#klaw day 1
ao719 · 1 year
I fell down a hole yesterday making this silly thing for @kingliamappreciationweek. It was supposed to be for yesterday’s character appreciation, but I didn’t have it done in time 🫣
Thank you @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes for hosting!
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twinkleallnight · 1 year
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Book: TRR AU/ Once upon a time prequel
Pairings:Liam x Savannah 
Word count:1367
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry. 
Rating: Mature
Warning: none
A/N: The @kingliamappreciationweek (day 1 ) was an excellent excuse to revisit my very old WIPs. Thank you @lizzybeth1986 for brainstorming the title for this fic that hopefully will be a mini series.
Prompt: That's how the story goes @choicesflashfics and flower, sunrise @aprilchallenge by @peonierose for @choicesmonthlychallenge
The island of Corsica, 
Mediterranean sea, 
The first rays of the rising sun kissed the peak of Monte Cinto igniting the deep red of the granite and then bowed at its foothills before bathing the valley of Lozzi. With the thick backdrop of chestnut forests and the evergreen sheet of the shrubs, the village of Lozzi brightened to its glory. The fragrance of the flowers of the Maquis carried far out across the land as life stirred awake on the “Scented Isle.” 
Savannah was already up on her toes, hastening through her morning chores before she reached her workplace. 
It had been a couple of years since she left Cordonia and had made her little abode on this island. She had no regrets, no complaints. With her qualifications she was able to pick up a job that helped her manage her expenses in Corsica. Moreover, she was grateful for having a reason to live. A reason to look at the world through the innocent blue eyes of her little munchkin. She thanked the Almighty in her prayers and then got ready for the day. 
After a couple of hours, she walked down a curved path to a cream building that had a dull blue board with a large print of 'Middle school of Moltifao'. This was where she had found her happiness. She was re- living her childhood teaching history lessons to some ten year olds here. She entered a modest room decorated with hand made amateur charts. 
Twenty one curious little minds were eagerly waiting in that room for an interesting story from their teacher, whom they adored. They were all delighted to see her and so was she.
Except, the topic for the day was a bit difficult for her to deal with. It was going to bring back memories of her 'Prince Charming' and so much more. But, 'the show must go on' she thought and began…
"We discussed Vatican City last time. Today let's talk about Cordonia. Can anyone tell me what's common between these two countries of Europe?" She made their little minds work. 
The plump girl on the first desk shot her hand high in the air. Savannah smiled at the Hermione of her class. 
"Yes, Susan, tell me." 
" They are both absolute monarchies." She beamed proudly. 
"You are right." 
Rio, who always had doubts about anything and everything, interjected, "But why? I understood the reasons for Vatican City in the last class Ms Walker. Why is Cordonia ruled by a king when the rest of the countries in Europe have elected governments?"
"Good question, Rio. Cordonia had its own struggle too. There was a period of unrest when a group of people revolted and did not want the royals. But everything changed when King Liam took over the reins." 
She felt the blush rising to her cheeks. She was irritated, realizing what effect his name had on her even after all these years. 
She covered up her nervousness and shifted her gaze from Rio to the rest of the class. "Anyone know about him and how he brought about the change?" 
Susan again stretched her hand high, but so did Sana, the quietest of them all. Savannah smiled at Susan in an understanding and then asked Sana to speak. "He is King Liam, the wise. He is very kind, cares for his people and loves them." 
"Very good, Sana!" She encouraged her.
Sana coyly looked at her classmates and when she saw everyone smiling, she continued, "King Liam belongs to the Rhys dynasty. Ever since his coronation he has helped his people. He relaxed many rules to ease out the life of common people. Unlike other nobles he gels with commoners and is comfortable with us." 
The last word sent Savannah's mind on a spin. 'She said 'us'. What does she mean by 'us'? Is she from Cordonia? What are the odds? Will my secret be revealed?' her thoughts were racing yet she maintained her poise and politely asked, "That's very nice,Sana. How do you know these details?" 
"My aunt lives in Cordonia. They have apple orchards there. Aunt Cher told me there was an attack once by bad people and all their orchards were destroyed. She says King Liam waived off the taxes and came down himself to work with farmers.  That's how the story goes." Sana concluded. 
Savannah would have been lost in her thoughts, of her time with him around the apple trees, had Nader not raised a question, "Did he fight the bad people?" 
Sana shrugged her shoulders and looked at her teacher for an answer. 
Savannah composed herself again, "Not exactly, Nader. The attacks happened when King Liam was just crowned." 
Nader interjected wide eyed, " You mean there were more than one attack?" 
Savannah nodded sadly. "Cordonia had a tough time. Liam had to face another such attack before he could prove himself. But under his command, the military became stronger, the council became more sympathetic to the needs of citizens and the country started flourishing. The bad people had to give up their fight and accept that Liam is the best ruler they have had in a century." 
Emanuel, the wise boy of the class shared his opinion, "He seems to be a very nice person." 
Savannah felt a wave of pride as she added, "Indeed he is. Liam is liked by not just his countrymen but he is even a favorite in meetings held at global levels. And guess why?" She spurred the kids. 
Emanuel replied or rather questioned back, "Is it because he is very kind and always respectful?" 
Savannah agreed, "Yes Emanuel, he is affectionate and gentle. He is courteous and obliging to all. That is the whole reason he is called people's king."
Rachel asked in a shy tone, "Is he handsome?" 
Savannah almost snorted at the little girl's interest, "Very much! He is the most gallant and chivalrous gentleman you will ever meet."
"What does he look like?"  
Savannah realized that she had turned as red as Rachel, blushing while she answered. " He is tall and a strong man. He looks at you with the calmest blue eyes and he is ever smiling, making you forget all your worries." This was getting a bit out of hand so she thought of changing the topic but the children seemed unstoppable.
Dave raised a point that turned out to be the most disturbing for Savannah, "Did you ever meet him or see him?" 
She closed her eyes for a moment. 'I was supposed to be with him but I can't tell you that.' She took a deep breath before she spoke. "Yes, I was lucky to see and meet him a few years ago." 
Some of the kids gasped at that. She responded with a weak smile. Rachel seemed to be fascinated just as Savannah was as a little girl. So she inquired, "That must be like a dream come true!" 
Savannah nodded through teary eyes and tried to curb the choking feeling in her throat. 'No more.' she couldn't fight her emotions for long so she decided to wrap up the session. 
She swallowed thickly, "I think that's enough for today's class. Your assignments are due next week. Till then, read well and enjoy the tales from the past." She waved off with her signature line. She picked up her belongings and scurried away from the class in an effort to hide the overwhelming feeling she had. 
Her students were to just read their history books but for her it was revisiting those excruciating wounds that were left from the memories of the man she loved. 
She moved out of the door and started to her left without looking. She thought she banged into a wall but it was cushioned and smelled familiar. Too familiar. Like a part of her. No, it was the missing part of her. She shut her eyes tight to shoo away the daydream but the sound that followed, confirmed that it was real. 
"If you like me so much, why did you leave me?" Liam lamented in his deep tone.  Savannah slowly opened her eyes, to face the set of peaceful ocean blues. She lost all her control and the dams of her eyes came crashing down. 
