you took your hands away something would push them open and bring the sickening smell back. Your chest heaved, you hated doing the ritual, and you felt terrible that David had to witness that.
You turned to look at him. He had slumped down against the wall, still holding his hand over his heart.
“Are you okay?” You crawled over to him.
“No…” he looked off past your gaze, to the other side of the room, “why… why was it like that?”
“I told you to leave.”
“What the fuck…” he whispered out; he’d finally regained enough of himself to look back at you. He had a panicked look on his face as he threw his arms around you. He held you tightly against his body, and you felt the wind be knocked clean from your lungs.
“D-David,” you choked out, trying to wiggle free from him.
“My sweet thing,” he placed his hand to the back of your head as he held you, “I’m so sorry,” David whispered against your ear.
You felt your heart break.
You’d tried so hard, for so long, to try and not think of all the things that you lived through with that monster. But watching this vampire crumble at the mere scent of his blood was nauseating. You didn’t know if you felt comforted or anguished that someone else knew the horrors that you’d lived. The scent of his blood alone let David know how monstrous the vampire you ran away from was. You tried not to cry as he held you, but you felt your mask slip, and you sobbed; pathetically, quietly, begrudgingly against his shoulder.
He held you silently as you wept, squeezing you tighter, as if he were worried, that you’d slip away from him. After a moment he pulled back from you and pressed his forehead against yours. “Never… never again,” he whispered, and you felt a wave of relief wash over you as your pained tears turned to ones of joy.
David decided in that moment, he would do everything he could to keep that monster from you. You were a part of their pack, even if you weren’t bound to him by blood, he would keep you safe; he would keep everyone safe. He slowly let you pull away from him, and he wiped the tears that ran down your face. You sighed, and took in the sight of David before you, he still looked at you in awe, and sadness. And you smiled kindly at him, holding his hand in yours, he smiled back.
You and David turned to look at the front door. “Who the fuck?” Your moment was ended abruptly, and David wanted to tear through whoever was dragging you away from him.
You walked over to go see who it was, and David slowly stood, still eyeing the closet doors with agitation.
You opened the front door to see your neighbor, Nick, standing on your front porch with something behind his back.
“Nick?” You peeked through the front door and the screen door, “is everything alright,” you asked.
“Heey, Y/N, yeah, I got your mail again,” he tapped the newspaper against the door.
“Oh, it’s just the paper, you don’t have to drop that off every time,” you smiled politely.
“No no, I wanted to bring it to you personally, I tried to come by earlier, but… you weren’t home? Your truck is here so I thought…” he tapped the screen door with the paper again, and you opened it to grab the paper.
“Yeah, it’s just been one of those long, crazy days.”
“Oh, I hear that,” he stuck his head out, trying to peer into the house behind you, “say, who’s bike is that?”
“Oh, sorry about that, I know the noise is a lot for the hour,” you chuckled, closing the door a little, you didn’t really want to tell him David was inside. Nick was already so weird around you, as things were. You didn’t want him knowing he wasn’t the man walking around inside your house.
“That’s my bike,” David walked up behind you, placing one hand on the doorframe, and the other on the door, practically engulfing your body in his. He was in no mood to deal with some guy sniffing around his new mate, especially not after what just happened. He sized up Nick, giving him an unfriendly smile.
Nick stood on your porch, bathed in the light that came from behind you, he didn’t like the look of David, and he was even more upset at how he spoke to him. “Oh, Y/N, I didn’t know you had...company,” he stared back at David.
“I don’t, David is just my friend,”
“Wrong,” David said, placing his chin in the crook of your shoulder, “is there anything else I can help you with…” David smiled sickly at him. The word accentuated as David’s tongue pressed off his teeth, his lips up in a sneer. David narrowed his eyes, “Nick?” He said, using the man’s name as an insult.
Nick looked at how David hung off you and looked back to your face. You pulled your body in from the doorframe. Nick stopped smiling.
You tried to ease the tension, it was damn near palpable, “thanks again for the paper, Nick.”
“Anytime Y/N,” he looked back at David.
“Byeee, Nick.” David said singsongingly, he chuckled as he pulled you inside and slammed the door in Nick’s face.
You turned to look at David, “you don’t have to be such an asshole about it.”
He snatched the newspaper from you, “please, it’s not like you want him around,” the paper rustled as he moved it around in his hands. He meandered off towards the bedroom as you yelled at him.
“Yeah, but that’s not the point David.”
He flapped the paper open and held it in front of his face. “Oh, sharks are going to the playoffs this year,” David said casually as he flipped through the pages.
“David, you can’t force people out of my life.”
“But you don’t want him in your life.” He sat back down on your bed.
“He’s just a neighbor, people need neighbors.”
“You think he’s happy being just neighbors with you?” he flipped a page. “I could hear him getting hard from the bedroom.”
“Do you think I can’t handle myself?”
“Hm, looks like we’re getting rain on Thursday,” he said, ignoring you.
