#kogane hibiki
rhithefella · 9 months
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In light of a recent hack from an unrelated game, I have been reminded to draw my Glitchy interp. They are splash art redraws from the game.
Anyways say hi to Glitchy. (I also call em Ross for less confusion since Horrorverse Lore has more than one Red). They use any pronouns.
Extra sillies under the cut
W/o the glitch effect (or any effects)
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Memes ig
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
The Gogyō Guardians
Like how Western philosophy has the four classical elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air which are considered necessary for life, so too does Eastern philosophy have necessary elements for life. In Chinese wu xing, known as gogyō in Japan, the base elements for life are wood, water, fire, metal, and earth.
I imagine that Hino has elemental spirits much like the spirits found on the Suit continent, based on the Four Symbols in Chinese belief (they're call the Four Symbols but there is a fifth, just go with it). The five spirits are Seiryuu (Azure Dragon), Genbu (Black Tortoise), Suzaku (Vermillion Bird), Byakko (White Tiger), and Ouryuu (Yellow Dragon/Kirin).
And like the spirits of the Suit Continent, the spirits of Hino have human partners. Or they will.
The ocs I'm introducing here are mages of Hino still training to be partners for the five elemental spirits of their land.
Hisui Shirazaki
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Hisui's name is written as 翡翠 and means "jade," like the precious stone. Her family name, 白崎, means "white peninsula."
Age: 22
Birthday: October 30
Magic Attribute: Platinum/白金
Appearance: Hisui is a tall woman with fair skin. Her hair is black, reaches her mid-back, and has a rough texture with causes it to tangle easily. Her eyes are a dark grey color.
Personality: Hisui is a woman who loves to tease those close to her. She's proud of her abilities and is eager to act when she can. Enthusiastic and experimental, she's never afraid to try something new even when told of how dangerous it might. Firmly believes that as long as she's got her mind set to something, it'll inevitably work out in her favor. As a result, she also comes off as incredibly stubborn. She won't throw out an idea she's tried every possible way to make it work. Doesn't allow herself to get into a funk or stop working though and instead will find something else to do to distract herself from her failure.
She is the oldest of Kohaku's siblings. She knows that all her siblings admire her and works hard to be a good example. She does have a habit of patronizing them when they try to match her level, reminding them (especially Kohaku) of the gap in their respective experience. Among the Gogyō Guardians, she butts heads with Hibiki a lot since both have don't like to not get their way. She thinks Takuan is a pushover at times but admits that he gives excellent advice. She and Yoshisumi get along as she forges the weapons that he uses and both agree on taking pride in their abilities. Tsurumihime feels like a mystery to her but finds it in herself to trust the other woman's judgements.
Like her parents, Hisui works as a weapon smith and is very skilled at it. Her goal is to someday forge an unbreakable weapon.
Byakko is a relaxed spirit, content to watch others work rather than get involved itself. Given its overwhelming power, it refrains from showing off. It likes Hisui's enthusiasm and would gladly watch her run herself ragged on a project.
Tsurumihime Akayama
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Tsurumihime's given name is written as 鶴魅姫. The character's (in order) mean "crane," "charm," and "princess." 朱山 is her family name and means "vermillion mountain."
Age: 21
Birthday: July 26
Magic Attribute: Fire/火
Appearance: Tsurumihime is a young woman with a short stature and slim build. She's often described as being built like a reed. Her hair is ink black and perfectly smooth. She grew it out to reach past her hips though she frequently does it up in complex buns. Her eyes are a silvery grey color.
Personality: Tsurumihime is a sweet and outgoing woman. As a serious extrovert, Tsurumi feels more energized when she's around people. The warmth of others gives her life in a way as whenever she finds herself alone, she's gloomy and tired. She loves being around others and learning about them. She wants to know about others so she can make them happy. While she is generally quite giving, Tsurumi has a bit of an ego as a celebrity and likes being complimented.
Tsurumihime does her best to get along with everyone and believes that she does manage to do so. She likes Hisui and Hibiki's driven personalities and the ladies can agree that the act of creation for their professions makes them happy. Tsurumihime thinks that Yoshisumi is good for taking pride in his skills but also encourages him to actually learn while they're in Clover. She wishes Takuan would speak up for himself more but appreciates how he's able to appreciate so much.
Tsurumihime works as a performer, singing and dancing and playing a variety of instruments. One could easily compare her to an idol in Hino.
Tsurumihime and Suzaku get along very well. Suzaku is highly entertained by Tsurumi's skills and likes to chat with the young woman. They miss each other while Tsurumi is in Clover.
Hibiki Kurobayashi
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日々喜 is the writing for Hibiki's name and the kanji mean "sun," a repetition symbol, and "joy." Her family name is written as 黒林 and means "black forest."
Age: 19
Birthday: February 28
Magic Attribute: Water/水
Appearance: Light grey eyes which are noted to be particularly large and sparkly. Her hair is black and is cut short, right before her shoulders.