(part 2 coming soon. Thank you so much for reading 😊)
Tags: @3pawandme @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @annabellewynter @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @rubiwalker @703cowbarn @kyra 75 @likealotus @kskvb20 @marietrinmimi @juan-francisco-palencia
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sazanes · 1 year
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Day 1 - Character Appreciation/Throwback
“But i can't help but wonder... What moniker would they give me? King Liam the Bold? King Liam the Wise?
King Liam the Compassionate. You care about your people. They'll remember you for that.”
@kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes
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dcbbw · 1 year
Taking the L
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I am participating in #KingLiamAppreciationWeek (#KLAW), hosted by the ever-lovely @lizzybeth1986​ and @sazanes​. This is my offering for Day 1: Throwback/Character Appreciation. I will be providing at least one more story for the event; if I do it correctly, the fic will cover the additional themes/days.
So, this is basically me giving my opinion and head canons about Liam while linking throwback fics into the dialogue; while I have all the love and appreciation in the world for my first, true LI, it may be best to have some of my Rileys express what they treasure and cherish most about the Liam they are paired with. After all, they are the ones with the man day in and day out.
Thank you to all who will read this brain dump; I can only hope it makes sense and comes across in a coherent manner. Everything is below the cut.
PB birthed Liam Rys, but us content creators raise him.
Song Inspiration: Fanfiction on the Internet, Jake Timothy
Word Count: 1,207
Why Liam?
My reason is incredibly simple (and it isn’t because it’s The Royal Romance) … I have dated enough Drake Walkers and Maxwell Beaumonts in real life; no way am I doing it in an alternate universe and spending real dollars to do so.
I dealt with enough games and guards/walls and insecurities and mothering of men; I have done more than my share of putting forth efforts and ego-stroking and reminders and pushing and prodding. I have begged men to love me and proved (to no avail) that my love is worthy of acceptance.
Playing the game with Liam as my LI is my form of escape from reality … the refreshing openness, honesty, and emotional availability Liam Rys provides gives me hope, and will always be my why.
Which Liam?
My preferred Liam is Asian Liam (Asiam). When I first joined the fandom almost 5 years ago, Caucasian Liam (Whiam) was the King of choice for the majority of the fandom, and I remember being nommed for a Clown Award for fetishy writing because I wrote a tall, black MC with Asiam. (I received 7% of the vote)
Asiam is my default Liam, and not just because I see him (looks-wise) as a cross between Gong Yoo and Alex Landi; in my head canon, Asiam is patient (more than most), more sensuous than sexual, logical, an overthinker, and has a humility that is rare for someone born into and raised in an environment of the highest privilege.
He is the driving force behind Riam, Sock Game Liam in the DC AU, UnRomance, and the majority of my TRR-themed one-shots and limited series including The Platinum AU, Driam, and Laxwell.
My love for Asian Liam does not stop me from using the other versions of Liam.
I know I’m in the minority here with my thought process, but I see each version of Liam as a separate person with a distinct je ne sais quoi who just happens to share core characteristics and personality traits with the other two.
I think it would be especially true for Asiam (whom PB did not even classify as an ethnicity, and let's not get into the whitewashing of his mother, Eleanor), and Black Liam (Bliam). While all versions of Liam have a mother who is both a commoner and foreigner, two of them have a parent of color, which (again, to me) has to influence how they are perceived by the international audience they are constantly paraded in front of.
White Liam (Whiam) to me, is trusting, definitely carnal, and has a boldness ...a recklessness if you will; yet he is hesitant to fully embrace his role as King. This Liam takes the lead in stories such as The Commoner’s Wife, Streets of New York, One Night Stand, and he is the Liam of choice in the upcoming stories, Sins of the Father, Best Friend, and Body Count.
I have plans for Bliam; he is the star in a few upcoming fics: Looking, Heartland, Life in a Southern Town (the Election AU), and Eight Minutes. For me, Bliam exudes a confidence the other Liams do not, which is at odds with my head canon that this particular Liam is more guarded than Drake and more of a loner.
Currently all three Liams can be found in my Remix series (only two chapters in, but more is coming!) where Asiam is a complete thot. (He can be an anomaly at times)
Head Canons (strictly my envisionings, opinions, and thought processes that formulate my version of Cordonia’s favorite King)
·         His name is Liam, not William; his mama named him Liam and that’s good enough for me. And coming from a family where me and my siblings all have names that begin with an R, I like the Leo, Liam, Lena thing; bonus that the first syllable for each is pronounced “Lee”
·         He has BDE, and the BD to back it up
·         He is not submissive in the bedroom. Being King is a 24/7 job, and I do not see him just shedding that type of power the second nakedness enters the picture
·         I also do not see him as dominant in the bedroom; for his partner’s pleasure, he can be assertive (not to be confused with aggressive). The man is still kinky though
·         However, he has no problem with a transference of power between he and his partner between the sheets (within reason)
·         Liam grew up in an environment where unilateral decisions that affect the entire country are made in a millisecond; hence the Coronation night fiasco. If keeping you a secret from Cordonia means you’re safe … it’s worth the fallout
·         Madeleine was his only choice that night because another suitor’s acceptance would immediately become a political arrangement, with their families/houses effectively trapping Liam in a marriage neither party wants
·         It doesn’t happen often, but he and MC argue. Loudly
·         He’s a social smoker, especially when networking or brokering a deal/arrangement/alliance
·         If he’s pouring a scotch, he’s stressed
·         MC is his first true/real relationship
·         He is not perfect
·         He makes mistakes
·         Two of my Liams can cook; the rest are at the mercies of the kitchens and Riley
·         He doesn’t flaunt his wealth
·         He is deeply spiritual (believes in a higher power and prayer), but doesn’t begin attending church until he and MC have created a family
What is the one thing Riley appreciates most about (her) Liam?
Riam Riley: I’ll have to get back to you on that.
Riley B.: I would have to say his thoughtfulness. When he borrows my car, he returns it with a full tank of gas. When he comes to my place, he brings in my mail and packages. He’ll Venmo me money when it’s a couple of days before payday. He looks out for me.
Mermaids Riley: His vulnerability. It’s hard to open to someone you hated for absolutely no reason, then find out you’re going to marry them, and now you have to get to know said person and let them get to know you as well. The more we talk and spend time together, the more I learn and not just the surface stuff. That takes more than courage, and I admire it.
Platinum AU Riley/Raleigh: I haven’t seen him in 10 years, but I remember his intelligence. He was more than educated or smart; Liam had a hunger for knowledge, and constantly fed it. He was open-minded as well, so prone to listen to opposing perspectives and broadening his mindset.
Discontent Riley: What I appreciate most about Liam? His selflessness. We’ve had … we’re having our share of problems, but he is always there for me despite public opinion, and at great risk to his reign. I can only imagine the toll our losses and my drinking have taken on his health on all levels, but he only cares for mine. I don’t deserve him.
UnRomance Riley: I appreciate the way he takes care of me. It may not always be the way I would want or even like, but he knows what I need without me saying a word.
Riam Riley: Oh, dear Lord! It’s my turn again? Okay, okay … I got one. It’s his even-temperedness. He’s the calm to my storm, he listens to me go on and on and on, especially when I’m hormonal which is all the time. Liam is steady. He makes things make sense. Not saying he doesn’t get frustrated, fed up, and angry … he does. But he’s never volatile, and it never lasts long. He truly forgives and forgets.
