#kon diao x hia yi
heretherebedork · 10 months
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Naughty Babe (Official Trailer)
Well, they did it! Coming soon! It's gonna be an experience, y'all. I am torn between fear and excitement... mostly fear. "My name is Kon Diao and I'm afraid of being alone. And the person who makes me feel more than before is... Hia Yi, my fiance.' oh darling I love you so much. @absolutebl They're back! With fake amnesia as the trope of the day. Fake amnesia and manipulation. We got this, right?
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blueberries1234 · 2 years
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rayandgay · 1 year
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cutie pie 2 you II episode 1
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prapaiwife · 8 months
Well besides only friends naughty babe ended today as well and I enjoyed it so much!! My babies got married and had their own family😭
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halliescomut · 9 months
Naughty Babe Ramble
There's gonna be spoilers up to episode 4...just so you're aware.
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I've been really stuck thinking about this past episode and sort of where we are about half-way through. I know for a lot of people, Naughty Babe is just silly fun, and there's also plenty who just wave it off as campy semi-BS. And while the show is certainly set up to be more silly than serious, I really have been engrossed by the new glimpses we've gotten into Yi and Diao now that they're at the center.
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I loved them as a couple in the Cutie Pie series, though I had some concerns, mostly things that I've been able to abandon now that we've gotten a bit more insight into Yi's mind specifically. Cutie Pie is very much Kuea's perspective, and therefore pretty knowledgeable of Diao's personality, but less so of Yi.
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And while I was somewhat suspicious of what we were going to see after the trailers, knowing about the whole amnesia thing, I'm actually pretty satisfied overall. Both because the amnesia didn't last for the whole season, but also because they clearly recognize that Diao knows Yi well enough to figure out he's lying. Like I do agree that both Lian and his dad would figure it out first, just because Yi doesn't hide so much from them, but I was concerned they would set Diao up to look a bit like an imbecile, and he is so not.
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I'm gonna start by talking about Diao, mostly because he's my favorite, but also because if we recognize that this show is mostly Yi's perspective, then I'm so happy they're still showing Diao as feisty, and cute. He's still shown as a little shy, but I think he's definitely guarded around Yi, especially right in this time, so it makes sense, that he sort of reads it that way. One of my favorite things about Diao in Cutie Pie was that he was clearly just as strong-willed and self-aware as Kuea, but where Kuea is more brash, Diao is just a tad softer. But his softness isn't weakness (I fucking hate when people think that) and we're continually given glimpses of his strength, both mentally and physically.
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His practice and teaching of Taekwondo is clearly part of that, it's a martial arts style that has a heavy focus on meditation and mindfulness, but also philosophy of how you should behave as a citizen of humanity. It's also listed often as a potentially good option for self-defense in those that are of smaller stature (which Diao is). It's a martial art that I think is well-matched to the character, in that it's both strong and elegant, with a focus on moral character.
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The series so far shows Diao as mainly admirable...which is great, but it also speaks to what Diao is so frustrated by. He's not a piece of art, he doesn't want to be set on a pedestal and admired, he wants to be loved. He's been clear in his passion to Yi in the past, but it's Yi's that's stuck in his own head about what if's and so they aren't able to progress. And so now we're 3 years in the future, and Diao's wondering if he read everything all wrong.
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So moving on to hia Yi...I know you're trying, but god, do I wish that you would just get it together. I understand that the root of his behavior is all fear. He's afraid that the past coming to light, and his connection to Diao's trauma will cause DIao to hate him...and dude...if you pulled your head out of your ass and actually took in the person that Diao has become you'd see that it would never happen. I know he's drowning in the guilt of what happened with the tiger/puma/dog/jackalope (depending on when and where the story's being told)...but if you think Diao would learn that and not recognize that you were a 15 year old child who made a horrible mistake??? Diao has so much empathy, and Yi knows that, but he's still can't comprehend that that empathy also extends to him for some reason.
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As flawed as the man is, and honestly as poorly as he sees himself sometimes, though usually glossed over by the sheen of narcissism, he can be such a good man. In all of this universe, I've always been a bit meh on Max's acting, I'll be honest. He's fine, but I've always felt like because his character was so staid that I wasn't engaged, especially when Zee and Nunew and Nat were given so much more expression and emotion. But this last couple of episodes really, but especially number four, he has really been doing some great work.