Personality: At first, Hibiki comes off as an airhead. She's upbeat and cracks a lot of jokes and has a bad track record when it comes to remembering the things that other people tell her. Getting to know her a bit more makes it clear that she's actually passive-aggressive, willingly ignoring things she doesn't like and not taking people seriously when they bother her (except for Hisui, she challenges Hisui very seriously). Hibiki wants to maintain a "friendly" image with people and so has learned to be underhanded when it comes to dealing with her negative feelings. She uses her food as a way to communicate, giving dishes with unusual (read: bad) flavor combinations to people she's having an argument with and giving delicious food as peace offerings later.
Hibiki respects Hisui deeply but also finds her a bother since they get in each other's way often. She like Takuan but mostly because she can easily talking him into going along with her plans. Surprisingly, she's very friendly with Yoshisumi as, even with their strong personalities, they don't disagree on a lot of things the way she and Hisui do. Hibiki likes Tsurumihime well and even goes to her to when she feels stressed.
Hibiki is a professional chef in Hino. She learned from Fumito at a young age but quickly surpassed him in skill. She looks forward to learning about cuisine on the Suit Continent during the exchange program.
Genbu's peaceful, go-with-the-flow personality contrasts with Hibiki's demanding one which often leads to disagreements. Genbu would like for Hibiki to relax more but understands that she's still early in her adulthood.
Yoshisumi Kogane
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Yoshisumi's name, written as 義墨, means "justice" and "ink." 黄金, the writing of his family name, means "yellow" and "metal."
Age: 24
Birthday: August 24
Magic Attribute: Earth/土
Appearance: His hair is pitch black which is long enough to reach his shoulder blades. The front of his hair is parted into side bangs that frame his face while the back of his is tied back near the ends. His eyes are a dark grey which sometimes look black.
Personality: Yoshisumi is a proud individual who is very set in his ways. He is a natural talent and fast learner so he hold his abilities in high regard and can, more often than not, back up his claims of strength. He strongly believes in the ways of Hino culture. He doesn't see the point of learning from other cultures since his nation has been able to survive and flourish on its own. He's a believer that everyone should be able to provide for themselves and that the weak are destined to fade away. He eventually learns that there's value in learning from others and helping them.
Yoshisumi gets along well with Hisui and Hibiki. While their arguments annoy him, their strong wills are admirable to him. He likes Hisui a little more as she provides him with weapons to use in battle. Takuan's ideology clashes with Yoshisumi's own so they have trouble coming to agreements, but since Takuan doesn't put up much of a fight against Yoshisumi, he tolerates the monk. He has the most trouble getting along with Tsurumihime as her open-heartedness and open-mindedness makes her susceptible to manipulation in his opinion.
Yoshisumi is a samurai. He's not at the level of being a member of the Ryūzen Seven but it's believed that he will achieve that rank once he's officially partnered with Ouryuu.
Ouryuu is a stern individual who values work and merit above all else. It doesn't take kindly to either boasting of one's self or criticism of others until the speaker can prove their worth. As such, Ouryuu's opinion of Yoshimine isn't the best.
Ouryuu means "yellow dragon" but Ouryuu's form is meant to be that of a kirin.
Takuan Seiki
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沢庵 is how his given name is written and the kanji mean "marsh" and "hut." It's also the name of a Buddhist priest from the Sengoku period. His family name, 青燬, means "blue/green" and "blaze."
Age: 20
Birthday: May 18
Magic Attribute: Tree/木
Appearance: Black eyes like obsidian and equally black hair which is kept short, only being long enough to cover his nape. He's got a slender figure, often being described as a willow.
Personality: Takuan is a relaxed person. He takes life slowly and wants to appreciate all the little beauties that he sees in the world. To Takuan, there is at least a small amount of good in everything that exists, whether, though in what way is different for each thing. Deeply thoughtful, he treads through interactions carefully to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Though quiet, he can also be rather direct in his approach. He doesn't like to presume people's feelings and so if he's trying to do right by a person, he asks them what exactly they'd like. He does his best to help others by advising them.
Takuan finds Tsurumihime the most agreeable of his fellow Gogyō Guardians. Hibiki comes next though her tendency to steamroll past others gets on his nerves. Yoshihime's pride and Hisui's stubbornness make them the tied for the position of "most difficult" to handle. Still, he cannot deny that they're all incredible talented people who deserve recognition. Given that their group is full of strong personalities, he's fallen into the role of peacemaker.
Takuan is a monk, spending his time reading religious texts and practicing meditation. He writes also poetry, mostly to bring peace of mind, but is also quite good at it. Though he believes he'll never be as skilled as his teacher.
Seiryuu is ill-tempered and always ready to pick a fight, physical or verbal. He's always criticizing his host and doesn't approve of Takuan being his next partner, but they seem destined to team up.
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pupmuseboxmoved · 9 months
Tag dump 1/?