And there you have it, dear reader … a few things I think makes my Liam(s) tick and sets him apart (if only slightly) from the others. Your mileage may vary.
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes​
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Welcome to our second edition of King Liam Appreciation Week! We begin TOMORROW!!
We have two themes for Day 1: Character Appreciation and Throwback!
Character Appreciation is pretty simple - this is your space to show your love for Liam as a person, as an individual, to explore the different facets of his personality!! Let us know which Liam you have chosen out of the three customizations and what you like most about him. Think of what his interests and dislikes, what makes him happy, how he expresses himself. Basically - what is Liam like away from the throne and Crown?
Throwback is your space to share old pieces you've made on Liam, and if you'd like to...you can even take us through the process of creating this content! Tell us what it was about Liam that inspired your piece, and any interesting stories you may have about your process 🤓 If you'd like some guidance, here is a Throwback questionnaire you can try out!
Any content is welcome - fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive media, meta, headcanons, screenshots...even simple posts about what you love about him! The theme itself is meant only to be an inspiration for your content - it isn't essential that you can only deliver your theme-based content on that particular day. If you're putting it up later, you can always tag it with the day you intended it for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2)
Be sure to keep in mind the following when you post:
1. Write #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in the tags to make it easier for us to find your content! Make sure you tag the day you meant the content for too (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2).
2. Tag @kingliamappreciationweek, as well as co-hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts so we don't miss them!
Fan content blogs have been essential in getting the word out about our events, and we are always happy showing our love for them. A lot of exciting events and challenges are coming up this month and we encourage you to participate in some of them if you can!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic, but have recently begun to accept text-fics and storytelling edits. Check out their roster here and their new rules for text fics and edits here.
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @aprilchallenge - Any and all content welcome! Check out their prompts for April!
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fics under 2500 words. Here are their guidelines and they will be posting new prompts soon!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on the theme! Here is a list of the holidays for this month - this time it is spring themed!
@choicesprompts - Any and all content welcome. Currently there are no themes, but they will announce soon.
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on LGBTQ+ characters and themes. From April 23rd to May 5th, they will be running the Aromantic Celebration Week...do check that out!
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation - Check out these appreciation blogs as well! World Whiskey Day may be coming up towards the end of May.
Looking forward to seeing all your pieces tomorrow!!
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!!
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Inspired by the OC Aesthetic Template put forward by @choicesfandomappreciation for "Encourage A Writer" Week, I managed to create this cute aesthetic for Liam!
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Colour that Represents Him: Blue. It's one of Cordonia's national colours, and both he and his wife Esther have a personal preference for the colour. Though Esther loves lighter and more pastel shades of it and Liam goes for darker ones!
Flower/Plant you Associate With Him: I've put up a blue Aster, as it is the national flower of Cordonia in my HC, but I personally view him as loving roses. They are his favourite flower.
Hobbies He Enjoys: My personal HC is that he has loved baking since he was a child and continues to bake as a stressbuster. Specifically breads.
Natural Elements He Relates To: Definitely water. To me he is Aquarius born which is a water sign, and even though he's had a fear of the sea and of sailing since the incident where Drake saved him from a capsizing boat, Liam was born near the bay at the Capitol, loves the Forgotten Falls, and views seafood as his ultimate comfort food.
Quote: I view Liam as a man of monuments - he is a king who recognises the legacy that came before him and wants to leave a different one for his descendants and his people. He is a man who believes art and culture are markers of a society that thrives, not just survives. He is also aware that there needs to be a balance between what his ideals for his nation are and what is needed it to keep it strong and thriving.
Anything Else that Makes You Think of Liam:
- History Tomes. I like to think that if Liam weren't royalty, he would be an incredible Historian.
- The Statue of Liberty. As I mentioned earlier, Liam loves monuments. But the Statue of Liberty is special to him because it is a very personal memory...the memory of a very precious moment shared with Esther, the woman who would eventually become his wife and the love of his life 💕💕💕
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tessa-liam · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week
Day 1: Character Appreciation
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For me, Liam is the epitome of loyalty and honesty; dedicated and passionate about life, his one true love (his MC), his family, and country.
Away from his duty to the throne and and Crown,
He values freedom and dislikes anything or anyone that stands in his way from attaining it.
Liam values his friendships and is an advocate for the common people.
His craves the simple things in life; to be 'just Liam'; to have a family of his own, and a happy home.
@sazanes @lizzybeth1986
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thecapturedafrique · 1 year
KLAW: Day 1 Post—Character Appreciation
@kingliamappreciationweek may have ended, but my submissions are just getting started! Thanking the lovely hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes for the extra week! Please enjoy this list of head canons I’ve come up with for our favorite fictional king. 😁
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
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Face Claim: Daniel Henney
In honor of his mother, Liam chose to use her house name “Shen” as his regnal name when he was crowned; this means only his family and close friends still call him Liam in public
His interest in cooking came from helping Eleanor, but his skill developed following her death when he’d regularly hang out in the royal kitchens under the watchful eye of Head Chef Anais
Liam and Maxwell first actually meet at Lythikos during the social season when Leo turns down Liam’s offer to play in the snow in favor of snowboarding
As King of Cordonia, his net worth is around $10 billion, making him the fifth richest royal in the world
Though his favorite genre of television is historical fiction, Liam was a huge Timian* as a teenager; his favorite professor is Eleven while Leo’s is Ten and Drake’s is Nine
He served for a time with the Cordonian national guard (aka the People’s Guard) as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot and achieved the rank of flying officer
Liam inherited his father’s love of vintage cars, and he used to run around Ramsford’s seasonal Expo with Drake admiring the models on display
His celebrity crush is Han Hyo-joo, most notably from her role in Masquerade; he’s also been a huge fan of Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeong since childhood
Though Liam of course knows all his bodyguards by name, the five in his personal rotation are addressed as the numbers 2-5 in Greek, with 1 having been Bastien prior to his injury
He and Tariq bonded as children over playing trading card games (mainly Pokémon) and making fun of nobles
Hana begins teaching Liam Putonghua; he also relearns how to be sassy from her (as he’d stopped teasing Drake by and large after the latter came back for fear of driving him away again)
His favorite constellation is Cetus and his favorite Western superhero is Batman
Following a Disney Princess marathon with the gang, Liam decides he relates the most to Ariel
*Professor Time is the name of the Choices version of Doctor Who, thus Timian is the analogue to Whovian.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: King Breaker
King Liam Appreciation Week Throwback
This is one of my favorite one-shots. I have ideas for a follow up one of these days. It was an ask from my Drabble Me This series. I have since learned that the photo is a still from a scene in a movie. I didn't know that at the time. I read the ask, saw the photo and then this story was just in my head.
I hope you enjoy it!
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txemrn · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week Day 1: Character Appreciation/Throwbacks
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Liam Rys, my first Choices love 🥰 Incredible man, friend, husband and father... For day 1 of @kingliamappreciationweek, I thought I would share some fics that I have written that I believe highlight Liam's character. Fiercely loyal, loving, supportive, protective and self-less, it's no wonder this handsome pixel has charmed so many of our hearts!
Happy KLAW Everyone!
