spectraeevee · 9 months
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See Ankama, this is why the Dofus Foggers were a better choice than the Wakfu Foggers for figures
Their waist doesn't snap during shipping
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larebiscornue · 1 year
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eisfreiesspeiseeis · 2 months
My Wakfu Season 4 Head Canon / Theory / Manic ramblings
I don't know if someone else already made a post about this, if yes, please direct me to it, anyway strap in:
So, what has always bothered me about the MMO Eliotropes was their weird skin tone and markings.
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Remember, they were added to the game(s) before season 3 and the OVA were even out and all we knew about them was this blurb:
Having appeared via a freak accident, Eliotropes are but mirror images of their creator, the King-God.
I don't know wether this was confirmed back then, but we all just accepted that Yugo was the King-God. He was the King of the Eliatropes, he was a demigod, it made sense. We just didn't know what exactly this accident was yet. And that was the first time I got way too hung up on their skin color. (Some people might claim they don't see color, but not me.) I came up with 2 explanations: Explanation 1: This was how Yugos God-King-Form would look like
So in Season 2, when Qilby gets the Eliacube, his skin color changes and he gets these black markings;
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While Yugo just gets these glowing tattoos in his "Eaxalted" form, which do, however, look kinda similar. Also during his transformation, Qilby's tats would glow at first, just like Yugo's, before turning black.
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This let me to assume (all these years ago) that Qilby's transformation (which the Wiki calls "Lobotimized" for some reason) was the more evolved form of Yugo's. I basically tought while Yugo just unlocked Super Saiyan, Qilby could go Super Saiyan 2. And at some point, Yugo would archieve a similar form too, which would be when he became the God-King, and that was why the Eliotropes all had white skin and blue markings. (I just thought Yugos tats would turn blue instead of black because ykno, color schemes and stuff.)
Also there was this Krosmaster Mini called Yugo unleashed, so I thought this was the direction they were going:
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Explanation 2: Their skin markings look like Adamai's
You know, this guy. With the white skin / scales and the blue markings.
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In hindsight the easier explanation. Adamai is Yugo's twin brother, so it would make sense if the Eliotropes had an imprint of Adamai. Or maybe Adamai helped in whatever accident created the Eliotropes. The brothers already combined their powers a few times to do BIG MAGIC, so maybe that would also be the case for the "accident".
Then the OVA came and Yugo got the six Dofus
It all made sense in my mind. With the six Dofus, Yugo was more powerful than a god, so this would be when he reached his King-God-Form and...
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It kinda just looked like his normal "Exalted Form" with different markings. Okay, I thought, so it has to be the Adamai explanation, right?
Then Season 3 and the Oropo OVA came and...
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These guys don't look like the Eliotropes we knew until that point at all.
maybe they changed the designs so Amalia would recognise Oropo as Yugo?
maybe as more Eliotropes died, they started to look more like Yugo/white people?
Either way, it's super weird that we have never seen a game-looking Eliotrope in the show or even in the OVA.
Also, aside from Oropo the other Eliotropes we see seem to be super variant from Yugo, with some missing the head-thingies and others not even able to create portals, it seems (Repulse dies because he gets thrown off the tower. I think he would have saved himself if he could). In the game however, the Eliotropes seem to be pretty much just reskinned (ha!) Eliatropes with all the same, maybe watered down powers.
Okay, so the rational thing would be to just accept that they retconned the Eliotropes for the show a bit, as there was quite a long break in production. Or just accept it as one of these wird things, like Osamodas evolving to have blue skin in at most a few hundred years.
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Ankama has changed designs drastically all the time between media, they really don't like to enslave themselfes to esthetics and and hard lore and really if you think about it does that not give them so much more potential for creat
Spoilers up til episode 10, I guess And the season starts with a reminder that the Eliotropes were created because Yugo did not have perfect control over them and who gets their grabby hands on all 6 (six) of them?
This guy
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Notice how his markings are blue now? Hmmm...
"But Qilby should have far more control over the Dofus than Yugo, that's his thing, he has so much experience!", the strawperson said. Yes, but Qilby is also mentally unstable and hyper traumatoze, which he says himself.
He repeatedly has episodes, even while he is using to the dofus.
Also, attuning to the Eliasphere was super taxing and clearly outside of his abilities (as he says himself), so what I want to say is:
there were multiple occasions where he could have slipped up and created his own "accident".
Qilby is the King-God of the Eliotropes from the MMO.