{ Silver One Winged Angel - Sephiroth } { Spiky Chocobo Swordsman - Cloud Strife } { The Fluffy Pup - Zack Fair } { Red Fox Birb - Genesis Rhapsodos } { Silver Angel of Spellcasting - Kuja } { Cheerful Wings - Togekiss/Hibiki } { Dual Blade Swordsman - Gallade/Shinobu } { Collector of Fabrics and Disguise Master - Mimikyu/Tabb } { Fiery Lion - Keith Kogane } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Gentle Hearted and Adventurous Trainer - Ethan } { Quiet and Lone Trainer - Silver } { Mysterious and Quiet Trainer - Red } { Hot Blooded Clan Leader - Adaman } { Rebellious Trickster and Wildcard - Akira Kurusu/Joker } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Feathered Agent of Death - Ryoji Mochizuki } { Quiet Wildcard User - Makoto Yuki } { Unwavering Kind Heart of a Master - Ritsuka Fujimaru } { Radiant Sun King and Pharaoh - Ozymandias } { Golden King of Heroes - Gilgamesh } { Wise Sage of a King - Caster Gil } { Young King of Heroes - Proto Gil } { Child King of Heroes - Kid Gil } { Master of Strings - Orpheus }
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pupmusebox · 14 days
Tag dump 1/?
{ Silver One Winged Angel - Sephiroth } { Spiky Chocobo Swordsman - Cloud Strife } { The Fluffy Pup - Zack Fair } { Red Fox Birb - Genesis Rhapsodos } { Silver Angel of Spellcasting - Kuja } { Cheerful Wings - Togekiss/Hibiki } { Dual Blade Swordsman - Gallade/Shinobu } { Collector of Fabrics and Disguise Master - Mimikyu/Tabb } { Fiery Lion - Keith Kogane } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Gentle Hearted and Adventurous Trainer - Ethan } { Quiet and Lone Trainer - Silver } { Mysterious and Quiet Trainer - Red } { Hot Blooded Clan Leader - Adaman } { Rebellious Trickster and Wildcard - Akira Kurusu/Joker } { Artful Fox Painter - Yusuke Kitagawa } { Feathered Agent of Death - Ryoji Mochizuki } { Quiet Wildcard User - Makoto Yuki } { Unwavering Kind Heart of a Master - Ritsuka Fujimaru } { Radiant Sun King and Pharaoh - Ozymandias } { Golden King of Heroes - Gilgamesh } { Wise Sage of a King - Caster Gil } { Young King of Heroes - Proto Gil } { Child King of Heroes - Kid Gil } { Master of Strings - Orpheus }
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imasallstars · 2 years
Information regarding the MOIW 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 11th and 12th of February 2023. This live will feature all five brands of IDOLM@STER on the stage together after 8 years.
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
DAY 1&2
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS  Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii), Azumi Asakura (Yukiho Hagiwara), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Asami Shimoda (Ami/Mami Futami), Manami Numakura (Hibiki Ganaha), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Triad Primus [Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya), Mai Fuchigami (Karen Hojo)], Eldritch Loreteller [Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Chiyo Ousaki (Koume Shirasaka)], Cyber Glass [Mina Nagashima (Haruna Kamijo), Rui Tanabe (Hina Araki)], Foreign Seaside [Nao Toyama (Mizuki Kawashima), Miharu Hanai (Tomoe Murakami)], from U149 [Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Strawberry Pop Moon [Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki)], TIntMe! [Eri Inagawa (Tamaki Ogami), Akari Harashima (Iku Nakatani), Keiko Watanabe (Momoko Suou)], HanaSakuya [Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi)], Cleasky [Asuka Kakumoto (Elena Shimabara), Chouchou Kiritani (Miya Miyao)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  DRAMATIC STARS [Shugo Nakamura (Teru Tendo)], Jupiter [Takuma Terashima (Toma Amagase), Daichi Kanbara (Hokuto Ijuin)], Beit [Shun Horie (Pierre), Tomohito Takatsuka (Minori Watanabe)], MofuMofuEn [Shogo Yano (Nao Okamura), Keisuke Furuhata (Shiro Tachibana)], C.FIRST [Yuri Ise (Shu Amamine), Masaya Miyakaze (Momohito Hanazono), Takeo Otsuka (Eishin Mayumi)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS   Hokago Climax Girls [Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)], Straylight [Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)], noctchill [Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa)]
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Threat Sign [Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Teru Ikuta (Natalia)], Dimension-3 [Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)], flamme martini [Maki Kawase (Tsukasa Kiryu), Sayaka Harada (Miyu Mifune), Satsumi Matsuda (Syoko Hoshi), Minori Suzuki (Hajime Fujiwara)], HappyHappyTwin [Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Rei Matsuzaki (Kirari Moroboshi)], miroir [Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Rika Nagae (Hayate Hisakawa)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Chrono-Lexica [Yuka Saito (Subaru Nagayoshi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe)], Senkou☆HANABIDAN [Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayam), Nana Hamasaki (Noriko Fukuda), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama), Eri Ozeki (Minako Satake)], 4 Luxury [Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Minami Takahashi (Konomi Baba)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  FRAME [Kentaro Kumagai (Hideo Akuno), Kento Hama (Ryu Kimura), Takuya Masumoto (Seiji Shingen)], Café Parade [Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)], F-LAGS [Yuko Sanpei (Ryo Akizuki), Shunya Hiruma (Kazuki Tsukumo), Takehiro Urao (Daigo Kabuto)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Illumination Stars [Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)], L’Antica [Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku)], ALSTROEMERIA [Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)], SHHis [Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)]
SPECIAL GUEST  ZWEIGLANZ [Minori Chihara (Leon), Rie Takahashi (Shika)]
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not-an-enstarrie · 2 years
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Drama club shenanigans
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zera-luminariam · 7 years
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Well time to finally to upload the Voltron Symphogear AU of mine!