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He's both solidified a lot of aspects of the character as well as bringing new depth. The nightmares talk and panic attack scene were really so good. Him just laying there as Diao talks about his nightmares and his eyes are just full of so many different emotions. and then when the panic attack really kicks in, his overall concern is not disturbing Diao. You don't have to have an internal monologue to know exactly where this panic attack comes from, and it's portrayed really well in my opinion. Of course everyone's experience will differ, but my sister has an anxiety disorder, and really her feelings as she's described them and her physical condition as I've watched her experience these attacks...they match up pretty well.
In a lot of ways I do feel like we are seeing a little bit of the same character arc for the couple here that we saw for Lian and Kuea in Cutie Pie, with both Lian and Yi afraid that somehow they're being selfish in wanting their relationships with Kuea and Diao respectively. I think it's something that stems from their age difference, this knowing that there is a lot of opportunity out there for them, and are they sort of clipping their wings? It's a bit different for Kuea and Diao, but it does boil down to both wanting to be truly seen for who they are. For Kuea it was about reconciling his 'true self' and knowing that Lian loved him still. With Diao, I think it's about being seen as himself, but also being seen as someone worthy of being a true partner to Yi, to stand beside him. I think Yi's tendency to coddle him and lie to him has caused him to assume that Yi doesn't believe he's capable of handling the truth. And in a bit of a match to Kuea, since they've always been these sort of biddable, polite people (which is based around the cultural expectations especially in relation to their age difference), will there still be love and affection if they're assertive of their own needs/desires? For Kuea the answer was clearly yes, which Diao knows, but I think Lian was also a lot easier to read for Diao than Yi. It's also complicated by the fact that Diao is also afraid of what he might see, and so I think he chooses not to.
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My last little part isn't really about character, but more about how wildly uncomfortable I was watching the interactions between Diao's family and Yi and Diao. It was both awkward and insanely infuriating. I felt so insulted on Yi's behalf, watching this family treat him like little more than an open wallet. And don't even get me started on Diao, the way I know he was so embarrassed by their behavior, not just because it's so icky, but also because it makes him wonder "Does hia Yi think that I'm in this for his money??" I also kind of hated it because hia Yi clearly values family, and I know for certain that he's glad that his own father has such strong love and affection for Diao, to not be seen equally by Diao's family probably really hurts.
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(I'm sorry this was such a ramble, but I have a lot of random feelings about the show.)
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ohanny · 1 year
another friday, another cutie pie episode! so here are my thoughts while watching the second episode:
kuea is absolutely not me because i would never check my email first thing in the morning, notifs be damned
also even if i did get good news, i would not have the energy to throw a full "blackpink in your area" on top of my bed
kuea: oh yes, i am a bit... sore lian: ¬‿¬
ugh, why can't you just talk to this man who just happens to be a supportive, relatively mentally stable, functioning adult who dresses nice, cooks you food, pulls out your chair and YOU ACT LIKE THE RETURNING HIDE AND SEEK CHAMPION OF 2022
lian: if you need help, you can always tell me me: IF ONLY
nonetheless, i've had a boyfriend for a decade and i feel as single as the last crushed pringle at the bottom of the tube of doom when zee looks at nunew
kuea, a lying liar who lies: kon diao texted me lian: i love you me: KUEA DO YOU FEEL EVEN A LIL BAD???
i love the mission impossible theme tune
nong diao squared ready to cover up crimes
yi can smell bullshit a mile away but unfortunately for him, he's also a weak victorian bitch who gets flustered by a cheek touch from a twink he (alledgedly) fucked in his car just last week
diao is a good friend with a good brain cell. we all need a diao.
kuea: i have a lot to think about. me: you also have a lo to TALK about goddammit
meanwhile poor lian is just trying to plan his barbie dream wedding, oh dear
yi is here to be the best man but also to watch the world burn.
kon diao loves lists. kon diao is me.
the world does not deserve diao. this show certainly doesnt. if he was running it, again, it would be 5 minutes long. well, maybe 15. he would keep all the spicy bits.