Yugos accident resulted in the creations of eliotropes because
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AND QILBY'S GREATEST FEAR IS TO BE ALONE, so it would make sense that his "wish" would also create more "family" for him.
This would also explain some of the differences between show Eliotropes and MMO Eliotropes:
Obviously, the MMO Eliotropes look far more like Qilby's true(?) form, with snow-white skin and blue markings.
Yugo did not really have a great idea what his people were actually like, which explains why his Eliotropes would have so much variance in appearance and power between them. In contrast, Qilby has the most perfect memory of the Eliatrope people in existence, arguably better than the Goddess' herself, considering her millennia-long absence. So it would make sense why his Eliotropes would basically be perfect copies, sans the skin color. Also, despite his mental health, he is still far more skilled than Yugo, which could also explain why his copies are closer to the real deal.
Also, Yugo's Eliotropes (mostly) have his memory, which seems like a thing that would like... come up? Like, at all? And it would make sense that Qilby's "wish" would include for his Eliotropes to be blank slates memory wise, since his recollection of his former lifes is literally the cause of all his suffering.
I rest my case.
In all honesty, this is all probably just a case of Ankama being all loosey-goosey with their lore, especially between the show and the games. But this theory presents a way for the MMO Eliotropes (or Qilby Eliotropes, as I will call them from now on) existing in the same canon as the show, which otherwise is probably the biggest canon "problem". Also, I like the Eliotropes, I like their design, and I like to have a reason to believ they will continue exist somewhere in this funny world some horny frenchmen made up. So, yeah this is my headcanon. First post ever on tumblr, after lurking for over a decade, please be kind to it. See ya when I have to vent my next crackpot theory. Or when I remember interesting parts from the MMO that might interest show-only folks.
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kerubimcrepin · 13 hours
Crepinlore and the 30-50 random games 90% of fandom has never heard about
This post, like everything else about this blog, is very self-indulgent. I discovered many things, during its making. I shall begin with something you likely have literally never heard about, and go to more popular things from there:
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Krosmaster arena online was a video game it seems nobody played, and honestly, I am mentioning it here because I fear that if I don't document it, it will disappear, and it will turn out that it was simply a vision I had, as if in a David Lynch movie. Evaporating, like tears in rain.
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I don't think anyone ripped/tried to rip/found a way to rip the models from it — and considering the fact they're pretty... mobile ad-core, not much may have been lost.
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Anyway, here's Keke beating the shit out of some guy.
Wakfu Les Gardiens
Joris appears in the quest "The Tree of Life" of this game, which, as far as I'm aware, was updated in time with Wakfu episodes.
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Even back then, Ankama knew that 1. Joris is very sus and 2. you cannot let him get close to you during a battle, or it's OVER.
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It's all very cute.
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There is some interesting I have to say about this sprite, actually!
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An alternate version of it exists, made as a concept for the Dofus MMO. I am assuming it was Juien Druant elaborating on the ways Joris might look in the game. The first two designs are: baby Joris (probably not used because he looks too young to be a 200 year old man...) and Welsh & Shedar 60yo Joris. They were combined to make the iconic Dofus MMO-era 200yo Joris design.
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I'm quite sure that this sprite references the Les Gardiens one very heavily.
One More Gate: A Wakfu Legend
The first game in this list that actually has implications for real lore, and yet its plot is literally "it was all a dream that Oropo was having while inside the Eliacube"
For this reason, the events of this game are not entirely reliable — but are probably based in some way on the memories Oropo has.
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The main contribution this game has to Crepinlore is a third Crepin, who might be an ancient ancestor of the brothers, whom Oropo met and remembered, some sort of cousin, or he might be based entirely on fiction, and inspired by Kerubim (though ehhh I severely doubt Oropo would care so much about him that he'd hallucinate a guy like him within Eliacube's fake world).
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I really want to headcanon that the events of the game are based on something he really experienced, waaay before forming the brotherhood. But that's just my brain disaeses.
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Here we can see the store itself.
I saved the best for the last — Krosmaga.
A video of the casts of Dofus and Wakfu beating the shit out of each other
There are characters besides Atcham, Joris, and Kerubim in this game — Julith, Jahash, Lou... But I choose to concentrate on my favorite three ones. Or I will die fr.
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If this Ecaflip gives the impression of constantly having a bad hair day, it's precisely because he doesn't have any! Brother of Kerubim Crépin, Atcham is fiercely jealous of the man he considers his worst enemy. And how could he not be, when not only does he occupy the prestigious position of Ecaflip's favorite son, but also displays his dense, silky fur without any modesty or sensitivity?