“David!” You pulled the paper from his hands.
“Well see, now who’s being rude?”
You frowned at him, “David…” you pouted.
“Sweet thing, I don’t want males sniffing around you.” He cupped your face in his hands, “don’t you have girl neighbors?”
You pulled away from him, “that’s not cute.”
“You don’t think I’m cute?” He walked to you.
“David! I don’t want to be caged!” You pushed him away.
“Sweetness…” he turned you to face him. His finger under your chin, trying to get you to look at him. You turned your head to avoid his gaze. “My job is to keep you safe. I’m not trying to ‘lock you away’,” David bent down to look in your eyes, crooning his neck. “I just want to keep you safe; I won’t lock you away, you know that right?” He placed a soft kiss against your nose, and you huffed, giving in.
“Knock it off,” you brushed off your nose.
“What? I can’t kiss you now?” He was trying to be playful to get out of being yelled at. He nuzzled against your cheek.
“You’re still in trouble,” you said to him, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“Mmhm,” he said against your skin. He kissed down your neck and let his hands trail down to your ass.
You yelped, “David!”
He chuckled, “I like when you say my name.” His lips scraped against your skin. You whimpered for him; David was pleased with your reaction. From the corner of his eye, he saw something move, he stopped kissing your neck and looked over through the window. He saw Nick, in his house, peeking through his blinds, “mother fucker!” David threw the window open and shouted at the man,” you like to watch huh?!” David was fuming, “WATCH HOW I KICK YOUR FUCKING TEETH IN!” Nick scurried from his place at the window and yelled when the lightbulb in his house exploded. You stood, confused at what David was doing.
He slammed the window, locked it, shut the blinds and then the curtains. He turned around, he was pissed, “David? What happened?”
“Do you know that fucking asshole watches through the window!”
“Nick,” he hissed out the name.
You scoffed, “you can eat him later,” you turned to walk into the bathroom. “I’m going to shower before we leave,”
“No,” he grabbed your arm, “you’re gonna wash my scent off.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda the point,” you tried to pull your arm from him, and he pouted. “Daaaavid, I stink! I need to shower.”
He let you go, and crossed his arms in a huff, “fine, I’m just gonna have to put it back on you again later…”
You turned on the bathroom light and started to strip, “that’s fine by me.”
He perked up, he was watching your every move through the shower glass; how your hair fell down and clung against your wet skin. How your hands rubbed over the plush of your breasts, the curve of your ass when you bent down to wash your legs. He growled, he could feel his pants tightening and his mind wandered to how he was going to scent you again that night. He pushed his hands down his jeans to adjust and looked around the room.
David wanted to touch you, but he knew he very well couldn’t with the shower turned on; so, he rummaged through your things while he waited.
He opened your drawers and sorted through your jewelry, and socks, and... your panties. He of course, picked his favorite one and threw that on the bed, planning on making you wear it the second you got out of the shower. He looked through your kitchen cabinets, and your laundry room, your fridge and freezer, he touched all the nick-nacks on your shelves and books on your bookshelf.
David noticed you had little miniatures of different famous buildings, the Lurve, Big Ben, Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, the Colosseum, a Japanese shrine, the Statue of Liberty, even a few rocks that were labeled with different countries. He picked up a red one that read ‘Grand Canyon, 2004’. He looked at all the things you had and practically picked up and set down each and every one of them. He looked for a photo album, or letters, or paintings, like he kept. He wanted to learn your idiosyncrasies and the things you kept hidden.
No luck on the photos, or the letters…where would she keep them. A lightbulb went off in that sick little mind of his, and he made his way back into your bedroom and stood in front of your closet.
He grunted in annoyance. He didn’t want to go in there, not after the reaction he had to Montgomery’s blood, but if there was one place you’d kept something important, it was there. He slowly opened the closet doors, careful not to make a sound, and looked at all the things that were inside. He looked at all your clothes, and shoes, your hats, dresses, scarves, bottoms, and tops.
She’s got a lot of nice things, David thought to himself.
He quietly pushed aside the hangers and reached for a small box that was on the top shelf of the closet. He opened it, “bones?” He quickly put the box back where it was, simply because it wasn’t what he was looking for. I wonder what she does with them. David thought of how Paul, and one time Marko, thought it was funny to make art with bones.
There was a box of bullets next to the bone box, and he chuckled thinking about the big gun in your little hands. His eyes scoured the closet for something of interest, then stared down at the wooden box you had shoved to the back of the closet. He hated that he was afraid to touch it, he peered into the bathroom to make sure you were still busy. You were humming away, sudsing up your hair, enjoying the warm feeling of the water; blissfully unaware of how your vampire mate had just ransacked your home.
David knelt down on the floor and pulled the box towards himself. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for what was inside. To his surprise, it was much bigger on the inside than he had thought, “stupid magic.” He pushed around the vials and herbs to the side and saw some papers clipped to the lid, it was a picture of you and some people. The picture was an old dingey brown, and the date written on the back said 1972. The people in the photo all looked like you, David felt a pang in his heart, was this her family?  