this beauty clinic is totally not the sponsor of this series.
the totally not sponsoring intensifies
i will never not mishear this as "cosmic-exo entertainment" and i am not sorry
uh-oh, their barbie dream weddings are NOT the same
lsakjfkasljfafj a nuer x syn intermission! and nuer has a less questionable shirt on!
you two (ಥ﹏ಥ)
but props to syn never hiding his intentions and props to nuer respecting his choices even if they make him a sad boy. SOME PEOPLE could never
hia yi is eternal suffering personified even at a cake tasting and quickly becoming my favourite.
foei: oh is it too crowded? do we need more room? the gays: *offended*
salaldkjf i am catching vibes. pls tell me they will grey's anatomy this and diao and yi will end up getting married in the barbie dream wedding horror show while kuea and lian elope in korea
"you can make the final decision" says lian, not having any idea they like the polar opposite things.
he is a smooth bastard though. "ah yes, my favourite wedding singer will be too busy being my husband"
"oh no, how will our suits match if we cannot see them?" you dumbo, you have kon diao, the wedding planner extraordinaire. he has a list for that.
diao has been calling out bullshit since birth at this point.
yi: ah yes, they are so compatible. diao: dude, they can't agree on anything. yi: which is not my problem.
yi really be like "pfffft, let them talk it out between them" as if we have time to be here for the next ten years. he really couldn't give less fucks, lol
how can he answer cosmic-exo in that suit. go change.
oh, the straights are at it again
lian: thank you yi: oh, you already picked a suit? lian: yes yi: wow, i am so helpful. you are blessed to have me tolerate you.
i love how nunew's voice gets so much deeper when he switches to english
kuea: what should i do? me screaming at my tv: TALK TO YOUR MAN
diao is seriously like baby yoda and syn doesn't need to become a monk. he just needs to hang out with diao more for some deep wisdom and then keep living in sin.
nuer is a sweet understanding angel and syn is a pouty baby and i could watch these two forever
"it's our wedding, not just mine." except you have NO IDEA you're not getting your wedding but an industrial scale keerati legacy production
yi: see? they're totally on the same page diao: ...
who is this random laxatives lady and why does she look like she's about to place a curse on kuea?
lian: you pick kuea: i am fine with everything narrator: he was not, in fact, fine with anything
diao turn of the tap for fucks sake, it is very obvious you are not paying your own bills in this economy
diao: my dog is so smart yi: your dog is literally an idiot
oh god here we have hia yi talk about marriage and kasdjflkafj they might kiss and i can't believe i am about to say this but at this point diao needs to worry about me cooking that cockblocking dog :D
lian: *trying* kuea: cosmic-exo is calling, byeee
look at his sad eyes, he KNOWS
"why am i talking to a doll?" BECAUSE IT IS MORE LIKELY TO HAVE AN ACTUAL CONVERSATION WITH YOU. you deserve better, boo.
lian: aren't you kirin already kuea: but i could be cosmic-exo kirin in korea. lian: okay. kuea: ... wait what?
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Kuea: How is it that those two *points at Hia Lian and Hia Yi* look like the fucking mafia, I *points at himself* am the one with the badass bike and yet HE *points at Diao* is the one who joined an ACTUAL GANG?!