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
1, 6, 15, 17, 23, 41 aand 44 please
Thanks for playing! <3
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
The first I got involved in? Not wrote, but just... involved. Mh. It’s gotta be One Piece, that’s where I discovered fanart and fanfiction for the first time. First fic I ever read was some self-insert love-triangle between a Mary-Sue and Luffy and Ace and I absolutely loved it because the mere fact that here, for free, I just got to read about my favorite characters and my favorite anime was absolutely mindblowing.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Holy effing shit this one alone will take A LONG TIME. Okay. Cutting this short to actually involved in, as in I actively read or wrote in that fandom, not every time a ship caught my fancy. And only one OTP per fandom, the top OTP.
Also, alphabetical order.
Ace of Diamond: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Arrowverse: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart/Barry Allen
Avatar - Legend of Korra: Iroh II/Bolin (I never really got into TLA when it came to fanfiction)
Ben 10: Rook Blonko/Ben Tennyson (HIGHLY UNTERRATED SHIP!)
Beyblade: Yuriy Iwanov/Rei Kon (my second-ever fandom where I actually got active as a writer! ;^;)
Card Captor Sakura: Spinel Sun/Keroberos
Charmed: Cole Turner/Phoebe Halliwell
Chicago Fire: Kelly Severide/Matt Casey
Danny Phantom: Danny Phantom/Danny Fenton (...and here, you can see exhibit A as to how I got into selfcest)
Death Note: Yagami Light/L
Descendants: Prince Pen/Carlos de Vil
Detective Conan: Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi
Digimon: Motomiya Daisuke/Takaishi Takeru
Dragon Prince: Soren/Callum
Entourage: Ariel Gold/Eric Murphy
Eureka: Nathan Stark/Jack Carter
Fairy Tail: Loke/Lucy Heartfilia (it’s my OTP, but it’s not the ship I was reading xD)
Fast and the Furious: Dominic Toretto/Brian O’Conner
Free!: Yamazaki Sousuke/Nanase Haruka
Glee: David Karofsky/Kurt Hummel/Noah Puckerman
Grimm: Eddie Monroe/Nick Burckhardt
Haikyuu!!: Kozume Kenma/Hinata Shouyou
Harry Potter: Fred & George Weasley/Harry Potter
Heroes: Gabriel Gray/Peter Petrelli
Hetalia Axis Powers: France/Germany
Hunger Games: Cato/Peeta Mellark
Imposters: Richard Evans/Ezra Bloom
Inuyasha: Kouga/Inuyasha
Jungle Book: Shere Khan/Bagheera
How to Train Your Dragon/Rise of the Guardians: Hiccup Haddock/Jack Frost
Killjoys: Prima Dezz/Johnny Jaqobis
Kim Possible: Shego/Kim Possible
Kingdom Hearts: Axel/Sora
Kuroko no Basuke: Takao Kazunari/Kuroko Tetsuya
Lord of the Rings: Gimli/Legolas
Lucifer: Mazikeen Smith/Chloe Decker
MacGyver: Jack Dalton/Angus MacGyver
Magi Legend of the Labyrinth: Sinbad/Alibaba Saluja
Marvel: it’s a tie between Loki/Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Maze Runner: Newt/Thomas
Merlin: Gwaine/Merlin
Miraculous Ladybug: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Adrien Agreste
Musketeers: Porthos/Athos/Aramis/D’Artagnan
One Piece: Trafalgar Law/Monkey D. Luffy
Percy Jackson: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson
Pitch Perfect: Kommissar/Beca Mitchell
Prince of Stride: Suwa Reiji/Fujiwara Takeru
Psych; Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer
Ranma 1/2: Ryoga Hibiki/Ranma Saotome
Riverdale: Jughead Jones/Archie Andrews
Road to El Dorado: Tulio/Miguel
Royal Pains: Boris Küster von Jürgens-Ratenicz/Henry Lawson
Sailor Moon: Kou Seiya/Tsukino Usagi tied with Tenoh Haruka/Tsukino Usagi
Scrubs: Percival Cox/JD Dorian
Shadowhunters: Magnus Bane/Jace Herondale
Sky High: Warren Peace/Will Stronghold
Sleeping Beauty: Maleficent/Aurora
Smallville: Oliver Queen/Clark Kent
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Transformers: Ironhide/William Lennox/Sam Witwicky
Trollhunters: Draal/Jim Lake
Twilight: Edward Cullen/Jacob Black
Vampire Academy: Mason Ashford/Christian Ozera
Voltron: Takashi Shirogane/Keith Kogane/Lance McClain
Wicked: Elphaba Thropp/Glinda of the Arduennas
Young Justice: Roy Harper/Dick Grayson
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Kaiba Seto/Jonouchi Katsuya (the first ever ship I wrote for!!!)