Here are his three forms:
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I'm.,. unwell about the white one. I have to draw Atcham in a Bontarian getup one of these days.
They're really giving a fight to this Joris costume recolor from a Christmas event in one of the MMOs... (Now I want to see Kerubim in red too!)
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On topic of Joris,
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Adopted son of Kerubim Crépin, Joris is a curious and mischievous little boy. His favorite pastime is listening to the childhood adventures of his beloved "Papycha". And when he's too busy serving customers in his antique store, he's off playing with his best friend Lilotte! An avid boufbowl player and fan of Khan Karkass, Joris also hopes to become a star of the horned ball. While his destiny may already be mapped out on the stadium pitch, his origins are much less clear… But the good thing about not knowing where you come from is that you can imagine anything! For the little boy, there's no doubt: his parents were great boufbowl players, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not!
Here are his alternative forms:
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And now, last but not least: Kerubim.
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Judging by his adventures, Kerubim seems to have had more than 9 lives! From small-time opera rat, to Bontarian police officer, to lawyer: the least we can say is that during his youth, the man Joris calls his Papycha never stopped working! So much so that today, the owner of the antique store Aux Trésors de Kerubim takes advantage of his free time to purr quietly in his armchair, or to tell his adopted son about his past adventures. Past? Well, not quite! Because when the terrible witch Julith arrives to retrieve Jahash's Ivory Dofus, and seems intent on attacking Joris, the old tomcat doesn't hesitate to get in her way. With Kerubim, there's no age limit to being a hero!
Once again, it is confirmed that the store's name s literally "Aux Trésors de Kerubim". Sorry, I'm insane about the name of the show being the name of the store.
And his alternative forms:
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He's beautiful.
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ol-files · 1 year
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zsalad · 2 years
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- Death Guard: Plague Marines - Depois de pintar um monte de Krosmasters e de Warhammer Age of Sigmar, acabei entrando no chamado 40k, o Warhammer futurista. Como ja conhecia o vovô Nurgle, deus da doença, decomposição, morte e ressurreição do mundo fantasia, continuei servido-o quando me alistei no mundo futurista desses bonequinhos com o Death Guard, fieis soldados de Mortarion, o principe demonio de Nurgle. Tecnicamente falando é uma mudança legal das espadas e armaduras medievais pra pintar umas arminhas de plasma e tanques de guerra, e em breve devemos ver mais dessas coisas. Como pra fazer um army voce precisa de mtos bonecos, ao inves de ciclar em temas diferentes, vou ciclar entre tipos diferentes de minitura nesse projeto. Tem tanque, drone, robô gigante, e por ai vai. Pra esses bonecos tb foi bem diferente dos que tenho de Warhammer Underworlds: as bases vem lisas, e os bonecos tem milhares de opcoes de armas, cabecas e detalhes, bem customizavel.. o que consome mais tempo mas tb muito divertido. Sobre a pintura, pros suditos de Nurgle, quanto mais sujo melhor.. dificil errar.. mas haja detalhe! Espero que curtam! #nurgle #mortarion #deathguard40k #papanurgle #warhammer40k @warhammerofficial #scifi #horusheresy #plaguemarines https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDNCoeO--h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tvjust · 2 years
Mom hid my game 2 day 49
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Talisman: Digital Edition is a Strategy, Role-playing, Single and Multiplayer Board game developed and published by Nomad Games. With addictive gameplay, superb mechanics, and brilliant controls, Krosmaster Arena is the wonderful game to amuse. Krosmaster Arena includes key features such as Little Heroes, Create your Team, and Discover more Fighters, different Modes and more. Each fighter has its unique skills and abilities. Explore the game world, play with or against other players, earn experience points by completing levels and unlock other fighter heroes. The game includes four different modes such as Campaign mode, tournament mode, match mode, and dungeon mode. It has a set of levels and each level is more complex as compared to last one. There are tons of characters and you are able to create your own team and train them to dominate the battlefield. The game lets you challenge other players around the world in a board game and defeat them to show your strategies. It has both Single and Multiplayer modes. Krosmaster Arena mixes different elements such as Strategy, Role-playing, and Board Game created and published by Ankama Studio. With addictive gameplay, exciting features, different modes and superb visuals, Pandemic: The Board Game is the wonderful game to play and enjoy. Each card represents a city name and special event with multiple actions. There are two types of cards (Infection cards and Player cards), Six Research Stations, and four different colors of cubes for each player. The game has a massive network connecting with more than 48 cities on the Earth’s map. You must find the cures of the diseases with the help of the players and complete your goals before it’s too late. The game offers amazing gameplay, unlike others that are cooperative rather than competitive. It includes five playable characters such as medic, operation expert, researcher, scientist, and dispatcher, and lets you select your role and dive into the game world threatened by the terrible diseases. Gameplay revolves around four diseases which spread in the world. Pandemic: The Board Game is Tactics, Cooperative, and logistic Board game developed by Matt Leacock.