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Ep6 y’all…I’m a little embarrassed to say I actually teared up during this ep…I’m as dramatic as Yi is this ep…
Segway to YiDiao this ep!!!. Is it just me or does Diao always look terrified/ anxious to talk to Yi? 😅Like no matter the situation, Diao looks like he’s shaking in his boots…protect this boii. That conversation about taking care of him felt so sincere, and Diao just saying he doesn't want anything except spend time with him just- omg crying rnn sweet boi😭😭😭
And Yi's dramatic ass goes off to get drunk💀 bc trauma or smth…chill… and yeah as he says he’s a heavy weight bc it looks like he drank like 6 full red wine bottles… that can’t be healthy. Drunk Yi is hilarious tho and gotta say Lian belong a good friend and bringing him home is a really nice gesture and shows how they have a great friendship- yes they bicker and laugh and tease over eachothers relationships (bc they both be doing stupid stuff tbh) but its clear from this and other past moments they do seem to have a really nice support for eachother and I love that - Yi drunkenly telling Kuea to not tell Dioa about this was the best bit😂
It seems from the preview that YiDiao will be finally opening up to each other next ep as Kuea and Lian have done this ep…But before we get to that
Let's talk about Nuea/Nuer (I’m still not sure what his name is lmao) *heavy sigh* y’all this ep was a full on attack on this man and I loved every second of it💀💀 - his actor (who’s name I believe is Tutor?) is doing an incredible job at portraying him bc….a bit like Kuea’s friends I have no goddamn clue what his goal is with flirting with Kuea - which is the central reason the squad (the dudes at least since they were present for the interaction on the football field in ep5) distrust his character in general; for which I agree. It seems Nuer is a bit dismissive and ‘fake’ towards the rest of the squad and really only acknowledges Kuea and this ep’s first part sees the development of a beef? I would say, between the squad and Nuer but 👀ESPECIALLY Syn who glares at this dude like he’s gonna kill him; which the other seems to reciprocate the feeling arbeit a bit more cockyly i guess? (is that word?...it is now) they obviously tolerate his existence bc Kuea is okay with it and he is a genius who gets to work on their project - which makes him even more arrogant which is simultaneously infuriating and hot af. 😔
Side note - I wanna mention the ep stars right where we left off to Nuer getting in between Kuea and his friends (who later apologize for their behavior which like get it kings) but tbh it wasn’t even that deep - ESPECIALLY bc Kuea has known these dudes since his 1st year (as seen in the flashback of him telling them he’s engaged: this has been his major since day one) - idk how the uni systems works there but since Kuea is in his final year that is AT LEAST 3-4 years of strong friendship and in comes this dude you just met between your friends??? Bro we met you like a month ago you dobn’t know their dynamics BACK THE FUCK OFF (i feel very strongly about this) 😠😠😠
Kuea giving him his jacket back is very…interesting and this is explored in the conversation/intervention with the squad.
First off love the comedic thing of it being like they legit kidnapped him and Kuea is more just annoyed that they dragged him out here more than anything - again showing their dynamic.
Kuea is aware of the fact he is being flirted with - but seems kinda neutral with all this? Like he returns the jacket to Nuer in a bit of a nice ‘thanks but no thanks’ sorta way but that seems to be the extent of his reactions to the ‘advancements’. This conversation was basically the squad telling Kuea they don’t fuck with Neur’s vibe, especially bc this dude is flirting ith him knowing he is ‘technically’ engaged - their just looking out for him and Kuea knows, even saying that they will back him up if something were to happen 😭
He then goes to say how he doesn't mind bc no ones ever flirted with him (Lian get your ass to work rn tffff) and sort of explains the whole engagement thing (I use explain lightly lol) - immediately the friends are like ‘ur fiance treat u wrong we gonna go beat his ass/chase him off’ - get u friends like Kuea’s man, I love these dudes😤😤😤. More reasons I love these dudes: Lian shows up and Kuea panics - he stutters when saying ex fiancee which is what I assume causes his friends sorta confusion when it came to Nuer: idk my friend of 3-4 years tells me he’s calling off his engagement with the dude he’s been in love with for like his entire life and know his personality enough to call bullshit 😩(evidence n1: Jay remarks in ep 4 about how he doesn't actually believe Kuea wants to call the engagement off)
(Bc well truly he doesn't he’s having a bit of midlife crisis or smth)
And his friends find a middle ground between what Kuea’s has been doing and what he should be doing - they go meet him but with the effort of showing a ‘proper’ image and fully fake being computer engineering majors…mind you I personally fully believe both Foei and Lian know what his major actually is - at least since he went to his second house but probably before that tbh.
And it was just so fucking funny I was screaming😂😂 - when Syn went in and asked for a donation and lost my shit - loved how Lian even offrerd them a ride. 10/10 scene I love them
Not gonna lie I was kinda hoping Neur would show up for the drama of it all 💀- I feel like Nuer and Syn could so get into a fight if syn weren’t such a pacifist …but dam imagine that transitioning into an angry make out scene like…enemies to lovers 5k slow burn right there
Interested to see how Nuers advancements may shift towards Syn in the future (since I believe it's the confirmed 3rd pairing right?)