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I mean. 75% of the ships I love are “obscure”. I... I always find the very obvious mainstream ships... boring. I mean, sometimes I find them nice in canon, but mostly I find canon to provide enough about them that I don’t really need fandom to get more of it, you know? Or, which also often happens, I find the mainstream ships have more of a very strong friendship-dynamic, or even a sibling-dynamic in some cases, and I just can’t really find it in myself to want to see them in a romantic way.
So, if I have to pick an, as in one, obscure ship, I will have to go with my top OTP. Jagnus. Jace and Magnus literally lived together, in both the show-canon and the book-canon, yet somehow it is an “obscure” ship. I mean, not somehow, we all know why. It’s the unwritten fandom rule of “canon mlm shall NEVER EVER BE BROKEN UP HOW DARE YOU SHIP ONE WITH SOMEONE ELSE”. You have no idea how often that rule has come between me and my OTP. Basically every time there is a canon mlm ship, really.
And this in no way or shape means to criticize those who only ship canon and are content with it, you do you, but I do find the lack of creativity in shipping in fandom where there is a canon mlm ship... really damn boring. Fandoms without canon mlm representation have the wildest constellations of ships, have a far broader variety of content, but when there is canon mlm, the majority of a fandom tends to just happily sit down with it and hug it and prefer not to be creative with the content and the shipping. And as a certified multishipper, I don’t really get that - like, even if you like the canon, you could have multiple ships?
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
My first OTP was Shere Khan/Bagheera, because gods do I love Jungle Cubs. And while other ships I interact more with have pushed it off the throne, if I see any form of Sheregheera content, I am immediately sucked in, no questions asked, no hesitation. I am utterly in love with this very rare, small, very obscure actually, ship and I will always love it and it still is one of my favorites.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Ooof. Interesting one. I’ve done a variety of PJO fics I’m particularly fond of in previous versions of such a question, so let’s go with something else this time. “The Lost Soulmarks”. It’s, at this point, probably my own personal most reread story. I just reread it the other night, actually. It just - it hits all of the right spots in what I want from a fic. Very often, I write to please my readers, with “What do my followers like most?” in my mind at least to a certain degree, but some things are absolutely self-indulgent. And I should really write more absolutely self-indulgent fics because those are the ones I myself keep coming back to. It has ABO-verse, it has soulmates, it’s Jace-centric, with lots of love, misunderstandings but not the kind where one of them is to blame but rather where it’s due to the circumstances, it’s really emotionally painful, but pays off in the end. It’s... seriously those are all the things I love.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Uuuhm so like five WIPs where I am desperately waiting for updates?
Shadowhunters, Jagnus: “Non-Fat Frappuccino With Extra Whipped Cream” by @kimmycup - it’s my top OTP and my best friend gave it to me but now she is slowly murdering me with the wait for part 2
Shadowhunters, Jimon: “Strings” by annhamilton - I looove this story, only recently discovered it and fell in love with it and am now not-quite-patiently waiting for the next chapter
Avengers, WinterIron: “(Iron Is A) Star Killer” by RayShippouUchiha - a fic I read... a while ago and recently rediscovered with the latest update and am now desperately waiting for more!
Avengers, WinterIron: “An Unempty Nest” by gryvon - same as the one above, I read this a while ago and forgot about it and recently rediscovered it for myself and still love it
Avengers, Steve/Bucky/Tony/Tony: “Second Chance (at happiness)” by SailorChibi - I got this fic recommended and devoured it in one sitting and have since then checked nearly daily for updates because I greatly enjoy it!
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Fanfiction Ask Game
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My Ship list !