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pinerbbs · 2 years
Ball arena
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Jack, Un Mouton à la mer, 99 (jeu de cartes de paris et de plis), Baby Dinosaur Rescue, Uptown, SteamRollers, MOW, Homeworlds, Cœur de Dragon, Petits Peuples, Insert, K2, Elfenland, Go Fish, Dragon Castle, L'Année du Dragon, Sobek, Skat, Tinners' Trail, Sapiens, Cardiceo, Go, Nicodemus, Kahuna, Expédition : Northwest Passage, La Marche du Crabe, The Boss, Dinosaur Tea Party, Fleet, Origin, Tournay, Battle of LITS, Gear & Piston, Bahama Taxi, Boomerang : Australia, Twin Palms, Zooloretto, Room 25, Tobago, Monster Factory, La Glace et le Ciel, Detective Poker, Cloud City, Niagara, Mercado de Lisboa, Squadro, Rainbow, Dots and Boxes, Farm Club, Stir Fry Eighteen, Polis : Fight for the Hegemony, Blue Skies, Pyramid Poker, Roppyakken, Illustori, Gaïa, Boomerang : Europe, Crime Zoom : Sale objectif, Cinco, Les Inventeurs, Through the Ages, Senet, Kalah, Noir : Killer vs. Hyde, Imhotep, Reversi, Signorie, Not Alone, Quoridor, Celestia, Solar Storm, Éruption, Boss Quest, Steam Works, Art Decko, Seikatsu, P.I., Taluva, Diced Tomatoes, Médina, Dungeon Twister, Sevens, Madeira, Splito, Iwari, Quetzal, Toucan do it, Eminent Domain, Off the Rails, Les Bâtisseurs - Antiquité, Dragonwood, Le Barbu, Quarto, Mr. Voir tout Lucky Numbers, Bärenpark, Res Arcana, Projet Gaia, Les Cités Perdues, Living Forest, BANG!, Railroad Ink, Tarot, Backgammon, Mémoire 44, À la Gloire d'Odin, Puerto Rico, Through the Ages - L'histoire vous appartient, Innovation, Viticulture, Hand and Foot, Next Station: London, L'Île des Chats, Dame de Pique, Pandemic, Solo, Takenoko, Alhambra, Century : La Route des Épices, Just One, Chakra, Dice Forge, Jaipur, Love Letter, Belote, Beyond the Sun, The Crew, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, Sushi Go!, Toc, Papayoo, Noé, Roll for the Galaxy, Wizard, The Crew : Mission Sous-Marine, Tigre et Euphrate, Parks, Carnegie, Blood Rage, Chromino, Mille Sabords !, Dice Hospital, Get on Board: New York & London, Rallyman GT, Bubblee Pop, Cribbage, Tichu, Saint Pétersbourg, Nidavellir, Loco Momo, Downforce, Tzolk'in, Jump Drive, Copenhagen, Sea Salt & Paper, Clans of Caledonia, Carcassonne : Chasseurs et Cueilleurs, Ultimate Railroads, Coinche, Martian Dice, L'Ascenseur, Bandido, Régicide, Atout Pique, LAMA, Marco Polo II : Au Service du Khan, Teotihuacan : La Cité des Dieux, Space Station Phoenix, For Sale, Can't Stop Express, Shifting Stones, Sushi Go Party!, Targui, Saboteur, La Fin des Artichauts, Arctic Scavengers, Hardback, Les Voyages de Marco Polo, Stella – Dixit Universe, Koi-koi, Tokaido, Yokohama, Break the Code, Draftosaurus, Marrakech, Abyss, Diamant, Échecs, Railways of the World, Letter Tycoon, Codex Naturalis, Thurn et Taxis : L'Aventure Postale, Conspiracy, Santorini, Hive, Via Magica, Clash of Decks, Desserts parfaits, Sobek : 2 joueurs, Fluxx, Happy City, La Granja, Dice Theme Park, Hugo, Russian Railroads, Les Bâtisseurs - Moyen-Âge, Little Factory, Trek 12, El Grande, Fruit Picking, Luxor, Troyes Dice, Tranquility, Lueur, VektoRace, City of the Big Shoulders, Scopa, L'Île Interdite, Haiclue, Almadi, Machiavelli, Super Fantasy Brawl, Quantum, Troyes, Skull, Similo, Chimera Station, Cacao, Krosmaster Arena, Trekking the World, Red7, Non merci !, Go Nuts for Donuts, Rami de Liverpool, Number Drop, Tash-Kalar, New Frontiers, Oriflamme, Roll'n Bump, Dames chinoises, Président, Puissance Quatre, Color pop, Automobiles, Dungeon Petz, Colt Express, Coloretto, Dungeon Roll, Keyflower, Perudo, Deus, Flaming Pyramids, The King's Guild, Complots, Equinox, Space Empires: 4X, Caylus, Buttons, Lewis & Clark, Pingimus, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Rage, Schrödinger's Cats, Dobble, Nippon, 13 Indices, Big Monster, Butterfly, Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, Onitama, Star Fluxx, Battle Sheep, Tarot africain, Welcome to New Las Vegas, Chocolate Factory, Reflection, Libertalia, Bataille Navale, 99 (jeu d'addition de cartes), Concept, Lords of Xidit, Jekyll vs.