Now onto the meat of this ep - Lian and Kuea. Oh boy I am down bad for these two😢- This ep was important for me bc after the events of ep4 and 5, I feel that if thse two didn’t have a semblance of a straight up conversertion I was gonna fucking lose it…but were gettinhg heade of our selves.
Personally, I've been a bit iffy on Lian’s approach about this whole thing - his intentions are good but without the clear distinction that everything he does is out of love for Kuea the message is completely lost from my poor boy’s POV.
A important opportunity arises regarding Kuea’s music carrer as Kirin something he is deeply pantionate about but because Lian told him to stay home he does (after seeing there is no way to sneak out - I was screaming at my screen bc literally Kuea just fucking talk ton him your not in a prison ir any– oh that’s right its not a prison but Kuea belives it so (at leats a bit) yikes💀
Side note 2: Lian’s comments about Kuea’s hair made me wanna combust bc get you a man that pays so much attention to you that he knows how you do your hair when even you go out are u serious????😤😳 I was both funny and wholesome seeing Kuea tryna cover his ass and highkey failing lmao.
The bit in the bedroom…first of hilarious but second off does Kuea officially have a vampire kink Lian has known about this entire time or😅?? It was also a bit cringe/awkward..in like the good storytelling way bc Lian wants skinship but it feels so foreign to Kuea he visibly shrinks, steps back, fights it off as teasing and GOD DAMMIT Lian just tell him u wanna smooch him and that this is literally role play for the love of g o d…bc without it it feels very awkward and unwanted…yikes once more
And from that I was just in personal denial as this mf walks back into his room and googles dating advice with the most smitten looks on his face (GOD DAMMIT ZEE STAP IT) but it gets better thankfully cuz i was gonna lose it like Kuea tynna convince himself he still wants to call this engagement off (my dude you are kidding yourself with that one💀)
The pool scene into the date scene was just - hit be like a brick seeing Kuea outright deny any sort of ‘fight’ between Lian, bc that's how he interprets it - and Lina just being like ‘tf what no that not what we're doing here’ the shock of ‘lefts do thing differently and get to know eachother was THE CONVERSATION for this to start happening and I lost my shit - more of this pleaseee😭😭😭
Nothing could have prepared me for that date…holy shit was it awkwards but so heartwarming… Lian making a effort for this to be different than their other dates and Kuea ever so slightly breaking out of his persona to ask why - and this stems from the core of why Kuea acts the way that he does: He doesn't see himself as worthy of Lian’s love and attention and is but aback by this entire thing. The waitress comment is funny as hell because it is relatable but a punch to the face to Lian as he sees his efforts to make this as ‘date-like’ as possible to be in vain.
And FINALLY my prayers have been answered Lian opens up, saying he’ll take them somewhere diffrent of a different date - and Kuea says something really profound here about not caring for the whole ‘date’ term, just appreciating the time they spend together - however it stems from his lack of self worth which slowly throughout ep4 to now has been a reflection of his actions towards Lian in terms of their relationship.