So ! I made this a little while ago and I though that it might be interesting to share it with you guys :D 
Anastasia x Dimitri - Anastasia Ben x Mal - Descendants Gaston x Lefou - Disney (Yeah, I know, it’s abusive I’M SORRY I SHIP IT I’M WEAK.) Nick x Judy - Disney (lol it’s canon.) Nani x David - Disney Raiponce x Eugene - Disney Kiara x Kovu - Disney Percival Graves x Credence Barebone - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (I KNOW. ONCE AGAIN, ABUSIVE. SORRY UGH.) Steve x Tony - Marvel QuickSilver x Hawkeye - Marvel Thor x Loki - Marvel Spiderman x DeadPool - Marvel Peter Parker x Harry Osborn - Marvel Peter Parker x Flash Thompson - Marvel (*cough*) Charles Xavier x Erik Lensherr - Marvel Caspian x Peter - Narnia Caspian x Edmund - Narnia Jack Sparrow x Will Turner - Pirate Of The Caribbean Jack Sparrow x Hector Barbossa - Pirate Of The Caribbean Spock x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Spock x Jim Tiberius Kirk - Star Trek Jim Tiberius Kirk x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Jim Tiberius Kirk x Spock x Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Chekov Pavel - Star Trek Scott “Scotty” Montgomery x Jaylah - Star Trek Eduardo Saverin x Mark Zuckerberg - The Social Network
Dom Juan x Sganarelle - Dom Juan (It’s a French Comedy/Drama, written by Moliere himself. Very great piece of theater, if you can find it in english you should read it! In France, we study it in high school, so basically every french people on earth have read it!) Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter Albus Severus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy - Harry Potter (LOL IT’S CANON, DON’T TEST ME JK ROWLING.) Severus Snape x Sirius Black - Harry Potter Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott - Harry Potter Seamus Finnigan x Dean Thomas - Harry Potter (It’s canon. It just is.) Finnick x Annie - Hunger Games Haymitch x Effie - Hunger Games Cato x Katniss - Hunger Games Cato x Peeta - Hunger Games Peeta x Gale - Hunger Games Peeta x Katniss - Hunger Games Newt x Thomas - The Maze Runner Charlie x Patrick - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Charlie x Sam - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Patrick x Brad - The Perks Of Being a Wallflower Jake x Enoch - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Tv Shows
Phoebe x Cole - Charmed Jeremi x Aelita - Code Lyoko Yumi x Ulrich - Code Lyoko Ulrich x Odd - Code Lyoko Odd x Aelita - Code Lyoko William x Ulrich - Code Lyoko William x Cece - Code Lyoko Gabrielle x Carlos - Desperate Housewives Linette x Tom - Desperate Housewives Joey x Chandler - Friends Rachel x Monica - Friends Rachel x Joey - Friends Kurt Hummel x Finn Hudson - Glee Kurt Hummel x Sebastian Smith - Glee Sebastian Smith x Hunter Clarington - Glee David Karofsky x Kurt Hummel - Glee Sam Evans x Rory Flanagan - Glee Nick x Jeff - Glee Dipper Mason Pines x Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls Mabel Pines x Pacifica Northwest - Gravity Falls Barney x Ted - HIMYM Arthur Pendragon x Guenievre De Carmélide - Kaamelott Arthur Pendragon x Lancelot du Lac - Kaamelott Arthur Pendragon x Perceval de Galle - Kaamelott Leodagan de Carmélide x Dame Sélie - Kaamelott Leodagan de Carmélide x Bohort - Kaamelott Yvain x Gauvain - Kaamelott
SO. Just, basically, Kaamelott is a French TV shows about the Knights of the Round Table and it’s just AWESOME ?! I mean, I’m so sorry you guys can’t watch it cause it’s in french and I’m not sure if it been translate ? But it’s so perfect I’m watching it every day before I go to sleep. Really. I swear I DO watch it every day. And sometimes I’m sleeping in front of it. Anyway back to the (gay) ship !
Merlin x Arthur Pendragon - Merlin, BBC Nathan Young x Simon Bellamy - Misfits Emma Swan x Killian Jones - OUAT Emma Swan x Regina Miles - OUAT Zelena x Hades - OUAT Sherlock Holmes x Moly Hooper - Sherlock, BBC Sherlock Holmes x Greg Lestrade - Sherlock, BBC Greg Lestrade x Mycroft Holmes - Sherlock, BBC Tom x Marco - Star vs the Foe Harper x Mike - Suits Leonard x Sheldon - The Big Bang Theory Sheldon x Amy - The Big Bang Theory Fran x Maxwell - The Nanny Nils x Cece - The Nanny Keith Kogane x Lance McClain - Voltron Shiro, Takashi, Shirogane x Keith Kogane - Voltron Shiro, Takashi Shirogane x Lance McClain - Voltron Lance McClain x Keith Kogane x Shiro, Takashi Shirogane - Voltron Allura x Shiro, Takashi Shirogane - Voltron Hunk x Shay - Voltron
Shinichi Kudo x Ran Mouri - Detective Conan Heiji Hattori x Kazuha Toyama - Detective Conan Shinichi Kudo x Kaito Kid - Detective Conan You Miyagi x Shinobu Takatsuki - Junjou Romantica Misaki Takahashi x Akihiko Usami - Junjou Romantica Shōichirō Yukimura x Sōtarō Kanō - Kaichou wa Maid-Sama Kyouya Ootori x Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club Ritsu Onodera x Masamune Takano - Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh
Thibou (Blathers) x Robusto (Brewster) - Animal Crossing Elisabec (Phyllis) x Antoine (Pete) - Animal Crossing Tom Nook x Cousette (Sable) - Animal Crossing Luke Triton x Clive Dove - Professeur Layton Silver x Gold (Ethan, Hibiki) - Pokemon Silver x Soul (Lyra, Kotone) - Pokemon Silver x Lance (Wataru) - Pokemon N x White (Touko) - Pokemon N x Black (Touya) - Pokemon Wheatley x Chell - Portal Mackenzie x Connor - Touch Detective Undyne x Alphys - Undertale Mettaton x Papyrus - Undertale Nice Cream Guy x Burgerpants - Undertale
THE END ♥ Tell me what do you ship ? :)
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Tagging to Know Me!