Special thanks to our hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes! Thank y'all for putting this together for us! 😘
More Than Flashing Lights & Sound
“I--I promised you a better life, Ri. Better than this.” Tears begin to stream down his face. “I--I couldn’t save you. I--” he sighs, “I can’t save you--”
Boughs & Mockingbirds
“I don’t know what the right answer is anymore; all I know is I am terrified, and I wish you would respect that. Just for once.” Liam drags his fingers through his hair, walking in an aimless circle, his anger burning. He turns his attention back to Riley. “You know? That’s not just your baby; this is not just your life. You’re my wife! That’s my child!”
Pour Two Glasses
"To my queen, my love, my very best friend... I know you worry about doing your best, and often times wonder if you are adequate enough for the calling as my queen... You are anything, but just adequate. You, my queen, are abundantly able, completely sufficient, surpassing every need and desire perfectly with unbelievable beauty and exquisite grace. The crown should be honored that a woman like you humbled herself, and chose to wear it. To my wife and eternal peacekeeper: thank you for making tonight possible. I love you."
A Ballroom Blitz
“... please welcome Drake, thirty days sober.”
... Drake bites his lip, fidgeting with the trinket in his palm. As he finally looks out into the crowd, a sudden crooked smile grows across his face.
There in the back of the room was a familiar, tall blond beaming with pride. Liam. With a gentle nod of acknowledgement to his lifelong friend, Drake blows away his nervous jitters
Trend Magazine
"Suddenly I knew what it meant to live for something. To die for something. Suddenly I knew what it meant to be incomplete because only with her am I whole." ---
If we have learned anything from our humble king, it's that he is a man of great wisdom.  His greatest takeaway from fatherhood thus far in his life would be this: go ahead and hold your children. Hug them. Remind them you're there. You will not harm your child by loving them too much.
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citrus-moonlight · 5 months
Danger Starts the Sharp Incline
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Fandom: MCU - Age of Ultron, Black Panther Pairing: Demon!Klaue x Fem Scientist Reader Chapters: 1 of 1 Word count: 4.5K Rating: Explicit
Summary: At your scientific organization the study of demon energy output has become no less mundane than it would at any other research facility. That is until you find yourself trapped with the demon who has recently shifted in your thoughts from an idle curiosity to a distraction.
Warnings: Explicit Rating!, No Age Specified, PWP, One Shot, Smut, Let Me Be Clear: This Is Absolute Filth, Monster Fucking, Demon Fucking, Could be viewed as Dubcon, Implied Mind Manipulation, But to be clear reader is Into It, Pet Names, Touch Starved Demon, Oral Sex (Fem Receiving), Vaginal Fingering, Big Hands I Know You're the One, Unprotected PIV, Size Kink, Squirting, A Lot of Demon Cum, Like A Lot, Cum Marking, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms (both), Overstimulation, Possessiveness
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A/N: Once again, this was supposed to be a quick little smutty thing that ended up getting very, very away from me. This honestly could have been even longer (it was over 5.5k and counting at one point!), but I managed to reign myself in, lol. I almost feel like I have enough for a part two, so who knows, perhaps I'll revisit this AU one day in the future!
This was inspired by the first bit of this absolutely incredible demon/scientist blurb* by @biscuitdragonwithastick, which you should definitely read first (thank you for the ok to go ahead with this!). It fully dug its claws (pun intended?) into my brain and refused let me go. I couldn't stop thinking about a Demon!Klaue AU, and thanks to some lovely encouragement, this is the result!
Please, please mind the tags, my dears, and thank you for reading!
*Demon's name has been changed here to fit the AU
Dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics ❤️
Work title is from "All Mine" by Portishead
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AO3 Link
Make no mistake You shan't escape Tethered and tied There's nowhere to hide from me All mine You have to be
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Klaw’s reaction continues to be noted by the higher-ups, and eventually it’s decided that they want to conduct an experiment, using you.
The next time you’re scheduled on the cleaning rotation they want to take the opportunity to determine if there’s a measurable difference in output and chemical composition - before and after you’ve been in the room with him.
“Just consider what it might mean to the future of energy research”, they’d said. “It could lead to the discovery of a demon-sensitive pheromone additive that boosts energy output across the board.”
Although you flush at the outward acknowledgement of what’s been happening, you can’t deny that it intrigues you.
Especially since you had started dreaming about him.
Since you’d stopped being able to control how wet you got when you observed him.
Since the self-consciousness you’d felt at the sidelong glances of your colleagues had started feeling like something else. 
Something like pride.
* * * * * *
Two days later you’re scheduled for the night shift alone, with not much else to do but make the occasional note in the shift log and wait for the alarm that indicates the mare’s collection tank is full. So you wait. 
And watch.
For the first time you have a chance to really just look at him, and you’re finding it difficult to pay attention to the instruments that you should be monitoring. Your eyes instead are continually drawn back to the observation window and the thick mop of black curls that falls across his forehead where his horns emerge, sharp features are framed by the scruff of a dark beard, and an intriguing mix of tattoos, brands and scars play across the planes and curves of his body.
Although his muscles aren’t as chiseled as many of the demons you've observed in this facility his shoulders and arms are thick, and you unconsciously lick your lips as your eyes follow the dark hair that covers his broad chest and abdomen down to where it meets the wiry hair at the base of his cock.
A slick warmth has been slowly pooling between your thighs since you settled into your chair at the beginning of the shift, but as you watch the bored pumping of his hips fall into a smoother, swaying rhythm, that warmth ignites.
Widening his stance, hooved feet brace on the floor as he pulls out further before thrusting back in, letting you watch his cock slide slowly back into the machine’s opening, burying himself with a jutting roll of his hips, over and over. Almost teasing. 
Almost taunting.
This could be you.
It’s only when Klaw drags his hands along the metal “body” of the mare that you notice it: The claws of the first three fingers of his right hand seem to be…gone? 
With a flicker of concern you flip a switch on the console, using the camera to zoom in. 
Ok, no, they’re not gone per se, but they’re definitely shorter, nearly down to the quick. Was it an accident? Did they break in a fervor as he fucked the contraption? 
Frowning at the screen your mind turns over the possibilities, but before you can think to add the peculiarity to your notes your thoughts fizzle away when you glance back up to the observation window and see that he’s watching you.
As soon as your eyes meet his the tease in his movements falls away and he’s bottoming out hard against the opening in a rough, stuttered rhythm as his eyes cloud over, and you know from past observation that he’s nearing the edge.
Your inner muscles clench and the ache that’s been building since you walked in here swells and overlaps with a flaring jealousy when Klaw shudders and growls, filling the receptacle with another thick load of his seed.
You don’t even realize that you stood up until you feel the cool glass of the observation window beneath your palms, your breath fogging the surface as you press yourself against the barrier.
There’s still a slow, uneven cadence to the demon’s thrusts following his climax, but his gaze swiftly sharpens on you again when one of your hands drifts idly across your stomach, then lower, fingers brushing over the top button of your pants-
-and then you jump when a shrill sound interrupts you, nearly growling at the surge of frustration.
The alarm is piercing and incessant and won’t stop until you enter the demon’s room, so you return to the control panel to activate the sigil that will keep him contained while you clean and recalibrate the machine - tests having shown that a laser projection of the correct wavelength of light is just as effective as a physical binding.
Once you’re through the airlock you quickly set to working through the checklist, unhooking the mechanism that feeds into tanks in the floor and connecting it to a fresh one. You move on to cleaning the unfeeling hole that the demon fucks into day in and day out, your breath going shallow at the jealousy that continues to singe your nerves. 