Sid enoten3 - Kuea and Diao are both the sweetest fucking kids that have been raised in comodity their entire lives and yet here they are standing infront of the people they love with self esteems of themselves on the floor, simply content with sprint time with the people they love even if they belive the feeling to be unreciprocated PROTECT THEM AT ALL COST DAMMIT. 😤😤😤
Continuing from after the date - Kuea finally says he didn’t fully mean to call off the engagement and acknowledges what Lian has found out, the entire point of breaking this date-rule they had going on: that kuea wanted to call of the engagement bc Lian doesn’t spend enough quality time with him - a very fair point Lain took to heart and is working towards
*screams in they finally are fucking communicating yall* i legit teared the fuck up during it, the dam fairy light didn’t help
And the buildup of Kuea’s entire goddamn character arc this entire time - the progression from episode 1’s argument. Lian reprimands him as he attempts to do something is self conscious about: cooking - and in recent light of their conversation the previous night just breaks - he cries out his insecurities and his pain and Lian comforts in horror he didn’t mean any of it in the way Kuea takes it - Kuea feels worthless and incapable and Lian just wants him to be okay - staring at the face of that who he love the most and has hurt multiple times with his words - something he seem to struggle with - he makes the fair conclusion of using something else to get his point across: his actions
Especially after Kuea drops this god dam bomb: (an incredble call back to ep1, bc guess what your actions/words have consequences lian)
“This is why you don’t love me” (and the entirety of the monologue before)
The first kiss, into the second, the gentle pick up into the counter which felt so fucking ugh omg natural, the shouldr kiss to the enck - as if saying ‘all of you is perfect in my eyes, I love all of you’ - Kuea’s harms lifting his shirt from the back followed into another deeper kiss just holy shittttt😱😭😭😭😭😤😤😫😫😫😫😫
Now in terms of this ship, I 50/50 count the car kiss as a ’kiss’ in the traditional sense because Kuea was so stupidly drunk and this kiss in not acknowlgeed by both parties. In 12-13 episode series, when a couple is getting together (at least the main one) I cap episode 6 as the ‘they are finally gonna start getting together’ or as I like to call it ‘THE defining kiss’ - ep6 is a good middle ground in my opinion, before of after you risk dragging it out or rushing it in an satisfying way (tho it can be be done and has been just depends on the pacing)
I wondered if they would have it before since this relationship is technically pre established - such series like ‘Don’t say No’(amazing btw) have this defining kiss in ep 1, bc is about them being in a relationship, not getting into the relationship.
But the car kiss doesn’t count (for me) as this kiss since it doesn't do anything for the relationship: we as the viewers understand the nuance emotions behind it and I think it was a very necessary visceral wakeup call on all fronts for Lian; but ultimately the continue on their cat and mouse thing they've been doing after wards.
The after math of this ABSOLUTE FUKCKING BANGER of a make out scene (this ain a kiss anymore, they were a min away from a make out) , shown a bit by the preview is straight up progress in the way their relationship has been - no more secrets and Lian has finally realized he has to show Kuea his ‘world’ or the way he is in order for Kuea to in return do the same - instead of forcing it out of him. And as much as the roles could be reversed, I think it's important for Lian to be the one to open up first, because it shows Kuea the effort and desire Lian has, to do so for Kuea - who we know struggles with the idea of being loved and desired by him.
I’m so fucking happy this is how it progressed and can’t wait for the way their relationship can only really go uphill from here (unless Nuer does some shenannigans, which who knows👀)
Misc side note - I appreciate whatever writer or producer or whoever makes sure there is at least one scene with Jay (Perth) bc I do in fact need to see him every episode thank you for your service. 💅
Can’t wait for Kilian fluff, YiDiao angst, and squad shenanigans next ep this show is so incredible
(this is 2554 words btw jesus am i okay)
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slytherinsjennie · 2 years
Its so annoying to watch Diao stand up for himself just to basically crumble cause he gets gifted a freaking dog.
Most LianKuea scenes are just filler atp except for the last one.
And just WHY are we not getting more NuerSyn rn is my damn question? Like just 3 eps left and no mater how they do it, it will feel forced if they end up together when they barely get 1 min together per episode? Its so sad cause after they fcked up YiDiao they had the biggest potential (full offense to LianKuea, they barely talk at all) but noo, tossed to the side and getting scenes cut from youtube too...like you can have Lian pushing Kuea until he says yes but not that little NuerSyn crumb, I-
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goodie-sam · 2 years
hia yi💙
my fiancé❤️
that’s it that’s the post
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Just two boys in darling matched sweaters having a good time.
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blueberries1234 · 2 years
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Kon Diao protective dog dad
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I'm never gonna get over how he stuck his tongue out at Yi
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rayandgay · 1 year
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local man undone by symbolic cheek kiss
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prapaiwife · 1 year
The naughty baby pilot is out, and this part the way they call each other by their full government names 🤣I LIVE for diao always standing his ground his sassy stubborn nature with hia yi nat does it SO WELL
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youtreatmelikeaman · 2 years
they fucking love that eating insinuation goddamn
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weilongfu · 2 years
For the Quick Spring Fling Prompt Spam Week(end) thing, could you maybe write something for Cutie Pie and UWMA, where Lian has some event and Kuea and Kon-Diao run into Team and Win (and possibly Manaow, Pharm, & Dean)? I just somehow feel they would get along and would be interested in seeing your take on it!