Well this is the first time this has ever happened to me! I was tagged by @neko-otaku13 ! I’m stating right now that I’m too shy to tag 20 people so I’m not going to ! Sorry ! Also I’m gonna put this under a “read more” so people aren’t scrolling for a millenium to get past this
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname: Alli, my dude, nerd
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 4′10″ (and I’m done growing rip me)
Last Thing You Googled: “Love Live Song Centers”
Favourite Music Artists: All of Love Live and Ensemble Stars (not sure if those count but to me they do so-), Alexander Rybak, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Bon Jovi, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and others I can’t remember off the top of my head right now.
Song Stuck in My Head: Daring! by Maki Nishikino (Love Live)
Last Movie You Watched: Mulan ??? or Air Force One, I don’t remember very well.
What Are You Wearing Right Now?: A red/white/blue camo tank top and America flag booty shorts (listen my dudes they were for a casual Fem! APH America that I had planned a long time ago and they’re comfy pajamas since I hate the heat)
Why Did You Choose Your URL: My old one was from a fandom I wasn’t in anymore, and I really like the stars and shadows so I was just like “hm maybe something with starlights and shadows in the name- wAIT”
Do you have any other blogs?: Not at all my dude
What did your last relationship teach you?: How to be better at relationships and how unfazed I am when broken up with (and how that isn’t a good thing at all.) Also that I have a love-hate relationship with being single.
Religious or Spiritual: Probably a little more spiritual ?? 
Favorite Color: Black, pink, red, and gold
Average hours of sleep: between 7 and 11 hours
Lucky Number: 13 (it’s my favorite number)
Favourite Characters: Oh boy. I’ll choose two from each fandom I can think of (I love almost every character from these, mind you, especially LL and Enstars):
-Jason Grace and Nico diAngelo (PJO)
-Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane (Voltron)
-Kotori Minami and Nozomi Tojo (Love Live)
-Ruby Kurosawa and Kanan Matsuura (Love Live Sunshine)
-Mika Kagehira and Wataru Hibiki (Ensemble Stars) [everyone is tho rip me]
-Niles and Xander (Fire Emblem)
-Jumin Han, Zen, V, Vanderwood (Mystic Messenger) [I just couldn’t leave V and Vanderwood out but I love Zen and Jumin too so]
-Sugawara Koushi and Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
- Rei Ryugazaki and Rin Matsuura (Free)
-Aomine Daiki and Midorima Shintarou (Kuroko no Basuke)
-Viktor Nikiforov and Otabek Altin (Yuri on Ice)
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 or 2, depending on how the bed is made.
Dream Job: Government translator (I’m on the edge now thanks college), voice actor (up in the air ?? I like doing voices) or something with psychology
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rhithefella · 10 months
I made a sprite thing of Ethan wearing big jacket a while back.
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He looks so comfy! Also hey, it's convenient. Sometimes it's what he needs to feel at his peak. Especially at the month thing I mentioned a while back.
I also headcanon that sometimes he messes up doing the laundry, so this jacket might've been red at first.
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cheeseleaves · 6 years
Short 4am Drabble
“I’d like to formally introduce myself. I’m Hibiki Kogane. Second Generation Trainer. I was a Hatcher.”
Hibiki Stared down at Rose with a heart full of pain, and eyes full of hate. She had labeled him the bad guy a long time ago. He was never the bad guy. He was the father of their first son, and whether she like it or not, her husband.
Rose had her gaze fixed even with his, not for a single second letting his passive aggression affect her. She didn’t care who he had been, or who he claimed to be. He raped her, and he raped her sister. She wouldn’t forgive him for that. Not in the slightest. To her, He was the black sheep. He was the alter-ego of her real husband. He was a loathed piece of shit that she wanted no association with. But, she was stuck with him.
“Thank you very much, Hibiki. Now, If You’ll Excuse Me.” Rose’s words held a sharp edge, not one that would seem defensive, but rather meant to be a warning. Back off. That’s what she needed him to hear.
Hibiki bit his lip, his frustration growing all the heavier. “You treat me like shit. It’s been years, and I’m still shit to you. Why? Why can’t you accept me? I’m no different than him.” Hibiki took a step toward her, his fists balling at his sides. Rose fought back what bit of her anger she could. His words seared into her. He was nothing like Silver. Silver was kind, and he cared about her feelings. “You’re nothing like him. You’re vile, and you disgust me. You’re an awful person. You disregard everything that doesn’t boost your ego. So shut your goddamn mouth.”
Hibiki wasn’t fond of being talked down by someone that never took the time to understand him. He needed to make her see him for who he is, and not just what he did. “Look, I’m sorry. I am. With you- With you, I was trying to help Silver. I was trying to do something nice for him. For you both. I messed up with Korr. I did. I regret that. Every second of it. She didn’t deserve it, but I don’t deserve to be punished anymore. You keep pushing me away when I try to be close to you. You’re my Wife, Rozella. How am I supposed to love you, when I can’t get close to you?? Are you trying to fucking kill me?” Tears welled in the corners of his dusty blue eyes, his need for acceptance flooding over him. “I don’t want you to hate me anymore. I don’t want you to hurt because of me. I never meant to hurt you in the first place. I want to be nice to you. I want to hold you the way he gets to. I want you to look at me without despising me. I just want to hold your hand! I’m a good person! I’m not a monster, Okay? I’m gentle. I care, too. I care so fucking much that it’s physically painful when you ignore my feelings. When you ignore me.” His tears spilled down his pale skin, eyes glued to that Amazing Woman In front of him.