His gaze stays entirely focused on you as you move around, cock swaying heavily in front of  broad thighs - still hard, always hard - the still leaking head so dark it’s nearly purple. 
The slick between your thighs has only increased since you started to work, fairly certain that you’ve soaked through your panties at this point, and when you have to pass closer to his “cage” he leans forward, nearly pressing himself against the barrier as he follows your path.
Inhaling deeply his cock twitches, more cum dripping from the tip as he ruts at the air, and you can't help but wonder if he’s picking up your frustrated arousal.
“Hurry up.” you chide yourself. “Stop getting distracted. Just finish your shit and get out.”
Kneeling down behind the machine you open the access panel and flip through the menus until you find the one that will complete the calibration, and while you’re focused on watching it cycle you don’t notice the outer door open from the hall into the observation room. 
The intern who enters must not see you where you’re kneeling on the floor, and evidently thinking that the trap has been left on in error he flips the switch to deactivate it.
When the light from the beaming sigil goes dark you pop up in alarm, the face of the intern frozen in an almost comedic grimace of horror when he finally registers that you’re staring back at him from the wrong side of the glass. 
The man reaches for the switch again but Klaw’s reflexes are faster, and before the trap can be reactivated the demon rushes the door. Slamming his shoulder against it he jams it so thoroughly they'll need to bring in special equipment to get it open again, but at this time of night it'll be hours, if you’re lucky, before a crew gets here.
Then he rounds on you.
With an oddly warm sense of detachment you think that you should feel fear as you watch the slow grin spread across his face, but the only thing you feel is a surge of hot, aching desire. 
He rumbles something you don’t understand, though the rough texture of his words is still intoxicating, and before you realize what you’re doing you’re walking towards him, pulling your shirt over your head as you move. 
Because right now you find that you want - need - to bare yourself for him, the sensation of it intense that your skin feels like it’s going to scald if you don’t get your clothes off now, and your shoes, pants and underwear quickly join the discarded pile on the floor.
Stopping in front of him you reach back to unclasp your bra, but your arms pause mid-way when Klaw’s hand reaches out, your breath hitching when he hooks a large, clawed finger beneath your chin, tilting your head up so that your eyes meet his.
You’d always assumed that his eyes were black, but this close you realize that they’re actually an impossibly deep blue, a blue that only resides along the penumbra of light and shadow where the last rays of sun reach into the depths of the ocean
You stand mesmerized as his hand dips lower, leaving behind a trail of gooseflesh as a claw trails gently down the delicate skin of your neck and chest, and then with a flick of his wrist the last scrap of fabric covering you gives way, exposing your breasts to the cool air.  
You’ve barely shrugged off the ruined garment when suddenly you’re being picked up - so, so easily - and placed on a table, swiftly reminded of how much larger and stronger he is than you, and once again dimly aware that you should feel fear, or dread, or some instinct telling you to run.
Not of the shiver of anticipation that leaves your breath hitching in your chest. 
Definitely not the wild need blooming in your core as sharp teeth ghost along the place where your blood thrums, his breath hot and his skin hotter.
His mouth continues its path downward, pausing to lick at the soft swell of your breasts, taking a moment to pull and pluck at your nipples with his lips. A pleased growl vibrates against your skin when you lean back onto your hands with a moan, arching into the swirl of his tongue around your pebbled flesh. 
It’s not long, though, before he can no longer ignore the way this increases the heated musk between your thighs, leaving behind a wet trail of saliva as his mouth travels down, seeking the place where you’re already dripping for him.
The demon's hands nearly wrap entirely around your thighs yet his touch is almost cautious as he presses you open, mesmerized by the way you unfold for him like the petals of a flower, slick and shining.
HIs eyes are heavy lidded as thick fingers begin to tease through your folds, toying with your clit, surprising you with how softly he rolls it between thumb and forefinger, a grin curving the corner of his mouth when your hips buck into his touch.
Noting your reaction he repeats the motion, gently pinching and rolling the sensitive bud until your mouth drops open and your breath is coming in sharp gasps, his dark eyes staying fixed between your legs as thick fingers coax a warm, honeyed orgasm from you, leaving you keening and startled by the slow intensity of it.
You’ve barely caught your breath when you feel his mouth suddenly envelop your mound, lapping eagerly at your release as you whine and writhe beneath his tongue, overwhelmed at the stimulation.
It’s too much, all of this is too much, but as he continues licking and suckling at your sensitive flesh you find that you’re no longer fighting it, the hum of bliss that hadn’t yet faded already building to a fresh swell, and when his lips capture your clit with a sudden fluttering pressure your body stiffens as your second orgasm flares through you, sharper and brighter than the first. 
When he finally releases you he speaks again, but through the haze of afterglow it takes a moment for it to register that this time you think that you understand him, the word seeming to appear within your mind at the same time that you hear it from his glistening lips.
With a start you look down at him and he pauses, head tilting, curiosity knitting his heavy brows. 
Not moving his eyes from yours, his voice is a low, tentative purr when he speaks again.
“Would your sweet cunt like..more?”
Holy fuck. You can understand him.
Your thoughts spin as the shock works its way through you, the analytical part of your mind attempting to parse what the fuck is happening. Is it the increased time in his proximity? The physical contact? Whatever the mechanism, you can suddenly hear- or perhaps more accurately feel - his words, somewhere deep in your conscience.
A firm nod, then, in answer to his question, a responding pull of his lips into a slow, pleased grin.
Dipping his head Klaw licks a broad, wet stripe up your cleft, and then he’s devouring you, slavering hungrily against your sex, drool mixing with your arousal as his lips and tongue work your aching bundle of nerves until you’re gasping shallow breaths, every muscle strung taught as you hover on the edge once more.
Seeking for an anchor your hands find his curved horns, warm and leathery beneath your scrabbling fingers, and then with a rasping cry you’re coming in long, surging waves, your entire body trembling as your hips chase every flutter of pleasure on the tip of his tongue. 
Dimly you think that he must be satisfied now, that you must be satisfied, yet it seems as though with every climax you only hunger more intensely for the next. 
Once your hands release his horns and fall limp at your sides Klaw straightens up, and then wrapping his hand around his cock he starts roughly stroking himself. 
Almost without thinking your legs fall open, shaky arms pulling your knees back to expose yourself to him, knowing he can see how your soaked cunt still clenches through the last waves of your orgasm, and it’s only a few more strokes before he’s coming with a rough jerk of his hips and you gasp at the heat, thick ropes of cum streaking across your slick folds and the insides of your thighs.  
Still breathing hard, the pumping of his fist gradually slows, a hand drifting along the curve of your inner thigh as his focus comes back to you. Gathering some of the sticky mess he left between your legs he drags it through your folds, and then suddenly a thick finger is sliding into you.
Even as you gasp at the intrusion you begin to understand that he had actually done it on purpose: Biting down those claws himself because, it seems, he had been thinking about this.
The realization that it was for you leaves your entire body humming, and as your hips cant up to meet the slow, almost teasing thrusts, there’s only one word that swells and ripens in your mind, uncertain whether it’s your word or his even as it falls from your lips.
A knowing glint flashes in his eyes at your soft plea, and almost immediately you feel a second finger slipping against you. Just teasing his fingertips at your entrance at first he lets your juices slick them before pressing into you, both fingers together nearly as thick as a human cock.