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shionanies · 2 years
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Velmira my beloved
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twinklephoenix · 4 years
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Had to get both versions of Joris still one of my fav characters especially from the booksbut boy these things are smaller sad we still dont have a figure of him so these will do. #JorisJurgen #Wakfu #Dofus #YoungJoris #dofusmovie #MasterJoris #krosmaster https://www.instagram.com/p/CEL5SZHgumW/?igshid=16dh2ny30ouuf
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manueillustrations · 5 years
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reupload sorry Je vous présente le dernier de ma petite série sur la famille Percedal, Tristepin de Percedal lui-même :D J'ai un grand faible pour ce chevalier Iop et ce, depuis sa première apparition dans la saison 1 de la série. J'aime son évolution au fils des épisodes. Pour aller avec les autres, je l'ai fais avec son design de la saison 3. Personnellement, je préfère de loin le design de la saison 2, quand il aborde ses brûlures d'un seul coté du visage, que sa cape est à sa pleine longueur ornée de la croix rouge (la balance des couleurs est plus harmonieuse je trouve). Alors j'ai un peu triché et j'ai gardé la cape à l'ancienne:)

 I present to you the last of my small series on the Percedal family, Tristepin of Percedal himself:D (or Percedal of Sadlygrove?) I have a big crush for this knight Iop since his first appearance in season 1 of the series. I like his evolution through the episodes. To go with the others, I did it with his design of the season 3. Personally, I much prefer the design of the season 2, when he haves his burns on one side of the face, that his cloak is to its full length adorned with the red cross (the balance of colors is more harmonious I think). So I cheated a bit and kept the old-fashioned cloak.
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spectraeevee · 3 years
So now that I am an adult with adult money I have decided to fulfill a dream I had in 2017 by using Ebay.
Pocket Harebourg.
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red-sail · 5 years
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Also check out my Instagram
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khrysart · 4 years
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Yugo & Amalia, Wakfu / Dofus _________ Check also my FB page: @khrysart and Tumblr: khrysart.tumblr.com _________ #wakfu #dofus #amalia #yugo #sadida #princessamalia #kingyugo #eliatrope #mmorpg #fanart #amaliasheransharm #ankama #krosmaster #brotherhoodoftofu #tofu #otp #newotp #season3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BriBQYzh_kM/?igshid=1hnc30yh8b50j
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
The Card Games Overview - Part 1
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"I would have wanted to be Joriiiiiiis, to be able to do my shoooow!" - The Hypermage's Blues
Joris, as discreet as he is efficient, is the emissary of the king of Bonta.
Already we're starting strong with the first card here, because, and you will never believe this, — the implications for lore this has are huge.
It is a parody of this song, "Le blues du Businessman", which implies that: (and I beg you to forgive me for taking this silly little song reference so seriously. I am neurodivergent about this. It gives me pleasure to overanalyse things)
Within the World of Twelve, this song is about being a huppermage, and the pain that comes with it. (They are called here "hypermages", because this was their name in 2009-2010, when their lore was still being developed).