Rose had been patiently waiting for his tantrum to end. Upon seeing her chance, she spoke up. “I want you to be less insufferable.”
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strong-tomorrow · 7 years
Nana Mizuki - Crystal Letter [k/r]
あなたと過ごした記憶が 水晶のように光ってる 零れぬよう上を向いた 旅立ちは怖くない
銀河に集う星たちが 変わらぬ火を放つように リーベの唄を奏でよう 悠久の竪琴で
遥か地平の先 燃える黄金(こがね)の鼓動 今こそ飛ぼう
どこまでも続く夢が好きだった あなたの笑顔が好きだった 普通の恋が嬉しかった… ありきたりの言葉だけどごめんね 例え時間が引き裂いても 「この世界で一番あなたが大好きです」 Love you forever…
たぶん生命(いのち)の起源さえ 愛と云う名の悲愴曲(レクイエム) 人を想うという事は あまりにも切なくて
砂塵の霧の最果てに 見つけた理想郷(オアシス) 運命(さだめ)がすべてというなら どこまでを彷徨うの?
息が詰まるほどに 募る気持ちがほら 羽ばたく風に
永遠を願う程に好きだった 泣きじゃくるくらい好きだった 本当は今振り返りたい… 限りない想いは土に植えたら 胸の中で花にしましょう 「私は笑えるから笑ってくれませんか?」 You’ll not cry again…
凍りついた泪を溶かしたよ なんてなんて優しい 螺旋解(ほど)くあなたの魂(こえ) 強く抱きしめて
愛してる愛してるよいつまでも だからわたしは…わたしは…もう 伝えたいよ 時代(とき)を越えて 「物語は終わりを迎えるけど無限の明日に咲き誇ろう」 あなたに送る手紙 新しい始まりに Love & Soul Letter…
anata to sugoshita kioku ga suishou no you ni hikatteru koborenu you ue wo muita tabidachi ha kowakunai
ginga ni tsudou hoshitachi ga kawaranu hi wo hanatsu you ni RIIBE no uta wo kanade you yuukyuu no tategoto de
haruka chihei no saki moeru kogane no kodou ima koso tobou
dokomademo tsudzuku yume ga suki datta anata no egao ga suki datta futsuu no koi ga ureshikatta… arikitari no kotoba dakedo gomen ne tatoe jikan ga hikisaite mo “kono sekai de ichiban anata ga daisuki desu” Love You Forever…
tabun inochi no kigen sae ai to iu na no REKUIEMU hito wo omou to iu koto ha amari ni mo setsunakute
sajin no kiri no sai hate ni mitsuketa OASHISU sadame ga subete to iu nara dokomade wo samayou no?
iki ga tsumaru hodo ni tsunoru kimochi ga hora habataku kaze ni
eien wo negau hodo ni suki datta nakijakuru kurai suki datta hontou ha ima furikaeritai… kagirinai omoi wa tsuchi ni uetara mune no naka de hana ni shimashou “watashi ha waraeru kara warattekuremasen ka?” You’ll Not Cry Again…
kooritsuita namida wo tokashita yo nante nante yasashii rasen hodoku anata no koe tsuyoku dakishimete
aishiteru aishiteru yo itsumademo dakara watashi ha… watashi ha… mou tsutaetai yo toki wo koete “monogatari ha owari wo mukaeru kedo mugen no asu ni saki hokorou” anata ni okuru tegami atarashii hajimari ni Love & Soul Letter…
Lyrics: HIBIKI Composition: Matsuki Fuji
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rhithefella · 10 months
Kogane Hibiki trivia: every month, there's an alloted time where they just.
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rhithefella · 10 months
Interp Lore Eefy Trivia because why not:
Gold Konno (Alive):
- He LOVES grilled cheese, and he can work a grill. Though sometimes he just calls his ace (Typhlosion) to cook it with its flames. It's convenient compared to setting up a grill.
Gold Konno (Dead/Horrorverse):
- There's not one, but TWO characters that came from his death. There's the ghost, and there's the reanimated body.
Ethan Kogane:
-Suffers from intense, vivid nightmares. Most of which involve dying or worse. If it weren't for his rival, who is more of a night owl, he would be the one who sleeps the least in the Johto Quartet. He does find ways to take a break without sleep, though.
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rhithefella · 10 months
Not only did I make two interpretations of the brother; I made two interpretations of the boy himself! What a silly guy!!
Here is the HGSS one.
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Fun fact: Despite being the same person story-wise, I actually have different surnames for each version.
GSC's is Konno
HGSS's is Kogane
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