You moan as he continues to slide them in and out of you, and just as you begin to sink into the ache of it, you moan low in your throat when suddenly he’s adding a third.
The heady pressure of him working three fingers into your already stretched hole is overwhelming, and you’re unsure whether you want to throw yourself towards the sensation or resist it, your body arching into him, yet tensing and pulling away at the same time.
But then he’s pressing you down onto the table, his hand nearly spanning the width of your chest to hold you in place as his fingers continue nudging deeper.
“Where are you going, little one? Going to have to take it if you want my cock." 
As if to emphasize his words he drags his erection against the inside of your thigh with a grunted sigh, a fresh streak of precum adding to the mess that he’s already left on you.
Because of course you do, and he knows it, has known it since you stopped being able to look away from his hunched form as he fucked into his mechanical mate, a warm curiosity growing into a distracting need.
And you know that he could have taken you at any time, could have forced himself into you as soon as your clothes were a forgotten pile on the floor. But instead, he’s been preparing you to take him properly, making you come until the only thing you know is his mouth and his fingers and you’re soft and trembling and ravenous.
“God yes.” You spread your legs wide again, giving him an obscene view of where his fingers are sinking into you, slick sounds filling the room as they pump faster now.
“There you go.” He croons above you. “Made for this, hmm?" 
Any attempt at a response trails into a choked cry when he finds that soft, needy spot deep inside you, a fresh, pulsing heat spreading through your already exhausted body as he takes you apart once more. Still pinned beneath his hand you’re unable to do anything but allow it to wash through you, shaking and whimpering as he continues to drag firm, curling strokes against your clenching walls.
Leaning down Klaw presses his face into your heaving chest, and your nipples tighten and ache as he licks languorously between your breasts, his huffed breath is hot against your skin.
As your senses filter back in your hands slowly begin to move, exploring the corded muscles of his neck and shoulders, trembling fingers tugging and sliding through his hair, and then up and over his horns again.
Letting your eyes slip closed you take in the ridged curve of them, a velvety pleasure blooming in your chest when he inhales sharply, cock throbbing against your thigh when your fingers wrap around the base of them.
Finally pulling his fingers out of you he tugs you up, turning around and repositioning you so that you’re straddling his broad hips as best you can. Strong hands support you, encouraging you to slide your slick folds along his shaft, a giddy sort of panic stuttering in your chest at the sudden awareness of the size of him where he twitches between your thighs.
Desperate whines that may as well be prayers slide from your throat when he lifts you higher and you feel the thick, bulbous head of his cock nudging against your entrance, the only words falling from your lips a whispered litany of “Oh my god oh my god oh my god."
“I’m not your God, little one,” he growls softly, words distorted as if you're hearing them through a sediment of granite and blood. "But you will worship me."
“Yes. Yes..Oh fuck, please.” 
Beneath your lilting plea you dimly hear gritted curses and words of encouragement as you circle your hips, your arousal making a slick mess of his cock.
You can't help how eagerly your hips rock down, seeking more, so lost in the sensations that you're unprepared when a hard press of your hips matches his upward thrust, and the thick head of his cock suddenly ruts up into you, and when he slips past the tight ring of muscle the feral sound from deep in your chest nearly matches his.
Panting open mouthed you hold him there before rising up, slowly, slowly, letting him slip out of you before sinking down to take him back in. You feel weightless beneath the obsidian glint in his eyes as he watches you repeat the motion again, and again, his arms helping you move as you start to shake from the effort of riding just the head of his cock.
Even now there’s something warm and urgent drawing your hand lower, and you’re unable to help feeling pleased when his eyes go heavy as his gaze follows your fingers down to where they press against your clit.
“So..needy.” he rumbles. “Better than I imagined.”
“You..imagined?” You pant, attempting to sound coy, but your words are thick with lust as you continue to roll your hips, forcing yourself down further down his length. 
Your movements are becoming less controlled now, and when your fingers slip and brush against his shaft you whimper at how fucking big he feels where he's stretching you open, and how much of him is still outside of you.
You can feel every slick ridge and vein beneath your hand, and as you slide it along his length the muscles of his thighs tense and flex beneath you, his breathing going rough as your messy strokes continue.
“Look at you taking my cock,” Klaw grits, the demon’s hips beginning to stutter up in short, sharp thrusts. “Such a good little pet.” 
His words trail into a low growl that vibrates through your body as you feel a hard throb beneath your hand, and then heat.
You gasp, continuing to writhe as he spills into you, coating your inner walls with his thick seed, and almost you feel as though you could come again just from the heat of it.
Fuck, you need more of that.
Need it deeper.
Even as the pulsing beneath your fingers slows he doesn't stop moving, finally coming inside of you seeming only to have tipped his need to fevered desire. Holding you in place he thrusts up harder, dislodging your hand, and you can feel his spend leaking out of you, dripping down the insides of your thighs and slicking his still hard cock as he continues to drive deeper, no longer letting you set the pace. 
“This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?” He taunts, voice still a rough half-whisper after his orgasm. “Could feel it when you watched me. Wanted me to fill your little cunt, hmm?”
“Yes.” You let out a growled sob, jealous anger surging through you. ”That..thing, doesn’t fucking deserve it.”
A flame crackles in Klaw’s eyes at your heated words, and you wonder with a jolt of awareness whether he hasn’t been just as desperate for this as you have, longing for you as he remained trapped in the torment of a cold, unfeeling machine. Driven purely by instinct, chasing his release over and over again but never being truly satisfied.
The sudden realization that you could give that to him floods you with almost as much pleasure as the agony of being filled with his cock.
You’ve barely processed the thought when you suddenly find yourself with your back once again pressed against the cool metal of the table, Klaw only pulling out of you briefly before thrusting back in, harder.
He continues a slow, controlled rhythm, both of you panting hard as you feel yourself softening around him, becoming more pliant as your body relents to every stroke until with a final arching rock of his hips your cunt is completely stretched and full, everything so impossibly tight that you can’t even clench around him.
He's never felt anything quite like you, the achingly tight grip of your pussy leaving him nearly breathless as he holds himself as deep as he can, huffing and grunting like a bull while he watches you writhe and spasm beneath him.
Then he starts to fuck you.
He tries to keep his strokes firm and measured at first, but he can’t hold back anymore and it's not long before his chest is heaving, lips curled in a snarl, and it feels as though you're being split open as he pulls you back onto his cock in time to meet every thrust. 
A scarlet thread runs through every cell of your soft animal body, stringing tighter and tighter as pleasure builds to the edge of breaking but then surging higher, a fresh ecstasy building on every peak. 
The tightening grip around your waist signals the absolute loss of his control and when you hiss at the sudden piercing bite of his claws he moves his hands to brace on the table instead, his broad body forcing your legs back towards your shoulders as he leans down over you, driving his cock as deep as he can get into your willing heat until he’s grunting and drooling above you. 
A divine bliss slides through your veins as you lie beneath him, caught between the trammel of his arms, and as you watch his base instinct take over you begin to understand that only fools could believe that lust is a sin. 
And even if it was, even if you were offered perfect grace in this moment, you know with absolute certainty that you would refuse.