Or alternatively continue on with your fic “Theo (and Akk) go to Camp” perhaps just something about their daily lives at camp, I just really loved that one.
Looking forward to whatever, since your writing style is super engrossing!
Well I technically am continuing Theo (and Akk) Go to Camp with... an actual plot even. So you'll just have to wait a bit on that. But here's some Cutie Pie x UWMA crossover.
As Kuea had always been offered a choice on attending such formal events and Lian had no choice but to attend and properly represent his family, Kuea chose to stick to Lian's side like glue during the exceptionally lavish business dinner hosted by both his family and Lian's. Not out of a lack of proper manners or station, but out of not remembering most of the important families and Lian was all too happy to remind him which ones had done extensive business with his or Lian's families and which ones he was to avoid. Diao found himself in a similar situation, stuck to Yi. Although Diao was more likely to be lost in the sea of bodies than forgetful of any important people. Yi was particularly loathe to lose Diao that night regardless and so it all worked out.
Slowly, Lian and Kuea made the appropriate rounds as civility and formality dictated. Kuea smiled appropriately, held on to Lian's arm with just the right amount of pressure, and gave the appropriate generalities.
In short, it was exactly the kind of thing Kuea hated and Lian knew it. But Kuea played his role and Lian squeezed his hand in recognition and support. In between greetings, should time allow, there was even a kiss to Kuea's knuckles and that alone encouraged Kuea to see the party to the end.
"God, when will the Medthanans stop asking me to sell the property in downtown Bangkok to them?" Kuea moaned as Lian found them a quiet corner to rest.
"Until Tin stages a hostile takeover, I believe," Lian said with a sly grin while brushing Kuea's hair out of his face. "Anyway, there's not too many more people we have to greet immediately, then we can sit down and start eating."
"Oh thank god." Kuea straightened his back and dusted off his jacket to catch sight of another two couples heading their way. "Ah! Hia Win and P'Dean!" Lian frowned, only slightly, at the mention of the two slightly younger businessmen, but turned to acknowledge them regardless.
"Dean, Win," Lian said with a tilt of his head. He then turned to the younger men attached to their arms. "And these are N'Pharm and N'Team. It's good to see you both again. I didn't see you at the last party, if I recall correctly?"
"Hia Lian," Pharm said with a wai. "It's good to see you again too. And with Kuea tonight!" Pharm waved at Kuea happily. "I saw your newest song on YouTube! It was great!"
Kuea smiled, a genuine one, before waving off the complement. "It still feels a bit rough..."
"When are you going to release a proper album?" Team asked as he leaned in. "If you do, let me get a signed copy!" Lian and Win coughed at the same time and Team backed off with a pout. "What? We're friends! I'm allowed to ask a friend for a favor!"
Before Win could speak up, Kuea laughed and waved it off. "Of course I can give you guys signed CDs. Hia Lian has helped me get in touch with a few producers. I'll let you know when the appropriate deals are made."
Pharm and Team gave each other a quick high five before fist bumping Kuea. Dean pinched Pharm's cheek before giving him a small smile. "Mission accomplished?"
"P'Deaaaaan! You know I came here for more than just to ask Kuea for his autograph!"
"You came here for the food," Dean said while nodding sagely. "Let's get you to your seat before you miss the first course."
Win chuckled as well. "It was good to see you both again, Lian, Kuea. Send me a message when your album deal is worked out. This one..." Win flicked the back of Team's head causing him to yelp. "Is probably going to forget since he's been so busy with swim practice. But I'll make sure everything gets to him."
"Hiaaaa!" Team whined. "Don't make me sound so uncool."
"I don't have to do anything," Win teased. "You do it on your own so well. Now let's go eat before you whine some more."
The most recent visitors gone, Lian began tugging Kuea in the direction of their table. "And that's everything off our initial checklist. Well done, Nu-Kuea." Lian turned around quick enough to give Kuea a peck on the cheek. "Now we can eat too."
Lian's lips quirked up in a smile that Kuea was now very familiar with. "Don't worry. I'll reward you properly later."
"I wasn't thinking about that!"
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