Someone in the huppermage class community has formed a parasocial relationship with Joris?? Imagine namedropping princess Diana in your depression song.
It makes me wonder what other famous huppermages' names could be used in the World of Twelve version of this song. "I would have wanted to be Juliiiith, so I could shout who I am!!" or something??? Would Bakara be name-dropped (actually, she probably would... she does have a parasocial fan in Dofus MMO, despite probably having been dead of old age for centuries)? Does this song make Joris cringe so much he almost dies?
This seems very rebellious, considering huppermages have what seems to be a very... conservative, rigid in-culture, that is against outside influences, and somewhat in favour of in-group hazing, (Wakfu quests — professors' reactions to students being attacked within the huppermage temple amounting to "you'll get over it." + what I've heard about institutionalized huppermage on huppermage violence that happens in Julith et Jahash comic.)
The other thing that makes it seem rebellious is the fact that Joris probably isn't welcome among his own people, with his independent personality, relation to Julith (this one is a mixed reason: during his youth, she was hated, — but as of Dofus MMO times, she was seemingly a figure that was revered just as strongly as Jahash, among huppermages), and affinity for other classes' (ecaflips) cultures and beliefs.
Another lyric that includes the word "artist", "I would have wanted to be an artist, to have the world to remake, to be able to be an anarchist, and live like a millionaire" makes me insane in this context. This fits him so well because this fucker doesn't give a shit about huppermage rules (he hits people with a log to give them concussions instead of using magic), and lives like a millionaire (smokes expensive blunts while drinking Chateau Lafite Rothschild in his nasty room filled with plushies and cartoon figurines).
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These are the only two crepinlore adjacent cards in the Wakfu TCG, so, we will move onto Krosmaster:
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You can't just tell me that, by ecaflip standards, Atcham is considered disabled and expect me to be normal about it. This confirms a lot of what I already thought: Atcham feels scorned for a multitude of reasons:
People think he's bad looking, he can't have a romantic relationship (if he didn't have Kerubim to blame for everything, god knows he would have become an incel. And I don't mean that as a joke. I mean it in the "blaming people being awful to you bc of your looks/neurodivergency/social skills — on other, random people, because the pain of being unable to change your situation is too much" way. He already does that. In canon.)
His lack of fur actually causes issues with his health. (we didn't need a card to tell that, but feels good to have it acknowledged. Just google how vulnerable sphynx cats are to temperatures. I feel bad for him.)
He feels... "uncute". Catboy body dysmorphia is both real, and fucking depressing.
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There isn't any lore here, but I want to acknowledge something: Isn't it weird that he never wears pants as an old man, except in his first 2 official arts in Krosmaster? Isn't it whacky that he speaks in one episode as if he does wear pants? I am haunted by this, folks.
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His dice have a wrong design on the first art here. Sorry for noticing insane things like that.
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I have so many thoughts, and none of them coherent.
The scales, the fangs, Atcham's sword, the fact that it's called "draconian crisis"... I am in loves. Also "strange little boy" is on par with other things Joris gets called in canon. Like "funny little man" and "weirdly endearing for a curtain twitcher".
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An error I noticed: he isn't wearing the tights/stockings he wears in Aux Tresors de Kerubim. I can see that because they coloured his knees the same colour as his shoulders/hands.
(Yes, yet another insane "I had watched Dofus Aux Tresors for 83492734 times" detail only I would ever notice.)
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He is so, so,,...
A discussion with a friend made me want to present to you the next scenario: imagine Joris, being offered to play boufbowl as an adult. He would say "No, I shan't, I really shan't", before defeating everyone in record time. Just because he's smug like that, and loves to show off how cool and awesome he is, but in a subtle, quiet way. Athletes unironically hate him.
He should listen to Speedfreaks FM while running around.
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Big news for Joris Pain enjoyers: Grougalorasalar can inflict nightmares upon people. And personally, I want him to have done this to Joris. Repeatedly.
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I have a lot of emotions about her...
I wish more people took her alcoholism as more than a joke. I think it's fucking depressing that she's around 20yo, already an alcoholic, doing the whole huppermage thing just because of her brother, and the pressure of other people, and the only other stress relief she has besides alcoholism, is Violence. Jesus fucking christ.
I will probably write many more words on this topic, when we get to the movie, or to a particular comic, — but that will have to wait.
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khrysesart · 5 years
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Yugo & Amalia & Adamai, Wakfu / Dofus _________
Check also my Instagram page: @khrysart and FB: https://www.facebook.com/khrysesart/
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