An infernal dam is finally swelling to breaking as you surrender to every relentless thrust of his cock, your wailed sobs the only sounds you can make as an impossible pressure ripples through your core, and with a deep throb you suddenly feel a drenching heat as your release washes over his cock and your thighs. 
“There you go.” Klaw growls. “Make a mess for me, little one.” 
This seems to be his final undoing, and as you continue to soak his cock his thrusting goes ragged until with rough groan he’s coming deep inside you, stilling himself to keep the head of his cock pressed against the deepest part of you, making sure that you feel every hot, throbbing pulse of his cum as it fills you.
Keeping himself seated deep he rocks slow grinding thrusts into the slippery mess he’s made of his you, the lust that’s had no real outlet finally finding satisfaction in the way your clenching cunt is milking his cock, in the gentle swell of your belly as he pumps you full of his seed.
You’re a sweaty, twitching mess beneath him, and as much as you wish you could you’re unable to take all of it, can’t help how it spills out around his cock where you’re stretched and sore, how his cum and yours drips down your swollen sex to pool beneath you on the table.
His hands don't stop moving over your body, cupping your breasts, grasping at you hips, sliding over the ripe swell of you where he can feel you filled with his cock and his cum. Vaguely aware of soft grunts mixed with mumbled praise, you don’t register what he’s saying at first through the haze of euphoria.
“Going to be mine.” he rumbles, between languorous strokes. ”My little queen.” 
* * * * * * *
The room is warm and flickering, silken sheets decadent beneath your fingers, your body thrumming with a heated anticipation that never seems to fade, now.
Rough hands lift your hips as your demon mounts you from behind, a hand placed firmly between your shoulder blades, pressing you down into the mattress.
A panting whine slides from your throat as he spreads you open, the thick head of his cock prodding your entrance, pleased to see you’re still dripping with his seed from the last time he filled you. And he doesn’t like leaving you empty for very long.
“Say it again, little one.” Klaw growls softly, holding himself still. Waiting.
You sigh, a smile curling around the word as he pushes into you.
“I’m yours.”
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A/N: As ever, thank you for reading! This was definitely a bit outside my comfort zone, but I hope you enjoyed this filthy little foray into monster fuckery. 😊
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mickimomo · 10 months
Attoye-Week Snippets (Part 2)
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Ok! So, I decided to not be a chaotic soul today and release the snippet for Day 1 of Attoye-Week. I’ll try to be good and work on Day 2 next. 💀 Enjoy the snippet and keep an eye out for my stuff when @attoye-week​ starts! 
Moonlight (First Kiss Prompt)
Whispers filled the gilded throne room as large holograms displayed several clips of masked people bursting into various facilities to steal misplaced pieces of vibranium.
“These are who… exactly?”
“They call themselves the Wrath of Killmonger.” Shuri spoke up, her dark brown eyes flickered over the many moving images as she sat on her throne.
“As in Erik?” Zawavari tilted her head. “N’Jadaka?”
Namor arched a brow as he glanced at the queen who sat beside him. “N’Jadaka?”
“Yes. He is a traitor of Wakanda. My brother handled him. He is dead.” She offered before tapping a few of her kimoyo beads to pull up a large map with several red dots. “Unfortunately, his dreams of unifying and bringing home the Lost Tribe did not die with him.” She sighed. “There are people out there working together to start an uprising to finish what he started.” She pointed at the map. “These are all of the facilities they’ve attacked so far to gather vibranium.”
“How much vibranium do you think they have?” The Merchant tribe elder looked at all the points.
“Just bits and pieces. Little scraps. Maybe enough to make another Captain America if they truly wished to.” Shuri offered. “It’s not like that Ultron incident where a mass of stolen vibranium was painfully obtained from a criminal we were trying to hunt down.”
M’Kathu scoffed. “Klaw.”
Namor arched a brow. “Did your brother handle him as well?”
“No. Another traitor did.” She sighed. “He will be in prison until he dies of old age.”
“Do you think this situation is serious enough for us to deploy the Dora Milaje?” The River tribe elder furrowed his eyebrows. “Or do you think the War Dogs will be sufficient?”
Shuri shook her head. “We must keep our defenses here strong, but I don’t think we should leave the War Dogs to their own defenses. We should treat these people as seriously as they appear. We do not want to repeat the mistakes we made with the people of Talokan.”
“I agree with the Queen.” M’Baku nodded. “If they are simply weeds that can become something harder to kill, we should wipe them out with our heaviest hitters and leave the Dora here to keep the people safe.”
“Then we should send what? The Late Night Angles?” Zawavari arched a brow.
Okoye rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You mean the Midnight Angels?”
“Yes. That.” The elder stared at the former general with narrowed eyes. “Do you think you can handle this situation on your own? I know Aneka is currently recovering from a mission. It may be too much for one teal demon who has a reputation of failing.”
Okoye buried the urge to erupt by forcing on a hard smile.
“If the Queen commands it, it will happen without hesitation or failure.”
Dark brown eyes moved to Shuri with a question resting in them.
What do you want me to do?
Shuri stared at her for a moment before speaking. “Wipe them from the earth.”
Okoye crossed her arms across her chest in salute. “Ndiyabulela.” (Thank you.)
“I would like to offer a warrior to assist with this matter.” Namor spoke up. “I do not feel comfortable only sending one warrior out to fight an army.”
Okoye frowned. “Do you think I’m inadequate?”
“I do not see the point in burning you out. You do not know what you’re up against.”
“Anarchists with vibranium.” She shrugged. “I promise you, it’s nothing new.”
His gaze hardened. “Taking a comrade from Talokan will benefit you.”
“They will slow me down.”
“Attuma will not slow you down.”
The warrior went rigid before looking across the gilded throne room to see the mighty General looking her over.
“He will slow me down.” She corrected before glaring holes up at the king before looking at Shuri for help.
The king spoke before Shuri could open her mouth. “Attuma is the warrior that bested you-”
“Once.” Namor nodded. “You know his ways and you know him well. Take him with you.”
“I do not know him.”
“In ba’ate’el.” (Warrior.) Attuma frowned.
Okoye ignored him before looking at Shuri once more. “Ukumkanikazi…” She called out to her.
Shuri allowed a sisterly look to slip through the cracks of her hardened gaze.
Okoye knew what it meant.
She didn’t want to see her getting hurt while trying to be mighty.
And for that reason, she’d have to suck it up and work with Attuma.
The midnight angel offered a firm, yet disappointed nod before curling a finger at Attuma.
“Ko’oten waye’.” She beckoned.
Whispers fell from the council at her use of the Talokanil’s mother tongue.
“How did she learn their language?”
“Is he truly a stranger to her?”
“Okoye is very odd.”
“Well, Okoye is always enthusiastic about learning new languages. Let’s not start claiming treason.”
“Shut up M’Kathu.”
M’Baku barked and they all fell silent.
Attuma approached the Wakandan slowly before stopping beside her.
His eyes rolled over her slowly before her he offered a nod as a greeting.
She didn’t even acknowledge his presence as she turned back to the royals.
“I will take him with me. We will be back once the mission is complete.” Okoye kept her expression devoid of her ever-growing irritation.
“May Bast give you strength.” Shuri offered.
Okoye saluted once more as she crossed her arms across her chest before turning around and walking out of the throne room with Attuma following quietly.
A/N: Alrighty! I’ll drop the rest when Day 1 of Attoye-Week gets here. Check out @attoye-week​ for the deets on when that is and all the other info if you wish to participate or read what other people have created thus far!