He set the photo back down and continued to sift around in the box, he pulled out another picture, it was you in a letterman with a few people laughing around. They all had letterman jackets, and he recognized your truck in the background, he smiled at how happy you looked. Rummaging through the rest of the pictures he noticed one had a cigarette burn though one of the faces. It was you, and a man, you had a black eye that was poorly covered up by makeup, and the man held you around the waist. David figured that it was a photo of you and Montgomery, he wished you hadn’t burned a hole in the photo so he could know what he looked like. But still, he hated the way you looked, so pained in the image. He looked at the test tube, it was nearly empty.
What was she planning on doing after the blood ran out?
…Would she just have died?
David felt angry looking at all the things.
He wanted to throw the vial away, he wanted to fill it with his blood, so you would not be bound to that monster anymore. But he knew better, he didn’t even dare touch the glass with his hands. He was used to blood magic, hell, that’s what feeding was for them. But something like this was beyond what he was used to. He heard the shower squeak off and scurried to shove all the things back in the box. He quickly shut the lid and shoved it back into the corner where he had found it.
“David,” you called to him.
“Yes darlin?” he was worried you’d caught him.
“David, I’m hungry,” you shouted.
He sighed in relief; he shut the closet doors and quickly made his way to your bed. He threw himself against it with a huff, “ahh, yeah? What do you want?” He looked over at you as you walked through the doorway, you had the towel wrapped around your body and the water beaded as it dripped down your hair. His head lifted off the bed, and he smiled at you.
“David?” You batted your eyes at him.
“Yes sweetness?” David smiled. Maybe he wouldn’t have to wait to get you back to the cave to taste you, he thought with that sweet look on your face.
“What’s that?” You pointed at something on the bed above David’s head. The sweet look on your face turning into a sour one. He whipped his head around to look at what you were pointing at and chuckled nervously. It was the lacey panties he had picked out for you.
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britany1997 · 1 year
The Lost Boys Taking Care of You When You’re Sick
Well besties, I am still sick🫠 I really though I could cure myself w pho and over the counter meds but here we are. Made these short little HCs for y’all (and also for me) enjoy:)
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•Makes you go to the doctor
•He’s like “you have to go you’ll get us all sick”
•(Vampires can’t get sick, that’s his way of showing he cares)
•Will make you drink water while he watches
•His eyes narrow if you stop at like, half way through the bottle, he’s like you need to hydrate
•If you try to go to school, work, or the boardwalk he’s like absolutely not
•If you hate talking on the phone, he’ll call in for you, you’re not going anywhere
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•Picks up your meds prescription for you
•Brings you soup and cold packs if you have a fever
•Takes your temp every couple of hours
•Makes you your favorite kind of tea with honey
•Also isn’t gonna let you do anything, but he’ll be less firm about it
•Sets you up on the couch in the cave with tons of blankets and your favorite movie playing
•Hand-makes you a Get Well Soon card, Laddie does the picture on the front
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•So much cuddling with this man
•Vampires are cold so if you’re burning up he’ll keep you cool
•And if you have chills, he’ll just wrap tons of blankets around you both
•He is touching you constantly, feeling your forehead, holding you, KISSING YOU (ew Paul, I mean, they can’t get sick, but still)
•The other boys have to physically pull him away when you need to actually sleep lol
•Will get you a little stuffed animal (he named little Paul) to snuggle you when he can’t
•It’s a little bat🥹
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•Spends all day making you Pastina Soup
•It’s what his mom used to make him when he was sick back in Italy
•May try to feed it to you
•He’s like ‘babe save your energy,’ and you have to be like, ‘I can still lift my arm…’
•Will also try to cuddle you, but he may get starred down by Paul
•Keeps tissues and cough drops in his jacket pockets for you if you need them
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radicallxser · 8 months
Not a request-
But a challenge
Make me, someone who knows jackshit about Lost Boys, into a Lost Boys simp.
How? I don’t know-do your worst, I wanna see how far you’ll go-
um oh shit uhhh
to start, here's this it's an au but still
they're confident, rowdy, hot, smoking (literally), vampires with an 'idc' attitude and also they're adrenaline junkies and so so silly
also this is dwayne (top) and paul (bottom):
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note: dwayne is technically a dilf.
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now, i know these aren't too compelling of images. those r just some guys.
oh and they run around half naked but it's not too important
but also
they're vampires and bikers.
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from left to right we have, paul, marko, dwayne, laddie (dwayne's sorta kid), david and star (i low-key don't like her but its not important)
i actually don't think their original vampire forms are that hot but here's david as a vamp..
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i can't really explain their appeal beyond that...umm
i call upon @hypocriticaltypwriter to give better reasons
also i recommend the movie, it's a good time, at the very least. it's directed by the same person who did the phantom of the opera movie (also totally worth a watch the phantom is so goddamn fine)
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