I hope to see you then and stay tuned for other snippets! <3
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hersimsdream · 1 year
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Magnolia Promenade Plaza | Sims 4 Neighborhood Part 1
The Plaza
I created 4 builds to fill up the Magnolia Promenade world.
Part 1 of Magnolia Promenade
This plaza consist of Klawed(Nail Salon), Good Vibes Lounge, Little Caesars Pizza.
You can set this lot as a Lounge, Spa (Requires Spa Day), or Restaurant (Requires Dine Out) for whichever parts you want to use at the time.
Lot Size 30x20
Please tag me if you use my builds!
Thank you to all creators that made this build possible!
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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original-cat-showdown · 11 months
Caro (@sugarsprinkles) vs Comet Whiskers (@element-kitten-klaws)
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Caro is a deeply paranoid and self-absorbed girlfailure of a cat. She is very orange, and has the stupidity to go with it.
After witnessing a cosmic event which she believes to have been the death of god, she began to see herself as a prophet of the endtimes, and started preaching on streetcorners and distributing fliers in an attempt to gain followers for her new religion - preferably ones who would stroke her ego and do her bidding. Because she openly describes her new group as a cult, however, she has only managed to gain one follower, who is also her boyfriend and a sociology student planning on using her and her cult as the topic of his dissertation.
She lives together with her boyfriend in a hollowed out hill, which they treat as a doomsday shelter and use to stockpile food and resources. However, she can't seem to commit to the world ending quite seriously enough, and often leaves the shelter or spends her days idling and bossing her boyfriend around. She's obsessed with making sure he doesn't leave and doesn't doubt her vision of the future, even when she sometimes doubts herself.
I created Caro in high school English class while having extremely high school feelings. I am so devoted to this beast that she has become Real (i.e. I commissioned my friend @/meroaw to make a custom charm of her so she exists in the physical world):
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(including this part because I think it's cool as hell and I wish I had such commitment to ocs)
Comet Whiskers
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A very sassy but kind cat, Comet goes out of his way to help his friends with investigating the strange goings-on in town. With how much he tries to be helpful and useful, it almost seems like he's trying to compensate for something...
HE'S MY BABYYYYY I'M OBSESSED WITH HIS DESIGN HE LOOKS SO COOL!!! I've been working on his lore recently and it's really fun! He has Dissociative Identity Disorder - I've done research and I'm trying to write him as respectfully as I can - and one of his alters is named Crimson Whiskers. The description is just describing Comet though.
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cassiopeiacorvus · 1 year
KLAW | DAY 2 - King/Historian
tagging: @kingliamappreciationweek, @lizzybeth1986, @sazanes
Five Headcanons About King!Liam
Despite the chokehold The Royal Romance has had over me since 2018, I’ve always found it difficult to articulate how Liam rules. I believe it’s because when TRR isn’t using him for the MC’s benefit, they keep all his decision making off-screen. But, I’ve knuckled down and come up with five headcanons for how Liam rules Cordonia.
International Relations & Diplomacy
We see from book 2 that Liam has a focus on diplomacy. His entire engagement tour with Madeleine was also a diplomatic trip around the world. I’ve already heacanoned that Liam goes to more countries during the tour. It was always strange to me that the tour didn’t stop by the United Kingdom even though it's one of Cordonia’s allies and Madeleine’s father is an English duke. Liam brings Cordonia into the European Union because it’s what he deserves. Unlike his father, Liam puts more emphasis on the art of diplomacy. He revitalizes the foreign ministry with the advice of Duke Hakim and hires more ambassadors to make connections across the world. Under his reign, Cordonia becomes more well-known on the international stage.
The Liberation Core
We don’t know much about the Liberation Core. They’re introduced as a potential enemy in book 3, but our only insight into them is Gladys. What I’ve gleaned from Gladys’s story is that the Liberation Core is an political organization that protests the ill treatment of commoners by the nobility. The only reason they end up as the enemy is because Anton and Claudius, both members of the Sons of Earth, co-opt their movement and use it for their own benefit. So, I have Liam sit down with the Liberation Core to discuss grievances. I desperately need Liam to engage with commoners who aren’t his best friend and weren't essentially raised in the palace with him. Liam’s always stated that his duty is to the Cordonian people, which leads nicely into…
The Nobility
…Raising commoners into the nobility. We know that in TRR2, the MC gains a duchy regardless of whether she’s engaged to Liam or not. I believe down to my core that Liam gave Hana a duchy because it doesn’t makes sense for him not to. During his speech before the Homecoming Ball is attacked, he mentions wanting to revitalize the old houses of Cordonia. What better way to do that than bringing some commoners into the nobility and therefore bring new ideas and ways of thinking? Liam also makes efforts to mitigate the nobles' ability to abuse the citizens of their estate. He never wants another Lady Carmine situation again.
The Government
Remember in book 1 when there was a council that helped government affairs and influenced the outcome of the social season? Remember in book 3 when Liam implied that he wanted to put commoners on his new council… and then didn’t? Pepperidge Farms remembers. In my mind, these two councils merge into one, where each duchy has a council member from the nobility and the common people. I haven’t worked out the exact mechanics of the selection process yet, but the noble council seat is typically the current head of the duchy and someone they appoint to act as their stead if they’re unable to do their duties. The common seat (I need a better name), however, is chosen by the common people of the duchy in an election. As time goes on in his reign, I see Liam giving more voting power to the common people in Cordonia.
Culture & The Arts
What are two things Liam loves? Art and history. Liam gives more royal funding to every library in the country because that is what the people deserve. The Therons’ International Arts & Food Festival becomes more well-known as the years go by partly because of Liam’s effort to attend every year. I believe it’s canon that part of the royal palace is a museum and Liam makes sure it’s well taken care of. A lot of his personal wealth is funneled into cultural events like festivals and fairs that allow more intermingling between the common people and the nobility.
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This year, we got a lot of entries for our Throwback Day! So much so, that we decided to eliminate the clutter in the masterlist by putting these awesome pieces in a separate list! Here are some of our old gems for all you Liam stans to enjoy! The full KLAW masterlist will be out after 29th April when the buffer week ends, so until then enjoy these gems as well as the newer pieces from our talented stans!! 😁😁
Here are the entries in alphabetical order of author:
Liam's First Child by @topsyturvy-dream
Liam and Riley by @twinkleallnight
King Breaker
Mother in Law Hell
The Dark Prince from Dark Elf
Chapter 8: Liam from the collaborative series Mardi Gras Mayhem
Breaking Point (Series)
A Love Story - As Told By Liam and Riley
A Lesson In Sources
Eleanor's Kitchen (Series)
That Old Grape Juice (Series)
Sapere Aude (Series)
All In My Head - Part 1
Aching For You: Memories
Everything Has Changed - New Deep (Ch 1)
Come On Drake, Take Off Your Shirt and Tell Us!
Adorn You
Once Upon A Time: Liam and Savannah
A Collection of Liam Fics
King Liam
Pasta Carbonara
If you'd like to send in more pieces for Throwback, let us know! We will add them to this list.
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!
If you have accidentally missed your entry in this list, we sincerely apologize. Do let us know and we will add the link too 💙
KLAW 2023 - Part 1
KLAW 2023 - Part 2
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